Period 1 - Plainfield North High ·...

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Transcript of Period 1 - Plainfield North High ·...

Period 1

Period 1: Multiple Choice Answers

• Theme: CUL

• Answer: They owned the use of the land but not the land itself. (C)

Question 1

• Theme: CUL

• Answer: established trade networks and communication over relatively large areas. ( B)

Question 2

• Theme: POL

• Answer: They were engaged in frequent conflicts with other American Indian groups. (D)

Question 3

Period 1: Multiple Choice Answers

•Theme: WXT

•Answer: The exchange of food products between Europe and the Western Hemisphere. (A)Question 4

•Theme: WXT

•Answer: Epidemic diseases introduced from Europe into the Americas. (C)Question 5

•Theme: ENV

•Answer: Distinct societies with different economies and lifestyles. (D)Question 6•Theme: WXT

•Answer: Little interest to keep them pushing north to Canada. (C)Question 7

Period 1: Short Answer

a) Identify one key way in which the French & American Indians interacted economically in

the Western Hemisphere prior to 1650.

1.The French established Quebec as a trading

outpost In order to purchase furs for the lucrative

French fur market.

Period 1: Short Answer

b) Identify one key way in which the Spanish & American Indians interacted economically in

the Western Hemisphere prior to 1650.

1.The Encomienda system divided the Native

Americans labor force for the Spanish mining

economy. Also, the Spanish provided protection to

the Native Americans.

Period 1: Short Answer

c) Provide one piece of evidence to suggest how the interaction shaped relationships between the French & American Indians or the Spanish and American Indians.

1. The French began to change their ways of living to represent more of the Native American culture, such as marrying Native American women and becoming a part of the tribe, this lead to a good relationship between the Natives and the French. This had enhanced trade with the Natives, and invoked future alliances for war.

Period 2

Period 2: Multiple Choice Answers

• Theme: WOR

• Answer: BQuestion 1

• Theme: WXT

• Answer: AQuestion 2

• Theme: WOR

• Answer: DQuestion 3

• Theme: ID

• Answer: DQuestion 4

Period 2: Multiple Choice Answers

• Theme: WXT

• Answer: AQuestion 5

• Theme: WOR

• Answer:CQuestion 6

• Theme: CUL

• Answer: DQuestion 7

• Theme: POL

• Answer: AQuestion 8

Period 2: Multiple Choice Answers

• Theme: ID

• Answer: BQuestion 9

• Theme: PEO

• Answer: CQuestion 10

• Theme: WXT

• Answer: BQuestion 11

• Theme: PEO

• Answer: AQuestion 12

Period 2: Short Answer

According to this document, how did colonists in New England avoid restrictive British commercial laws?

a)The colonists decided to just smuggle goods into the US which proved to be successful.

Period 2: Short Answer

B.) What name was given to the economic goals and policies that the British used in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries to strengthen their empire?

England followed mercantilism a system that involved governmental control over the country's economy which maximizes.

What area in the British colonial North America might have been a better fit for this system than New England?

The Chesapeake/South would be the ideal fit for mercantilism. They relied upon cash crops and their economy relied on the export of these crops.

Period 2: Short Answer

c.) Explain how either New England or the region discussed

in part b reacted to more restrictive laws passed by Great

Britain in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth


The colonies were very upset with these regulations. They

pushed back and it eventually led to rebellion (Dominion of

New England/Glorious Revolution in 1688).

Period 2: DBQ

Analyze the similarities and differences between the New

England and the Chesapeake colonies to 1750.

Although the New England and Chesapeake colonies

were both oppressive societies for people other than the

white patriarchy, they differed in their religions and

ferventness, their primary economic activities, and their

political systems.

