P. O. Box 7369, Burbank, CA 91510 September 30...

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Transcript of P. O. Box 7369, Burbank, CA 91510 September 30...

�30 �7742;,8= �080,6924.,6 (9.40=A !4-;,;Ais open for research on all Wednesdays from 12-5,

1st & 3rd Saturdays from 10-5, and 2nd & 4th Sundays from 12-5. Come see us!���$����������������!�����������#� �������������������������

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Page 1 IGS Newsletter � �������September 2016

�0(� -�90� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �P. O. Box 7369, Burbank, CA 91510 � �September 2016

Iowa Soldiers in the War of the Rebellion � �CavalryUnder the direction of Brig. Gen. Guy E. Logan, Adjutant General of Iowa, the State Printer produced a “Roster and Record” concerning presumably all Iowa Civil War soldiers. We have Vol. IV. What follows is a listing of those men of foreign birth for the Fifth Regiment, Iowa Volunteer Cavalry. The summary data recorded are: name, age (at muster?) and nativity, with additional details available from the editor of this newsletter. Field and Staff Officers, & Reg. Band. 1st Battalion Major C. Schaeffer Boernstein, 26, Germany. 1st Battalion Adjutant William Aston, 31, England. 2nd Battalion Commissary Sgt. George A. Freidenreich, 23, Germany. 2nd Battalion Sgt. Major Joseph Buck, 36, Germany. Regimental Saddler Sgt. Frederick Dietrich, 23, Germany. 2nd Battalion Veterinary Sgt. William Hoffman, 26, Germany. Regimental

�� Next Up�� �%.+ Immigrant Genealogical Society will participate as an exhibitor in the San Diego ���������������������Genealogical Society’s 2nd Annual Genealogy Day at the Balboa Park History Center. ��The date is Sat., October 15th; check in begins at 8 a.m. & the keynote is at 8:45 a.m. Breakout sessions of an hour each will begin at 10:15 and 11:30 a.m., and the Exhibit Hall (with our table) will be open from 9:45 to 1:45 p.m. Plan to attend if you can!!

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Farrier Richard Postill, 32, England. Chief Bugler Joseph Hensman, 38, England. Regimental Bugler Nicholas Bade, 43, Germany. First Class Musicians, Regimental Band: Joseph Bendler, 22, Germany. Christian Fischer or Fisher, 25, Germany. Charles Handt, 26, Germany. Henry Hecht, 31, Switzerland. Francis Hoffman, 31, France. Charles Henry Kummer, 30, Germany. Second Class Musicians, Regimental Band: Matthias Raska, 22, Germany. George Rifenstohl, 29, Germany. C. August Ulrich, 29, Germany. Third Class Musician, Regimental Band Charles Franzke, 25, Germany. Cavalry troopers: Francis A. Allen, 18, New Zealand. Charles Alley, 29, Ireland. William Amos, 32, Scotland. William Aston, 31, England. Felix Acker, 23, Germany. George Anthes, 21, Germany. Andrew Arnold, 26, Germany. Nicholas Adam, 18, Germany. Michael Altfilish, 20, Germany. Theodore Anning,

Page 2 IGS Newsletter � ���� ����� September 2016

21, Germany. Harman Arlinghouse, 25, Germany. William Birt, 27, England. Samuel Baxter, 25, Canada. Nicholas Becker, 24, Germany. Henry H. Bellows, 18, Canada. Michael Binnager, 26, Canada. Peter Blitsch, 33, Germany. Richard Braschinsky, 34, Prussia. Nelson Brown, 24, Canada. John Buttle, 33 England.

�96��+;��n� ��+3+;/3-��+2(+67� (QBI�<5P?�M?HN OM NB?CL0?M?;L=B�,;G?M�� �Barbara Gaitley - Ewald, Neufarth, Ruppel/Ripffel/Ripley, Weil; Marjorie McConnell - Seget, Radziejewska, Roskosch, Tomczak, Kadlubovech (Grodno, Belarus - but at times Poland); Kent Alves - Gerhard(Bayern, New York City); Donna Lee Boeck - Ashley, Boeck, Hirschbein, Kinman, Macklin; Bruce Broderius - Broderius; Charline Stofer Grundmann - Gottchalk, Hahn, Jacobs, Sahl, Schindler, Schlosser; Karol Hunt - Eickmann, Tomboeken.

�)��.+�4�(" &,5�����#�(%������The following members have joined or renewed at theSustaining or Supporting level recently: Kent Alves, Donna Lee Boeck, Bruce Broderius, Karol E. Hunt, and a special thanks to Milton Radant! Renewing members were very generous this month, and we really appreciate the support....

