Zaporozhye State Medical University Phthisiology and pulmonology Chair Complex Control Test (time of performing of 80-90 minutes) Variant 1 1. Modification of tuberculosis mycobacteria occurs under the influence: A. Vaccination. B. Chemotherapy. C. Changes of environment. 2. Forming of tuberculosis mycobacteria resistance to antituberculous preparations is caused: A. Prolonged treatment with one antituberculous preparation. B. Human activities in spreading of different substances in naturale. C. Inadequate treatment, including that associated of antibacterial preparations taking. 3. The most frequent source of a tuberculoses lesion of pleura is located in: A. Bronchi. B. Intrathoracic lymph nodes. C. Extrapulmonary. 4. Children are appointed to phthisiologist after Mantoux test with 2 TU: A. Everybody with negative Mantoux test. B. Everybody with papule diameter more then 3 mm. C. With “Range”. D. With anergy. 5. Diagnosis for tuberculosis is carried out with the aim of: A. Selecting of the contingent for BCG revaccination. 1



Transcript of TUBERCLUOSIS MCQS ,ZSMU,Ukraine


Zaporozhye State Medical University

Phthisiology and pulmonology Chair

Complex Control Test (time of performing of 80-90 minutes)

Variant 1

1. Modification of tuberculosis mycobacteria occurs under the influence:A. Vaccination.B. Chemotherapy.C. Changes of environment.

2. Forming of tuberculosis mycobacteria resistance to antituberculous preparations is caused:

A. Prolonged treatment with one antituberculous preparation.B. Human activities in spreading of different substances in naturale.C. Inadequate treatment, including that associated of antibacterial preparations taking.

3. The most frequent source of a tuberculoses lesion of pleura is located in:

A. Bronchi.B. Intrathoracic lymph nodes.C. Extrapulmonary.4. Children are appointed to phthisiologist after Mantoux test with 2 TU:A. Everybody with negative Mantoux test. B. Everybody with papule diameter more then 3 mm.C. With “Range”.D. With anergy.

5. Diagnosis for tuberculosis is carried out with the aim of:A. Selecting of the contingent for BCG revaccination. B. Determining of the level of population’s becoming infected.C. Early revealing of tuberculosis

6. What forms of a tuberculous bronchadenitis exist:A. Large. B. Tumorous.C. Common.7. What examination is necessary to be administered to the patient first of

all when making the diagnosis of tuberculosis?A. Thoracic cavity organs’ rontgenogram. B. Investigation of external respiratory function.C. Computed tomography.



8. What the basic radiological signs of subacute dessimsnated pulmonary tuberculosous?

A. Unilateral focal lesion. B. Bilateral symmetric focal lesion.C. Bilateral focal lesion within apical segments.D. Focal infiltrated process in the lever portions of both lungs.

9. What does the primary tuberculous complex consists of?A. Primary granuloma. B. Primary affect.C. Elimination foci.

10.What is the most frequent segment localization of primary pulmonary affect?

A. ІІ segment. B. VІ segment.C. VІІІ segment.D. Х segment

11.What changes during bronchoscopy can be the of complicated course of primary tuberculous complex?

A. Diffusive purulent endobronchitis. B. Limited catarral endobronchitis.C. Specific granulations.

12.Determine the criteria and signs of the model of a patients with intrathoracic lymph nodes’ tuberculosis:

A. The of effusion in the pleural sinus. B. Widening of lungs roots shadow on the roentgenogram of thoracic cavity organs.C. Fistulas over the enlarged peripheral lymph nodes. D. Bronchi fistulas in bronchoscopy.

13.Determine possible consequences of intrathoracic lymph nodes tuberculosis:

A. Intelligence descrease. B. Intensive shadow in the lung of irregular form with clear contours.C. Weakness of lower extremities. D. Dyspnea.

