Performance Review and Staff Development

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Performance Review and Staff Development. Leading and Managing the Implementation of PRSD in Schools A Conference for Principals and Senior Leaders. Conference structure. Session 1 -Context for PRSD in schools Session 2 -Overview of PRSD scheme - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Performance Review and Staff Development

Performance Review and Staff Development

Leading and Managing

the Implementation of PRSD in Schools

A Conference for Principals and Senior Leaders

A Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersA Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersSlide 2

Conference structureConference structureConference structureConference structure

Session 1 - Context for PRSD in schools

Session 2 - Overview of PRSD scheme

Session 3 - Initiating, implementing and sustaining PRSD in the school

Session 4 - Conclusion

A Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersA Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersSlide 3

PRSD in its Wider ContextPRSD in its Wider ContextPRSD in its Wider ContextPRSD in its Wider Context

• part of a wider agenda of educational change

• linked to school development planning

• focused on continuing professional development

• building on existing practice in SDPR, Threshold Assessment and other school-based policies

• to be operational from September 2005

Session 1

A Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersA Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersSlide 4

Key Points about PRSDKey Points about PRSDKey Points about PRSDKey Points about PRSD

• an agreed scheme

• linked to school development plan

• applicable to all qualified teachers (except teachers in induction and EPD)

• an annual review cycle with three stages

• roles and responsibilities for

– employing authorities / boards of governors / governor reviewers / external advisers / principals / teachers

• to be reviewed after two years

Session 1

A Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersA Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersSlide 5

Expected Outcomes of the Expected Outcomes of the ConferenceConference

Expected Outcomes of the Expected Outcomes of the ConferenceConference

This conference will

• show you how PRSD fits into the wider educational picture

• explain what PRSD offers schools

• provide an overview of the annual review cycle

• explore the processes of the scheme for principals and teachers

• give you time to consider the PRSD’s most important elements

• help you put a PRSD scheme in place in your school and be aware of connections to associated school policies/procedures

• signpost resources for supporting school based training for teachers

Session 1

A Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersA Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersSlide 6

Expected Outcomes of the Expected Outcomes of the ConferenceConference

Expected Outcomes of the Expected Outcomes of the ConferenceConference

This conference cannot

• consider whether or not there should be a PRSD scheme

• deal with specific matters relating to pay and affordability

• deal with specific matters relating to Employing Authorities

• give you detailed information about every aspect of the scheme

• answer every question you might have about PRSD

• tell you how you put PRSD in place in your school

Session 1

A Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersA Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersSlide 7

Challenges Challenges Facing Facing


Challenges Challenges Facing Facing


Session 1

A Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersA Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersSlide 8

Core Purposes Core Purposes of Schoolsof Schools

Core Purposes Core Purposes of Schoolsof Schools

Session 1

A Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersA Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersSlide 9

Post Primary Review

Curriculum Review


Together Towards



ET Strategy

Curran Inquiry I & II

Numeracy Strategy

Literacy Strategy



A Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersA Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersSlide 10

What PRSD Offers SchoolsSchools

What PRSD Offers SchoolsSchools

• it connects school development planning and performance review

• it allows school priorities to be aligned with the professional development needs of staff

• it gives professional development programmes coherence and direction

• it enables a staff development programme to focus on building confidence and capacity

• it helps schools to be better equipped to respond to the challenges they face

• it contributes to school improvement

• it helps schools make better provision for their pupils

Session 1

A Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersA Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersSlide 11

What PRSD Offers Principals and TeachersPrincipals and Teachers

What PRSD Offers Principals and TeachersPrincipals and Teachers

• it applies to all except beginning teachers

• it focuses on continuing professional development

• it is directly linked to the school’s development plan

• it establishes a rigorous annual review process

• it provides for personal professional development

• it makes classroom/task observation part of the overall process

• it enables decisions about career progression and pay to be informed by reliable evidence

Session 1

A Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersA Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersSlide 12


exploring the potential of PRSD

time - 10 minutes


Conference Workbook

Page 7

Session 1


A Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersA Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersSlide 13


