Pathophysiology ControlTest-3for 3rd yr ZSMU

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Transcript of Pathophysiology ControlTest-3for 3rd yr ZSMU



1. It is necessary for the patient to define RBC quantity. What solution is used for blood dilution in order to count RBCs at the Goryaev’s chamber?

A. 3% acetic acidB. 5% natrium citrateC. 0,1Н hydrochloric acidD. hypertonic solution NaClE. isotonic solution NaCl

2. It is necessary for the patient to define RBC quantity. Below what level the reduction of RBCs quantity verify anaemia in men?

A. 3,0 T/lB. 3,5 T/lC. 4,0 T/lD. 4,6 T/lE. 5,0 T/l

3. It is necessary for the patient to define RBC quantity. Below what level the reduction of RBCs quantity verify anaemia in women?

A. 3,5 T/lB. 3,9 T/lC. 4,0 T/lD. 4,6 T/lE. 5,0 T/l

4. It is necessary for the patient to define haemoglobin blood amount. What solution is used for blood dilution at determination of haemoglobin concentcorrelationn with Sally’s hemometr?

A. isotonic solution NaClB. 3% acetic acidC. hypertonic solution NaClD. 5% natrium citrateE. 0,1N HCl

5. It is necessary for the patient to define haemoglobin blood amount. What substance is forming at Sally’s hemometr?

A. Muriatic haemoglobinB. repaired gematinC. Muriatic gematinD. chlorous haemoglobinE. methaemoglobin

6. It is necessary for the patient to define hemoglobin blood amount. What hemoglobin index in men is talking about anemia?

A. 120 g/lB. 130 g/lC. 140 g/lD. 150 g/lE. 160 g/l

7. It is necessary for the patient to define hemoglobin blood amount. What hemoglobin index in women is talking about anemia?

A. 110 g/lB. 120 g/lC. 130 g/lD. 140 g/lE. 150 g/l

8. It is necessary for the patient to carry out blood test and determine RBCs color index. Above what level of RBCs color index shows RBCs hyperchromia?

A. 0,8B. 0,9C. 1,0D. 1,1E. 1,2

9. It is necessary for the patient to carry out blood test and determine RBCs color index. Above what level of RBCs color index shows RBCs hypochromia?

A. 0,8B. 0,9C. 1,0D. 1,1E. 1,2

10. The following RBCs forms were found in patient’s blood smear. Choose the regenerative forms of RBCs

A. poykilocytesB. oxyphilic normocytesC. anisocytesD. hypochromic RBCsE. RBCs with Jolly’s bodies

11. The following RBC’s forms were found in patient’s blood smear. Choose the regenerative forms of RBCs

A. poykilocytesB. anisocytesC. polichromatophilic normocytesD. hypochromic RBCsE. RBCs with Jolly’s bodies

12. The following RBC’s forms were found in patient’s blood smear. Choose the regenerative forms of RBCs

A. poykilocytesB. anisocytesC. hypochromic RBCsD. polichromatophilic RBCsE. RBCs with Jolly’s bodies

13. The following RBC’s forms were found in patient’s blood smear. Choose the degenerative forms of RBCs

A. oxyphilic normocytes B. polichromatophilic normocytes C. polichromatophilic RBCs D. oxyphilic RBCs



E. poykilocytes

14. The following RBC’s forms were found in patient’s blood smear. Choose the degenerative forms of RBCs

A. oxyphilic normocytes B. polichromatophilic normocytes C. polichromatophilic RBCs D. oxyphilic RBCsE. anisocytes

15. The following RBC’s forms were found in patient’s blood smear. Choose the degenerative forms of RBCs

A. oxyphilic normocytes B. hypochromic RBCsC. polichromatophilic normocytes D. polichromatophilic RBCs E. oxyphilic RBCs

16. The following RBC’s forms were found in patient’s blood smear. Choose the degenerative forms of RBCs

A. oxyphilic normocytes B. polichromatophilic normocytes C. polichromatophilic RBCs D. oxyphilic RBCsE. RBCs with Jolly’s bodies

17. Patient with anemia carry out blood test for estimation of marrow’s regenecorrelationn. Increased quantity of what cells is the evidence of high marrow’s regenecorrelationn?

A. retyculocytesB. pronormocytesC. erythroblastsD. lymphocytesE. platelets

18. It is necessary for the patient to carry out blood test and determine leukocytes quantity. What dimension is used for calculation of leukocytes?

A. Tera/l (T/l)B. Mega/l(M/l)C. Kilo/l (К/л)D. Giga/l (G/l)E. Dace/l (D/л)

19. It is necessary for the patient to carry out blood test and determine leukocytes quantity. Above what level leukocytosis is diagnosed?

A. 6 G/lB. 8 G/lC. 10 G/lD. 12 G/lE. 14 G/l

20. It is necessary for the patient to carry out blood test and determine leukocytes quantity. Below what level leukopenia is diagnosed?

A. 2 G/lB. 3 G/lC. 4 G/lD. 5 G/l

E. 6 G/l21. Blood test was carried out in the patient. Shift of leukocyte’s formula “to the left” is increased of what cells young forms:

A. EosinophilesB. neutrophilesC. basophilesD. lymphocytesE. monocytes

22. Blood test was carried out in the patient. What is the absolute leukocytes number?

A. Number of separate forms in unit of volume blood

B. Number of separate forms in organism C. Correlation among RBCs and leukocytes

quantity D. Correlation among number of different forms

of neutrophilic leukocytes E. Proportion between granulocytes and

agranulocytes23. Blood smear was investigated under microscope. What cell is the biggest among listed below?

A. EosinophileB. basophileC. neutrophilD. lymphocyteE. monocyte

24. Blood smear was investigated under microscope. What cell is the smallest among listed below?

A. EosinophileB. basophileC. neutrophilD. lymphocyteE. monocyte

25. What of the white blood cells is leukocytes degenerative form?

A. Eosinophiles with red granularity B. Basophiles with blue granularityC. Neutrophiles with toxic granularityD. Neutrophiles with asurophilic granularityE. RBCs with pathological impurities

26. Blood test was carried out in the patient. Choose regenerative form of WBC.

A. Young neutrophilB. Segmented neutrophilC. Eosinophilic leukocyteD. Basophilic leukocyteE. Small lymphocyte

27. Blood test was carried out to the patient. Choose regenerative form of WBC

A. lymphocyteB. monocyteC. segmented nucleus neutrophilD. prolymphocyteE. eosinophil



28. Blood test was carried out to the patient. Choose regenerative form of WBC

A. segmented nucleus neutrophilB. eosinophilic leukocyteC. promonocyteD. lymphocyteE. monocyte

29. Blood test was carried out to the patient. Choose regenerative form of WBC

A. segmented nucleus neutrophilB. myelocyteC. eosinophilD. basophilic leukocyteE. small lymphocyte

30. It is necessary for the patient to carry out blood test and determine erythrocyte’s sedimentation rate (ESR). Increased ESR above what level is a sign of increased ESR in men?

