Outcome Assessment Away from Home

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Paper presented at the 24th Annual Conference of the College Consortium for International Studies, April 18 2103, Thessaloniki, Greece

Transcript of Outcome Assessment Away from Home

  • 1.Outcome Assessment Away from HomeDimitris Grekinis, Ph.D.24th Annual CCIS ConferenceAmerican College of ThessalonikiThessaloniki, GreeceApril 18, 2013

2. OUTLINE- Trends in US Study Abroad (SA)- Trends in SA and the Greek reality- The need for assessment in higher education- Areas of study outcomes assessment in SA- Current practices at the American College of Thessaloniki 3. Open Doors (2012) 4. Where do U.S. Students Study Abroad ? 5. Europe 55% Asia 12%Middle East 2%Africa 5%Latin America 15% Oceania 5%Open Doors (2012) 6. TRENDS IN SA Open Doors (2012) 7. TRENDS IN SA Open Doors (2012) 8. SA IN GREECE Open Doors (2012) 9. SA IN GREECE Open Doors (2012) 10. SA IN GREECE9 private local institutions hosting SA programs- Athens- Thessaloniki- 5 Aegean Islands 11. ASSESSEMNT IN HIGHER EDUCATIONModern assessment movement is internationalModern economies demand a more highly educated work force 12. New criteria toaccountability were1990s and 2000s added related tostudent growth anddevelopment 13. Student learning 14. perspectives that form the context of business - effective writing and communications - understanding ofethical,environmental,technological,political,social,legal perspectives + global competence 15. personal growth ethical growth citizenship social contribution 16. WHY THERE IS A NEED FOR ASSESSMENT IN HIGHER EDUCATION? Modern economies demand a more highly educated work force Governments impose checks into founding higher education(accountability) Accreditation 17. STUDY ABROADAdvocates of Study AbroadExperts in the field of student affairs Chickering & Braskamp (2009) SA4 vectors of psychosocial developmentManaging emotionsDeveloping purposeEstablishing identityMoving toward interdependence 18. STUDY ABROADAdvocates of Study AbroadProfessional associations NASPA / ACPA (Learning Reconsidered) SA student learning and development outcomes 19. WHAT ARE THE AREAS OF STUDY IN OUTCOME ASSESSMENT IN SA?Outcomes one chooses to assess would vary considerablyAn outcome can be any kind of end result, impact, effect, orconsequence of something; in this case education abroad Mayer-Lee & Evans, 2007 20. AREAS OF STUDY IN OUTCOME ASSESSMENT IN SAIntercultural competence Social/Emotional growthLanguage learning Disciplinary knowledgeMayer-Lee & Evans (2008) 21. AREAS OF STUDY IN OUTCOME ASSESSMENT IN SAIntercultural competence Social/Emotional growthLanguage learning Disciplinary knowledgeMayer-Lee & Evans (2008) 22. AREAS OF STUDY IN OUTCOME ASSESSMENT IN SAIntercultural competence Social/Emotional growthMayer-Lee & Evans (2008) 23. AREAS OF STUDY IN OUTCOME ASSESSMENT IN SAIntercultural competence Social/Emotional growth- independence- maturity- social development- general interpersonal relating skills- confidence levelsMayer-Lee & Evans (2008) 24. AREAS OF STUDY IN OUTCOME ASSESSMENT IN SAIntercultural competenceCognitive/knowledge Behavior/skills - culture in general- communication style - culture specific knowledge- tolerance for ambiguity - overcome of stereotype thinking - increased academic achievement - broad global awareness (international - effective function in multicultural groups perspectives/world-mindedness)- developing new strategies for learning - critical thinkinginformationAffective attitudesAttitudes toward self-national, cultural or citizenship identity,self awareness, personal values, worldview,belief systemsAttitude toward others- usually affective (how someone feels) Mayer-Lee & Evans (2008) 25. INSTRUMENTS TO MEASURE OUTCOMES IN SAPage, M. & Stallman, E. (2008) 26. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF SA PROGRAMS AT ACT 27. INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS OFFICE (IPO) 28. WHAT ACT DOES FOR ITS SA PROGRAMS? 29. p. 29 30. ACT WILL PUT MORE EMPHASISIN LEARNING OUTCOMES ASSESSMET 31. CAS System Description AnalysisCriteria for System Description analysis1. Mission2. Program3. Leadership4. Organization5. Management6. Financial resources7. Facilities and equipment8. Legal responsibilities9. Equity and access10. Campus and external relations11. Diversity12. Ethics13. Assessment and evaluation 32. FALDO Analysis Criteria for FALDO analysis 1. Career Choices 2. Collaboration 3. Effective Communication 4. Appreciating Diversity 5. Personal and Educational Goals 6. Healthy Behavior 7. Independence 8. Intellectual Growth 9. Leadership Development 10. Satisfying and Productive Lifestyles 11. Meaningful Interpersonal 12. Relationships 13. Realistic