Our Town July 20, 1916

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Transcript of Our Town July 20, 1916

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town July 20, 1916







    O. A. E.1 0 04 1 01 6 00 3 03 3 01 0 012 2 0o 1 34000 001 0 0

    4 24

    Send Your Magazinesto the Y. M. C. A. forthe SoldiersPRICE TWO CENTS

    Totals 2

    Totals . . . . . . . . 8 12 27 14

    Totals 1 3 27 16*Fine batted for Halberstadtninth.

    W. P. A. C. . 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-2Bon-Air . . . . 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 x -41

    E.ooo IAutocar Club 1 0 1 0 2 4 0 0 0 -8o Berwyn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -1oo StRndJng of tile Clubs.01 W. L.o Dun & Co 12 4o Narberth . . . .. 11 4o IBon-Air . . . 10 6- Wayne ............ 7 7o Autocar Club 7 9Paoli M. C. 5 10Berwyn ....... 5 11Wes t Phi la . 5 11

    S Autocllr, S; BerW)'n, 1.AUTOCAR CLUB.A. E. R. H. O. A. E.3 1 }

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town July 20, 1916


    NARBEHTll, l 'A.-OUH TOWN-JULY 2 0 19!(j~ I

    Don' t forget tbat thi s Is a community of home makers and bomekeepers and that one of YOURMOST IMPORTANT DUTIES Is tokeep It so;You can ai d mat er ia ll y by do.Ing your shopping and mnrketJngwith the advertisers In this paper.

    BUILD UP YOUR TOWNBuild Up Your HomeII .

    Now, it happened that soon afterSlIas Bland's departure , one o f t ho sepoor , oppressed, and down-t rodden"knights of the jemmy," Wllliam Macnamara by name, bu t more commonlyknown as "Bill Mac," being In the


    In the ' lo bby o f t he p os t offi ce Isposted a not ice of Uni ted S tate s CivilExaminations.Pos i tions for which examinationswill be held ar e there listed. Furtherinformation ma:r be obt ai ne d by thosein te re s ted f rom the postmas ter .

    A. J. LoosHen ry RoseW. T. MelchiorO. L. Hampton

    HAItH.Y A. JACOBS,Editor.



    The mos sy carpets for your feet,The ai r with p iny odo rs swoot,Ripe be rr ies tempt ing you to cat.

    'Tis t ru e t ha t theseyear.Bu t later on YOU'll c al l t hem d re ar ,Enjoy t hem whi le th e summer's here.

    The b ird s a nd bees an d i nse ct s too,Don't let them be seaLed books to youBut read them ere the season'sthrough.

    Round hi ll s and evergreens galore ,And lovely wood-paths t o e xp lo re ,For beaut ie s that they have in s to re :

    As on and on th e roadway winds,One ever some new beauty finds;'Tis many things to many minds.A Contributor.

    Gay flowers ar e nodding a ll t he way,But c ha ng ing hue s from d ay to day,So evanescent is tbeir stay.

    And tr.ees that give delightful shade.A b rook le t whe re t be c hi ld re n wade,In joyous hours that never fade.

