Organising a · PDF fileOrganising a Conference Prof (Col) ... •Planning a Budget...

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Transcript of Organising a · PDF fileOrganising a Conference Prof (Col) ... •Planning a Budget...



Organising a Conference

Prof (Col) Dr RN BasuAdviser,

Quality & Academics



• Introduction

• Understanding the

Reason for Conference

• Types of Conference

• How to Organise a


• Developing a Timeline

• Conference Manager

• Organising Conference

In-house or Outsourcing

• Target Audience

• Planning for Student


• International


• Planning the Activities



• Choosing a Theme

• Choosing a Venue

• Sourcing Speakers

• The Conference Brochure

• Planning a Budget

• Arranging Sponsorship

• Registration

• Marketing

• Event Website Checklist

• Audio-visual


• Obtaining Press


• Conclusion

• Bibliography



• Conferences, seminars, symposium, workshops,

congress, summit etc are now part of almost everyday

working life

• These are educational congregation of people to:

• Exchange ideas and thoughts,

• Learn and decide on policies, set a future direction and so on for betterment of human life

• When we attend such events we may not immediately realise the preceding mind-boggling efforts that have gone in for their smooth functioning


• The terms seminars, conference etc are sometimes used interchangeably

• There are, however, certain obvious differences in these terminologies and also the purposes for which such events are held

• All these are assembly of people with similar interests

• Symposium1

– It is a formal gathering in an academic setting

– The speakers are experts in their respective fields

– The speakers present their views and opinions on a chosen topic of discussion

– Symposium cover only a single topic or subject

– These are generally of shorter duration

– Number of delegates is less in comparison to a conference


• Conference

– This refers to a formal meeting

– Participants exchange their views on a variety of topics

– Conference takes place in any field of activity and need not be only in educational setting

– These are usually held on a large scale with a large number of participants

• Seminar

– The lectures or presentations usually are delivered within a single day

– One or several speakers may take part




• Congress

– It is usually an annual or biannual event

– Features a particular discipline or cause

– There is a series of invited talks

– Usually organised by large societies / NGOs

– Usually attended by leaders in the field

• Summit meeting2

– It is attended by the heads of states or government

– Purpose may be a diplomatic negotiation or easing of international tension

– Agenda is pre-arranged


• Duration and place of holding a conference

– A conference may last for a few hours or for several


– Organisition may hold it as a one off event or it may

be a regular feature such as annual conferences

– It may be held in a place where adequate space for

the number of attendees and associated facilities are


– Places may be designated conference room, an

auditorium, a hotel ,a convention hall and so on


Understanding the Reason for Conference

• In all seminars, symposia, conference etc the common purpose is communication

• The reasons could be:

– Fund raising

– Increasing awareness

– Share information

– Learning

– As a promotional event

– Bringing together employees dispersed all over


• Benefits of a conference

– Provides environment for Networking

– Provides a forum for discussion

– Provides an opportunity to promote ideas or

products or beliefs

– Creates a sense of belonging

– Enables learning and awareness

– Improves visibility and awareness about the



Types of Conferences

• Conferences can be of several types:

– Academic conferences

• Usually the theme is a single subject or a topic within the subject

• Though the main focus is academic but it is also used by the participants for networking

• Networking is essential for collaboration, funding, employment and many other indirect benefits

– Professional Association Conferences

• Similar to the academic conferences

• Focus is mainly on practical issues

• Also used to conduct the association business such as election, bylaws, confering awards and honours


• Training Conferences

– This type of conferences are conducted by training institutions, industry or states

– Its purpose is training and includes workshops on methods and techniques and other topics related to training

• Issue or Problem-related Conference

– Organisations of any type may hold such conferences

– The purpose is to bring it forefront and energize people




How to Organise a Conferences

• Even a small conference needs a lot of work

• One has to start months or even a year or

more ahead depending on the type of


• This is to make sure that:

– Accommodation, speakers and other necessities

are in place by the time the date of conference



• Conference Planning and organisingStructure

– The first requirement is to create a conference steering structure

– This can be done by:

• Creating an organising committee, and Functional sub-committees

• Nominating and appointing a conference coordinator

• Setting up an information dissemination mechanism


• Establishing Committees

– One person cannot do the entire job of organisinga conference

– Some help is required

– The biggest task (organising the conference) is broken down into smaller categories of tasks

– The categories are made as per the functions to be carried out

– The responsibilities of accomplishing the jobs of these categories are assigned to capable individuals


• Following are the examples of suggested areas

of responsibilities:


Venue Accommodation

Conference Programme Speakers

Exhibits Registration

Abstracts Marketing

Printed Materials Audio-visual arrangements

Supplies Transportation

Food Sponsorship

Developing a Timeline

• A good timeline is essential to managing the conference

– The timeline when adhered shall keep the activities on track

• The time line can be simple with only the main activities having been mapped

• It can be also be detailed depicting all the sub-activities of major activities

• Certain activities must be finished by a certain date so that there is no time over run


• The timeline will provide an overview of the various tasks to be completed

• A committee member must be assigned to each task with the date of completion of task

• The manager can monitor the progress against the timeline

• Each area of responsibility will have many smaller tasks

• The main task and the subtasks will give a comprehensive list of all the tasks to be performed




• 18 months prior to conference

– Select a conference committee

– Two subgroups may be created

• Logistics subgroup

• Programming group

• 17 months prior to conference

– Review proposals from potential sites and select o

– Set Registration fees


A Sample Timeline– Choose a registration platform such as:

• Eventbrite

• SignMeUp

– Create a conference website

– Prepare a budget

• 13 months prior to conference

– Set the conference theme and develop the topics

• 12 months prior to conference

– Prepare a list of speakers

– Begin sending invitation


• 9 months prior to conference

– Begin promoting the conference theme, location and registration rates

– Open registration and housing reservation for attendees

• 6 months prior to conference

– Continue promoting the conference through email and website

• 5 months prior to conference

– Continue promoting the conference by:

• posting updates to the conference website and through social media


• 4 months prior to conference

– Track registration from speakers and send

personalised messages to those who have not


• 3 months prior to conference

– Prepare proposal for audio-visual providers

– Begin sending email updates to speakers with tips for

good presentation

– Begin preparation of the final programme

– Design meal tickets (if necessary) and name badges


• 2 months prior to conference

– Purchase supplies

– Send preliminary menus to venue manager

• Discuss any change required

– Send reminders to speakers

• 1 month prior to conference

– Send final email promotion for conference registration

• 3 weeks prior to conference

– Create a list of signs to be printed

– Remember to include signs directing attendees to registration and other rooms

– Hotels may not permit hanging signs on walls, arrange standees


• 1 week prior to conference

– Fine-tune Banquet Event Order (BEO) with the conference specification document (ESG)

– (An Event Specification Guide is used by Event Organiser to convey information clearly and accurately to the venu and/or supplier)

– Confirm A-V equipment have been arranged

– Check each document for all room set up requirements

– Prepare registration packets and print badges

• 3 days prior to conference

– Share final catering requirements with the caterer

– Prepare onsite “binder” of all contracts, BEOs, AV requests, special need from attendees, and contact information




• 1 day prior to conference

– Conduct a pre-conference meeting with the venue staff and check that all arrangements are in order

• Get contact information of venue staff

– Walk the meeting space with volunteers

• Note location of rest rooms, emergency exits

– Walk the area around the venue

• Take note of restaurants and attractions that might be of interest to attendees

• Set directional signs and prepare the registration area

• See if there is any thing that is not in order

• Get them rectified


• During the conference

– Nothing much to worry!

