Part 3 Encourage to Be Encouraged by Lorelei Torino

Post on 14-Dec-2014

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We are to be good stewards and encourage one another. It's called Reciprocity the exchange. There are examples in scripture of the Bible that demonstrates God's promises. There is HOPE.

Transcript of Part 3 Encourage to Be Encouraged by Lorelei Torino

Are YOU Ready?

6 Part Series: No Limit Living

Spiritual Objective

• Receive strength daily

• Developing a deeper relationship with Christ

• Become better stewards

• Supernatural Superfood for growth

• Depending on Christ in love

• Outwit satan

Personal Objective

• Strengthen your mind

• How to enrich and encourage those around us

• Get a tune-up YOU

• A step up to maximize your God given talents and gifts

• Helping yourself and others come to know Christ

Encourage To Be An Encouragement


• Enlarge your circle

• Focus

• Name a few physical results of being encouraged or encouraging someone


• Souls are being won for Christ

• Christ being the center of your heart

• A hunger takes place

• Name a few spiritual results of being encouraged or encouraging someone






Psalm 31:14 But I trust in you,

O LORD; I say, "You are my


Jeremiah 29:1-14

God’s promises are as they were in

beginning unto the end

Babylonians rushed in over the Israelites and took them captive

Prophet Jeremiah sent letter to the surviving Israelites

1. What was the word for the Israelites?______________________

2. How long were they in exile?_______________

3. How does God’s word from this specific scripture apply to us today?___

Is there hope? You bet ya!!!





WhAt does it mean to be a STEWARD?

Steward : def; utilizing and managing all resources for

the glory of God and the betterment of His creation.

• Everything we have belongs to God; we are to manage it for His glory.

A steward does not own anything—he is to make his master a profit

•Stewards are to be trustworthy

•Parable of the Talents (produce more of what God entrusts us with)

•Accountable to God

Here are some views that are taught worldwide today:

•The money is the root of all evil

•All Christians should be wealthy

Do you see how the views could be mislead our FAITH?

Scripture: Psalm 2: 11 ; the joys within

1 Cor. 4:5; the people wait

What does it mean to encourage? • def; The mutual building up of faith by brethren so as

to overcome this world and the persecutions that

follow for confessing Christ.

Encouragement is not intended only for emotional uplifting but as well as

Spiritually ….

What are ways we are uplifted emotionally?________________________

What are ways we are uplifted spiritually?_________________________

Isaiah 26:3

Stewardship + Encouragement = WIN


Reciprocity: the encouragement exchange

• Each time you go out into the community and utilize your gift(s) and or talent(s) for the good of God’s kingdom you can encourage someone

• When God’s LOVE is realized by someone else’s encouragement or stewardship it in turn may be returned to you or someone else

• Stewardship and encouragement go hand in hand to return in the perfect way fit

• We find enjoyment and growth spiritually and physically (a smile; a hug, etc…) not always $


Has the Lord spoken to you?

Q: What does it mean to be a STEWARD? __________________________________ T / F : Stewardship is meant for cults and religious beliefs? T/F: The cavemen were exiled in Babylonia? Q: What prophet wrote a letter to the exiled Israelites telling them to make a place and get settled have lots of children,grow crops and wait?

Take Home Thought •Be willing to get uncomfortable for Jesus when it comes to giving of all we have as we grow to become better stewards

•Be as hungry as the lost & hungry are out there looking for answers and completely LOST without Christ

•Ask your self what difference can I make in someone else’s life?

USE ME Prayer Lord, teach us to be well equipped stewards that are willing . Thank you, Lord for pulling us from the miry clay and shaping us so that we may be used as a vessel to pour in to someone else’ life….Your will be done. Amen