    -Requiring A ~ l e O ~ ~ ; ~ ~ ~ \ ~ ~ E sidewalks, \ L ~ C A L SPAnKS. SILAS BLAND'S I ~ ~ ~ g ~ ~ s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , , , O f c ~ = : : : e c : : ~ i ~ : S e ~ ~ c ur bs a nd g ut te rs o n t he n ort h a nd I TI1e fine map le t re es a long Wood- upon the apparently deserted mansion.south s id es o f Rockl and Avenue be- s id e a ve nue h av e b ee n attacked by LITTLE EXPERIMENT WlIllam te lt pa rt icu lar ly low justtwe.en Wynnewood Ave nu e a nd t he I s om e i ns ect t ha t h as done consider- i then, as his old and tried pal, Augus-Pennsylvania Rallroad. able damage. I t is hoped that th e I tu s Montgomery, had just been sen-The Council of the Borough of :-Iar-I residents will he able to check th e 'tenced by a pessimistic judge toberth does ordain: blight before it makes any more head- I. "eighteen months' hard" for someSection 1. That owner s of proper-' way. MOST men have a hobby, and a ll eged t ri fl ing i na cc ur ac y on th eti.es on th e north a nd sou th sides of I - - - rule. As a matter of fact, part of Monty, as Blll affectionatelyRockl and Avenue betwe'en 'Vynne- One of ou r r es idents in formed the rey ,was no exception to the' called him.wood Avenue a nd t he P en ns yl va ni a e di to r the other day that he was i n t he fai r county o f S ur - I B ll l h ad spe n th i s a ll in his endeav-be, and they ar e hereby required to Imaking a collection of discard,e.d en- S l Ias B land, of the Beeches, Ior r to get his chum off, but to no pur-lay within thirty (30) days of s.ervice v el op es f ou nd around th e raI1roal. one hobby did not sa ti sfy him. He ! pose, and now here he was. depressedof noti ce s idewalks , curbs and gut- sta tion. and that his collection to date I dabbled in nearly everythlng-chem-' in pocl,et and spirits, without a trustters in conformity with existing ordi- included some of ou r best known citi- i s try , photography, geology, numis- worthy pal to work this likely

    nances. zens. ' matlcs , mechanics , mesmerism, a ll h ad "crib," as he te rmed the Beeches. BillSection 2. ~ a l l u r e on th e part of their attractions for him; but of re- h ad mad e it a rule never to workany owner to comply with th e pro- We are wondering how much bet- cent years th e i nventions of Edison, s ingle -handed. He p re fe rr ed , b ei ng---------------- !visions o f S ec ti on 1 shal l just i fy the ter th e town would look if folks who the famous electrician, had a bsor be d natur al ly of a timid and nervous dis-H. C. GARA, IBorough Authorities to have the wo rk have vacant prop.erties adjoining their the greater part of his attention. And pos it ion, t o keep watch outside, while

    AdnlltJslng Manager. Idone. c ha rg ing the e xpen se s to the homes were t o f or ge t where the now, as an elderly man of independ- h is more adventurous companion in -to I owners with an addition of .ten p ~ dividing p ro per ty l ine r an a nd were en t mea ns , t he s al e o cc up an t of a vestigated indoors; but this looked likecenutm as a penalty, collectIble 111 to run their lawn mowers over the, large an d handsomely-furnished man- a safe thing, and i n a ny c as e " ne ed ssuch : na nn er a s the. law directs . "vacant" f ron t lawns at least. Th,ere sion, he gave up the greater part of ;must when the devil drives," and BillO. SectlOn 3. AlI ordmances or p ar ts a re several instances in th e borough his t im e t o t he s tu dy o f t he wonderful wanted money badly .of o . T l ~ i n a n c e . s i ~ c o n s i ~ t e n t with the whe re o th erwi se fine a ve nu es a re product ions of the man h e so much ad- Guarded inquiries in the neighborprovIsIons of tIns ordll1ance be anll. mar re d by the uncut lawn on sev.eral mired. It goes without s ay ing that hood satisfied him that t he house was

    on sale at the depot the same R :e her eby repealed. vacant p roperties. signs were visible all over th e house absolutely unoccupied. Rumors weref H .... Passed thIS 10th day o f Jul y, A. D. of th e old gentleman's proclivities. indeed current that extraordinary pre-at the store 0 J'J. 1916 L t' e' tl t b t "0. e s see, wren t lere 0 e \, Visi tor s neve r requir ed to r in g to cautions h ad b ee n t al ,e n w it h regardn, t:. lInmpItre)'s, a dd it io na l w as te p ap er c an s to be

    P d f '1 placed n,ear th e statlon? Tile rail- ga in admit tance ; in fact, the re was n o t o w in dow f as te ni ng s, e tc.. but, givenresi en t 0 Councl. beIl visible. The st one sl ab in front a dark night, an d an uninhabited androad has been on the job and re-(,hns. Y. Xoel, placed th e old cans on railroad of th e dofortl Y i e ~ d . e t d , S l ~ g h t t l y ~ th e i ~ o l a t e d t h h O U ~ e t ' tWhat 1 t t r ~ e f l ~ u r s g l R ; rSecretary of Council. proper ty , wi th new ones; now we pressure 0 1e VISI or s 0 0 , an ,a s a gIves a oug 1 0 SUC 1 T1 es . 0 ItApproved this 10th day of July, I hope, that t he o th er two cans ar e put consequence, a n e le ct ri c p ea l notified did no t talte friend Will iam very longTHURSDAY, JULY 20, 1916 : into "action." the servants of an arrival. to make up hi s mind to have a try.

