ows-2016-ENG:Layout 1.qxd

Post on 05-Jan-2017

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Transcript of ows-2016-ENG:Layout 1.qxd

Balatonfüred (HUN) – 18 June 2016

Informa�on bulle�n


Dear Friends,

It is my great pleasure to welcome allthe participants – swimmers, coa-ches, officials – from the FINA Mem-ber Federations to this leg of the2016 FINA/HOSA 10km MarathonSwimming World Cup edition, to beheld in Balatonfüred, HUN.

Seven races in three continentsare scheduled for this 2016 series.From the Argentinean, and Canadianwaters in the Americas, passing thro-ugh Balatonfüred (HUN) and AbuDhabi (UAE) and finishing in Asia(Hong Kong and China), this editionwill certainly be highlighted by greatraces, with close finishes and a lot ofsuspense concerning the final ranking!

Thanks to the effort and work ofthe Swimming Federation of Hun-gary, as well as the Organising Com-mittee of Balatonfüred our bestathletes will find the optimal conditi-ons for memorable performances.Moreover, the engagement of thelocal authorities, sponsors and mediarepresentatives is a key factor for thesuccess of this competition in parti-cular and for the promotion of thisdiscipline in general.

Still with vivid memories fromour very successful 16th FINA WorldChampionships in

Kazan (RUS), the 2016 seriesare organised in an important year,when Rio de Janeiro (BRA) will hostfor the third time in history the Olym-pic 10km marathon swimming racesfor men and women.

FINA, together with the NationalFederations and Organisers of the2016 FINA/HOSA 10km MarathonSwimming World Cup, has always onemain objective: to promote in the bestpossible way the performances of ourswimmers, thus reinforcing the impact,prestige and popularity of open waterswimming in the five continents.

I wish all of you a great competi-tion and the best to win.


Message from the President

FINA President

A scene from the beautiful Lake Balaton


Hungary has recently hosted and isabout to host a series of high-rankedinternational sport events and amongthose aquatics have the lion-share.Well, it would be easy to link that tothe state-secretary’s past involvementto swimming but this is not the case.Well before my nomination we’ve al-ready earned the right to host thesegreat events – now it’s my real pleasureto maintain the Government’s firmbacking to organise the meets on theexpected highest standards.

And why aquatics? Easy to an-swer: Hungary has a long-standinglove towards the disciplines. Don’t for-get that swimming’s first Olympicchampion was a Hungarian, AlfredHajos – this year marks the 120th an-niversary of his great achievements atthe inaugural Olympic Games inAthens – and we have a handful ofswimmers and water polo playersamong the nation’s highest appreci-ated heroes. Traditions oblige us – butit’s not only history which has led ourGovernment securing maximum sup-port to sport. This is the best way tobuild – may I say: to rebuild – a healthysociety, to engage the young genera-tion, to bring more and more people tothe sport venues, to watch events and,preferably, to practice any sport.

To be really efficient in thesefields, we need a complex approach,grassroot programmes go hand-in-hand with staging the highest-rankedevents. In Aquatics we’ve already

been running a really successful ini-tiative called ‘All children should learnto swim’ – while we are preparing towelcome those who are the realgrandmasters of swimming, at the2017 FINA World Championships.And of course we have the annual bigmeets, one of them is the FINA/HOSA10km Marathon Swimming WorldCup, combined with the mass swim-ming festival in the frame of the Hun-garian Swimming’s Day. This is a greatoccasion to channel even more atten-tion towards Aquatics, the sport andits heroes, a perfect mix to convincemore and more children and their par-ents: there is nothing better than hav-ing a great swim exercise.


Dear Participants,

State Secretary of Sport

Earlier we’ve organised a series ofcontinental events, then – within 40days – we managed to have every -thing ready to stage a memorableFINA World Junior Open Water Swim-ming Championships in 2014, thenlast year we welcomed the very bestopen water swimmers at the FINA/HOSA 10km Marathon SwimmingWorld Cup leg for the first time. We’vebeen gaining more and more experi-ence and one might even say enoughto lay back a bit and say: oh, that’s justanother turn, let’s do it as we used toin the past.

This cannot be the case and in-deed none of us ever thought to do hisor her job based on the routine we had

from the previous years. The fever ison, the excitements are growing as weare getting closer and closer to thenext competition. This is the only wayto maintain the high standards –which is, I think, something the distin-guished members of the FINA Familygot used to.