�+)01+3(96-� 963'2+��'8'('7+In the previous month the surnames below were added to the Database at: QQQ�+?=EF?H<OLA)IHN;EN?�>?� and maintained by Dieter Garling: Becker Beckmann Biegel Bockenthin Clasen Gemkow Herzig Ide Igel Karnatz Kopczinski Laude Lueneburg Melz Schmidt Will Zimmermann

Pomeranian ToursThe Pomeranian Society of Freistadt (Pommerscher VereinFreistadt) has hosted tours of Pommern over the years andholds reunions for past participants. But those interested in afuture tour are also invited to attend, as it’s an opportunity toview the many photos and hear the many stories of these trips. This year’s reunion will be held on Friday, Sept. 9th at 7 p.m. atthe Lindenwood School in Mequon, WI. For further information,write to them at P.O. Box 204, Germantown, WI 53022 or sendan email to: <information@pommerscher.org>.

Genealogy Forms in .pdf FormatMinnesota’s Germanic Genealogy Society <ggsmn.org> has a link to “Free Documents” on its homepage that can aid you in your research. One may select from this list: Ahnentafel Blank, Descendant Chart, Family Group Helper, Family Group Sheet, German Family Group Sheet, Family Group Chart, Individual Data Gathering Sheet, Individual Sheet, Pedigree Sheet, Script Writing Template (for handwriting practice), or Relationship Chart. Additional forms may be accessed via two other links.

“A Lot to Discover in Genealogy - Germany”That’s the title of Timo Kracke’s list of links to Online Resources and Online Services for those trying to research in Germany. Timo is an active participant in the German-American Genealo-gical Partnership (GAGP), representing the Verein für Computer Genealogie. He wants us to know that “this is only a short overview about what’s possible,” but readers will want to look into both his lists and his blog. The specific page may be reached from this TinyURL: <http://tinyurl.com/hppx79w>, but the blog’s homepage (in German) is at: <http://www.kracke.org/blog/>.

Celebrating 250 Years of Volga German HistoryOn 24-25 September 2016, The Center for Volga German Studies is holding a seminar series and other events in Sheboygan, Wisconsin. Those Volga Germans who settled in the Sheboygan area came largely from the colonies of Reinwald, Schäfer, Schulz, Krasnoyar, and Enders -- the focus of the celebration at the Sheboygan County Historical Museum. Apologies from your editor for not announcing this sooner, as seats needed to be reserved by Sept. 16th. However, it seemed worth noting the connection between these colonies and this part of Wisconsin for those who might also have “roots” in these colonies. --Ed.

Update on Archion.deThis platform for digitized protestant German parish records has received quite a lot of attention over time, but it might be worthwhile to mention which state church archives are participating. If you go to the website, you’ll see that you’re given the option of advancing to “das Portal,” where your first options are to search (”Suche”) for your place of interest or “Browse.” Choosing the latter option, you’ll be presented with a list of church archives where digitization is taking place within this program. Included at the present time are the following: Berlin (Evangelisches Zentralarchiv & Landeskirches Archiv), Bayern, Norddeutschland, Westfalen, Hannover, Karlsruhe, Kassel, Stuttgart, die Pfalz, & Hessen und Nassau. To understand this site better, see the comments in Der Ahnenforscher (the newsletter published by the German Genealogy Group of Kings Park, NY) in the May 2016 issue. In that same issue, under the title “Bavarian Church Registers,” there’s mention of what the Catholic dioceses are doing in regards to placing church registers online. Each issue of Der Ahnenforscher is packed with useful info and entertaining stories! --Ed.

Norwegian Farm NamesFor a searchable database on Norske Gaardnavne, the 19-volume set of books based on the Univ. of Oslo’s Prof. Oluf Rygh work is the starting point. Currents, the newsletter of the Norwegian-American Historical Association, advises us to visit <tinyurl.com/farmnames> to investigate. [Please note that two of the 19 volumes are not included.]

Banat, Batschka, and South HungaryA recent Sunday afternoon mini-program at the IGS Library had as its focus the German settlements in Eastern Europe and Russia. As in past discussions of Germanic regions, a “finding aid” to the holdings of the Library was handed out to participants (and remains available). One of the periodicals mentioned as a resource in researching this part of Europe comes to us from Germany. It carries the name of Donauschwäbische Familienkundliche Forschungsblätter. To illustrate the point, the issue for Juni 2016 carries items with these titles: “Sinn und Möglichkeiten der Familien-forschung im Banat”; “Deutsche protestantische Ansiedlung in Südungarn im 18./19. Jahrhundert in den Komitaten Tolna, Baranya, Somogy”; and a brief listing, “Auswanderer aus Biblis / Hessen als Ansiedler in Futok / Batschka.” The 1st article, on “The meaning and Possibilities of Genealogy in the Banat,” is a 4-page guide with an early 18th c. map. The three counties in the 2nd lie in southwestern Hungary.

