One Mindanao - March 11, 2016

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An Electronic News Magazine of PIA Mindanao Cluster

Transcript of One Mindanao - March 11, 2016

DOE Heads Special Task Force to Resolve Transmission Concerns in Mindanao

DAR AgNor supports women empowerment1825 SurSur graduating students get hired on the spot at job fair20

Gil E. Miranda, CARAGA

Remains of OFW from KSA home25

Laurence D. Pradia, Northern Mindanao

CCC holds consultation to improve Climate Change Roadmap10

ZNMC collection up in 201526


Lanao del Norte hosts regional fest of football30

USAID turns over Greenhouse Gas Inventory Guide for LGUs34DOLE 12 feted for excellent HR management38RG Alama,Southern Mindanao

today’s news

GPH peace panel member expresses hope BBL be pushed in the next administration

Cover Story

By Catherine T. Apelacio



28 3623

Romelyn Bactol, CARAGA

Danilo E.Doguiles, SOCCSKSARGEN

Emmanuel D. Taghoy,Western Mindanao

Alfonso T. Ruda,Western Mindanao

Malaybalay City soon to welcome BPO Industry31


JOSE MARI M. OQUIÑENA Director General Philippine Information AgencyEXECUTIVE EDITOR EFREN F. ELBANBUENACluster Head, Southern, Western &Central MindanaoRegional Director, PIA Region XI

MANAGING EDITOR ABNER M. CAGACluster Head, Northern & Northeastern MindanaoRegional Director - PIA Caraga Region


THELMA B. OLIVERRegional Director, PIA Region X





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One Mindanao

4 March 11, 2016One Mindanao

This, he said at the Philippine Information Agency (PIA) XII’s Kapihan sa Rehiyon Dose on the Updates of BBL on Tuesday (March 8) here where Bacani served as guest resource speaker.

Secretary Bacani said that as much as they (peace panel) would want the BBL to be passed into law

during the Aquino administration, they have already accepted the fact that the Congress will no longer pass it for lack of material time.

But “I am hopeful that it will be given priority in the next administration,” he said.

Bacani told participants

GPH peace panel member expresses hope BBL be pushed in the next administration

Government of the Philippines (GPH) peace

panel member Secretary Senen Bacani is optimistic that the failed Bangsamoro Basic Law (BBL) will still be pushed thru.

by Catherine T. Apelacio

Cover Story

5March 11, 2016 One Mindanao 5

composed of different sectors that the more people will get to know the contents of BBL, the more they will understand and appreciate it.

He also believes that by getting familiar with it people will start to understand that BBL is not unconstitutional. “We have introduced so many a m e n d m e n t s to make it s u b s t a n t i a l l y compliant to the C o n s t i t u t i o n ,” said Secretary Bacani, citing that President Benigno Aquino III “is very sincere as he tried to do

everything to make this proposed law passed Congress.” He also clarifiedthat there is never a separate police force stipulated either on the Comprehensive Agreement on the Bangsamoro (CAB) or the BBL neither there will be a separate COA or COMELEC,

refuting earlier reports that had been circulated.

Bacani, a staunch peace advocate himself said these were all misinformation meant to mislead people by some radicals that do not want BBL to succeed.

6 March 11, 2016One Mindanao

Meanwhile, His Eminence Orlando Cardinal Quevedo said at a Kapihan conducted earlier by PIA XII in Cotabato City that the different takes of the legislators on BBL indicate that they didn’t really favor its original draft as agreed upon by the GRP and MILF panels.

Cardinal Quevedo said that at the present time nothing can be done to push BBL citing also the lack of material time for its approval.But he opined: “No BBL is better than BLBAR.”

On March 3, the Office of thePresidential Adviser on the Peace Process (OPAPP) Mainland Mindanao Communications Team issued a news release saying that the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Secretary General Iyad Ameed Madani has

called on the B a n g s a m o r o people to unite and remain committed to the peace process given the non-passage of the proposed Bangsamoro Basic Law. Also GPH peace panel chairperson Prof. Miriam C o r o n e l - F e r r e r

reiterated that they are not giving up pushing BBL into law, saying it is vital for the country’s history.

Also on Tuesday, participant Janena Tito, executive assistant to the City Mayor’s Office and chief ofIndigenous Cultural Communities Affairs Division of LGU Gensan pointed out that the BBL is vital to address social injustice and cultural issues that plague Muslims.

“It is meant also to correct historical past that is due to the Bangsamoro,” she said urging then Christians and Muslims alike to revisit the root of the problems and give peace a chance.

7One Mindanao

Manufacturing sector marks strong growth in January 2016

MANILA -- Growth in the manufacturing sector started strong in 2016 as production of chemical products and food manufactures expanded in January, according to the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA). In the Philippine Statistics Authority’s Monthly Integrated Survey of Selected Industries for January 2016, the Volume of Production Index (VoPI) grew by 34.3 percent, nearly seven times more than its growth rate of 5.0 percent in December 2015.

