Our Town June 1, 1916

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Transcript of Our Town June 1, 1916

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town June 1, 1916








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    Totals .. .

    Totals . .


  • 8/7/2019 Our Town June 1, 1916


    NAHBEHTII, PA.-UUI{ r.rOWN--JUNE L 1 ~ 1 ( j



    ENJOYIXG TIlE OPERA.A wel l- dr es se d Spani ar d, a cc ompanied by six young and pretty

    Spanish gi rl s , occupied seve ra l seatsIn th e orchestra circle at the Metropolitan Opera House, New York, onenight. Before t he cur ta in rose, theenti r e group tell asleep, on e a ft er t heother, and stayed asleep for twohours. I t was a curious s igh t , andold ope ra -goe rs s ai d t he y never knewof th e f ea t b ei ng equaled. Th eSpaniard paid $21 fo r the seven seats.

    1 Some rare t al en t was shown at th eschool entertainment on Friday nigbtwhen the High School pupi l s, underthe d i rect ion of Miss Helen Wilson,rendered the operetta, "NauticalI{not." T he as se mb ly room wascrowded, -and everyone agreed thatt he pup il s r ende re d a most exce llententertainment.

    Mrs. Percy Lesley Reed, o f Mer ionavenue, has as he r house gues ts he rmother. Mrs. R. P. Young; he r sister ,Mrs. Edward Williams, of Hartford, Conn. , and Miss Blanche E. Wil mot, of Washington, D. C. Mrs, Reedentertained at luncheon on Friday forh er gue st s.

    H. C. GARA,Advertising Mauager.

    HARRY A, JACOBS.Editor.



    Uon' t fo rge t that tiLls Is a communlty of bome makers and homekeepers and that on e of YOUR:ftIOST Il\Il)ORTANT DUTIES Is tokeep It so.You c un a id mat er ia ll y by do .Ing your shopping an d marketingwith th e advertisers In th is pape r.

    BU ILD UP YOUR TOWNBuild Up Your Home

    Chairman-Mrs. W. M. Cameron.Financial Manager-Mrs. WilliamCurtis Pollock, Jr .Library Manager-Miss Fanny Loos.House Manager-Mrs. I. S. Hepler.Social Manager-Mrs. C. P. Fowler.Membership Manag.er-Mr. Harry

    Hartley.Athletic M a n a g e r ~ M r s . E. Hurth.

    BOR(}UGII O}'}'ICERS.B u r g e ~ s - G e o . !II. Henry.Treasurer-Edwin P. Dold.Clerk of Councils-Chas. V. Noel .'l'ax Collector-James F. Sherron.Street Commlssioner-W. S. McClelIan,Building

    Smedley.Counselor-Fletcher W. Stites.Constable-Fred. Walzer. POST OFFICE NOl'ES.Aged c lergyman ( to young curatel- I S t ~ m p . s ar e on sale of every de-Always remember in preaching a nonllnatlOl1 from one cent to fifteensermon that th e great secre t to suc- cents, except eleven and fourteen;cess is s implicity. Th e beginner, after also a plentiful supply of postal cards,

    choosing hi s text should divide hi s s tamped envelopes and newspapersermon into three' parts. In the flrst wrappers,pa rt he tells the congreogo.tion what P ri ce s o f s tamped envelopes:he i s g oi ng to tell them; In th e 25 lc 1nve opes , $ .28second part he tells them; and In the 100 lc envelopes 1.10third part he tells t hem wha t he has 2il 2c envelope 53told them!" s . . . . . . . . .100 2c envelopes.. , . . . . . 2.10

    Mrs. C. R. Blackall G. M. HenryMrs. C, T. Moore A. J. LoosMrs . E . C. S to ke s H en ry R oseMiss .Adah Durbin W. T. MelchiorEllrl F. Smith O. L. HamptonAssociate E.Utors.

    Owned, an d Publ ished every Thursday by th e Narberth Civic Associa tion.

