Paper 11: Special Interest Tourism Module 04: Introduction...

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Transcript of Paper 11: Special Interest Tourism Module 04: Introduction...


Principal Investigator Prof. S. P. Bansal,

Vice Chancellor, Indira Gandhi University, Rewari

Co-Principal Investigator Dr. Prashant K. Gautam,

Director, UIHTM, Panjab University, Chandigarh

Paper Coordinator Prof. Deepak Raj Gupta,

School of Hospitality & Tourism Management (SHTM), Jammu

University, J& K (INDIA)

Paper Co-Coordinator Dr. Amit Gangotia,

Central University of Jammu, J&K (INDIA)

Content Writer Dr. Amit Kumar Singh,

Assistant Professor, M.D.U, Rohtak Haryana

Content Reviewer Prof. Pariskhit Manhas,

Director, School of Hospitality & Tourism Management,

Jammu University, Jammu

Paper 11: Special Interest Tourism Module 04: Introduction of Alternate Tourism to the Market


1. Learning Outcome

After studying this module the students will be in a position to :

1. Know the meaning and definition of alternate tourism.

2. Define the scope of Alternate Tourism.

3. Know the distinguish features of Alternate Tourism.

4. Understand the significance of Alternate Tourism


Subject Name Tourism and Hospitality Management

Paper Name Introduction to Alternate Tourism to the Market

Module Title Introduction to Alternate Tourism to the Market

Module Id Module no-4

Pre- Requisites Basic knowledge about Alternate Tourism and policy


Objectives To define alternate tourism and the strategies to be formulated

to introduce alternate tourism to the market

Keywords Alternate Tourism, Tourism Platform, Positive Impact,

Sustainable Tourism, Local Residents, Indigenous

Resources, Policy Matter


1. Learning Outcome

2. Introduction

3. Why Alternate Tourism

3.1 Definition of Alternate Tourism

3.2 Forms of Alternate Tourism

3.3 Features of Alternate Tourism

3.4 Significance of Alternative Tourism

4. Introduction of alternate tourism as a policy matter to the market

5. Summary

2. Introduction: Tourism industry is facing a lot of challenge due to the participation of

a number of domestic as well as international tourism. The concept of tourism platforms

given by Jafar Jafari in a research paper mentions that in the advocacy platform the

countries were attracted towards the economic benefit of the tourism that resulted into the

tremendous growth in tourist movement world wide and sooner the researches started

showing the negative impacts in the societies caused due to the avarice of seeking

monetary benefits through tourism industry. In the adaptancy platform he urges that due

the negative impacts of tourism, some alternate form of tourism was required which

would have some fewer impacts than others. He favored those types of tourism which are

amicable to the society, host community and their socio cultural aspects, artificial and

natural environments which may offer new choices and rewarding experiences to the

tourists. In this platform some new concepts like indigenous form of tourism, alternative

form of tourism, appropriate form of tourism, responsible form of tourism, sensitized

form of tourism, green form of tourism, soft form of tourism, cottage form of tourism,

small scale form of tourism, controlled form of tourism and people to people form of

tourism were introduced. These concepts are community centered, focusing on long term

benefit of tourism, easy to manage, non destructive to local flora and fauna and are giving

a partial remedy against the negative impacts. So, the concept of alternative tourism is

nothing but it has been evolved out of the negative impacts of the tourism caused due to

mass tourism and felt by most of the countries.

Why Alternative Tourism? The researchers have coined the concept of alternative

tourism. There are many reasons for the existence of this term. As discussed above, the

rise of the concept called alternative tourism has been emerged because of the recognition

of the negative impacts of conventional form of tourism on society, culture and

environment. Another reason for the flourishing of this concept is the ideologies

associated with development like modernization, urbanization and capitalism and in the

last the conflict created by touristic activities in the indigenous culture. The biggest

challenge in front of the society was the recognition of the rights of the indigenous local

people and prepares them for upcoming changes in their religion, community and society

caused due to introduction of tourism activities in the area. In many case we have seen

that local communities never tolerate to see their culture contaminated with some

different culture. Nidhi Aeusrivongse (1994:41-45) is of opinion that the culture of

tourism is considered as a new culture which is not an outcome of either the real culture

of the local community or tourist itself and often it has been a bone of contention between

the host (local residents) population and guest (tourist) on the issue of availbale resource

consumption. In a nut shell it can be concluded that alternative tourism was launched in

the anticipation that it will put the things on right track which were out of track globally

due to fault policy of tourism development and dreaming of reaping economic benefit.