A. 8 mm/hourB. 10 mm/hourC. 12 mm/hourD. 14 mm/hourE. 16 mm/hour

31. It is necessary for the patient to carry out blood test and determine erythrocyte’s sedimentation rate (ESR). Increased ESR above what level is a sign of increased ESR in women?

A. 9 mm/hourB. 11 mm/hourC. 13 mm/hourD. 15 mm/hourE. 17 mm/hour

32. Patient has an increased ESR. What disease increased ESR is typical for?

A. nephritisB. polycytemiaC. flueD. cardiac insufficiencyE. cataract

33. Patient has reduced ESR. What disease decreased ESR is typical for?

A. hepatitisB. polycytemia C. splenomegaliaD. beriberi В12E. cardiac infarction

34. Patient has acted in a hospital with gastric bleeding. Blood count: RBCs 4,8; НВ-140 g/l; RBCs color index 0,88; retyculocytes 0,6% For what stage of acute post haemorrhagic anaemia is typical such blood count?

A. reflexiveB. hydremiaC. marrow’sD. latentE. final

35. Patient arrived in a hospital with gastric bleeding. Blood count: RBCs 3,3 T/l; НВ-110 g/l; RBCs color index 1,0; retyculocytes 0,8%. What stage of acute post haemorrhagic anemia is such blood count typical for?

A. reflexiveB. hydremicC. marrow’sD. latentE. final

36. Patient arrived in a hospital with gastric bleeding. Blood count: RBCs 2.9 T/l; НВ-70 g/l; RBCs color index 0,72; retyculocytes 2,5% What stage of acute post haemorrhagic anemia is such blood count typical for?

A. reflexiveB. hydremiaC. marrow’sD. latentE. final

37. Patient with anemia was carried out blood test Oxyphilic normocytes were found in blood smear. How can you describe the state of bone marrow in this case?

A. hyperregenerationB. norm regenerationC. hyporegenerationD. not effective erythropoiesisE. increased erythropoiesis

38. Patient has hereditary hemolytic anemia of Mynkovsky-Shoffar. What cells are typical for this disease?

A. polychromatophilesB. megalocytesC. microspherocytesD. poykilocytesE. anisocytes

39. Patient has acute thrombopenia as a result of platelets destruction. What changes will be in marrow after one week?

A. Absence of megakaryocytesB. Reduce of megakaryocytes C. Reduce of megakaryoblastsD. Absence of megakaryoblasts E. Increased megakaryocytes

40. Patient has normochromic anemia in combination with anomalies of skeleton. What type of anemia it’s typical for?

A. Iron deficiencyB. Microspherocytosis C. Iron refractoryD. Folate deficiencyE. hypoplastic



41. In patient’s blood were found: decreased RBCs number, microspherocytosis. What type of anemia it’s typical for?

A. Addison-ByrmerB. Glukose-6-fosfat dehydrogenase deficiencyC. Mynkovsky-ShoffarD. syderoachresticE. В12-folate deficiency

42. In patient’s blood were found: decreased RBCs number, hyperchromia, RBCs with Jolly’s bodies and Kebot’s rings. What type of anemia it’s typical for?

A. Chronic posthaemorrhagicB. Acquired hypoplastic C. В12-folate deficiency D. Hereditary hemolyticE. Mynkovsky-Shoffar

43. Patient has a sickle-cell anemia. What is pathogenetic mechanism of sickle erythrocytes formation?

A. Membrane structural defectB. Defect of enzymes functionC. Changes in chromosomes structureD. Defect of hemoglobin synthesisE. Not effective erythropoesis

44. Patient has a pernicious anemia. What substances metabolism is disturbed at this anemia?

A. glucoseB. nucleic acids C. amino acidD. cholesterol E. lipoproteids

45. Patient has hemolytic crisis after reception of sulfanilamides. What type of anemia reveals itself in such manner (hemolysis in responce to external influence?

A. Hereditary hemolytic B. hypoplasticC. Iron refractory D. В12-folate deficiency E. Chronic posthaemorrhagic

46. Patient has chronic acquired hemolytic anemia. What is the leading pathogenetic mechanism of it?

A. Toxic hemolysisB. Autoimmune hemolysisC. Intracellular hemolysisD. Hypoosmolar blood plasma E. Osmotic hemolysis

47. Increased serum iron is typical for iron refractory anemia. What is the mechanism of it?

A. Defect of iron receipt to the erythrocyteB. Increased hemoglobin dissociationC. Decreased iron conclusionD. Iron reject from depot

E. Defect of iron junction to hemoglobin48. Patient,13 years, has fermentopathy. What is the leading pathogenetic mechanism of hemolysis at glukose-6-fosfate dehydrogenase deficiency ?

A. Energy deficiencyB. hypoxiaC. defect of proteins conformationD. decreased antioxidant protectionE. decreased electric potential

49. Patient has erythropenia as a result of not effective erythropoesis in the marrow. What is the pathogenetic mechanism of not effective erythropoesis?

A. Slowing down of cells maturingB. Defect of RBCs differentiationC. Increased distraction of the cellsD. Decreased RBCs going out to the bloodE. Slowing down of iron accumulation

50. Patient has erythropenia as a result of accelerated erythropoesis in the marrow. What is the pathogenetic mechanism of accelerated erythropoesis?

A. Slowing down of cells maturing B. Decreased cells’ divisionC. Defect of RBCs differentiationD. Increased iron consumption E. Decreased RBCs going out to the blood

51. Patient has trophic ulcers of shin in consequence of iron deficiency anemia. What is the main mechanism of cell alteration in case of iron deficiency anemia?

A. hypoxicB. free radicalC. metabolicD. enzymaticE. ionic

52. Woman has a premature detachment of placenta and 1st phase of disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome. What factor in the blood leads to this pathology?

A. Tissue thromboplastinB. plasminogenC. fibrinogenD. Hageman’s factorE. Ions of calcium

53. Patient, 5 years, has alpha-talassemia. What is the mechanism of inheritance?

A. recessiveB. autosome-dominantC. associated with X-chromosomeD. incomplete dominationE. acquired alteration of the genes



54. Patient, 54 years, is working with lead at work place. As a result he has hypochromic anemia. Treatment with iron medication give no results. Iron concentration in blood serum is increased. What is the cause of anemia in this case?

A. Defect of porfirins synthesis. B. Vit B12 deficiency C. Folate acid deficiency D. Hypoplasia of red bone marrow E. Protein deficiency

55. Woman has menstrual cycle disorders, which are accompanied by prolonged bleedings. Blood analysis: hypochromia, decreased retyculocytes number, microcytosis. What is the reason of anemia in this case?

