Sydney Technical High School Newsletterlearning the ‘dos’ and don’ts’ for better results...

Sydney Technical High School Newsletter 686 Forest Road Bexley 2207 Ph: 9587 5899 [email protected] Fax: 9553 8315 Ms Irvine Lynne Irvine has been asked to relieve as School Education Director for Woronora School Education Area for the next two terms. I will be relieving as Principal until her return and the Deputy Principal position will be shared by Mr Heath (this term) and Mr Owens (next term). Principal for a Day During Education Week, the school was privileged to have media personality Julie McCrossin as Principal for a Day. Ms McCrossin interviewed students, tutored debating teams and worked with a Year 12 drama class during her busy day. She left the school singing the praises of the many talented students she had met throughout the day. Ms McCrossin with Prefect and SRC leaders From left to right – John Chalouhi, Luke Bacon, Andrew Lilley, Julie McCrossin, Scott Robertson, Stephen Tan and Sakib Hamid. ! "#$%& (

Transcript of Sydney Technical High School Newsletterlearning the ‘dos’ and don’ts’ for better results...

Page 1: Sydney Technical High School Newsletterlearning the ‘dos’ and don’ts’ for better results Cost:$110 Duration: 6-hours – 3 x 2-hour sessions in Term 2 commencing Tuesday 6th

Sydney Technical High School Newsletter 686 Forest Road Bexley 2207 Ph: 9587 5899 [email protected] Fax: 9553 8315

Ms Irvine Lynne Irvine has been asked to relieve as School Education Director for Woronora School Education Area for the next two terms. I will be relieving as Principal until her return and the Deputy Principal position will be shared by Mr Heath (this term) and Mr Owens (next term). Principal for a Day During Education Week, the school was privileged to have media personality Julie McCrossin as Principal for a Day. Ms McCrossin interviewed students, tutored debating teams and worked with a Year 12 drama class during her busy day. She left the school singing the praises of the many talented students she had met throughout the day. Ms McCrossin with Prefect and SRC leaders From left to right – John Chalouhi, Luke Bacon, Andrew Lilley, Julie McCrossin, Scott Robertson, Stephen Tan and Sakib Hamid.


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Page 2: Sydney Technical High School Newsletterlearning the ‘dos’ and don’ts’ for better results Cost:$110 Duration: 6-hours – 3 x 2-hour sessions in Term 2 commencing Tuesday 6th

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Secure Internet browsing and email for students

Dear Parent or Caregiver, The NSW Department of Education and Training is committed to providing a secure e-Learning environment to enrich learning opportunities for all students in NSW public schools. During 2006 your child/children will be provided with access to secure Internet browsing and email. Email is a method of communicating on the Internet by sending and receiving written messages. Your child’s/children’s email account is protected by software to block out inappropriate messages. Your child/children will be provided with an individual username and password to access filtered Internet browsing and email at school. Their user name and password will ensure that they receive Internet filtering and that no one else can access their email. All students who use the Internet at school are taught that they must follow the code of conduct outlined in each school’s Student Access to the Internet Policy. This policy includes the action that may be taken by a school if students do not follow this code of conduct. This policy also follows specific privacy guidelines which make it clear that personal information and information that would mean they could be identified is not to be revealed and that personal account details remain confidential. Contact the school if you would like a full copy of this policy. Students will be able to access their personal email from computers at home and other locations through private Internet service providers. All Internet browsing at home will be directed through your own Internet service provider. We recommend that you install filtering software at home and be aware of filtering software at other locations.

Secure Internet Access Earlier in the year we published a letter from the Department of Education and Training regarding Secure Internet Access . The letter is re-printed below. In the next month students will be provided with individual email accounts and individual passwords for internet access, unless parents specifically request that their son does not receive access to the facility.

Page 3: Sydney Technical High School Newsletterlearning the ‘dos’ and don’ts’ for better results Cost:$110 Duration: 6-hours – 3 x 2-hour sessions in Term 2 commencing Tuesday 6th

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As long as your child/children are enrolled at a public school or TAFE college in NSW they will have access to secure Internet browsing and email. The NSW Department of Education and Training respects your right as a parent to refuse your child permission to access this facility. If you do not agree to your child having access to this facility, you will need to provide notification in writing to the school within 2 school weeks of receiving this letter. If prior to 2006 you refused to provide permission for your child/children to have an e-Learning account, your child/children will not be provided with access to secure Internet browsing and email. Parents can contact the school at any time and request for an e-Learning account to be provided to their child/children. This request should be forwarded to the school in writing. Further information about secure Internet browsing and email is available on the NSW Department of Education and Training website at: or by telephoning or emailing the school. Greg McNaught Relieving Principal