Moreover, the Value of Production Index (VaPI)

recovered from its consistent decline since April 2015 as it posted a 26.5-percent growth. “The manufacturing sector is expected to grow more strongly for the year ahead following moderate growth in 2015 on

account of weak global demand and adverse weather conditions,”

One Mindanao8 March 11, 2016

said Socioeconomic Planning Secretary Emmanuel F. Esguerra.

He added that a bullish business outlook is anticipated for the second quarter of 2016 on the back of higher election-related spending activities and the roll-out of infrastructure projects.

“Continued implementation of projects under the public-private partnership and stronger domestic demand during the summer season will further support the growth in manufacturing sector,” said Esguerra, who is also NEDA Director-General.

For consumer goods, food manufactures posted a double-digit growth of 20.2 in terms of volume and 19.1 percent in value of production after a year of decline. Tobacco maintained its strength, growing in volume and value of production by 49.4 and 49.6 percent, respectively.

For intermediate goods, chemical products posted triple-digit growth in both volume (312.4%) and value (309.6%) of production.

However, petroleum continued to wane as it contracted by 35.1 and 33.7 percent in volume and value of production due to the continuing decline in global demand and the ample supply of diesel in the Asian market.

“The continued decline in oil prices is a double-edged sword that may increase our local production but may spell displacement of some of our overseas Filipino workers which in turn could affect the inflow of remittances,” the NEDA chief said.

The average capacity utilization remained at 83.5 percent for the fourth consecutive month, with basic metals posting the highest utilization rate of 88.4 percent. Among firms, 25.9 percent operated at full capacity (90-100%), 56.4 percent at 70-89% of capacity and 17.7 percent operated at below 70% of capacity

“The government must remain vigilant as risks to growth remain. Slow recovery in advanced

9One Mindanao

economies and economic slowdown in large emerging economies will continue to put pressure on the growth of international trade. On the domestic front, risks brought about by prolonged dry spell due to El Niño remains as a challenge,” said Esguerra.

However, he added that to enhance the capacity of the manufacturing sector and generate quality employment, efforts to

boost productivity must be pursued.

“We must continuously push for innovation. The country must be able to develop new products, especially those with linkages to agriculture and aquaculture, which will create opportunities for the greater number of our population to partake in the benefits of growth,” said Esguerra.



One Mindanao10 March 11, 2016

CCC holds consultation to improve Climate Change Roadmap

MANILA -- The Climate Change Commission (CCC) held consultations with representatives from the public, private and non-governmental organizations recently to improve and enrich the draft of the climate change roadmap being finalized by the government. This, while the CCC also introduced the “Community-Level GHG Inventory for Local Government Units in the Philippines: User’s Manual,” which will guide local leaders and stakeholders in conducting greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions accounting.

The manual has been drafted and designed in collaboration with United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Philippines through its Building Low Emission Alternatives to Develop Economic

Resilience Project.

Among those who

11One Mindanao

attended the consultation at the Ateneo University in Davao City were representatives from the Davao City small-and-medium enterprises, the academe, local government units (LGUs), and development partners.

“The objectives of the Davao City consultation were to present the Paris Agreement and to present the draft roadmap and strategies of the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), or the Contributions Déterminés Au Niveau,” said Secretary Emmanuel De Guzman of the CCC.

The CCC is a Cabinet-level government agency chaired by President Benigno S. Aquino III. The consultation-workshop likewise crafted strategies to integrate the NDC Roadmap in various national and local development plans such as the Philippine Development Plan, Philippine Energy Plan, Local Climate Change Action Plan, and Comprehensive Development Plans, among others.

“The workshop elicited recommendations to


One Mindanao12 March 11, 2016

improve the draft NDC Roadmap and to strengthen convergence among local stakeholders for effective and appropriate NDC Roadmap implementation by the stakeholders as they see fit to their local conditions,” De Guzman said.

The NDC Roadmap will eventually be the ultimate standards on the Philippines’ enhanced targets to curb carbon emissions and to limit temperature increase.

“The NDC Roadmap will hold accountable the Philippine government for its new goals of reaching net zero emissions toward the second half of this century,” De Guzman said.

“The Philippine NDC Roadmap is premised on climate change mitigation as related to adaption because of the country’s vulnerability to the impacts of climate change. The NDC Roadmap will be pursued along with the guidelines and goals set by national strategies for sustainable development, low emission development and inclusive growth,” he


This particular initiative by the CCC uses a “bottom-up approach” to add to the current and ongoing national consultations with all national government agencies.

“We want the active and meaningful participation by communities and local government units in this series of consultation-workshops. The adaptation needs and efforts to reduce emissions by the grassroots communities and local government units is the core of the NDC Roadmap,” De Guzman said. The consultation-workshop forum on the NDC Roadmap is one of the avenues in revisiting the so-called “Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDC),” submitted by the Philippines to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change in October 2015.