A. В12-folate deficiency B. Acquired hemolyticC. Hereditary hemolyticD. iron deficiency E. methaplastic

56. Woman is pregnant (6 month). She has iron deficiency anemia. What is the mechanism of iron deficiency anemia at pregnancy?

A. Defect of iron depositionB. Iron deficiency in food C. Defect of iron absorption D. Increased iron usageE. Deficiency of inner Castle’s factor

57. Patient has hypochromic anemia on 5th day after the acute bleeding. What is the main mechanism of hypochromia?

A. Defect of iron absorption in the intestinesB. Output of non-matured RBCs from the

marrow C. Increased destruction of RBCs in the spleenD. Defect of globin synthesis E. increased iron output from the organism

58. Patient has anemia in consequence of burn disease. What factor is responsible for anemia development?

A. myelopoetinB. Vit B12C. catecholamines D. erythropoetin E. thrombopoetin

59. Woman at 7th month of pregnancy has acutely developing anemia. RBCs - 2,7х1012/л, НB -110 g/l, RBCs color index -1,2, anisocytosis, poykilocytosis,single megalocytes. What anemia type is present?

A. B12 deficiency B. Iron deficiency C. hemolytic D. posthaemorrhagic E. talassemia

60. Patient ,3 years,has hemoglobinopathia (sickle-cells anemia).In this case glutamine acid in globin beta-chain was changed on:

A. serine B. tyrosine C. valine D. phenylalanine E. arginine

61. Patient has hemolytic jaundice. In blood: microspherocytes 1-6 in field of vision. What is the cause of RBCs hemolysis at such form of jaundice?

A. Defect of RBCs enzyme systems B. Influence of bile acids over erythrocyte’s

membrane C. Hereditary defect of RBCs membrane D. Hereditary defect of hemoglobin structure E. Influence of bilirubin over erythrocyte’s

membrane 62. Woman, 36 years, was treated by sulfanilamides on the occasion of respiratory virus infection. In blood: hyporegenatory normochomic anemia, leucopenia, thrombocytopenia. In bone marrow: decrease number of marrow stem cells. What type of anemia is described?

A. hemolytic B. Posthemorrhagic. C. B12 folate deficiency D. Hypoplastic. E. Iron deficiency.

63. Patient has B12 folate deficiency in consequence of stomach resection. What RBCs color index is typical for this pathology?

A. 1,4 B. 1,0 C. 0,8 D. 0,5 E. 0,2

64. In patient’s blood smear: target-like RBCs. What anemia are such RBCs typical for?

A. talassemia B. Mynckovsky-Shoffar C. B12 deficiencyD. Iron deficiency E. Sickle-cell

65. Patients complains are typical for chronic gastritis. In peripheral blood: megalocytes. In marrow: megaloblastic erythropoesis. Your diagnosis?

A. Aplastic anemia B. Hypoplastic anemia C. B12 folate anemia D. Hemolytic anemia E. Iron deficiency anemia



66. Patient is carrier of sickle-cell anemia. He has pneumonia with hemolytic crisis and anemia. What is the main cause of hemolytic crisis in this case?

A. Changes in blood osmolarity B. Heterozygosis on Нb S C. Mutation of structure gene D. Hyperoxia in consequence of hyperventilationE. Hypoxia in consequence of pneumonia

67. Baby on artificial feeding (cow’s milk) has hard anemia: RBCs -2х1012/л, Нb - 68 g/l, retyculocytes - 0%. What type of anemia is this?

A. B12 deficiency B. Native hemolytic C. Iron deficiency D. Talassemia E. Sickle-cell

68. What pathology change of glutamine acid on valine is typical for?

A. TalassemiaB. Disease of Mynckovsky-Shoffar C. Favism D. Hemoglobinоsis E. Sickle-cell anemia

69. In patient’s blood: hyperchromia of RBCs, megalocytes, megaloblasts. What type of anemia is it?

A. В12 deficiency B. hypoplastic C. posthaemorrhagic D. Iron deficiency anemia E. Hemolytic

70. Man, 40 years has sickle-cell anemia. What is the mechanism of RBCs quantity decrease?

A. Iron deficiency in organism B. B12 folate deficiency C. Protein deficiencyD. Extravascular hemolysis E. Intravascular hemolysis

71. Patient have anemia. In blood: degenerative and regenerative forms of RBCs. Choose the regenerative forms.

A. Microcytes B. SpherocytesC. Retyculocytes D. Poykilocytes E. Hyperchromal RBCs

72. Patient has neutrophilia with regenerative shift to the left in leukocytic formula on the 1st day after appendectomy. What is the main mechanism of absolute leukocytosis?

A. Redistribution of leukocytes in organismB. Decreased leukocytes destructionC. Slowing down of leukocytes emigration into

the tissuesD. Increased leukopoesisE. Activation of immunity

73. Student G. In a day after examination leukocytosis without changes in leukocytic formula was revealed at blood count. Choose the most probable mechanism of relative leukocytosis development in peripheral blood.

A. Redistribution of leukocytes in organismB. Increased leukopoesisC. Decreased leukocytes destructionD. Slowing down of leukocytes emigration into

the tissues E. Rapid leukopoesis

74. Leukocytosis was found in the patient. What leukocytosis from listed below is pathological leukocytosis?

A. Emotional B. distributiveC. miogenalD. absoluteE. relative

75. Leukocytosis was found in the patient. What leukocytosis from listed below is physiological leukocytosis?

A. Emotional B. distributiveC. miogenalD. absoluteE. relative

76. Leukopenia was found in the patient.. What is correct definition for agranulocytosis?

A. Increased agranulocytes numberB. Increased granulocytes numberC. Decreased agranulocytes numberD. Increased eosinophiles and basophiles

numberE. Decreased granulocytes number

77. Significant decreased leukocyte’s quantity was found in the patient What sign from listed below in a combination with leucopenia is characteristic for agranulocytosis?

A. Neutropenia and lymphopeniaB. Neutrophilosis and eosinopeniaC. Neutropenia and eosinopeniaD. Lymphopenia and monocytopeniaE. Without changes of correlation

78. Patient with was prescribed aspirin. After reception of a medicine fever, vomit and stool with blood occurred. Blood count: leukocytes- 0.9G/l (granulocytes- 0.7G/l),leukoagglutinines (anti-leukocyte’s anntibodies). What is correct diagnosis?

A. leucopeniaB. leukemiaC. agranulocytosisD. hem dilutionE. decreased platelets amount



79. Aspirin was prescribed for treatment of acute respiratory virus infection. After reception of a medicine the hectic fever, vomiting, stool with blood occurred in the patient .In blood: leukocytes- 0.8G/l (granulocytes- 0.6G/l),leukoagglutinines (anti-leukocyte’s anntibodies). What is the mechanism of the revealed changes in blood development?

