Multicourse Outcome Assessment

Multicourse Outcome Assessment Creating Assessment Community across Disciplines Michael Tew, Eastern Michigan University


Multicourse Outcome Assessment. Creating Assessment Community across Disciplines Michael Tew, Eastern Michigan University. Central Questions. General Education Reform. General Education Assessment. What should the EMU student know and be able to do when s(he) graduates?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Multicourse Outcome Assessment

Multicourse Outcome Assessment

Multicourse Outcome AssessmentCreating Assessment Community across DisciplinesMichael Tew, Eastern Michigan UniversityCentral QuestionsGeneral Education ReformGeneral Education AssessmentWhat should the EMU student know and be able to do when s(he) graduates?

How do we determine if EMU students know what we think they should and can do what we think they should be able to do when they graduate?General Education ReformDistribution Model to Outcomes Based Model

FoundationsDisciplinary KnowledgeWriting IntensiveLearning Beyond the Classroom

Assessment InitiativesFoundations Courses (AQIP Project 2005-2007)

Writing Intensive (Pilot began in 2009)

Learning Beyond the Classroom (AQIP proposal 2010)

General Education Multicourse Assessment Project GEMAP (HLC Assessment Academy Project 2008-2012)

Assessment InitiativesWritten Communication one course/7 outcomesCommunity BasedDialogue DrivenPedagogically EmbeddedOral Communication one course/5 outcomesNationally Developed ModelLocally AdaptedPedagogically EmbeddedResultsWe asked In DialogueWhat do we value in student writing/speakingWhat are indicators of student achievementWhat do our students know/what can they doWe learned Through DialogueWhat students know/can do; What we think about teaching and learning; about our assessment methodsWe changed With DialogueInstructional Strategy/PedagogyOutcomes Multicourse LearningQuantitative Reasoning12 OutcomesOne of Eight courses in four disciplines

Perspectives On a Diverse WorldGlobal Awareness5 OutcomesOne of 16 courses in 12 disciplinesUS Diversity5 OutcomesOne of 20 courses in 14 disciplinesKnowledge of the DisciplinesArts6 OutcomesTwo of 20 courses in 5 disciplinesHumanities7 OutcomesTwo of 40 courses in 12 disciplinesSocial Sciences7 OutcomesTwo of 20 courses in 11 disciplinesNatural Sciences13 OutcomesTwo of 23 Courses in 7 disciplinesMulticourse AssessmentThe Challenge: Multiple courses across different disciplines + common outcomesWhat are our common values?What are our common challenges?Is there a common language?

Can we understand student learning in common ways when learning is manifested in different ways/in different performancesAssumptionsGEMAPTools to Facilitate DialogueSelection of Naturally Embedded Assignment and Exemplar of Student Work

Guided Questions

Written Reflections

Thematic Analysis Facilitation Team WorkPlanOver 18 Months:7 Focus Groups, 40 Faculty; 4 meetings1. Identify Two Outcomes;What do they mean in your discipline; Based on naturally occurring outcome reflective assignments, discuss values and challenges; What worked; What did not

Plan2. What common themes/language/expectations and understandings emerged from meeting one; How does that inform our understanding of student learning as reflected in student work

Plan3 What indicators of student learning emerged from our meeting two discussion; What can we say about levels of student performance against those indicators (for these outcomes)**This is were the project is right now**

Plan4. Applying this rubric to a portfolio of multidiscipline/multi-genre assignments, what contribution can we make to our understanding of student learning in General EducationObservations for teaching and learningRecommendations for OutcomesLessons about Process

Same End; Different MeansQuantitative Reasoning:Faculty are using similar activities consistent with a pre-existing instrument in the Math Department; assembling assignment portfolio and conducting rubric trainingGlobal Awareness:The group has determined that the outcomes miss the point of global awareness and are convening a mini conference on learning in global awarenessSame End; Different MeansUS Diversity:Identified indicators of student learning and will complete rubric development; is designing outcome portfolio criteria and collection planThe Arts:Is broadening the representation of performances and planning a performance retreat and discussion; investigating assessment measures used in accrediting art education programsSame End; Different MeansHumanities:Is reviewing vetting proposals for each course to identify qualities/characteristics of the key components for the two outcomesNatural Sciences:Direct Assessment: Collecting artifacts for understanding one outcome; to what extent can students apply course concepts to a topic that requires gathering data; Indirect Assessment: Survey students as to what, in the course, did find helpful in facilitating this application.Same End; Different MeansSocial Sciences:Are creating a progress wiki collecting student work over the course of a semester since, as they discovered, most are using developmental/incremental assignments; a rubric for indicators of progress on the outcomes has been drafted

All are moving, in their own way, from a common starting point - through divergent methods to a convergence of reasoned, data driven assertions about student learning in General EducationAssessment Community of Common Values and PracticesThe Big PictureMaster ThemesTechnique versus Critical ThinkingUnderstanding versus ApplicationReproduction versus Problem SolvingExample versus transcending the example

Retreats, Collectives, Share Fairs, and Transparency

A Platform for understanding knowledge transfer from General Education to Programs

Ongoing ImprovementRepeat the Cycle for new outcomes with new facilitators and new focus groupsResting Points not closed loops

Apply the principle to Writing Intensive Courses

Apply the principle to Learning Beyond the Classroom CoursesThe Added ValuesPrizing Natural ProcessesPedagogy and Teaching at the CenterFaculty at the HelmCreating OptionsFor Program ReviewFor Renewed Faculty Community and InterdisciplinarityFor Faculty DevelopmentEnacting Academic PrinciplesValue based; Data GroundedOngoing Conversation; Continuous ImprovementFor More Information Dr. Chris ForemanDirector, General EducationStarkweather HallEastern Michigan UniversityYpsilanti, MI [email protected]