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Mid Year reports and Parent Teacher Night for Years 8, 9 and 10 Year 10 reports will be issued late in Term two and Years 9 and 8 reports will be issued early in the first week of third term in time for the parent –teacher night. All reports are issued without corrections. The parent-teacher night for Years 8,9 and 10 will be held on Tuesday 25th July in the common room, drama studio and library, commencing at 3.30 p.m. Booking sheets and information will be issued to students on Tuesday 18th July. This is an excellent opportunity to meet your son’s teachers, even if only briefly, and hear a succinct comment about his progress and suggestions for improvement. Senior exams and assessments Year 12 assessment week begins on Tuesday 13th June and Year 11 assessment week commences on Monday 24th July. Any student who misses a task must see the appropriate head teacher by recess on the first day back to school, with the required documentation. Parents should ring Mr. Dando (Year 11) or Mr. Heath (Year 12) if their son cannot attend a task. The Trial H.S.C. begins on Thursday 3rd August and finishes on Friday 18th August. Subject Selection for Year 10 Students in Year 10 will be given information and advice about their choice of subjects for the senior school during the first few weeks of third term, culminating in an information evening on Monday 24th July 2006 at 6.30 p.m. and then submission of subject choice sheets by Monday 31st July 2006 . Subject selection should be made on the basis of interest and ability, not perceived mark value. Year 8 students will select electives for Year 9 later in Term three. Year 12 jerseys The jerseys purchased by Year 12 students may be worn from the first day of Term three. These will be regarded as school uniform for those who choose from this date onward (except for the farewell assembly on the last day of third term when full school uniform is required).

Page 5: Sydney Technical High School Newsletterlearning the ‘dos’ and don’ts’ for better results Cost:$110 Duration: 6-hours – 3 x 2-hour sessions in Term 2 commencing Tuesday 6th

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This course has been designed specifically for senior students to assist them in planning, writing and editing essays. It trains students in:

building confidence in writing essays

gaining better understanding of structure, planning brainstorming, paragraphing & style

analysing task words and questions for different subject areas learning the ‘dos’ and don’ts’ for better results

Cost:$110 Duration: 6-hours – 3 x 2-hour sessions in Term 2 commencing

Tuesday 6th June at 3.15pm

Enrolment forms and course information will be distributed in Week 4, Term 2

For enrolments either please call ICS Learning Group on 9960 6231 or visit

Year 7 Vaccinations The National Adolescent Vaccination Program for all Year 7 in N.S.W. will be conducted for our students on Tuesday 6th June. A team of registered nurses will conduct the vaccination in the cottage near the shade sails. Classes will be called during periods 1 and 2. S. Dando Deputy Principal P. Heath Relieving Deputy Principal

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Ying Chan Year 12 spent an exciting week in Canberra in the last vacation. As a member of the Australian Chemistry Olympiad Team, Ying is involved in intensive preparations and study for the July event in Seoul. During his time in Canberra, Ying was involved in conducting many chemistry experiments and he discovered how difficult it is in preparative chemistry to obtain good yields of high purity compounds. All these activities will help Ying to perform at his best in the Olympiad. Congratulations to Leslie Wong and Anthony Waters Year 11 who have been offered places in the CSIRO student research scheme. In this program students get to work on real projects with CSIRO scientists during school vacations. This is excellent preparation for university and science careers in general. The Science Folder in Tech.Net (the school's intranet) has several files that will assist students. One of these provides rules for graphing together with many examples. Students should become familiar with these requirements. The requirements for citing references in assignments are also located in the Science folder in Tech Net. Year 12 students should also make use of the past HSC trial exams that are located in the Science Folder in Tech.Net. Students can copy these files and use the past papers as part of their revision program as they approach the Trial Exams in Third Term. Geoff. Thickett Head Teacher Science

Page 7: Sydney Technical High School Newsletterlearning the ‘dos’ and don’ts’ for better results Cost:$110 Duration: 6-hours – 3 x 2-hour sessions in Term 2 commencing Tuesday 6th

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The Clothing Pool sells good quality used items of school uniforms. You can donate unwanted uniforms to the school by leaving them at the school office. Monies raised from the sale of items is donated to the school. The clothing pool is located in the house on the corner of Forest Road and Anderson Street. Next clothing pool Tuesday 13 June 2006 - 10:am to 12 noon

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YEAR 12 Universities Day Excursion. All Year 12 students will be attending this event organised by careers advisers in the local district. The event will be held on Friday 2 June 2006 at the Venus Reception Lounge at Kogarah, 8.45am to 10.20am Students are required to wear full school uniform and make their own way to the event and return to school by bus. Please ensure the permission note is signed and returned to school no later than Tuesday 30 May. All students have received student notes with many issues to consider prior to attending the day. You may also like to look through this information.

