Official Proceedings - · Official Proceedings of the ... Royal Order of...

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Transcript of Official Proceedings - · Official Proceedings of the ... Royal Order of...


of theGrand Lodge























Held June 4-5, 2010

Concourse HotelOne West Dayton Street

Madison, Wisconsin

Wisconsin Masonic Code, Section 52.05 Notice of Grand LodgeProceedings.A lodgeshall takeduenoticeof theproceedings,orders,edicts and laws of the Grand Lodge and be governed accordingly.




Masonic Biography

Symbolic LodgeRaised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason - Shawano Lodge #170 -

June 2, 1982Served as Worshipful Master, Lincoln Lodge #183, Menomonee Falls -

1989, 1996, 1999Became a Perpetual Member of Lincoln Lodge - 1999Became a Plural Member of Shawano Lodge - 2005

Honorary Member - Phillips Lodge #225 - 2007

York RiteOconomowoc Chapter #42 - Royal Arch Masons, Oconomowoc, WIWaukesha Council #29 - Royal and Select Masters, Waukesha, WI

Waukesha Commandery #23 - Knights Templar, Waukesha, WI

Scottish RiteAncient Accepted Scottish Rite, Valley of Green Bay, WI

ShrineCharter Member, Beja Shrine A.A.O.N.M.S., Green Bay, WI

OtherPerpetual Member, National Sojourners, Milwaukee Chapter #27, Milwaukee, WI

Grand Lodge Representative to the Grand Lodge of IcelandPast Chairman of the Wisconsin Masonic Soccer Foundation

Past Chairman of the Grand Lodge Esoteric CommitteeElected to DeMolay Honorary Legion of Honor - 2007

Grand Lodge of WisconsinAppointed District Lecturer 1988 - 1991Appointed Grand Lecturer 1992 - 1998

Became a Permanent Member of Grand Lodge, 1997Appointed Junior Grand Steward, 2002Appointed Senior Grand Steward, 2003Appointed Junior Grand Deacon, 2004Appointed Senior Grand Deacon, 2005

Elected Junior Grand Warden, 2006Elected Senior Grand Warden, 2007Elected Deputy Grand Master, 2008

Elected Grand Master, 2009







Masonic Biography

Symbolic LodgeRaised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason - 7 November 1970 -

Mineral Point Lodge #1Mineral Point Lodge #1 - Perpetual Member

Freemasons Lodge #363 - Plural MemberFreemasons Lodge #363 - Past Master 2000

Day Lite Lodge #358 - Plural MemberSilas Shepherd Lodge #1843 Lodge of Research

AASRNMJ - Scottish RiteValley of Madison, 1984

Valley of Milwaukee - Plural MemberCoroneted a 33° Honorary Member of the Supreme Council - Chicago 2006

AAONOMS - ShrineZor Shrine, Madison, WI 1984

Zor Shrine Camel Patrol, Past CaptainSahara Shrine Club

Tripoli Shrine - Associate MemberTripoli Shrine Directors Staff

Royal Order of Jesters Madison Court #126 - Past Director

York RiteWest Allis Chapter No. 84 R.A.M.

Waukesha Council No. 29 R.&S.M.Waukesha Commandery No. 23 K.T.

Red Cross of Constantine, St. Wilfred ConclaveYork Rite College

Other Masonic MembershipsOrder of Eastern Star, West Allis Chapter No. 25

Grand Lodge Representative to the Grand Lodge of SwitzerlandNational Sojourners Milwaukee Chapter No. 27 (MIP)

Members Heroes of 76 Camp

Grand Lodge Free and Accepted Masons of WisconsinAppointed Grand Marshal, 2001-2002

Appointed District Deputy, District Eleven, 2002-2003Appointed Junior Grand Steward, 2003-2004Appointed Senior Grand Steward, 2004-2005Appointed Junior Grand Deacon, 2005-2006Appointed Senior Grand Deacon, 2006-2007

Elected Junior Grand Warden, 2007-2008Elected Senior Grand Warden, 2008-2009Elected Deputy Grand Master, 2009-2010

Elected Grand Master of Masons in Wisconsin, June 4, 2010









The Grand Lodge Free and Accepted Masons of Wisconsin met in its 166th An-nual Communication on Friday and Saturday, June 4th and 5th at the MadisonMasonic Center, 301 Wisconsin Avenue, Madison, Wisconsin.

A Lodge of Master Masons at 8:30 a.m. o’clock was declared formally open bythe following officers from the Grand Master’s Lodge, Lincoln No. 183 F. & A.M.

Worshipful Master.........................................................Terrence TracySenior Warden ................................................................. James BroichJunior Warden .................................................................Michael AllenSenior Deacon.......................................................... Kenneth HeitmanJunior Deacon................................................................Lowell MuellerSenior Steward ...............................................................Albert WegnerJunior Steward .........................................................Lawrence WegnerChaplain .................................................................... Daniel StujenskeTiler.................................................................................... Robert Hein


The Senior Deacon was asked by the Worshipful Master to escort Deputy GrandMaster Joseph B. Harker and 2009-2010 Grand Lodge officers into the lodge. TheDeputy Grand Master was brought to the east where he and the Grand Lodge of-ficers were given the Grand Honors. Grand Master Craig S. Campbell was thenreceived through an “Arch of Steel” provided by the Grand Commandery of theKnightsTemplarofWisconsinandtheWaukeshaCommandery.TheKnightsTemplarpresented the Flag of the United States, which was followed by the reciting of thePledge of Allegiance and the singing of the national anthem.


GrandMasterCampbell thankedthemembersofLincolnLodgeNo183foropeningthe Grand Lodge. He also thanked the Grand Commandery for the presentation ofthe flag. He then declared the 166th Grand Lodge of the State of Wisconsin in ses-sion and asked the Grand Chaplain, Reverend Donald Iliff to lead them in prayer.


Past Grand Master and Grand Secretary Michael A. DeWolf made a preliminaryreport on behalf of the Credentials Committee and reported to the Grand Lodge thatout of a total of 183 chartered lodges, 166 had registered.A quorum was present andthe Grand Lodge was in order to proceed with any business that may come before it.



To the Grand Lodge Free and Accepted Masons of Wisconsin:

At the 165th Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge, held on June 5th and6th 2009, seven new resolutions were presented.

Four were adopted, one was defeated one was tabled until 2010 and one was notentertained by the Grand Master.

After a thorough review of the 2009 proceedings, the Unfinished Business Com-mittee concludes that there is no other unfinished business from the 2009 AnnualCommunication.

Respectfully submitted,

Dr. John W. Wilke, PGM, ChairmanMichael A. DeWolf, PGM, Grand Secretary

John Benedict, Grand Treasurer

The Annual Proceedings of the 165th 2009 Annual Communication were ap-proved as distributed.


Grand Master Craig Campbell asked the Grand Marshal to assemble the PastGrand Masters and escort them into the Grand Lodge. Craig Campbell gaveled allto rise and give them the Grand Honors. The Past Grand Masters present wereas follows:

Charles E. White (1970), A. D. Anderson (1973), Herman A. Friess (1977), AllanE. Iding, (1981), James J. Byrnes (1982),William E. Day (1985), George A.Wallinger(1986), Kingman D. Loomis (1987), Robert E. Moore (1989), Dean T. Massey, (1990),James A. Zimmerman (1992), Carl J. Wussow (1993), Stanley R. Jagow (1994),Beecher Daniels (1995), Jack C. Allord, (1996), Bruce S. Sim, (1997), Lawrence L.Myers (1998), Richard E. Black, (1999), Stephen D. Willett (2000), John W. Hein(2001), James H. Olson (2002), Michael A. DeWolf (2003), Keith D. Chamberlain(2004), Roger L. Magoon (2005), Rodney A. Paulsen (2006), J.B. Van Hollen (2007)and John W. Wilke (2008).


M.W. Michael A. DeWolf, Past Grand Master (2004) and Grand Secretary:

“Most Worshipful Grand Master, Distinguished East and Brethren all, thankyou for the opportunity to bring greetings and some reflections on behalf of the PastGrand Masters of the state of Wisconsin. In my relatively short Masonic life of 25years I have had the opportunity to have known 36 of the Past Grand Master whohave proceeded me in office, in more recent times five Past Grand Masters who havefollowed me and now you, Grand Master, who will soon come and join the ranks ofthe Past Grand Masters of this great jurisdiction. These men constitute a brilliantgalaxy of Masonic light. They are all skilled craftsmen, they have performed theirwork well. Each has brought to this jurisdiction a unique set of working tools. Ilook upon these shining lights and I am reminded of why I became a member of


this fraternity. Here in the company of these brethren, and all of you I continue tocome to the altar of the Supreme Architect of the Universe whereas it is the customof our craft throughout the world we pray to be of one mind and to learn to loveone another. It is here, my brothers, that we have built our fraternal home. You maywell ask, what is it we receive from entering this home? It is the associations thatwe make, for each and every one of you shines the light of brotherly love, relief andtruth and it is here that all distinctions are lost and we meet on the level. It is herethat our younger brethren learn to appreciate the lessons of our craft and it is herethat the light of true friendship burns warmest and brightest. It is here my broth-ers where we pledge and we reaffirm our obligations of Freemasonry to each other.I hope I have given you the honest sentiments of the Past Grand Masters presentand absent, whose earnest hope is that when the record is closed we may have beenfound to have done something to have made the world better for having lived in itand that we have left the craft a little bit better for having enjoyed so much greatfraternal affection.”


Grand Master Campbell asked the Grand Marshal to assemble the visiting dig-nitaries in the West for introduction after which they were given the Grand Honorsof Masonry. They were as follows:

M.W. Jules Tepper, Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of the District ofColumbia

R.W. Barry D. Weer, Senior Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge of IllinoisM.W. Kenneth E. Willis, Jr., Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of IndianaM.W. Craig C. Hummel, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of IowaM.W. Jack L. Butler, Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of IowaR.W. Fred Kaiser, Deputy Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of MichiganR.W. Brian E. Beermann, Senior Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge of MinnesotaR.W. Robert L. Darling, Senior Grand Steward, of the Grand Lodge of MinnesotaM.W. Joseph Rival, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of New JerseyR.W.GlennR.Trautmann,SeniorGrandWardenof theGrandLodgeofNewJerseyR.W. Earl M. Thomas, III, Deputy Grand Master of the Most Worshipful Prince

Hall Grand Lodge of WIR.W. Charles E. Currie Senior Grand Warden of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall

Grand Lodge of WIR.W. Minor King, Jr. Junior Grand Warden of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall

Grand Lodge of WIJames E. Heady, Grand Royal Patron of WI, Order of Amaranth


M.W. Brother Craig C. Hummel, Grand Master of Iowa;

“To the Most Worshipful Grand Master, and the other Most Worshipfuls, RightWorshipfuls and brethren all, it gives me a great deal of pleasure to stand beforeyou and visit the great Grand Lodge of Wisconsin. I want to thank you for all of thedignities and courtesies that you have shown us thus far and will continue to. Ithas been a great time so far.

We are taught in Masonry that there are three stages of man; youth, manhoodand age. In addition to that there are basically four stages of learning. First we


see how something is done, then we learn how to do it and then we do it and thefourth stage is teaching others how to do it. What I have talked about in Iowa thisyear has been the Masonic journey, because Masonry, like life, is not a destination,it’s a journey. As Most Worshipful Craig moves on to a different leg of his journeyafter this Grand Session and Most Worshipful Joe moves on to a different one, wecontinue that journey. As we are learning and doing now Craig will move on tothe mentoring and teaching part of it for Grand Lodge and I will be joining himin about four months. It is just as vital that you continue to be active in teachingas you have been in doing.

Thank you again all very much for having us here and we look forward to therest of the Annual Communication.”


To The Grand Lodge Free and Accepted Masons of Wisconsin:

The Grand Lodge F. & A. M. of Wisconsin and the Most Worshipful Prince HallGrand Lodge of Wisconsin, Inc. collaborated in two meeting events during thisMasonic year, a dinner with the committees of both Grand Lodges and their guests,as well as the combined table lodge. These meetings alternate hosts each year, andthe Prince Hall Grand Lodge was the host this year. The co-chairs for the eventswere RWSGW Charles Currie of the Prince Hall Grand Lodge and me.

This year’s committee dinner occurred at the Doubletree Hotel in downtownMilwaukee on Friday, November 13, 2009.A fine social time and dinner was enjoyedby all with about 22 Brothers and 15 ladies in attendance. Following the dinnerthe men adjourned to an adjacent room where MWGMs Humphrey and Campbellpresided over the meeting.The intent of the meeting was to discuss topics of mutualinterest and continue the fellowship that has led to true friendships developed overthe years of these meetings. A key topic of discussion focused on public education,and how critical a quality education continues to be for our youth, on which thefuture of Masonry depends. Another discussion ensued on the Public Seminars onMasonry that were underway which caused further collaboration and agreementon an additional co-hosted seminar that occurred in Brookfield on April 17th, 2010at the Sheraton Inn.

On Wednesday, March 31, 2010, the two Masonic jurisdictions came togetherto celebrate our 7th combined Table Lodge, held at the Prince Hall Grand Lodgebuilding in Milwaukee. As in previous years, we heavily promoted the event in theWisconsin Masonic Journal and warned the brethren to get reservations in early,especially since the venue size limited us to 125 brothers. The event was sold outapproximately 2 weeks in advance, with confirmations communicated to all. Thetotal in attendance from both jurisdictions was about 250 Masons, with a fewEAs / FCs present. This event gains momentum each and every year, and hasbecome one of the key “must attend” events by many Masons. Plans are alreadyunderway for next year’s combined Table Lodge, to be hosted by the Grand Lodgeof Wisconsin on Wednesday, March 30, 2011. Watch for articles in the WisconsinMasonic Journal early in the 2011 calendar year for details and the reservationcoupon. As always for this event, get your reservations in early, as they will belimited to a first-come, first-served basis.


We thank everyone who has served on both jurisdiction’s committees and thosewho helped with the events. It has been a pleasure to serve the brethren as theGLoW committee chairman this year.

Fraternally Submitted,

Robert C. Strader, WDDGM, Chairman

Report Accepted


M.W. Brother Earl M.Thomas, III, Deputy Grand Master, Prince Hall Grand Lodgeof Wisconsin;

“TotheM.W.GrandMasterCraigCampbell,R.W.DeputyGrandMasterJoeHarker,elected and appointed Grand Lodge officers, Past Grand Masters, Past Masters,Worshipful Masters, Wardens and Brothers all, good morning. I bring you greetingsfrom the M.W. Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Wisconsin, Inc. where the M.W. BrotherFrank A. Humphrey serves as the Most Worshipful Grand Master. I want to say thatbased on what the Fraternal Relations chairman just said, we have been doing alot of things together for a number of years, specifically the three events: the dinnerthat takes place in November, the Table Lodge in March and the respective GrandLodge sessions in June. We have certainly enjoyed ourselves doing that. I chairedthat committee with R.W. Brother Joe Harker for four years and it is continuing togrow and we ask that you continue to be a part of that, most especially the TableLodge as we continue to grow in brotherly love.”

“I just want to say a couple of things. Grand Master Frank Humphrey could notbe in attendance today because he is at the Jurisdiction in Kansas. He is visitingthere and he should be in here today by 1:30 pm. He asked me to represent him. Wewere in Boston a couple of weeks ago and I want you all to know that there were49 Grand Masters, 49 Prince Hall Deputy Grand Masters, on down the line. This iscalled the Congress of Grand Masters and we had a great time there.We experiencedsomething that never happened before and that was the unveiling of the monumentof Prince Hall. It took place in the city of Cambridge, MA at the park directly acrossfrom Harvard University where the monuments of Thomas Jefferson and GeorgeWashington stand. If you ever get the opportunity to visit it, I am sure you will enjoyit. We were very elated and happy to be a part of that.”

“Grand Master we have certainly, along with the, delegates from Prince Hall,enjoyed the hospitality and the amenities extended to us while being in attendancehere, specifically I enjoyed the band last night. They did an outstanding job. Thehospitality and at the respective hospitality rooms,Grand Lodge,Shriners,breakfastthis morning, we have felt welcome everywhere we have gone since we arrived. Wewish you the best and that the 166th session be the most productive and harmonioussession you can have. I thank you and it has been my pleasure.”


Grand Master Campbell asked all the heads of the other appendant Masonicbodies in Wisconsin to rise. He thanked them for coming and asked the brethren


to give them a hand for their dedication and the wonderful job they are doing.


Grand Master Campbell asked all the District Lecturers, District Chaplainsand Area Administrators to rise. He thanked them for their incredible assistanceto the lodges all year and asked the brethren to give them a hand for their service.


To the Grand Lodge Free and Accepted Masons of Wisconsin;

Section29.09 (NominatingCommittee) of theWisconsinMasonicCodestates thatit shall be the duty of the Nominating Committee to recommend to the Grand Lodgeat it’s annual communication suitable and eligible candidates for election as GrandTreasurer, Grand Secretary and to the Board of Trustees, the Wisconsin MasonicBenevolent Activities Board and the Wisconsin Masonic Journal (Section 45-05).

The Nominating Committee submits the following individuals for election:

Grand Treasurer.........................................................John A. BenedictGrand Secretary ......................................... Michael A. DeWolf, P.G.M.Grand Trustee .............................................Lawrence L Myers, P.G.M

The following individuals are recommended for election to theWisconsin MasonicBenevolent Activities Board:

Donald W Hensiak ............................................................. 3 year termDayton A Jones................................................................... 3 year term

The following individuals are recommended for election to theWisconsin MasonicJournal Board:

Keith H Harmon................................................................. 3 year termLowell H Scott .................................................................... 3 year term

I move for the receipt and adoption of the Nomination Committee Report:

Respectfully submitted,

Joseph B. Harker, Deputy Grand Master, ChairmanDavey L. White, Jr, Senior Grand WardenDennis V. Siewert, Junior Grand Warden

Daniel L. Slavik, Senior Grand DeaconWilliam Beetcher, Junior Grand Deacon

Report Accepted


Grand Master Craig S. Campbell asked all to cast their vote by using the bal-lots in their packets. The tellers then proceeded to collect the ballots for counting.



To the Grand Lodge Free and Accepted Masons of Wisconsin:

FifteenresolutionswerereceivedbyGrandLodgeprior to thesubmissiondeadlineand forwarded to the resolutions committee.

Resolutions 1-2010, 2-2010 and 3-2010 are those that are required by theWisconsin Masonic Code.

Resolution 1-2010 provides for the adoption of the budget proposed by theExpenditures Committee.

Resolution 2-2010 provides for a per capita tax of $37.00 proposed by theExpenditures Committee.

Resolution 3-2010 provides for the Annual Communication in June of 2012 beheld in the city of Madison,Wisconsin and is submitted by the Executive Committee.

Resolution 4-2010 is submitted by Waverly Lodge #51 and would permit lodgesto conduct business in any degree.

Resolution 5-2010 is submitted by Waverly Lodge #51 and would restrict therepresentatives and delegates to the Annual Communication to Master Masons.(This is related to Resolution 4-2010).

Resolution 6-2010 is submitted by Waverly Lodge #51 and would restrict votingin Lodge to Master Masons. (This is related to Resolution 4-2010).

Resolution 7-2010 is submitted by Waverly Lodge #51 and would restrictmembership on a Masonic Trial Commission to Master Masons. (This is related toResolution 4-2010).

Resolution 8-2010 is proposed by Doric Lodge #356 and would require thatbefore a Master or Warden could be installed he must take and pass the WisconsinMasonic Correspondence Course offered by the Garand Lodge.

Resolution 9-2010 is proposed by Quincy Lodge #71 and would provide forthe waiving of dues for those serving the United States Armed Forces serving ina war zone.

Resolution10-2010 isproposedbyLowellScott,SecretaryofMilwaukee-HarmonyLodge #261, and would permit any member of a lodge except the Secretary to beTreasurer of the Lodge.

Resolution 11-2010 was submitted by Keith D. Chamberlain, P.G.M. and BruceS. Sim, P.G.M. to limit the number of amendments to any resolution at the AnnualCommunication.

Resolution 12-2010 was proposed by Morning Star Lodge #10 to permit theMaster, after opening in the Master Mason Degree, to call down to a lower degreefor the transaction of business.

Resolution13-2010wassubmittedbyWaupunLodge#48requiringeveryMasonto pay $1.00 toward the George Washington Masonic Memorial the amount to be


collected by the Grand Lodge with the per capita tax.

Resolution 14-2010 was submitted by Phillips Lodge #225 to remove the word“Deity” from the Wisconsin Masonic Code and replace it with Supreme Being.”

Resolution 15-2010 proposed by Mark Jenks, Worshipful Master of HiramLodge #50 to create a Grand Lodge Unified Dues System and permit lodges tochoose not to participate.

In addition Resolution 5-2009 was tabled at the 2009 Annual Communication.It has now been withdrawn by the proposer, Lowell Scott.

(Please note that Resolutions 5-2-1-, 6-2010 and 7-2010 need only be consideredif 4-2010 is passed.)

Respectively submitted,

George A Wallinger, P.G.M., ChairmanResolutions Committee 2009-2010

Report Accepted


Most Worshipful Grand Master of Masons in Wisconsin, Craig S. Campbell,distinguished quests, and delegates to the 166th Annual Communication of theGrand Lodge Free and Accepted Masons of Wisconsin:

It is my pleasure to give the following report from the Committee on MasonicJurisprudence. On February 18, 2010, Brother Robert Roth tendered his resigna-tion as chair of the “Jurisprudence Committee.” That same day MWGM Campbellaccepted the resignation, and appointed me as Chair to serve for the remainder ofthe 2010-2010 Masonic year.

The Committee on Masonic Jurisprudence is composed of members annually ap-pointed by the incumbent Grand Master. Pursuant to Chapter 29.03, its duty is toreview all decisions, opinions and dispensations of the Grand Master, all proposedamendments to the Ancient Common Law and to the Laws of the Grand Lodge asdefined in Article 2 of the Constitution, which defines the laws of this Grand Lodgein the “order of supremacy” i.e. the Ancient Landmarks, Constitution,Ancient Com-mon Law, Code, Edicts by the Grand Master, and Decisions by the Grand Master,all resolutions purporting to repeal, supplement or add to the Laws of the GrandLodge, all proposed changes in constituent lodge by-laws, and all other questionsof Masonic Jurisprudence.

Chapter 29.03 requires the Chairman of the Committee to call a meeting of allmembers of the Committee prior to the opening of the Annual Grand Lodge Com-munication,toconsider,reviewandreport theirfindingsandrecommendationsonallmatters referred to them by the Grand Master.We held that meeting, in conjunctionwith the Resolutions Committee and the Committee on Appeals and Grievances.

The Committee on Masonic Jurisprudence reports as follows:



Fifteen Resolutions were received prior to the deadline for submission to thissession of Grand Lodge.

RESOLUTION NO. 01-2010, to adopt a budget for the fiscal year 2010-2011;said Resolution is approved as to form and legality and requires a majority vote.

RESOLUTION NO. 02-2010, to provide for Per Capita Tax; said Resolution isapproved as to form and legality and requires a majority vote.

RESOLUTION NO. 03-2010, to designate the place of holding the Annual Com-munication of the Grand Lodge F. & A.M. of Wisconsin in June 2012; said Resolutionis approved as to form and legality and requires a majority vote.

RESOLUTION NO. 04-2010, to permit lodge business to be transacted whenopen on any degree at the discretion of the Worshipful Master; said Resolution isapproved as to form and legality and requires a 75% vote.*Note:Resolution 12-2010was considered first, therefore #04-2010 cannot be considered.Resolutions 05-2010,0602010 and 07-2010, are dependent on #04-2010, and cannot be considered.

RESOLUTION NO. 05-2010, to restrict voting and balloting privileges at GrandLodge as delegated or proxies to Master Masons in good standing; said Resolutionis approved as to form and legality and requires a 75% vote.*

RESOLUTION NO. 06-2010, to restrict voting and balloting privileges in thelodge to Master Masons in good standing; said Resolution is approved as to formand legality and requires a 75% vote.*

RESOLUTION NO. 07-2010, to restrict membership of Masonic Trial Commis-sioners to Master Masons in good standing; said Resolution is approved as to formand legality and requires a 75% vote.*

RESOLUTION NO. 08-2010, to require those elected to Warden or Master totake and pass the Masonic Code Correspondence Course prior to being installedunless he is a Past Master or has a dispensation from the Grand Master; said Reso-lution is approved as to form and legality and requires a 75% vote. Note, while thisresolution is approved as to form and legality, the Committee recommends againstadoption for the reason that it would be difficult to enforce.

RESOLUTION NO. 09-2010, to remit dues and per capita tax for active dutymilitary personnel serving in a war zone; said Resolution is NOT approved as toform and legality. Note: the resolution does not define “active duty,” or “war zone,”and an individual lodge may not determine not to pay the per capita tax.

RESOLUTION NO. 10-2010, to allow any member of the Lodge to hold the officeof Treasurer except the Secretary; said Resolution is NOT approved as to form andlegality. Note: this would allow all other officers to hold two offices, such as electingthe Worshipful Master also as treasurer.

RESOLUTION NO. 11-2010, to limit the number of amendments to proposedresolutions at Grand Lodge Communication; said Resolution is NOT approved asto form and legality. Note: this would infringe on the established prerogatives ofthe Grand Master, and is in conflict with well-established Masonic Jurisprudence.


RESOLUTION NO. 12-2010, to be consistent with the Entered ApprenticeCharge that states “Your regular attendance at our meetings is earnestly solicited”and to clarify voting rights; said Resolution is approved as to form and legality andrequires a 75% vote.

RESOLUTION NO. 13-2010, to authorize a $1.00 increase in per capita tax forthe George Washington Masonic National Memorial Association; said Resolutionis approved as to form and legality and requires a 75% vote.

RESOLUTION NO. 14-2010, to remove the word “Deity” from the code andreplace it with “Supreme Being,” thereby being consistent with the wording on thepetition;said Resolution is approved as to form and legality and requires a 75% vote.

RESOLUTION NO. 15-2010, to provide relief for overworked Lodge Secretariesbyreducingtheirworkloadandtoprovideprotection for tighter futuregovernmentalregulations by having bonded professionals,who must stay on top of changing situa-tions,handle those responsibilities.To try to prevent the premature closing of lodgesthat are unable to fill a full corps of officers; said Resolution is NOT approved asto form and legality. Note: this resolution is inconsistent with established MasonicJurisprudence. No funding is available for the proposed changes. It again infringeson the prerogatives of the Grand Master to fund and operate the Grand Lodge.


Pursuant to Code Section 2.05, an Edict is (1) a judicial determination and not alegislative action of the Grand Lodge; (2) an approved decision of as Grand Master,but such decision shall apply only to the instant case and shall not become a partof the Masonic code. This Masonic year the Grand Master issued two edicts.

1. On January 12, 2010, the Grand Master issued an edict that:

“Every chartered Wisconsin Lodge will have their Secretary or his designeecertified for use in the MORI system by March 15, 2010. Certification can beobtained directly from the Grand Lodge website at and clicking on the MORI Training link. Those lodges failing to achievecertification will be assessed $30.00 per month beginning April 1, 2010 untilcertification is achieved.”

This Edict is approved as to form and legality.

2. On May 12, 2010, the Grand Master issued an edict that:

“All Constituent Lodges will participate in and share in the cost of The GrandLodge Free & Accepted Masons of Wisconsin Insurance Plan. Cost sharing forthe liability coverage will be based on the End-Of-Year Primary Member countlisted on the Recapitulation Report for each lodge.”

This Edict is approved as to form and legality.

The two Edicts are effective until the close of the 2010 Annual Communication.


Pursuant to Code Section 2.05, a decision is a determination, order or decree of


a Grand Master, prior to its presentation to the Grand Lodge at the annual com-munication. A decision of a Grand Master is valid and controlling unless and untildisapproved by the Grand Lodge at the annual communication.

On November 23, 2009, the Grand Master issued a decision that:

“In the event a white leathern apron is discovered among the possessions ofa departed brother after interment, the family members should be instructedto incinerate the apron.”

This Decision is approved as to form and legality, and is valid and controllingunless and until disapproved by the Grand Lodge at this annual communication.


Seventeen (17) Lodges requested By-Laws Changes (changes in dues, meetingdates/places/ times). As these were submitted throughout the Masonic year, theCommittee reviewed them in detail for legality and conformity with the Code. Allwere approved.


During the term of his office, Grand Master Craig S. Campbell issued a number ofdispensations, which will be enumerated in the final written report.These includedsome or all of the following categories:

Permission to serve wine or beer at a table lodge .......................... 58Permission to change stated meeting locations.............................. 4Permission to hold special election of officers................................. 3Permission to waive required time requirements between

degrees........................................................................................... 11Permission to have a joint communication and Fraternal visits

between Sister Grand Jurisdictions ............................................ 6Permission to bestow the title of Honorary Past Master ............... 2Permission to change meeting place for a stated communication . 6Permission to hold a special meeting .............................................. 2Permission to hold an extra stated communication ....................... 1Permission to for a member to hold two offices in a lodge ............. 1Permission to wear Masonic aprons for Zor Shrine Circus............ 1Permission to for a lodge to change meeting in another location .. 2Permission to hold outdoor lodge meetings .................................... 4Permission to hold a Sunday pancake breakfast............................ 2Permission to confer degrees for multiple candidates.................... 3Permission to change normal meeting time ................................... 4Permission to hold a raffle for fundraising ..................................... 2Permission to hold stated meetings during the summer to

increase membership.................................................................... 1Total 113

The Committee is of the opinion that all the dispensations were properly issuedpursuant to the Masonic Code.



The Jurisprudence Committee gave advice to the Grand Master during the year.This included advice regarding the Wisconsin Benevolent Activities Board decisionto amend the By-Laws of the Wisconsin Masonic Home Inc. The Chair constituteda sub-committee consisting of Past Grand Masters Charles White and Stephen D.Willet and James H. Olson. We determined to retain outside counsel for tax andcorporate governance advice. Outside counsel and the sub-committee determinedthere is no legal impediment to the by-law amendments, which have subsequentlybeen adopted.The by-law amendments to the Wisconsin Masonic Home Inc., amongother things,make the Grand Master of Masons inWisconsin a member of theWMHBoard, and specifically make the Grand Master chair of the WMH Board of Direc-tors. The amendments also provide that only the Wisconsin Benevolent ActivitiesBoard may amend the WMH Inc. by-laws.

Most Worshipful Grand Master, on behalf of the Committee on Masonic Juris-prudence, I move this report be accepted and approved.

Sincerely and fraternally,

James H. Olson, P.G.M. Chair

Report Accepted and Approved.


Submitted By: Executive Committee

Section(s) Affected:

Vote Required for Adoption: Majority

Purpose: Designate the place of holding Annual Communication in June, 2012

(Note: deletions are indicated by strike through; additions are indicatedby underline; omitted text is indicated by ***)

RESOLVED, that the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Free andAccepted Masons of Wisconsin for the year 2012 shall be held in the City of Madi-son, Wisconsin.


To The Grand Lodge Free & Accepted Masons of Wisconsin;

My Brothers;

I found having been elected your Junior Grand Warden to be a learning, time-demanding and emotional experience. I have loved every minute representing youto the best of my ability. I will have traveled approximately 16,000 miles, attending208 Masonic or Masonic Youth Events and Committee Meetings.

