Paul Pope - Battling Boy, When East Meets West

Post on 21-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Paul Pope - Battling Boy, When East Meets West

Paul PopeBattling Boy, When East Meets West

'Battling Boy,' the latest publication by Paul Pope, has met with extraordinary and universal critical acclaim. And this is extremely unusual outside of his legions of fans in the world of comic books. Indeed, he admits to regarding the book as being the culmination of all the skills and experience he has acquired during his time working in the comic book industry.

Paul Pope's action scenes are always intensely satisfying and well plotted. Set-pieces, such as when Battling Boy must jump from rooftop to rooftop in an effort to avoid a giant car-crushing monster, are quite extraordinarily gripping. The story is well balanced with tongue-in-cheek humor and the epic battles that his fans love.

Battling Boy represents a high point in Paul Pope's already illustrious career, and sees him seal his reputation as one of the finest comic book artists around today. Indeed, Paul Pope is considered as being one of the most influential writer/illustrators of the past twenty years.

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