14.Determine criteria and signs of the model of a patients with exudative pleuritis:

A. The presence of foci in the lungs. B. The presence of infusion in the pleural space.C. Body expectoration.



15.The basic sources of a tubercular infection for the person areA. Subjects of an environment. B. Food stuffs.C. The sick person.

16.Activators of a tuberculosis concern to a kind:A. Bacteria. B. Mushrooms.C. The elementary microorganism.D. Viruses.

17.The greatest role in epidemiology and clinic of a tuberculosis for the person play:

A. Mycobacterium of the bird's type. B. Mycobacterium of human type.C. Atypical Mycobacterium.D. Mycobacterium of the bull type.

18.All following types of Mycobacterium are allocated, except for:A. The bull type. B. The bird's type.C. Human type.D. Atypical.

19.The basic parts of immunity are all listed, except for:A. A cellular link. B. A humoral link.C. A neuroendocrinal link.D. A macrophagal- cytophagous systems.

20.The teenager with 2 TU. In 72 hours on a place of introduction of tuberculin hyperemia was formed by diameter 12 mm. How do you estimate results of this test?

A. Doubtful. B. Positive.C. Negative.D. Hyperergical.

21.Bacillus Koch can transformes into:A. Rickettsia. B. Virus.C. L-forms and filtrating forms.D. Coccus.



22.Тest Mantaex is considered positive at size papule:A. 5 mm. B. 3 mm.C. 21 mm.D. Hyperemia to 2 cm.

23.How many tuberculin unites are contains in 0,1мл of solution?A. 2 TU. B. 1 TU.C. 5 TU.D. 10 TU.

24.What method in the best way to use for the control over dynamics of effectiveness treatments at TB-patients?

A. Roentgenokimography. B. Roentgenography.C. Fluorography.D. Bronchography.

25.What method of research MBT-excretion is not used for a formulation of the diagnosis agrees with classification?

A. Microscopic. B. Culture.C. Research of resistency to preparations of the first lines.D. Research of resistency to preparations of the first lines.E. Biological.26.What from the listed preparations can cause polyneuropatya?A. Rifampicinum. B. Isoniazidum.C. Streptomycin.D. Ethambutolum.E. Pirazimidum.

27.What disease is contraindication for application Isoniazidum?A. A chronic obstructive bronchitis. B. A rhematoid arthritis.C. An epilepsy.D. A chronic hepatitis.E. A stomach ulcer of a stomach.

28.How many categories of treatment are there for TB-patients?A. 1. B. 2.C. 3.D. 4.



29.How many phases of treatment are there?A. 1. B. 2.C. 3.D. 4.

30.The main principles of tuberculosis treatment are all listed, except for:A. Early and timely treatment. B. The duration of treatment.C. Multistage treatment.D. Combined chemotherapy.E. Principle of compulsory treatment.

31.To prevent the neurotic action of Isoniazidum is prescribed:A. Vitamin C. B. Vitamin A.C. Vitamin B6.D. Diasolin.

32.At what form of lung TB and its complication is the most reasonable to prescribe Prednisolon?

A. Fibrous-cavernous lung TB, amyloidosis of internal organs. B. Infiltrative lung TB, that has been complicated exudative pleurisy.C. Cirrhotic lung TB, lung aspergiloma.D. Tuberculoma of the upper part of right lung, specific colitis.

33.What is BCG and BCG-M vaccine?A. Killed mycobacteria culture. B. Purified albumin-free tuberculin.C. Mycobacteria vital activity products.D. Mycobacteria live weakened culture.

34.What antimycobacterial preparation is prevalently used to make the chemoprophylaxis?

A. Rifampicinum. B. Isoniazidum.C. Streptomycin.D. Ethambutolum.E. Pirazimidum.

35.The chemoprophylaxis is performed during:A. 3 days. B. 3 weeks.C. 3 months.D. 6 months.E. 9 months.36.What is graft dose of BCG vaccine?