Under the INDC, the Philippines committed a

conditional 70-percent emission reduction rate

13One Mindanao

by 2030, with the decrease in emissions targeted to come from the forestry, energy, industry, waste and transport sectors. “This convergence is to encourage and engage local communities and private sectors to take on the low carbon development pathway, which refers to, among others, the shift from coal energy to renewable energy, use of farming methods with decreased emissions, green architecture, as well as sustainable and pro-

environment business practices,” De Guzman said. De Guzman stressed that the urgency to come up with the roadmap is important amidst new international frameworks that have set deadlines for the compliance of member-countries, namely: Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015, Sustainable Development Goals 2015-2030, Addis Ababa Action Agenda 2015, and Paris Climate

Change Agreement. (CCC)

14 One Mindanao March 11, 2016

DOE Heads Special Task Force to Resolve Transmission Concerns in Mindanao

A special inter-agency task force will now address the growing concern on the transmission tower bombings and right-of-way (ROW) issues posing economic impediment in Mindanao despite the additional 770 megawatts of power capacity coming in this year in the region.

file photo:

15March 11, 2016 One Mindanao

During the Principals’ Meeting of the Mindanao Power Monitoring Committee (MPMC) held recently, Energy Secretary Zenaida Y. Monsada emphasized that transmission and distribution facilities are critical infrastructures in delivering electricity to the end-users (individuals, households, industries and businesses), in which bombings and ROW issues delay and hinder progress for the people of Mindanao. “We have to work all together, both the Mindanaoans and industry participants, as there can be no development without power or stable power fuels development,” she added. The meeting was attended by representatives from the DOE, Mindanao Development Authority led by Secretary Luwalhati R. Antonino, the National Electrification Administration, the National Power Corp., the Power Sector Assets and Liabilities Management, the National Transmission Corporation (TransCo), the National Grid Corporation of the Philippines (NGCP), the Mindanao Electric Power Alliance and the

Association of Mindanao Rural Electric Cooperatives.

With the recent transmission situation in the area becoming of national interest, Secretary Monsada relayed that early this week, President Benigno S. Aquino created the Inter-Agency Task Force for the Security of Energy Facilities (IATFSEF) to be spearheaded by the Department of Energy (DOE).

The IATFSEF is composed of sub-task groups with strategic heads which will focus on critical issues, such as, TransCo for the ROW, the Philippine National Police and Armed Forces of the Philippines for security matters, the Department of Justice (DOJ) for the legal aspect, NGCP for the community relations and DOE for the information, education and communication (IEC) campaign.For the ROW, one of the measures is to provide the inventory and identification of the lands including the vegetation and structures involved, valuation of the properties, capability to implement expropriations and/or execute restoration activities,

16 One Mindanao March 11, 2016

and identification of priority areas. On the security concerns, first and foremost nearby communities are called upon again to help scout and secure the transmission facilities. Members of the police and the military will be involved to augment and assist them.

Secretary Monsada also underlines that the government

is seeking all legal recourse following the persistent concerns compromising the country’s power facilities. In this regard, the legal sub-task group will explore and exhaust all legal remedies available to ensure that any actions taken by the IATFSEF are within the bounds of the law.

file photo:

17March 11, 2016 One Mindanao

OWWA Caraga holds financial literacy training By: Jean Mary Ronquillo

BUTUAN CITY-- In a bid to promote and provide or-ganizational development that will redound to the benefit of its members, the Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA) - Caraga spearheaded a fi-nancial literacy training to the 35 members of Carmen Wow Organization of Car-men, Agusan del Norte on March 3.

In his message, OWWA Caraga regional director Samuel S. Madrid shared the realities of

overseas work and encouraged the participants to make the most of their earnings to start building

18 One Mindanao March 11, 2016

investments as early as now. “You should always remember that overseas employment is not lifetime; eventually, our OFWs will come back home,” Madrid emphasized. The agency’s Financial Literacy Training and Values Reorientation Seminar are anchored on its aspiration to prepare the OFWs and their beneficiaries in becoming self-sustaining individuals especially upon return of the OFWs in the Philippines. The seminar in Financial Literacy stressed on enhancing the skills in efficiently managing family finances. Basic practices on minimizing expenses through wise use of resources and the importance of saving was highlighted. Moreover, to understand

the different characteristics of the organization’s members, a Values Reorientation Seminar was also given to address the matter. This is also aimed to re-instill essential Filipino values, not just as an organization, but especially towards family and relationships. Meanwhile, a campaign of the programs and services of the agency and its advocacy for the welfare and interest of its member OFWs was delivered by OWWO II Rodel P. Deligero. The oath taking of the elected officers of Carmen WOW Organization headed by the president, Hipolito A. Tutor, Jr. was administered by Ma. Ireen C. Cambaling, Officer-in-Charge for the Programs and Services Division.

