Paulo Mendez Da Rocha - Entrevista

Post on 30-Oct-2015

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Transcript of Paulo Mendez Da Rocha - Entrevista

7/16/2019 Paulo Mendez Da Rocha - Entrevista 1/30





presented  to 

P auloMendes da Rocha 

sponsored by 

The hyATT FoundATion

Photo by Ana Ottoni

7/16/2019 Paulo Mendez Da Rocha - Entrevista 2/30

nt t ets: T pts l ts blt a a samplg f 

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 All pts a tg t ts f Pal Ms a ra.

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Completed in 964, this apartment building is structurally designed as a long narrow

plate with a -oot span supported by reinorced concrete walls on two sides. The

surace receiving the most intense solar radiation is protected by a sunscreen designed

exclusively or this project. The openings on the west acade, with their parallel con-

crete slats, uniy the space and the rhythm o the interior.

Photo by: José Moscardi

The Guaimbê Residential BuildingSão Paulo, Brazil, 964

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The Paulistano Athletic ClubSão Paulo, Brazil, 958

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The Paulistano Athletic Club, com-

pleted in 958 in São Paulo, Brazil is

designed or a capacity o 000 specta-

tors. The structure is reinorced con-

crete with steel cables suspending themetal roo. The actual arena is in the

center o a long rectangular platorm

that serves as an esplanade and which

can accommodate complementary ac-

tivities in banqueting rooms and an in-

ner garden.

Paulistano Athletic Club

Photos by José Moscardi

The Paulistano Athletic ClubSão Paulo, Brazil, 958

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Paulo Mendes da Rocha designed his own home in Sao Paulo, completed in 960. It

was designed together with a second that is identical except or minor variations in the

oor plan. The single story design, resting on pillars, is embedded in a small hill where

it generates a dialogue with the gardens. One o his objectives was to maximize the useo preabricated and mass-produced reinorced concrete components. Above: a view o 

the entrance staircase. Below: a view o the entrance oyer. Opposite page: (top) a hall;

(below) living room.

Paulo Mendes da Rocha Residence

São Paulo, Brazil, 960

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FONE: 4 – 46 46


Paulo Mendes da Rocha Residence

São Paulo, Brazil, 960

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Brazilian Pavilion or Expo ‘0Osaka, Japan, 969

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The Brazilian Pavilion, designed or the 90 Expo in Osaka, Japan, was an architec-

tural study o the relationship between nature and construction. It consisted o a con-

crete and glass deck, resting lightly on the ground beneath. Mendes da Rocha chose to

modiy the site’s topography to create three points on which the platorm would rest.The movement is in the site, not the structure. The ourth support is provided by two

intersecting arches, and provides the only element that appears vertical, in contrast to

the broad horizontal extension o the deck. This support is calculated to resist great

degrees o horizontal stress given the high incidence o earthquakes in Japan.

Photos by Fujita Gumi

Brazilian Pavilion or Expo ‘0Osaka, Japan, 969

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The Serra Dourada StadiumGoiânia, Goiás State, Brazil, 9

Photos by Paulo Mendes da Rocha

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The design or the Serra Dourada Stadium, built in 9, in Goiânia is radically di-

erent rom most sports arenas, which are generally conceived as closed entities. On

the contrary, this stadium is open to the city. The structure is balanced. The roo 

overhangs 65 eet on each side, partially covering the cement bleachers and the gen-

eral access area, bars, locker rooms, ticket ofce and public support services. Sym-

metrically placed at either end o the stadium are the enclosed galleries providing o-

fces or the Soccer Federation as well as restaurants and lodgings or visiting athletes.

The Serra Dourada StadiumGoiânia, Goiás State, Brazil, 9

Photos by Paulo Mendes da Rocha

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Chapel o Saint PeterCampos de Jordão, SP, Brazil, 98

Photos by Cristiano Mascaro

Tel: 55 469845 e 55 9946

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The chapel is located on a site near the Boa Vista Palace in the town o Campos de Jordão,

built as a winter residence o the Governor o São Paulo and now a fne art museum. It wasinitially decided that the chapel should be situated close to the existing palace, establish-

ing a dialogue with it. The chapel rests on one massive column and the religious spaces

ow around it. The limited use o dierent materials - concrete, glass and steel - add to

the building’s message o strength and simplicity. The two-story glass açade looks out

over the reecting pool to the Mantiquera mountain peaks in the distance. Because o a

change in the topography o the site, the chapel appears as a simple one-story building on

the esplanade as it aces the existing palace.

Chapel o Saint Peter Campos de Jordão, SP, Brazil, 98

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Chapel o Saint Peter Campos de Jordão, SP, Brazil, 98

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Forma StoreSão Paulo, Brazil, 98

Photos by Nelson Kon

Tel: 55---4868


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(above let acing page) A view o 

the Forma Store rom the street at

night. (below let) Detail o thestore’s acade with retractable

staircase near center o photo)

(right) Interior view o the store,


(above) Interior view o the


The architecture o this store allows or maximum visibility by displaying products

in an elevated showcase window that spans the entire length o the building, becom-

ing in eect, a billboard acing an avenue o heavy trafc. Inside the store, views are

unobstructed as i in a museum. The two opposing concrete walls orming the ends o 

the building house equipment and support services. By elevating the actual store, 900

square yards o parking is made available. A retractable staircase provides access to

the main entrance.