For us, to have this event is a tre-mendous opportunity to show the be-auty of our treasured Lake Balatonand its surroundings – year by year.As we’ve learnt more and more on thissport and this event, our engagementhas been strengthened with every oc-casion. Now I can proudly say thatopen water swimming and the city ofBalatonfured has grown together andI do hope that this has created a win-win situation.

Worth mentioning – historicalevents oblige us to do that – back in1836 Baron Miklos Wesselenyi, a trueHungarian Great, swam across theBalatonfured-Tihany route twice insuccession, then this was eclipsed byKalman Szekrenyessy in 1880 whenhe swam the lake across between Si-ofok and Balatonfured.

From the FINA Family’s side wehave received positive feedbacks bothafter the junior Worlds and after theWorld Cup. We appreciated that butthose remarks also remind us everytime: the bar has been set high andwe have to keep ourselves in shape toclear it year by year. I’m sure we cando that. Even next year, when the big-gest event will visit our city: the 2017FINA World Championships.

On the other hand, the World Cupand the World Champs make our citya real winner as well: besides enjoyingthe benefits of all connecting opportu-nities (like promotion), Balatonfuredhas already witnessed the opening ofa brand new indoor swimming pooland by next July a huge undergroundgarage (next to the venue) will servea perfect parking facility for the guestsarriving to the 2017 FINA WorldChampionships, plus a brand newfour-star hotel will be ready to accom-modate most of the teams competingat the Worlds. FINA Events have hel-ped us a lot to develop our city, we aregrateful for all stakeholders for sup-porting us: above all FINA, the Hun-garian Government and theHungarian Swimming Association.

Naturally, we are looking aheadon the long term and hope to see youreturning to Balatonfured beyond2017 – please come, the lake is yours!


Dear FINA Family Members!

Mayor of Balatonfured

Finally, let me add, that the com-mitment of the current Governmenthas started to pay off: as of today,more than 15 per cent of the nationis involved to regular sport practicing,a significant jump from the data wehad five years ago (5%). Of course,there are plenty to do in this field inorder to reach a really healthy per-centage – and you, participants ofthis open water event, give us a greatpush to move ahead. Thanks for thatand hope you enjoy your stay and thecompetition now and will do nextyear, at the Worlds as well!


Racing in mild waters: the open water family quickly embraced Lake Balaton


Are you ready? I hope yes. For sure,we are ready – to stage this leg of theFINA/Hosa 10km Marathon Swim-ming World Cup. And also ready withall the plans for the ‘big one’, for nextyear’s FINA World Championships.The core parts of those will already beimplemented this June as we reallywant to test everything, starting withthe transport, accommodation serv-ices, course-setting, victory cere-monies, just to name a few.

I hope you won’t see it as a test– instead, you’ll find even better con-ditions compared to last year, whilestaying in Balatonfured and racing inLake Balaton. We have declared to

near the standards we wish to reachnext July, when the whole world willeye us. Or, rather, the world willwatch you while competing in themild waters of our beautiful lake, areally fine environment for openwater swimming events, in the heartof the tourist Paradise. We are com-mitted to do our utmost so all youhave to take care of is to give yourvery best.

Those who were already part ofthe show in 2015 – or beforehand,when we hosted continental meets –might have enjoyed their stay and shallreturn for this June. We also hope thatthe date of the event (the only big open

water race in mid-summer) will attracteven more participants. Come and dis-cover the course as most of you willswim here in July 2017 when the worldtitles are going to be at stake. Andmost of us will also be on site to pro-vide perfect settings for the greatestsport event Hungary has ever hosted.

This is something the whole coun-try awaits and wants to see, so weenjoy the firm backing of our Govern-ment, the city of Balatonfured and thefantastic partners of our federation –and of course we constantly get the in-valuable support of FINA. Though it’snot an easy job to create a perfect en-vironment and to cater all demands,it’s much easier when you have such agreat background. Thanks for every-one and thanks for everything.