    IAccordln!: to .\ct ='0. 3:,1, npproved 3rd ICONV};NIENCE AND ECONOMY I - - - w : ; ; : , - : : : : - " : : c : - . L ' - - : : ~ ~ - ' - - - " ".Iay or June, A. D.. 1915, I hereby publish I ,.n. list or dogs ns.e.sed In the Dorough 'or I OF POSTAL MONEY ORDERS.XnrlJerth: The a t ten tion of th e patrons ot th e

    ~ a m e Addres. Sex Narberth Post Office is called to theTng ~ o convenience of sending money by pOIl-A. n. Lelghlon. 211 \Voodslde :lIn I 6-I t idc. W. Heritage, 121 Woodside . e ' - ; ~ 2 a money or er. The following loW'.1. R. Dlnmon.I, 11:1 WoodRlde 6253 rates ar e charged for sending sums to.T. J ' ~ . ~ ( l l n ~ k ( ' r . ~ ""oodslde 6254W. S. :lleCleldon, 123 Woodside 6255 any money order post office in th eI,:. A. :lluschnmp, 24 \VoodRlde '-2:,6 United S tate s :JI )-). JJ{ Fellon, IO:lmwoocl ';2,,7 Fo r o rder s f rom $.01 to $ 50 >. ItlJIgns. 107 J . ~ l e l l : ; : ~ 1 l ' R , WlndRor :l1,,le ~ ~ ~ ~ Co. at Overbrook, Berwyn at ' 'Wayne, MISS E ~ h e . l Schurch, Mr. Newton Y e r n ~ C u l a r it is known as "bowTuesday night-A. G. MacKenzie, D . :I I. EIII" . ~ l u n t l - i o m , ' I ' Y Female :lS60 Ardmore at Bon A ir . IC?xe, of ,TIOga,' and l\lr. Howell Jone; ;, l lo?k , (appar .cnt .lY a contraction of} < I . D. :I I. EIII" " 9861 o[ Ger na to IbOIS d )~ ( ucatlOnal and Re lig ious Work Man- '.ieo" Bollum, Rocltland :llale l I 8 ' ; ~ July I-Berwyn at Overbrook, Dun I n \\ n. arc , II. ~ s lUuch ns ed i n th eager. s. \\ . Foster. 131 :llerloa " 9 8 6 ~ & Co. at Paoli, Narberth at Ardmore" . ---- 1manufacture ot cart and wagonWednesday nlght-R. G. Savill, ::: n } ; : g : ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ; : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ \ : 1 m; Wayne at Bon Air. .1 he .puPl ls of Mrs. Achsah M. wentz,' wheels. The wood is t ough a nd har d,House Manager. :llary Z,'ullng,,1' :lS6': July 4, A. M.-Berw)'n at Narberth,! \ ~ 1 1 l give a recital at the Communi ty a.nd it contraets and expands veryThursday night-F. 'V. St 't S . I Horac,' :II. Schell, 208 Snbln 9867 Wa"lle at Overbrook, Paoli' a t Ard- I Centre Tuesday a f te rnoon, June 6, lIttle when exposed to th e extrenle. 'I e s, OCla ICarl :"ewhorg, 312 101la :'8,i' J "Work Manager, .John J". Smith, Elm Terrace :",;!I more , Dun & Co. at Bon Ai r. , ~ P. M. All friends ar e cordially of flood or drought.Friday n' I t H C G F' . I Albert C. :lllne,', ~ 1 :llerlon '

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town June 1, 1916


    rA l { B ~ l t r . r H ~ PA.-OUR TOWN-JUNE 1 .. 1916



    Patents!Narber th , Pa.

    J. A. MILLERFOSTER & WEBSTERSuite 631 , 1 011 Chestnut Street

    Plumbing, Gas Fittingand HeatingNARBE RT H . PA


    HERMAN'S BREAD,.ROLLS, PIES AND CAKESThu Impurtal CracurvW'eHand l e

    To you what an advantage it ISto own your own home?WM. D. SMEDLEYAt the Cabin,

    Narberth & Haverford Aves.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~

    (Successor to E. J. HOOD)HEATER AND RANGE WORKSLATE AND TIN HOOFER104 Forrest A.' feRneJobbing a Specialty. Narberth, Pa.

    Let UR Rend you our fre" book. "PATENTSA ~ THADt;)IATIKS." Don't pal ' exorbitantfeeH. Our Rervlee Is or the highest typeand our ref'S a r e r e as o na b le . Dell phone,'Vnlnut 1564.