Period 3

Period 3: Multiple Choice Answers

• Theme: ID

• Answer: AQuestion 1

• Theme: POL

• Answer: CQuestion 2

• Theme: POL

• Answer: CQuestion 3

• Theme: PEO

• Answer:CQuestion 4

Period 3: Multiple Choice Answers

• Theme: ID

• Answer:BQuestion 5• Theme: POL

• Answer:BQuestion 6• Theme: POL

• Answer: CQuestion 7• Theme: PEO

• Answer: BQuestion 8

Period 3: Multiple Choice Answers

• Theme: POL

• Answer: DQuestion 9

• Theme: ID

• Answer: CQuestion 10

• Theme: ID

• Answer: AQuestion 11

• Theme: POL

• Answer: AQuestion 12

Period 3: Short Answer A

a) Identify whom the act targeted and why.

a) The Alien and Sedition Acts targeted Democratic Republicans because they favored the French

along with targeting French immigrants.

Period 3: Short Answer B

b) Identify the circumstances that led to the passage of the act.

The growing power of the French.

Period 3: Short Answer C

c) Cite one piece of additional evidence that explains the reaction to the act by the group

it targeted.

Madison enacted the Virginia- Kentucky Resolution allowing states to nullify.

Period 3: Short Answer A

a) Briefly explain the international consequences of the French & Indian

War. Because of the French and Indian War the British were left with a

large debt. This led to the end of salutary neglect because the British started raising

taxes/taxing the colonies for money for the large debt. Which will lead resentment to

Britain in the colonies. Moreover, since the French lost to Britain, the French were more

likely to side with colonists against the British.

Period 3: Short Answer B

b) Explain why Great Britain attempted to limit colonial expansion.

They did not want to get in conflict with Native Americans, so established the proclamation

of 1763.

Period 3: Short Answer C

c) Explain why efforts to limit British colonial expansion failed.

People still illegally crossed the line, and ignored it.

Period 3: LEQ

Analyze the continuities and significant changes in political, economic, and social

conditions in the new United States as a result of the American Revolution.

Thesis: Although minorities did not benefit from the American Revolution, the new

American independence brought about political parties and a new banking system.

Period 4

Period 4: Multiple Choice Answers

•Theme: POL

•Answer: CQuestion 1

•Theme: POL

•Answer: BQuestion 2

•Theme: POL

•Answer: DQuestion 3

•Theme: CUL

•Answer: AQuestion 4

Period 4: Multiple Choice Answers

• Theme: CUL

• Answer: BQuestion 5

• Theme: CUL

• Answer: CQuestion 6

• Theme: WXT

• Answer: CQuestion 7

• Theme: WXT

• Answer: BQuestion 8

Period 4: Multiple Choice Answers

•Theme: WXT

•Answer: CQuestion 9

•Theme: CUL

•Answer:DQuestion 10

•Theme: WXT

•Answer: CQuestion 11

•Theme: WXT

•Answer: AQuestion 12

Period 4: Short Answer A

a) Identify the major continuity reflected in the maps.

b) Factories in the Northeast were prevalent.

Period 4: Short Answer A

b) Identify the major change over time reflected in the maps.

c) Manufacturing started to spread westward.

Period 4: Short Answer A

c) Identify one major factor that accounts from this change over


D) The development of railroad systems allowed for quicker means

of westward expansion.

Period 4: Short Answer B

a) Account for the rapid increase in slave population given the fact

that Congress banned the international slave trade in 1808.

b) Slaves had more babies and spread them through internal trade.

Period 4: Short Answer B

b) Identify a major factor that led to increased cotton production

between 1790 and 1840 and explain how this led to increased


c) Cotton Gin allowed for faster and more efficient cotton farming.

Period 4: Short Answer B

c) What conclusions can be drawn from the above figure concerning

the efficiency of cotton production over time?

d) Rate of cotton production increased heavily.

Period 4: DBQ

Analyze the political, economic, and social factors that

encouraged Americans to move west 1800 and 1848.

Thesis: In the years circa 1800-1848, Americans moved west due to

social factors such as Manifest Destiny and better modes of

transportation, economic factors such as cheap, government-

granted land, and political factors such as controlling the Mississippi

River through the Louisiana Purchase.

