Pepole Friendly Police Stations 2 · Some of the reasons for above scenario and mistrust of...

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Transcript of Pepole Friendly Police Stations 2 · Some of the reasons for above scenario and mistrust of...

  • 1) Name of the Project ! : PEOPLE FRIENDLY POLICE


    2) (a) Project Leader! ! :! Dr. Ish Kumar, IPS,!

    ! ! ! ! ! ! Addl.DGP, T.S., A.P.!

    !(b)Other Team Members ! :! 1. Mr. K.Koshy, (1973), Ex.DGP, !


    ! ! ! ! !

    ! ! 2. Shri M.K.Devrajan (1977)!

    Member, State Human Rights !

    Commission, Rajasthan.!

    ! ! 3. Sudhanshu Sarangi, (1990)!

    Joint Director, Cabinet !


    !! ! ! ! 4. Vineeth Kapoor,!

    ! ! ! ! ! ADC to Governor, M.P.!


    3) First Draft as on 16-10-2014.!!


  • ! !


    :: INDEX ::!!! !

    Sl.No. Subject Page. No.

    1 Introduction 1

    2 Objective 2

    3 Methodology: 3

    4 Proposed Action Plan 4

    a). Improving Human resources 4 – 9

    b). Improving Process in Police Stations 9 – 14

    c). Physical Infrastructure & PS Expenses 14 – 16

    d). Communication & Technology 16

    e). Misc Suggestions 17

    f). Accountability 17

  • !!!! !



    :: ANNEXURES ::!


    g). Role of Police Leader Ship and ! Police Subordinates 18

    5 Financial Implications of the Project 18

    6 Implementation Strategy 18

    Sl.No. SubjectPage.No


  • !!!!!


    1Proceedings of 1

    Friendly Police Stations” on 22-08-2012

    2Paper on Human Resource Management for People

    Friendly Police Stations by Sri M.K. Devarajan

    3Quality objectives by Rajasthan Police – ISO


    4 Paper on Reception Desh, by Sri M.K.Devarajan.

    5Paper on Custody Management by Sudhanshu


    6Karnataka Circular on Investigation Expenses

    dated: 09-05-2009

    7Paper on Police Station Expenses by Shri Vineet


  • !!!


    INTRODUCTION!! Police in India are perceived to be rude, unfriendly and do not enjoy the

    confidence of the people. There is a general perception that Police do not

    behave properly towards complainants, witnesses and victims of crime. The

    Police response to most of the complaints is inadequate and that too delayed.

    No cases can be registered without giving money or using influence. Police

    burk and minimize the crime. Police also suffers from caste, community and

    gender biases. Police is also perceived to be corrupt and partial who act on

    behalf of rich, influential and those in power. There have been large scale

    illegal detentions and instances of custodial rapes and deaths. !

    Most of the people are scared to go to a Police Station and would like to

    avoid it as far as possible. One is not sure whether he would not be detained

    or beaten or misbehaved with when one goes to a Police Station. Similarly,

    one is not sure whether any action will be taken on his complaint or it would

    be just filed or torn off. There are number of instances that when a

    complainant goes to a Police Station and lodges a complaint, he is questioned

    by Police in a manner as if he was the suspect or offender. Similarly, for

    women and girls, Police Station is perceived to be totally unsafe. Most of the

    senior Police officers themselves are not sure that if they approach a Police

    Station without introducing themselves, whether any cognizance of the

    complaint would be taken and what kind of Police behavior one would have to

    face. !

    There are large numbers of cases where Police Stations have been

    gheroed, stone pelting done and even burnt, in case of custodial deaths and

  • custodial rapes, clearly illustrating the lack of mutual trust between police and

    people. The courts at various levels have regularly passed strictures against

    the style of functioning and poor standard of investigation by Police. The

    famous quote from Supreme Court Justice Shri. Mulla “Police are single

    largest group of criminals in uniform” is an indicator of judicial thought process

    regarding Police in India. It may not be a totally correct picture of the whole

    system, but definitely calls for soul searching by police. !

    Some of the reasons for above scenario and mistrust of citizens in

    Indian police are mentioned below:-!

    (i) Rude and unfriendly Police Behavior & Attitude!

    (ii) Burking & Minimization of Crime !

    (iii) Inadequate/delayed response by Police !

    (iv) Corruption !

    (v) Partition attitude!

    (vi) Misuse of Powers/Other misconducts !