Career Central and Sydney Technical High School ANNOUNCE


Using cutting edge technology and the power of the internet. Career Central has developed an online career service built by Careers Advisors specifically for schools and their members. Our school has now joined the Career Central Club and is able to deliver directly through the internet.

DAILY NOTICES to: - Students. Parents. & Teachers Of the latest career information available. Other features and benefits of the site include: 1. School specific notices delivered through the internet 2. Complete job search and preparation information Letters of application Appearance and attire The resume The interview 3. Search for courses at University, TAFE and Private Colleges 4. HSC and SC preparation 5. Survival guide for leaving school 6. Online chat/discussion and advice centres for all your questions


Parents can complete registration online and career central will have your subscription validated within 24 hrs and a confirmation email sent to you.

Your Child's Future starts here ITS NOT CHANCE BUT CHOICE - make the move register now

Page 9: Sydney Technical High School Newsletterlearning the ‘dos’ and don’ts’ for better results Cost:$110 Duration: 6-hours – 3 x 2-hour sessions in Term 2 commencing Tuesday 6th

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The winter menu is now operating. This includes soups, curries and all manners of interesting things. Check the daily specials board to see what’s on for the day. There are copies of the full summer or winter menu available from the canteen on request. We have a good stock of long grey walk socks, these have been very difficult to find but are available now at a cost of $9.00 a pair. Happy Term two. Irene and Staff


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Valid from NOW until June 1st 2007, with over $10,000 worth of value in each book for just $60.00 incl. GST. with every book sold raising $12 towards the school! Its not to late to purchase a copy of the 2006/2007 Entertainment™ book. For further details, or how to order other editions including interstate issues please contact the main office on 9587-5899.

Page 10: Sydney Technical High School Newsletterlearning the ‘dos’ and don’ts’ for better results Cost:$110 Duration: 6-hours – 3 x 2-hour sessions in Term 2 commencing Tuesday 6th

�������������� ……. 25 YEARS AGO The Principal announced that the new basketball/tennis complex was nearing completion. “A synthetic green surface will be laid to complete the complex. It will consist of two basketball and two tennis courts.” This is the present lower basketball courts. A new addition to staff from the beginning of Term 2 Mr P. Heath in English/History. Warwick Hayes, 16, won an all expense paid trip to Germany in a national competition organised by the Goethe Institute. Rockdale Council invited a group of Tech students to become “Aldermen for a Day”. The School’s Athletics Carnival was held at Hensley Field (Botany) and the boys were told they had to pay 40c for the bus fare!! Team members for the Zone Rugby Union team included: A. Lo Russo, P. Gasnier, P. McCallum, A. Strong, A. Mahoney, J. Hartigan, A. Cracknell, B. Perry, G. Johnson. 20 YEARS AGO Harry Koumoukelis of the class of 1985 was presented by the Mathematical Association of NSW with the T. G. Room Medal for the highest raw marks in the HSC 3 and 4 unit Mathematics exams. The School held a Sportsman’s Dinner to mark the 75th birthday celebrations of the school and the report in Tech Talk is quoted in part: “The Dinner was held ostensibly for the purpose of gathering together ex-pupils who had played grade sport for the school over 1969-85”. “120 ex-pupils and staff attended the coat and tie function. After Dinner, Clive Ross (M.C. for the night) conducted a “mock auction” putting up for bid such items such as Reg Gasnier’s 13A football jersey, and Sir Charles Kingsford Smith’s cricket cap (although he was only Charles in those days)” 15 YEARS AGO The matter of a School Council was to be raised at the next P & C meeting. A careers mentor program was mooted, whereby persons working in the community would mentor boys from our school who may wish to enter that profession. The school Year 12 Debating team won the Zone Final and went on to represent at regional level. The House System underwent changes as Year 7 needed to be fitted into the 6 houses of Turner, Williams, McKinnon, McMullen, Brown and Broome even though there were only 5 classes, and were subsequently allocated alphabetically.