• exploring the benefits of PRSD

• time – 15 mins


Conference Workbook

Page 9

Session 1


A Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersA Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersSlide 14





Performance Development


ol D




Low performance culture

High staff development culture

High accountability culture

High Performance Culture

High Performing School

A Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersA Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersSlide 15

Challenges for Principals and Challenges for Principals and Senior LeadersSenior Leaders

Challenges for Principals and Challenges for Principals and Senior LeadersSenior Leaders

• establishing a sense of what PRSD can do in your school and the benefits it can bring

• understanding PRSD, the review process and its implications for all those involved

• preparing for the introduction and implementation of PRSD and the review process

Session 1

A Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersA Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersSlide 16

20 minutes


A Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersA Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersSlide 17

Session 2Session 2Session 2Session 2

The PRSD Process

Key documents that will be referenced during this session

PRSD Scheme (located in Handbook Appendix I)

PRSD Guidance issued by Employing Authority (located in Handbook Appendix II)

RTU PRSD Workbook for this conference

A Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersA Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersSlide 18

VisionVision(PRSD Scheme – Vision Statement)

VisionVision(PRSD Scheme – Vision Statement)

The scheme’s vision statement says that it is integral to the school development planning process

• recognises the significant skills, abilities and experience of teachers

• will foster their continuing professional development

• will seek to provide for all pupils the highest quality learning and teaching

Session 2

A Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersA Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersSlide 19

Aims Aims (PRSD Scheme 2.1)

Aims Aims (PRSD Scheme 2.1)

The scheme declares that it aims to

• recognise the contribution of teachers to achieving the aims of the school development plan and help them to identify ways of enhancing their skills and performance

• identify the professional needs and necessary resources to support teachers in their professional development and career progression

• increase teachers’ participation in decision-making and career planning

• develop in teachers a greater sense of control over their work

Session 2

A Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersA Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersSlide 20

Aims Aims (PRSD Scheme 2.1)

Aims Aims (PRSD Scheme 2.1)

The scheme goes on to state that it seeks to

• enhance the quality of education

• inform the management of schools

• improve teacher morale and motivation

• be seen by staff as enabling

• be manageable and minimise bureaucracy

Session 2

A Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersA Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersSlide 21

Fundamental PrinciplesFundamental PrinciplesFundamental PrinciplesFundamental Principles

If the scheme’s aims are to be achieved, the review process in schools must be built on the following

- professionalism

- confidentiality

- sensitivity

- openness and transparency

- equity and fairness

- trust and confidence


PRSD Handbook (Section 4.4)

Session 2

A Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersA Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersSlide 22

Review Cycle Year 1 Review Cycle Year 1 (PRSD Scheme 2.2 & 4.1)

Review Cycle Year 1 Review Cycle Year 1 (PRSD Scheme 2.2 & 4.1)


PRSD Handbook

Section 3.3Initial Review Meeting

Monitoring and evidence gathering

Review discussion and review statement

Review statement Annex

Session 2

A Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersA Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersSlide 23

The Initial Review MeetingThe Initial Review Meeting (PRSD Scheme 4.2 to 4.4)

The Initial Review MeetingThe Initial Review Meeting (PRSD Scheme 4.2 to 4.4)

• setting 3 objectives

• criteria


• centrality of school development plan

• recording the objectives

A Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersA Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersSlide 24

School Vision Statement

School Aims

School Development Plan



a statement of the actions to be taken to achieve a SMART

detectable difference in a particular area

A Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersA Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersSlide 25

Code of Practice Code of Practice Code of Practice Code of Practice

• The Code of Practice notes that the reviewer

– must be familiar with relevant policies

– should have access to a range of background information relevant to the reviewee’s wider professional responsibilities

– should be provided with a copy of the reviewee’s job description

Session 2


PRSD Handbook Appendix III

A Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersA Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersSlide 26

Workshop 3Workshop 3Workshop 3Workshop 3

• Establishing Objectives for a Performance Review

• Time - 20 minutes


Conference Workbook

Page 16

Session 2


A Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersA Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersSlide 27

Setting Objectives – Setting Objectives – Some SuggestionsSome Suggestions

Setting Objectives – Setting Objectives – Some SuggestionsSome Suggestions

Issues arising from the second workshop activity

• Some guidelines to consider

- remember that it is a new and unfamiliar process

- keep to the PRSD scheme

- use the additional guidance materials

- seek agreement, but ……..