    (vii) Use of Excess Force and Extra-Legal Methods !

    (viii) Lack of Professional Competence !

    !OBJECTIVE!! ! Hence above project on People Friendly Police Stations/was

    conceived with following objectives to ensure :-!

    (i) Friendly and service oriented Police behaviour and attitude!

    (ii) 100% recording of all complaints without minimisation!

    (iii) Immediate and professional response to all the complaints!

  • (iv) No corruption!

    (v) Impartiality!

    (vi) Minimum use of force /no extra-legal methods!


    METHODOLOGY!1. !The Project was conceived by me as Director, NPM, BPR&D. It started

    with conduct of a meeting where officers (both serving & retired) from all

    over India were invited on 22-08-2012 to exchange views on the subject.

    41 officers attended with included Shri. A.S.Gill, Ex-DGP, Rajasthan &

    CRPF, Shir. K.Koshy, Ex-DG, BPR&D, Shri.Swaraj Puri, Ex-DGP, Madhya

    Pradesh, Shri.V.N.Rai, Director NPA & Shri. K.N.Sharma, DG, BPR&D

    (Proceedings enclosed Annexure - 1).!

    2. On request of Dr.Ish Kumar, IPS, Project Leader, following officers

    volunteered to join the group for working on this project:!

    1. Shri K. Koshy, IPS, Ex-DG, BPR&D (1973)!

    2. Shri M.K.Devrajan, IPS – Member State Human Rights Commission


  • 3. Shri Sudhanshu Sarangi, IPS – Joint Director, RAW (1990) !

    4. Mr. Sekhawat, Addl.SP, ACB, Rajasthan Police (dropped later)!

    5. Mr.Vineet Kapoor, ADC to Governor, MP (joined later). !

    3. The group met on 10th Sept, 2012, 29th October, 2012 and 8th February


    4. Dr.Ish Kumar also held a detailed meeting with SHOs, SIs, ASIs & HCs

    from Delhi and NCR area on 20th November, 2012 in which more than 80

    officers participated.!

    5. Dr.Ish Kumar along with Mr Sudhanshu Sarangi also visited Tommando

    PS in Odissha in December 2012.!

    6. Views were also called from Senior Police Officers on “Top Cop Group”

    and 20 to 25 officers responded including Mrs. Kiran Bedi, Ex-DG,

    BPR&D, Shri. Jacob Punnose, Ex-DGP, Kerala, Shri.Arvind Verma,

    Associate Professor in University of Indiana, USA.(ex-IPS officer). !

    7. A Presentation was also made me before MM5 group in BPR&D Hqrs., in

    February 2013 to elicit their views. !

    The above project report is based on the detailed discussions and feed

    backs received during the above meetings & interactions.!



    !(A)INADEQUATE STAFF (leading to Over work, Stress and Bad

    Behavior): !


  • ! This is the most important component which is required to be dealt both in long term and short term. !


    (i) Long Term Action Plan: Each state should formulate HRD Plan for

    its Police Force (Training division, BPR&D has already taken this

    initiative for 18 states under Training Intervention Scheme), where in

    deficit and requirements of man power and other resources at

    present, after 5 years, 10 years and 20 years should be worked out

    based on the field visits and collection of empirical evidence. !

    The PSs are required to be categorized in 3 to 4 categories

    based on the No. of FIRs registered and other Law and Order

    problems. For each of this category, the ideal man power

    requirement needs to be worked out. Some states have already

    done this exercise. However, a national standard of manpower

    requirement should be developed by BPR&D for Rural, Semi-Urban,

    Urban and Metro PSs which could serve as a general guideline for

    all the states. !

    ! ! ! While working out the above man power requirement, following

    factors should be taken into account. !

    a. Working in three shifts.!

    b. Separation of Crime Investigation from Law & Order!

    c. Restructuring of the Police Force by changing Teeth to tail ratio

    from present 1:7/8 to at least 1:4 & preferably 1:2 to make the

    Police more officer oriented & enhancing the promotional

    prospects for the sub-ordinates.!

  • d. All duties/jobs to be performed at PS level and outsourcing of

    peripheral duties like manning of reception desks, serving of

    summons, traffic regulation etc,. !

    ! ! UN standard of 222 Police personnel per one lakh population can be

    one criteria. MHA has prescribed man power of 444 per one lakh population

    for metro cities like Delhi etc.!

