Operational Excellence in Oil and Gas

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Operational Excellence in Oil and Gas

Operational Excellence

in Oil and Gas

Operational Excellence is Not New

Michael Treacy and Fred Weirsema

Product Leadership

Customer Intimacy

Operational Excellence

Operational Excellence

Over 11 million packages a day delivered to over 220 countries with an on time delivery rate of 99.45%.

5 Reasons






Operational Excellence is not Process Excellence

Definition of Operational Excellence

Wikipedia describes operational excellence as “a philosophy of leadership, teamwork, and problem solving resulting in a continuous

improvement throughout the organization by focusing on the needs of the customers,

empowering employees, and optimizing existing activities in the process”.

Parts to Deploying Operational Excellence

• 1. Where do you want to take your business?

• 2. Building and implementing the road map to actually get there.

Most Don’t Get

Hardest Part in Oil & Gas(changing the business culture)