Period 5

Period 5: Multiple Choice Answers

• Theme: CUL

• Answer: CQuestion 1

• Theme: CUL

• Answer: BQuestion 2

• Theme: POL

• Answer: CQuestion 3

• Theme: CUL

• Answer: AQuestion 4

Period 5: Multiple Choice Answers

• Theme: WOR

• Answer: AQuestion 5• Theme: POL

• Answer: BQuestion 6• Theme: POL

• Answer: DQuestion 7• Theme: ENV

• Answer: CQuestion 8

Period 5: Multiple Choice Answers

• Theme: POL

• Answer: AQuestion 9• Theme: POL

• Answer: CQuestion 10• Theme: POL

• Answer: AQuestion 11• Theme: POL

• Answer: CQuestion 12

Period 5: Short Answer A

a) Provide one piece of evidence that supports Morison’s position,

and explain how and why it supports his position.

The Crop-lien system kept ex-slaves subservient to rich whites by using

their labor without providing them with the means to rise out of the

poverty they were trapped in. This supports Morisons position that

Reconstruction was unsuccessful because it did not change the social

and agricultural structure of the South.

Period 5: Short Answer A

b) Provide one piece of evidence that supports Henretta et. al.’s

position and explain how and why it supports that position..

The Freedman's Bureau was the first group to advocate effectively for

ex-slaves' rights. They provided economic and social aid to newly

freed blacks. This supports Henretta's position because she claims that

reconstruction policies in the North stimulated positive changes in the

South, and the Freedman's Bureau was a major success of


Period 5: Short Answer A

b) Provide one piece of evidence that supports either Morison’s

position or Henretta et. al.’s position and explain how and why that

evidence supports one or the other’s point of view.

The Jim Crow laws created by the new Southern governments

restricted blacks in their everyday lives and didn’t allow them to

participate politically, retaining the same racist men in power. This

supports Morison's position because the Reconstruction governments

did give the ex-slaves the freedom they should receive as citizens.

Period 5: Short Answer B

a) How does the above account differ from southern perceptions of slavery prior to 1793?

Prior to 1793, slavery was a norm in society that both the north and the South participated in

for economic means that helped their development. In 1837, slavery affected the fate of the

Southern states and the power the South would gain politically.

Period 5: Short Answer B

b) Identify a specific event that might have led Calhoun to take this


The Missouri Compromise set a line to determine the fate of slavery in

the states. Everything below the 36-30 line was a slave state. This

caused much controversy during the introduction of new states which

conflicted with popular sovereignty ideals.

Period 5: Short Answer B

c) Cite one specific example of something that fueled strong

emotion over slavery in the middle decades of the 19th c., and

explain how it increased sectional tension.

The Kansas-Nebraska Act effectively nullified the Missouri

Compromise, instituting popular sovereihnty in the new states. Due to

voter fraud, there was violence and competition in Kansas, earning

the event the title, "Bleeding Kansas". This symbolized the sectional

tensions prevalent between the US states.

Period 5: LEQ

To what degree and in what ways did the Civil War and

Reconstruction alter the political, economics, and social fabric of

American society?

Although the Civil War and Reconstruction produced many

advancements in politics due to the Dred Scott case and the new

amendments, the economic and social aspects of society fell short

due to the unfair system of sharecropping and failure of the

Freedmen's Bureau

Period 6

Period 6: Multiple Choice Answers

• Theme: WXT

• Answer: AQuestion 1

• Theme: PEO

• Answer: CQuestion 2

• Theme: WXT

• Answer: DQuestion 3

• Theme: POL

• Answer:DQuestion 4

Period 6: Multiple Choice Answers

• Theme: ID

• Answer: BQuestion 5

• Theme: ID

• Answer: DQuestion 6

• Theme: WXT

• Answer:DQuestion 7

• Theme: WXT

• Answer: BQuestion 8

Period 6: Multiple Choice Answers

• Theme: WXT

• Answer: CQuestion 9

• Theme: PEO

• Answer: DQuestion 10

• Theme: PEO

• Answer: DQuestion 11

• Theme: PEO

• Answer: AQuestion 12

Period 6: Short Answer A

a)Identify and explain why a specific group of people would have

supported the ideas of Williams Jennings Bryan.

-Upper middle class & below, farmers, and the populist party

supported because they could not afford the Gold Standard.