    ! ! BPR&D should also take up study for standardization of all other

    resources (apart from man power) in various kind of PSs i.e building, weapon,

    communication and transport etc.!

    (ii) Short Term Action Plan: Till such time the above studies are

    conducted and commensurate man power is sanctioned by the state

    government, the police leadership in the states needs to undertake

    following temporary measures.!

    1. Internal relocation by shifting the manpower from one PS to another

    within a district / state.!

    2. Attaching of home guards & SPOs to PSs.!

    3. Supplementation with armed reserve (to be substituted by Indian

    Reserve Battalion & GOI should sanction more IR Battalions to each


    4. Outsourcing of peripheral duties.!

    5. To maintain a system of compulsory weekly off for all till the shift

    system is introduced.!

    6. Senior officers must ensure that unnecessary deployments and over

    deployments are avoided. PS staff from one PS should not be

    frequently disturbed.!


  • (B) RECRUITMENT:!!(a)Transparent recruitment process developed by National Police

    Mission, BPR&D should be scrupulously followed by all the states to

    ensure a transparent, just & fair recruitment. !

    (b) Psychometric tests for evaluation of right attitude & the aptitude for

    policing must be introduced as being done by Army & Railways !

    (Gore Committee on police training had recommended in 1973 to

    BPR&D to develop above Psychometric tests but same is still


    (c)Further the present system of recruitment at four levels (Constable, !

    SI/ASI, DSP & IPS) must be reduced to two levels. (Constable &

    IPS) or a maximum of 3 (Constable, SI & IPS). This will

    tremendously improve the promotional projects for Constabulary.

    Nation Police Commission (1979-1981) had also recommended for

    abolishing of recruitment at DSP level.!

    (C) TRAINING:!! ! This is one of the most neglected areas where after undergoing 9

    months basic training, a constable does not get a chance even once in 15 to

    20 years to undergo refresher training. Apart from the various Professional

    subjects (Law, Investigation, VIP security, Traffic, handling various Law &

    Order situations etc.), Policemen must be trained in following subjects to

    change their orientation & make them people friendly: !

    (a) Policemen must be trained in “soft skills” including managing and

    responding to the telephone calls and talking to visitors etc.!

    !(b) Policemen must be sensitized towards issues of gender, minority and

    other weaker sections.!!

  • (c) The Policemen must be trained in interviewing of victims and witnesses and scientific interrogation of suspects and accused.!!

    (d) Police officers must be trained to help the victims of accidents / disasters. !!!

    ! ! The state & central government need to invest heavily on building the

    training infrastructure i.e., district training centers (for refresher training of

    Constables and Head Constables as in AP) and range training centers (for

    refresher training of ASIs to Inspectors as in TN) and specialized training

    centers at the state level on subjects like Coastal Security, Cyber Crime

    Investigation, Traffic Regulation, Intelligence & VIP security, Commando &

    Anti-Insurgency, Telecommunication & Detective Training etc. !

    ! ! Mobile teams can do ‘on the job training’ at PS itself. Briefing sessions

    in PS can be converted in to training classes (at least once a week). !

    ! Police leaders have to recognize the importance of training & give it its

    due. !!(D) IMPROVING WORK ENVIRONMENT IN PSS / MOTIVATING ! CONSTABULARY:!! There is a need to enhance the self esteem of the constables and enrich

    their job content. This can be done by:!

    a) All constables in the PS should be redesignated as officers and the

    proposed nomenclature could be as follows:!

    1. Beat Officer.!

    2. Scene of Crime Officer.!

    3. Court Officer.!

    4. Custody Officer.!

    5. IT officer.!

  • 6. Forensic Officer.!

    7. Community Police Officer.!

    8. Records Manager.!

    and so on and so forth.!

    b) Empowerment of the beat constable where he is entrusted with the

    total management of the beat including conduct of enquiries,

    verifications and meeting with RWAs (Resident Welfare Associations),

    CIGs (Community Liason Groups) etc., He should also be responsible

    for implementation of various community policing initiatives in the beat

    In due course of the time, senior PCs should be entrusted with

    investigation of small and petty cases if required by amending the law.!

    c) Rewards must be instituted for the best performer of the month and his

    photo graph should be displayed in the reception area of the PS. Later

    these competitions could be taken to district and state level and

    rewards /commendations could be given in each of the categories

    mentioned above(a).!

    d) Each PS must have a separate workstation for each PC where he

    could sit and write reports etc.!

    e) There must be adequate arrangements for rest, recreation and mess/

    canteen in each PS.!

    f) By re-structuring of recruitment and promotion systems, we must

    ensure that every PC should get at least three promotions in his career

    and should retire at minimum SI level (Kerala example of grade SIs

    and ASIs can be looked into).!