A. 0,025 mg. B. 0,5 mg.C. 0,25 mg.D. 0,05 mg.E. 0,005 mg.

37.What is graft dose of BCG-M vaccine?A. 0,025 mg. B. 0,5 mg.C. 0,25 mg.D. 0,05 mg.E. 0,005 mg.

38.The constant contraindication for BCG vaccination are:A. A prematurely born child, when the body mass at birth is less than 2000 g. B. Purulent-septic illnesses.C. Hemolytic disease of newly-borns.D. Severe puerperal traumas with neurologic symptomatics.E. All listed.

39.What kind of TB-prophylaxis is applied for newborn children?A. Chemoprophylaxis. B. Vaccination.C. Sanitary.D. Revaccination.E. Current disinfection.

40.What kind of TB-prophylaxis is applied for prevention of TB – recurrent (relapse)?

A. Primary chemoprophylaxis. B. Secondary chemoprophylaxis.C. Vaccination.D. Revaccination.


What kind of chemoprophylaxis is applied for children and teenagers at Tuberculin intensifier (“Range”)?

A. Current disinfection. B. Primary chemoprophylaxis.C. Revaccination.D. Secondary chemoprophylaxis.E. Vaccination.



42. What kind of chemoprophylaxis is applied for child, who has contact with TB-sick father (MBT+) Mantaex test is negative (at child)?

A. Current disinfection. B. Primary chemoprophylaxis.C. Revaccination.D. Secondary chemoprophylaxis.E. Vaccination.

43. The patient with MBT+ is hospitalized. What disinfection should be carried out in the center of tuberculous infection?

A. Current disinfection. B. Social.C. Conclusive disinfection.D. Treatment of his contacts.E. Inspection of his contacts.

44. The method of the definition of a kind of spontaneous pneumothorax:

A. Roentgeneologic. B. On the basis of the clinic data.C. The pressure measurement in the pleural cavity.

45. What illnesses shoul fibrous-cavernous lung tuberculosis bedifferentiated with:

A. Eosinophilic infiltrate. B. Chronic bronchitis.C. Chronic abscess.D. Bronchoectasia.E. Polycystic lung.

46. An urgent aid at a valvate spontaneous pneumothorax:A. Fibrobronchoscopy. B. Artificial lung ventilation.C. Pleural caviti drainage.D. Respiratory gymnastic.

47. In what time after BCG-vaccination does the immunity develop?

A. In 6-8 months. B. In 6-8 weeks.C. In 6-8 days. D. In 6-8 year.



48. A darkening to the right paracardially of a medium intensity with an enlightening in the centre has been revealed on an inspection roentgenogram of the thoracic of a ten-year old patient.

Define: the shade character. INFILTRATION 49. The main illnesses, with which differential diagnostic of

caseosus pneumonia should be made:A. Central cancer. B. Nidal pneumonia.C. Croupous pneumonia. D. Staphylococcal pneumonia.

50. The term of BCG revaccination :A. The 3rd-5th week. B. At 7, 14 years of age.C. The 3rd-5th day after birth. D. At 5, 10 years of age.


1 A2 B3 B4 C5 B6 B7 A8 B9 B10 A11 C12 D13 D14 B15 C16 A17 B18 A19 C20 B21 C22 A23 A24 B25 E26 B27 C28 D29 B30 E31 C



32 B33 D34 B35 C36 D37 A38 E39 B40 B41 B42 B43 C44 C45 E46 C47 B48 Infiltration49 C50 B

Zaporozhye State Medical University

Phthisiology and pulmonology Chair

Complex Control Test (time of performing of 80-90 minutes)

Variant 2

1. What is the most frequent segment localization of primary pulmonary affect?

A. ІІ segment. B. VІ segment.C. VІІІ segment.D. Х segment

2. What changes during bronchoscopy can be the of complicated course of primary tuberculous complex?

A. Diffusive purulent endobronchitis. B. Limited catarral endobronchitis.C. Specific granulations.

3. Determine the criteria and signs of the model of a patients with intrathoracic lymph nodes’ tuberculosis:

A. The of effusion in the pleural sinus. B. Widening of lungs roots shadow on the roentgenogram of thoracic cavity organs.C. Fistulas over the enlarged peripheral lymph nodes. D. Bronchi fistulas in bronchoscopy.