Forma StoreSão Paulo, Brazil, 98

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Brazilian Museum o SculptureSão Paulo, Brazil, 988

Photos by Nelson


Tel: 55---



(above) A view o 

the amphitheatre

under the portico.

(let) Sculpture in

the garden plaza.

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Brazilian Museum o SculptureSão Paulo, Brazil, 988

Martha Thorne, executive director o the Pritzker Prize, describes the building: “As a result o 

receiving frst prize in a 986 competition, architect Mendes da Rocha designed the Brazilian Museum

o Sculpture. The 5,000-square oot triangular site is located on a main thoroughare that links

the  Jardin Europea residential district to the center o the city. Instead o creating a ree-standing

building resting on the site, the museum and landscape are treated as a whole. Large slabs createpartly underground internal spaces and also orm the

exterior plaza with its pools o water and esplanade.

The complexity o the design is realized in simple

straightorward orms and the use o plain concrete.

The great 9-oot long, 9-oot wide beam rames

the museum orming a loggia or porch. It is visible

indication o a museum building in dialogue with the


(right) A detail o the plaza. (below) The

main entrance and caé access.

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(above) A view o the auditorium.

(right) Entrance to the administrative sector.

(below) A view o the entrance plaza.

Brazilian Museum o SculptureSão Paulo, Brazil, 988

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In the center o São Paulo, Mendes da Rocha

undertook the renovation and restructuring o 

the public space. Vehicular trafc was reorga-

nized, and bus stops moved rom a small nearby

area to the 800-oot long overpass, Viaduct do

Cha. The square’s original paving was restored,

and the most striking element, a suspended roo 

canopy, was added. The canopy successully

orms a dialogue with the cityscape, and, at the

same time, it is sympathetic to pedestrians who

use the plaza. It serves as a portal or the square

while it rames views in the opposite direction.

The canopy does not rest on the ground, but is

suspended rom an architrave.

Patriarch Plaza and Viaduct do ChaSão Paulo, Brazil, 99

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Patriarch Plaza

Photos by Bebete Viegas

Tel.: 0-80-6

Celular: 0-9969-669


Patriarch Plaza and Viaduct do ChaSão Paulo, Brazil, 99

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The State Museum o São PauloSão Paulo, Brazil, 99

Originally the late nineteenth century structure designed by architect Ramos de Azevedo housed the

School o Arts and Crats. In 99, Mendes da Rocha began the design or a major renovation o this

classical, symmetrical building. He did not alter the exterior. On the inside, his interventions are clearand in juxtaposition with the original building. He

tackled major unctional problems including humidity,

the conusing organization o the galleries, and the

need or structural reinorcements and new spaces or

museum activities. The central and side courtyards

were given new metal ramed glass roos. The internal

window openings were maintained, but stripped o 

their rames to provide views o the courtyards. At

ground level, the central courtyard became a slightly

sunken auditorium to accommodate 40 people. Metalcatwalks traverse the side courtyards and connect the

galleries at the upper levels.

(let) View o the metal walkways in-

stalled to connect old internal patio win-dows.

(above) View o the new main entrance

acing Luz railway station.

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The State Museum o São PauloSão Paulo, Brazil, 99

Photos by Nelson Kon

Tel: 55---4868


(above) Aerial view with Luz railway station at let. (below let) A view o the main


(above right) Detail o skylight. (below right) A

view o the continuous axis created by walkways.

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Residence or Mario MasettiCava Estate, Cabreuva, SP, Brazil, 995

The modest house that the architect

designed in Cabreuva, a small town

northwest o São Paulo, has a eelo discovery as one passes through

its simple orms. Mendes da Rocha

has said, “...this house is not a model,

but a multiaceted event in the land-

scape. It is a suite o little surprises.”

The regular geometry o the house is

in contrast to the more ree-orm o 

the pool. On the interior, the curved

stone wall is in juxtaposition with thelinear concrete walls.

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Residence or Mario MasettiCava Estate, Cabreuva, SP, Brazil, 995

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Vigo University

Vigo, Spain, 004

Mendes da Rocha is developing a

master plan or the Technological

City, part o the University o Vigo.

His task is to integrate new buildings

— library, engineering departments,

student residences, administration

oices — designed by several

dierent Spanish architects into

an overall landscape scheme that

also osters connections between


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“Paulistano” Chaise Lounge (above)

“Paulistano” chair (let)“Paulistano” ofce chair version (below)

Furniture Designs by Paulo Mendes da Rocha

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Government Services CenterItaquera, São Paulo, Brazil, 998

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Known as “poupatempo” or “time

saver,” the Center brings together,

under one roo, many governmentservices, such as post ofce, motor

vehicle center, utility bill payments

booths, police station, etc. Located

in the Itaquera district on the

periphery o São Paulo along side a

subway station, it is a single building

,000 eet long. In some ways it is

more like a suspension bridge. It

is raised o the ground by pairs

o central pillars that support the

cantilevered concrete cross beams,

which in turn support a secondary

structure. The large scale trusses o 

the roo play a structural role and

also orm the inclined açade. It is

wider at the rooine than the base,

which is not only a geometrically

striking orm, but also protects the

building rom the sun without theneed or an additional canopy.

Government Services CenterItaquera, São Paulo, Brazil, 998

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Studies or Installations or the Olympic Games in 008

Paris, France, 000