DAR AgNor supports women empowermentBy: Gil E. Miranda

BUTUAN CITY-- The Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) in Agusan del Norte joined the observance of National Women’s Month celebrated each year to recognize working and rural women with the theme, “Kaayuhan ni Juana, I-apil sa adyenda.” Series of activities have already lined-up in line with the national women’s month celebration, spearheaded by the

DAR-Gender and Development (GAD) Coordinating Team involving full participation of DAR women personnel and a

19March 11, 2016 One Mindanao

group of rural women Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries (ARBs), who represented their respective organizations. One of these activities was a symposium for rural women ARBs highlighting on promoting women equality and their role in society and development. The event conducted last March 1 with more than a hundred of women participated from different municipalities in the province. “The symposium for ARB women was conducted to unlock their potentials so that they can respond to the everyday challenges confronting women in every community,” Ellen J. Torralba, GAD point person said. Other activity was free medical checkup that included fasting blood sugar (FBS), cholesterol test and blood pressure test held at DAR Provincial office. Also, a fun walk and a fun games conducted to promote camaraderie and strengthen

social relationship among employees. “Hataw or Zumba” was also provided enjoying the health benefits for every working women of DAR from a busy-working days. Meanwhile, a forum on Marriage Strengthening Seminar will also be conducted on March 22. This is a vital activity that implies a redefinition of the women’s role towards her husband and in the family. The said event will be participated in by all DAR employees, together with their spouses. It will discuss the clear understanding between men and women differences that might affect poor performance among employees in the workplace. DAR GAD Coordinating Team and employees in the province are on-board to fight and retrieve women’s dignity. It is not taking power from women to men, but its about all-together working toward gender-equality.

20 One Mindanao March 11, 2016

25 SurSur graduating students get hired on the spot at job fair

TAGBINA, Surigao del Sur - Twenty-five graduating students from the Surigao del Sur State University, Tagbina Campus were hired on the spot during the one-day Job Fair conducted by the university held at their gymnasium recently.

The one day job fair is part of the major services offered by the university’s Guidance and Counselling Center headed by June Amolata. The event was exclusively conducted for the 364 graduating students for them to be prepared in the world of work, it was learned. “Many of you will now know how difficult it is to run in a race with full of competent graduates and how difficult it is if you don’t learn anything, so you are very much privileged to be provided of these kind of services, I hope you will take this seriously,” said Irene Managbanag during the activity.

Prior to the job fair, a pre-employment seminar was conducted on February 25 to prepare the graduates on the actual process in applying for work. “The seminar was very informative and useful to us as future employee,” said Delnie Grace Liatona, one of the graduating students. A total of 18 recruitment agencies (14 local and four overseas) participated in the event with the total of 6,428 job vacancies. One hundred seventy (170) graduates/applicants were considered qualified and for further interview. The graduates were very thankful for the great opportunity given to them by their alma mater and to the Departmemt of Labor and Employment (DOLE) for facilitating and inviting the legitimate employers to hire them.

By: Romelyn Bactol

21March 11, 2016 One Mindanao 21

22 March 11, 2016One Mindanao

23March 11, 2016 One Mindanao

IDPs urged to stay vigilant vs security threats in transitory sitesBy Dominic I. Sanchez

ZAMBOANGA CITY (PIA) – Internally-displaced persons (IDPs) from the 2013 siege currently staying in the transitory sites here were reminded to exercise vigilance amidst any possible threats to their security.

“Makialam, makisali sa mga gawaing pangkapayapaan para sa ikabubuti ng nakakarami,”

stressed Philippine Army and Task Force Zamboanga’s Captain Marvin Ligutan during several

24 One Mindanao March 11, 2016

camp dialogues with the IDPs conducted this week.(Be vigilant and join in peacekeeping efforts for everyone’s security.)Ligutan shared that the infamous siege happened because many residents in the conflict-affected areas, in spite of having initial information about the presence of the rebels, were unable to inform the authorities.“Nasunog ang mga bahay niyo, maraming namatay at maraming nadamay,” he emphasized.(Your homes were burned down, many died and many of you were affected.)He told the IDPs this time to be “fearless,” with regard to reporting suspicious persons and activities.“Huwag na kayong matakot i-report ang mga yan sa amin o sa ating kapulisan,” he said.(Do not anymore be afraid to report them to us or to the police.)Ligutan stressed that the military and police authorities need everyone’s support and concern to maintain peace in the city.

The fourth leg of information caravans with IDPs, now called camp dialogues kicked off early this month. So far, it had already visited transitory sites in Mampang, Buggoc, and in Upper Calarian. The dialogues’ primary goal is to update the IDPs with rehabilitation efforts regarding the status of their new homes under the Zamboanga City Roadmap to Recovery and Reconstruction (Z3R), as well as other important developments such as the El Niño phenomenon, livelihood, security and health interventions, among others. The dialogues also serve as a feedback mechanism wherein the IDPs can personally air their problems to the government and other service providers such as lack of water, electricity, livelihood and other issues.These dialogues are a joint effort of the City Government Public Information Office (PIO), the Philippine Information Agency (PIA), and various international humanitarian agencies including The Asia Foundation, the United

25March 11, 2016 One Mindanao

States Agency for International Development (USAID), United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNHCR), International Organization for Migration (IOM), Community and Family Services

International (CFSI), United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UN-OCHA), and the Integrated Resource Development for Tri-People (IRDT).