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CityRail’s newly developed timetable for the Eastern Suburbs & Illawarra and South Coast lines is due for introduction on 28 May 2006. The new timetable will reflect safer running times and improve the reliability of Sydney’s metropolitan train services. The new timetable has altered scheduled train operations across the CityrRail network. Copies of the new Eastern Suburbs & Illawarra timetable will be available at stations from 15 May 2006. All other altered commuter line timetables will also be available from stations from this date although as part of RailCorp’s environmentally responsible culture we encourage you to view timetable changes at Posters will also be displayed at stations to advise customers which services have been altered. To ensure you children are aware of any alterations to their school transport needs, please encourage them to view the CityRail website or station posters �

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10 YEARS AGO Approval was granted for the refurbishment of the administration block into its present form. Ian Taylor was awarded the Sir Richard Williams Scholarship for Aeronautical Engineering worth $1000. Regional Sports Representatives were Anthony Boyle (Rugby Union), Ross Magiros (Rugby), Andrew Battishall (Rugby) and Alex Leris (Soccer) while Neil Blake was a CHS Representative in Basketball. There was a protracted debate about the possibility of lockers being installed with views on both sides being weighed by the P & C. Andrew Wong (Year 12) won the senior division of the ND Tinsley Essay Writing Competition conducted by Penshurst RSL Youth Club. Eden Fong (Year 10), Louis Lee (Year 10) and Ross McInnes (Year 11) were awarded School Medallions��

Page 12: Sydney Technical High School Newsletterlearning the ‘dos’ and don’ts’ for better results Cost:$110 Duration: 6-hours – 3 x 2-hour sessions in Term 2 commencing Tuesday 6th

LOTE On Friday 28th July Term 3, Year 10 French will attend a gifted and talented workshop and extension activity day at Macquarie University. This should be of immense benefit to the boys as they approach their School Certificate, providing them with the opportunity to challenge and extend their abilities in French, linguistically, culturally and creatively. The ‘French Day’ is organized and sponsored by the NSW Association of French Language Teachers (NAFT) in conjunction with Macquarie University and the French Embassy. Students will have the opportunity to interact in a tertiary environment with students from other schools throughout the Sydney Metropolitan region, while participating in a series of stimulating ‘language and culture’ activities conducted in French and in English. The day will conclude with a “Star Academy” song competition and prize-giving, promising to be a rewarding and fun-filled experience for all! Kim Cross MUSIC As an adjunct to our performing ensembles program we have organised a talented student Band Camp at Crusaders Conference & Recreation Centre at Galston Gorge from Wednesday 21st June to Friday 23rd June, involving rehearsal, workshop and masterclass sessions for boys in the Intermediate Concert Band, Concert Band, Stage Band and String Ensemble. This will augment the normal rehearsal schedule for Musicale and will afford the boys the opportunity to work intensively with tutors, conductors and fellow ensemble members in an enjoyable and creative environment. We anticipate a great, productive time ahead! The bands will perform at MUSICALE, on Tuesday night, 27th June, in the school auditorium, along with outstanding students presenting solo performances. Students, parents and friends are asked to support this concert, the Music Department and the students by attending what is truly a musical evening of real quality. This is the major fund raising activity for the Music Support Group who do so much in assisting the educational programs of the Music Department.

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Page 13: Sydney Technical High School Newsletterlearning the ‘dos’ and don’ts’ for better results Cost:$110 Duration: 6-hours – 3 x 2-hour sessions in Term 2 commencing Tuesday 6th

The Engadine Music Bandfest 2006 is a great opportunity for the ensemble students to publicly present their musical skills and it also gives the chance to hear and support the performing ensembles from other schools. Parents are most welcome to attend Bandfest which is held in the St George Bank Building auditorium at Kogarah. At this stage it appears that the Concert and Intermediate Concert Bands will perform on Friday 16th June and the Stage Band will perform on Wednesday evening 14th June. Doug Towner �

VISUAL ARTS On Friday the 19th of May Years 9-12 attended a Visual Arts excursion. This excursion visited the Archibald Prize at the Art Gallery of New South Wales, and also a contemporary photography exhibition at the Museum of Contemporary Art. This excursion allowed students to apply their art knowledge in critical and historical examinations at the galleries, and also form an awareness of the different contexts in which art may be found. Students especially enjoyed forming their own opinions of the controversial Archibald winner! Students made their way from the Art Gallery of New South Wales down to the Museum of Contemporary Art by walking through the Botanical Gardens, allowing students to see the many architectural wonders and art installations on the way, and eat their lunch looking at a million dollar view! A special mention must go to Year 12 student Chung Nam Chan, who was awarded second place in the 2006 Mosman Youth Art Prize. The prize is run by the Mosman Municipal Council’s Art Gallery, and is held in high esteem. Congratulations Chung! Coco Dash

