Off page marketing

Post on 27-Jul-2016

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With the introduction of the Google Penguin update in 2012, the term “link building” has become somewhat outdated because it was associated with Off Page Marketing.

Transcript of Off page marketing

Off Page Marketing

Off-page optimization concerns factors that have an effect on your website or webpage listing in

natural search results that aren’t controlled directly by you or the coding on your page, for example:

links from other sites. This refers to the methods that you can use to raise the ranking of a website

through promotional means, outside of the actual code or design of the site itself.

Off-Page SEO is the combination of SEO factors that cannot be directly controlled by the creator of a

website; because they are located “off the web page” These factors are influenced by third party

websites and have a large impact on SEO rankings.

SEO important:

Search engines are always trying to figure out ways that they can provide the best results for their users’ queries, and off-page SEO has become an important factor in how they rate the usefulness of a page or website. For search engines, Off Page Marketing SEO factors indicate how others see a website. A useful website with valuable content will usually also has 1 (or 2, or all!) of the following 3 traits:

External links from other sites that are trustworthy

Lots of engagement on social media

User signals that point towards interest and engagement

Each of these traits is signals that a website is good, and therefore search engines use this

information in their ranking metrics.

Relationship-Based Link Building & Off-Page SEO

With the introduction of the Google Penguin update in 2012, the term “link building” has become

somewhat outdated because it was associated with Off Page Marketing. Instead, marketers shifted

their terminology to “relationship building” or “relationship-based link building” which focuses more

on building relationships with people connected with related authority sites, in the hopes that

eventually they’ll provide you with a back link in a non-transactional and organic way.

Link building

Google treats a link from another website to your site as a vote of confidence. Google will therefore

rank you higher based on that vote. Therefore the more Off Page Marketing good quality links the

better. Not all links are born equal though. One link from a high authority site is much better than

many links from a bunch of low authority sites. Part of your off-page SEO strategy would be to get

your links on high authority websites.

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