A. myelotoxicB. distributiveC. hemolyticD. idiopathicE. immune

80. Relative neutropenia is revealed in the patient with a fever. What probable mechanism underlies such neutropenia?

A. Decreased leukocytes production at marrowB. Redistribution of leukocytes in vessels

bloodflowC. Decreased leukocytes circulation time in

vesselsD. Rapid leukocytes destruction at spleenE. Decreased leukopoetines production at fever

81. Absolute neutropenia was revealed in the patient with splenomegalia. What probable mechanism underlies such neutropenia?

A. Redistribution of leukocytes in vessels bloodflow

B. Appearance of functional immature leukocytesC. Decreased marrow’s productionD. Accelerated leukocytes destructionE. Decreased leukopoetines production

82. Patient arrived in a hospital for specification of the diagnosis. Blood count: eosinophia. What disease from the following is accompanied by such changes in blood?

A. hepatitisB. lympholeukemiaC. myeloleukemiaD. erythremiaE. anemia

83. Patient has acted to the hospital for specification of the diagnosis. Blood analysis is revealed neutrophiles leukocytosis with shift of leukocyte formula to the left. What disease from the following will be most probable to be accompanied by such changes in blood?

A. Allergic dermatitisB. lympholeukemiaC. Allergic dermatitisD. erythremiaE. cardiac infarction

84. Patient arrived to the hospital for specification of the diagnosis. Blood analysis: neutrophilic leukocytosis with shift of leukocyte formula to the left. What disease from the following is accompanied by such changes in blood?

A. Allergic dermatitis B. hemophilia

C. lympholeukemiaD. glomerulonephritisE. virus hepatitis

85. Patient arrived to the hospital for specification of the diagnosis. Blood analysis: neutrophilic leukocytosis with shift of leukocyte formula to the left. What disease from the following is accompanied by such changes in blood?

A. tuberculosisB. sepsisC. hemophiliaD. virus hepatitisE. Allergic dermatitis

86. Patient arrived to the hospital for specification of the diagnosis. Blood analysis: lymphocytosis. What disease from the following is accompanied by such changes in blood?

A. myeloleukemiaB. Allergic dermatitis C. virus hepatitis D. sepsisE. hemophilia

87. Patient arrived to the hospital for specification of the diagnosis. Blood analysis: lymphocytosis. What disease from the following is by such changes in blood?

A. Cardiac infarctionB. Allergic dermatitis C. myeloleukemia D. tuberculosisE. hemophilia

88. Patient arrived to the hospital for specification of the diagnosis. Blood analysis: lymphocytosis and monocytosis. What disease from the following is accompanied by such changes in blood?

A. Cardiac infarctionB. Allergic dermatitis C. hemophiliaD. sepsisE. tuberculosis

89. Patient has leucopenia. What mechanisms from listed below most probably can result in development in the patient absolute leucopenia?

A. distribution of leukocytesB. autoimmuneC. hypoxicD. emotionalE. alimentary

90. The parents for prevention of intestine infection at the child 3 years old give antibiotic for a long time. In one month the condition of the child has worsened. Blood analysis - expressed leucopenia and granulocytopenia. What is most probable mechanism of the revealed changes in blood development?

A. autoimmuneB. distributive



C. myelotoxicD. age-specificE. hemolytic

91. Patient has high neutrophilia (90G/l) with shift up to promyelocytes and myeloblasts. To what type of leukemoid reaction it concerns?

A. lymphogenousB. eosinophileousC. erythromyelogenousD. agranulocytousE. myelogenous

92. Splenectomia was carried out in the child 1-year-old. Blood analysis –leukocytosis without essential changes in leukocytic formula. What most probable mechanism has caused leukocytosis in the patient?

A. Activation of leukopoesisB. Stimulation of leukocytes exitC. Slowing of leucocytes elimination D. Distribution of leukocytesE. Decreased antioxidant protection

93. The patient with atrophic gastritis had deficiency of vitamin B12. What change of leukocyte formula is most typical for hypovitaminosis B12?

A. lymphocytosis B. Monocytosis C. Degenerative nuclear shift to the left D. Degenerative nuclear shift to the right E. Regenerative nuclear shift to the left

94. The employer received a doze of a general irradiation 4Gray at work with radioactive substances. Complains about a headache, vomiting, dizziness. What changes in blood it is possible to expect in the patient in 10 hours after an irradiation?

A. Lymphocytosis B. Leucopenia C. agranulocytosisD. neutropeniaE. neutrophilic leukocytosis

95. 2563 The patient with tuberculosis provided blood analysis. What changes of leukocytic formula are most typical for this pathology?

A. Nuclear shift to the left B. Lymphocytosis. C. Nuclear shift to the right D. eosinophilia E. neutrophilia

96. 2710 acute inflammations of upper breath ways and eyes occurs in the woman during grass flowering period manifested with hyperemia, edema. What type of leukocytosis will be most typical for this case?

A. Eosinophilia B. basophilia C. Neutrophilia. D. Lymphocytosis. E. Monocytosis.

97. 4793 Nettle-rush, accompanied with leukocytosis appeared at the teenager after he ate honey. What type of leukocytosis is typical in this case?

A. basophilic B. eosinophilic C. neytrophilic D. Lymphocytosis E. Monocytosis

98. Increased leukocytes’ number in peripheral blood is revealed in the patient with acute appendicitis. What type of leukocytosis will be most typical in this case?

A. basophilic B. eosinophilic C. neutrophilic D. Lymphocytosis E. Monocytosis

99. The patient arrived to hospital with suspicion on leukaemia. What sign from listed below is diagnostic criterion of leukemia?

A. Substantial growth of leukocytes quantityB. Spleen hyperplasiaC. Eosinophile-basophile associationD. Blast cells in peripheral bloodE. Development of aplastic anemia

100. The patient arrived to hospital with suspicion on leukaemia. What sign from listed below is diagnostic criterion of leukemia?

A. Substantial growth of leukocytes quantity B. Spleen hyperplasia C. Suppression of erythropoiesis and

thrombocytopoiesisD. Eosinophile-basophile association E. Development of aplastic anemia

101. The patient arrived to hospital with suspicion on leukemia. What sign from listed below is diagnostic criterion differentiating acute leukemia from chronic?

A. Substantial growth of leukocytes quantity B. Speed of currentC. Eosinophile-basophile association D. Gumpreht’s cellsE. Prevalence of blasts cells in blood

102. The patient arrived to hospital with suspicion on leukemia. What sign from listed below is diagnostic criterion differentiating acute leukemia from chronic?