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Page 14: Sydney Technical High School Newsletterlearning the ‘dos’ and don’ts’ for better results Cost:$110 Duration: 6-hours – 3 x 2-hour sessions in Term 2 commencing Tuesday 6th

SCHOOL CROSS COUNTRY Several Age Champions results were decided by the results at the ZONE Cross Country because of a clash between our school carnival and CHS Swimming.


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2 Chun WONG

3 Matthew DUONG

4 Martin WONG

5 Michael JUNG

6 Nicholas KADIEV

7 Jeremy LIM

8 Gordon JIANG

9 Tyrone LIANG

10 Douglas CHAN

11 Andrew SOLOMON

12 Harrison BURROWS

��13 Years

1 Evan VALLIS **

2 Jonathan GOUNARIS

3 Andrew YUEN

4 Lewis COWPER

5 David SZANTO

6 Mitchell BROWN

7 William CHAU

8 Vincent CHANG

9 Adrien WU

10 Antoinne ROSSE

11 Paul CHEUNG

12 Adam Hraiki

14 Years 12 Years


2 Vincent FU



5 Calvin HE

6 Marcus LoRUSSO

7 Adrian WALKER

8 Sahil VERMAN


10 Peter TRAN

11 Elliot KWAN


2 Lalktash WANGOO

3 Anthony DOUSKOU

4 Lachlan COOPER


6 Ken WOON


8 Atinder SANGHIRA

9 Lawson CULLEN

10 Sabiq TAN

11 Derryn CHIU

12 Joshua DUQUE

��15 Years ��16 Years


2 Daniedl PAPPS

3 Andrew BULL

4 Ben CHAU

5 Michael CHEA


7 Bijoy JOSEPH


9 Tim LAY

10 Matthew DWYER

1 Ezra JAMES

2 Dimitr DAVIDOV

3 Joshua McKINNON

4 Charlie DAO

5 Matthew GIBSON

6 Kenrick BLAKER




10 Justin VINCENT

11 Robert LAY

12 James HONG


Page 15: Sydney Technical High School Newsletterlearning the ‘dos’ and don’ts’ for better results Cost:$110 Duration: 6-hours – 3 x 2-hour sessions in Term 2 commencing Tuesday 6th


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12 years Ricardo Arditti

13 years James Dickson

14 years Evan Vallis

15 years Justin Hazelton

16 years Marcus Low

Opens Ezra James


12 13 14 15 16 Open Total

1 198 659 579 457 591 372 2856

2 387 305 461 617 449 509 2728

3 193 618 205 427 67 622 2138

4 148 238 217 293 621 615 2137

5 259 305 666 380 56 351 2017

6 66 361 3213 457 421 379 1897









3/5/06 Aaron Charlton 2nd Grade Soccer

10/5/06 Nabeil Allam KO Basketball

17/5/06 Lawson Cullen 15 Soccer


3/5/06 13B2 Soccer

10/5/06 Open Knock.Out. Basketball Knock Out: Lawn Bowls

17/5/06 1st Grade Rugby League


Sport Round Opposition Result Scores Comments

Basketball 4 Glebe Won 56-30 Regional Champions

Lawn Bowls 5 Caringbah Won Regional Champions

Soccer 15 1 Endeavour Sports Lost 0-4

Rugby League 14 2 Kogarah Lost 4-44


Page 16: Sydney Technical High School Newsletterlearning the ‘dos’ and don’ts’ for better results Cost:$110 Duration: 6-hours – 3 x 2-hour sessions in Term 2 commencing Tuesday 6th

School Calendar


6 P & C Meeting 7:30pm in Common Room 13 SRE for Years 9 & 10 Clothing Pool 10am to 12 noon Cnr Forest Rd and Anderson Street 13 - 19 Year 12 Assessment Week 19 Zone Athletics 20 SRE for Year 7 & 8 21-23 Band Camp 22 Zone Athletics 27 Musicale - 7:30pm Auditorium 30 Last Day Term Two

JULY 18 Students Return to school 25 Parent Teacher Interviews Years 8, 9 & 10