Online Shop Redevelopment - Six months on

Post on 22-Jan-2018

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Transcript of Online Shop Redevelopment - Six months on

Online Shop Redevelopment – six months


What did we do?



…to this.

In the last six months we’ve:

-Moved the Online Shop to a new agency, iWeb

-Upgraded Magento to Community version 1.9.2

-Implemented a responsive layout to work on mobile and tablet devices

-Added additional functionality, e.g. advertising tracking

-Added PayPal as a payment option

-Began shipping overseas to Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Canada,

and USA

-Integrated with Amazon to process orders automatically

-Integrated with Gardners Books to drop-ship a wider range of books

What did we do?

Comparing the last six months with the

same period last year, we’ve:

-Reduced hosting and support cost by 22%

-Increased mobile transactions by 155%

-Reduced abandonment rate by 14%

-Increased goal completions by 45%

-Reduced page load time by 10%

-Increased conversion rate by 42%

What results did we get?

Over the next six months we will focus on improving the customer

experience by:

-Improving transactional emails

-Streamlining returns and refunds

-Increasing donations

-Improving internal search

-Improving site content

What next?