Remains of OFW from KSA homeBy Emmanuel D. Taghoy

ZAMBOANGA CITY (PIA) – The body of the overseas Filipino worker (OFW) Diana May Vender Latasan, who recently passed away due to kidney failure in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), arrived here on Tuesday morning.t

Latasan, who died last Feb. 3 at the Prince Mutaib Ibin Abdulaziz Hospital, Sakaka, Al Jouf, KSA, was brought to her residence in Barangay Candiis, Malangas, Zamboanga Sibugay

through the collaborative effort of the Overseas Workers Welfare Administration-Regional Welfare Office (OWWA RWO-9), the Department of

26 One Mindanao March 11, 2016

Foreign Affairs (DFA) Zamboanga City Consular Office and the local government of Malangas.Findings revealed that she died due to kidney failure after undergoing Appendectomy.It was the OFW’s mother, Judith Latasan, who sought the assistance of OWWA-9 for the immediate repatriation of her daughter’s remains from the Middle East.Having a valid OWWA membership until her death, Latasan’s family

can avail of death benefits from OWWA amounting to P100 thousand and burial assistance of P20 thousand.Latasan’s child will be given educational assistance and livelihood assistance for her husband.OWWA-9 Regional Director Hassan Gabra T. Jumdain assured the family that the agency would facilitate the immediate release of the said benefits.

ZNMC collection up in 2015By Alfonso T. Ruda

DIPOLOG CITY (PIA) – The Zamboanga del Norte Medical Center (ZNMC) has registered the highest collection in 2015 at P221,226,046.21 or an increase of 312 percent compared to its gross collection target of P70,879,718.

ZNMC administrator Dr. Ermelinda Pelinio said various fees collected from laboratory, room and board, X-ray, ECG, Medical Certificate, Operating/Delivery room, PF-PHIC non-members, dental fees, dialysis, ultrasound, medical supplies, CT scan, colonscopy/endoscopy, miscellaneous fees, space rental, and medicines

markup contributed to the increase in the hospital income.Pelinio also attributed the rise in collection to the “No-Balance Billing Policy” of Philhealth and the “Point of Care Program” (PCP) adopted by the provincial government.Under the No Balance-Billing Policy, any Philhealth member

27March 11, 2016 One Mindanao

patient admitted can be discharged from the hospital without any financial obligations.On the other hand, any indigent patient who is not a member of Philhealth can be admitted and enrolled under the PCP of Philhealth through the local government unit during confinement and he/she can enjoy the same benefits as Philhealth member.Hospital record shows that a

total of 6,488 indigent patients admitted at ZNMC were enrolled under PCP and paid for by the provincial government. The ZNMC, a level 2 or tertiary hospital, is manned by more or less 50 doctors, composed of regular and job orders physicians catering to the medical needs of more than 400 patients, exceeding the authorized 146 bed capacity.

28 One Mindanao March 11, 2016

CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY – Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) Revenue Region (RR) No. 16, Cagayan De Oro City launched its 2016 Tax Campaign Drive with region-wide enforcement activities that included the Oplan Kandado (OK) Program, and the Tax Compliance Verification Drive (TCVD).

By: Bureau of Internal Revenue

BIR shutters four establishments to kick off 2016 tax campaign

29March 11, 2016 One Mindanao

Like other revenue regions, RR No. 16, Cagayan De Oro City veered away from the traditional kickoff program to respond to the call of Commissioner of Internal Revenue Kim S. Jacinto-Henares to conduct a more productive kickoff approach through enforcement activities that contribute to the tax agency collection. The day’s kickoff activities started with a press conference to jumpstart the day’s ensuing enforcement activities to drumbeat the region’s tax collection drive following the “Angat Pa, ‘Pinas!” advocacy. Present to face the media were Regional Director Glen A. Geraldino, Assistant Regional Director Nuzar N. Balatero, Legal Division Assistant Chief Dondanon A. Galera, Regional Investigation Division Chief Alberto K. Daba, Jr., TSPMD Chief Marivic A. Galban, and PIED Chief Reymarie T. de la Cruz. Likewise Revenue District Officers Rolando C. Ompoc, Venerando B. Homez, Merlyn DV. Vicente, Noel B. Gonzales, Roger G. Cadavas, and Nasrollah B. Conding, as well as other regional officials graced the event. The press conference started with PIED Chief Reymarie T. de la Cruz giving a narrative of the progression in the tax campaign approach of the BIR for the last six years under its Public Awareness Campaign (PAC) Program. He also presented the new RFP (Registration, Filing and Payment) Easy As E (Electronic) videos, and the concretized “Angat Pa, ‘Pinas!”