Period 6: Short Answer A

b) Identify and explain why a specific group of people would have

opposed the ideas of Williams Jennings Bryan.

-Upper class and Republicans.

Period 6: Short Answer A

c) Explain why William Jennings Bryan received support from Populists

when he was a Democratic candidate for president in 1896.

-Populists supported the Silver Standard.

Period 6: Short Answer B

a) Explain what prompted the Civil Service Reform Bill.

-Jacksons Spoils System. American public viewed it as unfair to choose

politicians based off personal preference and political alliance

instead of qualifications and merit system.

Period 6: Short Answer B

b) Explain the system that the civil service system was designed to


-Spoils System, a system in which politicians, like Jackson, chose

unqualified friends for his cabinet and other federal positions.

Period 6: Short Answer B

c) Cite and explain one specific example of corruption in the Gilded

Age at the national level.

-Big businesses and monopolies, such as Andrew Carnagie's steel

company. Greed and corruption overcame the business world due to

monolpies and big buisness ideals.

Period 6: DBQ

Analyze the ways in which laboring-class American in Gilded Age (1865-1900)

attempted to better their lives in face of the power of big business and the

federal government. Evaluate the degree of success their effort attained.


Although the laboring-class Americans faced extreme hardships during the

Gilded Age such as poverty and unfair working conditions, they successfully

attempted to overcome their struggles by forming labor unions, participating

in riots, and forming organizations in the face of corruption.

Period 7

Period 7: Multiple Choice Answers

•Theme: WOR

•Answer: BQuestion 1•Theme: WOR

•Answer: BQuestion 2•Theme: WOR

•Answer:AQuestion 3•Theme: CUL

•Answer: DQuestion 4

Period 7: Multiple Choice Answers

•Theme: CUL

•Answer: CQuestion 5•Theme: WOR

•Answer:BQuestion 6•Theme: WOR

•Answer:CQuestion 7•Theme: WOR

•Answer: DQuestion 8

Period 7: Multiple Choice Answers

• Theme: CUL

• Answer: BQuestion 9

• Theme: POL

• Answer: CQuestion 10

• Theme: CUL

• Answer:AQuestion 11

• Theme: WXT

• Answer: CQuestion 12

Period 7: Short Answer A

a) Explain what era Harding was calling for a return to in the above passage, and support

your choice.

Harding wants to return to the era of normalcy and sustainment in triumphant nationality.

He wants to cease the revision of human nature and does not want to stop the fundamental

laws of life and its acquirements. Harding believes that America does not need everything it is

going through (WWI), and wants to call for self-sufficiency to mend the current issues present.

Period 7: Short Answer A

b) Explain the change in foreign policy that Harding is proposing in the above passage.

"...not submergence in internationality, but sustainment in triumphant nationality." Harding

wants to focus on the United States rather than the foreign countries of the world, because

he believes that the US is not in a good place right now in terms of its own status. Since its own

status is awful, according to him, they should not assist foreign countries because he wants to

help himself.

Period 7: Short Answer A

c) Explain Harding’s position on Progressive reform.

Harding supports Progressive reform. Although he is primarily focused on the needs of the US,

he firmly believes it must change from its current state. He wants people to alter themselves in

order to progress for themselves and their country. He wants the United States to return to its

former state, which is supported in part by the Progressives who wanted to improve society.

Period 7: Short Answer B

a) Explain the reasons for the decrease in immigration between 1911 and


Between 1911-1920 there was a significant decrease in immigration to the

U.S. due to the sinking of the Lusitania by German U-Boats. After the sinking

of America's ship, developed strict immigration policies. Another contributor

the decrease if immigration during this period due to the Red Scare and the

fear of communism being spread to the U.S. Americans

also became xenophobic, which is the fear of immigrants/immigration.

Period 7: Short Answer B

b) Explain the reasons for the decrease in immigration between 1921

and 1930.

The Immigration Act of 1921 limited the number of immigrants that the

U.S. could admit from each country. The Immigration Act of 1924 set

a quota for immigration, which decreased immigration from 3% to

2%. These two acts combined with the nativist mentality of the era

contributed the rejection of immigrants to come to the U.S., and the

constant decline of immigration.