    JAMES G. SCANLINContracting Painter

    and build vour bouse aeeordine 10 your own planslnd lheway l'OU wanl iI-and where you wan I, I - a . 10 buy aReady-Made House?

    MAKE SURE OF YOUR CHOICE NOWT ERMS TO SUITFMJnstlCe Montgomery Avenup.I I ,NARBERTH. Or612ChestoutSL. Phlla.

    NOW IS THE TIME TOBuy a BODleBefore Prices AdvanceCALDWELL & CO.I HARRY B.. WALL

    IARE YOU AWARE : ~ i ~ r l ~ e ~ 1 = ? csatisfactory to 6e ..leer your 101 IromNarberth's Highest Tract


    tor phone

    HeatinR Appliances

    P U R E


    Narberth, Pa ..

    G ' t & \ I i ~ ~ l h ~ ) @Detective Bureau

    F I EDLER ' S

    CoalWOOD ANDBUILDING SUPPLIES- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    cost to you.

    near your house. Why not h av e o neof ou r inspectors ca ll a nd examineyour roofs, spouts, gutters, etc., an dwe'll report condition of same, without

    IGEO. &W. J. MARKLEINFORMAnbN ~ R N I S H E D A B ~ t r r YOUR ROOF Select Dairies

    ALL KINDS OF LEAKS DETECTED IB AD L EA KS ARRESTEDLOSSES FROM LEAKS PREVENTED Special Nursery Milk i n P ap er Cal'-NOTE-Say! We are now working on ton F i lled at Penhurst Farm.

    Bell Phone-Narberth 869 D.5 residences in Narberth and have 100 Narberth Agood menand ladders, etc., somewhere venueNARBERTH, PA.

    when you ordered a g lass of Soda Water if the contents in thegl ass wa s pur e and free from artificial coloring matter?There is no need for fear when order ing a glass of Soda fromFiedler's.Our Syrups are all made fr om Fresh Fruits and the IceCream the best money can buy at the price. Either per p la te or box.

    Did You Ever Stop and Think

    ; G. lIlcG. Co.ARBERTH, PA .

    PrescriptionsA. K. HOUSEKEEPER

    We do no t allow any depa rtment tointerfere with our prescription work,which we conduct with as greataccuracy as possible. We have alwayspossessed the confidence of the physicians.

    B ig B il l Eumphrles hit ill old timeform, banging out three nice s ing lesa nd b ei ng b it b y a p it ch ed bal l on h isfour appearances at the plate.

    Strawerrr }'esthal.The annua l strawberry festival willbe held in th.e lecture room, Fridayevening, June 9. Car ds o f admissionentitle the holder t o I ce cream, strawherries and cake. The ladies will behappy to welcome all members of thec o n g r e g a ~ j o . l .thiItiren's Dal.The Chi ldren 's Day exe rc ises of theSunday School will he conducted Sunday morning, June 11, i ll the churcl1at eleven o'clock.A musicale by the choir is to begiv.en in the evening.

    Itm', C. G. KIII}llel, l'l1stor,Sunday services:!lA5-Sunday School.all ages.11.00-Morning worship. Sermon byth e pas tor . Selec tions by the choir.6A5-Epworth Leagu.e. Miss Eva

    Jenkins, leader.7045-Evening worship. Gospelsong service. Selections by the choirand Miss P re sc ot t. S ho rt a dd re ss bythe pastor.Wednesday evening service, 8.00A qule helpful hour of mt:dltatiiln,s on g a nd p ra ye r. Se rv ice led bi thepastor.

    - INl'WB of tltr Ql.lturdtra Ipresentet ! by Burgess G. M. Henry, Class 21-Best vase or basket corn-IRev. E. L. Swift, Rev. C. G. Koppel, flowers (centaurea).-_.. "IIPRCII Rev. A. F. 'Uoyt and Secretary O. L. Class 22-Besl vase or basket lilies,MI-:'rUOIHST J:I'ISCOI'AIJ .. .. .... ! Hampton. ! not l es s than three stalks.I On FridaY, June 9, t he re w il l be a! Class 23-Best vase o r b as ke t l ar kI congregat ional socia l and rennio il of I spur In combination with other flower

