Paper no 6 victorian literature-Comparision and contrast between the Tom Jones and Oliver Twist

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Transcript of Paper no 6 victorian literature-Comparision and contrast between the Tom Jones and Oliver Twist

Topic:-Comparision and contrast between the Tom jones and Oliver Twist

Name:-Krishna R KhamalRoll No:- 15Enrollment no:-PG20170014M.A English (part-1)Batch:-2016/2018Paper no:-6 Victorian LiteratureEmail:-krishnakhamal01@gmail.comSubmitted to:- Department of English M.K.Bhavnagar University

Both are in Archetypal heroes

Oliver is like 'Ram' who belived in old morality.

Oliver is become happy in the end of the novel adopting by getting parents.

Tom is like 'Krishna' who belived in new morality.

Tom is become happy at the end of the novel marrying with sophia.



So,after all comparing these two characters,we say that there are various types of people every where whether in India or England.Everybody has their own good and bad side.And those things we can see in literature also.Everything made by us all types of moralities,culture,rituals.etc.