Plants adaptation

Post on 10-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Plants adaptation

Plant adaptations

Adaptions of plants refers to ways in which the plant has undergone changes to its genes as well as physical appearance in order to survive in a hostile or competitive environment.

Cacti have evolved spines to replace leaves to reduce transpiration and offer protection from predators - most thorns and spines are protection adaptations.

Some vines have evolved tendrils or suckers to be able to hoist their foliage up into areas of optimal light and avoid the completion on the ground.

The Venus Flytrap has evolved "traps" to catch insects and supplement the nutrient requirements lacking in its natural soil.

Jungle plants have evolved large deep green leaf surfaces to maximise their exposure to the sun while on the jungle floor.

Many desert or arid plants have evolved silver leaves or leaves covered with reflective hairs in order to reflect excessive heat.

The entire nature and mechanism of deciduous plants is a survival mechanism, brought about so that the plants can preserve resources and endure long periods of frost or snow.

Some desert/ arid region plants like Protasparagus have developed underground storage organs to store water when it is periodically available