    Cla sses I' lorm"r members. : or flowers.01 , Class 24-Best vase roses, mixed.JIEUUIN MEETING HOUSE. Class 25-Best arranged basket teaMerion Meeting Eouse Is opened fo r a nd hyb lr d roses.wor sh ip e ve ry Frist-day at 11 A. Class 26-Best arrange{1 basket1\1. Visitors are cordially welcome. rambler roses.A reglstrr book Is kept for vis ito rs . Class 27-Best arrang,el1 basketAll ar e a sked to register their names. pansies, all colors.i Class 28-Best vase or bowl hardyST. .\URGAUET'S CHURCH. ,Scotch pinks.Early ~ ass on SundllY from April: ~ ~ I a s s 29-Best vase Pyrethrumlo;t to October 31st at C.JO A. :\f. From daisies, all colors. INO\'emher 1 st t o Mar ch 31s t at 7 A. M. Class 30-Most a t t r a c t l ~ e basket or P . t" P t t M d" "Late Mass, 9.30 A. 1\1. throughout the ~ a s e of f lowers o f any kIDd or num- I rescrlp Ions a en e IClnes

    year. ~ I a s s e s on holydays, 6.30 an, l er. S I 1 Cl Phone Narberth 625 or 12848.30 A. ~ 1 Weekdays at 8. Evening I , pee a asses. ,d " ti ndoth er se rvIces at regular! el lihlren s Class-Best and m ~ t :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::e a ons a i attractive vase or basket of wildtimes. 'flowers, first prize, $5 in gold; second C P COOKprize , $2.50 In gold. I . U()ARH 0)0' HEALTJI. ; S ul i'r ag e Class-Best and most IPresldent-Chas. E. Kreamer. artistically a rranged exhib i t of yel- A 'h -,ecretary-A. P . Redifer . I n rae I eom V-7 S l\ [ Cl 'I low flowers, prize, two dozen grow ngHealth cer-. . c e. ~ ~ I plants. IMembers-1?r . Clarence T. Fairies, DeeoraUye Class-Special p ri ze f orT. B. Du r,larlas, Carden Warner and, hest arranged and most attractiveChas. V. Noe l. ,centerpiece fo r table decoration.A special prize wil l be offered for

    FLOWER SHOW t he best vase of mixed cu t r os es ( no t Iover 25 blooms).I E 018 A special prize wil l be o ffered for IAU, S A I ~ r l ' S ' I', 1-:, ( , 1 I L ' U ~ l I . I JUN 1 th e best mixed vase of 25 peony flOW-II

    er's (not over 25 blooms). Estima,es FurnishedUn. Andrew S. llul'ke, Uedor. -- R. W. CASEThe services at All Saints' P. E. Attractive List of Classes For NARBERTH R E S l ~ R V E S .Chu rch , Mont gomer y a nd Wynne- Exhibits ~ . ~ . 00 AO J Electrical Contractorwood avenues, fo r next Sunday ar e .Redifer, rf. V~ follows: . _ _ : Rose, rf. . 0 0 0 0 0 24 2 HAVERFORD A E.8.00 A. M.-Holy Communion. : Scanlin, 2b. . 2 2 2 0 RepairinR Telephone EstimatesBA5 A. M.-Sunday School. I The S e c o ~ l d . ~ n n u a l F l o w e ~ ShOW" Humphries, ss 0 3 1 1 1 --------- - - - - - - -11.00 A. M.-Holy communion anll I1 ~ ~ I l I . e r the ~ u ~ p l c e s . of the Narberth IKirk. cf. . 0 1 0 0 0

    sermon. ( ~ I \ ' l C AssoClatI?n,. Will be held at the IHumphreys, l'. 0 1 11 0 0 rLEAN SAFE WHOLESOME4.00 P. M.-Evening prayer . 1'1 l \r . C. A. B U 1 l d ~ n g on Saturday aft- ,McKell, 3b. . 0 0 1 1 1 II ...Next Thursday. June 1st, being' ernoon all{1 even1l1g, June 10th nex t. J ef fe ri es , l b. . 0 1 12 1 1A 1 t Mr Snes wiII ac t as 1 0 0 0 0 OUR PRODUCTS ARE GUARANTEEDAsc-ension Day there wiII be a cele- s as year, . I Ensing.er, If. . 0 0 0 0 0 UNDER BACTERIOLOGICAL CONTROLb ra tl on o f the Holy communion at 8 c ha irma n o f the committee having IWard, If. . .o'clock in the morning. charge of the show, and it is expect- 'Hood, p. . 1 1 0 5 0The chi ldren of the Sunday School I'd that the exhibits to be shown this, _ _ _ _ - Pasteurized Milk ID E : c . 1 V 1 i : ~ r E : S