The launching of the term alternative tourism was supposed to contribute into creating an

enriching relation between visitors and host population. It will respect and consider the

dignity of both the parties mutually on the issue of religion, culture, social and physical


Defining Alternative Tourism: In a broad term it can be defined as that type of tourism

which are operational with the harmony of nature, society and community and which

allow both host and guest to interact in a positive manner and to share their experiences

together. The term alternative tourism is an amalgam of tourism products and services

which differs much from mass tourism in the area of supply, society and human resource.

The concept of alternative tourism also includes the features like active tourism, explorer,

committed tourism etc. There are various examples of active form of tourism such as

rambling tourism, hiking tourism, trekking and biking as soft form of adventure

torurism; snowing and skiing, mountaineering tourism, river rafting, water diving and

sky diving, rock climbing as a hard form adventure tourism. In these activities tourist

personally participates that’s why it has been put into the category of active tourism. The

examples of explore based alternative tourism are historically vaued destinations,

archaeological and museum sites, foreign culture, rural form of tourism, eco form of

tourism, cultural sites, fun and food tourism, indegenous cuisines, traditional folk music,

folk and classical dances, art and crafts etc. The committed tourism comes on the part of

tourist when he/she does some charity work. The examples include voluntary

tourism,offering services for any social cause, digging at archaeological sites, working in

camps for social cause, movement for seeking justice, moving individually i.e. solitary

form of tourism, religious tourism etc. The word alternative tourism (AT) is synonimous

to commercial form of tourism which is normally small scale in nature and is focusing on

minimal negative impact on social, cultural and environment aspects. There is another

group of researcher who has come up with the concept that the term alternative is having

double meaning because it’s a fashionable idea emerged out of those who are not

convinced with the encouragement of group tourism. They are also of this opinion that

alternative has no clear definition, it lacks what is wants to convey to the society? In this

regard in 1988 an academic committee supported by UNWTO was deputed to check the

reliability of the term alternative tourism and they concluded with the report that this

particular term is full of ambiguity and confusion because this has a variety of meaning to

different users. There is certain group of academician who is of this faith that alternative

form of tourism has a very close relationship with sustainable form of tourism. In wider

concept the concept of sustainable tourism fits appropriate and more meaningful term in

comparison to alternative form of tourism.

Forms of Alternative Tourism: The concept of alternative tourism in modern times is

used as a synonym to sustainable tourism. Alternative tourism has been evolved out of

the negative impacts of mass tourism and deals with cordial relationship between visitor

and the local community. The main aim of participation in alternative form of tourism is

to harm less the surroundings in which they are moving and roaming. To achieve this

they prefer to travel in sharing modes rather than opting for a personalized vehicle, they

use the services offered to and by local residents and wants to stay in a natural and

existing resources. Such type of tourism focuses on experiencing and getting insight into

the way of life of indigenous people. Alternative form of tourism stresses on the holistic

development of the destination i.e. balanced growth in the harmony with local

environment and socio-cultural aspects. After analyzing the significance of alternative

tourism, the researchers came out with many concepts in the pattern of alternative

tourism with similar meaning and motive. The discussed below are some of the forms of

alternative tourism:

a. On the basis of the activity based tourism it can be divided into endemic form of

tourism, experiencing travel, value additional travel, conservation form of

tourism, soft form of adventure travel, responsiveness tourism, eco system

museums, eco form of tourism, community based tourism, , rural form of

tourism, indigenous form of tourism, farm based tourism and so many.

b. On the basis of support services, there exists some form of tourism like home

away from home stay, vacation at farm houses, Bed and Breakfast establishments,

guest and rest houses, natural history retreats, cottages based stay, hunt based

lodges and health based farms.

c. On the basis of management system, it can be divided into two parts, natural and

cultural conservation. The management system emphasises on the skilful use of

resources so that benefits must be received by the host population and community

in a long run.

Beyond above discussed nomenclatures, there are some other common concepts used in

tourism industry in the pattern of alternative tourism. These concepts are more or less

similar in nature to alternative form of tourism and are discussed below:

1. Pro-poor Tourism: This approach of tourism focuses on the opportunities created

by tourism and should accrue to the locals in maximum possible manner. The

crux of the story is that host population should be made participative in all

tourism activities like planning and policy, creating markets for their indigenous

products, economic gain and commercial viability of the society.

2. Ethical Tourism: Just to maintain social, cultural and economic benefit for local

and indigenous people, this concept was launched. The need of ethical tourism is

also important because it protects destination from all types of malpractices

practiced by tourist as well as host population.

3. Indigenous Tourism: This type of tourism promotes the participation of local

people (host population) in maintaining and conservation of typical local


4. Rural Tourism: In this form of tourism, touristic activities are taking place into

certain areas, which is an amalgam of natural and manmade form of destination

and talking about rich cultural heritage and local services offered by the natives.