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��/�BooksAncestor Charts“Ancestry of Susan G., Jacqueline L., Stanley E., & William E. Sharp” [...and of Theodore and Elizabeth Sharp, their parents.]German Nobility BooksGothaisches Genealogisches Taschenbuch der Freiherrlichen Häuser, 1885 and 1910 volumesGothaisches Genealogisches Taschenbuch der Adeligen Häuser, 1891 volumeGothaisches Genealogisches Taschenbuch der Uradeligen Häuser, 1911 volumeCourt Directories [similar to World Almanacs]Gothaischer Genealogischer Hofkalender, 1886, 1897, and 1905 volumes[Note that the above 7 books were donated by Jackie Sharp from the personal library of IGS Library co-founder Betty Sharp.]DictionariesWou die Hasen Hoosn und die Hosen Huusn haaßn: Ein Nürnberger Wörterbuch von Herbert Maas [a dialect dictionary for Nuremberg]Family HistoriesGetting to Know the Ancestors of Friedhelm & Elizabeth Radandt, by Friedhelm Radandt [This book is a donation by IGS member Milton Radant, a cousin of the author.]Emigration [Flight] from PommernA Village in Pomerania: A World War II Odyssey, by Rose Hertel Falkenhagen, who will be the speaker in October for the IGS Pommern Special Interest Group. [This book is a donation by the author.]Emigration from ThuringiaVergessene Menschen: Auswanderung im 19. Jahrhundert, by Astrid Adler, a German researcher from Tiefenort who spoke recently to the Ventura County Gen. Society. [An English language version is expected to be published this winter.]Emigration from WestphaliaBeiträge zur westfälischen Familienforschung 2002, from the Westfälischen Gesellschaft für Genealogie und Familien-forschung. This is a gift from Nancy Myers and the Stammtisch at Unna which participates in the German-Am. Genealogical Partnership. There are four main volumes in the series based on the emigration records held in the Landesarchiv Nordrhein-Westfalen. We had three of them, published in 1966, 1984 and 1992, but were missing this last one, which treats those leaving the Regierungsbezirk Münster for the period 1851-1900. It should be noted that the two earliest volumes, now out-of-print, are available for download from the internet! U.S. RecordsSettlement of the Brethren on the Pacific Slope, by G.E. MuirKaskaskia Records, 1778-1790, vol. II in the Virginia Series of the Illinois State Historical Library (1909)[Note: This, the dictionary & Thüringen book were all purchased.]SwitzerlandKochkunst und Tradition in der Schweiz (Nestlé, 1989) - a cookbook with the recipes designated by their home Canton!Tessin (1991). This is a German-published book about the Canton of Ticino, with its largest city of Lugano situated on the Langensee (shared with Italy).[These two books were part of a donation made by Carolyn Urie from the estate of a local European-born artist with a love of cooking and of books.]

Family HistoriesThe Baylor Family in America, by Patricia R. Latford (1993)Burnside Biographical Dictionary, by Galeener-Moore (1991)A History of the William Carroll Family of Allegany County, N.Y., by Stevenson (1929)The Howard Lineage, by Weaver (1929)The Descendants of Major Samuel Lawrence of Groton, Mass., by Robert Means Lawrence (1904)Legend of the Malones, by A. Hodge Malone, Sr. (1984)The Family Search of Clarence Rice Owens (1975) [for the families of Owens, Chambers, Rice, Colton, Patterson, Farnam, Sly & Wiltse]History and Genealogy of a Branch of the Weaver Family, by Lucius E. Weaver (1928)Note that a number of these were withdrawn from the FHL and are in poor condition, but are at least still “shelf-worthy.”Another Ohio ResourceEnumeration of Youth and Partial Census for School Districts in Portage County, Ohio, 1832-1838 (1982)This large indexed book was also one of Betty Sharp’s....Dutch Genealogical PeriodicalsGenealogie: Kwartaalblad van het Centraal Bureau voor Genealogie (Quarterly from the Central Bureau for Gen.). This is essentially a glossy magazine of the kind sold by “big-box” retailers here, and has only general articles.Ons Voorgeslacht: Maandblad van de Zuidhollandse Vereniging voor Genealogie (Our Forefathers: Monthly Magazine for the So. Holland Soc. for Gen.) - This holding has full runs for 9 years, and is indexed for both family names and patronymics (but not for towns). The province of South Holland contains Leiden, The Hague and Rotterdam.Gens Nostra - ons Geslacht - Maandblad der Nederlandse Genealogische Vereniging (Our Nation - Our Lineage - Monthly Magazine of the Dutch Gen. Soc.). A national journal with almost 14 years’ worth of issues, 13 of them indexed.[Note: These periodicals were donated by a step-daughter of our former IGS board member, the late John Linning. If you have early Dutch New York ancestry and have detailed information on the immigrants, the latter two periodicals may be worth your investigation. Even if you read no Dutch, you’ll know your family name(s) and place name(s). In addition, one may scan the indexes for the Dutch word “Kwartierstaat,” which means the same as Ahnentafel. One form of this is the outline-formatted pedigree, while another is the graphic format found in the German Ahnenpass, where the propositus is placed in a box across the bottom of the page and the ancestors in the oldest-shown generation are displayed across the top of the page. All three sets of periodicals will be found in two “Bankers’ Boxes” stored on the floor at the foot of Library stack number 15, next to “NTH”--The Netherlands.]Books on Dutch History Two English-language books by Prof. Pieter Geyl: History of the Dutch-Speaking Peoples, 1555-1648, (originally published in 1932 & 1936 as The Revolt of the Netherlands 1555-1609 and The Netherlands Divided 1609-1648), andOrange Stuart, 1641-1672 (originally published in 1939).Another English-language book:The Dutch Revolt, by Geoffrey Parker (1977).[Note: These three books were also kindly donated by Cindy Swarthout, John Linning’s step-daughter.]