  • g) There have been complaints of SHOs and other senior officers

    misbehaving with their subordinates which must be curbed. Duties

    should be fairly distributed (same person should not be put on night

    duty regularly). Communication between the SHO and the

    constabulary should be improved by holding regular meetings and

    briefing sessions. Senior officers must check this during their regular

    and surprise visits.!

    h) It must be ensured that leaves are granted to constabulary in a fair

    manner and definitely in emergencies. Favoritisms must be avoided in

    matters of sanction of leave and duties etc.!

    i) SsP must ensure that the pending issues of constabulary in SPs office

    are resolved expeditiously and constable are not harassed by the staff

    in SP Office.!

    j) Due attention must be paid to the welfare of the Police Constabulary

    and their families in terms of construction and maintenance of proper

    living accommodations, opening of Police schools and hostels for the

    children of Police personnel at dist/ sub divisional level (Police Schools

    are managed by DAV society in Haryana and Punjab), seats could be

    reserved in Govt. Professional colleges for the meritorious children of

    Police personnel; concept of cashless medical insurance policy for the

    constable family (Arogya bhadratha in AP) are required to be followed

    in all the states.!

    (E) OTHERS: There is also requirement for appointment of a victim support

    officer; a community police officer and child protection officer in each PS and

    Asst. Public Prosecutor (at circle level). Himachal Pradesh model of

    appointment of a para legal officer from the legal aid authority to persons in

    custody can also be followed. !

  • ! ! Detailed paper on Improving HR in Police Stations written by Shri. M.K.

    Devrajan is enclosed as Annexure – 2.!


    (i) 100% & Correct Recording Of All Complaints and Proper

    Enquiry / !

    Investigation :- !

    ! (a) The Police must ensure that all complaints received in a Police

    Station either in person or by post or on telephone or even a SMS or an e-

    mail is properly recorded preferably on a computer (where senior officers

    have an access to monitor). All complaints must be acted upon and

    responded to and after preliminary verification, those revealing cognizable

    offence should be converted into FIRs (may require change in Section-154

    CrPC). Every complainant must be given a receipt for the complaint either

    physically or electronically. Insistence upon physical presence of a

    complainant in a Police Station for registration of FIR must be done away

    with. Recording of complaints can also be outsourced.!

    (b) The jurisdictions of all the Police Stations in the country must be

    digitized and should be available on the internet. The Police officers who

    refuse to register the case, on not having jurisdiction must be sternly dealt

    with as the law is clear that after registration of the case, the Zero FIR could

    be transferred to the Police Station with jurisdiction. !

    (c) Every district and in long term every Police Station must have a

    website where the complaints could be lodged. !

    (d) For listening to the complaints from women and children, the

    women and children helpdesks must be established in all Police Stations

    which would require a large scale recruitment of Women Police (at least 4 for

    rural Police Station 6 to 8 in urban Police Stations and 10-12 in Metro police

    station). !

  • (e) The Police personnel manning the reception in a Police Station

    should be properly dressed and trained in soft skills.!

    (f) The Police response must be standardized for dealing with various

    criminal and civil complaints. (SOPs need to be developed and followed). !

    (g) All investigations/enquiries must be fair and completed in time.!

    !(ii) SOPs: !

    (a) SOPs must be developed for all kinds of investigations as well as

    handling of various law and order situations. A mention must be made of

    Cyberabad Commissionerate in Hyderabad and ISO Police Stations in

    Rajasthan where some such SOPs were developed. !

    All the internal PS processes like arrest, search, seizure, interrogation

    etc. are required to be relooked into and reworked to ensure that these

    processes are people friendly and dignity of the individual is maintained even

    if he is accused. While reworking the SOPs for policing processes, attention

    must be given to prevent its misuse by unscrupulous police officers. These

    SOPs must be available in each Police Station. Police personnel must be

    trained in above SOPs. !

    BRR&D is requested to hire a group of retired police officers for

    rewriting above SOPs. Once the group constituted by BPR&D re-works all the

    SOPs same should be circulated to all states for adoption and incorporation in

    the respective police manuals.!

