PAN Manager Feature Summary - Fujitsu Technology...

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PAN Manager Feature Summary

For BladeFrame® BF400 S2 and BladeFrame® BF200

Document Number 430-SB0073

August 2008


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Chapter 1: Release Highlights

PAN API .................................................................................................................. 1-2

Hypervisor Enhancements (VBXS2.1_BF) ............................................................ 1-2

Upgraded cBlade Linux kernel ................................................................................ 1-3

Improved UTF-8/International Keyboard Support .................................................. 1-3

WINPE2.1 Support .................................................................................................. 1-4

Integrated disk (LUN) removal ............................................................................... 1-4

Dynamically modify applications ........................................................................... 1-4

Chapter 2: PAN Manager Documentation List

PAN Manager Documents ....................................................................................... 2-2

Chapter 3: PAN Manager Feature List

PAN Features .......................................................................................................... 3-2

pServer OS Versions ............................................................................................... 3-2

CPU Support ............................................................................................................ 3-4

PAN Agent .............................................................................................................. 3-5


PAN Manager Feature Summary

Installation and Boot ............................................................................................... 3-6

Network ................................................................................................................... 3-7

Devices .................................................................................................................... 3-8

Chapter 4: Restrictions

Unsupported or restricted features .......................................................................... 4-22000 Disk Limit................................................................................................ 4-2Disaster Recovery restrictions.......................................................................... 4-2

Chapter 5: Commands

New or Modified Commands and Options .............................................................. 5-2




Welcome to PAN Manager PM5.2_BF.

PAN Manager Feature Summary is part of the PAN Manager documentation set. Its purpose is to describe the features and documents that apply to your hardware platform, and note any restrictions.

Audience — PAN Manager Feature Summary is for PAN Administrators and LPAN Administrators.

Topics — Read this book to learn about the following:

• applicable documents

• applicable features

• restrictions specific to this hardware platform

PAN Manager Documentation Set — To learn about the other documents available in the PAN Manager documentation set, see Chapter 2, “PAN Manager Documentation List”.

PAN Manager Features — To learn about the PAN Manager features available in the current release, see Chapter 3, “PAN Manager Feature List”.

PM5.2_BF v

PAN Manager Feature Summary

Customer Support

If you require customer support regarding this product, use the following contact information.

Fujitsu Siemens Computers customer support

Document Conventions


Telephone See the Help Desk information at under General Information, Warranty and Support.

Convention Description

> Directory-level delimiter used to navigate the left pane of the PAN Manager GUI.

Example: Resources > Ethernet Connections

Sans serif italics Variable text, such as a path, a filename, or an LPAN name.

Example: lpan -c lpanname

Sans serif Text that must be typed as shown.

Example: Type root at the login prompt.

vi PM5.2_BF


Bold The name of a field or window element appearing in a GUI. It also highlights default values in PAN Manager man pages.

Example: In the Users page...

Italics Text that is emphasized.

Example: Do not connect the power.

[text] Text that is optional to a command.

{text} A set of choices, one of which is required.

| Separation of mutually exclusive choices in syntax lines.

Example: lpan [-aD | -rD]{switch | SCSI_ID} lpanname

Note Information of importance or that may not fit in main text.

Caution Failure to heed a caution could result in loss of data.

Warning — Failure to heed a warning could result in physical harm to the user or the hardware.

Convention Description


PM5.2_BF vii

PAN Manager Feature Summary

viii PM5.2_BF

Chapter 1Release Highlights

This document summarizes the features, documents, and restrictions specific to PAN Manager PM5.2_BF running on the BladeFrame platform. It assumes you are familiar with PAN Manager concepts, architecture, and features, as described in PAN Manager Technical Overview.

This chapter highlights new features for this release, which include the following:


• Hypervisor Enhancements (VBXS2.1_BF)

• Upgraded cBlade Linux kernel

• Improved UTF-8/International Keyboard Support

• WINPE2.1 Support

• Integrated disk (LUN) removal

• Dynamically modify applications

PM5.2_BF 1-1

PAN Manager Feature Summary


The PAN API (Application Programming Interface) provides a programmable web service interface to PAN Manager.