A. Substantial growth of leukocytes quantity B. Hiatus leukemicusC. Speed of currentD. Eosinophile-basophile association E. Gumpreht’s cells

103. The patient arrived to hospital with suspicion on leukemia. What criterion from listed below verifies chronic myelogenous leukemia?

A. Gumpreht’s cellsB. Speed of current C. Prevalence in blood myeloblasts



D. Eosinophile-basophile association

E. Presence in blood lymphoblasts104. The patient arrived to hospital with suspicion on leukemia. What criterion from listed below verifies chronic lymphogenous leukemia?

A. Eosinophile-basophile association B. Speed of current C. Gumpreht’s cells D. Prevalence in blood lymphoblastsE. Presence in blood myeloblasts

105. Patient S, 43 years, has CML, anemia, and decreased platelets number. What anemia from listed accompanies leukemia?

A. hypoplasticB. AplasticC. hyperplasticD. metaplasticE. aneplastic

106. Patient K, 46 years has anemia, decreased platelets number, leukocytosis. What is probable diagnosis for him?

A. Leukemia B. hypoplastic anemiaC. hemophilia D. leukemoid reaction E. antioxidant deficiency

107. 2331 During clinical examination of the patient with acute myelogenous leukemia enlargement of liver and spleen is found. Blood analysis: anemia, myeloblasts in peripheral blood. What is the basic distinction between acute and chronic myelogenous leukemia?

A. Blast cells in peripheral blood B. Anemia C. Hiatus leukemicus D. pancytopenia E. decreased platelets

108. (Z1) What type of anemia is present in the patient?

A. Acquired hemolyticB. Iron deficiencyC. hypoplasticD. acute posthemorrhagicE. chronic posthemorrhagic

109. (Z1) Increased what cells quantity talks about turning on of compensatory mechanisms of haemopoiesis?

A. leukocytesB. plateletsC. retyculocytesD. poykilocytesE. anisocytes

110. (Z1) What change of circulating blood volume can be revealed in the given clinical situation?

A. Normocytemical hypovolemiaB. Policytemical hypovolemia

C. Oligocytemical hypervolemiaD. Oligocytemical normovolemia E. Simple hypovolemia

111. (Z1) Describe the state of WBCs in the given clinical situation?

A. Relative neutrophilic leukocytosisB. Absolute neutrophilic leukocytosis C. Absolute lymphopeniaD. normE. Eosinophile-basophile association

112. (Z1)Estimate presence of neutrophiles nuclear shift and choose the most correct answer:

A. degenerative shift to the leftB. regenerative shift to the rightC. regenerative shift to the leftD. degenerative shift to the rightE. no shift

113. (Z1)What mechanism has caused change of the leukocytes’ contents in peripheral blood at the given clinical situation?

A. Increased leukocytes’ production in marrow

B. Redistribution of leukocytes in blood vesselsC. Decreased leukocytes destructionD. Exit of leukocytes from depotE. Lazy leukocytes syndrome`

114. (Z2) What is the most probable reason of such changes in leukocytic formula revealed at patient?

A. Acute blood loosingB. Autoimmune inflammationC. Endogenous intoxicationD. shockE. sepsis

115. (Z2) Estimate presence of neutrophiles nuclear shift and choose the most correct answer:

A. degenerative shift to the right B. regenerative-degenerative shift to the leftC. no shift D. regenerative shift to the rightE. regenerative shift to the left

116. (Z2) What mechanism underlies changes in leukocytic formula?

A. Activation of immune protection B. Suppression of phagocytes activity of C. Development of autoimmune aggressionD. Activation of granulocytopoiesis E. Tumor hyperplasia of heamopoietic tissue

117. (Z2) Describe the state of WBCs at the given clinical situation?

A. Relative neutrophilic leukocytosisB. leukemoid reactionC. absolute lymphopeniaD. chronic myeloleukemiaE. Eosinophile-basophile association

118. (Z2) What is the most probable reason of change of leukocytes quantity at patient?



A. Redistribution of leukocytes in organismB. Decreased leukocytes destructionC. Output of leukocytes from depotD. Slowing down of leukocytes emigcorrelationn

in tissuesE. Tumor hyperplasia of heamopoietic tissue

119. (Z3) What type of anemia is present in the patient?

A. acute posthemorrhagicB. no anemiaC. Iron deficiencyD. acquired hemolyticE. hypoplastic

120. (Z3) Increased what cells quantity talks about turning on of compensatory mechanisms of haemopoiesis?

A. leukocytesB. plateletsC. poykilocytesD. polychromatophilesE. anisocytes

121. (Z3) Picture of white blood in the patient can be characterized as:

A. normal B. absolute neutrophilic leukocytosis C. relative neutrophilic leukocytosis D. leucopenia with relative lymphocytosis E. Eosinophile-basophile association

122. (Z3)NMN MXNZB Estimate presence of neutrophiles nuclear shift and choose the most correct answer:

A. degenerative shift to the right B. regenerative-degenerative shift to the leftC. no shift D. regenerative shift to the rightE. regenerative shift to the left

123. (Z4) Picture of white blood of the patient most probably can be characterised as:

A. neutrophilic leukocytosisB. absolute neutropeniaC. eosinophilic leukocytosisD. relative monocytosisE. absolute lymphocytosis

124. (Z4) Estimate presence of neutrophiles nuclear shift and choose the most correct answer:

A. regenerative shift to the left regenerative sift to the left

B. degenerative shift to the right degenerative sift to the right

C. regenerative shift to the right regenerative sift to the right

D. degenerative shift to the left degenerative sift to the left

E. no shift125. (Z4) What mechanism causes change in leukocytic formula in the patient?

A. Activation of agranulocytopoiesis

B. Activation of protection of organism C. Suppression of phagocytes activity of

neutrophiles D. Development of autoimmune aggression

against leukocytes E. Tumor hyperplasia of heamopoietic tissue

126. (Z4) What is the most probable mechanism of change of leukocytes quantity?

A. redistribution of leukocytes in organismB. decreased leukocytes destructionC. slowing down of leukocytes

emigcorrelationn to the tissuesD. activation of lymphopoiesisE. exit from depot

127. (Z4)Changes in leukocytic formula talks about: A. sepsisB. inflammation C. autoimmune process D. exogenousical intoxication E. tumour

128. (Z5) Picture of white blood in the patient most probably can be characterized as:

A. absolute neutropenia B. absolute lymphocytosisC. relative eosinopenia D. agranulocytosis E. absolute monocytosis

129. (Z5) Picture of white blood in the patient most probably can be characterized as:

A. relative lymphocytosisB. relative neutropeniaC. relative eosinopeniaD. absolute monocytosisE. agranulocytosis

130. (Z5) Estimate presence of leukocytes nuclear shift and choose the most correct answer:

A. hyper regenerative shift B. degenerative shift to the right C. regenerative-degenerative shift to the leftD. regenerative shift to the rightE. no shift

131. (Z6) Picture of white blood in the patient most probably can be characterized as:

A. relative lymphocytosisB. relative eosinopenia C. absolute monocytosisD. absolute neutrophilosisE. agranulocytosis

132. (Z6) Estimate presence of leukocytes nuclear shift and choose the most correct answer:

A. no shiftB. degenerative shift to the right C. regenerative shift to the rightD. regenerative shift to the leftE. degenerative shift to the left

133. (Z6) What was the direct reason of the patient’s changes in of white blood at the?