    (b) ISO Certification of Police Stations will help in implementation of !

    ! various standard processes. !

    ! (c) The Police mindset must be changed from the task orientation to

    ! ! process orientation after all the work processes are

    standardized. !

    (III) FIRST AID & COUNSELLING: PSs must develop systems for giving first

    aid and counseling to the injured /victims of crime with the help of nearby

  • hospitals and NGOs. There should be a provision of Ambulance to shift to the

    hospital at the earliest atlest in Urban and Metro Police Stations. As a

    futuristic measure, some of the private hospitals could be requested to open

    first aid counter along paramedical staff in PS itself.!


    (a)There are often complaints that in police stations (especially in rural

    areas) there is lot of delay in responding to complaint, there by giving

    ample opportunity to culprit to escape. Even scene of crime gets

    disturbed and vital clues are lost and even all witnesses may not be

    available for examination. Hence, there is a need to provide adequate

    number of thana vehicles (one four wheeler and 2-4 two wheelers in a

    rural PS and semi urban PSs: 2 four wheelers and 5-8 two wheelers in

    Urban PS and 3-4 four wheeler and 10-15 motor cycles in Metro PSs to

    respond to the scenes of crime). These vehicles will be in addition to

    the PCR vehicles. Above vehicles must be provided with sufficient fuel

    quota and drivers posts should to be sanctioned or taken on hire other

    wise constables end up as drivers, further depleting PS strength. !

    (b)Similarly there must be adequate no. of mobile forensic vans, dog

    squads, BD squads and Quick Response Teams (QRT vehicles) at

    circle/SDPO level to respond to various situations. !

    (c)In cities & districts Hqrs, we should have integrated control rooms

    supported by well equipped GPS enabled PCR vans and trained man

    power. Establishment of highway patrol teams and Rail alert vehicle will

    go a long way in improving police image. !

    (d)All districts and major cities should establish help lines for women,

    children, old & drug addicts etc.,!

  • (e)Software applications should be developed so that the moment an

    incidence takes place, the complainant sends the complaint through a

    SMS/MMS/E-mail/Telephone to the concerned Police Station directly or

    through control room and SHO/control room dispatches a Police team to

    crime spot. !

    ! The Rajasthan Police ISO experiment has laid down the quality

    objectives in which time lines are mentioned for doing some jobs which are

    required to be further developed & followed by the Police personnel in all

    States. (Annexure - 3). !

    (V) COURT WORK: Court Monitoring System, experimented in Vijaywada

    (A.P.) successfully must be implemented by all States, first in urban areas and

    later in the other areas to improve the Court work. !

    ! Police must ensure that recovered properties are returned to the

    complainants at the earliest. Every complainant should be able to know the

    status of his case either through SMS or by logging to District Police Station

    website or visiting police stations.!


    Rajasthan and Vijaywada of Andhra Pradesh) must be looked at for resolving

    the various disputes within legal framework.!

    (VII) RIGHT TO SERVICES ACT: must be promulgated in all States so that

    Police personnel know that they have to deliver various services like

    permission for loud speakers, rallies, various verifications, NOCs in a time

    bound manner (as single window system) and defaulters are punished to pay

    fines from their pockets. The rights of citizen under the above Act should be

    boldly displayed in each Police Station. !

    ! In this regard, a mention can be made of the “SAANJH” model of

    Punjab where along with every Police Station a Community Police

    Resource Centre has been established for this propose.!


  • ! (a) Jan Maitri and Student Cadet Police of Kerala, Nagrik Rakshak

    ! ! Dalams and Gram Rakshak Dalams of Madhya Pradesh,

    Trichi ! ! Beat Boxes, Friends of Police in Tamil Nadu, the Community

    Liaison ! Groups in Assam and Rajasthan are examples of successful

    Community ! Policing. !

    ! (b) The recent changes brought in Kerala Police Act (2011) by which

    ! ! Community Policing has become an integral part of Police !

    ! ! functioning both in law as well as in practice needs to be

    followed by ! all States. !

    (c) Mindset that Community Policing is soft policing and additional work

    ! requires change especially among senior Police officers.

    Community ! Policing must be amalgamated with day to day functioning of

    a ! ! Police Station.!

    ! (d) Each Police Station must have a Community Police Officer who is

    in ! regular touch with various sections of the society and regularly !