4. Determine possible consequences of intrathoracic lymph nodes



tuberculosis:A. Intelligence descrease. B. Intensive shadow in the lung of irregular form with clear contours.C. Weakness of lower extremities. D. Dysspnea.

5. Determine criteria and signs of the model of a patients with exudative pleuritis:

A. The presence of foci in the lungs. B. The presence of infusion in the pleural space.C. Body expectoration.

6. The basic sources of a tubercular infection for the person areA. Subjects of an environment. B. Food stuffs.C. The sick person.

7. Activators of a tuberculosis concern to a kind:A. Bacteria. B. Mushrooms.C. The elementary microorganism.D. Viruses.

8. The greatest role in epidemiology and clinic of a tuberculosis for the person play:

A. Mycobacterium of the bird's type. B. Mycobacterium of human type.C. Atypical Mycobacterium.D. Mycobacterium of the bull type.

9. All following types of Mycobacterium are allocated, except for:A. The bull type. B. The bird's type.C. Human type.D. Atypical.

10.The basic parts of immunity are all listed, except for:A. A cellular link. B. A humoral link.C. A neuroendocrinal link.D. A macrophagal- cytophagous systems.

11.The teenager with 2 TU. In 72 hours on a place of introduction of tuberculin hyperemia was formed by diameter 12 mm. How do you estimate results of this test?



A. Doubtful. B. Positive.C. Negative.D. Hyperergical.

12.The main principles of tuberculosis treatment are all listed, except for:A. Early and timely treatment. B. The duration of treatment.C. Multistage treatment.D. Combined chemotherapy.E. Principle of compulsory treatment.

13.To prevent the neurotic action of Isoniazidum is prescribed:A. Vitamin C. B. Vitamin A.C. Vitamin B6.D. Diasolin.

14.At what form of lung TB and its complication is the most reasonable to prescribe Prednisolon?

A. Fibrous-cavernous lung TB, amyloidosis of internal organs. B. Infiltrative lung TB, that has been complicated exudative pleurisy.C. Cirrhotic lung TB, lung aspergiloma.D. Tuberculoma of the upper part of right lung, specific colitis.

15.What is BCG and BCG-M vaccine?A. Killed mycobacteria culture. B. Purified albumin-free tuberculin.C. Mycobacteria vital activity products.D. Mycobacteria live weakened culture.

16.What antimycobacterial preparation is prevalently used to make the chemoprophylaxis?

A. Rifampicinum. B. Isoniazidum.C. Streptomycin.D. Ethambutolum.E. Pirazimidum.

17.The chemoprophylaxis is performed during:A. 3 days. B. 3 weeks.C. 3 months.D. 6 months.E. 9 months.

18.What is graft dose of BCG vaccine?



A. 0,025 mg. B. 0,5 mg.C. 0,25 mg.D. 0,05 mg.E. 0,005 mg.

19.What is graft dose of BCG-M vaccine?A. 0,025 mg. B. 0,5 mg.C. 0,25 mg.D. 0,05 mg.E. 0,005 mg.

20.The constant contraindication for BCG vaccination are:A. A prematurely born child, when the body mass at birth is less than 2000 g. B. Purulent-septic illnesses.C. Hemolytic disease of newly-borns.D. Severe puerperal traumas with neurologic symptomatics.E. All listed.

21.What kind of TB-prophylaxis is applied for newborn children?A. Chemoprophylaxis. B. Vaccination.C. Sanitary.D. Revaccination.E. Current disinfection.

22.What kind of TB-prophylaxis is applied for prevention of TB – recurrent (relapse)?