    ar e looking f or wa rd t o the annual year wiII surpass those offered in i TotalH 7 11 27 10 a Bryoclovls Cerllf led WEST PHILA.1915. when the Y. M. C. A. Building: Milkp i c n ; ~ , the date of which will be an- (Pedrlallc Society) OVERBROOKIl"llncet! later. was crowded with a pp re ci at iv e o n- . gLM A. C. . ." MERION~ T h e pews at AH Saints' Church are lookers. l\lore t han th ir ty classes ar e 1 R. H. O. A. Fl. Special M8::ernsey WYNNEFIELDaH free and it is hoped that strangers offeretl for compe t it ion and all oppor- 'Crutchley, lb 1 1 8 0 0 (Roberts' & Sharpless' BALA-CYNWYDas w.eli as the r es id en ts w il l a cce pt t un it y i s g iv en t o everyone, whe th er Jones c. . 0 2 10 2 1 Dairies) NARBERTHa very cordial inv i ta t ion to a t tend all his ga rden be large or small, to enter I"arle;', s s. . 0 0 1 1 0 Cream Buttermilk ARDMOREof the services. an exhibit. In the F lowe r Show of Xoble, If. 0 0 0 0 0 WYNNEWOODThe church 'busses leave Wynne- l as t ) 'e ar man y refrained from com- Long, If 0 0 2 0 0 Table ac'd Whlpplog~ ~ : ) O ~ U I ~ I ~ : y ~ ~ ~ ; r ~ ; s . s t a t l o n s at 10040 ~ ~ f ~ ~ i ~ ' g : v ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ : a ~ ~ s ~ s i ~ ~ ~ o t r : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ; ; , C i 3 b ~ b : . : : : : : ~ i : SCOTTre.apmOWELL DAIRIES IIloW8ErdATFSoCfotterIthe larger ex hi bi ts . A s a matter of Orr rf. 0 2 0 0 Mfact, man)' of the mos t b ea ut if ul : \I a; sh al l, c f.. p 1 1 1 4 I}.\. ...'GJ'.IJ l'Al'TIS'l' (,Hem'lI . I b k t f fI . tl QUAJ ~ . ' , vases allli as e s 0 owers 111 le HaH, P., cf. , 0 0 1 1 0I. LITY-- show were those contain ing only two - - - - 45th d P h 8tJ:mersoJl L. Swift , l ' ll s to r, lo r three beautiful specimens of roses, Tota l s . . . . . . . ,. 2 !l 27 B I an arrls S. Y . M. C. A . BU ILD INGSunday s ervices: peonies an{l th e like.9A5 A. M.-Bible Schoo l. . l \l r. B.eH, The chUtlren's class will again he Two-base h it-Ma rsl mll . S to le n' 1GB S 1o f t he Chi ld re n' s Aid Soclet), Pll1la- Ia feature of the show. This year a bases-Crutchley, 2; Redifer. Jef- Try a Pound of eorge . Up eed,elphia, will speak to the school. first prize of $5 I n g ol d and a second fries. Sacrifice llit-Ward. DoublePreparation for Children's Day, Sun - prize of $2.50 In g old Is o ff er ed f or play-Scanlin and Jefferies. Bases on HOME MADE FUDGE Steam & HotWaterHeatingday afternoon, June 11. th e h est a nd m os t attractive vase or Balls-Off Wood, 2; off Hall, 4; off Plumbing11.00 A. M.-Morning wor sh ip . The haske t of wild flowers shown by chil- Marshall, 2. Struck out-Hood, 10; E DAVISordinance of the Lord 's Suppe r will dren unde r fifteen years of age. Th e Hal l 5' Marshall, 5. Wild pitch- - H. . .Bell Telephone.be observed. Subject of the sermon, Icompetition i n t hi s c la ss at last year's l \ 1 a r ~ h a i l . Umpi res -Odell and Mat- i--------------__"Ch ri st a t t he WeI!." show was mos t spirited and great a d- t hews . Passed balls-Humphreys, 1; MA Y I PROVE.7A5 P. M.-Evenlng worship. Sub- miratlon was a rous ed by t he a tt ra c- Jones, 2. Hit by pitched ball-Humject of the e,ermon by the p a s t o ~ : tiveness a nd bea uty of the flowers phrles.

