Online Communication Strategy in Business

Post on 30-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Online Communication Strategy in Business


Cristina Domene Beviá Master’s Degree: Online Communication

María Rosario Alfaro GarrigósDegree: Economics

Online Communication Strategy in Business


1) Introduction – History

2) What is Online Communication?

3) Main Points of Online Communication in Business

a) Community Manager

b) Web Page & Blog

c) Social Networks

4) Conclusion

1.Introduction – History

1º) At the beginning, clients needed to go to the shop in order to contact to the enterprise. The business also used advertisements to establish communication with the costumers.

2º) Later appeared new ways to find information about the enterprises with the telephone book, where costumers could look for the phone number or fax.

3º) With the development of new technologies, the contact through Internet was a new possibility using the web pages or email.

4º) Nowadays the social media give to the costumers and enterprises a faster and closer way to share information.


Cristina Domene Beviá Master’s Degree: Online Communication

María Rosario Alfaro GarrigósDegree: Economics

2. What is Online Communication?

Is the communication using devices connected to the Internet


Personal (Friends)


Academic (School & University)

Public (Mass Media)




Virtual Campus

3. Main Points of Online Communication in Business

a) Community Manager

b) Web Page & Blog

c) Social Networks

A) Community Manager Who is?

Is a person hired by an enterprise in order to manage in a professional way the online tools, like web page and social networks. Must have studies in Online Communication and be able to make an integral strategy.


Cristina Domene Beviá Master’s Degree: Online Communication

María Rosario Alfaro GarrigósDegree: Economics


Update the web page and the social networks, write posts for the company’s blog, solve problems related to messages of the costumers on Internet, keep in touch and give feedback in social networks.

B) Web Page & Blog

Importance: The web page is the main place where costumers search for information.

Update – Useful content:

The enterprise can show all the products and give a contact in the web page, which is very useful to sell more. Furthermore, using the blog can share with the costumers, useful contents / recommendations to use the products.

Graphic Design:

The graphic design is an important point. Is must be professional and coherent with the corporate identity of the enterprise.

C) Social Networks


Not every social network fits with every business model. For example: Pinterest is a social network based on images and the upload of pictures. If you manage a gas company, you may not upload pictures of gas bottles.


Cristina Domene Beviá Master’s Degree: Online Communication

María Rosario Alfaro GarrigósDegree: Economics


The importance of the social networks for an enterprise remains in the fact that seller and buyer can be always in touch. For better or for worse.

Can be useful to become known but also dangerous if the community manager don’t know how to solve problems or answer to the nagging.

Graphic Design

According to the corporate identity of the enterprise in order to be recognized by the costumer

4. Conclusions

The Online Communication is important to be visible for the users.

Is important to do a professional management of the social media.

The main points of the Online Communication are: Updating & Feedback.

Keep an attractive, professional and coherent corporate identity in all the strategy: Shop, Web Page, Advertisement, Social Networks…


Cohen, H., (2011), 30 Social Media Definitions, last accessed 20 May 2014.

Horton, M., (2011), Social Media and your business communication strategy (Infographics), last accessed 19 May 2014.

Navarrete, J., (2013), ¿Qué es el social media? 4 definiciones,, last accessed 20 May 2014.


Cristina Domene Beviá Master’s Degree: Online Communication

María Rosario Alfaro GarrigósDegree: Economics

GlossaryCommunity Manager1 (n) A Community Manager is a professional who construct and

manage the online community related to a brand in Internet.

Social media (n) Social media are all the media that people can use to communicate into the cyberspace.Websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking.2

Corporate Identity 3 (n) Combination of color schemes, designs, words, etc., that a firm employs to make a visual statement about itself and to communicate its business philosophy.

1 Martinez-Fustero, E., (2013), Qué es un Community Manager y cuáles son sus principales funciones en la empresa,, last accessed 20 May 2014.

2 Oxford Dictionaries, Social Media, last accessed 20 May 2014.

3 Business Dictionary, Corporate Identity, last accessed 20 May 2014.