- accept that it will take time to get it right

- keep the bigger picture in mind

Session 2

A Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersA Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersSlide 28

Annual Review Cycle Annual Review Cycle (PRSD Scheme 2.2 & 4.1)

Annual Review Cycle Annual Review Cycle (PRSD Scheme 2.2 & 4.1)


PRSD Handbook

Flow Chart Appendix

Initial Review Meeting

Monitoring and evidence gathering

Review discussion and review statement

Review statement Annex

Session 2

A Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersA Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersSlide 29

Collecting the EvidenceCollecting the Evidence (PRSD Scheme 4.6 & 4.7)

Collecting the EvidenceCollecting the Evidence (PRSD Scheme 4.6 & 4.7)

• collection of information carried out in accordance with agreed Code of Practice

• relevant to the three review objectives

• on the basis of consultation between reviewer and reviewee

• reviewees are expected to co-operate fully with any reasonable request for appropriate information

• purposes

- assist dialogue in the review discussion

- monitors progress towards achieving objectives

• classroom and/or task observation required

• conforms to fundamental principles

Session 2

A Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersA Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersSlide 30

Classroom/Task ObservationClassroom/Task Observation (PRSD Scheme 4.7)

Classroom/Task ObservationClassroom/Task Observation (PRSD Scheme 4.7)

• part of the review process for everyone

• occurs on 2 occasions – of a maximum period of 1 hour and to take place prior to the review discussion

• related to the objectives set at the initial meeting

• designed to provide relevant evidence

• conducted in a manner consistent with fundamental principles

• value of agreed protocols for monitoring and observation established at the initial meeting

• use of observation recording documentation

Session 2

A Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersA Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersSlide 31

Classroom Observation - ActivityClassroom Observation - ActivityClassroom Observation - ActivityClassroom Observation - Activity

• familiarise yourself with the sample classroom observation proformas

• how relevant are they to your own particular school situation?

• what are the issues you might now have to consider?

Time 5 minutes

Session 2

A Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersA Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersSlide 32

Annual Review Cycle Annual Review Cycle (PRSD Scheme 2.2 & 4.1)

Annual Review Cycle Annual Review Cycle (PRSD Scheme 2.2 & 4.1)


PRSD Handbook

Section 3.3Initial Review Meeting

Monitoring and evidence gathering

Review discussion and review statement

Review statement Annex

Session 2

A Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersA Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersSlide 33

The Review DiscussionThe Review Discussion (PRSD Scheme 4.8) & (PRSD Guidance 3.12)

The Review DiscussionThe Review Discussion (PRSD Scheme 4.8) & (PRSD Guidance 3.12)

• When it happens

• Who attends

• Where it happens

• What the purposes are

– establish the reviewee’s performance against the objectives set– review the extent to which objectives have been achieved– discuss the reviewee’s career aspirations– to note any personal/professional development needs arising – to agree an action plan to meet these needs– to identify three objectives for the next review cycle

Session 2

A Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersA Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersSlide 34

Preparing for and conducting the Preparing for and conducting the review discussionreview discussion

Preparing for and conducting the Preparing for and conducting the review discussionreview discussion

Some suggestions for conducting the review discussion– establish purpose of review– consider job description– affirm the positive aspects of reviewee’s performance– review the extent to which objectives have been achieved– discuss reviewee’s professional development needs and

career aspirations– explore areas for development and establish the objectives for

the next review cycle

Session 2

A Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersA Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersSlide 35

The Review Statement The Review Statement (PRSD Scheme 4.9 to 5.8)

The Review Statement The Review Statement (PRSD Scheme 4.9 to 5.8)