It has been a pleasure representing you, the Grand Master and the Grand Of-ficers at various functions including the Grand Lodge of Ohio. The Junior GrandWarden serves the Craft on the following committees:


• Grand Lodge Executive Committee• Grand Lodge Expenditures Committee• Grand Lodge Nominating Committee• Wisconsin Benevolent Activities Board – Voting Member• Masonic Home Board – GL Liaison - Voting• Fraternal Relations with Prince Hall• WI Masonic Foundation – GL Liaison -Voting• Youth Funding - Chairman• United Masonic Board for DeMolay• Grand Lodge Liaison to all Youth Groups• Van Brunt Committee

As the Junior Grand Warden I am your representative to the Masonic YouthOrganizations. I have attended The Grand Sessions of Job’s Daughters, DeMolayand Rainbow for Girls. Many receptions and award nights have been attended. Mymajor impressions from these Groups are,

1. How proud these young people are of their Masonic Heritage2. How committed the Youth and their Advisors are to the organization.3. How they must (as do we) need to find qualified people to replace themselves

for the future of Free Masonry and its Youth Organizations.

I would like to share a disappointment with you. I would hope that in the futurethe Junior Wardens of all Lodges look at one of the duties they are to discharge.TheMasonic Code of Wisconsin (57.03B) states: “The Junior Warden of each constituentlodge shall act as liaison between his lodge and any related youth groups. He shallmake periodic reports to the Junior Grand Warden and to his Worshipful Master,and keep them informed of his activities.”

This year I have received reports from:• Cassia Lodge #167 – Plymouth WI. – Brother John Dorsey

All lodges support Masonic Youth Organizations financially through the MasonicYouth Fund. I encourage all Lodges to support youth in their community throughscholarships and sponsorship of local youth events. More importantly we shouldsupport local Masonic Youth Groups. If there is interest in starting a Job’s Daugh-ters Bethel, a DeMolay Chapter or a Rainbow for Girls Assembly please contactthe Junior Grand Warden.

Thank you for this opportunity to serve the craft and if called, I will continue todo so to the best of my ability.

Respectfully submitted,

Dennis V. SiewertRight Worshipful Junior Grand Warden 2009-2010

SeniorGrandWardenDennisSiewertmadesomeadditionsbyreportingthatJohnDorsey (Cassia #167), Wade Johnson (Sun Prairie #143), Shawn Noble (Burlington#28), Chris Young (Theo. Roosevelt #322) and Chuck Carroll (George Washington1776 #337) were the only Junior Wardens who submitted the requested report onyouth group activity at their local lodge. He made the point that there is a cor-relation between the activity in these youth groups and an active vibrant lodge.

Hewentontoexplainthatanother jobthattheJuniorGrandWardenisresponsible


for is to honor the Grand Master and his lady for all of the time and talents theyexpend on behalf of the brethren during the year. Since they are both very dedicatedto the Masonic youth groups, especially DeMolay, the Grand Lodge officers thankedthem with a gift for their son’s DeMolay Chapter in West Bend. They presentedthem with a banner and some other items for their meetings and ceremonies. Theofficers also donated a monetary amount to the Wisconsin Masonic Home’s “Caringto Grow” campaign in his honor. William Barnes, Director of Development of theWisconsin Masonic Charities then presented a plaque to Grand Master Campbell.

Report Accepted


Worshipful David E Tainter, Deputy, District No. 10;

Most Worshipful Grand Master and Brothers All-

“It is my honor to address you on behalf of the District Deputies. It is my pleasureto state as chair of the District Deputies that I am very proud of the work theyhave all done. They have been out there serving the craft. That is why we are allhere today. There is no great glory in being a District Deputy. Really it is a lot ofwork. However, it can also be very rewarding through the many friendships thatare formed as we travel from lodge to lodge.”

“As you all know the District Deputies have assumed some new duties. I am refer-ring to the Lodge Inspections to be done by the District Deputies. There is nothingin the inspection that isn’t already part of what should be done in your lodge. Reallyvery simple things like having the treasurer’s report in the minutes? Is your lodgeusing MORI? Do your trustees meet and give reports at the meetings? Do you havea copy of your bylaws available and are they signed by every new Master Mason?The purpose of the inspection is not to spy on your lodge. Rather to make sure weare able to continue our not for profit status with the government. There are someout there who would like to see the lodges taxed on their property. Many lodges inWisconsin could not afford to keep their building if that was the case.”

“How many of those in attendance attended at least one district meeting or Schoolof Instruction in the last 12 months? Can I see a show of hands? Your deputiesand lecturers work very hard to put together 2 district meetings and your schoolsevery year. We don’t do this for fun or just because we enjoy them. They are heldto help us and our lodges. Yes, we try to have some fun but really they are done foryou. Please encourage all you members to attend the District meetings and schools,not just the Officers.”

“Of Course, attending the district meetings and schools of instruction are greatways to earn points for the Lodge Excellence Award. This year I am proud to saythat 105 lodges are earning their Lodge Excellence Awards. If you didn’t fill outyour application, shame on you. It isn’t only about showing how good your lodge is…What it does is show that you and your lodge care about the fraternity and not justyour lodge. Seeing lodges earn the award is encouragement to other lodges. Maybethey didn’t have all the activities needed last year. But, maybe they see your lodgeget the award and perhaps that is just the spark they need to step it up a notch.”

“It is the intention of your District Deputies to review the Lodge Excellence


Award and make recommendation to modify certain sections for the purpose ofclarity and simplification.”

“Would all the Area Administrators, District Lecturers, and District Chaplainsthat are here today please rise. Brothers, these are brothers who have committedthemselves to helping the fraternity.”

“TheDistrictDeputies,AreaAdministrators,DistrictLecturers,DistrictChaplainsas well as all the Grand Lodge Officers are here to help. Help with degree work,help with social events, be a speaker for a friend’s night, or even just sit down anddiscuss Freemasonry and how to make your lodge grow when you have run outof ideas. Please keep your Area Administrators and you District Deputies on yourmailing lists and email lists. Let them know what is going on in your lodge.We can’tbe there if we don’t know what is happening. We all want to be there.”

“You know, that brother who sits in the East as the Most Worshipful GrandMaster is no different than you and I. He is our friend, our brother, and he is thereto serve the craft. I have to tell you, every Grand Master that I have ever knownhas served with all their heart.”

“Take advantage of your Area Administrators, District Deputies, and all of yourGrandLodgeOfficers.Wearehere toserve,giveusachance tobeapartofyour lodge.”

Sincerely & Fraternally,

Dave TainterDistrict Deputy #10



The Grand Master called the Grand Lodge informal and asked the GrandMarshal to escort the ladies of the Grand Lodge office into the lodge room. Officemanager Jan Gorgen, bookkeeper Alicia Darr and receptionist Cheryl Martin werebrought to the East where they presented the Secretary of the Year award to JohnL. Sigafus, secretary of Keystone Lodge No. 263 in Hayward. Brother Sigafus, amember for over 25 years and the lodge secretary since 2001, best emulated whatthe ladies deemed the highest qualities of a lodge secretary by performing his du-ties with promptness, accuracy, fidelity and a gentlemanly manor to the office staff.A member of Keystone Lodge came forward and graciously accepted the award asJohn Sigafus was not present.



To The Grand Lodge Free and Accepted Masons of WI;

It was a great pleasure to be elected your Senior Grand Warden in June for the2009-2010 Masonic year. I thank each and every one of you for your continuedsupport. As the Senior Grand Warden I had the privilege to serve on the WisconsinMasonicBenevolentActivitiesBoard,TheWisconsinMasonicFoundationBoard,The


Wisconsin Masonic Home Board,The Soccer Foundation,The Executive Committee,The Expenditures Committee, The Nominations Committee, Fraternal Relationswith Prince Hall Committee and several other sub committees. It was a pleasureand an honor to work with the members of these boards and committees. I alwayscame away from our meetings energized and feeling that I had learned somethingnew. I attended most of the meetings and logged thousands of miles in doing so. Iwould like to thank the members of these boards and committees for all the timeand commitment they have shown and put forth.

As your Senior Grand Warden I had the pleasure to take part in numerousinstallation ceremonies throughout the state. I also took part in several degreesand lectures for our new brothers. I made it a point to travel to lodges I had neverbeen to and attend their meetings. Many nights I would show up and there wasdegree work scheduled, which was a wonderful thing. I was active on the soccercommittee and attended the soccer banquet and opening ceremonies. I took partin several ceremonies for corner stones, re-consecration of lodges, ground breaking,etc. I traveled to District Meetings, Schools of Instruction, breakfasts, dinners andseveral special lodge functions and fundraisers. I was the guest speaker at several50 plus year celebrations and friend’s nights.These are some of the greatest honorsa Grand Lodge Officer has.

I would like to take this time to thank you all for the opportunity to serve youas the Senior Grand Warden for Wisconsin. Everywhere I traveled the hospitalityand friendship extended to me was overwhelming. As I close out the year, I havebeen met with a real challenge with the passing of my mother, Donna White. Itwas at this time that I really felt the tenants of our Fraternity shine brightly. TheBrotherly love and compassion shown during this time through phone calls, cards,and prayers really helped me deal with this unfortunate event. I thank you all.

Fraternally Submitted,

Davey L. White Jr.Senior Grand Warden 2009-2010

Report Accepted


To The Grand Lodge Free and Accepted Masons of Wisconsin:

Elected and installed as Deputy Grand Master, it became my duty throughoutthe year to serve on the Wisconsin Masonic Benevolent Activities Board,WisconsinMasonic Home Board, and several sub-committees of these boards. I also servedon several committees of our Grand Lodge. I attended all of the board meetingsand the majority of the committee meetings called (12-15 board meetings and 20committee meetings) except when they conflicted with each other. It is indeed apleasure to work with the many fine people who serve on these boards and com-mittees. We must all thank each of them for their attendance, dedicated work andthe guidance they provide to these boards and committees.

As a Grand Lodge Officer I attended the annual communications of Prince HallGrand Lodge of Wisconsin and the Grand Lodge of New Jersey. It was a pleasureto be in attendance during the Annual Sessions of the Supreme Council AASR,


NMJ, USA in Boston, MA in August. I attended the North American Conferenceof Grand Masters and Grand Secretaries. A part of the conference was to attendthe Centennial Celebration of our George Washington Masonic Memorial. It wasan honor to be in the presence of the Fredericksburg No. 4 Bible upon which Presi-dent Washington took his Masonic Obligations in 1752 and 1753. I was also in thepresences of Alexandria-Washington Lodge No. 22 Trowel and Potomac Lodge No.5’s Gavel both of which were used by Bro. Washington at the Cornerstone LayingCeremony of the United States Capitol on September 18, 1793. I attended the 7thannual Grand Lodge of Wisconsin and the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Wisconsincombined table lodge and Fraternal Relations with Prince Hall Committee fallmeeting. It was a pleasure to preside or assist in numerous Lodge installationceremonies. Installing four (4) and five (5) Lodges at the same time was a challengeand rewarding experience. I assisted at several rededication ceremonies. Assist-ing in the presentations of Masonic Service anniversary certificates is extremelygratifying and I had the privilege of presenting several this year. I attended districtmeetings,Schools of Instructions,degrees,and Lodge stated meetings too numerousto count. I attended several York Rite, Scottish Rite, Shrine and other appendantbody meetings, functions or events throughout the year. Should anyone wish adetailed list of my activities please contact me.

There are many administrative items that the Deputy Grand Master must beinvolved with each year. One of which is our annual budget. Your ExpendituresCommittee has spent many hours addressing the manor in which this budget isdeveloped and ultimately how it is presented to the craft. The practice has been todevelop a budget by reviewing the several budgets of previous years. This year wehave built the budget by reviewing the “actual” audited expense figures of thoseprevious years and projected expenses for the current year. We believe that thisprovides a true picture of your Grand lodge operations. Another item that yourDeputy Grand Master must do is to lead the Nominations Committee in assemblinga corps of Grand Lodge Officers, Board and Committee Members. There are nearly150 nominations, appointments or reappointments that must consider each year.We have many very highly qualified members who will make a significant contri-bution to the position for which they have been selected. I would like to encourageour MORI users to take greater care when inputting data into MORI. SpecificallyI would ask that you always include your member’s occupation followed by (Ret) ifthey are retired from that occupation.Also,please confirm their phone numbers andE-mail addresses regularly. The Executive Committee met and dealt with issuesseveral times this current term.Your Progressive Line Officers met monthly duringthe current Masonic year to work on coordination of opportunities and challengesthat will face our fraternity next year and the years to come. These meetings arepreparing your future Grand Lodge Executive Committee to best administer theaffairs of our Grand Lodge and local lodges.

I am very thankful for the opportunity to serve as your Deputy Grand Master.The feelings of friendship, morality, and brotherly love make my membership asa Master Mason and a Grand Lodge Officer very meaningful in my life. I am en-couraged by the attitudes of the members and officers of each and every one of ourWisconsin Masonic Lodges that I have visited this year.

Fraternally Submitted,

Joseph B. HarkerDeputy Grand Master

Report Accepted




A year ago I stated several objectives that I hoped to accomplish as Grand Mas-ter. I am pleased now to report to you on those objectives, my activities as GrandMaster, and to report to you on the state of the craft.

One of the objectives I had was to hold seminars on Freemasonry for the Public.A program I called “Taking Masonry to the People.” Originally, we had four datesscheduled, and these were assisted by our MW PGM J.B.Van Hollen.Thanks again,J.B. you were terrific. A fifth date was added after a Fraternal Relations meetingwith Prince Hall, where I was accompanied by the MW Bro. Frank J. Humphrey,Grand Master of the MW Prince Hall Grand Lodge of WI.

These seminars were promoted through an e-mail campaign and the GrandLodge website. An initial e-mailing of 45,000 was sent to a demographic audienceof Wisconsin residents age 18-45. Subsequent e-mails of 5,000 to 10,000 were sentto subsets based on local geography, for a total of 88,000 e-mails sent. Of those sent,about half reached the recipients and about half bounced. Even so, it representsperhaps the strongest effort to date to get Freemasonry in the eyes of the public.

All total we had 230 attend at the five seminars, about half of whom were alreadyMasons.And, of course, my primary objective for holding them was to inspire peopleto want to become a member. I am pleased to report to you that I averaged betterthan five petitions per seminar. A total of 27 petitions were handed to me directly,which I was extremely pleased to be able to distribute to 15 different lodges. Andfrom what I was told, at least that same number of petitions flowed into lodges inthe several weeks following the seminars. So, in all, the five seminars resulted inover 50 petitions into our lodges. While I would have liked that number to be evenhigher, I believe this has to be considered a success.

And judging by the degree work happening in our lodges,I believe it will be payingdividends for many months if not years to come. While we have not yet produceda net increase in membership, we are very, very close. I believe this will happen inthe next 1 to 3 years, and just think how we will all feel when we can once again saywe belong to this growing organization called Freemasonry. I included two graphsto illustrate exactly where we are with these numbers.

Another objective I had was to resurrect the Degree Competition. When menwho are performing degrees practice to be the absolute best there is, it attracts.Everybody wants to be associated with things that are perceived to be high quality.


I feel that periodically, perhaps every four years like the Olympics, every lodgeshould have an opportunity to put themselves up against every other lodge in thestate and earn recognition for performing our ritual at its highest level. If yourlodge is the best, I think you should have the chance to prove it.

I am extremely pleased to report that for the first time in 14 years, DegreeCompetition was back. A huge thank you goes out to our Grand Lecturer, Bro.Ken Gorgen, for all his hard work at coordinating all the details. A total of sevenlodges had pre-registered, and a total of four actually competed. The results willbe announced tomorrow.

As your incoming Grand Master, I declared that no lodge consolidations wouldoccur during my term. We’ve all seen it time and time again. A lodge on the declineor perhaps even dormant for 10, 20, and even 30 years all of a sudden blossomsback to vibrancy because of one key new member. One guy really can turn a lodgearound. I am extremely pleased to report to you that we started the year with 182degree-conferring lodges, and we ended the year with 182 degree-conferring lodges.

In fact, I’d go so far as to say that we have held steady or actually strengthenedevery lodge in the state except one. That one will be receiving special attention inthe ensuing year, but there were three lodges who were in the process of closingor consolidating who are now all in the process of conferring degrees on multiplecandidates.

I issued two decisions and one edict. My first decision was to formalize a positionon proper disposal of a white leathern apron found after a brother’s interment. Ifelt that an apron such as this should be treated with the same veneration given toa retired U.S. Flag, whose proper disposal is to be incinerated. My second decisionwas to formalize a process for lodges to comply with Sarbanes-Oxley legislation. Myedict was to have all lodges share in the liability portion of the blanket insurancepolicy, and thanks to the grueling work done by our Grand Secretary in evaluatingdifferent carriers and different policies, I believe that almost each of the lodges hereenjoyed a decrease in their rate as a result.

I had the unfortunate responsibility of issuing six suspensions during my term.Four were 60-day suspensions for negligence in complying with the Masonic Code,and two were indefinite suspensions for committing crimes against society.

A great deal of time and energy went into solidifying the relationship betweenthe management of the Wisconsin Masonic Home, Inc. and the management ofthe fraternity. The construction of the Rehab Center and the kick-off of the Car-ing to Grow Campaign gave us a unique opportunity. We worked out a consent feebased on the land under lease that will result in additional revenues to the GrandLodge to support future operations, and through the Benevolent Activities Board,we amended the By-Laws of the Home to assure that the Grand Master and theGrand Trustees would participate in future decisions related to the propertiesmanaged by the charity.

This is consistent with a pledge I made entering this term when I asserted toyou that I would do everything I could to keep Mason Woods in the fraternity aswell as to save Van Brunt Hall. As far as Mason Woods, I firmly believe it is a vitalcomponent to our charitable outreach to the community and not only should con-tinue to be supported, but augmented; perhaps with a pilot program of an emerg-


ing home-based healthcare component. As far as Van Brunt Hall, we made someserious progress this year.

Under the capable direction of MW PGM Bill Day who chaired the Ad-hoc Com-mittee forVan Brunt Hall Restoration,and with an incredible contribution from ourGrand Trustee Bruce Lasko, we completed the necessary pro-forma projections onentering into a business relationship with the owners of the Delafield Brewhaus inconverting Van Brunt Hall into a Banquet Hall and restaurant. Significant hurdlesstill need to be overcome. We still don’t have the finances needed to complete thebuilding’s renovation,andtheGrandTrusteesstillneedtoreachagreementsregard-ing the lease and title to the property. I do hope that those details can be workedout and that in the end, we find a new use for Van Brunt Hall.

Insupportingourcharities,I accompaniedourDevelopmentDirector,BillBarnes,in trips to Florida,Arizona, and Texas, in each location giving a briefing of Masonryin Wisconsin and requesting financial assistance to support the charities and theCaring to Grow campaign.

As Grand Master I put 42,000 miles on the car this year and made 216 dates. Iparticipated in 78 degrees and made 106 official lodge visits to 76 different lodges.I had the privilege of presiding over the installations of 26 lodges, twice installingfour lodges at a time. A copy of my itinerary follows this report.

The 34 Area Administrators I appointed made over 320 lodge meetings, oftenparticipating in the degrees and staying until the very end to even help clean up. Ihope we achieved something that I did not even intend going into the year. I hopewe have made it very clear to each and every lodge that the Grand Lodge Officersare truly here to help you in any way we can. This is not and never has been a “we”and “them” business. We are all in the boat rowing the same direction and as anofficer of the Grand Lodge, we desire to enhance your success in every way possible.

And this desire goes beyond the Grand Lodge officers, it extends to the staff inthe office.There is no way this fraternity could run without the willing and pleasantassistance of Cheryl, Jan, and Alicia; and also Erika in the Charities office. Theyreally will do just about anything for you guys.

There are two others who need to be mentioned here. Our Grand Treasurer,John Benedict, and our Grand Secretary Mike DeWolf. John had to learn a newsoftware program this year as well as conform to a revised structure for our finan-cial statements. Mike deserves far more credit for his contributions than we couldpossibly give him. I don’t mind saying that I don’t believe anybody could do thisjob as Grand Master without him. He spends countless numbers of hours on thephone, manages the Grand Lodge Office, handles the Grand Lodge website, andprovides sage and timely advice on a continual basis to the Grand Master. Mikewe are truly in your debt.

Finally, I want to leave you with this thought. Freemasonry is a spiritual orderthat serves to reinforce a man’s faith. I have had many occasions to discuss Ma-sonry with people and the one thing I tell them that I have come to recognize asthe strongest pull we have to attract them to this fraternity is this message. Whenthey understand that everything we do, all the time we give and all the charitableoutreach to our communities is because of a calling felt deeply in our hearts, it ringsconsistent with the very values they hold in their hearts, and they want to be a


part of it. For far too long we have shied away from proudly stating that this is whowe are. I hope to encourage you to never hesitate again to tell them exactly whowe are as Masons. We are a spiritual order that serves to reinforce a man’s faith.

The corps of Grand Lodge Officers who will continue to direct the affairs of thisGrand Lodge in the coming years are some of the finest men possibly assembled,and I look forward to the progress they will continue to make. Brethren, you havegiven me the privilege of shaping the attitudes and influencing the opinions regard-ing this fraternity throughout this state. It is a privilege that has been given to sofew, I want you to know that I will be eternally grateful. Hopefully you feel that Ihave represented you well.

Keep doing the Lord’s work – because you really are doing so.And may God blesseach and every one of you. Thank you very much.

Craig S. Campbell,Grand Master – 2009-2010

Grand Master’s Schedule 2009-2010

June 20099 – Myron Reed 297 100th Anniversary Rededication – Brookfield11 – Office hours at Grand Lodge – Dousman13 – Neosho 108 150th Anniversary Rededication – Neosho14 – Manawa 82 Cornerstone Ceremony – Manawa15 – Prince Hall Annual Communication – Madison17 – Office hours at Grand Lodge – Dousman17 – Work on Website Video – West Bend18 – Grand York Rite – Green Bay19 – McKinley 307 Table Lodge – Brookfield23 – Social 245 EA Degree – Cambridge24 – West Bend 138 Feast of St. John – West Bend25 – Office hours at Grand Lodge – Dousman25 – West Bend 138 MM Degree – West Bend27 – Jobie Bethel 64 Installation – West Bend29 – Ozaukee 17 FC Degree – Port Washington30 – Hiram Fisher 222 EA Degree – Florence

July 20091 – Freemasons 363 FC Degrees (5) – Milwaukee2 – Office hours at Grand Lodge – Dousman5 – Post A.C. Wrap-up Discussion – Cedarburg7 – Damascus 290 FC Degree (2) – Milwaukee8 – Imperial Shrine – San Antonio9 – Office hours at Grand Lodge – Dousman11 – PGM Donor Recognition w/Borgnine – Dousman14 – Geo. Wash. 337 FC Degree – Milwaukee16 – Combined Madison Masonic Bodies – Mineral Point17 – Rainbow Grand Assembly – Brookfield18 – Fish Day - DeMolay – Port Washintgon20 – Oconomowoc Lodge golf outing – Oconomowoc21 – Doric 356 FC Degree – Madison23 – Soccer - Pizza Party – Fond du Lac


24 – Van Brunt briefing - Bill Day – Delafield24 – Falls Fest – Menomonee Falls25 – Soccer - Game Day – Fond du Lac25 – DeMolay State Officers Installation – Racine26 – Sauk Prairie 113 150th Anniversary Rededication – Sauk Prairie27 – Clintonville 197 EA Degree – Clintonville28 – Channel 18/24 meeting – Germantown28 – Evergreen 93 MM Degree – Stevens Point29 – Pine 188 MM Degree – Oconto30 – Office hours at Grand Lodge – Dousman

August 20092 – Chicken BBQ – Dousman3 – DeMolay – West Bend5 – Freemasons 363 FC Degrees (5) – Milwaukee6 – Office hours at Grand Lodge – Dousman10 – Hartford 120 EA Degree – Hartford11 – Prairie View 95 MM Degree – Ripon14–16 – Midw. Conf. Of Grand Masters – Omaha17 – DeMolay Meeting – West Bend18 – Sheboygan 11 MM Degree – Sheboygan20 – Ad-hoc Committee Mtg - LLC – Dousman22–23 – Full Staff Meeting – Green Lake25 – Lincoln 183 FC Degree – Menomonee Falls27 – PGM Reception at WMH – Dousman27 – West Bend 138 MM Degree - Darren Cooksey – West Bend

September 20092 – Fish Day Wrap-up Meeting – Port Washintgon3 – Shawano 170 FC Degree – Shawano5 – Shawano 170 EA Degree (2) – Shawano9 – Priesthood Installation - Chuck Daily – Shawano10 – Waukesha 37 EA Degree (3) – Waukesha12 – Masonic Unity Dinner – Wisconsin Dells13 – DeMolay Installation – West Bend15 – Shell Lake 221 Friends Night – Shell Lake16 – Commonwealth 325 EA Degree – Madison17 – Shawano 170 Table Lodge – Shawano19 – Public Masonic Seminar – Antigo21 – DeMolay – West Bend22 – Geneva 44 Knights of Columbus Night – Lake Geneva23 – Des Peres 85 MM Degree – DePere24 – Carroll University – Waukesha24 – Ad-hoc Committee Mtg - LLC – Dousman25 – Henry Palmer 301 EA Degree (2) – Wauwatosa26 – Board Meetings – Dousman27 – Jobie GG & AGG Reception – Racine28 – Wauwatosa 267 FC Degree (4) – West Allis29 – Re: Sheboygan Lodge Issues – Port Washintgon30 – Hiram 50 EA Degree – Madison


October 20091 – Shawano 170 Building vote – Shawano2 – VA Hospital Visitation – Madison3 – Public Masonic Seminar – Eau Claire3 – DeMolay Honors Day – West Bend4 – Manawa 82 Lodge Consecration Ceremony – Manawa5 – Sheboygan 11 mtg w trustees – Germantown5 – DeMolay – West Bend6 – Waverly 51 EA Degree (2) – Appleton7 – Sheboygan 11 Meet w WM & Sec re: charges – Sheboygan8-10 – Grand Lodge of Illinois – Springfield10 – York Rite 150th Anniversary – Green Bay12 – Victory 320 MM Degree – Port Washintgon13 – Myron Reed 297 MM Degree – Brookfield14 – AASR – LaCrosse15 – Office hours at Grand Lodge – Dousman16 – Racine 18 Table Lodge – Racine20 – Middleton 180 FC Degree – Middleton22 – VA Hospital Visitation – Tomah24 – AASR – Eau Claire24 – AASR – Madison26 – Janesville 55 Past-Master’s Night – Janesville28 – RASM - Table Council – Waukesha29 – District 07 Meeting - Install Steve – Madison

November 20092 – Jefferson 9 EA Degree – Jefferson3 – Sheboygan 11 Install Sheboygan Lodge – Sheboygan5 – Groundbreaking - Rehab Center – Dousman7-11 – Full Staff Meeting – Oatmeal Lake10 – Barneveld 319 MM Degree – Barneveld12 – Frontier 45 EA Degree – LaCrosse13 – Prince Hall Fraternal Dinner – Milwaukee16 – DeMolay – West Bend17 – MasonWoods 368 50-yr. Presentation (2) – Cecil18 – Visit to V.A. Hospital – Milwaukee19 – Office hours at Grand Lodge – Dousman19 – Tomah 132 EA degree – Tomah23 – Victory 320 EA Degree (2) – Port Washington

December 20091 – Melody 2 Install Melody Lodge – Platteville3 – Waterloo 63 Friends Night – Waterloo5 – Wilmot 241 Install Wilmot Lodge – Wilmot5 – Zor Shrine Ceremonial – Madison6 – Washburn 145 Install Washburn Lodge – Bristol7 – Phillips 225 Install Phillips Lodge – Phillips8 – Lincoln 183 Install Lincoln Lodge – Menomonee Falls10 – Baird 174 Install Baird Lodge – Sturgeon Bay11 – Waukesha 37 Install Waukesha Lodge – Waukesha12 – Keystone 263 60 & 70-year presentations – Hayward12 – Superior 236 Install Superior Lodges – Superior


13 – Office hours at Grand Lodge – Dousman13 – Oconomowoc 42 Install Oconomowoc Lodge – Oconomowoc14 – Columbus 75 Install Columbus Lodge – Columbus16 – Office hours at Grand Lodge – Dousman16 – Prairie du Chien 8 Install Prairie du Chien Lodge – Prairie du Chien17 – Fond du Lac 26 Install Fond du Lac Lodge – Fond du Lac18 – Washington 21 Install Green Bay Lodges – Green Bay19 – DeMolay D-Prom - Tripoli – Milwaukee21 – Cassia 167 Install Cassia Lodge – Plymouth

January 20102 – Attend Beja Installation – Green Bay3 – West Bend 138 Install West Bend Lodge – West Bend7 – Manitowoc 65 Install Manitowoc Lodge – Manitowoc9 – Public Masonic Seminar – DeForest10 – Ozaukee 17 Install Ozaukee Lodge – Port Washington12 – Aurora 30 Install Aurora Lodge – Milwaukee13 – Oconomowoc 42 MM Degree – Oconomowoc16 – Board Meetings – Dousman17 – Kenosha 47 EA Degree (4) – Kenosha18 – DeMolay Meeting – West Bend22-24 – GM Trip to Florida – Florida25 – Hartford 120 Install Hartford Lodge – Hartford26 – Wilmot 241 EA Degree (2) – Wilmot27 – Dodge County 72 FC Degree (2) – Waupun28 – West Bend 138 EA Degree – West Bend29 – Grand Lodge Office Hours – Dousman30 – Jobie Bethel 64 Installation – West Bend30 – Ozaukee 17 Master’s Feast – Port Washintgon

February 20101 – Oconto Falls 293 EA Degree (2) – Oconto Falls2 – Grand Lodge Office Hours – Dousman4 – Juneau 103 EA Degree – Camp Douglas5-7 – GM Trip to Arizona & Texas – Arizona & Texas13-14 – Full Staff Meeting – Wausau16 – Office hours at Grand Lodge – Dousman16 – Waupun 48 FC Degree – Waupun18 – Waterloo 63 EA Degree – Waterloo20-23 – Conference of Grand Masters – Arlington, VA23 – Office hours at Grand Lodge – Dousman26 – Shrine Circus - Tripoli – Milwaukee27 – Public Masonic Seminar – Waukesha

March 20102 – Office hours at Grand Lodge – Dousman3 – Ozaukee 17 MM Degree - John (Alyssa’s) – Port Washington4 – Berlin 38 MM Degree – Berlin5 – Shrine Circus - Beja – Green Bay10 – Freemasons 363 Ladies at the Table – Milwaukee12 – Wisconsin 13 Table Lodge – Milwaukee13 – Eau Claire 112 Public Masonic Seminar – Eau Claire


16 – Sun Prairie 143 MM Degree – Sun Prairie19 – DeMolay LoH Dinner - Thunder Bay – Waukesha24 – Union Grove 288 Stated Meeting – Union Grove25 – Funeral - Bill Winkler – Menomonee Falls27 – Board Meetings – Dousman27 – Jobies - Waukesha County Ball – Brookfield28 – Scottish Rite - Feast of Paschal Lamb – Milwaukee31 – Van Brunt Hall Committee Meeting – Dousman31 – Prince Hall Table Lodge – Milwaukee

April 20105 – DeMolay - Honor Denman Kramer – Sauk Prairie8 – Palmer Star Chapter – Milwaukee8 – West Bend 138 FC - Nick Sobon - do lecture – West Bend9 – Office hours at Grand Lodge – Dousman10 – Lake 189 Rededication Ceremony – Milwaukee11 – Daughters of the Nile Installation – Madison16 – Office hours at Grand Lodge – Dousman17 – Public Masonic Seminar – Milwaukee17 – Jobies - Ariel Goerl Reception – Green Bay19 – Mineral Point 1 EA Degree – Mineral Point20 – Marinette 182 FC Degree – Marinette22 – Smith 31 2 EA Degrees – Monroe23-24 – AASR Degrees – Green Bay29 – Office Hours at Grand Lodge – Dousman

May 20101 – District 6 Meeting – Wisconsin Rapids1 – Jobies - Jessica Somerfeld Recep – Green Bay4 – Prairie View 95 Friends Night – Ripon6 – Warren 4 MM Degree - Joint Ldg Catfish Dinner – Potosi8 – Degree Competition – Wausau11 – Lincoln 183 Stated Meeting – Menomonee Falls12 – Van Brunt Ad Hoc Committee Mtg. – Dousman13 – DeMolay Foundation Board Mtg. – Waukesha14-15 – Full Staff Meeting – Milwaukee16 – Attend North Shore Congregational – Milwaukee16 – Reception - Grand Master – Slinger17 – West Bend DeMolay – West Bend18 – Grand Eastern Star Opening – Stevens Point20 – Fond du Lac 26 EA Degree- Jamison Kifer – Fond du Lac21 – West Allis 291 Table Lodge – West Allis22 – Board Meetings – Dousman23 – Shawano 170 Cornerstone Ceremony – Shawano24 – South Shore 3 EA Degree – South Milwaukee25 – Laflin 247 Roundtable Discussion – Mukwonago26 – West Bend 138 Practice MM Degree – West Bend27 – West Bend 138 MM Degree – West Bend28 – Office Hours at Grand Lodge – Dousman

June 20103-5 – Annual Communication – Madison

Report Accepted and Decision Adopted




Grand Secretary Michael DeWolf reported that the brethren had elected thefollowing:

M.W. Grand Master, Joseph B. HarkerR.W. Deputy Grand Master, Davey L. White, Jr.R.W. Senior Grand Warden, Dennis V. SiewertR.W. Junior Grand Warden, Daniel L. SlavikR.W. Grand Treasurer, John A. BenedictR.W. Grand Secretary, Michael A. DeWolf, PGMGrand Trustee, Lawrence L. Myers, PGM, – 5-year termMasonic Journal Board, Keith H. Harmon – 3-year termMasonic Journal Board, Lowell H. Scott – 3-year termBenevolent Activities Board, Donald W. Hensiak., - 3-year termBenevolent Activities Board, Dayton A. Jones, – 3-year term

Allacceptedtheirofficeswiththanksandpledgedtoservetothebestof theirability.