A. Inflammation B. Disturbances of blood circulation C. Changes of coronary vessels D. Stenocardia E. Cardiosclerosis

134. (Z1a) Picture of white blood in the patient more probably all can be characterized as:

A. acute lymphoblasts leukemia B. chronic myeloleukemiaC. chronic lympholeukemia D. leukemoid reactionE. absolute lymphocytosis

135. (Z1a) What of the listed forms of leukemia the most probably is present in the patient?

A. LeukemicB. subleukemic C. aleukemicD. leucopeniaE. leukemia is not indicated

136. (Z1a) Estimate size of ESR and choose the most correct mechanism that caused this disturbance:

A. normal ESR B. increased albumen-globulin coefficient C. decreased of albumen-globulin coefficient D. damage of RBCs membrane E. increased blood viscosity

137. (Z1a) Estimate regenerative ability of marrow in the patient. Choose most probable regenerative ability from given below:

A. normregenerative B. aregenerative C. degeneratory D. hyperregenerative E. hyporegenatory

138. (Z1a)What mechanism is responsible for change in leukocytic formula in the patient?

A. Activation of the organism immune protection B. Development of allergic reaction C. Development of autoimmune aggression D. Activation of lymphocytopoiesisE. Endogenousous intoxication

139. (Z1a) What is the probable reason of the changes in patients leukocytic?

A. Metastases of tumor into heamopoietic tissue B. Autoimmune inflammation C. Tumor hyperplasia of heamopoietic tissue D. Endogenous intoxication E. Allergic reaction

140. (Z1a) What pathology of RBCs from listed below is present in the patient?

A. Aplastic anemia B. chronic posthemorrhagic anemiaC. acquired hemolytic anemiaD. metaplastic anemiaE. Iron deficiency anemia

141. (Z1a) What is the most probable mechanism of RBCs quantity change in the patient?

A. Loss of RBCs B. Violation of heamopoietic regulation C. Intravascular RBCs hemolysis D. Accumulation of RBCs in liverE. Deficit of plastic and energy substances

142. (Z1a) What importance has presence of Gumpreht’s cells in peripheral blood?

A. Testifies about leukemia cells apoptosis development

B. it is diagnostic criterion of lymphogenous leukemia

C. confirms disturbance of haemopoiesis regulation

D. is an attribute of an output of leukemia cells in blood

E. testifies to activation of antitumor protection 143. (Z2a) What form of leukemia listed below is present in the patient?

A. Subleukemic B. Aleukemic C. Leukemic D. Leucopenia E. No leukemia

144. (Z2a) Estimate presence of neutrophiles nuclear shift and choose the most correct answer:

A. Hiatus leukemicusB. Regenerative C. Degenerative D. Hyporegenerative E. No shift

145. (Z2a) Describe WBC state in this patient: A. agranulocytosis B. leukemoid reactionC. absolute lymphocytosis D. acute lymphogenous leukemia E. chronic lympholeukemia

146. (Z2a) Estimate size of erythrocyte’s sedimentation rate and choose the most correct mechanism of disturbance:

A. normal ESR B. decreased albumen-globulin coefficient C. damage of RBCs membrane D. increased blood viscosity E. increased albumen-globulin coefficient

147. (Z2a) Estimate regenerative ability of marrow in the patient. Choose most probable regenerative ability from given below:

A. normregenerative B. aregenerative C. hyporegenerative D. degeneratory E. hyperregenerative

148. (Z2a) What is the most probable reason of leukocytes’ quantity change in the patient?

A. increased leukocytes production B. decreased leukocytes destruction



C. slowing down of leukocytes emigcorrelationn to the tissues

D. redistribution of leukocytes in organismE. disturbance of leukocytes deposit

149. (Z2a) Choose the most probable reason describing platelets level in the patient :

A. decreased marrow’s production B. increased platelets usage C. normal platelets amount D. autoimmune destruction of platelets E. platelets deposit

150. (Z2a) What mechanism more probably underlies change in leukocytic formula in the patient?

A. Activation of immune protection of the organism

B. Development of allergic reaction C. Development of autoimmune aggression D. Activation of lymphocytopoiesis E. Development of immune deficiency

151. (Z2a) What pathological process changes in patient’s leukocytic formula testify?

A. Tumor metastases into heamopoietic tissue B. Acute infectious process C. Tumorous hyperplasia of heamopoietic

tissue D. Autoimmune inflammation E. Development of allergic reaction

152. (Z2a) What pathology of RBCs from listed below is present in the patient?

A. Aplastic anemiaB. Chronic posthemorrhagic anemiaC. Acquired hemolytic anemiaD. Metaplastic anemiaE. Iron deficiency anemia

153. (Z2a) What is the most probable mechanism of RBCs quantity change in the patient?

A. loss of RBCs B. disturbance of heamopoietic regulation C. replacement of RBCs sprout D. intravascular RBCs hemolysis E. RBCs deposit

154. (Z3a) What form of leukemia from listed below is present in the patient?

A. Aleukemic B. Subleukemic C. Leucopenic D. No leukemia E. Leukemic

155. (Z3a) Estimate presence of neutrophiles nuclear shift and choose the most correct answer:

A. regenerative shift to the left B. degenerative shift to the right C. hyperregenerative D. leukemic hole E. no shift

156. (Z3a) Describe the state of WBCs in the patient:

A. acute myelogenous leukemia B. chronic myeloleukemiaC. not differentiate leukemia D. leukemoid reactionE. neutrophilic leukocytosis

157. (Z3a) Estimate size of ESR and choose the most correct mechanism of its disturbance:

A. reduction of blood viscosity B. damage of RBCs membrane C. decreased albumen-globulin coefficient D. increased albumen-globulin coefficient E. increased blood viscosity

158. (Z3a) Estimate regenerative ability of marrow in the patient. Choose most probable regenerative ability from given below :

A. hyporegenerativeB. degeneratoryC. normregenerativeD. aregenerativeE. hyperregenerative

159. (Z3a) What is the most probable reason of leukocytes quantity change in the patient?