Dear Friends, Balaton: a sight to see

President of the Hungarian Swimming AssociationCo-Chairman of the Budapest 2017 LOC


The first big open water event at Balatonfured: the Europeans in 2010 – safety measures are always at the highest level during the races held in Hungary

(=Thomas Hill), Sándor-, Péter- andSzáka-hegy (=Alexander-, Peter- and„Száka” Hill) give protection againstthe icy winds coming from the directionof „Bakony” mountains. Continuous airmovement between the land and LakeBalaton, constant winds provide cleanair free of dust for people living hereand the air heals diseases of the heartand blood-vessels, too. The water fromthe springs is used for healing in theNational Heart Hospital. But anyonecan taste and heal from the famousFured acidulous spring waters at Kos-suth spring, Berzsenyi well, SzekérErnô spring and Schneider well. Thou-sands of people suffering from heartdisease recovered in this hospital. Ra-bindranath Tagore, the famous Nobel-prize winning Hindu poet was healedhere in 1926 and denominated abeautiful alley close to the shore of thelake.

� Balatonfured is a small town with13.500 inhabitants, on the northshore of Lake Balaton, surroundedby gently sloping hillocks. Foreigntravellers – may they come here byrail, by road or by boat – start to feelthe harmonious blend of past andpresent at the moment of their arrival.First and foremost the location of thetown captures everyone: tendermountains on the north, the beautifullake on the south embrace the town,which radiates that special Trans-danubian serenity for ages. The townwas inhabited already when the Ro-mans conquered parts of Hungary.Walking in the town the visitor everynow and then faces relics of oldtimes. Ancient living quarters, oldbuildings, churches, homely vine-yards, parks, mighty old trees pre-serve and whisper their messages tothe people living here today.

Balatonfured is mainly known byits climate which is very similar to theMediterranean and its spring waterscontaining carbonic acid. Even the sunshines somehow more gently here.Balatonfured and its surrounding set-tlements lie in the so-called „BalatonRiviera”. This expresssion refers to thespecial micro-climate prevailing here.This climate is created by the foot-hillsof the „Balaton felvidék” (=BalatonHighlands): the so-called „Tamás hegy”

Introducing Balatonfured




Besides the venue the city offers much more to look for

The Competition Site




17 June – Friday19.00 Technical meeting

18 June – Saturday9.00 Opening ceremony9.30 Men 10km9.40 Women 10km12.30 Victory ceremony19.00 Gala dinner

19 June – SundayAll day – Departures


14-17 JuneOn the course: 16.00-18.00 (except 17.06. 13.30-15.30)

Pool (Balatonfűzfő): 9.00-12.00and 16.00-19.0021 km from Balatonfüred,20min by bus

The port of Balatonfured with the course on the right (the big white buildings on the rightside at the top is the official FINA Family Hotel)

The schedule


17 June – Friday16.00 National Championships – boys 7,5km and 5km16.10 National Championships – girls 7,5km and 5km18.00 Victory Ceremony – 7,5km, 5km

18 June – Saturday12.00 FINA World Mass OWS Series (including Senior NationalChampionship)


FI�A&Team Hotel


The four-star Anna Grand Hotel****Wine & Vital building complex is locatedon the northern shore of Lake Balaton,a 100 meters away from the famousTagore Promenade, in the middle of thehistorical district of Balatonfüred.

We are awaiting our guests with 100rooms, 14 premium suites, 140 parkingplaces, 1200 square meter wellnessarea with spa and massage treatments,4 lane bowling alley, Winebiter pub, Vi-vamus Winestore, Dental Clinic, Bio-med Cure Center, 7 conference roomsfor 20-300 people, and with a lot of ex-citing programs and services.

Our 1200-square-meter wellnessdepartment awaits our dear guests witha flat surface swimming pool, a 5 x 22-meter freeform pool, jacuzzi, Finnishsauna, infra-sauna and vapour bath.

Distance from competition site: 4-5minwalking

PRICES• A minimum of 2 nights must be

bookedDouble room, full board

€260 per room per nightSingle room, full board

€170 per room per night

Price includes:• Full board with free selection of

the available meals• Free wifi• Room safe• Free use of internet corner• Free use of the wellness facilities

(indoor pool, jacuzzi, sauna, infrasauna, steam room)


INVITATIONSAccommodation will be provided bythe LOC for those who are entitledunder the rules of the series.

Official arrival date: 14 JuneOfficial departure date: 20 June

PaymentsDeadline: 3 JuneCancellation: 50% from 30 May,100% from 8 June

Distance from competition site4-5min walking

TRANSPORTTransport is provided from and to theBudapest Liszt Ferenc Airport for allthose staying in the official hotel.