Steve Willett, PGM, Chairman:

“Most Worshipful Grand Master and Brothers all, my name is Stephen D. Willettand I am the chair of the Appeals and Grievances Committee for the Grand LodgeF & A.M. of Wisconsin. Others members of that committee are William D. Dyke,Travis Hand, James H. Olson, PGM and Steven R. Sorenson. The purpose of ourcommittee is to be just that we accept and review actions of the Grand Master andwe review expulsions and suspensions and edicts and decisions. For many years Ihave had the privilege to stand before you and indicate that happily we’ve had verylittle to do. Unfortunately this is not one of those years. We have reviewed, as theMostWorshipfulGrandMaster indicated,oneexpelledmemberandtwopermanentlysuspended members. We have reviewed those and we recommend the expulsion ofDavid C. Kaschel from the Grand Lodge F & AM of Wisconsin and also strip himof his membership from Baraboo Lodge No. 34.”

“The next action from the Grand Master was to permanently suspend MichaelK. Drout from Wisconsin Lodge No. 13. We have reviewed that decision and we de-termined that a permanent suspension is an expulsion and therefore we are goingto be recommending that Mr. Drout be expelled from our fraternity and from hismembership at Wisconsin Lodge No. 13.”

“The third action that the Grand Master took was a permanent suspension ofNicholas Wilson from Racine-Bell City Lodge No. 18. Once again we viewed thatpermanent suspension as the equivalent of an expulsion.We have treated it like suchand reporting to you our approval of it as an expulsion.

“Those are the three that we consider expulsions, we have reviewed the same andare recommending they be approved. As you have experienced in the past, I willseek an approval of my report and therefore its adoption and then these expulsionsbecome permanent.”


“The Grand Master has indicated that he also took administrative suspensionof four other Brother. Because they were all reinstated, we reviewed those suspen-sions and that activity and found it appropriate in his role as the Grand Master ofF & AM of Wisconsin. We approved those.

“All of the actions of the Grand Master are approved in that regard. As BrotherOlson reported, the Jurisprudence Committee reviewed the edicts and decisions.None of those were requested to be reviewed by the Appeals and Grievances Com-mittee and we did consult with the Jurisprudence Committee, meeting jointly toensure that those decision and edicts were appropriate. Based on the activity of thecommittee and on behalf of the committee, I move that my report be adopted andspread upon the proceedings.”

Respectfully submitted,

Stephen D. Willett, PGM, ChairmanWilliam D. DykeTravis M. Hand

James H. Olson, PGMSteven R. Sorenson

Report Adopted


Submitted by: Waupun Lodge No. 48

Section Affected: 31.01 (h)

Vote Required for Adoption: 75%

Purpose: To authorize a $1.00 increase in per capita tax for the GeorgeWashingtonMasonic National Memorial Association.

(Note: deletions are indicated by strike through; additions are indicatedby underline; omitted text is indicated by ***)

Resolved: That Section 31.01 (h) be restated and adopted as follows:

31.01 (h) For the Endowment Fund of the GeorgeWashington Masonic NationalMemorial Association, from each candidate for the Master Mason degree at thetime he pays his fee for that degree, to be remitted by the Secretary of each lodgeto the Grand Secretary with the annual per capita tax for each year…$5.00 andin addition, $1.00 be added to the per capita tax collected by the Grand Lodgeeach year for this purpose.

J. B. Van Hollen, PGM, who sits on the Board of Directors of the George Wash-ington National Masonic Memorial in Alexandria, VA, provided some informationon the need for these funds to maintain this monument. He explained that in hisresearch he found that the original purpose of erecting this building was not only tohonor George Washington, but to have it become a beacon for Masonry throughoutthe country. To continue to do this, it will need these requested funds.

Resolution Adopted



To the Grand Lodge Free and Accepted Masons of Wisconsin:

This report is submitted in compliance with Chapter 25 of the Masonic Code ofWisconsin.

Tabulated Report


Summary of all lodges

Primary Members at the start of this year: 13,914

GainsRaised: 289Reinstated: 85Affiliated: 43Total Gains 417

LossesDied: 495Suspended: 345Resigned: 140Expelled: 1Total Losses 981Variance: -22

Primary Members at the end of this year: 13,328

Perpetual Members RecapLiving Primary: 1,898Deceased Primary: 906Living Plural: 111Deceased Plural: 47Memorial Plural: 97Total Perpetual Members: 3,126

Total Per Capita Membership 11,430(Primary Members at year end less Living Primary Perpetual Members less ExemptPrimary Members)

Per Capita Tax due for 2009 ($31.00/Primary Member) $354,330.00Additional Fees incurred during 2009

Master Masons Raised: 289 @ $10.00 $2,890.00Members reinstated: 85 @ $5.00 $425.00Entered Apprentices Initiated: 425 @ $5.00 $2,125.00

Total due to the Grand Lodge $359,770.00

Grand Master’s Jewel and ApronIn accordance with the provisions of Section 25.05 of the Masonic Code, a Past

Grand Master’s Collar and Jewel for our 2010-2011 Grand Master Joseph B.Harkerand a separate Past Grand Master’s Jewel for our 2009-2010 Grand Master CraigS. Campbell have been procured.


Grand Lodge ProceedingsIn accordance with the provisions of Section 25.06 of the Masonic Code, the

Journal of Proceedings of the 165th Annual Communication was prepared by mewith the assistance of the Grand Lodge office and printed by Ripon CommunityPrinters. The proceedings were distributed in January 2010.

1 copy to each Area Administrator1 copy to each District Lecturer1 copy to each Constituent Lodge Secretary1 copy to each Grand Lodge officer1 copy to each Past Grand Master1 copy to each Permanent Member1 copy to each Grand Lodge Trustee1 copy to Jurisprudence Committee Chairman1 copy to C.E.O, Wisconsin Masonic Home1 copy to each Scottish Rite Valley1 copy to Prince Hall Grand Lodge1 copy to Masonic Service Association1 copy to George Washington Masonic National Memorial Association1 copy to Milwaukee Public Library1 copy to the Cedar Rapids Masonic Library in Iowa1 copy to State Historical Society

A copy of our proceedings was placed on the Grand Lodge of WI web site. I con-tacted all Sister Jurisdictions in the U.S and Canada by email to let them knowthat should they desire a copy of our proceeding it was available via downloadfrom our web site.

Fifty Year CertificatesAs of April 30, 2010, one hundred seventy-five 50-year certificates were prepared

by the Grand Secretary’s staff for presentation to deserving Brethren. These cer-tificates were signed by Grand Master Craig S. Campbell and the Grand Secretary.The names of all recipients will be printed in the Proceedings.

Unfinished business and Proposed LegislationOn April 16, 2010 a complete account of all unfinished business and a copy of all

proposed legislation, including the Grand Lodge budget for the 2010-2011 fiscalyear, was sent to each constituent lodge Secretary, for the Master and Wardens,complying with the terms of Section 25.07 and 29.05(c) of the Masonic Code.

Financial ReportsThe accounting firm of Clifton, Gunderson & Co. will conduct the annual audit

of the financial affairs of the Grand Lodge F. & A.M. of Wisconsin, the WisconsinMasonic Journal, the Wisconsin Masonic Foundations, for the fiscal year endingApril 30, 2010. These reports will be printed in the Proceedings.

Emergent CommunicationsThere were 9 emergent communications and are as follows.

• Myron Reel #297 - Brookfield 100th Anniversary Rededication• Neosho-Mayville-Horicon #108 – Mayville 100thAnniversary&Cornerstone• Manawa #82 – Manawa Cornerstone Ceremony• Municipal Building – Endeavor Building Dedication• Sauk Prairie #113 – Prairie du Sac 150thAnniversary&Rededication


• Manawa #82 – Manawa Lodge Dedication• Three Pillars Campus – Dousman Groundbreaking Ceremony• Lake Lodge Building – Milwaukee Lodge Rededication• Shawano #170 – Shawano Cornerstone Ceremony

Lodge Consolidations, Charter Surrenders & New DispensationsAs of April 30, 2010, three lodges consolidated as follows: Park Falls Lodge No.

300 and Phillips Lodge No. 225 consolidated on May 16, 2009 to be called PhillipsLodge No. 225, Alma Lodge No. 184 and Buffalo River Lodge No. 252 consolidatedon May 16, 2009 to be called Buffalo River Lodge No. 252 and Excelsior Lodge No.175 and Lake Lodge No. 189 consolidated on May 18, 2009 to be called Lake LodgeNo. 189. As of April 30, 2010 there were 183 active lodges in Wisconsin.

Tax ReportsThe Group 990 Income Tax Report for the 183 constituent lodges in the year

2009 was filed with the Exempt Organization Division of the Internal RevenueService complying with the authorization given the Grand Lodge F. & A.M. ofWisconsin under regulation 1.6022-2(A) (d) (d) Group Returns. This group returnis filed under I.D. No. 23-7145169. There have been a number of changes in the990 processes, additional paperwork will be required and kept on file. The lodgeswill be advised of the new requirement and how they will need to be handled asour internal processes are developed.

Grand Lodge Master Insurance PolicyThe Grand Lodge Master Insurance Policy was scheduled for renewal on 1 May

2010. This Master Policy covers property, boiler, employee dishonesty, general li-ability, non-owned auto liability, fine arts, paraphernalia and other enhancementsspecifically designed to cover our fraternal exposure. Additionally, we carry a$10,000,000.00 Umbrella Policy, which covers all lodges in the Master Program.Annual insurance costs make up a large portion of lodge budgets and is of criticalconcern to all of us. We have managed to reduce premiums since 2005. I am verypleased to announce that we have completed negotiations with 7 insurance car-riers and have placed the business with The Spectrum Insurance Group. Thepolicy is underwritten by NSI a division of West Bend Insurance. NSI specializes incustomers such as the Grand Lodge of WI. Now here is the exciting news, we havenegotiated a reduction on overall premium of 26.6%, the coverage has increasedand here is the great part…our property deductable has been reduced from $5,000to $1,000, this my Brothers is a huge benefit to our lodges. Our representative fromSpectrum is Mr. Jesse Furrer he is very familiar with our business model and wasour representative prior to the sale of Wausau Signature Agency. Jesse is preparedto visit all the District Meetings to address any questions you may have.

Wisconsin Masonic CodeThe Wisconsin Masonic Code is the controlling document with which we govern

our Craft.The Code is available on our Web site at http://www.wisc-freemasonry.organd is available to download as a Word Document or in PDF form. Since the Codehas been converted to an electronic format one of the key features is the ability todo key word searches. We will continue to work to make this document as friendlyto use as possible.

EmailThe Grand Lodge Officers and the Grand Lodge,along with many lodges continue

to use this effective tool to communicate and it is becoming one of the most common


tools we use today. You can email directly to any one in the office: Jan Gorgen ourOffice Manager is, Alicia Darr our Bookkeeper is, Cheryl Martin our Receptionist is, and I can be reached at

We encourage you to use this tool for the majority of your requests or processes.I want to remind each of the members and lodges that there are protocols thatshould still be followed for communicating within other grand jurisdictions. Allcorrespondence should still be sent through the Grand Secretary and I will thenforward it on to the respective recipient’s Grand Lodge. As our technology grows,we still have to maintain certain courtesies that are considered important to manyMasons and Grand Jurisdictions.

Grand Lodge Phone SystemOur Phone system was replaced last year and the new system has allowed us to

streamline our business and increase communication with the membership.DuringOffice hours the phone will continue to be answered by a ‘real’ person, after hoursyour call is routed to the proper voice mail.

The Grand Lodge Phone Directory is:

Grand Lodge of WI Wisconsin Masonic Journal• Cheryl Martin 800 • Richard Rygh 808• Grand Master 802• Jan Gorgen 803 York Rite Office• Alicia Darr 804 • Heidi Farrell 871• Michael DeWolf 807 • Gary Parker 872

Wisconsin Masonic Charities Eastern Star• Erika Miller 831 • Sharon Swartwout 851• William Barnes 832 • Maureen Wise 852

• Mary Olson 853

MORI: The Masonic Online Registry InterfaceMORI has been rolled out to the lodges and has been very well accepted. On May

7th, 2010 we implemented Kase Manager. Kase Manager is a help desk softwareprogram that allows us to manage various day to day issues whether it be softwareor member related. Trouble Tickets are issued and tracked and resolution is easierto manage. I have worked with the developers of Kase Manager and WI is now abeta test site for the system, additionally, we are allowed to use the software at nocost to our Jurisdiction. If you need assistance or have support questions just sendan email to

District Secretary MeetingThis upcoming year it is my intention to hold District Secretary meetings in

conjunction with District Meeting.We have many new Secretaries around the stateand I want to make sure they have the tools necessary to do their job.

Office StaffI am very proud of the ladies of our Grand Lodge Office. Over the last year we

have had many new technological changes and each of them has met the challengespresented. Our service level to the Craft is exceptional and the members of thisJurisdiction are very fortunate to have a dedicated group of employees in their


Grand Lodge office. Jan Gorgen, Alicia Darr and Cheryl Martin manage your officeactivities on a daily basis. They all have Masonic ties and I believe it is more thanjust a job to them. They believe in what we as Freemasons do. All three of themare here this weekend and I would ask that you take a minute to meet them andthank them for all they do for our fraternity.

PersonalThis past year has been personally challenging for me. On behalf of my wife

Marilyn and myself I would like to personally thank the many lodges and Brethrenfrom WI and around the world for their prayers, calls, cards, flowers, and lettersof support. Your support has been overwhelming and I truly believe the power ofprayer has helped Marilyn survive some very dark times. Her health continues toimprove and for that we are very thankful. Thank you to all the Brethren.

ConclusionIt has been a great joy and pleasure to serve you the Freemasons of Wisconsin

this past year. To the Grand Master, Grand Lodge Officers, Members of the Boardsand Committees, Masters, and Secretaries of the lodges, I express my grateful ap-preciation to you for allowing me to give something back to our fraternity.

Respectfully Submitted,

Michael A. DeWolf, P.G.M.

Report Accepted

Grand Lodge of Wisconsin50 Year Certificates Awarded

Between 6/1/2009 and 5/31/2010

Edgar R. Allingham (174) Richard B. Anderson (350) William H. Arnsdorf (347)Robert W. Atchison (82) Alfred V. Berg (364) Wesley Berg (177)Walter C. Berger Jr. (267) Dennis R. Boettcher (186) George Bott Jr. (80)Ellsworth Brooks (132) Samuel G. Brown (12) Lloyd A. Byington (132)Jesse E. Bytell (17) John W. Chapman (45) Richard R. Chapman (182)Leland Chenoweth (177) D. James Childs (50) Vincent C. Crane (72)Roy F. Deetjen (320) Marcus C. Doolittle Jr. (190) Wilfred T. Dow (63)William E. Dow (120) Alfred J. Dunn (291) Norbert W. Ecke (170)Carl F. Einsiedel (267) Vern F. Engebretson (230) Arild G. Engelien (177)Claire C. Faulkner (367) Charles W. Fick (167) Charles C. Franklin (18)Rudolf E. Gartzke (50) Frederick W. Goering (170) Leo P. Golper (51)Frank E. Groff (50) Richard H. Hackbarth (301) Eugene S. Hagen (180)Russell C. Hale (81) Paul D. Hallingstad (356) Douglas R. Hamilton (113)Carl R. Hansen (347) Howard H. Hanson (99) Richard M. Hayden (325)David B. Hays (315) Howard G. Herbeck (325) John H. Heyer (12)John W. Hill (170) Hilman H. Hilt (177) Robert J. Hinrichs (180)Richard A. Hook (50) Nyle B. Hovey (221) Jack J. Jansky (45)Clifford W. Jensen (3) Bill Julian (242) Robert A. Kartman (180)Karl N. Kaschel (265) Jerold J. Kassens (358) Howard C. Keeler (189)William F. Kelly (287) Joseph H. Key (247) Paul W. Kish (190)Brian W. Klatt (37) Herbert F. Knepper (189) Robert G. Koenig (291)Donald G. Koller (113) L. Gordon Kolm (28) Eugene D. Koplitz (317)Walter A. Kraft (320) Alan L. Krause (229) Duane H. Kundert (113)Thomas Lantinen (222) Robert R. Larsen (244) Leverne L. Lawton (325)Robert B. Lehmann (297) Paul J. Leitch (109) Russell D. Lund (177)


Allan D. Luttrell (291) Jack A. Lyman (291) Robert W. McConnell (265)Jim McNeill (1) Richard A. Messner (55) Donald K. Mickelson (50)Arden R. Mikich (237) Donald R. Miller (55) Robert G. Mund (301)Leonard C. Nelson (50) Walter Nelson (82) Robert B. Nienow (265)Quentin Norby (174) David D. Olson (26) Everett J. Papke (252)William J. Parana (37) Donald R. Pedersen (82) Robert E. Peterson (280)John O. Plahn (221) Burleigh A. Randolph (45) Bobby E. Riddle (69)John M. Ringquist (45) Marvin P. Rosin (291) Hobart K. Sailor (310)Gordon R. Saueressig (229) David D. Savin (189) Glen E. Schara (356)Harold F. Schuman (177) James A. Senty (177) John Senty (177)Virgil L. Sharp (63) Lawrence B. Shepard (128) Ronald L. Shultis (79)Robert F. Shutter (132) Lloyd L. Smith (17) Stanley W. Sterman (120)Ronald R. Stewart (109) James G. Stirmel (12) Charles H. Strand (9)Robert R. Strunk (221) Roy E. Subera (132) Ray A. Sundet (45)Oliver W. Swenson (182) Gerald A. Taylor (247) George W. Tincher (170)Donald E. Tjugum (356) William A. Tye (80) Nick Tzakais (80)John C. Van Hollen (277) Dale A. Viney (109) David L. Vosseteig (177)Herbert F. Walther (290) Thomas B. Watkins (50) Joseph F. Weinig (170)James O. Weyant (177) Milton E. White (356) Curtis J. Whitman (242)Gerald R. Wick (170) George T. Williams (82) Kenneth R. Witt (356)Philip F. Witte (356) Robert O. Witte (356) Phillip A. Workman (79)George F. Zinser (12) John D. Zitzner (297)


To the Grand Lodge Free and Accepted Masons of Wisconsin:

Complying with Section 24.02 and 34.02 of the Wisconsin Masonic Code, Laws ofthe Grand Lodge, it is a privilege to submit the Grand Treasurer’s Annual Report.

As of May 10, 2010, all lodges with the exception of Manitowoc #65, and SaukPrairie #113, have submitted their Annual Financial Reports. All of these lodgeshave been sent written notices and have been contacted by the Grand Master asto their delinquencies.

There are currently 3,059 Perpetual Membership Plan participants of whom2,009 are living and active. The total PMP per capita funds received were $38,970.

The Auditors’ report will verify all receipts and disbursements and give an an-nual accounting of the existing condition of the funds of the Grand Lodge as ofApril 30, 2010, complying with the terms of Section 24.02 and 34.02 and are notduplicated here. The audit report, in full detail, is on file in the Grand Lodge of-fice for review by any member of the Craft. Also, the report will be printed in theofficial proceedings of this Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge Free andAccepted Masons of Wisconsin.

The proposed budget for next year is in similar format as was used last year.It nowincludes actual fiscal year end results for 2007, 2008 and 2009 which gives a clearsummary of our Grand Lodge financial results for these three years. The projectionfor 2009-2010 is based on our actual results through February and estimates of ourincome and expenses for the last two months of this fiscal year. Revenue for thisyear was up because of income that was received from the Wisconsin Mason Homein accordance with the agreement that was reached on the Rehab and WellnessExpansion. Expenses were also up in a number of areas. This includes additionaltravel by our Grand Lodge Officers, Deputies and Area Administrators, the legal


costs associated with the Rehab and Wellness Expansion and the legal review ofby-law changes for the Wisconsin Masonic Home.

The Grand Lodge of Wisconsin has two main sources of income for the operatingbudget - investment income allocation and per capita tax.There was good improve-ment with our investments this year.We needed just over $118,500 in an investmentincome allocation to balance our budget which was down from last year.The contin-ued decrease in our per capita tax is an ongoing concern. As shown in the budgetproposal, in the last three years the per capita tax has dropped by over $50,000.

In compliance with Section 24.01 of the Wisconsin Masonic Code, I have madearrangements to sign all mileage and per diem checks for the representatives at-tending the 2010 Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge Free and AcceptedMasons of Wisconsin. The distribution of these checks will be made on Saturday,June 5, 2010, in conformity with Section 30.06 of the Wisconsin Masonic Code.

Thank you my Brothers, for the privilege of allowing me to continue to serve asyour Grand Treasurer. This year has been a continuing learning experience as Iget a better understanding of the business side of our great Fraternity.The supportof our Grand Lodge staff has made my job much easier as they have always beenthere to give me the help that I needed. To our Grand Master Craig S. Campbelland your Grand Lodge Officers, I thank you for the opportunity to serve the Craftand be a part of the Grand Lodge team.

John A. BenedictGrand Treasurer

Report Accepted


Submitted By: Committee on Expenditures

Section(s) Affected:

Vote Required for Adoption: Majority

Purpose: To provide for Per Capita Tax.

(Note: deletions are indicated by strike through; additions are indicatedby underline; omitted text is indicated by ***)

RESOLVED, that the annual per capita tax upon each member of record of achartered lodge on December 31, 2010, be and hereby is established at the sum ofThirty-seven dollars and no cents ($37.00) for the fiscal year 2010-2011.

Resolution Adopted


To the Grand Lodge Free and Accepted Masons of Wisconsin:

In compliance with Section 29.05 of the Wisconsin Masonic Code, we are pleasedto submit the Expenditures Committee report and the proposed budget for thefiscal year 2010-2011.


On April 16, 2010 copies of the proposed budget for the Grand Lodge Free andAccepted Masons of Wisconsin were mailed to each constituent Lodge and tothe officers and permanent members of the Grand Lodge. Resolution No. 1-2010addresses the adoption of this budget with this adoption recommended by theExpenditures Committee.

The Expenditures Committee met numerous times in 2009-2010 to develop thebudget of anticipated income and expenditures for fiscal year 2010-2011. Based onthe direction of the Deputy Grand Master we understood that it was important forus to look at both our revenue sources and the necessary expenditures to providethe quality and expected services that are needed by the Lodges and the Brothersthat we serve.

In the past, it has been the practice to look at past budgets when developing thebudget plan for the upcoming year. We felt it was important to look at actual yearend results and we wanted you to see these actual results as well. Thus the budgetformat includes actual fiscal year end results for 2007, 2008 and 2009 as well asthe year end projection for 2009-2010.

The proposed budget for 2010-2011 shows total expenditures of $828,700 whichis an increase of about 4.7% from our expenditures of the past year. This increaseis a result of the following:

1. Increase in funding for the Wisconsin Masonic Journal to return to the higherquality paper stock and to cover the anticipated increase in postage andprinting costs.

2. Include the funds based on the anticipated favorable vote on Resolution #13-2010 in support of increase giving to the George Washington Memorial.

3. Increase in funds to do the needed maintenance on the Grand Lodge Buildingwhich has been put off for the last few years.

4. Increase in funds to include an additional paid staff position to help in meet-ing the necessary requirement of our office in today’s business environmentwhich now includes the Sarbanes-Oxley requirement of the government. Alsoincluded are funds for an anticipated health care cost increase and for smallmerit increase for our current staff so that we can keep wages competitive.

The last time the per capita tax increased was in 2006 at which time it was in-creased by $5.00. Your Expenditures Committee has worked very hard to developthis budget that we believe will allow your Grand Lodge to function at the highquality of service that it provides to each and every Lodge and each and everymember of our craft. To that end we find it necessary to come to you and ask for a$6.00 per capita increase. This per capita tax increase is addressed in Resolution2-2010 with adoption recommended by the Expenditures Committee.

On the revenue side we have included some increase in the rent we receive inour Grand Lodge Building as well as an increase in administrative fees we receive.We also have included an investment income allocation of $112,800 which is downslightly from this past year.

As we go forward, the members of the Expenditures Committee will look at theway we handled the business side of our fraternity. It is hoped that we will be ableto generate additional sources of revenue and to continue to operate in the mostefficient manner for the benefit of the craft.


Respectfully Submitted,

John A. Benedict, Grand Treasurer, ChairmanJoseph B. Harker, Deputy Grand Master

Davey L, White, Jr., Senior Grand WardenDennis V. Siewert, Junior Grand Warden

Daniel L. Slavik, Senior Grand DeaconWilliam Beetcher, Junior Grand Deacon

Michael A. DeWolf, Grand Secretary

Report Accepted





Submitted by: Committee on Expenditures

Section(s) Affected: 29.05

Vote Required for Adoption: Majority

Purpose: To present the budget for the fiscal year 2010-2011

(Note: deletions are indicated by strike through; additions are indicatedby underline; omitted text is indicated by ***)

RESOLVED, that the attached budget, which has been mailed to all constituentLodges in accordance with Section 29.05(c) calling for expenditures of $828,700be adopted.

Resolution Adopted


To: The Grand Lodge Free and Accepted Masons of Wisconsin

“Brethren, it has been my pleasure and sometimes displeasure during the lastseveral years, to serve as chairman of the Ad Hoc Committee to try to figure outwhat the future is going to be for Van Brunt Hall. Brother John Wilke, as GrandMaster, appointed me to chair that committee two years ago and our current GrandMaster asked me to chair that committee again this year, so it is my privilege atthis time to give you the report of that committee.”

“The 2009-2010 Ad Hoc Committee for the future use of Van Brunt Hall hascompleted its tasks. I want to thank the many brethren who have provided theirservices to this committee during the last several years. This committee has beenfocusedondevelopinganoptiontopreservethebuildingandconvert it fromaliabilityto an asset as directed by this Grand Lodge two years ago in lieu of continuing tomothball it or demolish it. This report will only address the strategies developedtowards converting it into a 150 seat casual dining restaurant with a bar and a 300seat banquet hall. The final meeting of this committee was held on May 12, 2010.”

“During that meeting the Knutson family presented their business plan includingtheir efforts to raise capital. They have sent a letter of intent to the Grand Master.In that letter and with their business plan they commit to providing a minimum of$630,000 and up to $2,331,000 to help renovate the building from grant funds theyhave requested. The amount provided will depend on how much of what they haverequested is granted. They are ready to negotiate a triple net lease for 20 yearswith options for two 10 year extensions. They and we should know how much theyare granted by September of 2010.”

“The Knutson’s business plan proposes a triple net lease which will pay theproperty taxes levied on the commercial portion of the building which they leaseas well as the insurance, utilities, and maintenance for that portion of the building.They also will pay approximately 50% of these type costs for the common areas ofthe building as they will lease approximately 50% of the building. Their lease feewill start at $150,000 the first year and escalate at 2% per year. The lease fee in


the 10th year would be $210,000.”

“The best estimate for the cost to renovate the building is $ 5,400,000.The actualcosts couldbe lowerafterbidsaresolicited.Usingtheestimatedcosts the fraternitiescapital needs would range from $ 3,069,000 to $ 4,770,000.Possible sources for thesefunds include Tax Credits for Historic Building renovation estimated at $ 800,000,a TIF from the Village of Dousman in the amount of $540,000, grants from variousfoundations interested in preserving historic buildings, a capital campaign withinthe fraternity and borrowing through the issue of Midwest Disaster Relief Bonds.”

“The financial strategy being considered would use the cash flow from the Knut-son’s lease as well as the cash flow from leases issued to not-for-profit entities beingconsidered for the west wing of the building to retire the bonds after paying theexpenses of operating the building. When the actual amount to be contributed bythe Knutson’s is known a proforma can be prepared to define the amount of capitalthe fraternity will need to raise as well as debt service.”

“The governance strategy being considered is a exempt LLC buildingassociation. This would be a pass through entity to another tax exempt entity suchas the Grand Lodge or the Wisconsin Masonic Home.”

“After lengthy discussion of all of the above business plans, proformas, andstrategies during the May 12th meeting, no consensus could be reached within thecommittee on whether or how to proceed with the renovation of Van Brunt Hall.”

“The proposed renovation of Van Brunt Hall involves a 20 year plus commit-ment. The financial and governance issues are complex. This committee has triedto exercise due diligence to identify all of these issues.”