Period 7: Short Answer B

c) Explain the reasons for the decrease in immigration between 1931

and 1940.

The Great Depression called for a decrease in

employment opportunities, which turned many immigrants away from

the U.S. The New Deal Programs created to benefit citizens of

America excluded immigrants that faced the same dilemmas. The

Great Depression was a time where the federal government focused

on aiding the citizens of American rather than assisting those who

were foreigners.

Period 7: LEQ

Analyze the ways in which reformers during the Progressive Era attempted to improve life

for the average Americans through the regulation of big business, the democratization of

the political process, and the institution of social welfare between 1900 and 1920, and

assess the degree to which these efforts were successful.

Thesis -

Although the United States was recovering from World War I, they still managed to make

effective, lasting strides in the regulation of business through various strikes, African American

rights in the development of the NAACP, and assistance in the women's movement with the

creation of the 19th Amendment.

Period 8

Period 8: Multiple Choice Answers

•Theme: POL

•Answer: AQuestion 1

•Theme: CUL

•Answer: CQuestion 2

•Theme: POL

•Answer: BQuestion 3

•Theme: WOR

•Answer: DQuestion 4

Period 8: Multiple Choice Answers

• Theme: WOR

• Answer: AQuestion 5

• Theme: WOR

• Answer: CQuestion 6

• Theme: CUL

• Answer: AQuestion 7

• Theme: CUL

• Answer: BQuestion 8

Period 8: Multiple Choice Answers

•Theme: CUL

•Answer: AQuestion 9

•Theme: WXT

•Answer: AQuestion 10

•Theme: PEO

•Answer: DQuestion 11

•Theme: ID

•Answer: CQuestion 12

Period 8: Short Answer A

a) Cite one example from the 1960s where negotiations with the Soviet Union were

successful, and explain the consequences of that success.

b) SALT 1 and SALT 2. SALT 1 ended in a missile treaty and an interim

agreement, and SALT 2 ended with a peace agreement, but the

US did not ratify the treaty because of the USSR/Afghanistan war

Period 8: Short Answer A

b) Cite one example of significant confrontation between the US and the Soviet Union in the

1960s, and explain how the confrontation ended.

c) Cuban missile crisis in 1962, and it was resolved when JFK threatened to invade Cuba,

and then the USSR moved their missiles out of Cuba.

Period 8: Short Answer A

c) Compare US-Soviet relations at the end of the 1960s with US-Soviet relations at the

beginning of the decade.

d) Started out with stress and tension between the two nations, and it

ended with tension release by the détente philosophy.

Period 8: Short Answer B

a) In the election of 1964, LBJ won in a landslide. Identify one specific factor that helped

lead to this landslide victory, and explain how it did so

b) He was the Vice President of the extremely popular John F.

Kennedy and thus, the public considered him an extension of the

former president. Also, Barry Goldwater, the republican candidate,

ran an extreme right wing campaign that opposed the Civil Rights

Act of 1964 and didn't appeal to the majority of American voters.

Period 8: Short Answer B

b) In the election of 1972, Richard Nixon won in a landslide. Identify one specific factor that

helped lead to this landslide victory, and explain how it did so LIAM

c) Nixon won due to his favorable foreign policy as shown in his

Détente philosophy as well as successful removal of troops from


Period 8: Short Answer B

a) Explain why the election of 1968 was so tightly contested when sandwiched between

landslide victories in 1964 and 1972.

b) American opinion was split between the pro-war 1964 election and the extreme anti-war

election of 1972. Th U.S. was currently still in the dark when it came to information about

the Vietnam war but there were still people who disliked U.S. involvement in South-Eastern


Period 8: DBQ

The 1970s have described by some as “the years of malaise,” defined by

as a “vague or unfocused feeling of mental uneasiness, lethargy, or discomfort.” Analyze

the foreign and domestic factors that led many Americans to feel this uneasiness with life

in the 1970s.

Although war tensions decreased, the 1970s were characterized by domestic failures,

government scandals, and problems in the Middle East which caused distrust from the

public towards the government.