FORMS TO BE FILLED!Please fill in the forms enclosed withthis Bulletin!

Team Hotel


The hotel offers 383 rooms, 5 suites. Bal-cony, bath, telephone, TV, minibar. Air condi -tioning in the suites. Standard and reno vatedsuperior rooms are available. Connecting,smoking and non-smoking rooms.

Parking places for cars and coaches,souvenir shop, central safe deposit box,laundry. Free WiFi in common areas ofthe hotel. Hairdresser, manicure, pedi-cure, cosmetics.

Outdoor swimming pool, indoorswimming pool, sauna, solarium, mas-sage. Outdoor fitness equipment in thegarden: air walker, elliptical cross trainer,waist and hip shaper. Windsurfing, pri-vate beach with sports facilities, kids’ ac-tivities (between mid-June and the endof August), bike rental. Facilities for waterskiing, riding and tennis nearby.

Distance from competition site: 7-8minwalking


Transport is provided from and to theBudapest Liszt Ferenc Airport for allthose staying in the official hotel.

Transport will also be provided fortrainings – shuttle bus schedules willbe available at the Team Hotels.

Accommodation, transport

FINA Family


At the technical meeting,information will be provided with regards to:

Welcome and Introduction• Roll Call of Athletes• Requirement to nominate a coachfor each swimmer on the form available• The coaches to present themselves at the Athlete Check-inbefore the race• A coach can be responsible for upto two swimmers• A swimmer without a coach willnot be allowed to start the race• Nomination of a coach to checkthe water temperature• Swimwear• Only swimsuits from the FINA approved list can be worn

Course Overview• Outline of the course by theHMF/OC• Explanation of the course• Identification of any hazards onthe course• Where the course boundaries aremarked by ropes & buoys, swimmers must stay within thecourse for the duration of the race,including the finish channel• Feeding pontoons• Coaches must follow the instructions of the official responsible for management of theplatform and when not feeding aswimmer under their responsibilitythey are asked to move back fromthe course. Refer to rule OWS6.3.2.• Access to Feeding Pontoon will berestricted to the approved coachesas listed.

• At the finish of the race swimmersmust immediately exit the finisharea to ensure unobstructed accessto the finish for swimmers still arriving

Safety Procedures• Please refer to Annex 1, Point 4.1:Technical Meeting: FINA OPENWATER SAFETY REGULATIONS

Doping Control• Doping control station location• Arrangements will be made forany athlete that needs time to fulfilldoping obligationsRace Day Timelines• HMF/OC

Protest Procedure• As per FINA Rule GR9.2• The Protest must be initially

submitted to the Referee for consideration• The Protest fee is Swiss Francs 100• The Jury of Appeal is- FINA Technical Delegate (Chair)and FINA Safety Delegate- President or representative of theorganising Swimming Federation

Technical details

Let’s speak a little Hungarian!Here is a little help in case of emergency, should the necessity arise or just purely for fun!

Hungarian magyar /�m���r/ ('MA-dyar)hello Jó napot kívánok /�jo� n�pot �kiva�nok/ ('JOH nup-ot 'KEEH-vaa-nock)

szia /�si�/ ('SEE-ya)good-bye viszontlátásra /�visont�la�ta�ʃr�/ ('VE-sont-LAAH-taash-ro)please legyen szíves /�lε�εn �sivεʃ/ ('LEH-dyen 'SEE-vesh)please kérem... /�ke�rεk/ (KAY-rhem)I’d like... kérek... /�ke�rεk/ (KAY-reck)thank you köszönöm /�køsønøm/ ('KEHR-ser-nerm)that one az /�z/ (OZ)how much? mennyi? /�mε�i/ ('MEh-nyi)How much does it cost? Mennyibe kerül? ('MEh-nyibhe kheruyl)yes igen /�igεn/ ('EE-ghen)no nem /nεm/ (NEM)sorry bocsánat /�boʧa�n�t/ ('BOH-chaa-not)I don’t understand nem értem /�nεm e�r'tεm/ (NEM ayr-tem)I don’t remember nem emlékszem (NEM EM-lake-sem)where's the bathroom? Hol van a mosdó? /�hol v�n � 'moʃdo�/ ('HOLE von o MOSH-doh)generic toast egészségedre /�εge�ʃ�e�gεdrε/ ('EH-gay-shay-ged-re)Do you speak English? Beszél angolul? /�bεse�l ��ŋgolul/ ('BEH-sayl 'ON-goh-lool)

