Page Builders for WordPress

Post on 20-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Page Builders for WordPress

Page Builders Are they they holy grail of WordPress design?

Why we like them

• They offer “total control” • They offer “freedom” • They offer a “unique look”

Total Control

It’s true that it gives you control over your own

look. But that won’t make you a designer.


While you get the freedom to do what you like, you

often lose the freedom to change page builders.

Unique Look

By far, most people use these page builders to build the same kinds of


Holy Grail?

So are some page builders better than others? Are

some approaches better than others?

Plugins vs Themes •  VelocityPage •  Beaver Builder •  Visual Composer •  Themify Builder

• Make / Make Pro • Headway •  Pagelines •  Builder


Headway ($59) – takes some time to learn, but gives you ability to draw

anything you want.


Pagelines ($99)– hard to learn, and requires you to

purchase a lot of “building blocks”.


iThemes Builder ($80) – powerful and easy to learn, but the child themes don’t look



Make (Free) – Is a brilliant theme that doesn’t leave a lot of shortcodes. The

Plus plugin ($99) makes it even better.


Make Plus ($99) – Is a brilliant plugin keeps

things simple, but only works with Make (free).


VelocityPage ($97) – is another awesome plugin that doesn’t leave a lot of



Beaver Builder ($99) – gives you pre-designed layouts that help you

move quickly while looking great.


Visual Composer ($28) – gives you TONS of

different components to design pages. But leaves behind shortcode hell.


Themify Builder ($39) – not as numerous options as VC, but has pre-built layouts and lets you edit

on back or front end.

Plugins are Better*

You have a shot, with plugins, to change themes and still

keep your design.

* Make / Make Pro is a pretty amazing combination.