A. Output of leukocytes from depot B. decreased leukocytes destructionC. redistribution of leukocytes in organismD. disturbance of leukocytes deposit E. increased leukocytes production

160. (Z3a) Choose the most probable reason describing platelets level in the patient:

A. increased platelets usage B. decreased marrow’s production C. normal platelets amount D. autoimmune destruction of the platelets E. platelets deposit

161. (Z3a) What pathological process patients changes in leukocytic formula testify?

A. tumour metastases into a heamopoietic tissueB. tumour hyperplasia of heamopoietic tissue C. acute infectious process D. autoimmune inflammation E. development of allergic reaction

162. (Z3a) What the mechanism more probably underlies change in leukocytic formula in the patient?

A. Activation of immune protection of the organism

B. Activation of granulocytopoiesis C. Suppression of phagocytes activity of

neutrophiles D. Development of allergic reaction E. Development of immune deficiency

163. (Z3a) What pathology of RBC from listed below is present in the patient?

A. Chronic posthemorrhagic anemiaB. Acquired hemolytic anemiaC. Metaplastic anemiaD. Aplastic anemiaE. Iron deficiency anemia



164. (Z3a) What is the most probable mechanism of RBCs quantity change in the patient?

A. Loss of RBCs B. Disturbance of heamopoietic regulation C. Intracells hemolysis of RBCs D. Depression of erythropoiesis E. RBCs deposit in liver

165. (Z4a) Estimate presence of neutrophiles nuclear shift and choose the most correct answer :

A. regenerative B. degenerative C. no shift D. hyperregenerative E. leukemic hole

166. (Z4a) What form of leukemia from listed below is most probably present in the patient?

A. aleukemicB. subleukemicC. leukemicD. leukopenia E. there is no leukemia

167. (Z4a) What mechanism more probably underlies change in leukocytic formula in the patient?

A. suppression of phagocytes activity of neutrophiles

B. activation of granulocytopoiesis C. development of allergic reaction D. development of autoimmune aggression E. development of immune deficiency

168. (Z4a) Describe WBCs state in the patient: A. not differentiate leukemia B. acute myeloblasts leukemia C. leukemoid reactionD. chronic myeloleukemiaE. neutrophilic leukocytosis

169. (Z4a) Estimate size of ESR and choose the most correct mechanism of disturbance:

A. normal ESR B. increased albumen-globulin coefficient C. decreased albumen-globulin coefficient D. decreased blood viscosity E. development of decompensated acidosis

170. (Z4a) Estimate regenerative ability of RBCs t in marrow’s the patient. Choose most probable regenerative ability from given below:

A. normregenerativeB. hyperregenerativeC. degeneratoryD. hyporegenerativeE. aregenerative

171. (Z4a) Choose the most probable reason determining platelets level in the patient :

A. increased platelets usage B. normal platelets amount C. decreased marrow’s production D. autoimmune platelets destruction E. platelets deposit

172. (Z4a) What pathology from listed below patient’s changes in leukocytic formula testify?

A. endogenousous intoxication B. acute infectious process C. autoimmune inflammation D. disseminated intravessels coagulation

syndrome E. tumor hyperplasia of heamopoietic tissue

173. (Z4a) What is the most probable reason of leukocytes quantity change in the patient?

A. decreased leukocytes destructionB. slowing down of leukocytes emigration to

the tissuesC. redistribution of leukocytes in organismD. increased leukocytes production E. leukocytes deposit

174. (Z4a) What is the most probable reason of RBC quantity change in the patient?

A. Loss of RBCs B. Deficiency of plastic and energy

substances C. Disturbance of heamopoietic regulation D. Intravascular hemolysis of RBCs E. RBCs deposit

175. (Z4a) What pathology from listed below patient’s changes in leukocytic formula testify?

A. metaplastic anemiaB. chronic posthemorrhagic anemiaC. hypoplastic anemiaD. Aplastic anemiaE. iron deficiency anemia

176. (Z5a) What form of leukemia from listed below is most probably present in the patient?

A. leukemicB. aleukemicC. SubleukemicD. leukopenia E. no leukemia

177. (Z5a) Estimate presence of neutrophiles nuclear shift and choose the most correct answer :

A. regenerative sift to the left B. regenerative-degenerative shift to the leftC. regenerative-degenerative sift to the right D. leukemic hole E. no shift

178. (Z5a) Picture of white blood in the patient can be characterized as :

A. absolute neutropenia B. agranulocytosis C. absolute lymphocytosis D. absolute monocytosis E. relative eosinopenia

179. (Z5a) Estimate regenerative ability of marrow’s red sprout:

A. hyperregeneration B. normal regeneration



C. hyporegeneration D. degeneration E. it is impossible to estimate

180. (Z5a) Choose the most probable reason of platelets quantity change in the patient:

A. autoimmune destruction of platelets B. disturbance of heamopoietic regulation C. increased platelets usage D. decreased marrow’s production E. platelets deposit

181. (Z5a) What is the most probable reason of leukocytes quantity change in the patient?

A. Increased leukocytes destruction B. slowing down of leukocytes emigcorrelationn

to the tissuesC. decreased leukocytes production D. redistribution of leukocytes in organismE. autoimmune hemolysis

182. (Z5a) What signs from listed below can verify leukemia diagnosis?

A. Increased bleeding B. Professional insalubrityC. Suppression of heamopoiesis D. Change of leukocytes quantity E. Development of anemia

183. (Z5a) What is the most probable mechanism of RBCs quantity change in the patient?

A. Disturbance of heamopoietic regulation B. Disturbance of RBCs maturation C. Intravascular RBCs hemolysis D. Loss of RBCs out of the organism E. RBCs deposit

184. (Z5a) Picture of red blood at patient is most typical for:

A. metaplastic anemia B. hypoplastic anemia C. chronic posthaemorrhagic anemia D. norm picture of red blood E. iron deficiency anemia

185. (Z6a) What form of leukemia from listed below is most probably present in the patient?

A. aleukemicB. leukemicC. leukopenia D. subleukemicE. no leukemia

186. (Z6a) Estimate change of ESR and choose the most correct mechanism of disturbance:

A. increased viscosity of blood B. increased a charge from RBCs C. damage of RBCs membrane D. increased RBCs amount E. increased leukocytes amount

187. (Z6a) Estimate regenerative ability of marrow in the patient. Choose most probable regenerative ability from given below:

A. normregenerative

B. hyporegenerativeC. hyperregenerativeD. aregenerativeE. degeneratory

188. (Z6a) What is the most correct mechanism of development changes of white blood observable in the patient?

A. redistribution of leukocytes B. decreased destruction C. exit of leukocytes from depot D. increased leukopoetines levelE. hyperplasia of WBC in marrow

189. (Z6a) What is the most probable mechanism of RBCs quantity change in the patient?