USEFUL CONTACTSAmbulance: 104 Police: 107 Firemen: 105 General ER: 112 International inquiries: 199 Tourist Police (0-24): +36-1-438-8080

Nonstop English-speaking medicalhelp (Falck SOS Hungary): +36-1-2000-100 Budapest International Airport(flight information) : +36-1-296-7155 Lost baggage, Terminal 2A: +36-1-296-8108, +36-1-296-7217 Lost baggage, Terminal 2B: +36-1-296-7690, +36-1-295-3480 Ferihegy Terminal 2A - arrivals:+36-1-296-8000 Ferihegy Terminal 2A - departures:+36-1-296-7000 Ferihegy Terminal 2B - arrivals:+36-1-296-5052 Ferihegy Terminal 2B - departures:+36-1-296-5883 Train service information: +36-1-371-9449

Useful information

FINA, the Fédération Internationalede Natation, is the world governingbody for the six Aquatic Disciplines ofSWIMMING, DIVING, HIGH DIVING,ATER POLO, SYNCHRONISEDSWIMMING and OPEN WATERSWIMMING.

FINA has five main objectives:– to promote and encourage the

development of swimming in allpossible manifestations through-out the world

– to promote and encourage thedevelopment of international re-lations

– to adopt necessary uniform rulesand regulations to hold competi-tions in swimming, open waterswimming, diving, high diving,water polo, synchronised swim-ming and masters

– to organise World Champion -ships and FINA events

– to increase the number of facilitiesfor swimming throughout the world

To fulfill these goals and organise its207 National Federations membership,

FINA has put in place a structure com-prising of six main entities: the GeneralCongress, the Technical Congress, theBureau, the Executive, the Technicaland Specialised Committees.

Since 2009 Dr. Julio C. Maglione isthe acting FINA President, under hisleadership aquatics has enjoyed amassive growth in all fields including fi-nance, popularity and media exposure.

The Bureau is responsible for dis-cussing and making decisions on all

matters assigned by them by the Gen-eral and Technical Congresses. More-over and among other things, Bureaumembers interpret and enforce theRule of FINA, they submit proposalsto the Congress, they attribute FINAawards, they determine the dates andlocations of World Championshipsand other FINA events, they organiseand control all competitions for FINA’sfive aquatic disciplines at the OlympicGames, Youth Olympic Games, World

Introducing FINA


Championships and other FINA com-petitions, they instruct FINA Commit-tees and manage their activities, etc.

FINA’s headquarters are basedin Lausanne, Switzerland, where amultinational staff runs all core oper-ations with regards to each FINA dis-cipline, marketing and commu ni cationplans, anti-doping programmes anddevelopment policies under the man-agement of Executive Director CornelMarculescu.



Tamás GyárfásCo-Chairman of the 2017, 2019 OC

Éva SzántóGeneral Secretary

Orsolya NagyGeneral director

András FülekySports director

Sarolta HalászFinancial director

Eszter RudasHead coordinatorE-mail: eszter.rudas@musz.hu

László CserépCoordinator, Balatonfüred

Szabolcs FodorCompetition directorE-mail: fodors29@gmail.com

Rita LázárCompetition managerE-mail: lamari62@gmail.com

Gergely CsurkaMedia directorE-mail:csurkagergely@hotmail.com

Katalin SassEvent coordinator

Levente Nagy-PálEvent coordinator

Ginger LakosAccommodation manager

László SzimandlHead of logistics

István ZentaiTechnical director

Krisztina DeákHead of volunteers

Viktória NagyProtocol

István FábiánArt director

Dávid SzántóAnnouncer

József SzakaOfficial photographer


E-mail: musz@musz.hu,eszter.rudas@musz.hu

Address:1138 Budapest, MargitszigetHajós Alfréd sétány 2.HUNGARY

The Organising Committee


Viktor OrbánPrime minister


Miklós SesztákChairman of the 2017, 2019 OC

Zoltán BalogMinister of Human Resources

Tünde SzabóState Secretary of Sport

Zsolt BorkaiPresident of the Hungarian OlympicCommittee

István BókaMayor of Balatonfüred

The youngsters got all kind of support – including theoutfits with the official coloursof the 2017 FINA WorldChampionships