infomercial after his short talk. Geraldino, for his part, thanked the members of the press for the assistance they had extended to his region last year. He encouraged everyone to share the burden in nation-building by paying the correct, if not higher, taxes to enable government to fund and sustain development projects. He asked taxpayers to continue paying their taxes correctly and to look at it as an investment to benefit the next generations. He disclosed that his revenue region is tasked to collect P15 Billion this year. Flexing its “hard approach muscle,” the region immediately after the press conference conducted enforcement activities to culminate its kickoff activities for 2016. Shuttered by the region under the Oplan Kandado program of the BIR were the business operations of RIKA Drugstore & Distribution Corporation (RIKA Drugstore) located at the Capitol Compound, Upper Canitoan, Kauswagan and Upper Puerto, Cagayan de Oro. The deficiency Value Added Tax (VAT) liability of RIKA Drugstore was estimated at around P3.43 million, including surcharges, and interests. Two restaurants of CP2J88 Corporation located at Lifestyle District, Cagayan de Oro City were also the subject of approved closure orders but which were not implemented after the company paid all its deficiency VAT

30 One Mindanao March 11, 2016

Lanao del Norte hosts regional fest of footballTUBOD, Lanao del Norte – The provincial government of Lanao del Norte was the host to the annual Festival of Football (FOF) organized by the Philippine Football Federation (PFF) in eight regions of the country. In Northern Mindanao, the event was spearheaded by the Iligan-Lanao del Norte Football Association and

held at the Mindanao Civic Center (MCC)

assessments, as well as its penalties which were imposed for various violations of the Tax Code. The said establishments were booked by the BIR for various violations of the Tax Code, including non- issuance of Official Receipts, unregistered Point-of-Sales machines, and under-declaration of Sales by more than 30 percent. The closure of the four RIKA Drugstores was recommended by Revenue District Officer (RDO) Venerando B. Homez after they failed to rectify their violations despite the service of the required notices. The recommendation was concurred by the Regional Evaluation Board of Revenue Region No. 16, Cagayan de Oro City headed by Geraldino. The region also conducted simultaneous tax mapping operations (TCVD) in various malls and establishments in the region to determine compliance of businesses

with the BIR’s registration, invoicing, and bookkeeping requirements. RR No. 16, Cagayan de Oro City is composed of Revenue District Office No. 97-Gingoog City, Revenue District Office No. 98-Cagayan De Oro City, Revenue District Office No. 99-Malaybalay, Bukidnon, Revenue District Office No. 100-Ozamis City, Revenue District Office No. 101-Iligan City, and Revenue District Office No. 102-Marawi City. This year’s tax campaign is in line with the “ANGAT PA, PINAS” advocacy of the tax agency which calls for greater cooperation among Filipinos to pay their taxes as their contribution to nation-building. The PAC Program is part of the Revenue Administration Reform Project (RARP) under the auspices of the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) and the Millennium Challenge Account-Philippines (MCA-P).

31March 11, 2016 One Mindanao

Roberto Tinsay, vice president of Bukidnon Kaamulan Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Incorporated (BKCCII) announced this opportunity during the recent Rural Impact Sourcing (RIS) Workshop at Bukidnon State University (BukSU), Malaybalay City. This is in partnership with RIS Philippines Consulting Company (risPH), ICT Office of Department of Science and Technology (DOST), Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), Malaybalay

local government unit, and Provincial Government of Bukidnon. Tinsay said there would be three Homegrown BPOs to be established in the city, which will be situated in Barangays Kalasungay, Sumpong, and Casisang. In partnership with Jhonny Paul Lagura, CEO/Founder risPH, and other partners, BKCCII looks forward to establish the first homegrown BPO this 2016 in Barangay Kalasungay. “Each of these (Homegrown BPOs)

Malaybalay City soon to welcome BPO Industry

MALAYBALAY CITY, Bukidnon – Investors in Malaybalay City spot new opportunity to mitigate unemployment through the establishment of a new Homegrown Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) Industry.

By: Laurence D. Pradia

football field in barangay Sagadan, Tubod town on February 19 to 21, 2016. Participating teams include Zamboanga Football Association (FA), Misamis-Ozamis FA, Zamboanga del Sur Pagadian City FA, and Zamboanga del Norte Dipolog FA. Participants compete in Under 12-year old (Boys), Under 12-year old (Girls), Under 14-year old (Boys) and Under 14-year old (Girls) categories

of the competition. This regional competition aims to discover and develop local football standouts that would possibly be part of the Philippine national team to represent the country in future international competitions. Through the Festival of Football, PFF seeks to ensure that the Nationwide Grassroots Development Program is sustained. (LAR/PIO-LDN/PIA-10 LDN)

