Pilot Project 2018 half day 1 half day 6 sessions 8 x 1 1/2 hour sessions 12 evening sessions 4 x 2...

Post on 14-May-2018

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Transcript of Pilot Project 2018 half day 1 half day 6 sessions 8 x 1 1/2 hour sessions 12 evening sessions 4 x 2...

Pilot Project 2018

What is the project

North Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership (NAHSCP) are piloting a new opportunity for people affected by mental health problems to participate in a range of courses that focus on wellbeing and recovery. These will be run in venues across North Ayrshire. The courses will provide safe spaces where people can improve their knowledge of mental health, learn self-management techniques and receive and provide peer support. The pilot is being managed by a steering group consisting of representatives of NAHSP along with community partners and individuals with lived experience of mental ill health.

improved coping and self-management skills

The outcomes for participants are that people affected by mental health problems have:

an increased sense of connection with others

an increased sense of empowerment

an increased sense of hope and optimism for the future

Who can takepart

When will the courses take place

The courses are open to anyone over the age of 16 who lives, works or studies in North Ayrshire and either has lived experience of mental health problems or has a partner, relative or friend who does. You do not need to be referred by another agency to the project, you can do this directly. However, as places are limited for each course, you need to apply by contacting KA Leisure (details below)

Telephone: 07769935734E-mail: recoverycollege@kaleisure.com

The project will run from February – June 2018, when a limited number of courses will be offered. As this is a pilot project, each course will run once, with a limited number of places available. Feedback from participants will inform the future shape of the project, so successful courses will be repeated at a later date, and new ones added.

Location Course Number of Sessions Start Date

Arran Optioneers 1 half day April 2018

April 2018

May 2018

May 2018

April 2018

March & April 2018

March - May 2018

April & May 2018

March & April 2018

March 2018

March 2018

April & May 2018

1 half day

1 half day

6 sessions

8 x 1 1/2 hour sessions

12 evening sessions

4 x 2 1/2 hour sessions

5 x 2 1/2 hour sessions

1 x 3 hour sessions

4 x 1 1/2 hour sessions

2 full days

2 x 2 hour sessions

Conversation Café

Forms without Fear

Craft Corner

Living Life to the Full

Peer To Peer

Write to Recovery


There’s Nothing Wrong With Me, But A Lot Has Happened To Me

They Love Me, They Love Me Not

Stress Less!

WRAP - form your own Wellness Recovery Action Plan


Three Towns

Three Towns



Garnock Valley

Garnock Valley

North Coast

North Coast



For more details, please contact KA Lesiure by telephone on: 07769935734 or e-mail:


Single SessionCourses


This workshop will provide a method you can use to help you weigh up different options available to you and reach decisions in an informed way. The method can be used when you have important decisions to make and examples will be given from a range of situations. This session will be delivered by AIMS Advocacy.

Conversation Cafe

This session gives you the opportunity to take part in conversations about things you may not have thought about before in a relaxed and friendly environment. You don’t need to have any expert knowledge to take part, and won’t be forced to contribute if you don’t want to. This session will be delivered by AIMS Advocacy.

Forms Without Fear

Through taking part in small group discussions and activities you will have the opportunity to become familiar with common aspects of forms and gain practice in completing them. This session will be delivered by AIMS Advocacy.


safeTALK is intended as “suicide alertness” training. safeTALK teaches you to recognise persons with thoughts of suicide and to connect them to suicide intervention resources. This session will be delivered by Sarah Watts, Choose Life Co-ordinator.

Multiple Session CoursesCraft Corner

A series of 6 craft workshops will run, with a different craft being offered in each one. By the end of each session you will be able to take home with you what you have made during the workshop. These sessions will be delivered by Fiona Miller.

Living Life to the Full

This course covers “low mood and stress and all of the common linked problems this causes”. It allows for participants to work out why they feel as they do, how to develop the lifeskills to tackle problems, build confidence, get going again, feel happier, stay calm, tackle upsetting thinking, and more”. The course is interactive, with mini booklets designed to encourage specific and realistic goal setting. It is effective in guiding and supporting people as they work to change their lives. The 8 week course is based on Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. It was commissioned by the Scottish NHS and written by a psychiatrist. This course will be delivered by Claire Young Therapies over 8 1 1/2 hours sessions.

Peer To Peer

The Peer To Peer course is for people with experience of providing peer support, either in a paid post or voluntary role. It consists of 12 evening sessions which will increase understanding of recovery approaches, personal recovery and peer support. The sessions help participants to develop skills central to the peer support relationship and enable peer workers and volunteers to practice effectively and safely in the role. People who want to attend this course will be asked

of this course. This course will be delivered by the Scottish Recovery Network over 5 2 1/2 hour sessions.

They Love Me, They Love Me Not

The two, two hour sessions will be delivered by North Ayrshire Women’s Aid and focus on understanding relationships. There will also be opportunity for people to try acupunture or head massage if they wish to.

Stress Less!

This course will be delivered by the KA Leisure and will provide useful tools and exercises you can use to manage stressful situations over 4 sessions of 1 1/2 hours each.


The Wellness Recovery Action Plan or WRAP, is a self-designed prevention and wellness process that anyone can use to get well, stay well and make their life the way they want it to be. It was developed in 1997 by a group of people who were searching for ways to overcome their own mental health issues and move on to fulfilling their life dreams and goals. It is now used extensively by people in all kinds of circumstances, and by health care and mental health systems all over the world to address all kinds of physical, mental health and life issues. This two full day programme will introduce you to the key concepts of WRAP and how you can use these in your own life. WRAP will be delivered by Ayrshire College and NHS Ayrshire and Arran over two full days.

to provide information about their experience providing peer support. This course is facilitated by RAMH.

Write to Recovery

Everyone has a story. Writing it down can help you in many different ways. If you’ve ever put pen to paper to work through difficult feelings, you might already know how powerful words can be. The sharing of life stories can create lasting bonds between people, support personal growth and give people the chance to view their journey in a different light. This series of writing workshops focuses on the promotion of self-management for people experiencing emotional difficulties or mental ill-health. The discussion and writing undertaken at Write to Recovery groups aims to invoke, in participants, a recognition of their strengths and positive aspirations. This course will be delivered by the Scottish Recovery Network including input from current Write to Recovery Participants over 4 2 1/2 hour sessions.

There’s Nothing Wrong With Me But A Lot Has Happened To Me

Trauma Informed Practice and the science of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) is now at the forefront of mental health, wellbeing and recovery. The knowledge base around this offers hope and recovery both in terms of mental and physical health. This 5 week course covers the knowledge, evidence and best practice around ACE and trauma. It will enable and empower participants to be leaders in their own recovery journey. You will not be asked to share your personal experiences as part

How do I find outmore

You can phone KA Leisure on


or, reach them by e-mail
