Outcome-Based Education for SN 140109

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Outcome Based Education

Transcript of Outcome-Based Education for SN 140109

KP Kwan KP Kwan

2766 6320 etkpkwan@inet.polyu.edu.hk

Implementation of OBE [Outcomes-Based Education]

in the School of Nursing

A Seminar for SN Staff

Focus of today’s presentation

Part I:What is PolyU’s expectations regarding OBE, and how it relates to Programme LOAP and UGC’s quality audit of PolyU?

Part II: How to develop your Programme LOAP?

What is it?

How to do it?

Part I

OBE, Programme LOAP and UGC’s quality audit


Not just a fad

PolyU’s continual commitment to OBE2004 Academic Development Plan to UGC 2005 Curriculum Revision ExerciseReport to UGC on progress in 4-year undergraduate degree structure PolyU Strategic Plan 2008-12

Genuine effort to improve learning, not a “paper exercise”

PolyU Strategic Plan 2008-12

Strategic Area 1 [Education]Objectives:

To further enhance the academic strength of all our programmes and co-curricular activities, and to provide a holistic education that is outcome-based, work-integrated, professionally and globally-oriented, and student-centred…

UGC’s position

Promotes the adoption of outcomes-based approaches to student learning by all HK universities

Will focus on OBE in the current round of quality audit of HK universities

Quality audit for PolyU scheduled in Oct 2010

What OBE means to PolyU

A philosophy as well as a strategy

Putting student learning at the centre of our activities

Focusing on what students are able to do/perform as a result of their learning experience

Improving and demonstrating student learning through the collection and use of outcomes evidence

Source: King Features Syndicate

From ‘teaching’ to ‘learning’

OBE: 4 essential elements

1. Articulation of intended learning outcomes (ILOs)

2. Alignment of educational provisions [curriculum, teaching, assessment, as well as co- and

extra-curricular activities and other learning facilities] with the intended learning outcomes

3. Assessment of students’ attainment of the intended learning outcomes

4. Taking actions to improve programme quality and student learning based on outcomes evidence

What have we achieved to date… and what more need to be done

Step 1 [Articulation of desired learning outcomes]:

Done for all Ug programmes in 2005 as a paper exercise

“But it is wrong to conclude that we have done everything there is to be done about OBE; we have just completed the first step out of 4.” [Adapted from VPAD’s presentation on OBE to departments]

Will extend to cover all programmes, including HD, CyberU, TPg and RPg programmes

Step 2 [Aligning educational provision with ILOs]:

Area of continual focus

Effort made by departments, programme teams and individual teachers to align “teaching activities”, with different degrees of commitment and success

What have we achieved to date… and what more need to be done

In OBE, the focus should be shifting from

Teacher centred Student centred

Lecturing Guiding students to learn

Students as passive learners

Students as active learners

Students memorising content

Students learning by doing, and deep understanding

Adapted from VPAD’s presentation on OBE to departments

Step 3 [Assessment of student learning outcomes]:

Not something extra to, but an integral part of implementing OBE at PolyU

Schools/Departments are now in the process to develop a Programme LOAP for all their Ug programmes

A simple and practical guide developed by Working Group on OBE on how to do it

What have we achieved to date… and what more need to be done

Step 4 [Evidence-based improvement]:

PolyU is in the process of integrating outcomes assessment activities and results into the generic QA system and the programme development and review process, to ensure that the outcomes assessment results will be properly reported and utilised for making informed decisions about improvement actions needed

What have we achieved to date… and what more need to be done

Relationship between OBE and UGC’s quality audit

QAC audit panel will ask PolyU these questions (QAC Audit Manual pp 11-12)

PolyU’s effort in implementing OBE

What objectives (student learning outcomes) is PolyU trying to achieve?

Articulation of intended learning outcomes (ILOs)

How does PolyU achieve these objectives?

Aligning educational provisions to ILOs

What evidence is there that these objectives are being achieved?

Assessment of students’ attainment of the ILOs

What processes are in place for improvement?

Improving programme quality and student learning based on outcomes evidence

Schedule and tasks

May 2009

Departments to submit Programme LOAPs for all their undergraduate programmes (including both FT & PT, UGC-funded and self-financed) together with their Business Plan

Aug 2009 Endorsement of Programme LOAPs by respective Faculty/School Boards

2009-10Schools / Departments to collect first batch of assessment data according to their Programme LOAPs

Aug 2010 Schools / Departments to submit interim assessment reports

Oct 2010

UGC’s QAC audit of PolyU

A self-assessment check-list on OBE implementation

See handout

Questions or comments?

Part II:

Developing your Programme Learning Outcomes Assessment Plan

Outcomes assessment

“the process of assembling broader evidence of programme or institutional effectiveness that goes beyond the performance of individual students” [Peter Ewell, UGC Consultant on Student Learning Outcomes, 2006]

Three levels:Subject-level Programme-levelInstitutional level

Fit for purpose

Departments and programme teams should decide for themselves

the desired learning outcomes of their programme, and how to assess them

Not to develop a “perfect’ plan, but one that is appropriate, adequate and practicable

Guidelines from Working Group on OBE

Available at:http://www.polyu.edu.hk/obe/08_4.php

The 7-step approach

Suggested template for P-LOAP

Source: Developing a Programme Learning Outcomes Assessment Plan: A Simple & Practical Guide for PolyU Staff [Appendix 2]Available at: http://www.polyu.edu.hk/obe/08_4.php

Possible strategies for collecting direct

evidence of learning outcomes

Course-embedded assessments [e.g. OSCA, term paper, assignment or presentations, etc.]

Senior or final year project

Assessment of clinical performance [by Clinical Educators]

Standardised tests or exams [e.g. Graduating Students’ Language Proficiency Assessment (GSLPA), CCTDI, etc.]

External examiner or expert panel review (of student work samples)

Possible strategies for collecting indirect

evidence of learning outcomes

Students’ self-assessment of learning gains e.g. SAARD administered by SAO

Surveys and interviews e.g. Graduate Employment Survey administered by SAO

Alumni survey conducted by EDC Your own departmental alumni or employer surveys

Students’ engagement in curricular & extra-curricular activities e.g. LTC survey on student engagement (developing) Your own exit survey

Institutional data e.g. completion/progression rate, employment statistics, etc.

“ We can’t fatten a cow by weighing it more often or vigorously. ”

The main focus of a P-LOAP is on evidence-based improvement, not measurement

Assessment for improvement

Questions or comments?

Thank you