IGS Newsletter ��September 2016

Immigrant Genealogical SocietyP O. Box 7369 Burbank, CA, 91510-7369


Time Value



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Immigrant Genealogical Society1310 W Magnolia Blvd., Burbank, CA

Mail to: P. O. Box 7369, Burbank, CA 91510-7369(818) 848-3122 http://www.ImmigrantGenSoc.org

Officers & Chairmen Marilyn Deatherage, President (818)348-6444 Gordon Seyffert, &"�+7.�/.3=8;. (626)345-0658 Lura Perkins, Secretary /�Research (818)896-9685 Ron Grider, Email mailing ronswindow@aol.com

Gordon Seyffert - E.3=8;� gordonseyffert�me.com

Immigrant Library Hours Wednesdays . 12:00 noon to 5:00 pm 1st & 3rd Saturdays .. 10:00 am to 5:00 pm 2nd & 4th Sundays ..12:00 noon to 5:00 pm Closed for major holidays.

Permission to quote if appropriate credit is given. Annual Membership, $25, Family $30 [If publications desired by 1st Class mail, $35]

© Immigrant Genealogical Society, 2016


New German Records from AncestryFrankenberg belongs to the Mittelsachsen district of Saxony, a German state where records are not easy to obtain for American researchers. But for this important city the Family Registers from 1717 through 1938 have recently been added. They join other Ancestry collections for births, marriages and deaths (beginning with civil registration in 1876), Birth and Death Index Cards for the period 1785-1875, and Residence Records, 1834-1922. Also now available for Thuringia are Saalfeld Marriages, 1876-1921, to go with Births, 1876-1904 and Deaths, 1876-1951.

The Legal GenealogistOn Saturday, October 15th from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., the annual seminar of the Ventura County Gen. Soc. will present Judy Russell, JD, CG®, CGLSM -- “The Legal Genealogist.” Visit her website and blog at: www.legalgenealogist.com. The event will be held at the Camarillo (CA) Public Library, 4101 Las Posas Rd., and the cost is $50 for non-members and $40 for members. As a footnote, half of her lineage is from the American South, but the other half is German. --Ed.

Noted by “Upfront with NGS”The Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) and FamilySearch International “have signed an agreement that will expand access to FamilySearch.org’s growing free digital historical book collection to DPLA’s broad audience of users.... Within DPLA, FamilySearch’s book collection will be discoverable alongside over 13 million cultural heritage materials contributed by DPLA’s growing network of over 2,000 libraries, archives, and museums across the country....” See: https://dp.la.

“The Way to Conestoga”Many of us have early 18th c. ancestors who resided in or near Conestoga, on the Susquehanna River in SE Pennsylvania. But do we know how they arrived there from Philadelphia? An article in the April issue of Pennsylvania Mennonite Heritageprovides a detailed answer by means of an 18-page analysis, with maps. The inland route presented is “surprisingly different from the overland route generally assumed by historians.”

Lubelskie province & Lublin, PolandThe March issue of The Journal of the Soc. for German Gen. in Eastern Europe (SGGEE) announced that they’ve partnered with the Trinity Evangelical Church of Lublin to index archived records of this church. These were scanned to a set of 71 DVDs by FamilySearch representatives in 2004, but have yet to be made available to the public due to the press of other priorities in digitization. Now SGGEE, with the help of the church’s pastor and a team of 15 volunteers have almost finished an extraction project that began in 2008, and that will produce a searchable database. Many Germans settled this province, the furthest east in current day Poland, by the 1860-1880 period. Those who migrated to Volhynia may often be found passing through the Lublin region (and its records!).