A. surplus of plastic and power reserves B. hypoxic stimulation of heamopoietic tissue C. reduction of blood destruction in spleen D. disturbance of RBCs deposit E. hyperplasia of heamopoietic tissue

190. (Z6a) What pathology of white blood is observed in the patient?

A. lympholeukemia B. leukocytosis C. myeloleukemia D. leukemoid reactionE. leucopenia

191. (Z6a) What cell from listed below is a source of blasts in the patient?

A. Myeloblasts B. Lymphoblast C. Heamopoietic cell D. Erythroblast E. Megacaryoblast

192. (Z6a) What is the reason of arterial hypertension development in the patient?

A. increased blood viscosity B. spasm of cardiac vessels C. thrombosis of cardiac vessels D. increased myocardial needs in oxygen E. atherosclerosis

193. (Z6a) What pathology from listed below is present in the patient?

A. leukemoid reactionB. myeloleukemia C. lympholeukemia D. polycytemia vera E. Verlgof disease

194. (Z7a) What of the listed forms of leukemia is most probably present in the patient

A. SubleukemicB. leukemicC. aleukemicD. leukopenia E. no leukemia

195. (Z7a) What is the most probable mechanism of change of hemoglobin concentcorrelationn in the patient?



A. Disturbance of hemoglobin synthesis B. Increased removing from organism C. Increased removing from RBCs D. Increased destruction at spleen E. Intracells hemolysis

196. (Z7a) What pathology of white blood is observed in the patient?

A. lympholeukemia B. myeloleukemia C. leukemoid reactionD. relative leukocytosis E. undifferentiated leukemia

197. (Z7a) What of listed below pathologies of red blood is most probable in the patient?

A. hypoplastic anemiaB. metaplastic anemiaC. chronic posthemorrhagic anemiaD. acquired hemolytic anemiaE. iron deficiency anemia

198. (Z7a) What is the most correct mechanism of development of white blood changes observable in the patient?

A. decreased leukocytes destructionB. exit of leukocytes from depot C. disturbance of heamopoietic regulation D. tumor metaplasia of marrow stem cells E. increased leukopoetines

199. (Z7a) Estimate regenerative ability of marrow in the patient. Choose most probable regenerative ability from given below:

A. aregenerativeB. normregenerativeC. hyporegenerativeD. hyperregenerativeE. degenerative

200. (Z7a) What is the most probable mechanism of RBCs quantity change in the patient ?

A. disturbance of heamopoietic regulation B. intravascular RBCs hemolysis C. Intracells RBCs hemolysis D. RBCs deposit E. deficiency of plastic and energetic

substances201. (Z7a) What cell most probably is a source of blasts in the patient?

A. erythroblast B. heamopoietic pluripotent cell C. myeloblasts D. lymphoblast E. megacaryoblast

202. (Z1b) What type of anemia is present in the patient

A. acquired hemolyticB. iron deficiency

C. hypoplasticD. acute posthemorrhagicE. chronic posthemorrhagic

203. (Z1b)Explain, what is the cause of platelets amount change in peripheral blood at this clinical situation

A. by the increased consumption B. by the accelerated destruction C. by reduction of development D. by deposit in peripheral vessels дахE. by aggregation in plasma

204. (Z1b) What stage of acute blood loss was developed in the given clinical situation ?

A. hydremia B. marrow’s C. reflectory D. prodromal E. stop of bleeding

205. (Z1b) What change of volume of circulating blood can be revealed in the given clinical situation?

A. Simple hypovolemia B. Policytemic hypovolemia C. Oligocytemic hypovolemia D. Oligocytemic hypervolemia E. Normocytemic normovolemia

206. (Z1b) What is the reason of leukocytes amount change in peripheral blood at this clinical situation:

A. decreased production in marrow B. deposit in peripheral vessels C. destruction owing to intoxication D. increased removing from the organism E. autoimmune hemolysis

207. (Z2b) What type of anemia is present in the patient?

A. Chronic posthemorrhagicB. Acquired hemolyticC. B12folate deficiencyD. iron deficiencyE. hypoplastic

208. (Z2b) Explain, what caused the change of platelets amount in peripheral blood at this clinical situation:

A. increased metabolism B. increased destruction C. decreased production D. deposit in peripheral vessels E. aggregation in plasma

209. (Z2b) Describe WBCs state in the patient.A. Relative eosinophilic leukocytosisB. absolute lymphopeniaC. absolute neutropenia D. Eosinophile-basophile association E. Norm

210. (Z2b) Estimate presence of neutrophiles nuclear shift and choose the most correct answer:

A. degenerative sift to the right B. regenerative sift to the left



C. degenerative sift to the left D. regenerative sift to the right E. hyperregenerative sift to the right

211. (Z2b) What pathogenetic mechanism has caused change of the leukocytes contents in peripheral blood at the given clinical situation?

A. Destruction owing to intoxication B. Autoimmune hemolysis C. Lazy leukocytes syndrome D. Decreased marrow’s production E. Redistribution in blood vessels

212. (Z3b) What type of anemia is present in the patient?

A. Hereditary hemolyticB. B12folate deficiency C. Chronic posthemorrhagicD. Iron deficiencyE. hypoplastic

213. (Z3b) Explain, what caused the RBCs hemolysis in peripheral blood at this clinical situation:

A. defect of enzyme systems B. activation of blood destruction in spleen C. change of hemoglobin structure D. autoimmune aggression E. disturbance of RBCs membrane

214. (Z3b) Describe WBCs state in the patient.A. absolute neutropenia B. Normal blood C. relative eosinophilic leukocytosisD. absolute lymphopeniaE. Eosinophile–basophile association

215. (Z3b) Estimate presence of neutrophiles nuclear shift and choose the most correct answer:

A. degenerative sift to the right B. no shift C. regenerative sift to the left D. degenerative sift to the left E. regenerative sift to the right

216. (Z4b) Describe RBCs state in the patient? A. No pathology B. B12folate deficiency C. iron deficiency anemiaD. hypoplastic anemiaE. absolute erythrocytosis

217. (Z4b) Describe WBCs state in the patientA. Absolute neutropenia B. Relative eosinophilic leukocytosisC. absolute lymphopeniaD. Eosinophile–basophile association E. Normal blood

218. (Z4b) Describe RBCs state in the patient? A. absolute erythrocytosis

B. no pathology C. B12folate deficiency D. iron deficiency anemiaE. hypoplastic anemia

219. (Z4b) Describe WBCs state in the patientA. Absolute neutropenia B. Relative eosinophilic leukocytosisC. absolute lymphopenia D. Eosinophile–basophile association E. Normal blood

220. (F1) What of listed anemias is submitted in blood?

A. Iron deficiency anemiaB. talassemia C. В12 folate deficiency D. Acute posthemorrhagicE. Acquired hemolytic