    --E-l\-iERGENCY PHONE CA-L-L-S-- A. D. 1916. (jeo. JI. Henrr, I , Telephonic communications reigned From a ll accounts th e s i lver was of theFI'r e 350. I I supreme, and from all t he p ri nc ip al r ight sort, and stowed away i n th eChief Burgess.pollee 1250. "MAIN LINE 'rooms in th e house the maste r, with- house. A survey of the premises led~ = = = : : : = = = : = : : : : : = = : : : : : : : : : : : : : = =I ou t seeing his servants, could give his him to the conclusion t ha t t he libraryI Tt:X GOLln:X nrLt:S 01

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town July 20, 1916


    N ' A H B ~ H T H ~ PA.-OUR T O W N - J U L Y 20.' 1916



    lloward F. CotterM'EATS ofl TI. QUALITY

    Y . M. C. A . BUILDING


    According to Your OwnP l a n s. B a la n cOn Easy Terms.

    Store Where You WillEventually Buy FromWE SUPPLY YOU WITH PURE DRUGS

    Fresh Citrate of Magnesi a in the new SanitarvTop Bottle. PrescrIptions filled all hours of dayann night. B Iy your VI u!can, Eastman's Filmsand have same developed at

    F I EDLER ' S

    45th and Parrish Sts.Try a Pound of



    CLEANSAFEWHOLESOME 1 $1000 WILL BUY A LO TPas l eu r l zed Milk IDELIVERIESB r y n c l o v ~ 1 .. ~ e r l l l l e d WEST PIlILA.. Narberth's B i g h ~ s t Tract.(Pedrlal ic Soclely) OVERBROOK AIl Convenlences-old Shade. Malladam

    Speci a l "Guernsey" MERlO." Road . Cemenl Sidewal . s . Elc.Milk WYNNEFIELD

    Achsah M. Wentz ente rta ined the (Roberls ' ' ' ' Sharpless ' BA.LA.CYNWYD FMJUStl'co M o n ~ g A o R , ; e r R v T : " e n u p .I Dairies) I' u, E. Orfollowing a bridge last Tues day a f- I NARB ER TH , 612 Ch"slnuISI l 'h l la.ternoon in honor of he r school friend. CreamBu t t e rmi l k ARDMORE \Miss Ethel Sloan, of Washington, D. \1 T a bl e a n d Wh ip pi ng WYNNEWOOD JAMES G. SCANLINc. : Mis se s. L inda Jacoby, Edna Cream.Selfridge, Mary McCarter Florence SCOTT-POWELL DAIRIES Contracting Painteracoby, Mrs. W. R. D. Hall, Mrs.Horace B. Moore, Overbrook, and Narberth. Pa.Alice Green, West Philadelphia.

    Mr. William J. Kirkpatrick Is ourIdea or a model citizen. He s pe nt a llSaturday In th e fire house, servingon the Election B oa rd w he n h e mighthave heen "serving" on t he c ou rt s of Ithe Narberth Tennis Club. IA number of Narberth's travelmgmen h av e b ee n i nt er vi ew ed recently Ias to how .they find busines s condl- I Prescrl'ptl'on Drug Storetions in their various lines. This ai-Imost unanimous d ec la ra ti on i s that Phone, Narberth 625 or 1284busi ne ss i s g,ood and In some IInes;l:= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = : ; = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ~Improving. I If bus ines s i s good andgetting better-nuff said.

    tended a number of s es si on s o f the TNational Education_ASsociatiOn. heThe Narberth Branch of th e WomanSuffrage Party ha s d ecided to dis-p en se w it h It s A ug ust m eetin g. T he I

    next meeting wll1 he held early InS ep tem ber . D ue n otice will b e pu b- MAYlIshed later.