“Key issues which need resolution are:

1. How successful will the Knutson’s be in their fund raising efforts?2. How would the Fraternity raise the balance of the capital needed to renovate

the building? If that fund raising required collateral, what would be the sourceof such collateral as the GrandTrustees position approved by this Grand Lodgelast year was that no Grand Lodge funds could be used for such a project norcould any Grand Lodge assets be encumbered to raise capital for this project.

3. Assessment of the probability of the Knutson’s success in the proposed com-mercial venture and the associated risk to the Fraternity for liability of anyfunds borrowed to fund the project should the Knutson’s be unsuccessful.

4. The governance strategy has two issues.a. Would the pass through entity be a pass through to the Grand Lodge or to

the Wisconsin Masonic Home?b. Will the Grand Lodge Trustees agree to transfer title for approximately

five acres to the proposed 501.c.2. Building Association?”

“At the conclusion of the meeting the representatives of the Executive Commit-tee, the Grand Trustees and the Wisconsin Masonic Home Board agreed to discussthese issues to their next meetings, each scheduled for May 22, 2010.”

“Most Worshipful Grand Master, I move the acceptance of this report and thatit be spread upon the record.”

William E Day, PGM, for the committeeReport Accepted



Grand Master Campbell called Brother Bill Stonecipher and Brother Pat Storrsto the East and said that he felt privileged to be able to recognize these two out-standing individuals for their service to the craft.

After reading each of their extensive lists of accomplishments and membershipsto various bodies in the Masonic family, each recipient said a few words in accep-tance with gratitude and humility. They were given a hearty round of applause.


Grand Master Craig Campbell pointed out that there were venders on the lowerlevel in the Madison Masonic Center as well as at the Concourse Hotel across thestreet. He announced that WMBAB would have a short meeting with ChairmanDon Hensiak before lunch. He encouraged each and every lodge to budget for flatpaneled monitors like the ones they were using in the Grand Lodge room today.They would be a great addition for viewing the slides in the degrees at their lodge.He continued by listing the break-out sessions that would be offered followinglunch giving the time for the installation of officers and banquet to follow, laterthat afternoon and evening.

The Grand Chaplain was asked to offer a prayer before proceeding to lunch.



Several breakout sessions were scheduled Friday afternoon. The Grand Mastersuggested that everyone try to attend two of them. They were as follows:

1. Posting the Right Way – RWSGW Davey L. White, Jr., 1-2 pm, Auditorium2. Membership Retention – WJGW Don Hensiak, 2-3 pm, Auditorium3. Temple Plans & Finance – Pat Storrs, 1-2 pm, Lodge Rm. 24. Symbolism – Silas H Shepherd Lodge, 2-3 pm, Lodge Rm. 25. How to handle lodge business with M.O.R.I. – MWPGM Michael DeWolf,

1:30 pm, Concourse Hotel


The open installation of the Grand Lodge officers for 2010-2011 was held in theAuditorium of the Madison Masonic Center in Madison at 5:30 p.m. and was at-tended by representatives and guests.

Installing Grand Officers were:

M.W. Michael A. DeWolf, P.G.M. 2003-2004 – Installing Grand MasterM.W. Kingman D. Loomis, P.G.M. 1987-1988 – Installing ChaplainM.W. Lawrence L. Myers, P.G.M. 191988-1989 – Installing Marshal

Officers installed for the 2010-2011 year were:

Joseph B. Harker............................................................ Grand MasterDavey L. White, Jr. ............................................Deputy Grand Master


Dennis V. Siewert .............................................. Senior Grand WardenDaniel L. Slavik................................................. Junior Grand WardenJohn A. Benedict........................................................ Grand TreasurerMichael A. DeWolf, PGM............................................Grand SecretaryDonald F. Iliff...............................................................Grand ChaplainKenneth C. Gorgen.......................................................Grand LecturerWilliam Beetcher................................................Senior Grand DeaconFranklin J. Struble .............................................Junior Grand DeaconDonald W. Hensiak ........................................... Senior Grand StewardL. Arby Humphrey............................................ Junior Grand StewardJohn W. Krinke .............................................................Grand MarshalFrank J. Mayer ................................................................... Grand TilerTravis M. Hand...................District Deputy Grand Master, District 1H. Scott Paulson .................District Deputy Grand Master, District 2John C. Tilley......................District Deputy Grand Master, District 3Christopher J. Hirthe .........District Deputy Grand Master, District 4Mark D. Jerdee ...................District Deputy Grand Master, District 5Travis J. Lehrer ..................District Deputy Grand Master, District 6David C. Bomkamp.............District Deputy Grand Master, District 7Scott E. Pedley....................District Deputy Grand Master, District 8Ralph L. Behlke..................District Deputy Grand Master, District 9David E. Tainter ...............District Deputy Grand Master, District 10John P. Marra ...................District Deputy Grand Master, District 11Robert C. Strader..............District Deputy Grand Master, District 12


The 167th Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Wisconsin will be heldin the city of Madison,Wisconsin commencing on the Second Friday,being theTenthday of June, 2011 at 8:30 a.m.


The reception and a dinner of beef tenderloin followed the installation of officers.The dinner was attended by approximately 430 persons in the Ballroom of theMadison Masonic Center on the lower level. Remarks were given by the heads ofmany Masonic bodies and fellowship was enjoyed by all.



“Prudence …is that habit by which we wisely judge and prudentially determineon all things relative to our present as well as to our future happiness…”

Most Worshipful Grand Master of Masons in Wisconsin, Craig S. Campbell,distinguished quests, and delegates to the 166th Annual Communication of theGrand Lodge Free and Accepted Masons of Wisconsin.

Chapter 28 of the Masonic Code of Wisconsin requires the Grand Trustees tosubmit to the Grand Lodge at each Annual communication a report on their official


acts. This is our report for the fiscal year ending April 30, 2010.

The Wisconsin Statutes and the Wisconsin Masonic Code with Annotations,delineate the number and qualifications of Grand Trustees, their election andtenure, vacancies, custody of securities, annual report, and supervision of propertyrequirements.There are five GrandTrustees of the Grand Lodge,elected to five-yearterms, with one elected at each Annual Communication, who shall not be eligibleto re-election to such office for a successive term. A Grand Trustee is a statutory,not a Masonic officer.

Chapter 188 of the Wisconsin Statutes, as it relates to Masonry, vests title in theGrand Trustees of all real and personal property that shall have been conveyed bydevise, gift, grant, purchase or otherwise to the society (fraternity).

Pursuant to Chapter 188 of the Wisconsin Statutes and Chapter 28, and otherreferences of the Wisconsin Masonic Code, the Grand Trustees have legal custodyof all bonds, obligations and securities, and legal title to all real estate. The GrandTrustees exercise a general supervision over the property, both real and personal,including trust funds of the Grand Lodge, unless otherwise provided by regulationof the Grand Lodge. The Grand Trustees are governed by the “prudent man” rulefor the investment of funds of the Grand Lodge.

During the 2009 - 2010 Masonic year, the Grand Trustees met numerous times,in person, by telephone conference call, and by email.The Grand Trustees govern bythree sub-committees, Real Estate, Finance and General Operations. We generallydetermine policy, goals and objectives by reaching a consensus.

Investments.Our fiscal year is May 1 to April 30. M & I Trust Company N.A. is our depository.

o Grand Lodge Investments in Marketable Securities.The GrandTrusteesoversee the investments of the Grand Lodge. The investment policy adopted by theTrustees provides for a target for marketable securities of 70% equity – 30% fixedincome asset allocation. The equity portion is further allocated 35% large capital-ization, 7.50% mid-cap, 7.50% small-cap and 20% international.

o The Grand Trustees retain Alpha Investment Consulting Group to provideadvice on investments and investment managers. The Grand Trustees have onefixed income manager, J.B. Investment Management, and seven equity managers:Daruma Asset Management (small cap), Vanguard (mid cap), American Beacon(large cap value), Vanguard (large cap index), American Funds – Growth Fundof America (large cap growth), DFA-International (small cap international) andMasters’ Select Funds (large cap international).

o At the beginning of the fiscal year, May 1, 2009, the Grand Lodge marketablesecurities investments were $7,008,693. At April 30, 2010, the end of the GrandLodge fiscal year, the assets had a value of $8,763,577. The Grand Trustees trans-ferred cash of $200,000 during the fiscal year to the Grand Lodge checking accountfor operations.

o The total return for the Grand Lodge investments for the fiscal year was 29.8%.The equity portion had a total return of 42.3%, while the fixed income total returnwas 6.8%. The total return was 2/10th of 1% less than the 30% target goal of the


Grand Trustees. This small difference was attributable to the fact that the actualasset allocation to equity investments was slightly less that the target.

o Over a three-year period, the Grand Trustees investment policy would haveproduced an annualized loss of 1.4%, while the actual annualized loss was 0.6%.Over a five-year period, the investment policy would have produced an annualizedgain of 4.4%, while the actual return was an annualized gain 4.5%.

Mortgages. As allowed by Chapter 33, Wisconsin Masonic Code, the Grand Trust-ees hold promissory notes and real estate mortgages securing the loans, on threeconstituent lodge properties, all of which are current, in the following amounts, ascompared to one year ago:

2009 2010Blue Hills Lodge #234 $108,968.24 $107,011.20Island City Lodge #330 $ 89,623.68 $ 88,358.43Evergreen #93 $180,000.00 $180,000.00

Total $378,591.92 $375,369.63.

Two other lodges have inquired regarding possible loans.

Asaguideline,theGrandTrusteesadoptedapolicythat thetotalamountof loans to constituent lodges is not exceed 10% of unrestricted funds.

Real Estate. The next section of this report deals with Grand Lodge real property.

o Duplex. We continue renting the two-family duplex on the Dousman Campus.The annual rentals bring in a cash flow of approximately $23,400.

o New London Apartments. As you know, we own a 12-unit apartment com-plex in New London, WI. The unit formerly housed the New London lodge withthe apartment units. We continue to rent nearly all of the 12 units. The rentalcash flow to April 30 was $62,100. We made timely repairs and maintenance. TheGrand Trustees continue to have the option of marketing the property for sale orcontinuing to use it as a source of income.

We particularly acknowledge the efforts of Brother Arthur and Carol Pfitzingerwho act as our agents.

o Farm. As you know, we own a 140-acre farm near our Grand Masonic Center.We renewed the existing lease with a local farmer for another two years. The cur-rent farm lease provides an income of about $21, 525 per year. We expect this landwill continue to appreciate. The appropriate, highest and best use of the farmlandis a very important issue for future Grand Trustees to deal with.

o Wisconsin Masonic Home Inc. This past Masonic year the Grand Trusteesdealt with the Chief Executive Officer and Board of Directors of the Wisconsin Ma-sonic Home Inc. (WMH). As you know, the WMH board is responsible for operatingour Three Pillars Senior Living Communities, located on our campus at Dousman.Some years ago, the Grand Trustees leased about 62 acres to the WMH.

o Indemnification Agreement. In early December 2009, the Grand Trusteesreceived a request from the Wisconsin Masonic Home (WMH) to consent to theWMH increasing their existing debt from about 20 million dollars to about 26.3


million dollars, and amend the existing mortgages on the 62 acres. This request isfor financing the Home’s Rehabilitation and Wellness Center. To comply with ourresponsibilities for due diligence, we retained outside counsel to represent andadvise the Grand Trustees and the Grand Lodge Executive Committee.

o Afternegotiations,wereachedagreementwherebytheGrandTrusteesconsentedto the increased financing and resultant debt load. The WMH agreed to indemnifythe Grand Trustees and Executive Committee for any losses. The WMH agreed topay consent fees to the Grand Trustees as long as the debt continues.

o The consent fees are as follows:February 1, 2010 - $65,000February 1, 2011 - $25,000February 1, 2012 - $25,000February 1, 2013 - $65,000February 1, 2014 - $85,000.

“Each February thereafter - $120,000 (which payment shall continue until anyand all outstanding amounts due and owing arising under and pursuant to 2003Master Trust Indenture entered into by the Three Pillars Obligated group, or anyrefinancing thereof, are satisfied and paid in full).”

o The Consent to Amendment to Mortgages and the Letter Agreement weresigned as of January 22, 2010, by the Wisconsin Masonic Home Inc, the GrandMaster of Masons in Wisconsin, the Grand Secretary and Chair of Grand Trustees.We append copies of the signed documents and incorporate them into this report,as though set out in full, for publication in the annual proceedings.

Benevolent Activities Board (WMBAB) – WMH by Law Amendments.o As you know, Chapter 39 of the Code sets out WMBAB’s responsibilities for

our collective benevolent activities. The Chair of WMBAB will present a detailedreport. Grand Trustees participated in voting affirmatively to amend the by-lawsof the Wisconsin Masonic Home to, among other things, make the Grand Masterof Masons in Wisconsin a member of the WMH Board, and specifically to make theGrand Master chair of the WMH Board.

o The amendments make the Chair of Grand Trustees a required signatory forany significant WMH financial matters.

Grand Masonic Center. As you know, we maintain the Grand Masonic Centeroffice building at our campus in Dousman, WI. Our Grand Lodge offices are locatedin this building, including the Grand Master and Grand Secretary’s offices, andour office staff.

o We also rent space to several appendant bodies. This past year, The Order ofEastern Star paid rent for $8,503 and the York Rite Bodies paid $6,400.

o Through the efforts of Grand Secretary DeWolf, we obtained Directors andOfficers Liability Insurance for One Million dollars, to protect the Grand Trustees,Grand Lodge Executive Committee members and other Grand Lodge officers.

o We began discussions to refurbish our Grand Masonic Center.We will continueto coordinate with the Grand Secretary and other Grand Lodge officers regardingthese improvements to the facility.


Van Brunt Hall. The Grand Trustees 2008 and 2009 Annual Communicationreports contain detailed reports, not repeated here. In simplified terms, Van BruntHall was the original Masonic Home, and is now unoccupied. We believe the build-ing should either be demolished or used for some other purpose.

o An ad hoc committee has studied this matter for three years. There is a recentproposal to lease part of the building for a restaurant.

o I wish to commend Brother Bruce H. Lasko, Grand Trustee, for his exemplarywork,aidandassistance inrepresentingtheGrandTrusteesontheadhoccommittee.

o While the Grand Trustees can see merit in preserving the historic buildingthrough the lease of the building and adjacent land, the Grand Trustee policy asadopted in 2009, continues as follows:

1. The Grand Lodge will not invest any assets, funds or mortgage any assets inthe development of the restaurant or adjacent land.

2. The Grand Lodge will expect a reasonable return in the form of rental incomefrom any lease of the building and adjacent land.

3. The Grand Lodge will not subordinate its ownership interest to any lender offunds for the restaurant development.

General Operations. General operations went smoothly. We recognize withgratitude the cooperation and assistance provided to us by Grand Secretary,MichaelDeWolf, PGM, and his staff for their outstanding contributions.

o We also recognize the assistance provided by the maintenance staff of theWisconsin Mason Home for maintenance of the duplex and Grand Masonic Center.By agreement, our Grand Secretary has day-to-day responsibilities for the duplexand Center.

o With the assistance and concurrence of the Deputy Grand Master, Grand Sec-retary and the Grand Treasurer, we will make some accounting and bookkeepingchanges. We will now book all outstanding mortgages as receivable assets on ourbalance sheet.We will receive all mortgage payments and reinvest the interest andprincipal paid. We will book all WMH consent fees as assets and reinvest the samein a separate account. Only the Grand Treasurer will have authority to generaterequests for money for general Grand Lodge operations.We will establish a writtenprocedure as a check and balance system to insure proper accounting and applica-tion of the assets and moneys.

Recommendations.o That we continue our present investment policy.

o Over the last decade, bequests and gifts to the Grand Lodge general operat-ing fund are almost zero. We strongly urge that our Grand Lodge officers and ourDirector of Development prepare and execute a comprehensive plan allowingproper solicitations of bequests and gifts and fund raising, increasing the value ofthe general operating fund to a level sufficient for Grand Lodge general operations.

Conclusion.On a personal note, I am pleased to report that my five-year term as Grand

Trustee ends at the close of this annual communication. It has been my privilegeto serve. I thank my fellow Grand Trustees for their inspiration, help and guidance


as I served as Chairman the past two Masonic years. Pursuant to past practice, Ilook forward to the next Masonic year as an ex officio member of Grand Trustees.

Grand Master, may I have the pleasure of introducing to you and the Brethren,the 2009-2010 Grand Trustees, Alan Iding, PGM, Robert Gorsuch, Guy Gooding,Bruce Lasko and Bruce Sim PGM, ex officio.

Most Worshipful Grand Master, on behalf of the Grand Trustees. I move thisreport be approved and adopted.

Fraternally, & Sincerely,

James H. Olson, P.G.M. ChairAllan E. Iding, P.G.M.

Robert C. GorsuchGuy K. GoodingBruce H. Lasko

Bruce S. Sim, P.G.M. Ex Officio

Report approved and adopted.























To the Grand Lodge Free and Accepted Masons of Wisconsin;

It has been a great privilege to work closely and in harmony with each memberof this board over the past twelve months. The insight and compassion displayedby these Brothers has proven invaluable, and each individual is to be commendedfor his dedication to you as well as our gentle craft.

During the course of the past year, very few of us have remained untouched insome way by the ongoing economic strife unfolding around us. The same can besaid for many members of our fraternity.

This Masonic year began with a clarification of mission as well as changes inboard structure and makeup. As Freemasons, we are taught that charity shouldbegin within the Lodge. This tenant was incorporated into board policy as a way toascertain the level of assistance rendered to an individual Lodge member request-ing aid prior to contacting the board. I am pleased to report that in the majority ofcases, the individual Lodge had provided that initial assistance.

Inaddition,acover letterwasdraftedandapprovedfor inclusionwitheachrequestfor assistance. The letter explains procedures required to bring about the timelyand satisfactory resolution of an application. One of the most frustrating occur-rences faced by the board in the past is the lack of follow through by the individualrequesting aid. It is hoped that this letter will alleviate that problem in the future.

The board was also tasked with reducing the time line between an initial requestfor aid and the final disbursal of funds. While this has improved greatly, there isroom for improvement.

Special recognition is also due to MSA Coordinators and Field Agents for theirefforts on behalf of our veterans, as well as the Grand Secretary and Grand LodgeOffice Staff for their swift processing of assistance requests.

In closing, it is important to note that your Masonic Board of Service And As-sistance has processed a number of requests this past year, most ending in muchappreciated help to those requesting it. In light of the current economic situation,the mission of the board continues to become more and more important in fulfill-ing one of Freemasonry’s most important tenants… charity. Through your ongoingdonations and kindnesses, we stand ready to assist when and however we can.

Respectfully submitted on behalf of theWisconsin Board of Masonic Service and Assistance,

Keith D. Chamberlain, PGM, PresidentMichael A. Dewolf, PGM, GS

David C. WestDonald F. IliffKent R. Pauli

Daniel L. Slavik, SGD, VPFranklin J. Struble, SGS

Report Approved



To the Grand Lodge Free and Accepted Masons of Wisconsin;

If the course of the past Masonic year could be summed up in a single word, thatword would be change, whether momentous or monumental remains to be seen,but change never the less.

Your publication began the budget year struggling with cutbacks resulting incost-cutting measures including a reduction in the number of printed pages perissue as well as a lowering of newsprint quality. In order to compensate for theresultant loss of editorial space, four “electronic pages” were placed monthly on theGrand Lodge website, a move which may signal the initial stages of a move towardInternet publication of your Journal in the future.

Another change came with the departure of Brother William Stonecipher, whoretired after a distinguished career as editor of the Journal. Having been giventimely notice, the board immediately set out to find a suitable replacement andwas fortunate to secure the services of Brother Richard Rygh, a 30 year veteranof the newspaper business. Brother Rygh has proven to be a solid asset in his newposition as editor.

In addition to this change, the Board welcomed several new members into itsmidst, all of whom have a background in various aspects of print, broadcast andelectronic media as well as sales. The addition of these members has served tobroaden the scope of the board’s future planning as well as adding fresh perspec-tives regarding our overall responsibility to the craft. You truly have a well-versedand knowledgeable group of individuals working to improve the quality and contentof your publication.

During the course of the upcoming Masonic Year, the board hopes to work closelywith our new Grand Master in bringing forth a number of new thoughts and ideas,which will serve to enhance both readership and overall appearance of the Jour-nal. Among various items proposed is an upgrade in newsprint quality as well asinitiating a readership survey that will allow the board to measure the needs andwishes of our readers.

With the coming of a new Masonic Year come new challenges for all and westand ready to build upon past accomplishments while allowing for future growthin a variety of exciting areas designed to make your Wisconsin Masonic Journal apublication each of you can take a measure of pride in.

In closing, it is important to note that while change was the watchword for thepast year, the board was able to persevere, while continuing to deliver the qualitypublication that Wisconsin’s Freemasons have come to expect.That product and theexperience utilized in its production is in no small way directly linked to the dedica-tion of purpose displayed by each member of yourWisconsin Masonic Journal Board.

Respectfully submitted on behalf of the Wisconsin Masonic Journal Board,

Keith D. Chamberlain, PGM, PresidentKeith H. Harmon


Lowell H. ScottJohn A. Donaldson

Milt HelmerRichard A. Rygh, Editor (ex-officio)

Report Approved

After approval of the report and as has been the custom in past years, Past GrandMaster Keith Chamberlain, President of the Wisconsin Masonic Journal Boardpresented Grand Master Campbell with a hard bound set of the Masonic Journalsprinted during his year.


M.W. Beetcher Daniels, Past Grand Master;

“It is my honor to speak with you this morning on behalf of the veterans of the stateof Wisconsin. This is a subject that is very dear to my heart and I have been in thisposition over ten years. As I was talking at breakfast this morning, it is unbelievablenow to go into the VA hospitals and see pregnant ladies, see little children runningthroughout the hospital. It just reminds you that we have men in a situation thatwe would like not to be in, but if you could see the injuries and the conditions thatthey are in, I am sure that each and every one of you would go out of your way tospend a few minutes in these hospitals visiting these brothers. We have no way rightnow in the VA facilities to tell if any of these individuals are Masons or not. Due tothe priority of the conditions that exist today we cannot personally ask what clubsor fraternities they belong to unless we have a one-to-one conversation with them.You can see the difficulties that we are having of contacting our brethren in thesehospitals so I am appealing on behalf of the Masonic Service Association, if youhave five minutes you see an individual with a big smile on his face because theyneed visitors, whether he is a Mason or not, he needs our visitation and companion-ship so he will be able to be healed and returned to civilian life, if that’s his future.”

“The VA is establishing out-reach clinics throughout the state of Wisconsin andin northern Illinois. Madison, Zablocki in Milwaukee, Tomah and King are overrun by veterans. We don’t see half of the veterans because when they reach our levelhere, they have been progressing and are doing much better in their rehab, but afterseeing them come this far it would become very difficult to see them in the conditionwhen they come back. I would appeal to you to take that to heart and if you haveany time at all, visit these 3 active VA hospitals.”

“We have representing the Masonic Service Association in the four veteran’s hos-pitals; Laverne Storkson in Madison, Steve Hanson in Tomah, Chuck Wallens inMilwaukee and Tom Dowman in King. These individuals have Masonic volunteersthat work for them. They do everything from pouring coffee to chapel service onSunday. It is nothing for these Brothers to drive from Eau Claire to Tomah, 80-85miles one way, to do the work for the veterans. These Brothers receive a little assis-tance from Service and Assistance monthly. This money goes to buy goods for thesehospitalized veterans and it is given directly to the veterans. The only time that thehospital gets any of this money is when they have a special project that goes directlyto the veterans. We have a few lodges here in the state of Wisconsin that have been


consistently making donations to MSA and Service and Assistance. If you are soinclined, no matter how small the amount is, you can send it to any one of thesefour Brethren. Or you can send it to me and I guarantee you that it will go to therepresentative that you pick it to go to.”

PGMDanielsaskedtheGrandMastertoapproachthepodium,wherehepresentedhim with a certificate of appreciation from the Masonic Service Association for hisefforts in promoting the needs of the Masonic veterans in the state of Wisconsin.

Report Approved


To the Grand Lodge Free and Accepted Masons of Wisconsin

LITHUANIA, MACEDONIA AND MOLDAVIAThe Grand Lodges of Lithuania, Macedonia and Moldavia have requested

recognition by the Grand Lodge of Wisconsin. It appears that the Commission onInformation for Recognition of the Conference of Grand Masters of North Americahas found that these three Grand Lodges are regular in their work and that theymeet the standards for recognition.


The Foreign Relations Committee recommends recognition of the Grand Lodgesof Lithuania, Macedonia and Moldavia.

I move adoption of this report.


Allan E. Iding, P.G.M., ChairmanMichael A. DeWolf, P.G.M., Grand Secretary

Christopher J. HirtheLawrence L. Myers, P.G.M.Rodney A. Paulsen, P.G.M.

George A. Wallinger, P.G.M.Stephen D. Willett, P.G.M

Report Adopted


Reverend Donald Iliff, Grand Chaplain;

Most Worshipful Grand Master, honored guests, and brothers. It is a solemnmoment as brothers of the craft pause to remember those brothers who have diedin the past year. Their passing leaves a pang of sorrow, and a feeling of loss. Theirvoices will be heard no more around the altars of Masonry, but the noble exampleof their unselfish and devoted lives will combine to live in the lives of those theyinfluenced, and guide the conduct of the ones they loved.

Our departed brothers have given of themselves to the fraternity, and their deathbrings an emptiness to the lodge. Their friendship and brotherly love will long be


remembered, and we will cherish their memory in our hearts. We know that theGrand Architect of the Universe, our God, will comfort all those who mourn.

We hold the belief that they have been welcomed into the Lodge Eternal. Thisassurance is proclaimed through our places of worship. It is the destiny of ourlives. This hope comforts our sadness, and encourages us to live most fully in thepresent moment.

Brothers, I commend to your care, the families of our departed brothers. Theywill cherish your encouragement, and helpfulness. They supported our brother ashe gave of himself to the craft. May we remember them in our lodge family in theyears ahead. It is in deep appreciation that we recall the accomplishments of ourbrothers. It now falls to each of us to pick-up their tools and carry-on the work ofMasonry. Their example and diligence will guide us in all that we do. We ask thatour Creator bless our talents and abilities, guide us in our thinking, and, enlargeour influence in all that we do.

I ask you, as you are able, to stand now in a moment of silent prayer and re-membrance. Let us pray:

“O God, most mighty and merciful, we thank you that amidst all the labor andturmoil, the perplexity and apparent confusion of our lives, you have not left usalone to wander unguided and alone. The Ancient Landmarks guide our course inMasonry. The Great Lights in Masonry disclose our pathway. You have set beforeus the shining goal of life immortal. Even though we walk through the valleys andshadows of life, you are with us, supplying our deepest need.

We thank you for sharing our brothers with us for these many years. We are grate-ful for our common labors, the aims and purposes we shared together, the ties whichbound his soul to ours, and good he did and the service he rendered, to us and to allwho were near and dear to him.