    "The Man of Transcendent Reward . s hown by the< children. Narberth Hes 2 0 0 4 0 1 0 0 0 -7 AR CAD IAs ho rt b ut p le as an t a nd helpful A complete l is t o f t he cl ass es for El m A. C O 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 -2 CHESTNUT.Bel.16th Steveni ng of worsh ip. We expect to competition Is as follows: I ~ o 1 l 2 s I F ~ ~ ; ; , ~ r ~ : t ; f ~ : 1 n T : : . e ;meet you and greet you, Class I -Bes t vase or baske t whi te EntireWorld.W,ednesday, 8.00 P. M.-The Cove- roses . no t ove r 6 blooms. I Eood pitch.ed a fine game for t 1 ~ e IPhotoplays-Contlouous lOA. M. to 11.30nant Meeting. Subject, "The Suprem- Class 2-Best v as e o r b as ke t pink Reserves, havIDg his opponents at IllS p.Jj:!Pa.aey of Love," 1 Cor. 13. Mr. E. B. roses, no t ove r 6 blooms. mercy at all times. Stanley wil l s ing. The prayer meet- Class 3-Bes t v ase o r b aske t ret! -- I Program Commencing Ma y 29thi ng nex t week w il l b e a union service roses not ove r 6 blooms. The fielding f eature was furn ished :1l0ND,\Y. TUESDAY AN.D WEDNESDAYat the Presbyterian ChUrC?, In honor Cla'ss' 4- -Best vase or basket yellow by Scanl in a nd J ef fe ri es w i t ~ a Trlongle , p r l ' H . p ~ t oof their t we nt y- fi ft h a nl ll ve rs ar y. r os es n ot o ve r 6 blooms rattling fast double plaY i n t he I11nth. II. B. " A ~ N E I t F Ibl rFriday, 2.30 P. M.-The Ladies' Aid C l a ~ s 5-Best vase or basket climb- __ In 0 Hrorn .. n e " I : r : C l e ~ V t l l the 0 e8 0Society will meet at the church. All ing roses, one color, any number. Jacobs mad.e a fine running catch "Tin; I \ I A I U U ~ T 010' VAIN' ~ ) ] < ; S I R J o : "the ladles ar e u rged to a tt end. 6.30 CI s 6 Best vas e o r b as ke t c limb - o f Eumphreys' foul in th e second. Alhlcll Attrul'tlon-Fllurtll Eplsolleb . t'n' a s - nUue DurkeP. :M. -S up pe r a nd u smes s mee I g I n roses, mixed, any number. In "GLORIA'S ROI\IANCJo;"of the Teacher s ' Assoc ia tion at the Class 7-Bes t vase or basket "Jack" Jefferies played a bang up ThurH

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town June 1, 1916


    NARBEI{'1'H, PA.-OUR TOWK-JUNE 1.1916


    O TilE lUAKE.

    ma n is watching his enemies hi!!friends g et the b es t of him.

    It was nearing Christmas, the timeof peace and goodwill. The butcher'sboy hal i bee n busy al l liay, a nd w asnow beginning to feel very despondentabout t he s ho rt ag e of tips. His lasterrand was to take a present from hismaster to an old customer, who livedon the outskirts of the town.Arriving at th e house, he ra ng thebell, and was answered by the oldgentleman llimself. Handing up thebasket he said, "From Mr. Smith.""Come," said the old man, "that'snot t he w ay to address your customers; you should sa)', 'With Mr. -- 'But here, t ake my place, and I 'l l showyou what I mean."The boy gave the old man t hebasket. He mounted t he s t eps with it 0on his a rm s, a nd t he n t ur ne d to theboy."With Mr. Smith 's compliments.and wll l you accept tl1is present?" saidthe old man."Haw!" replied the boy, diving Ilishand i nt o h is pocket and pulling ou tlin imaginery coin, " He re 's ha lf adol lar fo r )'ou."