5. Adventure Tourism: This is a type of tourism in which high level of zeal, courage,

enthusiasm, physical risk, education and nature contact is required. There are two

types of adventure tourism prevailing in the world, hard and soft. The examples

of hard form of adventure are mountaineering, rafting, sky diving, scuba diving,

parasailing, paragliding etc while bird watching, trekking, safaris etc are the

examples of soft form of adventure tourism. Some adventure tourism like bird

watching is not possible without eco or national park.

6. Geo Tourism: This is a new concept in tourism initiated by National Geographic

Society in 2002. According to them “the tourism which sustains, controls and

enhances the geographical quality of a place which is being visited because of its

rich environment, culture, local aesthetic touch art and architecture and overall the

well being of its residents.

7. Eco tourism: This concept of tourism is meant for nature loving tourists. Those

tourists who wants to see performing wild animals, birds and flora into their

natural habitat, this type of tourism is opt for them.

8. Community Based Tourism: This is also a type of tourism which is known as

alternative form of tourism and concentrates on participative activity in tourism.

This concept has been evolved from the sustainable form of tourism and focuses

on the benefits to be accrued to the local community where tourism activities are


Features of Alternative Tourism: The important features of alternative tourism are

discussed below;

a. Alternative tourism concentrates on preservation, protection and enhancement of

the resources which are an essential ingredient to tourist inflow.

b. Alternative tourism is applied in a small and specific area which are managed,

maintained and owned by local residents.

c. Alternative tourism attracts journeys to remote and undisturbed natural areas with

self sustained with a motive to appreciate, study and enjoying the natural beauty

and its indigenous cultural features.

d. Alternative tourism focuses on sustainability of the resources and well being of

the local residents.

e. Alternative tourism emphasises over the ecological sustainability as well as

cultural sustainability i.e. the tourism which does not harm local culture and

create a sense of respect to the indigenous culture.

f. Alternate tourism talks about the minimal negative impact on environment and

fostering development in such areas which may sooth, synchronize and in

harmony to the local features.

Significance of Alternative Tourism: The significance of alternative tourism lies in the

following facts:

a. Alternative Tourism emphasises on the awareness of the local people and their

way of life and preservation and conservation of their indigenous culture.

b. Alternative Tourism opens the path for several new forms of tourism which are

directly and indirectly contributing to sustainable growth of the societies in terms

of economy and resource use.

c. The concept of alternate form of tourism has become a centre of attraction for

small investors because of profitable investment opportunities available in this

tourism sector and whose interest lies in this sector only.

d. The alternative form of tourism is also important because it is considered as

environmentally safe and viable for small communities.

e. The alternate form of tourism provides an option of new destinations to those

tourists who do not want to visit a popular destination or we can say that they do

not want to be a part of mass tourism and travel individually or in a small group

and focusing less on world class comfort and ease.

Introduction of alternate tourism as a policy matter to the market and challenges

faced on implementation part:

As we have seen that alternative tourism because of its features, it is in high

demand in tourism sector. Besides a lot of advantages, it has a wide range of

criticism also. A group of intellectuals are of this opinion that there should not

such concept called alternate tourism rather it should be denoted with other names

like sustainable tourism, green tourism, wilderness tourism and so on. The other

group of intellectuals are of view that the alternative form of tourism is an

appropriate word and it is gaining popularity in the societies because of its

positive contribution. However, it is a non answered question how, when, where

and what form of alternate tourism need to be implemented to the tourism

markets. Local authorities are considered as the best placed agencies in managing

tourism over any destination. National Tourism Organisations are responsible for

sharing their advice and implementation part. In many countries tourism boards

are engaged in tourism formulation process and its implementation part.

If we look back, the implementation of any policy or principle to a market is not a

cup of tea for planners but it is rigorous process which is divided into the

following steps:

1. Conceive of a plan: This step focuses on the collection of the necessary data

regarding the negative impacts of tourism in the societies, their forms of

negative impacts and the affected stakeholders.

2. Adoption: The policy is being implemented with the enforcement of law. This

may include strictly followed do’s and don’ts by the residents as well as

guests. Strictly legislative and regulatory parts are to be maintained.

3. Integration: The integration of the public and private partnership is utmost

required in policy formulation and its implementation. The ministry of

tourism and government of India need to join with the private operators to

fulfil the objective.

4. Monitoring: Monitoring is required for a continuous evaluation of the project.

This may include the analysis of impact on local culture, environment, tourist

satisfaction, feasibility, and market.