Finally, grant, we pray thee, that our Brother may wait beside the tiled door ofthe Lodge of Eternity, to welcome us in our time, to the Mansions prepared fromeverlasting. Amen.” From, Wisconsin Monitor, 1956, pages 106-107

Rev Don IliffGrand Chaplain

Report Accepted

Grand Lodge of WisconsinMembers who have died

Between 6/1/2009 and 5/31/2010

Dixon, Harold I (1) Clark, Verlyn E (2) Melcher, Milton A (2)Despot, Carl (3) Larkin, Arthur C (4) Cooper, Myron G (5)Ely, Robert G (5) Goodman, Irwin A (5) Goodman, Robert D (5)Gould, Arland D (5) Jacobsen, Sam J (5) Olson, Robert W (5)Vallem, Rollo P (5) Hanke, Carl R (8) Herried, William L (8)Klein, Lowell M (8) Mattie, Richard L (8) Otto, Frederick P (8)Sims, E Raymond (8) Thornburg, Virgil D (8) Emrick, Lloyd D (9)Heitz, Clayton W (9) Schroeder, Philip W (9) Ward, John B (9)Blackwood, James C (10) Eglin, Henry D (10) Nash, Myrl E (12)


Randall, George A (12) Vanlandingham, James E (12) Wilson, Duane E (12)Dickehage, Arthur (13) Reichel, William R (13) Barth, Jerome (17)Goldberg, Harvey A (17) Goldberg, James D (17) Jacobson, Earl W (17)Schlenvogt, Ervin A (17) Cherkinian, Sarkis S (18) Foley, George E (18)Larson, Ralph P (18) Miklasevich, Michael J (18) Olsen, Harvey J (18)Shields, Thomas V (18) Brand, Charles A (21) Dederich, John M (21)Goethe, Eben F (21) Killoran, Bernard O (21) Kurowski, Robert J (21)Roethlisberger, Roy N (21) Schultz, Harold H (21) Shewalter, Kenneth H (21)Hill, Donald E (26) Kinzer, Julien E (26) Senft, Paul R (28)Hohmann, Rolf (30) Janssen, Gustav (30) Mente, Karl (30)Reusch, Richard F (30) Eckstam, Eugene E (31) Gay, Elwyn B (33)Van Epps, Freeland W (33) Walden, Ryan B (33) Hommel Jr, William H (34)Phelps, Willard T (37) Schmitt, Robert E (37) Swain, Orville G (37)Choinski, John A (42) Duncan, Robert J (42) Blue, Norman E (44)Folman, Richard C (44) Maltz, Sheldon R (44) Manley, Charles L (44)Norem, Donald O (44) Bassett, William F (45) Franz, James L (45)Ramlo, John H (45) Swartz, Arnold O (45) Tillman, Robert H (45)Antal Sr, Michael S (47) Boyd, Jesse D (47) Capriotti, Angelo P (47)Hansche, Charles L (47) Martin, Laurence E (47) Buchholz, Eugene N (48)Jentz, Gaylord A (48) Rigg, Elmer E (48) Lippert, Roderick J (50)Meehan, Donald H (50) Laue, Edmund J (51) Benson, Robert J (55)Campbell, Charles M (55) Cassity, Wendell G (55) Davis, Cecil L (55)Drummond, Charles H (55) Tiedeman, Wayne F (55) York, Andrew W (55)Cornwall, Milton A (56) Barney, William A (60) Krueger, Karl E (60)Briones, Pedro (61) Gehring, Paul A (61) Herrbold, Philip (61)Sell, Arvin H (61) Sweet, R Duane (61) Kiraly, George A (63)Beck, Kenneth W (65) Carpenter, John (73) Doering, Dale F (73)Steaffens, William C (73) Dyar, Harold (74) Potter, Albert R (74)Taylor, James E (75) Curzon, George M (80) Lemmer, Kenneth R (80)Steenweg, Edward R (80) Swartwout Jr, Wendell A (80) Chapin, William A (81)Anderson, Arnold M (84) Andrew, Roger K (84) Moffitt, William P (84)Nelson, Ernest N (84) Stamatopoulos, John (85) Davis, John H (90)Franklin, Horace A (90) Klingbail, Fred D (93) Weinkauf, William C (95)Kahl, Lyle W (97) Bowman, Ben D (103) Wahl, Colin A (103)Wehman, Herman C (103) Church, Charles A (105) Baker, Fletcher (109)Bergsrud, Owen B (109) Larson, Donald W (109) Mueller, Donald D (109)Biesecker, Lee L (112) Cashman, John M (112) Franson, Arnold J (112)Kelley, Walter M (112) Kraft, William E (112) Larson, Arnold W (112)Loechler, Nicholas H (112) Muenich, Harold P (112) Piper Jr, Richard N (112)Roth, William F (112) Thompson, Robert L (112) Hutchison, James W (119)Schweitzer, Ernest W (119) Bell, B Paul (123) Hesterman, Leo O (123)Peterson, Gordon A (123) Haynes, Russell F (124) Marshall, R Duane (124)Sturdevant, Harold (124) Beise, Cal (128) Abraham, William F (130)Brushert, Gerald J (130) Howland, Harry C F (130) Krahn, Karl K (130)Retzlaff, Byron W (130) Schnelle, Norman W (130) Schoepke, Donald (130)Scott-Ellis, Edward J (130) Stone, George L (130) Theis, Donald C (130)Gray, Robert E (132) Lee, Gilbert J (132) Rabe, William E (132)Standiford, Dan (132) Hofland, Wayne N (138) Lecount, James M (141)Mullarkey, Leo L (141) Zellmer, Robert W (141) Marty, Delmar W (143)Plahetka, Herman J (143) Boyington, Chester A (145) Bainbridge, George M (148)Umland, III, Fred W (148) Volbrecht, Walter H (148) Biles, Everett S (149)Mason, John J (149) Williams, Robert H (149) Maier, Robert (151)St Aubin, Joseph G (151) Austin, Curtis E (161) Femyer, Jack G (161)Hain, Robert C (164) Hilborn, James (164) Larsen, Robert E (164)Piersall, Arnold C (164) Thomas, Charles L (164) Brigham, Robert W (167)Krelwitz, Robert H (168) Sullivan, Arthur J (168) Buettner, Jerry D (170)Christensen, Edward (170) Weller Jr, William (170) Kuhlman, Dwain M (173)


Aude, Edward C (174) Blegen, Allan M (174) Christensen, Walter V (174)Erickson, Elvington A (174) Ligman, Joseph M (174) Mac Swain, Donald M (174)Olson, Charles E (174) Skoien, Russell (174) Welhaven, Jack (174)Williams Jr, Charles (174) Jones, Orval A (176) Larson, Norman L (177)Sacia, Carroll L (177) Tisthammer, Merton A (177) Virgin, Wynnis (177)Olson, Stanley W (178) Botts, Robert A (180) Stein, Meril (180)Borchert, Elroy J (183) Clark, Delbert C (183) Behling, William J (186)Foster, Lincoln H (186) Hagie, Donald E (186) Carriveau, Roland P (188)Barber, Michael (189) Bell, Thomas R (189) Brazzale, Marco W (189)Dueppen, Robert C (189) Hoppe, Jerome E (189) Hornak, Edward L (189)Juergens, Wilmar A (189) Landers, Norman (189) Michaelis, Donald L (189)Schmid, Jerome (189) Wellnitz, Arthur H (189) Whalen, Donald A (189)Fleis, John E (190) Nichols, Donald G (190) Tubbs, Andrew J (192)Riemer, William J (193) Glass, Kenneth G (197) Pierce, David W (197)Polzin, John I (197) Hanson, Edwin M (210) Rasmussen Jr, Peter H (210)Foltz, Allen K (214) Roberson, Thomas F (218) Karl, Darrell J (221)Eckelaert, Jack F (222) Novak, Raymond (222) Christiansen,JeromeM(224)Gastmann, A Paul (225) Kessel, Robert M (225) Wollerman, Clayton W (225)Marklevits, John A (229) Skarman, Curtis P (229) Remington, Elwyn (231)Thompson, Thomas R (231) Brunner, Donald B (234) Strom, George S (234)Davis, Dwight J (236) Downs, Ronald J (236) Botes Sr, Steve G (237)Campbell, Perry L (241) Dahlvig, Ardell L (242) Freeberg, Charles J (244)Grant, Kenneth B (244) Skinner, Colby H (244) Tesch, William H (244)Wurz, Albert H (245) Eichler, Alfred C (246) Krenzer, Claude J (246)Baumgart, William F (247) Koney, John R (247) Hoecker, Raymond A (248)Lutz, Marvin E (248) Greshik, Joseph J (252) Todahl, Robert G (252)Engle, Isadore (261) Grossman, Alvin (261) Komisar, Bernard E (261)Kosberg, H Reuben (261) Langer, Jack F (261) Rochwerger, Sheldon B (261)Schnitz, Earl J (261) Carroll, Hubert W (263) Skar, James M (263)Drobac, Robert M (265) Behling, Robert L (267) Boelter, Stephen C (267)Charlson, Earl P (267) Roberts, Leslie N (267) Wittig, Kenneth K (267)Funmaker, Ervin (279) Haigh, Owen C (279) Nelson, Maynard (279)Vasquez, Frank (279) Grunseth, Glen E (280) Martin, Edwin F (280)Carroll, Storm (287) Van Weelden Sr, Richard T (287) Meredith, William E (288)Gruszecki, Leonard E (290) Budlow, Robert J (291) Callies, Melvin E (291)Davies, Russell T (291) Ettlie, Andrew O (291) Glowacki, John H (291)Griffith Jr, Edward H (291) Hermann, Donald W (291) Simon, Donald G (291)Stuart, Charles J (291) Wiegert, Jack (291) Adornato, Lorenzo M (301)Burns, James S (301) Burns, William (301) Kumbier, Lawrence L (301)Lange, Alfred W (301) Lodwick, Benjamin W (301) Schweitzer, David C (301)Wright, George A (301) Phillips, Foster J (307) Iverson, Richard (310)Earle, Trevor (315) Gaul, Gordon G (315) Danford, Robert C (317)Erickson, David O (317) Gokey, Vane L (317) Willey, David B (317)Williams, Theodore W (317) Woodworth, Edward (317) Benjamin, Harry C (322)Ellingsworth, Michael J (322) Kraucunas, Connie J (322) Olson, Lawrence O (322)Rogalski, Harry J (322) Smith, Richard D (322) Gafke, Leonard W (325)Hoveland, Russell H (325) Stanley, John E (325) Wosepka, Raymond W (325)Burcaw, Steve L (330) Eisenhardt, Ben R (331) Karabetsos, Charles G (331)Pagac, Joseph A (331) Gobbs, Kenneth W (336) Collins, Grant E (337)Crow, Walter W (337) Fillinger, John F (337) Huegel, Richard A (337)Hufschmidt, James S (337) Kemp, Robert W (337) Schutz, Daniel (337)Ruth, Marion N (347) Stafford, Obert S (347) Walker, Lincoln R (347)Wolf, Kenneth W (347) Wagner, Ellde I (349) Anderson, Joseph A (350)Long, John E (350) Poss, Hans V (350) Rowe, Michael F (350)Sibley, Warren B (350) Brill, Willard T (351) Campbell, Clarence O (351)Cramer, Morris G (351) Dernbach, Robert W (351) Finn, Richard K (351)Parisi, Peter E (351) Risberg, Robert R (351) Miller, Fay H (356)


Overton, James A (356) Platt, George C (362) Potter, Robert J (362)Reese, Willard T (362) Polzin, Clayton H (363) Sharer, Maynard G (364)Calder, William A (367) Kuzel, Rudy J (367) Meyer, Robert E (367)Swett, Lee J (367) Kagelmann, Emil O (368) Wolf, Fred W (368)


Submitted by: Doric Lodge No. 356

Section Affected: 56.06

Vote Required for Adoption: 75%

Purpose: To require those elected to Warden or Master to take and pass the Ma-sonic Code Correspondence Course prior to being installed unless he isa Past Master or has a dispensation from the Grand Master.

(Note: deletions are indicated by strike through; additions are indicatedby underline; omitted text is indicated by ***)

RESOLVED: That Subsection (4) of Section 56.06 of the Masonic Code of Wis-consin be created as follows.

56.06 (a). It is the responsibility of each elected Master and/or Warden to takeand pass the Masonic Code Correspondence offered by the Grand Lodge. NoMaster or Warden may be installed unless he has passed the Masonic Corre-spondence Course, is a Past master, or has dispensation from the Grand Master.

Resolution Defeated


Submitted by: Morning Star Lodge No. 10

Sections Affected: 65.04 and 71.15

Vote Required for Adoption: 75%

Purpose: To be consistent with the Entered Apprentice Charge that states “Yourregular attendance at our meetings is earnestly solicited” and to clarifyvoting rights.

(Note: deletions are indicated by strike through; additions are indicatedby underline; omitted text is indicated by ***)

RESOLVED: That Section 65.04 and 71.15 be restated and adopted as follows:

65.04. A Stated Communication is on Master Mason Degree. At a statedcommunication a lodge must open and close on the Master Mason degree onwhich degree all of the business of the lodge shall be transacted; it may call downto a lower degree for examination or work. “The Master, at his discretion, mayclose the Lodge of M.M. and open a Lodge of a lower degree for the purpose ofexamination and/or, degree work, and/or the transaction of business. The Lodgeshall then be closed in due form pursuant to the last degree.


71.15. Majority Vote. A majority vote of those members present shall governin all cases unless otherwise provided.

Resolution Defeated


Submitted by: Phillips Lodge No. 225

Sections Affected: 66.01 and 66.06

Vote Required for Adoption: 75%

Purpose: To remove the word “Deity” from the code and replace it with “SupremeBeing,” thereby being consistent with the wording on the petition

(Note: deletions are indicated by strike through; additions are indicatedby underline; omitted text is indicated by ***)

RESOLVED: That Section 66.01 and 66.06 be restated and adopted as follows:

66.01. Qualifications Defined: An applicant for the degrees must be a man, ofgood report, well recommended, a believer in Deity a Supreme Being, literate,of lawful age, mentally and morally sound. The lodge shall judge such qualifica-tions when the ballot is spread after the petition has been received by the lodge.

66.06. Applicant Must Believe in Deity a Supreme Being. A lodge shallreceive petitions for the degrees only from those applicants who believe in deitya Supreme Being.

Resolution Defeated


Grand Master Campbell asked for approval of the reports as printed in thePre-Proceedings for the following officers, boards and committees: Grand Marshal,WisconsinMasonicBenevolentActivities,WisconsinMasonicFoundation,WisconsinMasonic Home, Inc., Education, Esoteric, Grand Lodge Planning,Temple Plans andFinances and Youth Group Funding. A motion was made to approve them and itwas seconded. All reports were approved.


The Grand Lodge Officers (GLO) performed nine (9) public ceremonies this pastMasonic year. They break down as follows:

Two (2) – 150th Lodge Anniversary rededication ceremonies, One (1) – 100thLodge Anniversary rededication ceremony,Two (2) Cornerstone ceremonies for newlodge buildings, One (1) Lodge building dedication for a new building, One (1) Lodgerededication ceremony after renovation work, One (1) Municipal/Public buildingdedication ceremony, and One (1) ground breaking ceremony.

On June 6, 2009, seven GLO performed a 100th Anniversary rededication cer-emony at Myron Reed Lodge #297.


On June 13, 2009, seven GLO performed a 150th Anniversary rededicationceremony in conjunction with a new cornerstone ceremony at Neosho-Mayville-Horicon Lodge #108.

The following day, June 14, 2009, nine GLO performed a cornerstone ceremonyin Manawa, WI for the new building being built for Manawa Lodge #82.

The Grand Lodge was invited to perform a dedication ceremony for the new Mu-nicipal Building in Endeavor, WI on July 19, 2009. Seven GLO attended this event.

Eleven GLO attended the 150th Anniversary of Sauk Prairie Lodge #113 andperformed a rededication ceremony on July 26, 2009.

Nine GLO returned to Manawa, WI on October 4, 2009 to perform the lodgededication ceremony for the newly completed lodge building for Manawa Lodge #82.

On November 5, 2009, six GLO performed a ground breaking ceremony on theThree Pillars Campus in Dousman, WI for the new rehabilitation facility.

Nine GLO performed a rededication ceremony at the Lake Lodge Building inMilwaukee, WI on April 10, 2010. The building is home to Lake Lodge #189, Da-mascus Lodge #290, and Excelsior Lodge #175.

Eight GLO traveled to Shawano on May 23, 2010 to perform a cornerstone cer-emony for the new building being built for Shawano Lodge #170.

Respectfully submitted,

John W. Krinke, Grand Marshal


The Wisconsin Masonic Benevolent Activities Board (WMBAB) is charged withoverseeing and helping to coordinate our Masonic Charities.WMBAB reviews plans,budgets, investments and programs for each of our boards. These charities includethe Masonic Foundation, the Masonic Home, and the Board of Masonic Service andAssistance. The Masonic Soccer Foundation has been merged with the MasonicFoundation. As an oversight board it is WMBAB’s job to look at the “big picture.”

Each of our charitable boards is headed up by new chairpersons this year. PastGrand Master Keith Chamberlain is chairing Service and Assistance, Brother GaryBeier chairs the Masonic Foundation and Brother Bill Huelsman is serving as act-ing chair of the Masonic Home Board. We sincerely appreciate the efforts of thesefine Masonic leaders, as well as the board members that serve on all of our boards.

A major initiative was begun by the Masonic Home this year after receivingWMBAB approval. Construction of a new rehabilitation center on our Dousmancampus is under way. A new capital campaign to help raise funds for the rehabcenter has been launched under the title of “Caring to Grow.” The capital campaignis being chaired by Past Grand Master Rod Paulsen, who is working with ourDevelopment Office of William Barnes and Erika Miller, as well as a full team of“Caring to Grow” volunteers. We salute Brother Rod and his team and wish themluck in this important endeavor. We encourage all Wisconsin Masons and their


families to support this project.

The relationship of our charities to the craft is quite complex. Having establishedour charities as 501(c)3 charities under the internal revenue code makes them moreattractive to donors but also creates more responsibilities for our leadership tofollow the stringent IRS rules. Each charity has a mission incumbent upon it. It isessential that we maintain a clear view of our mission, as it can be overwhelmingrunning the day to day operations of these multi-million dollar charitable “busi-nesses.” One of the goals of WMBAB for the upcoming year is to continually workto clarify our charitable mission and to ensure that we aren’t so deeply involvedin the business side of our charities that we forget the human and especially theMasonic side of those charities.


Donald W. HensiakPresident WMBAB


To the Grand Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons of Wisconsin;

MostWorshipful Grand Master of Masons inWisconsin,Craig S.Campbell;RightWorshipful Deputy Grandmaster, Joseph B. Harker, Grand Lodge Elected andAppointed Officers, Honorable Past Grand Masters, and Brother Masons all: thefiscal year ending April 30, 2010 presented plenty of challenges. I report with pridethat the directors and staff of your Wisconsin Masonic Foundation have been up toevery one of them. The net result is that this foundation has continued to grow inits overall value and in service to our Fraternity and our individual communities.

Prudent investment and sound money management are the watchwords thatcontinue to light our pathways of service to the Craft. Your Foundation has expe-rienced its share in the downturns of Wall Street and the world markets, but thenews of today is good news. The Wisconsin Masonic Foundation, through the assetmanagement resources of Robert W. Baird and Company, has regained just over$3 million in value during the past 12 months. The Foundation portfolio is well-positionedtocontinue in thispositivestancewithminimal riskandmaximumvalue.

Our redesigned custodial operations have created a highly positive cash flowposition that allows the Foundation to meet all of its disbursement responsibilitieswithout the liquidation of any assets. In past years, this was not always the case,but thanks again to the work of Baird management and the Development Officeled by Brother William Barnes, this Foundation is in an excellent financial position.We will work diligently to make sure that this can continue well into the future.

This positive asset management provided the financial working tools for us todo what this Foundation was designed to do some 85 years ago. This past year, theWisconsin Masonic Foundation provided just over $1.1 million in grants as follows:

Wisconsin Masonic Home Endowment - $825,285 to assist in overall servicesto Three Pillars residentsMasonic Foundation Matching Scholarships - $105,950 to 162 graduatesDonor Designated Scholarships - $154,650 to 110 recipients


MedicalFundmatchinggrants -$54,268.92to22communitiesacrossthestateSpecial-named fund grants - $139,573.69 to 24 Masonic and communitycharities

These totals will, as always, be finalized in our official year-end audit to becompleted this summer.

This year, the Masonic Soccer Foundation merged with the Wisconsin MasonicFoundation to become the Masonic Soccer Fund.Under the able guidance of BrotherDavid Tainter, this program has continued its outstanding efforts and positivefinancial outcome. Most important, we have gained Brother Tainter as the newestmember of the Foundation’s Directors and we are thankful for his services to usand the Craft as a whole.

Another area of concentration this year has been the development of new policiesto guide this Foundation’s work. In addition to slight revisions of our long-standinginvestment policy, work has begun on development of a gift acceptance policy toguide our board and our donors.We are working on general disbursement policy andhave developed on-going balance audit procedures thanks to our Treasurer BrotherKevin Breitzmann, with the assistance of Grand Treasurer, Brother John Benedict.The result of these efforts will be sound pathways for future decision making witha clear and consistent picture of prudence to reassure our donors.

On behalf of my colleagues on the Board of the Wisconsin Masonic Foundation,it has been on honor to serve our Craft through the meaningful programs, whichyou and Brethren throughout Wisconsin have developed - they serve, educate andeven save lives.

Myspecial thankstoourGrandTreasurer,JohnBenedict,GrandmasterCampbellfor his continued support and guidance, Grand Secretary Michael A. DeWolf for theoutstanding day-to-day guidance that makes our work possible, our professionalstaff: Brother Bill Barnes, Director of Development; Erika Miller, DevelopmentCoordinator; Alicia Darr, Business Office; Jan Gorgen, Office Manager and CherylMartin, Receptionist.

Fraternally submitted,

Wisconsin Masonic Foundation BoardGary R. Beier, President

Kevin R. Breitzmann, TreasurerDonald M. Forkner, Secretary

Joseph B. HarkerJ. Michael Koscinski

Dennis V. SiewertRichard A. Vande Sande, Vice President

David E. Tainter, Soccer ChairmanDavey L. White, Jr

Foundation StaffWilliam H. Barnes II, Director of Development

Erika Miller, Development Coordinator





















To the Grand Lodge Free and Accepted Masons of Wisconsin:

The Three Pillars Board of Directors is proud to report that the organizationcontinues to successfully provide the high level of quality services that you havecome to expect. Not only is our senior living community renown for high standardsand quality, but the Board has their finger on the pulse of maintaining competi-tive advantage into the future. It is very rewarding to be a part of such a dynamic,progressive, and truly mission based group. You can remain confident that theBoard of Directors is actively analyzing ways to effectively carry our long traditionof Masonic principles and values into the new age of senior services. To that end,the Board and management are in various stages of strategic initiatives, with aneye to stability and advancement of our mission.

Following two years of assessment and planning, Three Pillars took the steptowards implementing the rehabilitation and wellness strategy this year. After asummer of design and architectural development,construction began on this expan-sion to our Masonic Center for Health & Rehab last January. Once completed thisDecember, our addition to Three Pillars services will again place the organizationin a position of competitive advantage.

The new short-term rehab unit will have 14 private suites and a state of the arttherapy gym that will provide services for those seniors who are looking for thenecessary rehabilitation to return home, and in an environment that is more hos-pitality based than the home-like setting of our existing Health Care Center. Thisnew facility will also significantly increase our ability to offer outpatient servicesfor those not residing on our campus.The transferring of state-licensed beds to thisnew facility will also create an opportunity for more private rooms in our existingHealth Care Center, a need identified by residents and families in recent surveys.A new, innovative wellness center is also part of this initiative. This concept willprovide active lifestyle and wellness programs for adults in the 55 plus market ina facility unique to our area. The center will have an aerobic/dance studio that willalso serve as space for educational and support group meetings. A demonstrationkitchen will host nutritional programs and the fitness room will have trainingequipment designed around the unique needs of older adults. More informationabout these exciting programs will be available this summer.

This expansion is the culmination of significant market evaluation and planning,and the Board is very proud to report that it will become reality in 2010. The Boardand management are also participating in the group reviewing potential futureuses of Van Brunt Hall and will continue to be supportive of any efforts that willsuccessfully make productive use of this facility that was once the original MasonicHome. Likewise, the Board has been careful in moving forward with any perma-nent solution to the concerns related to Mason Woods, in Cecil. While no realisticalternative to a sale has been realized to date, the real estate market continues tobe unfavorable in moving forward with the previous decision to exit the operation.Board and management leadership are utilizing this time to further evaluate op-tions to ensure we exhaust all possible solutions before marketing the property.

Three Pillars continues looking to the future, even while current strategies areunderconstruction.TheBoard is currentlyevaluatingtheservicesprovided inRiver-side Lodge to determine whether this facility should move to a strategy of “Memory


Care” services.This would be the first facility on campus to offer dedicated AssistedLivingAlzheimer’s care.In addition,the organization will be evaluating the possiblefuture of Home and Community Based Services, the concept of providing servicesto seniors in their own homes in addition to those living within one of our facilities.

As you can see, the Board is continuing to look toward the ever-changing futureof senior living services. I am very confident that the extremely dedicated andpassionate individuals that serve on your Three Pillars Board of Directors willcontinue to make decisions based on what is best for Three Pillars and this greatFraternity. I would also like to thank the management and staff for their com-mitment to quality and dedication to the mission of this wonderful jewel of ourFraternity. While busy putting into place the initiatives discussed, the staff haveconsistently maintained the high standards of quality that we have come to expect.This is particularly evident in the State inspection reports and the outstandingresponses to the customer satisfaction surveys.

On behalf of the Board, I pledge our dedication to ensure that your Three PillarsSenior Living Communities continues to maintain a highly regarded organizationin a vastly growing competitive region. By living and breathing the principles andvalues of Freemasonry and providing high standards of quality care and quality oflife, we are confident that Three Pillars will remain a successful example of Masonicservice for decades to come.

Fraternally submitted,

A. William Huelsman,Acting Chairman, Wisconsin Masonic Home, Inc. Board of Directors


To the Grand Lodge Free and Accepted Masons of Wisconsin;

This year, the seminars presented during breakout sessions at the Annual Com-munication include:

• Posting “the Right way”presented by Senior GrandWarden Davey L.White,Jr.• Temple Plans presented by Grand Tiler J. Patrick Storrs and the Temple Plans

& Finance Committee• MembershipRetentionpresentedbyJuniorGrandStewardDonaldW.Hensiak• Symbolism presented by the Silas Shepherd Lodge of Research• MORI for Secretaries presented by Grand Secretary Michael A. DeWolf, PGM

We recognize with gratitude, the knowledge, skill, and talent of the sessionsfacilitators.


Arby Humphrey, Grand Orator, Chairman


To the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Wisconsin:

The Esoteric Committee met two times this year; immediately after the Grand


Lodge Annual Communication on June 6, 2009 in Madison, Wisconsin, and March27, 2010 in Wausau, Wisconsin.

Current District Lecturers and Esoteric Committee members:

District #1 David Frings District #2 Harold ChristiansenDistrict #3 Al Jurgens District #4 Moses AdamsDistrict #5 Michael Barreyro District #6 Ken BatesDistrict #7 Harold Carpenter District #8 Joel ArnoldDistrict #9 Henry Pynakker District #10 Pat StorrsDistrict #11 Shane Beecraft District #12 Frank Mayer

The following report is submitted for consideration for the year of 2009 – 2010.

One hundred sixty-three lodges attended schools of instruction over the currenttwelve districts. There were no schools scheduled or reported on for District 1 andDistrict 8. Schools were given either by Area, or if the lecturer preferred, they werehandled on an individual lodge basis. This is also done to accommodate schedulingfor the lodges.

The reports submitted display a wide variation in ritual involvement on the partof the lodges. Some lodges will not spend the time going to a school versus the lodgesthat are eager for the learning opportunity. The latter is more commonplace thanthe former. Many schools are heavily attended with much enthusiasm displayed.The lodges that are not attending the schools are not only weak in the ritual, butit is probably true that they are also weak in other aspects of Masonry. It is recom-mended that there should be follow-up in this area over the next year.

As a plus, many of the lodges that are attending schools are showing strides inperforming excellent ritual. The lecturers this year graded the lodges on a 1 or 5 or9 scale with 9 being excellent in a particular area versus a 1 being poor. A 5 wouldbe acceptable. I am pleased to say that I saw more 5’s and 9’s in the reporting than1’s. These grades are an indication that the ritual work in the State is very good,and the enthusiasm to take part in this learning and teaching process is growing.

In May of this year the Esoteric Committee held a degree competition and sevenlodges signed up to compete. It is our hope that this type of competition will inspiremore lodges to achieve excellence and that there will be more lodges competingin the future.

I wish to extend my appreciation to all the lecturers and members of this com-mittee for their unselfish dedication of their time and talents. Holding schools isa challenging task, but the rewards can be exhilarating. Ritual is the heartbeat ofour organization and our lecturers keep the blood flowing. It is a joy to work withthem and it is inspiring for me to witness their dedication.

Respectfully submitted,

Kenneth C. GorgenGrand Lecturer, Chairman



District 1David Frings Acacia-Itasca 329Joseph Horton Superior 236L. Arby Humphrey Acacia-Itasca 329Randy Johnson Superior 236Gene Tacke Superior 236J.B. Van Hollen Ancient Landmark 210

District 2Roderick Anderson Sanctuary 347William Beetcher Landmark 244Fred Benson River Falls 109Harold Christensen New Richmond 195Allan Coenen New Richmond 195Victor Corsie George B. Wheeler 351John Davenport St. Croix 056Michael Elliot River Falls 109Lawrence Fischer Northwestern 105Harold Jr. Fosmo Hancock 229Dave Giese North Star 187Mark Hagen Eau Claire 112Neil Hanson Goerge B. Wheeler 351Gordon Hintermeyer Buffalo River 252Clarence Hofmeister Hancock 229Evan Hopkins Northwestern 105Larry Hoyer Barron 220Paul Jacobs New Richmond 195James Karlson Collins-Spring Valley 192James MacFarlane Collins-Spring Valley 192Richard Mitchell Sanctuary 347Steven Tracey St. Croix 056Harlan Vehrs Blue Hills 195Dan Walters Durand-Pepin 149Harold Warner Chetek 277

District 3William Abraham Forest 130Bob Beck Forest 130Scott Bishop Eagle River 248Edward Cholewinski Rhinelander 242Ardell Dahlvig Rhinelander 242William Dryer Park Falls 300Bill Julian Rhinelander 242Albert Jurgens III Island City 330Glen Leverson Hurley 237Richard Mitchell Eagle River 248R. Don Schmidt Park Falls 300Marlin Werner Rhinelander 242


District 4Moses Adams Marinette 182Floyd Brown Tri County Daylite 218Stephen Conway III Crandon 287Gary Cornelissen Theodore Roosevelt 322Charles Fick Tri County Daylite 218Jack Hetcher Marinette 182Carl Loving Antigo 231Warren Nelson Crandon 287Raymond Novak Hiram D. Fisher 222Thomas Pinney Henry S. Baird 174James Smejkal Washington 021George Tincher Shawano 170Arthur Tracy Crandon 287James Zochert Washington 021

District 5John Abernathy Alma 184Michael Barreyro Badger 345Wesley Denny La Crosse Masonic 190Alden Elland Decora 177Donald Kowalke La Crosse Masonic 190Jeffrey Langreck Alma 184Lowell Larson Decora 177Marlowe Nelson La Belle 084

District 6Leland Burlison Oshkosh 027William Dresser Twin Cities 061Donald Harris Appleton 349John Hein Wisconsin Rapids 128Richard Kraeger Winneconne 186Roger Magoon Appleton 349Owen Nielson Clintonville 197John Reese Appleton 349Joseph Roehrick Winneconne 186Russell Rottler Wisconsin Rapids 128Edward Thomsen Wisconsin Rapids 128

District 7Donald Asplin Middleton-IonIc 180Richard Black Commonwealth 325Marvin Campbell Commonwealth 325James Emery Commonwealth 325Jerry Roscoe Madison 005

District 8Edwin Blake Baraboo 034Howard Hansen Richland 066Denman Kramer Sauk Prairie 113Kreighton McCutchin Jr. Sauk Prairie 113Gary Olson South Shore 003


Mark Olson South Shore 003Raymond Paynter Mineral Point 001Ross Pollock Mineral Point 001Davey White Jr. Melody 002Joseph Williamson South Shore 003

District 9Robert Atkinson Albany 036Randal Behlke Jefferson County 009Brian Duoss Milton 161James Fleming Oconomowoc-Hartland 042Robert Jewell Dousman 042Henry Pynakker Dousman 315Peter Ramboldt Morning Star 010Charles Smith Dousman 315

District 10Rick Gustafson Sheboygan 011J. Patrick Storrs West Bend 138George Wallinger Dodge County 072

District 11William Blakely Southern Lakes 012Kevin Breitzmann McKinley 307Richard Breitzmann McKinley 307Craig Campbell Lincoln 183Gordon Charlton Kenosha 047Sarkis Cherkinian Racine-Belle City 018Charles Crouse Freemasons 363Blair Dixon Union Grove 288Calvin Gardinier Kenosha 047Kenneth Gorgen McKinley 307Harold Little Washburn 145Frank Mayer Myron Reed 297William Wolter Jr. Southern Lakes 012

District 12George Burgess Jr. George Washington 337Charles Crouse Freemasons 363Dennis Griebenow Lake 189Donald Hensiak Lake 189Eugene Hess West Allis 291Edward Hoffman George Washington 337Jack Keyes Milwaukee-Harmony 261Walter Kopplin, II Lake 189Lyle Lance West Allis 291Eugene Marcus Milwaukee-Harmony 261Frank Mayer Freemasons 363Horace Palmer George Washington 337Frank Reed Jr. Freemasons 363Lowell Scott Milwaukee-Harmony 261Michael Strampe Lake 189Gary Van Deluyster Lake 189



District 1Dean E. Rowe Keystone 263 P.L.

District 2Donald Hoffman Clear Lake 230 E.A.Joseph Langer New Richmond 195 E.A.Gary Waltz Hancock 229 E.A.

District 3Robert Jr. Arnklam Forest 130 E.A., F.C., M.M., P.L.James Builer Forest 130 E.A., F.C., M.M., P.L.Keith Creuziger Mosinee 318 E.A., F.C., M.M., P.L.Thomas Passow Forest 130 E.A., F.C., M.M., P.L.Rick Schnabel Mosinee 318 E.A., F.C., M.M., P.L.

District 4Gordon Flannery Crandon 287 F.C.William Gallager Pine 188 E.A.Jeff Gordon Marinette 182 E.A.Jack Guenthrier Antigo 231 F.C.Christopher Hirthe Theodore Roosevelt 322 E.A.William Kelly Crandon 287 E.A.Paul Luhring Marinette 182 F.C.Daniel Lyons Washington 021 E.A., F.C.John Moe Tri County Daylite 218 E.A.Herbert Riechwald Mason-Woods 368 F.C.Dennis Siewert Theodore Roosevelt 322 M.M.Scott Sward Antigo 231 E.A., M.M.Andy Vargo Crandon 287 F.C.Kurt Wallinger Theodore Roosevelt 322 E.A.Mike Werner Pine 188 F.C.