    ! conducts community outreach programmes like Sensitization !

    ! Campaigns, Literacy Camps, Medical Camps and Sports Meets etc. !

    ! (e) Community must be involved not only as force multiplier but as an

    ! important stakeholder in determining the policing priorities and !

    ! formulation of Annual Policing Plan for each Police Station. !

    ! Emphasis should also be laid on joint training/meetings/briefings of

    ! Beat Constables and community members. !

    ! (f) SHOs should regularly visit villages and hold meetings with villagers

    ! to know their problems. Such regular interaction between the Police

    ! and the community will bring more transparency in Police ! !

    ! functioning, reduce the corruption and is the only way for Police to

    ! win trust of the People. ! !

  • ! (g) Police help for destitute, street children, mentally derailed and !

    ! visually challenged will also go a long way in building the people’s

    ! confidence. ! !

    (IX) BEST POLICING PRACTICES: The BPR&D should compile on a regular

    basis the various best Policing practices evolved in different states and

    circulate them to all the states for adoption. For Eg:- UNICEF gender

    experiment of Karnataka, PS information system & servants verifications

    system of Delhi, Student Cadet Police system of Kerala etc.!

    ! Each state needs to replicate and insututionalize these best practices. !

    (X) LEGAL CHANGES: All states should legislate a new Police Act on the

    pattern of model draft Police Act 2006 (under revision in 2014) or Kerala

    Police Act 2011.!

    (3) PHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTURE & PS EXPENSES:! (a) (i). The PS building must be redesigned in manner that PS has separate

    areas for reception/Front office, PS internal working, custody management

    and rest/recreations. The reception area in PS must have reception counter

    as well as separate women desk. It must be provided with a proper waiting

    hall with adequate furniture, facilities for drinking water & toilet. Separate room

    for interview/Counseling and training room for conduct of training

    programmers, CLG meetings and media interactions should be provided.

    Write up by Shri M.K. Devarajan on “reception desk” is enclosed as

    Annexure – 4. !

    ! (ii). The office space apart from chamber for SHO, should have work

    stations for all the other staff right up to PC, Computer room, record room and

    adequate storage for case properties, Arms and Ammunition, stationery etc.,!

    ! (iii). The custody area should have individual custody suits with toilet

    inside. A rural PS can have 2-3 such suits, semi-urban PS 4-6 suits and urban

    PS 8-10 suits and metro PS can have 12-14 suits. All the suits must be under

    CCTVs surveillance and a custody officer should be posted in shifts to monitor

  • the CCTV. In addition there must be a room for medical examination / legal

    consultation/meeting with family members and an interrogation interview room

    with a audio/video linkage. The detailed paper on custody management by Sri

    Sudhrshu Sarangi is enclosed Annexure – 5. !

    ! (iv). On the 1st and 2nd floor in a PS, space must be provided for the

    rest, recreation and messing for the staff. A Gym must be provided in each

    PS. Outdoor Volley ball courts etc., should all so be provided. !

    ! (v). Security features in a PS will depend upon location of the PS and threat perception. ! ! (vi). Tentatively a rural PS should have 6,000 – 7000 sft., urban PS

    9,000 – 10,000 sft., and metro PS 14,000 – 15,000 sft., area. BPR&D is

    requested to re design the various PSs on above lines and workout the areas

    and the cost involved. BPR&D team may like to visit the various PSs

    constructed in this pattern in the state of Odisha. !

    (b) PS EXPENSES: A Karnataka Study has shown that a rural PS needs

    a min of Rs 10,000/- and an Urban PS requires Rs 30,000/- every month for

    various expenditures. !

    ! The above expenditure is for buying of stationery, diet for the accused

    in custody, transporting of injured & dead, photography, making photo copies

    of the documents etc. Today most of this expenditure is met by local

    collections from wine shops, land sharks, lorries etc., there by legitimizing the

    corruption at the PS level. Only the states of Karnataka & A.P have taken

    lead, where some funds are sanctioned to each PS on a monthly basis toward

    investigation expenses/contingency charges (Annexure – 6: Circular by


    ! It is high time that all the states follow the model of Karnataka and A.P

    and adequate funds every month are sanctioned to each PS (10,000 to

    15,000 for Rural PS, 25,000 to 30,000 for Urban PS, 50,000 to 60,000 for

    Metro PS). The total budget required for above expenditure will vary from 10

    to 15 crores per annum for an average state with 500 PSs which is not much. !

