PBL Reserch Project-Storyboard

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Transcript of PBL Reserch Project-Storyboard

The Life of Martin Coronado Rodriguez

StoryboardBy: Esmeralda


ChildhoodFrame/Event Description:

Picture on the left with video, this song, Spanish Sahara by Foals, Describe his childhood.

Media List:

Song: Spanish Sahara by Foals

Text below the picture for indicate the date the picture was taken and subtitles

Martin Coronado Rodriguez was born in Rio Bravo, Tamaulipas on July 27, 1941. Martin had two younger brothers which made him the oldest of the three. Martin Coronado's father, David Coronado worked in agriculture. David's family all lived in a ranch outside of Rio Bravo. In the farm, David grew corn, wheat, beans and vegetables. David also took care of animals which included pigs, peacocks, horses, sheep, goats, etc. Martin Coronado's mother, Juana Rodriguez, was a housewife who stayed home and took care of her children and husband. Martin Coronado stopped attending school when he finished second grade due to lack of money and interest in his studies. Instead of attending school, Martin helped his father, David, out with maintaining the farm. This left more money for his younger brothers to attend school and it helped his parents by having less expenses.

Teenage Years

Martin helped around the farm throughout his teenage years but he also had a hobby like every teenager. In his free time he played pool with his friends. Martin really enjoyed playing and when he turned 17, Martin became a champion in a local tournament in Rio Bravo, Mexico. This gave Martin a sense of accomplishment as most of his life had been devoted to the family farm.

Frame/Event Description:

Picture on the right with video, this song, Spanish Sahara by Foals, Describe his basic teenage years and about his hobby

Media List:

Song: Spanish Sahara by Foals

Text below the picture for indicate the date the picture was taken and subtitles

AdultFrame/Event Description:

Picture on the left with video, this song, Spanish Sahara by Foals, Describe his intro to his adult life

Media List:

Song: Spanish Sahara by Foals

Text below the picture for indicate the date the picture was taken and subtitles Once Martin became an adult, he still dedicated his time to helping out his dad with

the family farm. Martin started to run the farm by himself as a result of his father becoming illness due to his age. His father, David, had prepared him since an early age how to run the farm so he was prepared for such an occasion. Throughout this whole time, Martin was single and was only concerned about the farm until he met the woman who he fell in love with, Felipa Facundo. At the age of 30, Martin Coronado married Felipa Facundo in 1972 and had his first daughter in 1973, Juanita Coronado and years later their first son, Jose Martin Coronado. Throughout this whole time they were a happy family bringing in a few other people in the family, Gloria Cedillo, Mateo Hernández and Sergio Rodriguez. Of course like every family, they had their conflicts and fights but at the end of the day everything was resolved.


But suddenly things took a turn for the worse. In 1991, Gloria Cedillo passed away in a car accident. Gloria was not the biological daughter of Martin Coronado or Felipa Facundo but they considered her as their own daughter. All the memories the family made with Gloria were cherish and forever remembered. This greatly affected both Martin and Felipa at different levels. Felipa was devastated but she continued putting a brave front for her husband and children. She tried her best and Martin was there to cheer her up and support her. But two years later on November 23,1993, Felipa had a heart attack and was unable to recover from it. Once again the family was struck with a tragedy. Martin took a long time to recover from losing the love of his life. Martin lost his sense of reality and stopped caring for the things happening around him. Martin started to feel ill soon after the tragedy.

Frame/Event Description:

Picture on the right with video, this song, Spanish Sahara by Foals, Describe the tragedy Martin had to suffer.

Media List:

Song: Spanish Sahara by Foals

Text below the picture for indicate the date the picture was taken and subtitles

Disease Beginning

He went to the doctor and Martin was diagnosed with diabetes. Like most people suffering from diabetes, Martin did not heed the warnings of his physician. Years later in 1995, Martin had no choice but to get his leg amputated. The reason for the amputation was because Martin got a small cut on his foot and as a result of his diabetes, he had not felt the injury. Diabetes causes, peripheral neuropathy which is nerve damage in the body that makes the individual lose sensation hence why he was unable to feel it. It is usually the feet and legs that are affected first. Throughout time he had the small cut in his foot, it became infected and quickly spread throughout his leg, thus the physicians decided to amputate his leg to stop further spread of the infection. The doctors could not do anything else to save his leg.

Frame/Event Description:

Picture on the left with video, this song, Spanish Sahara by Foals, Describe and tell the story of how his diabetes began

Media List:

Song: Spanish Sahara by Foals

Text below the picture for indicate the date the picture was taken and subtitles

Disease Eyesight

Not only were his foot and leg affected, but his eyes as well. During the year 1998, Martin was slowly losing his eyesight due to the diabetes. With diabetes a common complication called diabetic retinopathy occurs. It causes damage to the retina of the eye due to damage to the blood vessels around the retina. This usually affects both eyes and gets progressively worse the longer a person has had diabetes. If this is not treated, the person can go blind and this is exactly what happened to Martin with his eyes in 2002.