A. Primary chemoprophylaxis. B. Secondary chemoprophylaxis.C. Vaccination.D. Revaccination.

23.Bacillus Koch can transformes into:A. Rickettsia. B. Virus.C. L-forms and filtrating forms.D. Coccus.

24.Тest Mantaex is considered positive at size papule:A. 5 mm. B. 3 mm.C. 21 mm.



D. Hyperemia to 2 cm.

25.How many tuberculin unites are contains in 0,1мл of solution?A. 2 TU. B. 1 TU.C. 5 TU.D. 10 TU.

26.What method in the best way to use for the control over dynamics of effectiveness treatments at TB-patients?

A. Roentgenokimography. B. Roentgenography.C. Fluorography.D. Bronchography.

27.What method of research MBT-excretion is not used for a formulation of the diagnosis agrees with classification?

A. Microscopic. B. Culture.C. Research of resistency to preparations of the first lines.D. Research of resistency to preparations of the first lines.E. Biological.

28.What from the listed preparations can cause polyneuropatya?A. Rifampicinum. B. Isoniazidum.C. Streptomycin.D. Ethambutolum.E. Pirazimidum.

29.What disease is contraindication for application Isoniazidum?A. A chronic obstructive bronchitis. B. A rhematoid arthritis.C. An epilepsy.D. A chronic hepatitis.E. A stomach ulcer of a stomach.

30.How many categories of treatment are there for TB-patients?A. 1. B. 2.C. 3.D. 4.



31.How many phases of treatment are there?A. 1. B. 2.C. 3.D. 4.

32. What kind of chemoprophylaxis is applied for children and teenagers at Tuberculin intensifier (“Range”)?

A. Current disinfection. B. Primary chemoprophylaxis.C. Revaccination.D. Secondary chemoprophylaxis.E. Vaccination.

33. What kind of chemoprophylaxis is applied for child, who has contact with TB-sick father (MBT+) Mantaex test is negative (at child)?

A. Current disinfection. B. Primary chemoprophylaxis.C. Revaccination.D. Secondary chemoprophylaxis.E. Vaccination.

34. The patient with MBT+ is hospitalized. What disinfection should be carried out in the center of tuberculous infection?

A. Current disinfection. B. Social.C. Conclusive disinfection.D. Treatment of his contacts.E. Inspection of his contacts.

35. The method of the definition of a kind of spontaneous pneumothorax:

A. Roentgeneologic. B. On the basis of the clinic data.C. The pressure measurement in the pleural cavity.

36. What illnesses shoul fibrous-cavernous lung tuberculosis bedifferentiated with:

A. Eosinophilic infiltrate. B. Chronic bronchitis.C. Chronic abscess.



D. Bronchoectasia.E. Polycystic lung.

37. An urgent aid at a valvate spontaneous pneumothorax:A. Fibrobronchoscopy. B. Artificial lung ventilation.C. Pleural caviti drainage.D. Respiratory gymnastic.

38. In what time after BCG-vaccination does the immunity develop?

A. In 6-8 months. B. In 6-8 weeks.C. In 6-8 days. D. In 6-8 year.

39. A darkening to the right paracardially of a medium intensity with an enlightening in the centre has been revealed on an inspection roentgenogram of the thoracic of a ten-year old patient.

Define: the shade character. 40. The main illnesses, with which differential diagnostic of

caseosus pneumonia should be made:A. Central cancer. B. Nidal pneumonia.C. Croupous pneumonia. D. Staphylococcal pneumonia. 41. The term of BCG revaccination:A. The 3rd-5th week. B. At 7, 14 years of age.C. The 3rd-5th day after birth. D. At 5, 10 years of age.42.Modification of tuberculosis mycobacteria occurs under the influence:A. Vaccination.B. Chemotherapy.C. Changes of environment.

43.Forming of tuberculosis mycobacteria resistance to antituberculous preparations is caused:

A. Prolonged treatment with one antituberculous preparation.B. Human activities in spreading of different substances in naturale.C. Inadequate treatment, including that associated of antibacterial preparations taking.