– You have worked hard to make the conference a


– Meet the venue manager daily

• Enquire about the progress of the conference

• Look at the catering bill

• After the conference

– Send thank you letters to all, particularly to those

who contributed for the success of the conference


• Review invoices from the venue

– If a daily bill check was done during the conference, the final invoice will take less time to clear

– If there are disputed amount, make payment that are not disputed and raise objection in writing for the items in dispute

– Write a post event report

• Include registration and accommodation details

• Banquet Event Order

• Final invoices

• A note about the challenges faced

• Share with the next conference committee


Conference Manager

• Many online conference management software are available

• One such proprietary software tool is Conference manager

• It can take care of the following details

– Setting conference goals

– Setting up registration process

– Sending invitation

– Booking transportation

– Collecting abstracts and paper

– Managing audio-visual requirements

– Communicating with delegates

– Collecting payments

– Evaluating the success of the conference


• The planning shall involve the following steps:

– All organiser should be clear in their mind about the purpose of the conference

– Determining for whom the conference is meant

– Deciding on the date of the conference

– Fixing the duration of the conference

– Deciding on the theme and topics

– Streamlining the logistics

– Coordinating amongst different functionaries and solving problems, if any


• Major Actions

– The holding of the conference to be well


• Ads in professional journals

• Publications in webpage

• Direct mailing to professional bodies, institutions, and

other similar organisations

• Educational institutions conducting professional

courses related to the functions of the organisation

conducting the conference




– Registering prospective delegates

– Doing a survey for speakers for the conference

– Short listing the speakers relevant to the topics of the conference

– Fund raising

– Finding sponsors

– Publishing brochures and souvenir

– Planning the details for conducting the conference and conducting it

– Post conference evaluation of the conference


• Format of the conference

– The common format is:

• A Welcome address, followed by

• A keynote or opening address

– This is usually a speech by a person with a very big name who can be persuaded to deliver the speech

– Sometimes the keynote address is delivered in the evening followed by dinner

– Most often, it is delivered as the first thing in the morning on the first day

• The remaining days are divided into shorter sessions

– The content is usually determined based on what will of interest to participants


• There can be workshops, short films, poster presentation, commercial exhibition and other modules

• Depending on the number of participants

– There can be one plenary session where every one attends, or

– There can be several sessions running concurrently (called breakout groups)

• In this, participants have a choice of which one to attend

– The conference should end on a high note with a motivational speaker or a challenge to the audience


Organising a Conferences in-house or Outsourcing

• If one desires to hold the conference by themselves, following must be considered:

– Do you have the required resources in terms of money, manpower and other resources

– Can you spare enough time over and above your regular responsibilities

– Can you garner enough and involved support form other departments of your organisation

– Can you make, on your own, like minded target participants interested to participate in the conference


– Can you raise enough funds on your own for the conference

– Can you locate enough good, experienced, respected and knowledgeable speakers by your own effort

• If the answer to all these is positive, it is worthwhile to launce yourself for holding the conference

• Else, if you can locate a capable and reliable agency who can organise the event for you, it is preferable to outsource the event


Target Audience

• Target Audience may be from a vast arena related to healthcare:

– Public Health Professionals

– Healthcare provider organisations

• Hospitals

• Nursing homes

– Health Departments

– Hospital Management Associations

– Hospital Management Specialists




Planning for Student Involvement

• Students may be encouraged to attend the conference

• Planning may involve ways to involve students

– A student paper contest might be held

• They may present their papers

• Prizes may be offered to the winners

– A winners' session may be included as part of the technical program where the winners may present their papers


• A discount for advance registration might be offered.

• Students in the local area might receive complimentary conference registration for serving as

– session monitors

– Projectionists

– Conducting the speakers

– Helping organisers in many other ways


International Conference

• International Conference

– These are events where substantive discussions,

deliberations, interactions or exchange of

thoughts and ideas take place with the

participants of foreign countries

– The participants may deliberate on the

experiences of their countries, or

– The subject experts deliberate on the present

status of development in their respective areas


• Clearance for holding the event

– Clearance from the nodal ministry is required to hold an international event

• Nodal ministry means

– The ministry of Govt. of India which is dealing with the subject matter chosen for the event

• How to proceed for clearance

– A proposal to be submitted with following details:

• Name of the organiser with address

• Topics to be covered

• Venue and the date(s) of the event

• Tentative list of the participating countries


Planning the Activities

• Planning for the activities for organising a conference can be divided into three phases:

