On Forgiveness

Post on 16-Jul-2015

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Transcript of On Forgiveness

On Forgiveness

What is Forgiveness?• Forgiveness is of greater importance than most people


• The body, mind, and soul are each affected by both forgiveness and unforgiveness.

• The importance of human beings getting along with each other, and the possibility of happy co-existence depends upon individuals forgiving one another.

• As human beings, we all have different ambitions, goals, personalities, and DNA.

Forgiveness Is Always

Possible• We are all uniquely created in the image of a

perfect God, and One whose heart is full of forgiveness, so it can therefore be concluded that we too have the capabilities of offering, and accepting forgiveness.

• Forgiveness is possible!

• There is no reason or purpose that true forgiveness cannot be utilized in our lives . . . God made and equipped us that way!

Did You Know?

• The terms “forgive”, “forgiveness”, and

“forgiving” are found over 112 times in the


• Does not this number of references say

something about the importance of the

subject matter?

What is Forgiveness?• Forgiveness is the equivalent of “eradicating”,

“absolving”, and wiping the slate clean.

• Complete restoration is granted, with all penalties, and prior offenses expunged.

• True forgiveness is an act that restores fellowship with another, a new beginning in the works.

• True forgiveness never reminds or resurrects the past.

• Forgiveness is making the situation as if the offense never occurred!

Why Is Forgiveness So

Important?The following characteristics and traits are a few of the many ways that forgiveness affects us:

• Prayer Life Suffers: - Matthew 6:15, 18:35, and Mark 11:25 & 26;

• According to these scriptures, one cannot adequately communicate with God with a spirit of unforgiveness!

Loss of Joy• In Matthew 18:35 It is instructed that we forgive

from the “heart”.

• Forgiveness cannot be from the head only!

• An excuse and an apology should never be run in the same sentence.

• If a person will look inside their heart, and empty every act of the past, whether it be requesting, or granting forgiveness true joy will come!

An Altered Personality• In the book of Isaiah 3:9, the statement is made that the peoples

“countenance” witnessed against them.

• Personalities change by forgiving and non-forgiving individuals.

• When hatred, animosities, and grudges are allowed to live with us, we will bear the marks in many tell tale ways, and one of those is strange behavior.

• Both physical and mental problems can be attributed to a person whose heart is filled with grudges, and unwilling to forgive and let go of the past.

• When we allow the thoughts of our minds to control us, we can become so overwhelmed that we may explode!

• If you shake a soda up and then open the top, you know what is going to happen! It is not healthy, wholesome, or advisable to continue on in a mode of hate and an unforgiving attitude.

Marital Happiness• To have a happy and peaceful home life, husbands and wives must learn to forgive

each other.

• After the honeymoon is past and the real life begins to unfold before you, it doesn’t take

long to recognize that each person is a different individual and has thoughts, opinions,

and decisions where both may not agree.

• Sometimes these decisions cause uncomfortable atmospheres and feelings within a

family where someone must give in, and forgive.

• Husbands and wives who are forgiving and apologetic toward each other when the time

comes will live a long, happy, productive life together,

• A good family life is essential to our happiness, …it starts with learning to live together,

and learning to forgive one another.

• Even our finances can suffer if we live in the “grudge mode”, the “get even” attitude,

and are unwilling to forgive someone.

• Stop and think about how hard it is to consecrate on the job at hand when we are

vented up with hatred!

Breaking The Chains• If someone is persistent in ignoring someone else, looking the other

way, retaining thoughts of resentment, bitterness, and simply is not

willing to forgive . . . their spiritual life will suffer tremendously!

• We really can’t expect joy, peace, or happiness if we allow a little

thing to continue on in our lives.

• All it takes to “break the chains” of dominance is acknowledging, and

correcting a misunderstanding that occurred somewhere in the past,

yet has been a constant reminder in our heart and thoughts.

• Our spiritual life can be released, renewed, and once again be

exciting when true forgiveness is extended.

Forgiveness Is Possible• Forgiveness touches every aspect of our lives.

• We cannot maintain a normal life without the ability to forgive.

• We can forgive! It really doesn’t matter who is right or wrong on an issue, one day the Judge of the universe will make everything right.

• Until then, we must learn to live with each other and this requires forgiveness from everybody.

Three Types of Forgiveness

Forgiveness From God

Forgiveness From Others

Forgiveness From Self

Type 1 – Forgiveness From

God• When we commit an offense, or break Gods

law or go beyond His will whether it be an act of commission or omission.

• He is the only one who can forgive and restore communion however his mercy and love are infinite!

• God wants to forgive – we need only ask!

Type 2 – Forgiveness From

Others• When we offend another person, or do something

innocently, or purposely, we must ask that person to forgive us.

• As an example, if you stole a neighbors lawn mower and felt guilty about it, you wouldn’t be forgiven, or justified in asking God to forgive you, and think you could keep the lawn mower!

• Your neighbor is the one you sinned against, and the only one who can forgive.

Type 3 – Forgiveness From

Self• When we have been forgiven either by

God or another individual, we must do everything possible to continue on in a manner that is “guiltless” and liberating!

• When we “let go” and accept forgiveness our complete person will be set free and on the path to greater learning, and freedom.

Additional Resources

• http://www.thepowerofforgiveness.com/resources/

• http://theforgivenessproject.com/resources/

• http://www.forgivenessweb.com/

• http://counselingoneanother.com/2012/09/26/resources-forgiveness/

Thank You!

Content developed by

Chaplain Ronnie Case,

The Bridge At South

Pittsburg, South

Pittsburg, TN