44.The most frequent source of a tuberculoses lesion of pleura is located in:A. Bronchi.B. Intrathoracic lymph nodes.C. Extrapulmonary.

45.Children are appointed to phthisiologist after Mantoux test with 2 TU:A. Everybody with negative Mantoux test. B. Everybody with papule diameter more then 3 mm.C. With “Range”.D. With anergy.

46.Diagnosis for tuberculosis is carried out with the aim of:A. Selecting of the contingent for BCG revaccination. B. Determining of the level of population’s becoming infected.C. Early revealing of tuberculosis

47.What forms of a tuberculous bronchadenitis exist:A. Large. B. Tumorous.C. Common.48.What examination is necessary to be administered to the patient first of

all when making the diagnosis of tuberculosis?A. Thoracic caviti organs’ rontgenogram. B. Investigation of external respiratory function.C. Computed tomography.

49.What the basic radiological signs of subacute dessimsnated pulmonary tuberculosous?

A. Unilateral focal lesion. B. Bilateral symmetric focal lesion.C. Bilateral focal lesion within apical segments.D. Focal infiltrated process in the lever portions of both lungs.

50.What does the primary tuberculous complex consists of?A. Primary granuloma. B. Primary affect.C. Elimination foci.


Answer 21 A2 C3 D



4 D5 B6 C7 A8 B9 A10 C11 B12 E13 C14 B15 D16 B17 C18 D19 A20 E21 B22 B23 C24 A25 A26 B27 E28 B29 C30 D31 B32 B33 B34 C35 C36 E37 C38 B39 Infiltration40 C41 B42 A43 B44 B45 C46 B47 B48 A49 B50 B

Zaporozhye State Medical University

Phthisiology and pulmonology Chair

Complex Control Test (time of performing of 80-90 minutes)

Variant 3



1. All following types of Mycobacterium are allocated, except for:A. The bull type. B. The bird's type.C. Human type.D. Atypical.

2. The basic parts of immunity are all listed, except for:A. A cellular link. B. A humoral link.C. A neuroendocrinal link.D. A macrophagal- cytophagous systems.

3. The teenager with 2 TU. In 72 hours on a place of introduction of tuberculin hyperemia was formed by diameter 12 mm. How do you estimate results of this test?

A. Doubtful. B. Positive.C. Negative.D. Hyperergical.

4. Bacillus Koch can transformes into:A. Rickettsia. B. Virus.C. L-forms and filtrating forms.D. Coccus.

5. Тest Mantaex is considered positive at size papule:A. 5 mm. B. 3 mm.C. 21 mm.D. Hyperemia to 2 cm.

6. How many tuberculin unites are contains in 0,1мл of solution?A. 2 TU. B. 1 TU.C. 5 TU.D. 10 TU.

7. What method in the best way to use for the control over dynamics of effectiveness treatments at TB-patients?

A. Roentgenokimography. B. Roentgenography.C. Fluorography.D. Bronchography.



8. What kind of TB-prophylaxis is applied for prevention of TB – recurrent (relapse)?

A. Primary chemoprophylaxis. B. Secondary chemoprophylaxis.C. Vaccination.D. Revaccination.

9. What kind of chemoprophylaxis is applied for children and teenagers at Tuberculin intensifier (“Range”)?

A. Current disinfection. B. Primary chemoprophylaxis.C. Revaccination.D. Secondary chemoprophylaxis.E. Vaccination.

10. What kind of chemoprophylaxis is applied for child, who has contact with TB-sick father (MBT+) Mantaex test is negative (at child)?

A. Current disinfection. B. Primary chemoprophylaxis.C. Revaccination.D. Secondary chemoprophylaxis.E. Vaccination.

11. The patient with MBT+ is hospitalized. What disinfection should be carried out in the center of tuberculous infection?

A. Current disinfection. B. Social.C. Conclusive disinfection.D. Treatment of his contacts.E. Inspection of his contacts.