  • ! SHO of the each PS must be declared as DDO & Budget under various

    heads including salaries TA, DA, maintenance must be sanctioned to him

    directly. !

    ! Detailed assessment of the financial requirement at various PS has

    been done by Shri Vineet kapoor & his paper is enclosed Annexure –7. !

    (4) COMMUNICATION & TECHNOLOGY:- ! (a). Each PS must be provided with sufficient member of computers with ! internet facility (as done in CCTNS). Apart from the Computer room, ! computers should be made available to the reception desk, the PS ! ! writer & ! SHO and IOs also. The CCTNS should be further ! ! improved to provide ! last mile connectivity to a constable on ! ! move. ! ! The CCTNS data base should be able to connect with data base of

    ! ! other departments like transport etc. !

    (b). All constables must be provided with cell phones with camera facility

    ! so that they can photograph scene of offence/suspect/vehicle. All

    these ! phones can be covered under CUG facility. !

    (c). Where ever a constable is using his personal vehicle for official work,

    ! provision must be reimburse him the fuel charges. !

    (d). All important areas in the PS must be kept under CCTV surveillance. !

    (e). Each PS should have a trained scene of crime officer. ! (f). PS must be provided with adequate member of investigation kits with a !

    regular provision for replenishment of the chemicals. !

    (g). Similarly the PS should also be provided with adequate no of static

    and !

    mobile VHF, UHF sets and other security equipments including !

    weapons on need basis. !

    (g). All PSs must have a generator. !

    (i). The Urban/Metro PSs “should provide” touch screen kiosks for ! ! information and assistance (later even in rural PS). ! (j). Each dist. Must be provided with a mini FSL. !!(5). MISC SUGGESTIONS:!

  • (a). Police should tie up with dist admin for providing of the financial ! ! support to the women, SC, ST and accident victims. ! (b). A criminal Justice fund can be created as done in Kerala to meet all ! the sundry expenses at PS level. ! (c). All PS must have sufficient greenery on the outside to give it a !

    ! pleasant look. !

    (d). Sentry must be removed from the front of the PS and posted in the ! custody area at least in all PSs not affected by Naxalism/terrorism. In ! non affected areas every PC need not carry a weapon. ! (e). BPR&D should design suitable uniform for the police men both in !

    ! affected and non affected areas making adequate provisions for !

    ! keeping a baton, communication set, mobile phone, a note book, and

    ! a weapon if required.!

    (f). Sri Arvind Verma, Asst. Professor Indiana University, USA has !

    ! suggested that if police responders are efficient and friendly, there

    ! ! should be no need for a common man to visit a PS. He just

    needs to ! dial-100 and rest should be taken care of by the police. We

    must aim ! towards this in future. !

    (6) ACCOUNTABILITY: ! After proper training, briefing and giving adequate resources,

    responsibility must be fixed on the various police ranks for good police

    performance. Cases of violation of human rights, non-registration or burking of

    the crime, applying wrong sections of law, tampering with investigations,

    booking of innocents, false recoveries etc must be dealt with sternly. The

    superior officers must regularly visit/inspect the PSs. !

    A system of third party audit and victim crime surveys must be instituted

    to get regular feed back from the public.!

    As recommended by the Supreme Court in 2006, Police Complaints

    Authorities should be established in all states to look into complaints against

    the Police. This system is already functioning in Kerala.!


  • For all above to happen, the senior leadership in Police have to play an

    important role and it requires a commitment of the highest order from them.

    The senior leadership should also look into number of reforms which have

    been suggested by various Committees & Commissions starting from Gore

    Committee on Police Training (1973), National Police Commission (1979-81),

    Ribero Committee (1999-2000), Padmanabhaia Committee (2000), Malimath

    Committee on Criminal justice (2003-04) and Public Order Report of 2nd

    Admn. Reforms Commission (2007) apart form the Supreme Court guidelines

    in Prakash Singhs case (2006).!

    Many of these reforms are internal and do not require any govt. approval

    and can be implemented by the Police leadership. For other reforms, requiring

    govt. approvals and financial sanctions, the Police leadership should try to

    convince govt. and also try to build public opinion by roping in media/


    (8). ROLE OF POLICE SUBORDINATES: However all above changes

    cannot be thrusted from the top only. For an effective change to come in, the

    Police Subordinate ranks have to be involved and they must own above

    changes. !