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will be able to accommodate 15 online job workers to start with,” Tinsay said in his message during the workshop. He further affirmed his optimistic view of the project’s success in accommodating more online job workers in the future. In the discussion, Lagura explained how the Homegrown BPO can help the jobless in the city by venturing into an online job catering clients from other countries through the use of internet. He emphasized that this job gives better opportunity to skilled out-of-school youths, unemployed graduates, Person-with-Disability (PWDs) and even students, enabling them to work at their own preferred schedules and earn enough income to support their financial needs. Lagura also presented the success of Homegrown BPOs in the municipality

of Kapatagan, Lanao del Norte where several young online job workers earned more than what the local job can give. “This type of job can give you a minimum income of more or less P10,000 a month for data-entry kind of job, way higher than an average of P6,000 net income you get from local job,” he estimated. To prove his claim, he brought with him Junriel Bonachito, Chief Technical Officer of risPH who is earning as much as P50,000 a month working as a Web Developer with a client from United States. Through the cooperation of different partners, this project is seen to flourish in the province, providing more jobs for the unemployed residents in Bukidnon specifically in Malaybalay City.

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Local coop envisions to become gender resource centerTAGUM CITY, Davao del Norte---An institution on developing gender equality and development programs will soon rise in town as Tagum Cooperative (TC) envisions to soon become the Gender Equality Re-source Center in Mindanao.

In the Kapihan sa Kapitolyo this morning held at Tagum Coopera-tive, TC chairperson of the Board of Directors Norma R. Pereyras expressed optimism that the Co-operative could become such in-stitution having been a Gender Equality advocate for 25 years. Once a resource center on Gender Equality advocacy, Tagum Cooperative will extend technical assistance to local government units and national government institutions to come up with their own gender programs. “They have gender budget but they don’t have gender pro-grams,” Pereyras said referring to NGAs and LGUs.Some of the gender equality ad-vocacy aspects that that the Co-operative can extend its technical

expertise would be on economic empowerment of women, family relationship, girl-child protection from abuse, family financial liter-acy and wealth management. The Cooperative rolls out projects for marginalized women, teaching them to build and man-age their enterprise. “We give them livelihood skills to make to-cino, chorizo and even on simple bookkeeping. We empower them to earn so that their families will be happy,” she said. On top of educating families on gender roles at home and in the community, the Cooperative also puts emphasis on the impor-tance of paying loans and of us-ing loans for priority needs of the family. “Ang loan ay para sa pami-

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lya. If may problema sa pamilya may problema sa Tagum Cooper-ative (The loan is for the family. If the family is wrapped in prob-lem, Tagum Cooperative has a problem),” she said in explaining how Gender Equality and Family Enrichment Program of the Co-operative has brought down de-linquency rate from as high as 68 percent in 1990s to 7.02 percent

as of December 2015. Tagum Cooperative for the third time hosted this morning the Kapihan sa Kapitolyo pro-duced by the Provincial Informa-tion Office of Davao del Norte with the assistance of the Philippine Information Agency DavComval Information Center. (PIA 11/Jeanevive Duron Abangan)

USAID turns over Greenhouse Gas Inventory Guide for LGUsDAVAO CITY - A manual that will help guide local government units in conducting greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory has been turned over to the Climate Change Commission.

The “Community-Level GHG In-ventory for Local Government Units in the Philippines: User’s Manual will serve as a step-by-step guide to LGUs in gathering, managing and quantifying data and information about the lev-el of greenhouse gas emissions within their respective jurisdic-tions. Divina Chingcuangco, chief of party USAID (United States Agency for International Devel-opment) B-Leaders Project said that these manual can help local

government draft their local cli-mate change action plans. The turn-over was made at the Xavier Hall of the Ateneo de Davao University this morning (March 10) representing the Cli-mate Change Commission was Secretary Emmanuel de Guzman and Commissioner Noel Antonio Gaerlan. The manual walks LGUs through the process of comput-ing GHG emissions and removals from carbon sinks such as for-ests. It also contains guidelines

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on categories of data from the agricultural sector. The manual comes with a GHG Inventory Qualification Ex-cel spreadsheet which can be used as a template for reporting GHG inventories.Sec. de Guzman of the Climate Change Commission said that the GHG inventory at the com-munity level will help the coun-try in accurately determining its overall GHG level. “This is one way of pushing LGUs to be transparent and be more mindful of their respective GHG emissions.” (PIA/RG Ala-ma)

36 One Mindanao March 11, 2016

COMELEC official urges more women participation, involvement in electoral processes

COTABATO CITY, Mar. 11 –Hundreds of women enthusiasts repre-senting various groups participated in COMELEC’s Gender and De-velopment (COMELEC-GAD) Forum on Gender and Election-Related Violence organized in partnership with the Regional Commission on Bangsamoro Women of the Autonomous Region in Muslim Min-danao (RCBW-ARMM).

