Online learning presentation lesson 1

Post on 04-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Online learning presentation lesson 1

• Although this course is conducted completely online, you will learn the same things and be held to the same standards of excellence as you are in a traditional, face-to-face classroom.

• This self-paced tutorial will give you a good idea if online classes are right for you as well as prepare you to be successful in any online class you take.

• Here are the lessons in this tutorial.

• Lesson Topics:

• What Can I Expect from My Online Class?

• What can I expect from my online class?

• What will be expected of me?

• Whst can I expect from my instructor?

• Can I work at my own pace?

• Keys to Sucess

• Am I ready to take an online class?

• What computer skills will I need?

• What computer equipment will I need?

• What personal qualities or motivation will I need?

• Readiness quiz

• Helpful Links

• Keys to Success

• Time Management

• Overview

• Resources

• Keys to Success

• Participating in Online Discussions and Chats

• Benefits and Challenges

• Threaded Discussions

• Netiquette

• What Do I Say?

• The Chat Room

• Keys to Success

• Plagiarism

• What is Plagiarism?

• Resources

• Keys to Success

• Ergonomics

• What is Ergonomics?

• Resources

What can I expect from my online class?

Lesson 1: Expectations

First of all, expect to feel lost!

This is perfectly normal in a new online environment, especially if you are new to the Internet. Don’t panic.

• Slow down and see if you can get your bearings.

• Look for announcements on your course homepage that might give you information about how to proceed.

Still lost?

If you can’t figure out what you are supposed to do or where you are supposed to be in cyberspace,

• send an email ( or call (714-564-6860) your instructor for help

• post a question to the Discussion Board. (Feel free to answer your classmates questions if you can!)

Second, expect to work hard!

Expect to work as hard, or even harder, than in traditional face-to-face classes.

Like more traditional classes, online classes can provide valuable learning experiences, but only if you put in the time to fully participate and succeed.

Because online classes are student-centered, a lot depends on your participation.

How much time?

You will need to spend an average of 7- 9 hours a week on each online class you take.

Remember: when you take a regular class, you usually spend 3 hours a week in class, and 6-9 hours a week outside of class on homework. (This is a requirement of the State Chancellor’s Office.)

All these hours are spent online in distance education classes.

Third, you can expect to make friends and have fun!Online classes are dynamic and challenging.

While this is serious education and not all fun and games, online classes are engaging.

Because everyone must post messages in an online class, you can get to know your teacher and classmates – sometimes even better than you do in a traditional classroom.

To get the most from your online experience, participate frequently and meaningfully.

What will be expected of me?

Lesson 1: Expectations

First: Log in frequently!

First, you will be expected to log into your class frequently – almost every day during the week and perhaps once over the weekend as well.

Online classes are structured differently from face-to-face classes.

Since they do not meet once or twice a week, the only way you will feel like a part of the class, learn, and keep up with new assignments is to check in frequently.

Second, you will be expected to meet assignment deadlines.It is important to realize that, though the hours are unstructured in an online class, there are deadlines for assignments.

You cannot wait until the end of the semester to hand everything in!

Although online classes give you the flexibility to do your work at the time of day you want, it is every bit as important to keep pace with the class as in a traditional class.

Are you reliable & accountable?

An online class is an electronic community of learners.

You will be asked to engage in group work and class discussions by a particular date and time.

When you are required to work in groups, you will be letting your group down if you don’t post your work for the other members in a timely manner.

PS. Your ability to work in a group is always addressed in letters of recommendation!

Bright Idea!

The number one rule of success is that you must check in to your class website frequently for new assignments and announcements.

Third: You must submit your work on time!

You will be expected to submit your work on time despite whatever technical difficulties you may have.

This means that, first, you need to make sure that you have the proper equipment before you begin the class.

Be sure to check the technical requirements and make sure that you have the proper computer, that you have a supported browser, and that you have reliable Internet access.

Though it is not absolutely necessary to have a computer and Internet access at home, if you don’t, you are really taking away the chief advantage of the online class format – schedule convenience.

Got a Plan B?

However, even the best computers crash, get viruses, or otherwise malfunction, and sometimes Internet Service Providers fail.

Technical difficulty is not an excuse not to get your work done on time.

Therefore, you need to develop a “plan B” for how you will submit work in the event of computer problems. Friends and family may also be a resource in the event of an emergency such as this.

Bright Idea!

Before you begin your class, ask yourself what will you do if your equipment fails right before a deadline?

Are you self-motivate? Self-reliant?

Since there are sometimes technical difficulties, you should not procrastinate in completing your assignments.

You need to give yourself enough time to make other arrangements in case something goes wrong.

This is your responsibility as a student in an online class. You must be self-motivated and self reliant to a greater extent than in a face-to-face class.

If you do not feel that you can do this, then you should reconsider whether or not online classes are right for you.

Bright Idea!

If you have a technical difficulty of any kind, ask for help immediately.

Some technical problems can take a day or two to fix.

If you wait until the last minute to ask for help, you may get behind in your work!