• An agreed record of the conclusions of the review discussion

- prepared by the reviewer

- agreed by the reviewee

- signed by both

- a brief and concise summary of the outcomes of the discussion

• Prepared within 10 working days of the review discussion

• A confidential document

Session 2

A Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersA Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersSlide 36

Review Cycle ThereafterReview Cycle ThereafterReview Cycle ThereafterReview Cycle Thereafter

Monitoring and evidence gathering

Review discussion, review statement and setting objectives for next cycle

Review statement Annex

A Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersA Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersSlide 37

Workshop 4Workshop 4Workshop 4Workshop 4

• completing the review statement

• Time – 20 minutes

Session 2


Conference Workbook

Page 21


A Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersA Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersSlide 38

Some Key Points for School Some Key Points for School LeadersLeaders

Some Key Points for School Some Key Points for School LeadersLeaders

• establishing three objectives and the criteria that apply

• centrality of the school development plan

• value of school-based protocols

• importance of the reviewer’s role

• a new process, needing careful introduction

• sources of further information, guidance and support

Session 2

A Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersA Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersSlide 39

45 minutes


A Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersA Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersSlide 40


Initiating, implementing and sustaining PRSD in the school

Key documents that will be referenced during this sessionPRSD Scheme (located in Handbook Appendix I)PRSD Guidance issued by Employing Authority (located in

Handbook Appendix II)RTU PRSD Workbook for this conference

A Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersA Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersSlide 41

Roles and ResponsibilitiesRoles and ResponsibilitiesRoles and ResponsibilitiesRoles and Responsibilities

• Employing Authorities (Handbook 6.1)

• Advisory and Co-ordinating Group (Scheme 1.5)

• Boards of Governors (Handbook 6.2)

• Governor Reviewers (Handbook 6.2)

• External Advisers (Handbook 6.3)

• Principals (Handbook 6.4)

• Reviewers (Handbook 8 and 9)

• Reviewees (Handbook 6.5)

Session 3

A Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersA Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersSlide 42

PrincipalPrincipal - - Roles and ResponsibilitiesRoles and Responsibilities PrincipalPrincipal - - Roles and ResponsibilitiesRoles and Responsibilities

• Assisting the Board of Governors to prepare and implement a performance review policy (PRSD Scheme 1.2)

• ensure the professional development and performance of teachers is reviewed annually in accordance with the scheme (PRSD Scheme 1.3)

• Acting as a reviewer (PRSD Scheme 3.1)

• Assigning reviewers (PRSD Scheme 3.1)

• Being a reviewee (PRSD Scheme 3.2) - This will be dealt with in more detail at the governor reviewer conferences

Session 3

A Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersA Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersSlide 43

PrincipalPrincipal - - Roles and ResponsibilitiesRoles and ResponsibilitiesPrincipalPrincipal - - Roles and ResponsibilitiesRoles and Responsibilities

• Coordinating the annex to the review statements for the purposes of planning/providing the T&D of teachers (PRSD Scheme 5.4)

• To ensure that the scheme is operated equitably and fairly for all (PRSD Scheme 8.1)

• Establishing links between PRSD and other policies and prcedures

• Co-operating with any quality assurance or external monitoring procedures (PRSD Scheme 9.1)

• Provide school based training on PRSD for teachers in their school – similar to the Threshold model of school-based training

Session 3

A Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersA Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersSlide 44

School PolicySchool PolicySchool PolicySchool Policy

• duty of Board of Governors to prepare (PRSD Scheme 1.2)

• in consultation with teachers (PRSD Scheme 1.2)

• Model School Policy

Some suggestions

– Keep to the requirements of the scheme and guidance information from the Employing Authority

– Conform to existing arrangements for consultation within your school

– Present to Governors for formal adoption

Session 3

A Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersA Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersSlide 45

School Development PlanSchool Development PlanSchool Development PlanSchool Development Plan

• the school’s development plan is central to the effectiveness of PRSD in each school

• the school development plan is frequently referred to throughout the scheme involving the Board of Governors, principal and teachers

• the objectives for principals and teachers must relate to the school development plan (PRSD Scheme 4.2 & 4.4)