Self-Appraisal 14. Enhanced Self-Esteem 15. Social Responsibility 16. Spiritual Awareness 33. ACTs SA EXIT QUESTIONNAIREAcademic Program component (course, faculty)Student Services (IPO, service learning, computer, housing, library, other units)Activities (orientation, FTs, bulletin, events )Integration and safetyOverall assessmentComments 34. ACT IS A HOST INSTITUTION OF A DIVERSE STUDENT POPULATIONSource: Self Study, 2012 35. STUDENT INTERACTIONS AT ACTSA students ACT students 36. STUDENT INTERACTIONS AT ACTACT is gauging this interaction in several waysHow our students are influenced by the presence of a diversestudent population?Does the diversity in our campus contribute to their attitudesand perceptions regarding openness and diversity issues? 37. STUDENT INTERACTIONS AT ACT1 CSELOA (College Student Experience Learning Outcome Assessment)2 Informal student surveys during the semester3 Formal instruments (SCAS, research) 38. CSELOA RESULTS Source: ACT CSELOA Report, 2011 39. CSELOA RESULTS Source: ACT CSELOA Report, 2012 40. CSELOA RESULTSSeveral other relationships are examined Gender College year GPA Participation in organizations and clubs Volunteer activity Time spent studying Major 41. INFORMAL STUDENT SURVEYSAimIdentify general and specific characteristicsamong students from diverse backgroundsat ACT which affect their on campus and offcampus interactions. 42. INFORMAL STUDENT SURVEYSPossible trends in the dynamics andpossible differences between domesticand international students regardingintercultural interaction at ACT. 43. ACT STUDY ON THE INTERCULTURAL COMPETENCE OF SA STUDENTSCross cultural competence (3C) contradictory definitions - Psychological adjustments - Behavioral adjustments - Cognitive adjustments 44. QUESTIONThe effects of incorporating an academic course, whichwas designed to help students to reflect upon theircultural experiences abroad, during the academicsemester on their sociocultural adaptationISU Science Education CenterISU Science Education CenterSA students SA students no withinterventionintervention 45. HYPOTHESISISU Science Education CenterISU Science Education CenterSA students SA students no withinterventionintervention 46. METHODSParticipants - Program Description Fall semesterFall semester - InterventionIntervention 3 months 3 monthsRegistration toGlobal Experience class 44 students57 students Objective: Prepare for,gain from, and reflectupon their culturalexperiencesWorkshops, seminars,discussions, local civicengagement 47. METHODSInstrumentSCAS Questionnaire- Strong internal consistency, reliability, validity- Two subscales 48. RESULTS_____________________________________________________________________________________________ Subscale 1 Subscale 2Total score(ImpEnd-P)(CulEm-R)Group n Mean SDMean SD Mean SD_____________________________________________________________________________________________L-Term44 54.98 8.8313.73 2.89 24.54 5.07L-Term-Inter57 48.51 10.23 * 11.96 3.39 ** #21.25 5.19***# #_____________________________________________________________________________________________Significant differences between L-Term and L-Term Inter groups at p< .001*, .007**, or .002 ***.L-Term=Long Term, L-Term Inter=Long Term InterventionImpEnd-P=Impersonal EndeavorsPerils, CulEm-R=Cultural EmpathyRelatedness.Antonakopoulou, 2013 49. CONCLUSIONSSignificantly higher gains in sociocultural adaptation are recorded by incorporating an academic course designed to help studentsto reflect upon their cultural experiences abroad 50. RECOMMENDATIONSConsider including specific classroom activities which aim at: - developing an enhanced appreciation of the host country culture, language, history, and cultural events - engaging in service learning experiences within the larger community 51. SUMMARYOutcome assessment is important for several reasons in highereducation and SA programsThere are four areas where outcome assessments can bemeasured in SA programsValid and reliable instruments are available in the literatureACTs efforts in outcomes assessment is a priority for theinstitution but there is room for improvementACT use several instruments to measure outcomes assessment(exit questionnaires, CSELOA, individual research, informalsurveys by students and staff) 52. ReferencesACT NEASC Reaccreditation Self-Study Report (2012). American College of Thessaloniki.American College of Education (2006). Articulating learning outcomes. American Council of Education. International Education. 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Forum on Education Abroad, Carlisle: PA.Ward, C. & Kennedy, A. (1999). The measurement of sociocultural adaptation. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 22, 659-677. 53. Dimitris Grekinis, Ph.D. grekinis@act.edu