All communication is done over a standard protocol (https) using plain-text XML packaged as SOAP messages. The client retrieves the Web Service Definition Language (WSDL) file via HTTP GET requests. This file defines all APIs and data structures available via the web service.

The client then communicates with the Web Service using HTTP POST to handle the SOAP request/response exchanges. The client constructs requests as XML messages and sends theses messages to the server. The server then processes the requests and returns data back to the client as serialized XML messages.

The PAN API implements most existing CLI (command line interface), with the exception only of those functions that do not make sense in a programmable context.

Hypervisor Enhancements (VBXS2.1_BF)

This release includes Hypervisor VBXS2.1_BF, which supports the “Miami” release of Citrix XenServer 4.1. This provides the following enhancements and new features for vBlades:

• live migration

• suspend/resume

• support for 64-bit RHEL5.1 guests

• support for 32-bit Windows Vista guests

1-2 PM5.2_BF

Release Highlights

• support for “memory ballooning” (a mechanism for coordinating the memory management requirements of guest operating systems).

For details, please see Using vBlades.

Upgraded cBlade Linux kernel

This release incorporates a Linux 2.6-based (RHEL4.x) kernel on the cBlades. This enhancement provides two benefits in the area of disk support:

• The ability to remove disks without a rolling reboor (see “Integrated disk (LUN) removal” on page 1-4).

• The ability to support more than 2000 disk devices. However, this increased disk capability has not yet been tested, so the supported disk limit remains at 2000.

Improved UTF-8/International Keyboard Support

This release provides pServer text console support for UTF-8 keyboards on both pBlades and vBlades.

This includes support for UTF-8 / international keyboard interaction with VGA consoles to vBlade pServers via VNC, initially concentrating on German and English keyboard support.

PM5.2_BF 1-3

PAN Manager Feature Summary

WINPE2.1 Support

This release provides the ability to boot WinPE2.1 images to support Windows pServer installations.

Integrated disk (LUN) removal

With the introduction of the 2.6 kernel (see above), you can now remove disks via PAN Manager at run time, without the need to perform a rolling reboot of the cBlades to commit the removal.

Dynamically modify applications

You can now add or remove resources to and from PAN Manager High Availability (HA) applications and load balancers at run time, without first stopping the application. (Note that the resources themselves are not modifiable while assigned to a running application. Only the list of resources currently in use by any given running application can be modified.)

1-4 PM5.2_BF

Chapter 2PAN Manager

Documentation List

PAN Manager provides a comprehensive set of HTML and PDF documents designed for administrators and other IT personnel. These documents describe how to configure, administer, and monitor PANs using the unique features of PAN Manager.

Important: We also provide pServer documentation, release notes, and other information on the support web site:

PM5.2_BF 2-1

PAN Manager Feature Summary

PAN Manager Documents

Table 2.1 PAN Manager Documentation

Document Topics PDF File

PAN Manager Feature Summary

(This document.) A comprehensive listing of the documentation and features that apply to your hardware platform, plus any restrictions.


READ THIS FIRST: PAN Manager Configuration Guide

Essential configuration tasks to be performed immediately after installation of platform hardware.


PAN Manager Technical Overview

The architecture and features of PAN Manager and the platform hardware.


PAN Manager Administrator’s Guide

How to configure and manage a PAN with the graphical user interface (GUI).


PAN Manager GUI Guide

Describes the PAN Manager features in the GUI, and provides the context-sensitive help when you click on the Help button.


PAN Manager Command Reference

Summary of the PAN Manager command-line interface (CLI), including all commands, options, and arguments.


PAN Manager Scripting Guide

How to configure and manage a PAN with CLI scripts.


PAN Manager SAN Integration Guide

The best practices for integrating a Processing Area Network (PAN) with a Storage Area Network (SAN).