• training and development needs identified through the scheme are reflected in the school development plan (PRSD Scheme 1.4)

Session 3

A Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersA Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersSlide 46

Assigning ReviewersAssigning ReviewersAssigning ReviewersAssigning Reviewers

• Boards of Governors designate a minimum of two reviewers to review the principal (PRSD Scheme 3.2)

• principal designates the reviewer of a teacher (PRSD Scheme 3.1)

• wherever possible the reviewer should have curricular responsibility for the teacher (PRSD Scheme 3.1)

Session 3

A Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersA Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersSlide 47

Code of PracticeCode of PracticeCode of PracticeCode of Practice

• collection of information other than observation (PRSD Scheme 4.6)

Session 3


PRSD Handbook Appendix III

A Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersA Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersSlide 48

Equal OpportunitiesEqual OpportunitiesEqual OpportunitiesEqual Opportunities

• this scheme shall operate fairly and equitably for all (PRSD Scheme 8.1)

• used positively to promote equality of opportunity (PRSD Scheme 8.2)

• this scheme shall comply with equality legislation in Northern Ireland (PRSD Scheme 8.3)

Session 3

A Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersA Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersSlide 49

Links to other school Links to other school plans/policies/proceduresplans/policies/procedures

Links to other school Links to other school plans/policies/proceduresplans/policies/procedures

• Development plan

• Staff development plan

• Salary Policy

• Grievance Policy

• Equal Opportunity policy

A Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersA Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersSlide 50

Quality assurance and external Quality assurance and external monitoringmonitoring

Quality assurance and external Quality assurance and external monitoringmonitoring

• Board Of Governors and principal required to comply with any QA and external monitoring procedures (PRSD Scheme 9.1)

Session 3

A Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersA Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersSlide 51

PRSD Scheme

School PRSD

Policy and procedures

initiating implementing sustaining

High Performance Culture

A Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersA Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersSlide 52

Workshop 5Workshop 5 (task 1)(task 1)Workshop 5Workshop 5 (task 1)(task 1)

• School’s level of readiness

• Time - 20 minutes

Session 3


Conference Workbook

Page 29


A Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersA Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersSlide 53

Workshop 5Workshop 5 (tasks 2 & 3)(tasks 2 & 3)Workshop 5Workshop 5 (tasks 2 & 3)(tasks 2 & 3)

• What happens next, Checklist to guide action

• Time 25 minutes


Conference Workbook

Page 32


A Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersA Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersSlide 54

Session 4Session 4



A Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersA Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersSlide 55

School based trainingSchool based trainingSchool based trainingSchool based training

• Exceptional closure day for training teachers

• Similar to the Threshold model of In-school training

• Possible format

Why we are doing it

What it involves

How it will be done

• After the training day, issues for further attention, eg timetabling arrangements, data availability, reviewee development, record keeping, etc

Session 3

A Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersA Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersSlide 56


• Implementation timeline (end of workbook)

• School based PRSD professional development resources

– A resource pack available through RTU website (available from mid-March)

– Developing reviewer capability to support PRSD (an on-line programme available from mid- March)

A Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersA Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersSlide 57


• recognise that while it is a new process, there are important foundations - SDPR & Threshold

• similar processes for other policies may already exist in your school

– EPD / PQH(NI) / SDPR / Threshold / IiP / Teacher Induction

– IEPs / Education Maintenance Allowances EMAs / pupil target setting, etc

• consider evidence based school research and findings and their implications for school leaders in implementing PRSD

Session 3

A Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersA Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersSlide 58

A Review of Expected OutcomesA Review of Expected Outcomes

This conference set out to

• show you how PRSD fits into the wider educational picture

• explain what PRSD offers schools

• provide an overview of the annual review cycle

• explore the implications of the scheme for principals and teachers

• give you time to consider the scheme’s most important elements

• help you put a performance review process in place in your school

• provide resources for supporting school based training for teachers


A Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersA Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersSlide 59

Before You Go…Before You Go…

• travel claim forms

• evaluation forms

• sub-cover claims

• sources of further support -


A Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersA Conference for Principals and Senior LeadersSlide 60