Frame/Event Description:

Picture on the right with video, this song, Spanish Sahara by Foals, Describe how the diabetes started to affect his eyesight

Media List:

Song: Spanish Sahara by Foals

Text below the picture for indicate the date the picture was taken and subtitles


One of the procedures that he needed to be done is dialysis. Dialysis is a medical procedure that removes waste from the blood. Over the course of the day the blood accumulates toxins and the body needs to filter out the toxins. Everyone’s kidneys do this natural but sadly for Martin, his kidneys were not functioning due to diabetes which damages the nerves and blood vessels around the kidneys as a result of the high level of sugars in the blood. Thus he needed dialysis three times a week for the rest of his life in order to stay alive. If Martin were to not go to the dialysis center, complication would start to appear in his body and it would require a hospital to treat him

Frame/Event Description:

Picture on the left with video, this song, Spanish Sahara by Foals, Describe this his treatment on diabetes

Media List:

Song: Spanish Sahara by Foals

Text below the picture for indicate the date the picture was taken and subtitles


Since the beginning when Martin started to lose his eyesight, he started to live with his daughter, Juanita, her husband, Eulalio, and their daughter, Esmeralda, and throughout this whole time, Juanita would take him to the dialysis center in Bainbridge, Georgia which was an hour away from their home in Blakely, Georgia. Years later, the family decided to move to Gordon, Alabama and the routine still continue on. In the year 2000, in Thomasville, Georgia at John D. Archbold Memorial Hospital the medical doctors and surgeons tried to help Martin to get his eyesight back. After hours in the operation and days of recovery, it failed and nothing could be done to save Martin Coronado’s eyesight. Martin was devastated but accepted the fact that he would never see again.

Frame/Event Description:

Picture on the right with video, this song, Spanish Sahara by Foals, Describe again about his eyesight perhaps recovering

Media List:

Song: Spanish Sahara by Foals

Text below the picture for indicate the date the picture was taken and subtitles

Start of the end

One day in the year 2008, the daughter’s family was waking up early to take Martin to the dialysis, Juanita was going to wake up Martin but he was unconscious but he was mumbling. Quickly Juanita called 911 and made Esmeralda talk to the caller because only she could speak english. Esmeralda tried her best to explain the situation and gave them their personal information. As soon as the ambulance arrived they took Martin but on the way to the hospital, Martin regain conscious and started to fight the EMT because he did not know what was going on. The EMT tried their best to call down Martin and explain to him what was going on. The only problem was that he did not know english but somehow he felt safe and stopped struggling. The doctors explained to the family that Martin was low in potassium.

Frame/Event Description:

Picture on the left with video, this song, Spanish Sahara by Foals, Describe one event that happen and would lead to his death

Media List:

Song: Spanish Sahara by Foals

Text below the picture for indicate the date the picture was taken and subtitles


A year later, Juanita’s brother Mateo was taking care of Martin for her since Juanita had to work. Once again, Martin lost consciousness and could not speak only mumble. Quickly, Juanita got out of work and went to pick up Martin. Martin slowly regain conscious but he could not remember anything not even his own daughter. Juanita tried her best effort to get Martin to remember her or even talk but all he did was stare off in the distance. Juanita took him to Thomasville, Georgia at John D. Archbold Memorial Hospital to check what was wrong with Martin. The doctors reemphasized, he was low in potassium which is causing his memory loss as potassium plays an important role in brain function and memory. During his time in the hospital, his daughter gathered her family to stay at the hospital with Martin. On the way there, Juanita received a call from the hospital saying that Mr. Martin Coronado had passed away. On January 31, 2009, Martin Coronado was declared dead due to a heart attack. According to the nurses and doctors, Martin died peacefully without a struggle. “He died falling asleep” said one of the nurses.

Frame/Event Description:

Picture on the right with video, this song, Spanish Sahara by Foals, Describe the event of his death

Media List:

Song: Spanish Sahara by Foals

Text below the picture for indicate the date the picture was taken and subtitles


On February 3, 2009, funeral services were held for Martin Coronado in Colquitt Funeral Home. Till this day Martin Coronado is remembered by his daughter, Juanita Coronado and his son, Jose Martin Coronado. Martin will be remembered for his love of ranchera music that he would always listen to with his portable CD player his granddaughter, Esmeralda, gave to him one Christmas. Also how he always loved to listen to people's stories especially when they describe a scenery to him. Martin tried his best to give advice to his daughter about everyday things. Just the simple fact that he was there for everyone was amazing, he would share his stories to anyone who was willing to listen and no matter who you were, Martin would gladly listen to you when you needed someone to listen to your troubles.

Frame/Event Description:

Picture on the left with video, this song, Spanish Sahara by Foals, Describe the events after his death and remembering him

Media List:

Song: Spanish Sahara by Foals

Text below the picture for indicate the date the picture was taken and subtitles