12. The method of the definition of a kind of spontaneous pneumothorax:

A. Roentgeneologic. B. On the basis of the clinic data.C. The pressure measurement in the pleural cavity.

13. What illnesses shoul fibrous-cavernous lung tuberculosis bedifferentiated with:

A. Eosinophilic infiltrate. B. Chronic bronchitis.C. Chronic abscess.D. Bronchoectasia.



E. Polycystic lung.

14. An urgent aid at a valvate spontaneous pneumothorax:A. Fibrobronchoscopy. B. Artificial lung ventilation.C. Pleural caviti drainage.D. Respiratory gymnastic.

15. In what time after BCG-vaccination does the immunity develop?

A. In 6-8 months. B. In 6-8 weeks.C. In 6-8 days. D. In 6-8 year.16. A darkening to the right paracardially of a medium intensity with

an enlightening in the centre has been revealed on an inspection roentgenogram of the thoracic of a ten-year old patient.

Define: the shade character. 17. The main illnesses, with which differential diagnostic of

caseosus pneumonia should be made:A. Central cancer. B. Nidal pneumonia.C. Croupous pneumonia. D. Staphylococcal pneumonia.

18. The term of BCG revaccination:A. The 3rd-5th week. B. At 7, 14 years of age.C. The 3rd-5th day after birth. D. At 5, 10 years of age.

19.What method of research MBT-excretion is not used for a formulation of the diagnosis agrees with classification?

A. Microscopic. B. Culture.C. Research of resistency to preparations of the first lines.D. Research of resistency to preparations of the first lines.E. Biological.20.What from the listed preparations can cause polyneuropatya?A. Rifampicinum. B. Isoniazidum.C. Streptomycin.D. Ethambutolum.E. Pirazimidum.



21.What disease is contraindication for application Isoniazidum?A. A chronic obstructive bronchitis. B. A rhematoid arthritis.C. An epilepsy.D. A chronic hepatitis.E. A stomach ulcer of a stomach.

22.How many categories of treatment are there for TB-patients?A. 1. B. 2.C. 3.D. 4.

23.How many phases of treatment are there?A. 1. B. 2.C. 3.D. 4.

24.The main principles of tuberculosis treatment are all listed, except for:A. Early and timely treatment. B. The duration of treatment.C. Multistage treatment.D. Combined chemotherapy.E. Principle of compulsory treatment.

25.To prevent the neurotic action of Isoniazidum is prescribed:A. Vitamin C. B. Vitamin A.C. Vitamin B6.D. Diasolin.

26.At what form of lung TB and its complication is the most reasonable to prescribe Prednisolon?

A. Fibrous-cavernous lung TB, amyloidosis of internal organs. B. Infiltrative lung TB, that has been complicated exudative pleurisy.C. Cirrhotic lung TB, lung aspergiloma.D. Tuberculoma of the upper part of right lung, specific colitis.27.What is BCG and BCG-M vaccine?A. Killed mycobacteria culture. B. Purified albumin-free tuberculin.C. Mycobacteria vital activity products.D. Mycobacteria live weakened culture.



28.What antimycobacterial preparation is prevalently used to make the chemoprophylaxis?

A. Rifampicinum. B. Isoniazidum.C. Streptomycin.D. Ethambutolum.E. Pirazimidum.

29.The chemoprophylaxis is performed during:A. 3 days. B. 3 weeks.C. 3 months.D. 6 months.E. 9 months.

30.Modification of tuberculosis mycobacteria occurs under the influence:A. Vaccination.B. Chemotherapy.C. Changes of environment.

31.Forming of tuberculosis mycobacteria resistance to antituberculous preparations is caused:

A. Prolonged treatment with one antituberculous preparation.B. Human activities in spreading of different substances in naturale.C. Inadequate treatment, including that associated of antibacterial preparations taking.

32.The most frequent source of a tuberculoses lesion of pleura is located in:A. Bronchi.B. Intrathoracic lymph nodes.C. Extrapulmonary.