By:Perlita B. Changco

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On March 4, more than 600 individuals from different sec-tors – security, religious groups, civil society organizations, aca-deme and politicians --joined the said event held at Shariff Kabunsuan Cultural Complex here with some speakers from COMELEC-Manila.

The forum is in line to the Na-tional Women’s Month celebra-tion with the theme, “Kapakan-an ni Juana, Isama sa Agenda” and sharing of relevant and information insights to address the concern over the violence against women during the elec-toral processes particularly in the coming May 2016 national and local polls.

One of the speakers, COM-ELEC Commissioner and GAD Executive Chair, Ma. Rowena Amelia Guanzon said, the gen-der-stereotype that women are not suited for public office – that they are only suited for private affairs or as home makers have to end.

“Women are interested in politics. They can participate in many ways by campaigning, by proposing programs for women to elected candidates and by running for office,” Guanzon said.

She added, many obstacles

that women have to face are real especially in Mindanao that is why there are fewer women who run for top positions.

Based on the data of the COMELEC, since 1998, only about 16% who filed certificate of candidacy are women.

With the May 2016 elections fast approaching, Guanzon as-sured the participants that the COMELEC is determined to have free, orderly and peaceful elec-tions in the country especially in the ARMM.

“We assure that the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and the Philippine National Po-lice (PNP) are working with the COMELEC to ensure that we have zero election-related vio-lence this 2016,” the Commis-sioner stressed.

She said, “expect that the COMELEC will count your vote correctly. All of us will ensure the zero election-related vio-lence and we will have a peace-ful and credible election for the sake of our country and future generations”.

Highlight of the forum was the signing of peace covenant of candidates in the ARMM and Cotabato City denouncing use of violence and vow strict adher-ence to existing COMELEC

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DOLE 12 feted for excellent HR management By: Danilo E.Doguiles

policies, resolutions and other election-related rules and regu-lations during the upcoming polls.

“I hope that this peace cov-enant will bind each candidate to the values of mutual respect, non-violence and peace,” Guan-

zon explained.The said forum is the first

gender and election-related violence that the COMELEC is sponsoring in collaboration with the autonomous region.(IBEroy/PBChangco-PIA Cotabato City)

KORONADAL CITY, South Cotabato, Mar. 11— The regional office of the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) 12 was rec-ognized by the Civil Service Commission (CSC) for its exemplary performance in human resource management.

CSC 12 Regional Director Grace Belgado-Saqueton, the accolade was based on the as-sessment through the commis-sion’s Program to Institutional-ize Meritocracy and Excellence in Human Resource Manage-ment (PRIME-HRM).

PRIME-HRM, according to the CSC website is “a mechanism that empowers government agencies by developing their human resource management competencies, systems, and practices toward HR excellence.”

Saqueton described DOLE 12 as among the “Magnificent 13”

agencies that have passed the Performance Management Sys-tem (PMS) Maturity Level Two.

CSC website describes the Maturity Level Two as “Process-Defined HRM – There is a set of defined and documented SOPs established, though it needs im-provement. It is characterized by goal-oriented decision mak-ing. There is some automated system but little integration of data.”

“We are very proud to say that out of 175 GOCCs, LGUs and NGAs, DOLE 12 surpassed all odds to reach the PMS Matu

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rity Level Two which is an in-dication that the regional agen-cy is doing its best to improve their HR system which will ben-efit their employees,” Director Saqueton said.

On her part, RD Ofelia Do-mingo said the CSC award will boost the morale of DOLE 12 employees and give their best to every task given to them.

“We continue to innovate and enhance skills of our personnel to ensure that we give quality service to our clients, we will not stop in achieving our ob-jective to be of service to the people and we would like to thank CSC for recognizing our efforts,”Director Domingo said.

She said DOLE 12 is now committed to maintain its role as strong advocates not only of the PMS, but also of the other three Human Resource Systems such as Recruitment, Selec-tion and Placement, Human Re-source Development (Learning and Development) and Rewards and Recognition reach Maturity Level 2 or Higher Maturity Level under PRIME-HRM.

The regional agency is now also committed to work hand-in-hand with CSC 12 by participat-ing and undergoing the process of assessment, assistance and

recognition of HRM systems to elevate the public sector human resource management to a level of excellence.

Other government agencies recognized by CSC 12 under its PRIME-HRM PMS- Maturity Level Two category are the regional offices of the National Economic Development Authority, Depart-ment of Trade and Industry, De-partment of Educatio, Provincial Government of South Cotabato, Polomolok Water District, LGU Banga, City LGU of Kidapawan, LGU M’lang, City LGU of Ta-curong, Sultan Kudarat Water District, CLGU General Santos City and General Santos City Water District.

Through its PRIME-HRM as-sessment, CSC measures the level of an agency’s competen-cies, systems and practices in four human resource systems, namely: recruitment, selec-tion, and placement; learning and development; performance management; and rewards and recognition. (DEDoguiles-PIA12 report from DOLE 12)

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