– Pre-conference activities:

• Choosing a venue

• Sourcing speakers

• Setting the programme

• Conference brochure

• Planning and setting up a registration system

• Planning budgets and sponsorship

• Assessing the audio-visual requirements


• Activities for the event

– Staging the event

– Staffing the event

– Dealing with registration

– Preparing delegates packs

– Remembering delegate care

– Remembering speaker care

– Trouble shooting

– Obtaining press conference




• Exhibitors and exhibition

– Be thoroughly conversant with the breadth of the technical field from which the exhibits will be solicited

– Select exhibits that clearly pertain to:

• Scientific

• Educational

• Technical aspects of the discipline

– Sourcing exhibitors

– Allocating space

– Make contractual arrangements

– Making it worthwhile for exhibitors


• Post-conference activities

– Winding up

– Developing relationship

– Evaluating the event

• Other aspects to be considered

– Health and safety

– First aid

– Booking forms

– Making a record of the event

– Catering

– Entertainment

– Accommodation and transport


Choosing a Theme

• Each event follows a theme and purpose

– Conference theme is the focal point and serves to integrate the various subject areas of the conference

– It should suggest the purpose of the conference

– This will drive:

• The event set-up

• The target audience

• The marketing approach

• The theme should appeal to the participants conducting their business

– The sponsors should be able to gain mileage out of publicizing their products during the event


• For a medical conference, there is a scope of deliberating upon a large number of themes

• Usually the purpose is to focus on the latest developments or the trends in care delivery.

• To select a theme, a brain storming session can be held

• A comprehensive, catchy phrase helps to make the theme memorable

– Example:

– “Enhancing Life – Commitment to Better Health”

– “Emerging Trends in Managing Healthcare”

• One can look for themes in

– Medical journals

– Medical databases such as Medlar, NLM, PubMed


• Choosing the venue as per the budget

– Many options are usually available

• Purpose-built conference centres have latest in audio

visual equipment

• Training centres belonging to large corporations are

leased out when not in use

• Big hotels usually have facilities for holding conferences

– Hotels have an added advantage that they also provide

overnight accommodation and leisure facilities for delegates

Choosing a Venue


• Making Sense of the Brochure of the Facility

– Conference facilities usually have a leaflet or brochure

– This describe the facility in the best possible light to the organisers of the conference

– This should not be taken only on its face value but to be used only as a guide

– Further enquires for the venue may be based on this guidelines

• Some venue finding software is available

– These software can help in short listing the probable venue





• This gives a listing of 7 venues in kolkata


• Services

– The yellow pages

– Just Dial

• Personal contact

• From all these sources the information about the conference venue may look attractive

– No matter how suitable a venue looks from the brochures and from the Ads, always make it a point to visit the proposed venue


– The visit should be done by those who have experience in conducting similar conferences

– It is preferable to make a checklist about the facilities required at the venue

• Checklist for the venue should include:

– Make a prior appointment for the visit

– Assess your first impression on arrival at the venue imagining yourself as a delegate

– Observe the staff about their behaviour with their other guests

– Is it easy to get there, distance from airport and railhead

– Is the surrounding pleasant


• Conference room

– Style, capacity, ceiling height

• Toilets

– No of cubicles for ladies, Disabled facilities

• Lighting

– Blackout facilities, spotlights, lecturn lights,

location of control panel

• Chairs

• Obstructions


• Accommodation

– Capacity, condition of rooms, facilities provided

– Tarrif, any deposit required

• Catering

– Sample menus, Cost, cost of additional tea/coffee, lunch arrangement – buffet or sitting

• Exhibition space

– Number and location of electricity sockets

– Location in relation to conference

• Audio visual equipment

– What the hotel can provide

– Is there a separate cost involved


• Car parking facility

• Suitability of Registration area

• Ask about air-conditioning

• Check seating arrangements

• Ceiling height

– Low ceiling height give a claustrophobic feeling

• Assess the sound

• Check the lighting

– If room is darkened, does the mike also goes off

• Fire escapes


Sourcing Speakers

• Before the speakers are chosen, the specific topics must have been decided upon.