33.Children are appointed to phthisiologist after Mantoux test with 2 TU:A. Everybody with negative Mantoux test. B. Everybody with papule diameter more then 3 mm.C. With “Range”.D. With anergy.

34.Diagnosis for tuberculosis is carried out with the aim of:A. Selecting of the contingent for BCG revaccination. B. Determining of the level of population’s becoming infected.C. Early revealing of tuberculosis

35.What forms of a tuberculous bronchadenitis exist:



A. Large. B. Tumorous.C. Common.36.What examination is necessary to be administered to the patient first of

all when making the diagnosis of tuberculosis?A. Thoracic caviti organs’ rontgenogram. B. Investigation of external respiratory function.C. Computed tomography.

37.What the basic radiological signs of subacute dessimsnated pulmonary tuberculosous?

A. Unilateral focal lesion. B. Bilateral symmetric focal lesion.C. Bilateral focal lesion within apical segments.D. Focal infiltrated process in the lever portions of both lungs.

38.What does the primary tuberculous complex consists of?A. Primary granuloma. B. Primary affect.C. Elimination foci.

39.What is the most frequent segment localization of primary pulmonary affect?

A. ІІ segment. B. VІ segment.C. VІІІ segment.D. Х segment

40.What is graft dose of BCG vaccine?A. 0,025 mg. B. 0,5 mg.C. 0,25 mg.D. 0,05 mg.E. 0,005 mg.

41.What is graft dose of BCG-M vaccine?A. 0,025 mg. B. 0,5 mg.C. 0,25 mg.D. 0,05 mg.E. 0,005 mg.



42.The constant contraindication for BCG vaccination are:A. A prematurely born child, when the body mass at birth is less than 2000 g. B. Purulent-septic illnesses.C. Hemolytic disease of newly-borns.D. Severe puerperal traumas with neurologic symptomatics.E. All listed.

43.What kind of TB-prophylaxis is applied for newborn children?A. Chemoprophylaxis. B. Vaccination.C. Sanitary.D. Revaccination.E. Current disinfection.

44.What changes during bronchoscopy can be the of complicated course of primary tuberculous complex?

A. Diffusive purulent endobronchitis. B. Limited catarral endobronchitis.C. Specific granulations.

45.Determine the criteria and signs of the model of a patients with intrathoracic lymph nodes’ tuberculosis:

A. The of effusion in the pleural sinus. B. Widening of lungs roots shadow on the roentgenogram of thoracic cavity organs.C. Fistulas over the enlarged peripheral lymph nodes. D. Bronchi fistulas in bronchoscopy.

46.Determine possible consequences of intrathoracic lymph nodes tuberculosis:

A. Intelligence descrease. B. Intensive shadow in the lung of irregular form with clear contours.C. Weakness of lower extremities. D. Dysspnea.

47.Determine criteria and signs of the model of a patients with exudative pleuritis:

A. The presence of foci in the lungs. B. The presence of infusion in the pleural space.C. Body expectoration.



48.The basic sources of a tubercular infection for the person areA. Subjects of an environment. B. Food stuffs.C. The sick person.

49.Activators of a tuberculosis concern to a kind:A. Bacteria. B. Mushrooms.C. The elementary microorganism.D. Viruses.

50.The greatest role in epidemiology and clinic of a tuberculosis for the person play:

A. Mycobacterium of the bird's type. B. Mycobacterium of human type.C. Atypical Mycobacterium.D. Mycobacterium of the bull type.


Answer 31 A2 C3 B4 C5 A6 A7 B8 B9 B10 B11 C12 C13 E14 C15 B16 Infiltration17 C18 B19 E20 B21 C22 D23 B24 E25 C26 B27 D28 B29 C30 A31 B



32 B33 C34 B35 B36 A37 B38 B39 A40 D41 A42 E43 B44 C45 D46 D47 B48 C49 A50 B