Opening presentation social media

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Opening presentation social media

Social Media

What will I learn? How to set up social media sites.

Before we continue...

This ain't your grandmas social media!

IF AND ONLY IF your company and business is ready for a change, you have come to the right presentation.

Too many guru's teach so much fluff that we are different from them because we're not feeding you a line of shit then letting you sink or swim!

P.S. If you want fluff, I am sure somebody has a presentation that gives it to you that way! Its your companies money not ours!

Setting up Facebook

Sign Up Twitter

Sign Up LinkedIn

Sign up Pinterest

Sign up Youtube

By now....

You should have social networks set up for: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Youtube, and Pinterest.

Continuing on

On the next slides we will dive into each of the social networks and show you how to use each social site.

Facebook Chat Box

Facebook Paid Ads

Facebook Requests, Messeges, and Notifications

Facebook Status Update

Lets take massive action!

Facebook Wrap-Up

By now you should have the basics of Facebook

Once you have at least had a chance to review this, you should be able to pretty simply navigate Facebook.

In another lesson we will go over some basic strategies to maximize your efforts and time on Facebook

Up Next.....

We are going to go over the basics of a Twitter profile.

Twitter Compose Tweet

Lets make somethingHappen!!!

Whats trending on Twitter

Hash tag

Tweets from followers

Your Twitter Stats

Have to have them in the right ratios or Twitter will not let you follow anymore

Twitter Search Bar

Connect with me @daviddorian1

Twitter Wrap-Up

By now you should have the basic concept to understand Twitter and the bare basics of Twitter.

In another lesson we will go over some basic strategies to maximize your efforts and time on Twitter

LinkedIn Overview

In this lesson you will understand how to set up LinkedIn and how to browse LinkedIn.

You will receive a brief overview of LinkedIn and its moving parts.

LinkedIn Status Update

Lets make something happen!!!!

LinkedIn Connection Updates

LinkedIn Notification and Search Bar

LinkedIn Sub Search Options

LinkedIn Wrap-Up

By now you should have a basic overview of LinkedIn and how to browse and search for people and things

In the up-coming lessons we will go over basic strategies and how to implement them into your business to make your business PROFIT off of LinkedIn

YouTube Overview

In this lesson we will be discussing the basic features of Youtube.

By the end of this lesson you will be able to navigate, find videos, and upload videos.

Youtube Search/Upload

Youtube Dashboard

YouTube Wrap-Up

In this training you should now be able to search videos, upload videos, and have a basic knowledge of the dashboard.

In upcoming trainings we will teach you strategies to maximize your YouTube efforts.

Pinterest Overview

In this lesson you are going to learn more about Pinterest and what it has to offer your business and how you can leverage it.

Pinterest Search Bar

Pinterest Topics for Search

Pinterest Upload

Pinterest Wrap-Up

By now you should be able to browse Pinterest, upload pins, and re-pin others pins.

In the upcoming training we will go further in depth on how to leverage pinterest to start earning your company $$ and making it worth your while.

Training Wrap Up

I want to first, thank you so much for your time! The value of your time hopefully was well spent!

Now that you have a basic understanding of the major social media sites you should be able to get profiles set up and start updating your people no matter if your on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Youtube, or Pinterest.


For all of you who stuck it out thus far, I do have something to give you!

You get 1 FREE 30 minute social media coaching session from me! (Value: $100)

To access coaching session please call 814-479-0884 and leave a message. We will get back to you within 24-48 hours to schedule a time.


Before we go please go check out my website

Also go like Dorian Marketing Group on Facebook at