    Monthly Meeting of BoardCamp Tohickon-Representation At Civic Exposition

    Y. M. C. A. NEWS OF WEEK



    Representative BOWdle, of Ohio,whose vigorous anti-suffrage speechwas th e feature of a suffrage debate,s at a t a r ec en t d in ne r p ar ty i n Washington besid.e a suffragist.The suffragist, desirous of showingwoman's serfdom of servitude, said:"Mr. Bowdle, why does a woman,when she married a man, take hisname?"But Mr. Bowdle, des i rous to showwoman's sheltered and illasy economicposition, smiled and answered:"Why does she t ake everything elsehe's got?"

    Enter tai n,men t Given By TheHigh School Girls LargelyAttended

    "1 wish, John, that I had more sensewhen we were engag,ed," said the wifethoughtfully. "Then I wouldn't haVEdestroyed a ll t he letters you wrote mein the eighteen months of our courtship."The husbandway.'I knew you wou ld he sorry for thatsome day," he said."Indeed I am," waR th e reply. "Ineed a little extra money very badl)'just now, and a man ca lled today tobuy old paper. Ho w waste ful wewere!"And automatically his hand sough this pocket. A resourceful woman seldom has to a sk fo r money straightout.



    UndilJided Profits$75,000

    Phone, Narberth 672

    New York




    the Timeto Plant Flowers


    Pier 32, North River"T h e Sea r c h I i g h t R 0 ute"HUDSON NAVIGATION COMPANY


    Towhere woods are cool, streams alluring, vacations ideal. Between New YorkCity (with Albany and Troy the gate.ways) andLake GeorgeThe AdirondacksLake ChamplainThe Nor th and WestThe logical route is "The Luxurious

    Way"Largest and most magnificent river

    steamships in the worldDAILY SERVICESend for free copy of Beautiful"Searchlight Magazine"


    Narberth High School CommencementFriday, June 16th, 8 P. M., High School Auditorium

    Speaker-REV. ALEXANDER ABBOTT, of Albany, New YorkMusic furnished by the High School Girls' ChorusTH E ELEVEN GRADUATES ARE:Estel le Cohle Jean Justice nilda Smed l eyca r ro l l Down@s. Jr . Charles McCarter, Jr . Marian TrollerFranklin FOllter Madel ine McCoy Augusta WitherowMar ian Haws ~ g D e s Rose .Tuesday evening, .June 13th; the Alumni will give a program to which

    everyone is invited.The full program for commencement week will be announced in nextweek's issue.



    NowBedding Plants, Porch Plants, CutFlowers, Shrubs, Evergreens


    Montgomery Ave. and Meeting House Lane, Narberth, Pa . lnt" E>:trn Strenlrth (In b e l r e d)fo r SlhO('r l'lntllllt Brnss.n"y n BottIe, 2lic, or Con, GOc, To-doy!Dept. Stores or Imperial Grocery Company

    N ~ R B E R T n , PA.A. R. 'J"stlce Co., Makers. 612 Chestnut St,

    Official MeetingThe regu lar monthly meeting of the"The Naut ical Knot , " presented by B oard o f D irect or s o f the Narberththe High school girls on Friday ev en - Y ou ng Men 's Chr is ti an A ss oc ia ti on

    i ng w as a splendid success. A large will b e he ld a s usual, next Mondayand responsive audience i s a lways au evening, June 5.incentive to the performers; this en- "Cnml) TolLickon"couragement t he g ir ls had. This favorite spot Is a lr eady t heThe people were ou t because th ey c ent er of a ttr ac tio n for se ver al ofknew t he y w ou m hear something our Narbe rt h boys. We will an-