5. Adjustment: The tourism plans should be adjustable and flexible to the

timeframe and should be as per the programmes and plans.

6. Feedback/Revision: All the plans should be open ended where everyone is

free to share his/her views about the success or failure of the policy. Hence,

there is a possibility of review and revision of the plan.

Beyond above discussed points there are few other components which are needed to be

discussed. Policy must have defensive and corrective actions which are based on

identification of the suitable condition helpful in making the policy successful. A policy

must be confidential for its effective implementation. A series of questions related to the

policy is to be prepared and should be directly associated with the stakeholders,

implementation, action and organizations responsible for implementation.

Barriers in implementing alternate form of tourism as a policy matter: The policies

are meant for implementation and this implementation undoubtedly give results in the

noble cause of the societies or direct beneficiaries. But there are some problems while

implementing alternative tourism as a policy matter. These issues are discussed below:

1. Political power struggle: The country like India is facing this situation because

government changes every five year. One government is coming out with a new

tourism policy; the next government has some other priorities, giving less value to

the earlier one. Thus increasing the difficulties of implementing any policy related

to alternate form of tourism i.e. green tourism, sustainable tourism and many


2. Change in priority: Another reason for declaring a policy flops or unproductive is

its priority. Almost in every tourism policy society and environment are the major

concern while on implementation part the major focus is on its economic

contribution. The governments give priority to those policies which are related to


3. Resistance to change: Another area of concern is the local population who always

reacts with the new guidelines implemented for their well being. It has been

observed in India that when National Green Tribunal came out with strict norms

to save environment from solid waste management, pollution, making river beds

free from all permanent establishments, it was the local residents, hoteliers and

other beneficiaries who opposed the working of NGT.

4. Short term objectives: The policies should be meant for long term benefit rather

than short term. This results in a negative feedback from the stakeholders.

5. Copy cat approach: The government brings any tourism policy without studying

the need of the stakeholders. It just uses a copy cat approach to fulfil the

minimum standards of the destination without caring the climate, resources and

proper study of the outcome of the implementation of the policy. It does not mean

that a policy which has given the satisfactory results in any world will have the

same impact on the other destinations as well.

6. Mismatch in demand and supply: The policies laid the foundation of tourism

development in India and as a result more tourism suppliers came into existence.

But the decline in tourist traffic has compelled the government to withdraw the

policy from immediate effect.

7. Differentiation between well developed and under developing destination:

Majority of the policies fall in the category of frameworks which are designed for

separate category of destinations and products. There are a clear cut framework

designed for a new or developing destination while separate framework for

developed or mature destination. This creates a lot of confusion on the

implementation part because no destination is a new destination and no

destination is a mature destination here in India.

8. Local Support: Policies may be formulated and guidelines may be designed by the

national government but when it comes implementation part, it is the local

government who is responsible for. It has been observed that central governments

and state governs do not fall in the same ruling party and as a result the policies

are kept into the files rather than giving them a ground reality. In majority of

cases tourism has not been considered as a tool to economic growth by many

states in India till 2007. If tourism is not going to be considered as major source

of economic growth, till then no tourism policy will give desired results.

9. Communitarians: Another important problem faced on the part of policy

implementation is communitarians because the conflicts are aroused due to the

resource sharing issue and traditional economic development for the societies.

The communitarians believe that what is being given to the society in total will

not give desired results for everyone in the society.

These are some of the common barriers in implementation of tourism policies associated

with alternative tourism, sustainable tourism, ecotourism, carrying capacity, environment

impact and many more.

Summary: Alternative form of tourism has been emerged out of the massive negative

impacts of mass tourism on society, cultural, economics and environment. The policy

makers came out with a new concept called Alternative form of tourism whose primary

motive is to minimize the negative impact of conventional form of tourism in the

societies. Though this concept is controversial in nature because a segment of the

scholars are of view that this form of tourism has nothing to do with the sustainability in

contrary it full of ambiguity and confusion because this has a variety of meaning to

different users. There is certain group of academician who is of this faith that alternative

form of tourism has a very close relationship with sustainable form of tourism. There are

many forms of alternate tourism like pro-poor tourism, ethical tourism, indigenous

tourism, rural tourism, adventure tourism, geo tourism, eco based tourism, community

participation tourism and many more. The focus of alternative form of tourism is to

preserve, protect and enhancement of the resource, it is applied to small and specific

areas which are maintained by local population and are prevailing as natural beauty and

indigenous culture, to minimize negative impact on environment and boost sustainable

development in the harmony of local culture. The implementation of alternative form of

tourism as a policy is required by doing certain home works and discussing major areas

of concern.