• The event should be

– Interesting, and

– Is worth investing in time, money and energy

• A brainstorming session with colleagues and/ or superiors is worthwhile

• During this session as many suggestions as possible is noted down

– No discussion/discouragement should take place at this stage

– After all suggestions are collected, these are discussed and short listed




• After brainstorming, suggestions from potential

delegates also may be obtained

• A questionnaire may be sent out asking the

subjects they would like to hear about

• This way the programme may be more attractive

• To generate interest in responding, a rebate may

be offered to those who return the questionnaire

• One need to remain updated on the industry

news to select topics which are topical


• Selecting speakers

– Value of good speakers is immense

– There are certain characteristics to look for in a potential speaker such as:

• Knowledge about the subject

• Articulate

• Experienced

• Well prepared

• Able to empathise with and enthuse the audience

• Respected


• Where to find speakers

– In the organisation one may be able to find people

who have contacts with suitable speakers

– It also will be necessary to look for suitable

speakers from outside

– Those who have attended seminars/conferences

organised elsewhere may suggest names

– Some senior people in the own organisation or in

similar other sister institution may suggest names

– People doing work on the types of topics selected

in renowned organisations can be approached


• Call for papers

– There are many interested groups in India who are in the fields of academics, research and management of hospital and healthcare delivery

– The conference notification may be sent to them

– Many from these institutes and organisations may volunteer to present papers

– Some of these institutes are:

• Association of Healthcare Providers,(India)


– Academy of Hospital Administration, New Delhi

– Institute of Health Management Research, Jaipur

– Indian Society of Healthcare Professionals (ISHP)

– Christian Medical Association of India

– Public Health Foundation of India, New Delhi

– All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi

– Nizam Institute of Medical Sciences, Manipal

– Sher-e- Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences, Sri Nagar

– Post-graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Chandigarh

– Kasturba Medical College and Hospital, Manipal

– National Institute of Health & Family Welfare


• Ministers, MPs and Political Leaders as speakers

– They may be invited as chief guests in the inaugural function

– Healthcare touches the life of all citizens of any country

– The political leaders can give illuminating talks on policies and directions to the future developments

– The press becomes interested to cover the talks of these leaders

– Thus the conference may get good publicity

– However, the leaders need to be approached well in advance before they are already booked somewhere else




• The call for papers should include the following details

– Details of the event

– Date, time, venue

– Details of the organisers

– Guidelines on paper presentation

• This should include:

– Submission of abstract of paper

– Biodata of the speaker

• Speaker Bureau

– These bureaus can supply good speakers

– They are mostly speakers on business and behavioral matters

– They are not suitable as speakers on health management topics


The Conference Brochure

• Designing the Brochure

– Brochure should appeal to the potential delegates

– It is more of a selling document

– Should focus more on the delegate than on providing information

– It sets the tone of the event

– The front cover should be carefully designed

• May contain the objective of the conference, e.g.:

– Providing excellence in knowledge and skill required to organize and deliver healthcare in a dynamic, challenging and rapid y changing technological, social and demographic scenario


• Major methods of achieving the objective may be mentioned, e,g.

– Renowned and experienced Speakers

– Innovative learning experience

– Interactive sessions

– Social evening and networking

• Should be eye catching

• Large display typescripts and strong colour may be preferable

• Too much text should not be added


• Important dates may be given, such as:

– Early Birds registration

– Registration

– Online hotel booking

– Abstract submission date

• Committees

• Contact information

• Sponsors

• About the city

• Travel information

• Places of interest in the city

• Weather

• Program

• Delegate registration form


• Some Tips for Designing the Brochure

– The brochure should be of simple design and easy to


– It should not be cluttered with all kinds of unnecessary


• Lots of blank spaces may be kept

– Make it look professional

– Take views of several senior colleagues about how it


– After designing do not give it for immediate printing

• Look at it a day or two later, you may like to edit and re-edit it


• Finding who can Design the brochure

– Many tools are available to design a brochure

• Tools such as Microsoft Publisher can be used

– Ideas can be borrowed from others

• Brochures of other seminars can be examined to study their design

– The brochure is perhaps the first thing which a potential delegate will come across