    The Merlon Tletle & Trust Co. good and they w er e n ot dlsappolnt- ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ e l ~ l ~ : ~ ~ n ; . e t ~ k ' ; o ~ s s u e the boysed. The music was cat chy bu t diffi- How a bout your boy-could youc ul t a nd t he rendition showed splen- give him a better vacat ion? I t onlydid worlc The solos anci Individual costs $6 pe r week. Phone, NarberthF h P h SAFE! SOUND! CONVENIENT! spe ec he s wer e e spec ia ll y good for 694-W, and Sec re ta ry Hampton willre s 1S amateurs. be p le as ed to call a nd e xpla in a ll---.-------- The greatest value of t he operet ta details. r\'O\V is the time to makeA n d Oys ' t e r s I 2% i n t e r es t a l l owed on ch e ck i ng a c co u nt s o n b a la n ce s of was the benefit of th e concentration ) 'our plans.. r equi re d by the g ir ls ; th e commit-I "1'. ~ [ C. A. Represented at ClficTHE IMPERIAL CRo rERY I $50.00. t in g and r en ?e ri ng of the var.leJ Exposition."II 3% i n te r es t a l lowe d on Sav ing Fund accoun ts , c om- t yp es o f musIc showed what persIst- The Young Men 's Christian Assa-pounded semi-annua l ly . Ien t efforts will a c c o ~ l P l i S h . ciati on i s o ne of t he man y organiza-

    Depo s l't s of $1.00 d d . d ' h S We wanted th e Narberth folks t o tions represented at the "Philadelphiaan upwar rece ive In t e aVlllg see just what was being done on spe- T ddT "E tl- ay an o-morrow XpOSl on,Fu n d Depa i t I n en t . ci al l in es a nd wished to increase tM being held i n the Comm.ercial Museumgeneral school s pi ri t. T hi s was the Building. Read the following editorialpurpose of the affair, r a th er t han t o f rom o ne o f t he n ew sp ap er s and thenraise money, hence the nominal a d- be sur .e to visit the exposition:mission of 25 cen ts was charged. In - "'Philadelphia To-day and To-morcidentally the proceeds wer e about r ow ' c an n ow b e s ee n at tll.e Commer-seventy dollars. clal Museum Building under agreeAl1 credit is due to 'Miss Helen able circumstances. No movement ofWilson. the instructor i n mus ic. S he the kind has been morE> carefully demade all arrangements a nd w it h t he s igned for a better purpose. It hasa il l o f the g i rl s put t hrough t he oper- been f requently urged that th e peoetta. pie of this city a re w ith ou t civicA hig and t ak ing featu re was the spirit and to a lamentable extent this, wharf scenery. This was arranged is t ru e a nd largely through ignori and crayoned 1Iy Miss Wilson. ance. The a r,e a i s extensive and th eThe af fa ir w as a good demonstra- improvements ar e Widespread, so thatti on of what the music and ar t de- it has been difficult to ge t a clearpartments are doing f or t he pup il s o f c ompr ehen si on of th e situation.our schools. "This condit ion no longer exists.

    It i s p os si bl e i n a short time at theexpofJition to comprehend what thecity stands for in its c iv ic capaci tyas well as industriallY, educationallyand sociologically. Every da) lect ur es w it h moving picture films willbe given so that t hose desi ring toI,earn wil l have plen ty of oppor tun ity .We u rg e upon e ve ry c it iz en t o v is itthe exposition a nd l ea rn somethingwhi ch wi ll be t o his benefit and thatsmi le d i n a gra ti fied of the city at large. We ar e On theev" of gr.cat improvement."Do not put off this important duty.People ar e prone to s ay t hey will doa thing ' some t ime' and that is ap tto be never. Most of the grumblingagainst loca l conld t ions is made bythose who know little or nothi ng o fwha t t he city has accomplished or itspurposes a nd t ak e no p ai ns t o findout." If these mh,gulded individuals will

    make use of the opportunIties at the'To-day and To-morrow Expos it ion 'they wll I f ind that this clt)- is forgingahead, that i t h as g re at p la ns for thefu tu re which can only he defeated b)'ignorance and stupidity, a nd we predict that all who do v is it t he showwill beco me enthusiastic citizens,filled with 110pes for t he fut ur e anddetermined to do their part." Th e man who w il l n ot ta ke thischance for an ed ucat io n i n civicsshould never open h is mouth to complain about Philadelphia."

    How about Narberth? Doesthi s s tr ike home?

    For Your Own ConvcnicnccB A N K ""ITH