Parts Best Business Practices Presented By: Lynn Ritger & Joyce Mitchell Presented By: Lynn Ritger &...

Post on 28-Mar-2015

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Transcript of Parts Best Business Practices Presented By: Lynn Ritger & Joyce Mitchell Presented By: Lynn Ritger &...

Parts Best Business PracticesParts Best Business Practices

Presented By:

Lynn Ritger

& Joyce Mitchell

Presented By:

Lynn Ritger

& Joyce Mitchell

Parts Best Business Practices

1. Answers to Some Common Questions

2. A FEW Examples of What’s New in 5.69

3. NAPA Interface



Answers to Some Common Questions

• How can I add other Parts to Auto Order?

• How do you reduce the PO Expense for a Work Order Credit?

• What are the benefits of using Parts Query vs. Search?

Add other Parts to Auto Order

Note the Order # generated by FASTER on the Auto Ordering tab.

Add other Parts to Auto Order

On the Ordering Tab, select vendor, PO # & Order # (from Auto Ordering) from the drop-down menu.

Add other Parts to Auto Order

The Auto Ordering parts list is displayed and you can enter additional parts on the same order.

Reduce the PO Expense for a WO Credit

Enter credits on the Work Order Credit tab to reduce the total expense for a vehicle.

Reduce the PO Expense for a WO Credit

Enter credit detail on Parts Processing Credits tab to reduce the PO expense for the work order credit.

Parts Query vs. Search

The Parts Inventory Search tab has 21 fields to select from.

Parts Query vs. Search

The Parts Inventory Query tab offers 67 fields to select from.

Parts Query vs. Search

On the Search tab the default operator is “= “. Query allows you to select from several Operators.

Parts Query vs. Search

Select “No” if you want to add multiple criteria to a query. Select “Yes” to clear and start over.

Parts Query vs. Search

Type “and” between each statement for compound query. Must have Administrative permission.

A FEW Examples of What’s New in 5.69

• Issue Search Includes Independent Issues

• Parts Cross-References Function• Parts Auto Ordering Tab Changes • Parts Warranty Credits• Print Button Options

Issue Search

Work Order Issue Search for parts now displays Independent Issues.

Parts Inventory-Cross References

New tab on the Parts Inventory for adding cross-reference numbers to system part numbers.

Parts Ordering-Cross References

Pop-up box displayed when a cross-reference part number is entered while Ordering.

Parts Receipts-Cross References

A list of cross reference part numbers are displayed when “Show IParts” button selected.

Parts Issue-Cross References

Pop-up box displayed when a cross-reference part number is entered while Issuing to a Work Order.

Parts Auto Ordering Changes

Auto Ordering has preview of parts list, their total and the PO Amount left w/o first creating an order.

Parts Warranty Pop-Up Box

Able to enter $1.00 credit amount received when issuing a part covered by warranty.

Parts Warranty-Issue

This shows that the part was issued with a unit cost of $3.39

Parts Warranty-Credit Tab

This shows that FASTER recorded the $1.00 credit on the Work Orders Credit tab.

Parts Warranty-Cost Tab

The Work Orders Cost tab shows the total parts cost based on unit price & the warranty credits.

Print Button Options

A new down arrow next to the print button opens a pop-up box with several options to choose from.



The NAPA Interface is designed as a ‘bridge’ between the FASTER system and the NAPA PROLink system.

It will allow you to create “pick lists” of NAPA parts for specific work orders, perform interchange searches of other manufacturer numbers into NAPA numbers, and also check prices for specific NAPA parts.

Pick Lists

Part Number Search

NAPA Part Number Search

Manufacturer Part Number Search


• Add other parts to Auto Order: Note the Order # generated by FASTER on the Auto Ordering tab. Go to the Ordering Tab, select vendor, PO # and Order # (noted on Auto Ordering) from the drop-down menu. The Auto Ordering parts list is displayed and you can enter additional parts on the same order.

• Credit PO for Work Order Credit: Enter credits on the Work Order Credit tab to reduce the total expense for a vehicle. Enter credit detail on Parts Processing Credits tab to reduce the PO expense for the work order credit.

• Benefits of Using Query: The Parts Inventory Search tab has 21 fields to select from and the Parts Inventory Query tab offers 67. Query allows you to select from several Operators, not just “equal to”. You can also include multiple criteria in a query if you have Admin permission. Example creates list of potential obsolete parts:

PHStoreroom = ‘1’ and PHNonStock = 0 and PHDateLastUsed < 20061219(Note: You can save copies of frequently used queries in a text document.)


• Work Order Issue Search: Now displays Independent Issues.

• New Parts Cross-Reference function: Available for use with Part Inventory, Ordering, Receiving, and Issuing. Think also about how this may relate to bar coding and part UPC codes.

• Auto Ordering Preview: Provides a preview list of all parts for a vendor that has reached the suggested re-order point without first having to create an order. The total is displayed, as well as, the PO Amount available to confirm there is adequate funding before an order is placed.

• Warranty Credit: Adds the ability to enter a credit amount when issuing a part covered by a warranty. Work order will display the unit cost, offset by the credit amount.

• Print Button Options: A new down arrow next to the print button opens a pop-up box with several options to choose from including Print Preview, Save, and Export to Excel.


• Creates pick lists for NAPA in conjunction with PROLink account• Works with standard FASTER wildcard searches and work order information• Has cross-reference capability for other manufacturers to NAPA parts• Has search capability for internal NAPA numbers

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