– A well designed brochure can communicate volumes about the conference standard, and

• About the organisation conducting the event

– It is preferable to get it done by a professional organisation




• Printing the brochure

– The design of the brochure and the quality of printing can help to create a favourable first impression

– The content of the brochure should be properly organised

– Spelling mistakes must be avoided

– Attention must be paid to the grammar and sentence composition

– Proper attention to all these will send a message that the conference is of high class and it will be well managed

– Glossy paper of at least 100 gsm thickness is suitable

• The brochure can also be put at the website


Planning Budgets and Sponsorship

• The minimum amount needed for holding the conference needs to be determined

• Following steps may be followed:

– Calculate expenditure to be incurred for different categories of functions for the conference

• Venue Website Registration

• Conference Speakers Secretariat

• Memento Insurance Audio-visual

• Marketing Food Travel


– Identify possible expenses within each category

– Identify fixed and variable expenses

• Variable expenses will depend on number of delegates

• Delegates expenses include items like food, delegate kit

• Fixed costs may include, venue, marketing, insurance

– Calculate budget income from all sources:

• Sponsorship

• Delegate fee

• Exhibit stalls

– Delegate fee to be fixed based on deficiencies in income

– Distribute the budget to all committees


• Fixed cost

– This cost will be incurred irrespective of the number of delegates attending.

– This cost may include:

• Brochure printing

• Brochure designing

• Expenditure on speakers

– Travel

– Accommodation

• Hire of conference hall

• Press and publicity

• Cost for organising a social evening


• Variable cost

– This will depend on the number of delegates


– It may include:

• Registration kit

• Catering

• Mineral water bottles

• Drinks, if on the house


– Signages

– Postage

– Transport

– Audiovisual equipment hire

– Memento for speakers

• Income

– Fixed income

• Sponsorship

• Contribution from organisation

• Exhibition stalls




• Variable income

– Delegate fees

• Insurance against disasters

– Management should decide whether to take up an insurance policies for unforeseen events

– Even after a very careful planning, something still may go wrong, such as:

• Strikes

• Terrorists activities

• Weather

– The insurance can cover up the losses incurred


• Policies can be taken up to cover the

compensation for

– Cancellation / abandonment

– Non-appearance of speakers

– Less number of delegates attending

– Failure to vacate the premises by the specified


– Legal liabilities

– Accidents


Arranging Sponsorship

• Sponsors should be interested in the type of delegates that are participating

• Companies should like to reach out to the delegates for their marketing objectives

• Companies would like to raise their company profile

• Draw up a list of companies organisation that would benefit from reaching out to delegates

• The option one has is to decide on full or split sponsorship


• Contacting potential sponsors

– Make a list of potential sponsors

– Circulate a letter of introduction and a sponsorship form

• This must look professional and must be designed attractively

– Mention clearly the benefits to the company if they take up the opportunity

– Honestly depict the expected number of delegates

– Provide them with conference brochures

– Inform to them the date by which the form is to be returned


• Agreement of Sponsorship

– After receiving the form back from the willing sponsors, send a written sponsorship agreement

– It should include

• What is being offered in the package

• The cost

• Terms of payment

– Objective is to eliminate any scope of misunderstanding

– The sponsor may provide the agreed upon items on their own or the organisers can procure and raise an invoice


• Taking care of sponsors

– Sponsors have provided the financial resources to hold the conference

– They, therefore, must be dealt with courtesy and any help required by them

– They will again be approached in future conferences that you will like to hold

– If the items supplied by the sponsors have their logo, they will be too willing to distribute them on behalf of the organisers