District 5Phillip Bouffleur Frontier 045 M.M.Joe E. Brauner Black River 074 E.A.,F.C.John Brewer Frontier 045 M.M.John H. Brophy Decora 177 P.L.Martin Callaway La Crosse Masonic 190 P.L.,E.A.Roger Christenson Onalaska Masonic 214 P.L.,E.A.Allen Coenen Tomah 132 P.L.,M.M.Dean Dickinson La Crosse Masonic 190 P.L.Don E. Evenson Black River 074 E.A.,F.C.Harry Hiser La Crosse Masonic 190 P.L.,F.C.Wesley Hurlburt Onalaska Masonic 214 P.L.,M.M.Otis Larson Northern Light 081 P.L.,M.M.Paul Raymer Salem 125 P.L.,F.C.Gerald Schroeder La Belle 084 P.L.,E.A.Emil Schultz Black River 074 P.L.,E.A.Robert Suter Badger 345 P.L.,F.C.


District 6Timothy Castner Wautoma 148 E.A.,F.C.Michael Kelley Wautoma 148 P.L.Travis Lehrer Twin Cities 061 E.A.Jeff Lietz Appleton 349 E.A.Jim Lintner Waverly 051 E.A.,F.C.Richard Reilly Wautoma, Evergreen 148, 093 P.L.Joseph Roehrick Winneconne 186 E.A., F.C., M.M.John White Evergreen 093 E.A., M.M.Robert Wood Wautoma 148 E.A., F.C.Bruce Woodliff Wautoma 148 P.L.

District 7Phillip Van Styn Madison 005 F.C.

District 8Lyle Sprecher Sauk Prairie 113 E.A.Ken Walter Reedsburg 079 P.L.

District 9Terry Brown Dousman 315 E.A.

District 10David Tainter Ozaukee 017 E.A.

District 11Shane Beecraft Waukesha 037 E.A., F.C.Mark Fellman Waukesha 037 E.A.Dale Hartung Waukesha 037 E.A.

District 12Robert Capen Nathan Hale 350 E.A.Jim Christie West Allis 291 M.M.Jim Goodman South Shore 003 E.A.Joseph Harker Freemasons 363 E.A., F.C.Howard Hersh Milwaukee-Harmony 261 E.A.Richard Marcus George Washington 339 F.C.David Schreier Lake 189 E.A.


To the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Wisconsin;

This year the Planning Committee was charged with developing a program toassist the Lodges in several areas of common concern: Member Involvement, Reten-tion and Restoration, and Growth.

To assist in these areas, a program has been developed around a concept called“Lodge Centers of Excellence.” A Center of Excellence is a lodge that excels in oneor more of these areas. Lodges that have successful programs that address thesecommon concerns have been identified and have agreed to be a Lodge Center ofExcellence. These lodges will be listed on the Grand Lodge Website, along withtheir contact information and area of excellence. If a lodge is looking for ideas on


member involvement, retention, restoration or growth, this would be an avenue forthem to contact one or more of the “Lodge Centers of Excellence” to see how theycould implement similar programs in their lodge to address these common concerns.

In addition to the Centers of Excellence, a personal contact program will beimplementedtokeepbrothers informedofupcomingeventsandactivitiesstate-widevia email. Combined with the listings in the Wisconsin Masonic Journal, this willprovide an additional mechanism to build stronger relationships between lodgesacross the state of Wisconsin through a personal contact regarding events, onlinesurveys and notifications from the Grand Master or the Grand Lodge office. EachLodge will have the opportunity to have their activities emailed to brethren bycontacting the Grand Lodge office.

In addition,we have revised the reporting forms used by the District Deputies andArea Administrators to make reporting to the Grand Master simpler and uniform.

I would like to thank all those that assisted the committee in gathering informa-tion and presenting ideas. We thank those Lodge Centers of Excellence for theirwillingness to share ideas of success. We encourage brethren and all lodges toparticipate in the personal contact program, as well as review the Lodge Centersfor Excellence information that may assist your lodge in earning the distinction ofbecoming a Lodge Center of Excellence.

Fraternally submitted,

William Beetcher, Junior Grand Deacon – ChairFranklin J. Struble, Senior Grand Steward

Donald Hensiak, Junior Grand StewardKenneth Gorgen, Grand Lecturer

Donald Iliff, Grand ChaplainArby Humphrey, Grand Orator

John W. Krinke, Grand MarshalPatrick Storrs, Grand Tiler


To the Grand Lodge Free and Accepted Masons of Wisconsin:

“It shall be the duty of the Committee on Temple Plans and Financing to pre-pare and maintain a book of plans, specifications and appropriate costs of MasonicTemples, to counsel lodges on costs, plans requirements for building and financingand to make recommendations for approval or disapproval of such plans to theGrand Master.”

The Committee has maintained a book of sample plans and specifications forLodge buildings that have been constructed in Wisconsin. The Book of Plans iskept at the Grand Masonic Center and can be borrowed by any constituent lodge.In addition to the Book of Plans, the Committee also maintains several sampleprototype plans in digital format. They are available upon request via email Due to the wide regional variances in the cost of construction, ithas not been possible to produce an accurate schedule of costs for the sample plans.The Committee has been available to counsel lodges on the costs of any anticipatedconstruction projects.


Requests for counsel have been received from the following lodges:

South Shore Lodge #3: Request: Provide advice, options and proceduralinformation regarding leasing hall space at the Hickory Inn, 2703 S. ChicagoAve., South Milwaukee. The Committee provided a written opinion for useby the Grand Master in making a determination. Grand Master Campbelloriginally denied this request and subsequently reversed his decision.

South Shore Lodge #3: Request: Provide advice and information regard-ing acquisition of the building at 11123 W. St. Marten’s Road, Franklin andits possible conversion to Masonic use. The Committee reviewed the dataavailable from the realtor and from the city and provided the Lodge with awritten synopsis and recommendations.

Hurley Lodge #237: Request: Provide advice and information regardingthe restoration and remodeling of their building on HWY 51 in Mercer vs.obtaining a different structure for use as a Lodge. The Committee inspectedthe existing facility and made written recommendations for restoration ofthe building as well as provide budget information on conversion of existingfacilities and construction of new facilities. Hurley Lodge has a donation“with strings” offer from a local brother. The Committee met with the donorand his family and made further written recommendations to Lodge #237to address the contingencies. Hurley Lodge voted to abandon their existingbuilding and retained an architect to design a new Lodge building for theirexisting site in Mercer.

Clear Lake Lodge #230: Request:Advise on replacing an existing stairwaychair lift. The Committee researched the building code and contacted theWisconsin Department of Commerce to verify options and procedures forstairway loft replacement. It was determined that the existing stairway liftcould not be replaced with a similar devise and that a conformant mechanismwas not economically feasible at this time.

Shawano Lodge #170: Request: Provide options, alternatives and opinionsregarding remodeling of the Lodge’s existing property and purchasing andremodeling commercial property at a different location in Shawano. It wasdetermined that selling the existing Lodge property and purchasing andremodeling a different commercial property was the best option for Shawano#170. The committee offered critiques and suggestions for several alterationdesign schemes. Shawano Lodge dedicated its new facility on May 23.

Waterloo Lodge #63: Request: Advice and procedural information on landacquisition, fund raising, financing and design requirements for a new Ma-sonic facility. Procedures were explained and the Book of Plans delivered toWaterloo Lodge #63.

The Temple Plans & Financing Committee was charged with providing a break-our seminar to be delivered during the 2010 Annual Communication.

Fraternally submitted,

J. Patrick Storrs, ChairmanRichard P. Linde


Daniel L. SlavikDavid E. TainterMark D. Jerdee


To the Grand Lodge Free and Accepted Masons of Wisconsin:

The Grand Lodge Youth Funding Committee was established in 1998 to requestand budget funds from the Grand Lodge and disburse these funds to our MasonicYouth Groups.The State Masonic Youth Groups of The International Order of Rain-bow for Girls, The International Order of DeMolay and The International Order ofJob’s Daughters rely on our annual financial support for their programming. TheCommittee attempts to see that all youth information is updated for the “GreenBook” and other Wisconsin Masonic Youth Information.

The Grand Lodge Masonic Youth Fund was also established in 1998 with theintent that this Fund would increase in value through donations and investingto generate enough revenue to support annual grants for the Wisconsin MasonicYouth Groups. When this fund reached an appropriate level, Youth Funding wouldno longer be part of the Annual Grand Lodge Budget, and be a stand-alone self-sustainingperpetual fund.Thiswasaccomplishedandat theannual communicationin 2006, representatives passed a budget without any funding for our youth groups.

The following criteria were established and no funds were distributed until theguidelines were met.

• Each organization must have their tax-exempt status on file at the GrandLodge Office.

• A copy of the organizations current operating budget.• A letterhead memo with the number of members as of 1/1/09.

Criteria for Special Grants to the Youth Organizations.• Grant Requests must be submitted to the proper youth group governing body

for its approval.• The Approved Grant will then be forwarded to the Youth Funding Committee

for consideration.

The Youth Funding Committee’s income comes from two sources.• Masonic Youth Fund – Wisconsin Masonic Foundation• Grand Lodge Youth Fund – Grand Lodge Trustees

Committee Approved allocation of Funds for the Grand Lodge Year 2009-2010

Item IOJD IODM IORGMembership 01/01/09 291 181 35Base per organization $3,000.00 $3,000.00 $3,000.00$30. Per Member $8,730.00 $5,430.00 $1,050.00Total $11,730.00 $8,430.00 $4,050.00

Grant Fund = $5,790.00 Totals Funds 2009-2010 = $30,000.00Any unused funds to be returned to the Grand Lodge Youth Fund



Grand Master Craig Campbell gave a short history of Brother Mark Twain, whosaid in 1910 shortly before he died,that Freemasonry was the“grip and word that lifta man up and make him glad to be alive.” The Masonic Information Center intendsfor the Twain Award to recognize those lodges, regardless of size, that demonstrateenergy, innovation and creativity, communicating the values of Freemasonry. Theywere extremely proud to recognize Wisconsin’s Twain Award winner for 2009-2010as Waverly Lodge No. 51 from Appleton.A representative from Waverly came to theeast and accepted the award from Grand Master Campbell.


GrandMasterCampbellpresentedasesquicentennialplaquetoDodgevilleLodgeNo. 119, Waupaca Lodge No. 123 and Hartford Lodge No. 120, Salem Lodge No.125and Dells Lodge No. 124. Representatives from each lodge came forward to receivethe award and all were given a hearty round of applause.


It was a goal of Grand Master Craig Campbell to resurrect the degree competitionthis year. Seven lodges registered for the competition held in Wausau on May 8,2010, but unfortunately the morning of the competition three of them were unableto attend for various reasons. The competition was held with the four lodges thatwere there. He recognized the Brothers from Forest Lodge No. 130 for coming infourth place. Theodore Roosevelt Lodge No. 322 received a plaque for third place,and Waukesha Lodge No. 37 received a plaque for coming in second. The degreeteam that received the most points and therefore had the best degree team in thestate was Washington Lodge No. 21 in Green Bay. They came forward to receivetheir plaque and were congratulated on a job well done.


Curt Campagna a member of the Widow’s sons Masonic Riders Association ofWisconsin, one of the largest growing motorcycle associations in the country cameforward to make a presentation. He explained that they have chapters of Masonswho ride motorcycles and try to bring Masonry to the motorcycling community.They take great pride each year in presenting an honorary membership to eachPast Grand Master and did so to Grand Master Campbell by giving him his duescard. He also presented a dues card to the soon-to-be Grand Master, Joe Harker.


Grand Master Campbell called forward the District Deputies and presentedthem with an envelope that contained all of the nameplates for each of the lodgesin their district that participated. They will be responsible to present them to thelodges at their fall district meetings.

TheGrandSecretaryreadthenamesof105of the182degree-conferringlodgeswhoparticipated in the 2009 Lodge Excellence Award program. This award is intendedto encourage the development of positive programs, and to give recognition at all


levels.All were congratulated for their hard work in the lodge and in the community.

Additionally, the three lodges who excelled above all the other lodges by achiev-ing the highest points were awarded money for high school scholarships withinthe Wisconsin Masonic Foundation’s scholarship program for use in 2011. The 3rdplace award winner ($200) was Warren Lodge No. 4, the 2nd place award winner($300) was Waukesha Lodge No. 37 and the first place award winner ($500) wasTheodore Roosevelt Lodge #322.

District No. 1 District No. 8Superior #236 Warren #3Acacia-Itasca #329 Dodgeville #119Barnes #365 Richland #66Shell Lake-Spooner #221 Linden #206Keystone #263 Evening Star #64Ancient Landmark #210 Prairie du Chien #8

Reedsburg #79District No. 2 Benton #268Chetek #277 Smith #31Menomonee #164 Mineral Point #1George B. Wheeler #351 Sauk Prairie #113Hancock #229New Richmond #195 District No. 9Chippewa Falls #176 Dousman #315Buffalo River #252 Union #32St. Croix #56 Waucoma #90River Falls #109 Morning Star #10

Oconomowoc-Hartland #42District No. 3 Milton #161Rhinelander #242 Jefferson County #9Island City #330 New Glarus #310Mystic Tie #280 Kegonsa #73Forest #130 Bicknell #94Eagle River #248 Janesville-Western Star #55Virginia Falls #226Phillips #225 District No. 10

Fond du Lac #26District No. 4 Ozaukee #17Theodore Roosevelt #322 Cassia #167Henry S. Baird #174 Sheboygan #11Oconto Falls #293 Waupun #48Washington #21 Hartford #120N.E.W. Daylight #360 Berlin #38Crandon #287 West Bend #138Des Peres #85 Dodge County #72Tri County Daylight #218 Prairie View #95Mason Woods #368 Calumet #172Hiram Fisher #222 Victory #320

Omro #168


District No. 5 District No. 11Tomah #132 Waukesha #37Valley #60 McKinley #307Onalaska #214 Unity #367Black River #74 Union Grove #288Merrillan #177 Southern Lakes #12

Racine-Bell City #18District No. 6 Burlington #28Wisconsin Rapids #128 Wilmot #241Wautoma #148 Pewaukee #246Waverly #51 Elmbrook #354Twin Cities #61Mosinee #318 District No. 12Winneconne #186 Damascus #290Marshfield 224 West Allis #291

George Washington 1776 #337District No. 7 Wisconsin #13Waterloo #63 Freemasons #363Hiram #50 Henry L. Palmer #301Doric #356 Wauwatosa #267Lodi Valley #99 South Shore #3Benjamin Franklin #83 James M. Hays #331Commonwealth #325 Nathan Hale #350


Grand Master Campbell thanked the Grand Lodge officers and District Teammembers who were retiring their positions and gave certificates and pins to thefollowing: Area Administrators Ozcan Kilic, Scott E. Bishop, Jonathan Foster, Ste-ven Breunig, John McKenzie, Leroy Kifer, District Lecturers David Frings, AlbertW Jurgens, III, Kenneth Bales, Joel Arnold, District Chaplains, D James Childs,Grand Tiler J Patrick Storrs and District Deputy Jeffrey Marquardt. They weregiven a hearty round of applause.


Grand Secretary Michael DeWolf presented the final report of the CredentialsCommittee:

Of the 183 Wisconsin lodges, 175 were represented, 8 were absent.

Lodges not attending were: Manitowoc #65, Juneau #103, Waupaca #123, Dells#124, Arcadia #201, Clear Lake #230, Bloomer #281, and Owen #317.




1 Mineral PointJames Davis, W.M.Raymond Paynter, S.W.William Buckingham, *

2 MelodyKevin Hanson, W.M.Ronnie Jaacks, S.W.Robert Lewis, *

3 South ShoreMichael Neldner, W.M.Richard Allen, S.W.Alan Edlebeck, J.W.

4 WarrenEmmett Reilly, W.M.Keith Turner, *Dan Sedgwick, *

5 MadisonLamont Colucci, W.M.Gerrit Marshall, S.W.Jonathan Derer, J.W.

8 Prairie du ChienMarc Steiber, *Monte Steiber, *

9 JeffersonDaryl Haumschild, W.M.Alan Brawders, S.W.Noah Schultz, J.W.

10 Morning StarNorman Luellen, Jr., W.M.Duane Harvey, J.W.Vern Miller, *

11 SheboyganMatthew Elliott, S.W.Carl Peterson, J.W.

12 Southern LakesAndrew Willett, W.M.

13 WisconsinTimothy Zielinski, W.M.Eric Inman, S.W.

16 FranklinDavid Maughan, W.M.David Druckley, *William Jewell, *

17 OzaukeeSidney Arthur, S.W.Gary McClellan, J.W.Edward Bannister, III, *

18 Racine-Belle CityRobert Messer, W.M.Kirby Timm, J.W.Scott McClelland, *

21 WashingtonMichaerl Scalf, W.M.Joseph Chilcote, S.W.Mark Ellis, J.W.

25 AmicitiaSteven Leitzinger, W.M.Emmett Reilly, S.W.George Jordan, *

26 Fond du LacScott Ransom, W.M.

27 OshkoshRichard Yell, W.M.Kevin Schueller, J.W.Donald Wood, *

28 BurlingtonShawn Noble, S.W.

30 AuroraJosef Pronnet, W.M.Helmut Godejohann, S.W.

31 SmithGary Henning, W.M.Scott Feldt, S.W.Frederick Jaggi, J.W.

32 UnionRusty Thompson, W.M.Robert Barnett, Jr., *


33 Fort WinnebagoJeffrey Little, W.M.Tyson Swan, S.W.Harold Carpenter, *

34 BarabooEssam Awad, S.W.Edwin Blake, *

36 AlbanyWilliam Briggs, W.M.Phillip Ringhand, J.W.Larry Hanson, *

37 WaukeshaDale Hartung, W.M.Eric Friedrichsohn, S.W.Michael Vassar, J.W.

38 BerlinAndrew Werch, W.M.Kyle Grahn, S.W.Gerald Werch, *

42 Oconomowoc-HartlandDavid Grevenkamp, W.M.Jon Holtz, S.W.Daniel Bast, *

44 GenevaRichard Vande Sande, W.M.Frank Chesen, J.W.John Wozniak, *

45 FrontierGregory Heineck, J.W.

47 KenoshaBryce Ulmer, J.W.

48 WaupunRichard Peters, W.M.William Schrank, S.W.David Travis, *

50 HiramMark Jenks, W.M.Jerry Roscoe, S.W.Richard Staley, J.W.

51 WaverlyMatthew Walters, W.M.Jonathan Bascue, *David Foster, *

55 Janesville-Western StarLarry Preston, *

56 St. CroixDavid Gagnon, W.M.Kevin Schmit, S.W.Milton Cardoso, J.W.

57 St. John’sJason Mackey, W.M.

60 ValleyRoger Matson, W.M.Tomas Tourville, *

61 Twin CitiesTravis Lehrer, W.M.Jason Helling, S.W.Jeffrey Manke, J.W.

63 WaterlooRobert Lewis, W.M.Joshua Myren, S.W.Shaun Buehler, *

64 Evening StarBen Ritchie, J.W.Dave Ritchie, *


66 RichlandLarry Ferguson, W.M.Larry Hallett, S.W.Cecil Groves, J.W.

68 PalmyraLarry Ferguson, W.M.Steven Jones, S.W.Jim Roberts, *

69 FultonMichael Green, W.M.Robert Bradley, *Sherman Bradley, *

71 QuincyRobert Theim, S.W.

72 Dodge CountyRobert Dolan, W.M.Richard Johnson, S.W.Michael Roddy, J.W.


73 KegonsaRobert Markham, S.W.Joseph Mitchell, *

74 Black RiverElmer Simonson, *

75 ColumbusGerald Sallman, W.M.Steven Davidson, J.W.George Jordan, *

79 ReedsburgJoseph Williamson, W.M.Douglas Bentley, S.W.Jason Dallman, *

80 IndependenceDean Gonzalez, W.M.Robert Tumi, *Robert Helback, *

82 ManawaWilliam Mollica, *

83 Benjamin FranklinPaul Gordon, W.M.Travis West, S.W.Mathais, Statz, J.W.

84 La BelleSean Young, W.M.Larry Stegall, S.W.Marlowe Nelson, *

85 Des PeresBlaise Krautkramer, S.W.John Berggren, *Jess Chariton, *

90 WaucomaDwight Redders, W.M.Matt Halla, *

93 EvergreenMichael Bredlau, W.M.Andrew Cowling, S.W.

94 BicknellLe Roy Huber, W.M.

95 Prairie ViewLarry Malchow, W.M.Richard Coles, S.W.Kevyn Nault, *

97 Crescent ValleyJohn Donaldson, W.M.James Craney, *

99 Lodi ValleyMark Manke, W.M.James Capper, J.W.Jeff Millikin, *


105 NorthwesternDavid Finley, S.W.Dan Finley, *

108 Neosho-Mayville-HoriconJames Lumsden, W.M.Jack Bridich, S.W.Randy Thorman, *

109 River FallsSteven Schwartz, W.M.Steven Schwartz, S.W.David Hoffman, J.W.

112 Eau ClaireMichael Epson, W.M.Thomas Christiano, S.W.John Shimoda, J.W.

113 Sauk PrairieLaurence Hinyup, W.M.Richard Campbell, S.W.David Dickson, J.W.

119 DodgevilleMelvin Masters, W.M.Orville Olson, *

120 HartfordRobert Schulz, W.M.John Orth, S.W.Ron Schmidt, *




125 SalemTerry Loper, *

128 Wisconsin RapidsCraig Carpenter, W.M.David Bergerson, S.W.Jason Laramee, J.W.

130 ForestJoseph Barlow, W.M.James Bitner, S.W.John Galindo, J.W.

132 TomahHarry Smith, W.M.Timothy Shuffield, J.W.Ken Kuhn, *

138 West BendHarry Smith, W.M.Omar Youssef, S.W.Scott Baron, J.W.

141 MontelloTodd Turner, *

143 Sun PrairieSteve Breunig, W.M.Daniel Strausser, S.W.Wade Johnson, J.W.

145 WashburnSamuel Gascoigne, III, W.M.

148 WautomaJon Barthel, S.W.John Jenks, J.W.Bill Drecktrah, *

149 Durand-PepinMichael Hunter, W.M.

151 OregonAlvin Bettenhausen, W.M.James Goldsmith, J.W.John MacKenzie, *

161 MiltonEli Glissendorf, W.M.Matthew Glissendorf, S.W.William Kayser, *

164 MenomonieDonald Schwartz, W.M.Bruce Trimble, S.W.James Harmer, J.W.

167 CassiaKen Hellmann, W.M.John Dorsey, S.W.Tod Hellmann, J.W.

168 OmroJohn Hoeft, W.M.J. Patrick Storrs, S.W.

170 ShawanoTimothy Tainter, W.M.Larry Sperberg, S.W.

172 CalumetScott Driskill, W.M.

173 PoynetteRichard Preston, W.M.

174 Henry S. BairdStephen Rabach, W.M.Jay Herbst, *Thomas Pinney, Jr., *

176 Chippewa FallsLester Paulson, W.M.

177 DecoraJohn Brophy, W.M.James Kline, *

178 ArgyleMarvin Engelke, W.M.Orville Boeck, S.W.Karl Gant, J.W.

180 Middleton-IonicDavid Burkeland, W.M.David Howel, J.W.Sam Ferguson, *

182 MarinetteHenry Buchman, W.M.

183 LincolnTerrence Tracy, W.M.James Broich, S.W.Michael Allen, J.W.


186 WinneconneWilliam Beck, J.W.Richard Kreager, *Richard Mansfield, *

187 North StarTom Peterson, W.M.David Giese, *

188 PineTerry Lee Richardson, J.W.

189 LakePaul Newell, W.M.Dave Schreier, *Mike Clinnin, *

190 La Crosse MasonicKeith Williams, W.M.Todd Wohlert, *David O’Neill, *

192 Collins-Spring ValleyJay Custer, W.M.James McFarlane

193 AshlarRichard Volland, S.W.

195 New RichmondAllen Coenen, W.M.Larry Riemenschneider, *

197 ClintonvilleDanford Jesse, W.M.Edward Mitchell, S.W.


206 LindenJ. Bradley, W.M.Glenn Langfoss, J.W.Donald Barritt, *

210 Ancient LandmarkTimothy Mott, W.M.Gregg Olson, S.W.Kingman Loomis, J.W.

214 Onalaska MasonicRichard Matl, *Richard Gray, *

215 Bayfield-WashburnBryan Paulsen, W.M.Jeffrey Hepner, *

217 MedfordJames Weaver, W.M.

218 Tri-County DayliteCharles Fick, W.M.Richard Zahorik, S.W.Robert Draeger, *

219 FennimoreDonald Noyes, W.M.

221 Shell Lake-SpoonerDavid Perko, W.M.

222 Hiram D. FisherJohn Kranzusch, S.W.Curtis Jensen, J.W.Todd Patterson, *

224 MarshfieldShawn Matthes, W.M.Kenneth Olm, S.W.Gary Sterzinger, J.W.

225 PhillipsDavid Sonntag, W.M.Glenn Seitz, S.W.Gary Metz, J.W.

226 Virginia FallsBarry Maxfield, W.M.John Tilley, S.W.

229 HancockWilliam Reed, S.W.W Milton Helmer, *


231 AntigoTony Pool, S.W.Kevin Stege, *

234 Blue HillsHarlan Dodge, W.M.Michael Volkert, S.W.Paul Jacobs, *


236 SuperiorChristopher Schnepper, S.W.Aaren Petersen, J.W.Bradley Edstrom, *

237 HurleyJack Reec, *Arden Mikich, *

241 WilmotRichard Wood, S.W.Steven Shaffer, J.W.Brian Vogt, *

242 RhinelanderDon Riemenschneider, W.M.David Imlah, Jr., S.W.

244 LandmarkScott Mellon, W.M.John Henneman, J.W.

245 SocialRodney Johnson, W.M.Michael Hedrick, S.W.Richard Trailer, J.W.

246 PewaukeeAnthony Knutson, S.W.Timothy Zellner, J.W.Ron Knutson, *

247 LaflinRobert Koch, W.M.Roy Hubler, J.W.James Truesdell, *

248 Eagle RiverJames Carey, III, W.M.Scott Bishiop, *

252 Buffalo RiverJon Hageness, W.M.James Trowbridge, S.W.John Accola

261 Milwaukee-HarmonyJason Freeman, S.W.Lowell Scott, *Jack Keyes, *

263 KeystoneKingman Loomis, *Kevin Fischer, *Travis, Hand, *

265 LafayetteRobert Adams, W.M.Kenneth Koula, *

267 WauwatosaChristopher Howard, W.M.James Nowicki, S.W.Wade Liljegren, J.W.

268 BentonKevin Germaine, W.M.Joseph Thompson, *

272 Camp DouglasLeo Clark, W.M.

277 ChetekWilliam Rhiger, S.W.Richard Hodges, J.W.Tomas Wittelsbach, *

279 MerrillanRaymond Ransom, W.M.

280 Mystic TieAlbert Jennerman, *


287 CrandonJohn Gregg, W.M.Robert Riemer, S.W.

288 Union GroveWilliam Wampler, W.M.Clinton Cagle, J.W.John Kovach, *

290 DamascusLarry Chadderdon, W.M.Sean Schult, *

291 West AllisWilliam Krohn, W.M.Todd Krohn, S.W.Paul Twardy, J.W.


293 Oconto FallsJason Richardson, W.M.Ralph Papesh, S.W.

297 Myron ReedRonald Pashold, S.W.Frank Foti, *

301 Henry L. PalmerKristian Kay, W.M.John Unz, II, *

307 McKinleyMichael Gorgen, W.M.James Lovett, S.W.Todd Jaremko, J.W.

310 New GlarusDavid Jackson, W.M.Michael Mudrey, S.W.

315 DousmanTerrance Brown, W.M.James Johnson, J.W.Duane Roehl, *


318 MosineeRick Schnabel, W.M.David Renly, S.W.Steven Peterson, *

319 BarneveldScott Komplin, W.M.Randall Massey, *Don Komplin, *

320 VictoryNicholas Schultz, W.M.Paul Tourville, S.W.

322 Theodore RooseveltBarry Siewert, W.M.Gerals Brebner, S.W.Christopher Young, J.W.

325 CommonwealthMathias Statz, W.M.Travis West, *Joseph Fleming, *

329 Acacia-ItascaJack Byrd, W.M.Lyle Kunert, S.W.David Trianoski, J.W.

330 Island CityRichard Hansen, S.W.Robert Eckert, *Albert Jurgens III, *

331 James M. HaysBryan Gapinski, S.W.

332 AdamsRoger Chase, W.M.William Wenberg, J.W.

337 George Washington 1776Walter Smith, W.M.Otto Tesch, III, S.W.Charles Carroll, J.W.

347 SanctuaryAndrew McKenzie, W.M.Paul Lenz, S.W.

349 AppletonDavid Gerlach, W.M.Bruce Sim, *Roger Magoon, *

350 Nathan HaleRichard Kasza, W.M.Edward Cassel, S.W.Daniel Ryan, J.W.

351 George B. WheelerJames Kent, W.M.Mark Hink, S.W.Gary Stang, *

354 ElmbrookJames Stoebe, S.W.Dave West, *

356 DoricPaul Hallingstad, W.M.Dale Holman, *Ward Nottestad, *

358 Day LiteJohn Chadderdon, W.M.Louis Montgomery, *James Burton, *


359 SunriseJohn Walker, W.M.A Paul Martin, S.W.

360 N.E.W. DayliteGerald Brebner, S.W.

362 Four Lakes DaylightPhilip Salkin, W.M.Roger Reukauf, J.W.

363 FreemasonsThomas Curtis, II, W.M.Michael Reindl, S.W.Jeffrey Day, J.W.

364 Glenn L. HumphreyHenry Pynakker, W.M.Alfred Berg, *

365 BarnesArby Humphrey, W.M.David Frings, S.W.Scott Larson, J.W.

366 Perseverance 1836Richard Preston, W.M.Barry Maxfield, *

367 UnityWayne Budwick, *

368 Mason-Woods,William Cole, W.M.Herbert Reichwald, S.W.Harold Meyer, *

1843 Silas ShepherdArthur Mattox, S.W.William Stonecipher, *Gary Pilgrim, *

1862 Armistead-BinghamJames Myrhum, J.W.



Grand Master Craig Campbell, Grand Secretary Michael DeWolf and GrandTreasurer John Benedict all declared that there was no unfinished business ontheir desks.

The Annual communication was declared informal so that the 2010-2011 GrandLodge officers could assume their new stations and returned to formal status whenall were in their place.


Past Grand Master and Installing Grand Marshal Larry Myers proclaimed the2010-2011 elected and appointed Grand officers duly installed.


Past Grand Master James H. Olson presented the Past Grand Master’s jewelto outgoing Grand Master Craig S. Campbell. He asked all to rise and give him ahearty round of applause for a job well done.


“My brothers, I am deeply humbled but honored by having been elected andinstalled as your Grand Master. I want to congratulate and thank all of the GrandLodge Officers that have been elected or appointed and installed to serve you thisnext Grand Lodge year with me. We all thank you for your support and confidence.We pledge to you our support in all of your endeavors. We also pledge our support toYork Rite, Scottish Rite, and Shrine and other appendant bodies as well as our youthorganizations. Your work is important and appreciated by all those whom you serve.Your Grand Lodge Officers want you to know that we are a team that is in place toserve the brothers, lodges and all Masonic affiliates of this great jurisdiction. I wantyou to know that I will do my very best to uphold the duties of the office to whichI have been elected and installed. I know that our other officers will do the same.”

