Paper towns

Post on 15-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Paper towns


Punoi: Deborah Merdani

Details Author: John green Roman

John Green

His body of work:

1- the fault in our stars

2- paper towns

3- looking for Alaska etc

What is the book about?

Quentin is eighteen years old. He is in love with Margo since he was a kid. He calls her “his miracle”. Margo is an adventurous girl, likes doing crazy stuff. Like going to Mississippi or learning how to play the guitar. One night Margo and Quentin go in a mission and the other day she runs away from home.

Quentin wants to find her because she is the love of his life. He does crazy stuff. His friends help him, too.

Hollywood is making a movie based on the book. The two main protagonist are played by Nat Wolf and Cara Delavigne. The movie is great and there are made some changes.

The movie

Why should I care?

The book is about finding yourself, knowing the people around you. Finding yourself and being the person you really are.

Margo is to people this beautiful, crazy, adventurous girl. She has a perfect life, awesome friends and the most handsome boy in school as a boyfriend. Everyone wants to be her or to be friends with or to date her Margo is mysterious. Nobody knows her.

She does a trip to find herself.Quentin wants to know who she really is.

Identity quote

“I’m a big believer in random capitalization. The rules of capitalization are so unfair to the middle words”

Margo wants to be different. This quote tells a lot about her identity.

She doesn’t want to do the same things over and over. She wants to see the world and live.

Identity quoteShe doesn’t know sho she really is. She is lost and she wants to find herself again.

When people try to get to know her they find her different and not the same girl they thought she was.

Identity quotes

“She's not dead. She's a drama queen. Wants attention.”

Ben thinks Margo is a spoilt girl who seeks attention because her parents don’t treat her well. Margo’s parents think also she is a drama queen.

But Quentin doesn’t think so. He thinks she is hiding somewhere, and going to a paper town to never come back.

Identity quote The best quote of the book.

Radar makes a good point about the friendship. They accept each other differences instead of changing them.

Everyone has the good side and the bad side. Quentin is terribly late and Ban is an asshole but still, they are other qualities they value. Ben is a good listener and Radar is pretty handy with the computer staff and Quentin is a nice guy smart and very funny.

They are friends and they rely on each other.

Identity quote

Quentin realizes that Margo is just a girl. By idolizing her, he was taking away his humanity. He was treating her as an object not like a person.


I looked down and thought about how I was made of paper….People love the idea of a paper girl. They always have, And the worst thing is I loved it two. I cultivated.

Margo realizes she is made of paper. She is the fake one. Not the city she grew up, or the people. She realizes she is boring and she has to find the thing she loves, likes and appreciate them. She wants to be a complete person and live to the fullest.

She wants to find herself and be that. Even though she may be cruel, manipulative etc. She prefers to be hated and be herself than loved and nobody.

"College: getting in or not getting in. Trouble: getting in or not getting in. School: getting A's or getting D's. Career: having or not having. House: big or small, owning or renting. Money: having or not having. It's all so boring”

Margo looks down at anyone who does regular things.”

“Do I not order my various and sundry minions to be kind to you at school?”

Margo does not have friends . She has minions. Maybe Quentin will be her firs friend .

Friendship quote

When you say nasty things about people, you should never say the true ones because you can't really fully and honestly take those back, you know?

I like this quote. When you want to be mean with your friend, tell mean lies not mean truths. Because and the end of the day they will still remember..

Friendship quote….

"I am happy to participate in your investigation. But I have a girlfriend. She wants to have a nice prom. I want to have a nice prom. It's not my fault that Margo Roth Spiegelman didn't want us to have a nice prom.”

Nice friends will always help you, but they have their own lives too.

He wants to find Margo because he respects Quentin desire to find her, but he is not willing to sacrifice his own life for her.

Literature quote

“I wrote a little bit about The Great Gatsby for English. I read some of The Federalist Papers as early prep for my government final. ”

Quentin is a good student and he wants to be a doctor.

He never skips classes or takes an F.

“My miracle was this: out of all the houses in all the subdivisions in all of Florida, I ended up living next door to Margo Roth Spiegelman”

He idolizes her. He is very happy. He is happy about this as we would be if we end up living next door with a famous celebrity,


This picture has some of the book’s quotes.

They are Margo’s and Quentin’s quotes.

Paper towns

Everything here is boring as hell. She wants to go away. She wants to go away from her parents and everyone because she wants to live her life and be herself. She doesn’t want to go back to Orlando because she can’t do the things she wants there.

“Fake” town= paper town

Quentin is doing a task. He is taking off Chuck's eyebrow. They choose Chuck because he has been mean to Quentin and his friends.

On the mission

This is a question that Margo doest to herself every day.

Am I the devil or the angel?

Who am I?

Margo doesn’t want to be a paper girl. She wants to be real. She wants to change and decides to make a trip, alone.

Old Margo and the new Margo..

“Paper town “tour

Margo is lost, mysterious and wants to find herself.

Hazel is depressed and she thinks all the time she is a grenade.

Margo and Hazel

Margo thinks she is the worst friend. She didn’t tell anything about her cheating boyfriend. She is a nice friend, she worries about Margo when she misses. She worries that Margo might be dead.

Lacey, the best friend

Margo is cruel to her as soon as Lacey finds her. She makes fun of Lacey dating Ben. Lacey returns with Ben at the hotel. In the end, she speaks in the phone with her.

The final words are: “it was a real pleasure meeting too”

Margo and Lacey

Best friend with Q. They are the same social level: at the bottom..But Ben ends as being a real hero, with a gorgeous girlfriend Lacey. He doesn’t change. He remains the same and he is an honest and loyal friend.

Ben Starling

They have planned everything for the trip. They want to find Margo as soon as possible.

They are on the mission

The most memorable moment. This year I will be a senior and I can’t wait until the day comes.

I saw the movie and I loved it. It was a good movie.

The prom

She asks Q, Ben and Radar about Margo. She wants to know about Margo and if they know something. She helps them in their quest.

Lacey presents herself

The time when they were at the store.

They were buying things they needed in their mission.

Margo and Quentin

Quentin realizes that Margo is not Margo he knew. She was someone else and he must find her in any cost.


They will always be for each other……

Get lost, get found

He changes his mind about the prom thing.

This scene is in the movie, not in the book.

Quentin goes to prom

They are running after finishing one of the Margo’s task.

Margo and Quentin

The small and the grand Margo.


Radar is Q and Ben’s other friend. He is very smart and a human encyclopedia.

He has a girlfriend named Angela.

Radar (Marcus)

The group is waiting for Margo to come.

Movie clips

Deborah Merdani

Thank you