– After the event, send them a letter thanking them




• What can be sponsored

– Advertisement in the souvenir

– Dinner

– Cocktails

– Lunch

– Bags, pens, writing pads

– Signages

– Conference speaker expenses

– Banners

– Breakfasts



• Tasks

– Determine the early-bird and final registration dates

– Decide on a registration procedure, e.g.,

• Online, paper-based, or both

– Choose an online registration system

– Determine payment option

• Cheque, online payment, By cards


– Decide on a cancellation policy

– Create the registration form, including additional

items, such as:

• Meals

• Accommodation

• Transportation

• Sessions and Workshops

• The social programme

• Spousal packages

– Publish registration form (online and paper-based)


– Determine online registration procedure

– Send confirmation of registration to delegates upon receipt of payment

– Create conference packages

• Online registration is more professional, secure, and more reliable

• Managers will:

– Save time

– Keep registration information at finger tips

– Have automatic confirmation and communication with delegates

– Get a registration process that is secure, and reliable



• Tasks

– Develop a promotional website

– Create and send out press releases and mass


– Gather location promotional material (from

chamber of commerce or tourism department)

– Approach transportation and accommodation

facilities to negotiate special conference rates


– Convey the message that the conference

organisers will go out of their way to provide a

positive experience to all participants

– Provide an opportunity

• For the media to participate in getting the message out

– E.g. offering interviews with keynote speakers

– Negotiating for the production of a radio or television show




Event Website Checklist

• The website must have the following:

– Conference titles, dates, venue and contact details

– The topics to be discussed and information on


– Registration information and an online registration


– Who should attend and the benefits of attending

– Sponsor and Exhibitors information


– The conference goals and objectives

– Accommodation information

– Local information

• Maps

• City information

• Local places of interest

• Whether

– Travel information

– Call for papers (if applicable)


Audio-visual Requirements

• Tasks

– Ascertain the audio-visual requirement for each

segment of the conference

• Press

• Reception

• Breakouts, etc

– Contact speakers to find out their special



• Contact the venue to ascertain whether,

– Audio-visual requirements are available in-house

– Ascertain whether it can be outsourced

– Contact audio-visual provider company to get a quote for outsaourcing A-v requirements

– Finalise a contract with the audio-visual company

– Arrange for an audio-visual technician to be onsite for trouble shooting, if required

– Assign a volunteer to verify that the audio-visual is functioning properly before each session

– Establish security measures for audio-visual equipment


Obtaining Press Coverage

• Selecting the Appropriate Media

– Trade Press

• There are some specialist journals interested in including events that may be appealing to their readers

– Indian Journal of Hospital Administration

– Express Healthcare

– National Press

• Story needs to have strong general interest

• Should be of topical interest


• Writing the Press Release

– This for attracting attention of general readers

– The journalist should be persuaded to write a story based on the press release

– The press and the radio editors receive many press releases daily

• To catch their attention you must stand out

• You may also need a “hook” to catch their attention

• Creating a copy

– The first paragraph should be catchy and should be able to get your message across

– Include a quote from the spokesperson, if appropriate

– Make the headline short and snappy, avoid jargon




• Looking After the Journalist

– Provide proper seating arrangement, usually seats are reserved in front

– A press room may be provided with communication facilities

– Coffee/refreshments to be arranged

– Gifts/ Memento may be presented

– Provide a folder including items such as

• Pertaining to the cause of the event

• Biographies of speakers

• Literature from event sponsors

• Contact details


Conclusion• To organise a successful conference a good amount of work is


• The element for the success are:

– Plan early

– Organise a high performing team

– Set out the plausible objective

– Choose a theme that is topical and needs expert inputs for getting a direction

– Target audience should be interested and knowledgeable

– Speakers should be well chosen – respected, knowledgeable, experienced and can speak well

– Raise enough funds from interested groups

– Publicise and market well




1. Fiona Campbell et al. Essential Tips for Organising a Conference. Koga Page, London

2. Paulin Appleby. Organising a Conference. 2nd Ed. HowToBooks Ltd, Oxford, UK.

3. Apex Event Specification Guide Template.


4. Sample Conference Planning Timeline.

5. Kathy Key. The Keynote Guide to Planning a Successful Conference.


7. Video on Planning and Organising a Conference.