One-to-One Holiday Selling

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of One-to-One Holiday Selling


Purchase Support: Proactive One-to-One Help

By putting systems in place now to deliver personalized messages at opportune junctures

on the path to purchase, merchants can succeed at one-to-one selling during the season,

winning sales and building new long-term relationships as a result. Download our latest eBook:

One to One Holiday Selling, to get the full list of strategies and tactics you can

implement now for a stellar holiday season.

73% of customers say a high-quality customer service experience is important when

deciding whether to repurchase

73%Satisfactory resolution of customer

service inquiries lead 92% of shoppers to continue their relationship with the brand

92%86% of consumers saying they’d be

willing to recommend the brand after a successful first customer

service interaction


To prepare for the holiday season, merchants should:

Customers who are showroomers convert at a 40% higher rate than those who don’t consult digital resources at all while shopping.

Send personalized abandoned cart emails.

Abandoned cart emails can achieve click-through rates of more than 11%, with nearly a third of those visits resulting in a purchase.11%

Foster continuity between online and offline.40%

Ramp up live chat More than half of online consumers – 58% – now use online chat, a 93% increase from just six years ago.

Empower social media staffNearly a third of consumers have complained about poor service using social feedback methods such as social networking sites or third-party review sites such as Yelp.

Tailor content in post-purchase communications62% of shoppers say they’re willing to receive order confirmation messages with further products recommended.72% are willing to receive additional communications post-purchase with personalized products and offers.

More than half of shoppers now expect holiday promotions

to take into account their past purchases, browsing behavior

and preferences.

1/2+ Shoppers expect

holiday promotions

56% of consumers say they expect products to be priced the same whether

in-store or online.

56%Consumers expect

products priced the same

55% say they expect to be able to see the same

promotions in stores as on screen.

55%Consumers expect to

equal promotions

Less than a quarter of merchants

believe they have enough data

to truly personalize their

shopping experiences

Less than a third of merchants report having

strong or even average capabilities when it

comes to uniting data from different sources

into a single customer profile

Two-thirds of consumers say even

their favorite brands don’t

understand them and fail to deliver

relevant experiences

Despite the need for the 360º view of the customer, merchants are failing to create the one to one experience customers expect

Shoppers expect relevant and timely offers this peak season

Welcome emails can win shoppers loyalty and future opens.

Acknowledge screen preferences, and location settings.

Acknowledge Social Login.

Discovery Stage: Speak Shoppers’ Language from the Start

Consideration Stage: Engage Come-and-Go Shoppers

Welcome emails achieve active open rates of 42%


More than half of Internet users have taken advantage of social login, and fully 88% are at least

aware of the technology


Those who consult a brand’s

digital offerings and visit stores are 20% more likely to buy.

Multi-touchpoint shoppers are likely to generate a 30% higher lifetime value than those who interact with brands via a single touchpoint .

those who consult social media as part of their research are 29% more likely to make a

purchase within a day



This year more than ever it’s possible for merchants to capitalize on new technologies to deliver individualized experiences using automated routines, at all stages of the purchase cycle.

How do merchants provide the needs of the consumer and compete at the forefront of commerce?

For more information visit us at

email at info@marketlive.comcall toll free (877) 341-5729

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