“I have been asked repeatedly by many of you if I thought that I would be readyto be your next Grand Master. As a team of Grand Lodge officers that have beenworking very well together there are many things we already are aware of that mustbe handled and I am sure there are many more that we are not aware of that willrequire handling. I want you all to know that the team of progressive line officershave been meeting at least once each and every month for several years now. I trustthat will continue. Your executive officers will be meeting this year once each monthor more often as required to address issues that are brought to our attention. So toanswer that most frequently asked question. I may not know all the answers butwith the assistance of the team assembled, I/we will provide the answers and/orinformation that you deserve and expect. I strongly believe in team work. A teamwill accomplish much more than any one individual can accomplish by himself.”

“We must thank all of our Past Grand Masters for their excellent leadership andforesight to set the direction that our Jurisdiction has taken in the past. Their suc-cesses have enabled us to set our goals equally as high. We know that we can counton each of them for guidance. Thank-you Past Grand Masters.”


“You Grand Lodge office staff lays poised and ready to assist you and yourlodges when you need them. The young ladies at your Grand Lodge office have theexperience and knowledge to address your many concerns and needs. I would askthat you be polite and courteous providing adequate time for our staff to producethe certificates, forms, materials etc. that you need. You have provided me with theopportunity the past two years to travel to the North American Conference of GrandMasters and Grand Secretaries.There I have had the chance to talk with many GrandLodge officers from various Jurisdictions. When time allowed, I sat in on portionsof the Grand Secretary’s sessions and it is very apparent that we are so very luckyto have M.W. Michael A. DeWolf, P.G.M., Grand Secretary serving our jurisdiction.M.W. Brother Mike along with our Right Worshipful Brother John Benedict, GrandTreasurer spent a considerable amount of time and energy in negotiating some veryfavorable terms of coverage and premium costs for our lodges and The Grand Lodgeinsurance protection and expenses this year. I am sure that nearly all of you experi-enced a decrease in the amount that you are paying in insurance premiums. Thesetwo Brothers were also tasked with the rollout of the new Government regulations.These two items alone required considerable time and effort. My brothers you do notknow how fortunate you and I are to have a staff so capable and knowledgeable.”

“Our Grand Secretary will be conducting secretary training sessions this year. Aportion of that training will be MORI (The Masonic Online Registry Interface) tool.It is a tool that all lodges must master. I want you all to know that it has becomeimpossible to maintain the BLIS (Blue Lodge Information System). BLIS was on aplatform that does not make sense to utilize any longer. Face it today my brothers,BLIS is a thing of the past. If you are still using it, set a goal to transfer to MORIover the summer. While it makes the most sense that the Lodge would benefit if theLodge secretary were your local MORI expert, it does not have to be the secretarybut it may be another member of your Lodge who has basic computer skills and iswilling to learn the MORI system. I have attended one of the early MORI trainingclasses a few years ago and more recently have taken the on line training session.It is not difficult my brothers. MORI is a complete web based membership manage-ment application for use by constituent Lodges, integrating the Grand Lodge office,subordinate body, and fundraising functions into a unified system. MORI can helpus to eliminate errors, improve mailings, enforce our Constitution, and lower ouroperating expenses. I encourage those Lodges that are not registered to do so nowrather than later. I have looked at the usage statistics: there are 13 Lodges whohave as yet not registered; there are Lodges that have accessed the program a dozentimes or so and there are Lodges that have accessed the program in the hundredsof times and one Lodge that has accessed it nearly 1,000 times. Our Grand LodgeOfficers want to see you utilize this program as it is a tool to enable your Lodges tobe more efficient and to reduce the time your secretary or assistant secretary spendspreparing dues notices, recording dues, preparing reports, and sending notices toyour membership and many other efficiencies as well. Please pass along to yourMORI user that it would be a great deal of help if he were to provide input in eachof the data fields for each member. I found this past fall and winter while trying tofill Grand Lodge Officer, board and committee positions that the occupation categoryhasn’t been completed or stated retired.This lack of information makes it difficult inidentifying individual to serve your fraternity. If retired please state the profession oroccupation from which our member retired from followed by (retired) in parentheses.”

“We have good programs in place and we believe that it is not necessary to startnew programs but rather improve those that we already have in place. Our planning


committee this past year has been working on indentifying “Centers of Excellence”or in other words Lodges that have been successful using the programs that exist.These Lodges have been identified and are willing to assist other lodges that wouldlike to improve in certain areas. Shortly the Districts Deputies will have informa-tion on this data.”

“Membership continues to be an area in which we must concentrate our efforts.Grand Master Campbell is to be commended on his initiative to hold several publicseminars that are continuing to generate new members for some of our Lodges. Wecan do nothing about our members that pass on to the lodge above. However, there isan area where we must, at the Lodge level, do a better job and that is communicat-ing with our brothers, especially those whom for whatever reason choose to resignor simply stop paying dues annually. I can not tell you how many former brothershave told me they are too embarrassed to request to be reinstated. The WorshipfulMaster and/orWardens should be (must be) contacting these brothers before they aresuspended. Maintain contact with brothers that live both locally and outside whatyou would normally list as your boundaries. A suggestion may be with a birthdaycard or Masonic anniversary card sent annually.”

“Your expenditures committee and Progressive Line Officers spent a great deal oftime and effort to understand our operating expenses. We reviewed the way that ourannual budget was developed only to determine that our budgets ware based on theprevious year’s budgets and not the actual expenditures. We found that for the pastseveral years the actual expenditures exceed the budgets in several categories andwere over budgeted in other categories. We found that there were expenses that didnot make sense being categorized the way that they were. As a result the true actualexpenses did not equate to the budget. We prepared a budget that is based uponwhat our actual expenses have been for the past 3-4 years and a projection for theyear just completed. Those records will be audited by September and we will knowwhere we will need to control with our expenses in an effort to stay within budget.We know that in future year we can refine this process. We have added additionalfunding to the Masonic Journal to improve the paper stock that is used in yourprinted publication. How many of you have gone to the Grand Lodge Web site to seethe Masonic Journal? Did you realize that there are additional pages showing morepictures and repetitive data? We have also budgeted to make some necessary repairsto your Grand Lodge Office building. It is necessary to provide our staff with raisesthis year. There are also the benefits that are increasing as well. We have made ourGrand Secretary position a paid position. We have found it necessary to meet ad-ditional Government/IRS requirements. This has meant that our Grand Secretarystudy and implement procedures to comply and stay current with these regulations.Some of you may think that your Grand lodge is being too forceful in requestingtimely filing of reports. Let me assure you that our Government is insisting on this,it is not your Grand Lodge office making it difficult on the Lodges.”

“We are not in favor of consolidations. Once a Lodge no longer exists in a commu-nity it is doubtful that it will ever reopen. There is one Lodge that we are watchingbecause they tell us that this may just happen. There have been the past couple ofyears Lodges that wanted to consolidate but didn’t and are now once again doingdegree work like they did 20-40 years ago. If they had consolidated what organiza-tion do you think these new bothers would have joined?”

“While a lodge that I am a member of has used the one day Man to Mason program


several times very successfully I want you all to know that I am not a fan of thismethod of raising a brother or group of brothers.”

“We are seeing a couple of our Lodges working on re-establishing youth organi-zations in their buildings. We offer to those Lodges encouragement and would askother Lodges to consider reforming or starting a youth organization. It is proven thatyouth exposed to Masonry will directly or indirectly add to your membership. Ad-ditionally, I have experienced many Lodges where the youth groups provide servicesto the Lodge during Lodge functions. This is a win – win opportunity for your Lodge.Your Grand Lodge through our investments and those of your Wisconsin MasonicFoundation continues to support Rainbow for Girls, Job’s Daughters and DeMolay.”

“I encourage all lodges to plan well in advance of the day of installation of Lodgeofficers.YourGrandLodgeOfficers enjoyparticipating inyour installations.Ask themearly before their calendars fill up.We work cheap. However, my brothers spend sometime planning your Lodge’s year. The Budget is most important. Understand yourexpenses and activities and prepare your Budget well in advance of your elections.This will also help in determining if an increase in your dues is needed.”

“The Wisconsin Masonic Home, Inc., Three Pillars Campus has undertaken theneeded construction of a 17,000 square feet expansion for a new Rehabilitation andWellness Center in Dousman. This will provide 14 private room beds for privatetherapy and continuing wellness programs.The“Caring to Grow”Capital Campaignis currently soliciting lodges and individuals for donations. Please consider a gener-ous gift to this effort. We continue to be concerned with our Van Brunt Building. Wealso continue to keep close watch over the Mason Woods facility. We hope to have asolid direction on the path forward for these two properties.”

“My brothers this is “OUR” fraternity. This is “OUR” year. It is not my year. Formy brothers as stated in the installation ceremony last evening “a Grand Mastershould be ever mindful that though elevated for the time being above his fellows,that he was elevated by them and to them he will shortly return.”

“My brothers you will now see on the screens the lapel pin representative of ouryear.As we are about to close this annual communication and you will hear from ourSenior Grand Warden “On the LEVEL.” Those three simple ittle words have meanta great deal to me all these years I have been attending Lodge meetings. When youopen your mind to it there are any number of meanings in this little statement. Inthe Lodge closing there are two little questions asked by the Worshipful Master andyou will hear them said a lot this coming year. I expect each and every member torespond. Let’s try IT!”

“How do we meet? How do we act? And how to we part?”

“Never Forget” our obligation and always remember that we meet “On the Level,”act by the “Plumb” and part upon the “Square.”

“Thank you and may God Bless!!!”


The 2010-2011 Grand Lodge officers closed the 166th Annual Communication ofthe Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Wisconsin.



In Memoriam

We pay Tribute tothe Memory ofOur Own Dead

andTo the Dead of Our

Sister Grand Jurisdictions

The bonds of friendship andbrotherly love can never be severed

by the scythe of time.

(See Necrology Report forlist of deceased members.)





















ACTIvE CHARTERED LODGESUnder the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge Free and Accepted Masons of


Name of Date of CharterNo. Lodge Location County Dispensation Granted

1 Mineral Point Mineral Point Iowa Oct. 8, 1840 Jan. 17, 18442 Melody Platteville Grant Jan. 20, 1843 Jan. 17, 18443 South Shore South Milwaukee Milwaukee June 12, 1843 Jan. 17, 18444 Warren Potosi Grant Apr. 27, 1844 Jan. 10, 18455 Madison Madison Dane June 4, 1844 Jan. 10, 18458 Prairie du Chien Prairie du Chien Crawford Dec. 26, 1857 June 10, 18589 Jefferson Jefferson Jefferson Oct. 19, 1888 June 12, 188910 Morning Star Beloit Rock Sept. 21, 1846 Jan. 14, 184711 Sheboygan Sheboygan Sheboygan Feb. 4, 1846 May 29, 184712 Southern Lakes Delavan Walworth May 7, 2004 June 14, 200413 Wisconsin Milwaukee Milwaukee Feb. 11, 1847 Jan. 15, 184816 Franklin Lone Rock Richland Aug. 3, 1847 Jan. 15, 184817 Ozaukee Pt. Washington Ozaukee Nov. 26, 1847 Jan. 15, 184818 Racine-Belle City Racine Racine Oct. 22, 1847 Jan. 15, 184821 Washington Green Bay Brown Dec. 23, 1847 Dec. 16, 184825 Amicitia Shullsburg Lafayette May 24, 1849 Dec. 15, 184926 Fond du Lac Fond du Lac Fond du Lac Sept. 13, 1849 Dec. 15, 184927 Oshkosh Oshkosh Winnebago Apr. 23, 1849 Dec. 15, 184928 Burlington Burlington Racine Feb. 7, 1849 Dec. 15, 184930 Aurora Milwaukee Milwaukee Jan. 7, 1850 Dec. 14, 185031 Smith Monroe Green Apr. 9, 1850 Dec. 13, 185032 Union Evansville Rock Oct. 14, 1850 Dec. 13, 185033 Fort Winnebago Portage Columbia June 26, 1850 Dec. 13, 185034 Baraboo Baraboo Sauk Oct. 27, 1851 June 8, 185236 Albany Albany Green Mar. 1, 1851 June 9, 185237 Waukesha Waukesha Waukesha Jan. 20, 1851 June 9, 185238 Berlin Berlin Green Lake Nov., 1851 June 11, 185242 Oconomowoc-Hartland Oconomowoc Waukesha July 14, 1852 June 15, 185344 Geneva Lake Geneva Walworth Oct. 10, 1852 June 16, 185345 Frontier-Badger LaCrosse LaCrosse Oct. 8, 1852 June 16, 185347 Kenosha Kenosha Kenosha Jan. 1, 1853 June 14, 185448 Waupun Waupun Dodge Apr. 20, 1853 June 14, 185450 Hiram Madison Dane Feb. 21, 1854 June 14, 185451 Waverly Appleton Outagamie Apr. 19, 1854 June 14, 185455 Janesville-Western Star Janesville Rock Oct. 11, 1854 June 13, 185556 St. Croix Hudson St. Croix June 10, 1854 June 15, 185557 St. Johns Whitewater Walworth Aug. 29, 1853 June 15, 185560 Valley Sparta Monroe Aug. 17, 1854 June 15, 185561 Twin Cities Neenah Winnebago Feb. 10, 1855 June 15, 185563 Waterloo Waterloo Jefferson Jan. 24, 1855 June 15, 185564 Evening Star Darlington Lafayette Nov. 10, 1853 June 15, 185565 Manitowoc Manitowoc Manitowoc Feb. 12, 1856 June 12, 185666 Richland Richland Center Richland Mar. 14, 1856 June 12, 185668 Palmyra Palmyra Jefferson Jan. 5, 1856 June 12, 185669 Fulton Edgerton Rock July 21, 1855 June 12, 185671 Quincy Friendship Adams Jan. 21, 1856 June 12, 185672 Dodge County Beaver Dam Dodge Feb. 4, 1856 June 12, 185673 Kegonsa Stoughton Dane Mar. 11, 1856 June 12, 185674 Black River Black River Falls Jackson Oct. 11, 1856 June 12, 185675 Columbus Columbus Columbia Feb. 24, 1855 June 12, 185679 Reedsburg Reedsburg Sauk June 8, 1856 June 10, 185780 Independence Milwaukee Milwaukee July 13, 1856 June 10, 185781 Northern Light Mauston Juneau Sept. 12, 1856 June 10, 185782 Manawa Manawa Waupaca Jan. 14, 1857 June 10, 185783 Benjamin Franklin Madison Dane Oct. 29, 2006 June 1, 2007


Name of Date of CharterNo. Lodge Location County Dispensation Granted

84 La Belle Viroqua Vernon Dec. 20, 1856 June 10, 185785 Des Peres Green Bay Brown Feb. 4, 1857 June 10, 185790 Waucoma Evansville Rock Dec. 22, 1857 June 9, 185893 Evergreen Stevens Point Portage Aug. 13, 1857 June 9, 185894 Bicknell Brodhead Green June 9, 1857 June 9, 185895 Prairie View Ripon Fond du Lac Aug. 15, 1857 June 9, 185897 Crescent Valley Mazomanie Dane Dec. 15, 1857 June 9, 185899 Lodi Valley Lodi Columbia June 9, 1857 June 9, 1858103 Juneau New Lisbon Juneau Nov. 18, 1857 June 9, 1858105 Northwestern Prescott Pierce Dec. 1, 1856 June 9, 1858108 Neosho-Mayville-Horicon Neosho Dodge June 17, 1858 June 15, 1859109 River Falls River Falls Pierce Aug. 11, 1858 June 16, 1859112 Eau Claire Eau Claire Eau Claire Dec. 30, 1858 June 15, 1859113 Sauk Prairie Prairie du Sac Sauk Jan. 12, 1858 June 15, 1859119 Dodgeville Dodgeville Iowa June 16, 1859 June 13, 1860120 Hartford Hartford Washington July 21, 1859 June 13, 1860123 Waupaca Waupaca Waupaca Feb. 23, 1859 June 13, 1860124 Dells Wisconsin Dells Columbia Mar. 14, 1860 June 13, 1860125 Salem West Salem La Crosse Apr. 8, 1860 June 13, 1860128 Wisconsin Rapids Wisconsin Rapids Wood Mar. 3, 1860 June 12, 1861130 Forest Wausau Marathon Nov. 21, 1860 June 12, 1861132 Tomah Tomah Monroe Apr. 4, 1861 June 12, 1861138 West Bend West Bend Washington Aug. 21, 1862 June 10, 1863141 Montello Montello Marquette Oct. 9, 1862 June 10, 1863143 Sun Prairie Sun Prairie Dane Apr. 27, 1863 June 12, 1863145 Washburn Bristol Kenosha June 18, 1863 June 15, 1864148 Wautoma Wautoma Waushara Nov. 25, 1863 June 15, 1864149 Durand-Pepin Durand Pepin May 6, 1864 June 15, 1864151 Oregon Oregon Dane July 12, 1865 June 15, 1866161 Milton Milton Jct. Rock Apr. 18, 1866 June 13, 1866164 Menomonie Menomonie Dunn Sept. 6, 1866 June 12, 1867167 Cassia Plymouth Sheboygan Feb. 12, 1867 June 12, 1867168 Omro Omro Winnebago Apr. 3, 1867 June 12, 1867170 Shawano Shawano Shawano June 10, 1867 June 10, 1868172 Calumet New Holstein Calumet July 3, 1925 June 9, 1926173 Poynette Poynette Columbia May 14, 1868 June 10, 1868174 Henry S. Baird Sturgeon Bay Door Oct. 28, 1878 June 11, 1879176 Chippewa Falls Chippewa Falls Chippewa Jan. 21, 1869 June 10, 1869177 Decora Galesville Trempealeau Dec. 22, 1869 June 15, 1870178 Argyle Argyle Lafayette June 17, 1869 June 15, 1870180 Middleton-Ionic Middleton Dane Jan. 19, 1870 June 15, 1870182 Marinette Marinette Marinette Sept. 26, 1870 June 14, 1871183 Lincoln Menomonee Falls Waukesha Aug. 25, 1871 June 12, 1872186 Winneconne Winneconne Winnebago Jan. 1, 1872 June 12, 1872187 North Star Star Prairie St. Croix Aug. 25, 1871 June 11, 1873188 Pine Oconto Oconto Aug. 1, 1872 June 11, 1873189 Lake Milwaukee Milwaukee Sept. 27, 1872 June 11, 1873190 La Crosse Masonic La Crosse La Crosse May 7, 1873 June 11, 1873192 Collins-Spring Valley Baldwin St. Croix Aug. 27, 1873 June 10, 1874193 Ashlar Sussex Waukesha Nov. 10, 1873 June 10, 1874195 New Richmond New Richmond St. Croix Nov. 28, 1873 June 10, 1874197 Clintonville Clintonville Waupaca Apr. 17, 1873 June 10, 1874201 Arcadia Arcadia Trempealeau May 10, 1875 June 12, 1876206 Linden Linden Iowa Feb. 1, 1877 June 13, 1877210 Ancient Landmark Ashland Ashland Feb. 27, 1878 June 12, 1878214 Onalaska Onalaska La Crosse Dec. 23, 1880 June 15, 1881215 Bayfield Bayfield Bayfield Jan. 24, 1881 June 15, 1881217 Medford Medford Taylor May 21, 1881 June 15, 1882218 Tri-County Daylite Crivitz Marinette Nov. 29, 1988 June 12, 1989219 Fennimore Fennimore Grant Jan. 2, 1882 June 15, 1882221 Shell Lake-Spooner Shell Lake Washburn May 2, 1882 June 13, 1883


Name of Date of CharterNo. Lodge Location County Dispensation Granted

222 Hiram D. Fisher Florence Florence Oct. 24, 1882 June 13, 1883224 Marshfield Marshfield Wood July 3, 1882 June 10, 1883225 Phillips Phillips Price July 9, 1883 June 12, 1884226 Virginia Falls Merrill Lincoln Feb. 8, 1884 June 12, 1884229 Hancock Ellsworth Pierce July 28, 1884 June 10, 1885230 Clear Lake Clear Lake Polk Nov. 12, 1884 June 10, 1885231 Antigo Antigo Langlade Sept. 16, 1885 June 9, 1886234 Blue Hills Rice Lake Barron Nov. 9, 1886 June 15, 1887236 Superior Superior Douglas Nov. 7, 1887 June 13, 1888237 Hurley Mercer Iron Nov. 28, 1887 June 13, 1888241 Wilmot Wilmot Kenosha Nov. 23, 1888 June 12, 1889242 Rhinelander-Lakeland Rhinelander Oneida Mar. 1, 1889 June 12, 1889244 Landmark Grantsburg Burnette Sept. 23, 1890 June 10, 1891245 Social Cambridge Dane Feb. 9, 1891 June 10, 1891246 Pewaukee Pewaukee Waukesha June 10, 1891247 Laflin-St. James Mukwonago Waukesha Nov. 17, 1891 June 15, 1892248 Eagle River Eagle River Vilas Dec. 23, 1891 June 15, 1892252 Mondovi Mondovi Buffalo River Feb. 14, 1891 June 15, 1892261 Milwaukee-Harmony Milwaukee Milwaukee Feb. 1, 1894 June 13, 1894263 Keystone Hayward Sawyer Dec. 26, 1894 June 15, 1895265 Lafayette Milwaukee Milwaukee June 15, 1895267 Wauwatosa West Allis Milwaukee Oct. 21, 1895 June 10, 1896268 Benton Benton Lafayette July 10, 1896 June 8, 1897272 Camp Douglas Camp Douglas Juneau May 3, 1900 June 13, 1900277 Chetek Chetek Barron May 15, 1901 June 12, 1902279 Merrillan Merrillan Jackson Jan. 14, 1902 June 12, 1902280 Mystic Tie Ladysmith Rusk Mar. 5, 1902 June 12, 1902281 Bloomer Bloomer Chippewa June 3, 1902 June 11, 1903287 Crandon Crandon Forest June 30, 1903 June 15, 1904288 Union Grove Union Grove Racine Apr. 4, 1904 June 14, 1904290 Damascus Greenfield Milwaukee Nov. 7, 1904 June 15, 1905291 West Allis West Allis Milwaukee July 16, 1906 June 12, 1907293 Oconto Falls Oconto Falls Oconto Jan. 10, 1907 June 12, 1907297 Myron Reed Brookfield Waukesha Nov. 15, 1908 June 9, 1909301 Henry L. Palmer Milwaukee Milwaukee July 11, 1910 June 15, 1911307 McKinley Brookfield Waukesha Feb. 27, 1914 June 10, 1914310 New Glarus New Glarus Green May 14, 1914 June 9, 1915315 Dousman Dousman Waukesha Jan. 10, 1917 June 13, 1917317 Owen Owen Clark Aug. 23, 1917 June 12, 1918318 Mosinee Mosinee Marathon Mar. 13, 1918 June 12, 1918319 Barneveld Barneveld Iowa Apr. 24, 1919 June 9, 1920320 Victory Cedarburg Ozaukee June 5, 1919 June 9, 1920322 Theo. Roosevelt Green Bay Brown Oct. 14, 1919 June 9, 1920325 Commonwealth Madison Dane June 2, 1922 June 14, 1922329 Acacia Superior Douglas Dec. 22, 1922 June 13, 1923330 Island City Minocqua Oneida Oct. 6, 1999 June 13, 2000331 James M. Hays Milwaukee Milwaukee Mar. 9, 1923 June 13, 1923332 Adams Adams Adams Sept. 13, 1924 June 10, 1925337 Geo. Washington 1776 Whitefish Bay Milwaukee Apr. 26, 1926 June 9, 1926347 Sanctuary Eau Claire Eau Claire Mar. 1, 1929 June 12, 1929349 Appleton Appleton Outagamie Mar. 20, 1950 June 13, 1950350 Nathan Hale Milwaukee Milwaukee Apr. 6, 1951 June 12, 1951351 Geo. B. Wheeler Eau Claire Eau Claire Dec. 21, 1953 June 8, 1954354 Elmbrook Brookfield Waukesha June 12, 1956 June 11, 1957356 Doric Madison Dane June 13, 1961 June 12, 1962358 Day-Lite Milwaukee Milwaukee May 10, 1971 June 14, 1972359 Sunrise Kenosha Kenosha Apr. 11, 1977 June 13, 1978360 N.E.W. Daylite Green Bay Brown Mar. 16, 1983 June 11, 1984362 Four Lakes Daylight Madison Dane June 11, 1990 June 10, 1991363 Freemasons Milwaukee Milwaukee Apr. 29, 1992 June 8, 1992364 Glenn L. Humphrey Dousman Waukesha May 12, 1992 June 8, 1992


Name of Date of CharterNo. Lodge Location County Dispensation Granted

365 Barnes Barnes Sawyer Mar. 11, 1999 June 14, 1999366 Perseverance 1843 Dousman Waukesha Nov. 4, 2000 June 12, 2001367 Unity Kenosha Kenosha July 17, 2003 June 14, 2004368 Mason-Woods Cecil Shawano Jan. 24, 2005 June 13, 20051843 Silas H. Shepherd Hartland Waukesha Dec. 11, 1983 June 11, 19841862 Armistead-Bingham Waterloo Jefferson Feb. 10, 1999 June 14, 1999


LODGES HAvING NAMES CHANGEDOriginal Nameof Lodge No. Name Changed to No. Date Changed

Milwaukee..........................................3 Kilbourn.................................................3 1869Kilbourn .............................................3 South Shore ..........................................3 Oct. 28, 2004Delavan............................................12 Delavan-Darien ...................................12 Sept. 1, 1977Delavan Darien................................12 Southern Lakes...................................12 May 7, 2004Tracy ................................................13 Wisconsin............................................13 June 11, 1852Prometheus .....................................17 Ozaukee..............................................17 June 15, 1853Racine .............................................18 Racine-Belle City ................................18 Dec. 29, 2003Fountain...........................................26 Fond du Lac ........................................26 June 2, 1995Fox River .........................................28 Burlington............................................28 June 10, 1852Horicon ............................................40 Horicon-Mayville .................................40 Jan. 20, 1977Oconomowoc...................................42 Oconomowoc-Hartland .......................42 Apr. 20, 2002Frontier ............................................45 Frontier-Badger ...................................45 Oct. 17, 2007Jerusalem........................................54 Raymond.............................................54 1861Janesville.........................................55 Janesville-Western Star ......................55 May 2, 1994Elisha Kent Kane .............................61 Twin Cities...........................................61 Sept. 12, 1995Kane ................................................61 Elisha Kent Kane.................................61 June 10, 1924Dallas...............................................78 Dells ....................................................78 June 8, 1858Weyauwega .....................................82 Manawa...............................................82 Dec. 19, 1995Green Lake......................................95 Ripon-Green Lake...............................95 Nov. 23, 1971Ripon-Green Lake ...........................95 Ripon, Green Lake, Markesan ............95 Apr. 18, 1990Ripon, Green Lake, Markesan.........95 Prairie View .........................................95 June 25, 1997Crescent ..........................................97 Crescent Valley ...................................97 May 22, 1997Bryan ...............................................98 John A. Bryan......................................98 June 10, 1924Neosho ..........................................108 Neosho-Mayville-Horicon..................108 March 27, 1997Eureka ...........................................113 Sauk Prairie ......................................113 Nov. 1, 1966Bark River......................................122 Hartland ............................................122 In 1893Columbia .......................................124 Dells ..................................................124 May 26, 1970Grand Rapids ................................128 Wisconsin Rapids .............................128 June 15, 1921Osceola .........................................134 Osceola-St. Croix Falls......................134 May 14, 1990Beetown.........................................146 Bloomington ......................................146 May 19, 1976Durand...........................................149 Durand-Pepin ....................................149 April 24, 1981Mifflin .............................................153 Rewey ...............................................153 Year 1901Reedsburg .....................................157 Reedsburg ..........................................79 April 1, 1972New Holstein .................................172 Calumet.............................................172 Jan. 29, 1985Key.................................................174 Kewaunee-Key ..................................174 July 10, 1978Kewaunee-Key...............................174 Henry S. Baird...................................174 Nov. 17, 2005Middleton.......................................180 Middleton-Ionic..................................180 Dec. 31, 1998North LaCrosse .............................190 LaCrosse Masonic ............................190 Jan. 1, 2001Bailey.............................................192 Collins ...............................................192 In 1888 (No authority

for the change)Collins............................................192 Collins-Spring Valley .........................192 May 14, 2004Dayton ...........................................198 Belleville ............................................198 1812Elroy ..............................................202 Elroy-Wonewoc .................................202 Dec. 10, 1974Osseo ............................................213 Osseo-Fairchild-Augusta...................213 Feb. 19, 1997Bayfield..........................................215 Bayfield-Washburn............................215 July 27, 1993Peshtigo.........................................218 Tri County Daylite..............................218 July 15, 1992Shell Lake......................................221 Shell Lake-Spooner...........................221 Nov. 3, 2004Fisher.............................................222 Hiram D. Fisher .................................222 June 10, 1924Rice Lake.......................................234 Blue Hills ...........................................234 May 14, 1998Grantsburg.....................................244 Frederic-Grantsburg..........................244 Nov. 20, 1989Frederic-Grantsburg ......................244 Landmark..........................................244 Jan. 1, 2004Laflin ..............................................247 Laflin-St. James ................................247 April 10, 2001Mondovi .........................................252 Buffalo River......................................252 June 21, 2005

SUMMARy OF CHARTERS GRANTEDTotal Number of Charters Granted ...................................................................................................................... 385Lodges Discontinued ........................................................................................................................................... 200Charters Restored ............................................................................................................................................... 0Number of Charters in Force............................................................................................................................... 183


Genoa Junction .............................256 Genoa City ........................................256 June 13, 1924Rusk ..............................................259 Jeremiah M. Rusk .............................259 June 10, 1924Ivanhoe..........................................265 LaFayette ..........................................265 June 10, 1896Perry ..............................................269 William W. Perry ................................269 June 10, 1924Stanley...........................................273 Stanley-Thorp ...................................273 Nov. 22, 1971Roosevelt.......................................322 Theodore Roosevelt..........................322 April 14, 1948Rhinelander ...................................242 Rhinelander-Lakeland.......................242 Dec. 15, 1982Milwaukee......................................261 Milwaukee-Harmony .........................261 Jan. 8, 1983Merrillan.........................................279 Merrillan-Humbird .............................279 March 25, 1986Merrillan-Humbird..........................279 Merrillan ............................................279 June 29, 2004Whitehall........................................271 Whitehall-Blair...................................271 Feb. 1, 1987Acacia............................................329 Acacia-Itasca ....................................329 Sept. 28, 1995



Olive Branch 6 New Diggings Surrendered January 10, 1865.Southport 7 *Southport Arrested June 15, 1853.Dallas 8 Prairie du Chien Surrendered 1852.Jefferson 9 •Jefferson Arrested June 2, 1884.Harmony 12 ✓Delavan Surrendered 1859 (formerly located at Elkhorn).Western Star 14 Janesville Consolidated with Janesville No. 55, May 2, 1994.Hazel Green 15 Hazel Green Surrendered 1849 (See No. 43), resumed in 1927.Hazel Green 15 Hazel Green Consolidated with Melody No. 2, November 15, 1994.Franklin 16 Highland In 1867 moved to Avoca.Excelsior 19 Madison Surrendered 1851.Lancaster 20 Lancaster Consolidated with Warren No. 4, Dec. 15, 1999.Washington 22 Dodgeville Surrendered 1850.Rochester 23 Rochester Surrendered 1858.St. John’s 24 Sheboygan Falls Consolidated with Cassia No. 167, Dec. 18, 1995.Fountain 26 Fond du Lac Consolidated with Fond du Lac No. 140, June 2, 1995,

changed name to Fond du Lac No. 26.Lafayette 29 Lafayette Moved to California.Tuscan 35 Watertown Arrested 1858.St. John’s 39 Stillwater (Minn.) To Grand Lodge of Minnesota.Horicon-Mayville 40 Horicon Consolidated with Neosho No. 108, Mar. 27, 1997,

changed name to Neosho-Mayville-Horicon No. 108.St. James 41 East Troy Consolidated with Laflin No. 247, April 10, 2001.Oconomowoc 42 Oconomowoc Dispensation issued July 14, 1852.