Using vBlades How to use the PAN Manager vBlades feature.


2-2 PM5.2_BF

PAN Manager Documentation List

Using Egenera Virtualized Boot Services

How to use the PAN Manager EVBS feature.


Glossary Definitions for PAN Manager terms. glossary.pdf

PAN Manager PED Message Reference

How to diagnose and recover from errors reported by the Precise Error Daemon (PED).


Resource Information Points to on-line resources for locating additional documentation such as Release Notes, pServer information, hardware documentation, etc.


PAN Manager Web Service Programmers Guide

Provides an overview of the messages and data objects in the PAN Manager web service, and describes how to write web service applications.


PAN Manager Web Service API Reference

Describes the syntax and programming usage information for each request and data object.

HTML only

Configuring Applications for PAN Manager Control: A Quick Reference Card

How to place applications under PAN Manager control.

Hardcopy only. Contact Fujitsu Siemens Computers customer support.

Creating a pServer: A Quick Reference Card

How to create pServers. Hardcopy only. Contact Fujitsu Siemens Computers customer support.

Document Topics PDF File

PM5.2_BF 2-3

PAN Manager Feature Summary

2-4 PM5.2_BF

Chapter 3PAN Manager Feature List

This chapter outlines the specific PAN Manager features that apply on this platform.

PAN Manager features fall into the following major categories:

• PAN Features

• pServer OS Versions

• CPU Support

• PAN Agent

• Installation and Boot

• Network

• Devices

PM5.2_BF 3-1

PAN Manager Feature Summary

PAN Features

PAN Manager provides the following overall features in the PAN.

pServer OS Versions

The features supported by each pServer depend on whether the pServer is running on a pBlade or vBlade. With vBlades, the

PAN Manager Feature

GUI, CLI, logical model, security model. RCC

Power domains, power management for PIM-Rs

Disaster Recovery (DR), PAN archiving

Provisioning of Fibre Channel storage

Hypervisor, vBlades

Chassis management (discovery, monitoring, FRU reporting, LED/LCD control)

Device management (discovery, monitoring, access to SAN disks)

Failover of PAN Manager, cBlades, sBlades, pServers

Monitors, events, traps

SNMP MIBs, third-party tools

Redundant, active-active fabric


Firmware update from PAN Manager

3-2 PM5.2_BF

PAN Manager Feature List

features supported depend on the type of guest operating system:

• Paravirtual guests have been modified to use the Xen hypervisor.

• Unmodified guests use hardware virtualization from the pBlade.

PAN Manager supports the following pServer OSes on both pBlades and vBlades:

For the latest information on supported pServers, go to the Fujitsu Siemens Computers customer support web site:

OS Version pBladevBladea

a. See Using vBlades for the most detailed up-to-date information by Guest OS.

Paravirtual Guest

Unmodified Guest







Solaris 10 X

Windows 2003 X X

Windows Vista 32-bit


PM5.2_BF 3-3

PAN Manager Feature Summary

CPU Support

The following table outlines the specific CPU types and features that are supported by each pServer and guest.

CPU Feature

pServers on pBlades pServers on vBladesa

Linux Windows Paravirtual Guest Unmodified Guest

32-bit and 64-bit X X 32-bit only Linux: 32-bit onlyWindows: 32 or 64-bit

CPUs No limit No limit Up to 8 (depending on OS)a

Up to 8 (depending on OS)a

Memory No limit No limit Up to 32 GB (depending on OS)a

Up to 32 GB (depending on OS)a

Dynamic memory modify

Dynamic CPU modify X

Dynamic disk modify X X X

Dynamic disk remove X X

Dynamic vEth modify X X

Crash dumps X X X X

Live migration X X

Suspend/resume X X

a. See Using vBlades for the most detailed up-to-date information by Guest OS.

3-4 PM5.2_BF

PAN Manager Feature List

PAN Agent

Guest operating systems do not support the PAN Agent, but the hypervisor provides graceful shutdown for all guests. For standard pServers, the supported PAN Agent features vary with the OS version, as outlined in the following table.