    Bett)' Baxtl2r's Gossip.THE FIRESIDE

    Mrs. Roy E. Clark, of Woodsideavenue, has returned f rom Doy le stown wher e s he has been visiting he r

    I parents.

    } : Y A ~ m u , UAI)'rIST t'IIt'UCII.

    Uer. e. n. KOJlIICi, 1)llstor.Sunday services ;9.45-Sunday School.11.00-Morning wor sh ip . S ermon I ;\II'. and Mrs. Charl,es Verna areby th e pastor. Soloi st , Mrs. Prescott. spending a couple of weeks at Ocean I Car ro ll Downe s, J r. , has jus t re -6.30-Union lawn service. Speaker, City. Iceived word that his c re di t mar ksDr. G. Bickley Burns Superintendent! awarded him in conne ct ion w it h h is

    West Dist r ic t of Philadelphia con-I Dr. Romaine C. Hoffman is home graduation by the Narberth Highference. I a ga in , a nd feels much benef it ed by \ School. entitle him to enter Dart-JIIII.W('eli. Service. I h is t ri p. mouth Col lege without taking anyS .OO-We dn esd ay e ve ni ng U ni on I examinations. As a matter of factprayer s er vi ce hel d In t he P re sby- Mr. Thomas G. Conklin, of Logan. his total of credits was cons ide rably

    terian Church w it h th e Rev. E. L. s pe nt t he week-end as th e guest of above the necessary number.Swift as leader. Earl F. Smith.

    Rev. John Van "ess is s pe lH li ng afew da)'s at the Princeton conference.}:mersolJ I,. Swift, 1)Ilf'tor. Princeton, ]I i, J.9.45 A. M.-Bible School. Mr. A'IA. Challser will give one of his P?PU- i i'll'S. James F . Do nn elly an d chi!la r i l lustra ted talks to th e combmed I dren hav.e returned from a wee k' ,;departments of th e school. Everyone ' tr ip t o Ba lt imore .Invited. I --11.00 A. M.-Mornlng worship. Sub- Joseph S. Haws, Jr., of Pottstown,ject of th e sermOn by the pastor, "The is visiting his uncle, Postmasterp.!ophet's Message." Strangers given IHaws, of Dudley avenue.a heartv welcome. - - -6.30 ? M.-Union tw il ight s ervice I Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Churchi l l andon ,the lawn. T he speaker is Dr. G. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick K. Wood-Bickley Burns, Philadelphia. ward are motor ing to Main.e.Wednesday, 8.00 P. M.-Uniollprayer service at the presbyterian Miss Jane Laird, o f Woodsi de aveChurch this week. Rev. E. L. Swi ft n ue , is s pe nd in g s ev er al we.eks withwill be th e leader. Estelle Cohic, at SeaSide Park, N. J.R,ev. J. C. Kil li an , c hape l ca revangelist in th e West, will speakSunday morning, July 30. He is an-extremely interesting speaker.

    ST. .UAUGARt:T'S CHURCII.EaJ'ly )Iass on SuudllY frOID April1-;t t o October 31st al. G.JO A..\'1. FromNO\'em bel' 1st to )Iorcn 31st at 1 A. M.Late ) lasS , 9.30 A. )1, throughout thserved it would grea t ly assist postoffice officials in the handling ofmail matter.

    POST o.'FICE NOTES.On Thursday, July 13, Mrs. R. E.Seaboldt , North Narberth avenue, entertained at luncheOn a n um be r o f

    l ad ie s o f th e O. R. T. D. A. & S. ofPhiladelphia and New York.

    Mr s. W. J. Peebles and Miss MaryPeebles will leave Narberth Thursdayfor an ext ended visit \to California.l\Ir. P ee bl es w il l j oi n t hem t he re afew weeks la te r .

    Mrs: John W. Joyce, who has bee nvisiting Mrs. George I. Dorsey, ofWoodside avenue, at he r summer homein Chelsea, has re turned to he r homeon Wynnewood avenue.

    Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Moore on S un day entertained Mr. and Mrs.Laurence R. Dougherty and sOn Harry D. Dougherty, 2nd, from WestPhiladelphia.