Lac Megantic (CAN), 8 AugustMen: Rhys Mainstone (AUS)Women: Rachele Bruni (ITA)

Chun’an (CHN), 11 OctoberMen: Alan do Carmo (BRA)Women: Ana Marcela Cunha (BRA)

Hong Kong (HKG), 17 OctoberMen: Christian Reichert (GER)Women: Keri-Anne Payne (GBR)


Men1. Christian REICHERT (GER) 1032. Alan DO CARMO (BRA) 943. Rhys MAINSTONE (AUS) 684. Diogo VILLARINHO (BRA) 595. Charles PETERSON (USA) 486. Evgenij POP ACEV (MKD) 20

Women1. Rachele BRUNI (ITA) 1122. Anna OLASZ (HUN) 773. Isabelle HÄRLE (GER) 574. Angela MAURER (GER) 545. Christine JENNINGS (USA) 386. Charlotte WEBBY (NZL) 12


This annually staged elite-levelcompetition is organised aroundten meets and takes place in someof the world’s most amazing natu-ral water bodies, either freshwater(lake, rowing course, river) or salt-water (sea).

In the beginning (between 1997 and2006), the World Cup included a wholerange of long distances. Since 2007,FINA decided to focus the World Cupon the 10km distance only, as a directconsequence of the introduction of the10km Marathon Swim on the Olympicprogramme in 2005. The formerMarathon Swimming World Cup circuitwas therefore ‘split’ in order to create aseparate 10km Marathon SwimmingWorld Cup, while races above 10kmwould then be part of the FINA OpenWater Swimming Grand Prix.


In each Event, points will be awardedto the swimmers depending upon theirrace finishing position. Swimmers mayaccumulate points at each Event inwhich they participate and finish, withtheir total points counting towards theoverall final rankings for each year.

1st 202nd 183rd 164th 145th 126th 107th 88th 69th 410th 3All other race finishers: 2

Any swimmers who do not finishthe race or who are disqualified willreceive zero (0) points. Any swim-mers who the Technical Officials havereason to believe have colludedand/or agreed to finish with a tie, willbe subject to disqualification.


US$20’000 are on offer in prize moneyat the Event, equally distributed be-tween men and women, as follows:

1st US$2’5002nd US$2’0003rd US$1’5004th US$1’2005th US$1’0006th US$8007th US$6008th US$400


A minimum amount of US$180’000shall be paid to the overall prize winners.

The overall annual winners will bedecided by the male and femaleswimmers respectively, who have ac-cumulated the most points at Eventsin that year, provided that they haveparticipated in a minimum of 70% ofEvents in that year, including the finalEvent of the season. The annual prizemoney to be awarded for both theMen’s and Wo men’s Series overallwinners is as follows:

1st US$30’0002nd US$20’0003rd US$15’0004th US$12’0005th US$8’0006th US$5’000


1. Patagones-Viedma (ARG) February 7, 2016

2. Abu Dhabi (UAE)February 26, 2016

3. Balatonfured (HUN)June 18, 2016

4. Lac St-Jean (CAN)July 28, 2016

5. Lac Megantic (CAN)August 13, 2016

6. Chun’an (CHN)October 9, 2016

7. Hong Kong (HKG)October 15, 2016


Viedma (ARG), 7 FebruaryMen: Simone Ruffini (ITA)Women: Rachele Bruni (ITA)

Abu Dhabi (UAE), 13 MarchMen: Axel Reymond (FRA)Women: Rachele Bruni (ITA)

Noumea (FRA), 18 AprilMen: Rhys Mainstone (AUS)Women: Aurelie Muller (FRA)

Cozumel (MEX), 2 MayMen: Jack Burnell (GBR)Women: Haley Anderson (USA)

BALATONFURED (HUN), 20 JuneMen: Jack Burnell (GBR)Women: Ana Marcela Cunha (BRA)

Setubal (POR), 27 JuneMen: Charles Peterson (USA)Women: Rachele Bruni (ITA)

Lac St-Jean (CAN) 23 JulyMen: Charles Peterson (USA)Women: Christine Jennings (USA)

Introducing the World Cup

The overall winners in the last season, Germany’s Christian Reichert (top) and Italy’s Rachele Bruni

Thanks for your support!