PAN Agent FeaturepServers on pBlades pServers on vBladesa

Linux Windows Paravirtual Guest

Unmodified Guest

PAN Agent X X

Graceful shutdown X X X X

Version reporting X X

OS monitors X X

HA applications X

Load balancing X

a. See Using vBlades for the most detailed up-to-date information by Guest OS.

PM5.2_BF 3-5

PAN Manager Feature Summary

Installation and Boot

The following table outlines the boot, installation, and console features supported by each pServer:

Install/Boot Feature

pServers on pBlades pServers on vBladesa

Linux Windows Paravirtual Guest

Unmodified Guest

DVD install X X

VCD install X X X

NFS install X X

WinPE install X

WinPE2.1 support X

pbroot install X X

Virtualized BIOS settings X X

Boot device order X X X X

VCD, SAN boot X X X X

Virtual VGA X X

a. See Using vBlades for the most detailed up-to-date information by Guest OS.

3-6 PM5.2_BF

PAN Manager Feature List


The following table summarizes the supported network features by pServer.

Network FeaturepServers on pBlades pServers on vBladesa

Linux Windows Paravirtual Guest

Unmodified Guest

vEth rate limiting X X

Number of vEths 31 31 7a 7a

Number of rate limited vEths

2 2 0 0

Multicast flow control X

Distributed multicast X X X

Load balancing X X X X

Maximum MTU, uplinks 1500 1500 1500 1500

Maximum MTU, internal (pServer-to-pServer)

14.5K 1500 14.5K 14.5K

IPv4 X X X X

a. See Using vBlades for the most detailed up-to-date information by Guest OS.

PM5.2_BF 3-7

PAN Manager Feature Summary


The following table outlines the supported devices and specific features.

Device FeaturepServers on pBlades pServers on vBladesa

Linux Windows Paravirtual Guest

Unmodified Guest

Disk partitioning X

SCSI-2 Reservations X X

SCSI-3 Persistent Reservations


Access toCD-ROM



Tape X

Number of disks 217 217 Up to 15 (depending on guest OS)

13 (but only 3 without the PV device drivers)

a. See Using vBlades for the most-up-date information by Guest OS.

3-8 PM5.2_BF

Chapter 4Restrictions

PAN Manager for BladeFrame is subject to the following restrictions in this release.


PAN Manager Feature Summary

Unsupported or restricted features

Standard PAN Manager features that are not supported, or are supported in a limited fashion, on the BladeFrame platform for this release include:

2000 Disk Limit With the introduction of the 2.6 Linux kernel on the cBlades, PAN Manager gains the ability to support more than 2000 disk devices. However, this increased capability, while it should work , has not been validated. Be aware PAN Manager has only been tested up to the 2000 disk limit.

Disaster Recovery restrictions

• Disaster Recovery (DR) archives created before 4.0.1 are not supported. Additionally, archives taken during a preview release of any version (including PM5.2_BF previews) are not guaranteed to work with PM5.2_BF.

• PM5.2_BF DR archives are not be supported on prior releases.

• Archives taken on other hardware platforms are not supported on the PM5.2_BF release, regardless of version number.


Chapter 5Commands

This chapter documents PAN Manager CLI commands that are specific to the PRIMERGY BX600 platform. It also lists commands and options that are not supported on this platform.


PAN Manager Feature Summary

New or Modified Commands and Options





CD-ROM 3-8commands

new or modified 5-2CPUs 3-4


DR 3-2


featuresrestricted 4-2

firmware update 3-2


hypervisor 3-2


installation 3-6IPv4 3-7


load balancing 3-7


MTU size (internal) 3-7MTU size (uplinks) 3-7


PAN agent 3-5power domains 3-2pServers 3-2


rate limiting 3-7restrictions 4-1


SCSI-2 and SCSI-3 reservations 3-8


PAN Manager Feature Summary


tape 3-8


vBlades 3-2

VCD 3-8


WinPE install 3-6


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