    Mr. and Mrs. William S. Hornerand Mr. Charles S. Mirick and Mr.and Mrs. A. J. Loos, ar e among th eNarberth colony at L ake Paup ac,.pocono Mountains..

    Mr. and Mrs. Dinwiddie Walker, 0'"lOS E lmwood avenue. have r et ur n. edf rom C ap e May, where they havebeen th e guests of Mr. and Mrs. FC. Bingham.

    OUR TOWN wJll gladly printaDy Dews Item about any subjectthat Is of Interest to Narberthfolks, but In order to meetthe prlnUng sehC'lule, aU "copy"_manuscripts-must reach theeditor by 6 P. M. Monday eacbweek. SuperintendentWilliam T. 'Melchior,of the Narbe rth School, was a recent--..; I visitor to New York w he re h e at -

    DOROUGlI OFFICERS.B u r ~ e E s - G e o . 111. Henry.Treasurer-Edwin p. Dold.Clerk of Counclls-Chas. V. Noel.Tax Collector-James F. sherron.Street commlssloner-W. S. McClel

    Ian.Building Inspector - J. HowardSmedleY.Counselor-Fletcher W. SUte8.Constable-FTed. Walzer.

    UN'. AUlirew S. Ul1rke, })Ilstor.The services at All Saints' P. E.Church, Montgomery and Wynnewoodavenues, for next Sunday are as follows:8.00 A. M.-HolY Communion.

    9.45 A. M.-Sunday SchOOl.11 .00 A. M.-Mo rn in g p ra ye r a ndsermon.The p ew s o f All Saints' Church ar eal l fre.e, and a cordi al i nv it at ion i sextended to s t ranger s a s well as th eresidents of Ardmore, Narberth,Wynnewood and vicinity, to attendthe services.The church ' bu ss es l ea ve Wynnewood and Narberth Stations at 10.40on Sunday mornings . You ar.e urgedto use them.

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town July 20, 1916


    i1iNARBEltTH, PA.-OUR TOWN-JULY 2 0 1916


    . .


    C01DllTTEES Ol ' COUNCIL.Finance and Law Committee-A. P.Redifer, W. D. Smedley, H. D. Narrigan.Highway Committee-H. D. Narri

    gan, Mr. Rose. Robert Saville.Police and Health-W. D. Smedley,Mr. Rose, Robert Saville.Water, F ir e a nd Light-Mr. Rose,William J. Henderson, Robert Saville.Ordinance-William J. Henderson,Mr. Rose, Robert Saville.

    Finance and Law Committee-A. P.Redifer, chairman; W. D. Smedley,H. D. Narrlgan.Highway Committee-H. D. Narrigall, chairman; E. C. Stokes, RobertSaville.Pollee and Health-W. D. Smedley,chairman; E. C. S toke s, W il li am J .

    Henderson.Water, Fire and Light-WilliamHenderson, chairman; A. P. Redifer,Robert Saville.

    CA1IP "TOHICKOX"get fairlY i nt o t he room. The discharge of th e rifle (blank cartridge)af ter h te appropr i at e words, was arranged by an electr ic contrivance ofMr. Bland's own, on th e suppositionthat t he in truder would show fight.He was so satisfied with t he r es ul tof his experiment that he made it aseasy as pos si bl e f or W il li am at histrial. Bill's l anguage and reflectionson h is g rasp ing the true position mustbe l ef t t o t he r eade r' s imagination. Asthat gentleman was sent to j oi n h iscomrade for a similar period, he wash ear d to r em ar k in s o l i l o q u y , ~ "Billy,my boy, yer don't know enough to be adecent cracksman. After this, betterrun straight." And he did, too.

    UndhJided Profits'$75,000

    Phone, Narberth 672




    C. E. Hllmllllreys, The attention of t he p at ro ns o f t hePresident of Council. Narberth Post Office is c al le d t o t heconvenience of sending money by posta l money orde r. T he following lowr at es a re cha rg ed for s endi ng s ums t oany money o rde r pos t office in theUnited States:_______COI_,. :u. U ~ n r ) . Fo r orders from $.01 to $2.50, 3

    ThllrHda)'. }