Charter granted June 15, 1853.Charter arrested April 9, 1860.(See Ellsworth Lodge No. 133).

Hazel Green 43 Hazel Green Number changed to 15, which was the number ofthe first Lodge at Hazel Green in 1927.

Lake Mills 46 Lake Mills Consolidated with Jefferson No. 9, Oct. 1, 1999.Watertown 49 Watertown Consolidated with Jefferson No. 9, Oct. 27, 1998.Wyocena 52 Wyocena June 12, 1867, moved to Rio and name changed

to Rio No. 52.Rio 52 Rio Consolidated with Pardee No. 171, Nov. 20, 1997.Kingston 53 Kingston Arrested February, 1869.Raymond 54 Thompsonville Arrested June, 1862.Muscoda 58 Muscoda Surrendered January 7, 1868.Markesan 59 **Markesan Surrendered October 19, 1933.Markesan 59 Markesan Consolidated with Ripon-Green Lake No. 95, April

18, 1990.Vesper 62 Mayville Consolidated with Horicon No. 40 on January 20,

1977. Name changed to Horicon-Mayville No. 40.Fox Lake 67 Fox Lake Consolidated with Waupun No. 48, January

23, 1970.Grant 70 Boscobel Consolidated with Fennimore No. 219, April 16, 2002.Plover 76 Plover Consolidated with Evergreen No. 93, March

20, 1971.Elkhorn 77 Elkhorn Consolidated with Delavan-Darien No. 12 &

Walworth No. 286 to form Southern Lakes No. 12,May 7, 2004.

Dells 78 Lake Delton Consolidated with Columbia 124 on May 26, 1970.Name changed to Dells 124.

Concordia 83 Madison Surrendered 1882.Solomon 86 Juneau Consolidated with Dodge County No. 72,

February 27, 1976.Otsego 87 Otsego Surrendered March, 1860.Nemadjii 88 Superior Not Constituted.Pepin 89 Pepin Consolidated with Durand Lodge No. 149,

April 24, 1981.Oxford 91 Oxford Consolidated with Montello No. 141, May 20, 1998.

Lodge No. Location How Charter Disposed of


Belle City 92 Racine Consolidated with Racine No. 18 and changed nameto Racine-Belle City No. 18, Dec. 29, 2003.

Temple 96 Waterford Consolidated with Burlington No. 28, Dec. 19, 1996.John A. Bryan 98 Menasha Consolidated with Elisha Kent Kane No. 61, Sept. 12,

1995, now Twin Cities No. 61.Fairfield 100 Fairfield Arrested June 20, 1895.Beautiful Grove 101 Boscobel Surrendered 1863.Marquette 102 Marquette Arrested March 19, 1879.Astrea 104 Cedarburg Surrendered April, 1893.Prairie du Chien 106 Prairie du Chien Changed Lodge number to 8, February 1997.Tracy 107 Manitowoc Arrested April 9, 1868.Lowell 110 Reeseville Consolidated with Columbus No. 75, May 12, 1960.Rosendale 111 Rosendale Consolidated with Ripon-Green Lake-Markesan

No. 95, April 3, 1997.Palestine 114 Lone Rock Arrested Mar. 17, 1927. Restored May 31, 1928.

Consolidated with Franklin No. 16, June 11,1958.

Rob Morris 115 Eagle Consolidated with Palmyra 68, November15, 1971.

Sharon 116 Sharon Consolidated with Darien No. 126, November3, 1964.

Trempealeau 117 Trempealeau Consolidated with Decora No. 177, November 20,2001.

Warden 118 Gratiot Surrendered January 5, 1940.Delavan 121 Delavan Now Delavan No. 12 (1923).Hartland 122 Hartland Consolidated with Oconomowoc No. 42, April 26,

2002.Darien 126 Darien Consolidated with Delavan No. 12, July 1, 1977

and name changed to Delavan-Darien No. 12.Lebanon 127 Juda Surrendered March 27, 1882.Jamestown 129 Jamestown Surrendered 1868.New London 131 New London Consolidated with Manawa No. 82, May 2, 2002.Ellsworth 133 Oconomowoc Dispensation issued June 18, 1861.

Charter granted June 11, 1862.On June 14, 1882, authorized to change nameand number to Oconomowoc No. 42.

Osceola-St.Croix Falls 134 St. Croix Falls Consolidated with Frederic-Grantsburg No. 244,

Sept. 28, 2001.Good Samaritan 135 Clinton Consolidated with Morning Star No. 10, Mar. 19,

1998.Spring Prairie 136 Spring Prairie Surrendered December 21, 1904.Footville 137 Footville Consolidated with Bicknell No. 94, Dec. 19, 1996.Billings 139 Ft. Atkinson Charter arrested April 2, 1996.Fond du Lac 140 Fond du Lac Consolidated with Fountain No. 26, June 2, 1995,

changed name to Fond du Lac No. 26.Harmony 142 Whitefish Bay Consolidated with Milwaukee No. 261 and

changed name to Milwaukee-Harmony No. 261,Jan. 8, 1983.

Brandon 144 Brandon Consolidated with Waupun No. 48, June 11, 1958.Bloomington 146 Bloomington Consolidated with Lancaster No. 20, Dec. 15,

1982.Green Lake 147 Green Lake Consolidated with Ripon No. 95, November

23, 1971 and name changed to Ripon-Green Lake 95.

Burnett 150 Burnett Surrendered April 5, 1901.Cambria 152 Cambria Consolidated with Pardee No. 171, Sept. 8, 1982.Rewey 153 Rewey Consolidated with Mineral Point, July 27, 1988.Chilton 154 Chilton Consolidated with New Holstein No. 172, changed

name to Calumet No. 172, Jan. 29, 1985.

Lodge No. Location How Charter Disposed of


Lodge No. Location How Charter Disposed of

Monticello Union 155 Monticello Consolidated with New Glarus No. 310, Sept. 1,1977.

Corinthian 156 Union Grove Surrendered March 12, 1904.Reedsburg 157 Reedsburg Consolidated with Ironton No. 79, April 1, 1972

and name changed to Reedsburg No. 79.Oakfield 158 Fond du Lac Consolidated with Fountain No. 26, October

11, 1971.Zerah 159 Necedah Charter arrested Oct. 25, 1985.Bloomfield 160 Bloomfield Surrendered 1870.West Eau Claire 162 West Eau Claire Surrendered June 14, 1892.Neillsville 163 Neillsville Consolidated with Merrillan No. 279, June 29, 2004.Ferrin 165 Montfort Surrendered March 17, 1994.Princeton 166 Princeton Surrendered June 15, 1883.Grant 169 Consolidated with Muscoda Lodge No. 70 on

November 21, 1981.Pardee 171 Pardeeville Surrendered June 14, 2006.New Holstein 172 ✓✓New Holstein Surrendered June 11, 1878, Consolidated with

Chilton No. 154, changed name to Calumet No.172, Jan. 29, 1985.

Key 174 Algoma Consolidated with Kewaunee No. 296, on July 10,1978 and changed name to Kewaunee-KeyLodge No. 174. New charter presented on June12, 1979.

Kewaunee-Key 174 Kewaunee Consolidated with Henry S. Baird No. 211, Nov. 17,2005 and changed name to Henry S. Baird No. 174.

Excelsior 175 Milwaukee Consolidated with Lake Lodge No. 189, May 18, 2009.Black Earth Valley 179 Black Earth Consolidated with Crescent No. 97, May 22, 1997

and changed name to Crescent Valley No. 97.Augusta 181 Augusta Consolidated with Osseo No. 213, Feb. 19, 1997 and

changed name to Osseo-Fairchild-Augusta No. 213Alma 184 Alma Consolidated with Buffalo River Lodge No. 252, May

16, 2009.Georgetown 185 Cuba City Surrendered Nov. 3, 1938.Humbird 191 Humbird Consolidated with Merrillan No. 279, March 25,

1986 and changed name to Merrillan-HumbirdNo. 279.

Wonewoc 194 Wonewoc Consolidated with Elroy No. 202, Dec. 10, 1974and changed name to Elroy-Wonewoc No. 202.

Maiden Rock 196 Maiden Rock Consolidated with Pepin No. 89, May 21, 1968.Belleville 198 Belleville Arrested No. 13, 1937.Werner 199 Werner Surrendered June 12, 1888.Wm. Kahlenberg 200 Two Rivers Consolidated with Manitowoc No. 65, May 25,

1989.Elroy-Wonewoc 202 Elroy Consolidated with Tomah No. 132, April 18, 1990.Wilton 203 Wilton Surrendered Feb. 23, 1953.Colby 204 Colby Charter arrested Jan. 10, 1994.Centennial 205 Oshkosh Consolidated with Oshkosh No. 27, Nov. 20, 1989.Pine River 207 Pine River Consolidated with Redgranite No. 299, Sept.

1, 1982.Redgranite 207 Redgranite Consolidated with Wautoma No. 148, July 29, 2001.Plainfield 208 Plainfield Consolidated with Wautoma No. 148, Sept. 15, 1989.Rockton 209 LaFarge Consolidated with LaBelle No. 84, May 14, 1990.Spring Green 212 Spring Green Arrested Feb. 29, 2000.Osseo 213 **Osseo Surrendered June 15, 1892.Osseo-Fairchild-

Augusta 213 Osseo Consolidated with Mondovi No. 252 on June 21, 2005and changed name to Buffalo River No. 252.

Patch Grove 216 Patch Grove Surrendered Sept. 17, 1901.Peshtigo 218 Peshtigo Consolidated with Tri County Daylite No. 361, July 15,

1992.Barron 220 Barron Consolidated with Blue Hills No. 234, Jan. 23, 2008.


Cumberland 223 Cumberland Consolidated with Rice Lake No. 234, May 14, 1998,changed name to Blue Hills No. 234.

Westfield 227 Westfield Consolidated with Oxford No. 91, Feb. 11, 1966.Mt. Horeb 228 Mt. Horeb Consolidated with Verona No. 294, July 20, 1984.Pittsville 232 Pittsville Consolidated with Wisconsin Rapids No. 128,

April 3, 1992.Kaukauna 233 Kaukauna Consolidated with Appleton No. 349, April 17, 1995.Cassville 235 Cassville Consolidated with Warren No. 4, Jan. 24, 1985.J.H. Knapp 238 Knapp Consolidated with Glenwood No. 254, March

28, 1966.Jefferson 239 Jefferson Old No. 9 restored, 239 vacant.Washburn 240 Washburn Consolidated with Bayfield No. 215, July 27, 1993.Tomahawk 243 Tomahawk Consolidated with Rhinelander-Lakeland No. 242,

Dec. 10, 1998.Greenwood 249 Greenwood Consolidated with Owen No. 317, May 10, 1994.Olive Branch 250 Marinette Surrendered Feb. 15, 1898.Brooklyn 251 Brooklyn Consolidated with Waucoma No. 90

January 15, 1963.Bloomington 253 ***Bloomington Consolidated with Beetown No. 146, Beetown,

May 19, 1976 and name changed toBloomington No. 146.

Glenwood 254 Glenwood City Consolidated with Menomonie No. 164,March 2, 2004.

Hillsboro 255 Hillsboro Consolidated with La Belle Lodge No. 84,October 2, 2008.

Genoa City 256 Genoa City Surrendered April 23, 2001.Viola 257 Viola Consolidated with Rockton No. 209, LaFarge,

June 18, 1968.Amery 258 Amery Consolidated with North Star No. 187, Sept. 25, 1990.Jeremiah M. Rusk 259 South Milwaukee Consolidated with Kilbourn No. 3 to form South Shore

No. 3, Oct. 28, 2004.Spooner 260 Spooner Consolidated with Shell Lake No. 221 to form

Shell Lake-Spooner No. 221, Nov. 3, 2004.Spring Valley 262 Spring Valley Consolidated with Collins No. 192, May 14, 2004,

now Collins-Spring Valley No. 192.Thorp 264 Thorp Consolidated with Stanley No. 273, November

22, 1971 and name changed to Stanley-ThorpNo. 273.

Edwards 266 Hancock Consolidated with Wautoma No. 148, Sept. 8, 1993.William W. Perry 269 Deerfield Surrendered No. 30, 1966.Randolph 270 Randolph Consolidated with Dodge County Lodge No.

72, February 25, 1981.Whitehall-Blair 271 Whitehall Consolidated with Decora No. 177, Nov. 20, 2001.Stanley-Thorp 273 Stanley Consolidated with Owen No. 317, Oct. 10, 1989.Wild Rose 274 Wild Rose Consolidated with Wautoma No. 148, July

18, 1979.St. Croix Falls 275 St. Croix Falls Consolidated with Osceola No. 134, May 14, 1990.Manawa 276 Manawa Consolidated with Weyauwega No. 82, Dec. 19, 1995,

now Manawa No. 82.South Wayne 278 South Wayne Consolidated with Argyle No. 178, December

5, 1967.Almond 282 Almond Consolidated with Plainfield No. 208,

February 23, 1971.Fountain City 283 Fountain City Consolidated with Alma Lodge No. 184,

December 18, 1980.North Freedom 284 North Freedom Surrendered Jan. 6, 1942.Niagara 285 Niagara Consolidated with Hiram D. Fisher Lodge

No. 222, September 10, 1980.Walworth 286 Walworth Consolidated with Delavan-Darien No. 12 and Elkhorn

No. 77 to form Southern Lakes No. 12, May 7, 2004.Itasca 289 Superior Consolidated with Acacia No. 329, Sept. 28, 1995,

now Acacia-Itasca No. 329.

Lodge No. Location How Charter Disposed of


Endeavor 292 Endeavor Consolidated with Fort Winnebago No. 33,December 21, 1960.

Verona 294 Verona Consolidated with Madison No. 5 on Aug. 31, 2005.W.W. Childs 295 Gays Mills Consolidated with LaBelle Lodge No. 84,

May 15, 1975.Kewaunee 296 Kewaunee Consolidated with Kay No. 174 on July 10, 1978

and changed name to Kewaunee-Key No. 174.Abbotsford 298 Abbotsford Consolidated with Owen No. 317, April 14, 1994.Redgranite 299 Redgranite Consolidated with Pine River No. 207, Sept. 1, 1982.

Now Redgranite No. 207.Park Falls 300 Park Falls Consolidated with Phillips Lodge No. 225,

May 16, 2009.Brillion 302 Brillion Surrendered Dec. 15, 1970.Kenwood 303 Milwaukee Consolidated with Silver Spring No. 337 and changed

name to George Washington 1776 No. 337,July 29, 2000.

Wauzeka 304 Wauzeka Consolidated with Prairie du Chien No. 106,June 5, 1989.

Fairchild 305 Fairchild Consolidated with Osseo No. 213, Dec. 19, 1988.Seymour 306 Seymour Arrested June 13, 2000.Frederic 308 Frederic Consolidated with Grantsburg No. 244, Nov. 20,

1989.James A. Garfield 309 Milwaukee Surrendered Sept. 30, 1999.Dalton 311 Dalton Surrendered Dec. 16, 1948.Birchwood 312 Birchwood Surrendered Jan. 3, 1940.Turtle Lake 313 Turtle Lake Surrendered Charter February 15, 1988.Mellen 314 Mellen Consolidated with Ancient Landmark No. 210,

May 15, 1984.Bruce 316 Bruce Consolidated with Mystic Tie No. 280, December

14, 1987.Cornell 321 Cornell Consolidated with Mystic Tie No. 280, Sept. 28, 1995Blair 323 Blair Consolidated with Whitehall No. 271, Feb. 1,

1987.H.H. Grace 324 Superior Consolidated with Superior No. 236,

December 27, 1968.Ogilvie 326 Radisson Consolidated with Keystone No. 263, Oct. 26, 2004.Mount Hope 327 Mount Hope Consolidated with Fennimore No. 219,

December 19, 1973.Sauk City 328 Sauk City Consolidated with Eureka No. 113, Nov. 1, 1966,

and name changed.Minocqua 330 Minocqua Consolidated with Rhinelander No. 242 and

changed name to Rhinelander-Lakeland No. 242December 15, 1982.

Cedar Grove 333 Cedar Grove Consolidated with Ozaukee No. 17, Dec. 15, 1982.Colfax 334 Colfax Surrendered Dec. 31, 1940.Loyal 335 Loyal Consolidated with Owen Lodge No. 317 on

October 26, 1981.Kiel 336 Kiel Surrendered Charter May 15, 1992.Hiram W. Sawyer 338 Whitefish Bay Consolidated with J.M. Hays Lodge No. 331,

Dec. 1, 1980.Shorewood 339 Shorewood Consolidated with Silver Spring No. 337 and changed

name to George Washington 1776 No. 337,July 29, 2000.

Blue River 340 Blue River Consolidated with Muscoda No. 70, Jan. 19, 1960.Kendall 341 Kendall Arrested Oct. 12, 1945.Goodman 342 Goodman Consolidated with Niagara No. 285, Dec. 7, 1959.Southport 343 Kenosha Consolidated with Pike No. 355 and changed name

to Unity No. 367, July 17, 2003.Badger 345 La Crosse Consolidated with Frontier No. 45 and changed

name to Frontier-Badger No. 45, Oct. 17, 2007.

Lodge No. Location How Charter Disposed of


*Now Kenosha. •New Lodge organized and No. 9 given them. ***Lodge organized by members of HarmonyLodge, name and number restored to them. ••New charter granted June 12, 1901. ✓Formerly Delavan No. 121,changed in 1923 to Delavan No. 12. ✓✓New Lodge organized and No. 172 given them June 9, 1926. **New Lodgeorganized by members of Markesan Lodge, name and number restored to them. •••Charter of Beetown No. 146retained by Consolidated Lodge.

Lodge No. Location How Charter Disposed of

Centre UD Avon In 1857 moved to Darlington and name changedto Evening Star No. 64.

Gillett 344 Gillett Consolidated with Mason-Woods No. 368,August 12, 2006.

Rib Lake 346 Rib Lake Consolidated with Medford No. 217, June 12, 1957.Paul Revere 348 Wauwatosa Consolidated with Henry L. Palmer No. 301,

July 10, 1984.Ionic 352 Middleton Consolidated with Middleton No. 180, Dec. 31, 1998.Beloit 353 Beloit Consolidated with Morning Star No. 10, August

24, 1987.Pike 355 Kenosha Consolidated with Southport No. 343 and changed

name to Unity No. 367, July 17, 2003.Brown Deer 357 Menomonee Falls Consolidated with George Washington 1776 No. 337,

June 29, 2001.


REGISTER OF LODGESAlphabetically Arranged According to Location of Lodges

Location Lodge Name Lodge # Meeting Nights

Adams Adams 332 1st & 3rd Wednesday, 7:00 p.m.Albany Albany 36 1st & 3rd Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.Antigo Antigo 231 1st Tuesday, 7:00 p.m.Appleton Waverly 51 1st & 3rd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m.Arcadia Arcadia 201 1st Tuesday, 7:30 p.m.Argyle Argyle 178 2nd Thursday, 7:30 p.m.Ashland Ancient Landmark 210 1st Wednesday, 7:00 p.m.Baldwin Collins-Spring Valley 192 1st & 3rd Wednesday, 7:00 p.m.Baraboo Baraboo 34 1st & 3rd Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.Barnes Barnes 365 2nd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m.Bayfield Bayfield-Washburn 215 1st Tuesday, 6:30 p.m.Beaver Dam Dodge County 72 3rd Monday, 7:00 p.m.Beloit Morning Star 10 1st & 3rd Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.Benton Benton 268 1st & 3rd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m.Berlin Berlin 38 2nd & 4th Thurs, 7:00 p.m.,

2nd Thurs Nov & DecBlack Earth Crescent Valley 97 1st & 3rd Thursday, 7:00 p.m.Black River Falls Black River 74 2nd & 4th Thursday, 7:30 p.m.Bloomer Bloomer 281 1st & 3rd Wednesday, 7:00 p.m.Bristol Washburn 145 2nd & 4th Thursday, 7:30 p.m.Brodhead Bicknell 94 2nd & Tuesday, 7:30 p.m.Brookfield Myron Reed 297 2nd & 4th Tuesday, 7:30 p.m.Brookfield Mc Kinley 307 1st & 3rd Thursday, 7:30 p.m.Brookfield Elmbrook 354 2nd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m.Burlington Burlington 28 1st & 3rd Thursday, 7:30 p.m.Cambridge Social 245 2nd & 4th Tuesday, 7:00 p.m.Camp Douglas Camp Douglas 272 1st & 3rd Thursday, 7:30 p.m.Cecil Mason-Woods 368 1st & 3rd Tuesday, 10:00 a.m.Cedarburg Victory 320 2nd & 4th Monday, 6:30 p.m.Chetek Chetek 277 2nd & 3rd Thursday, 7:00 p.m.Chippewa Falls Chippewa Falls 176 1st & 3rd Tuesday, 7:30 p.m.Clear Lake Clear Lake 230 2nd & 4th Monday, 7:30 p.m.Clintonville Clintonville 197 2nd & 4th Monday, 7:30 p.m.Columbus Columbus 75 2nd Monday, 7:00 p.m.Crandon Crandon 287 2nd & 4th Tuesday, 7:00 p.m.Crivitz Tri County Daylite 218 2nd Wednesday, 10:00 a.m.Darlington Evening Star 64 1st & 3rd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m.Delavan Southern Lakes 12 2nd & 4th Monday, 7:00 p.m.Dodgeville Dodgeville 119 1st & 3rd Thursday, 7:30 p.m.Dousman Dousman 315 1st & 3rd Tuesday, 7:30 p.m.Dousman Glenn L Humphrey 364 2nd Tuesday, 9:30 a.m.Durand Durand-Pepin 149 2nd & 4th Tuesday, 7:30 p.m.Eagle River Eagle River 248 2nd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m.Eau Claire Eau Claire 112 2nd & 4th Tuesday, 7:30 p.m.Eau Claire Sanctuary 347 1st & 3rd Thursday, 7:00 p.m.Eau Claire George B Wheeler 351 2nd & 4th Wednesday, 7:00 p.m.Edgerton Fulton 69 1st Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.Ellsworth Hancock 229 2nd & 4th Tuesday, 7:30 p.m.Evansville Union 32 2nd & 4th Tuesday, 7:30 p.m.Evansville Waucoma 90 3rd Thursday, 7:30 p.m.Fennimore Fennimore 219 2nd & 4th Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.Florence Hiram D Fisher 222 2nd Wednesday, 6:30 p.m.Fond du Lac Fond du Lac 26 1st & 3rd Thursday, 7:00 p.m.Frederic Landmark 244 2nd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m.Friendship Quincy 71 1st & 3rd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m.Galesville Decora 177 1st & 3rd Monday, 8:00 p.m.Glendale Milwaukee-Harmony 261 1st & 3rd Tuesday, 7:30 p.m.Green Bay Washington 21 1st & 3rd Thursday, 7:00 p.m.Green Bay Des Peres 85 2nd & 4th Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.


Location Lodge Name Lodge # Meeting Nights

Green Bay Theodore Roosevelt 322 1st & 3rd Tuesday, 7:30 p.m.Green Bay N.E.W. Daylite 360 2nd Thursday, 10:00 a.m.Hartford Hartford 120 2nd Monday, 7:00 p.m.Hayward Keystone 263 2nd & 4th Thursday, 7:00 p.m.Hudson St Croix 56 1st & 3rd Thursday, 7:30 p.m.Janesville Janesville-Western Star 55 2nd & 4th Monday, 7:30 p.m.Jefferson Jefferson County 9 1st & 3rd Monday, 7:00 p.m.Kenosha Kenosha 47 2nd & 4th Wednesday, 7:00 p.m.Kenosha Sunrise 359 2nd & 4th Monday, 9:30 a.m.Kenosha Unity 367 1st & 3rd Thursday, 7:00 p.m.La Crosse Frontier-Badger 45 2nd Tuesday, 6:30 p.m.La Crosse La Crosse Masonic 190 1st & 3rd Wednesday, 7:00 p.m.Ladysmith Mystic Tie 280 1st & 3rd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m.Lake Geneva Geneva 44 2nd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m.Linden Linden 206 2nd & 4th Tuesday, 8:00 p.m.Lodi Lodi Valley 99 1st & 3rd Monday, 7:30 p.m.Lone Rock Franklin 16 2nd & 4th Wednesday, 8:00 p.m.Madison Madison 5 1st & 3rd Thursday, 7:30 p.m.Madison Hiram 50 1st & 3rd Monday, 7:30 p.m.Madison Benjamin Franklin 83 2nd & 4th Wednesday, 6:30 p.m.Madison Commonwealth 325 3rd Wednesday, 7:00 p.m.Madison Doric 356 1st & 3rd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m.Madison Four Lakes Daylight 362 1st Monday, 10:00 a.m.Manawa Manawa 82 2nd & 4th Monday, 7:00 p.m.Manitowoc Manitowoc 65 1st & 3rd Thursday, 7:30 p.m.Marinette Marinette 182 3rd Tuesday, 7:30 p.m.Marshfield Marshfield 224 1st & 3rd Wednesday, 7:00 p.m.Mauston Northern Light 81 1st & 3rd Thursday, 7:30 p.m.Mazomanie Perseverance 1836 366 Traveling LodgeMedford Medford 217 1st & 3rd Thursday, 7:00 p.m.Menomonie Menomonie 164 2nd & 4th Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.Mercer Hurley 237 2nd & 4th Tuesday, 7:30 p.m.Merrill Virginia Falls 226 2nd & 4th Tuesday, 7:00 p.m.Merrillan Merrillan 279 1st & 3rd Monday, 7:00 p.m.Middleton Middleton-Ionic 180 1st & 3rd Tuesday, 7:30 p.m.Middleton Barneveld 319 2nd Tuesday, 7:30 p.m.Milton Milton 161 4th Tuesday, 7:30 p.m.Milwaukee Lake 189 2nd & 4th Thursday, 7:00 p.m.Milwaukee Lafayette 265 2nd Tuesday, 7:30 p.m.Milwaukee Damascus 290 2nd & 4th Tuesday, 7:00 p.m.Milwaukee James M Hays 331 1st Monday, 6:30 p.m.Milwaukee Nathan Hale 350 1st & 3rd Thursday, 7:00 p.m.Milwaukee Freemasons 363 1st Wednesday, 5:30 p.m.Mineral Point Mineral Point 1 1st & 3rd Monday, 7:30 p.m.Minocqua Island City 330 1st Wednesday, 10:00 a.m.Mondovi Buffalo River 252 2nd & 4th Monday, 7:30 p.m.Monroe Smith 31 1st & 3rd Thursday, 6:30 p.m.Montello Montello 141 2nd & 4th Thursday, 7:30 p.m.Mosinee Mosinee 318 1st & 3rd Thursday, 7:00 p.m.Mukwonago Laflin-St. James 247 2nd & 4th Monday, 7:30 p.m.Neenah Twin Cities 61 1st & 3rd Monday, 7:00 p.m.Neenah Appleton 349 2nd & 4th Wednesday, 7:00 p.m.Neosho Neosho-Mayville-Horicon 108 1st & 3rd Tuesday, 7:30 p.m.New Glarus New Glarus 310 1st & 3rd Thursday, 7:30 p.m.New Holstein Calumet 172 2nd & 4th Monday, 7:00 p.m.New Lisbon Juneau 103 2nd & 3rd Thursday, 7:30 p.m.New Richmond New Richmond 195 2nd & 4th Tuesday, 7:00 p.m.Oconomowoc Oconomowoc-Hartland 42 1st & 3rd Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.Oconomowoc Silas H Shepherd 1843 2nd Sat, March, June, Sept, Dec,

10:00 a.m.Oconto Pine 188 2nd Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.Oconto Falls Oconto Falls 293 1st Monday, 7:00 p.m.


Location Lodge Name Lodge # Meeting Nights

Omro Omro 168 2nd Monday, 7:00 p.m.Onalaska Onalaska Masonic 214 2nd & 4th Thursday, 7:30 p.m.Oregon Oregon 151 2nd & 4th Thursday, 7:30 p.m.Oshkosh Oshkosh 27 2nd & 4th Tuesday, 7:00 p.m.Owen Owen 317 1stMonday,7:30p.m./3rdMonday

11:00 a.m.Palmyra Palmyra 68 2nd Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.Pewaukee Pewaukee 246 1st & 3rd Monday, 7:30 p.m.Phillips Phillips 225 1st & 3rd Monday, 7:30 p.m.Platteville Melody 2 1st Tuesday, 7:30 p.m.Plymouth Cassia 167 1st & 3rd Monday, 7:30 p.m.Portage Fort Winnebago 33 2nd & 4th Tuesday, 7:30 p.m.Potosi Warren 4 1st Thursday, 7:30 p.m.Poynette Poynette 173 1st Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.Prairie du Chien Prairie du Chien 8 1st & 3rd Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.Prairie du Sac Sauk Prairie 113 1st & 3rd Monday, 7:30 p.m.Prescott Northwestern 105 1st & 3rd Wednesday, 7:00 p.m.Pt. Washington Ozaukee 17 1st & 3rd Monday, 7:30 p.m.Racine Racine-Belle City 18 1st Tuesday, 7:00 p.m.Reedsburg Reedsburg 79 1st & 3rd Thursday, 7:00 p.m.Rhinelander Rhinelander 242 1st & 3rd Tuesday, 7:30 p.m.Rice Lake Blue Hills 234 2nd & 4th Mondays, 7:30 p.m.Richland Center Richland 66 1st & 3rd Wednesday, 7:00 p.m.Ripon Prairie View 95 2nd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m.River Falls River Falls 109 1st & 3rd Tuesday, 7:30 p.m.Roscoe, IL Armistead-Bingham 1862 5th Saturdays, Sat. of

Reenactments, 1:00 p.m.Shawano Shawano 170 1st & 3rd Thursday, 7:00 p.m.Sheboygan Sheboygan 11 1st & 3rd Tuesday, 5:30 p.m.Shell Lake Shell Lake-Spooner 221 1st & 3rd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m.Shullsburg Amicitia 25 1st & 3rd Monday, 8:00 p.m.South Milwaukee South Shore 3 2nd & 4th Monday, 7:30 p.m.Sparta Valley 60 1st & 3rd Wednesday, 7:00 p.m.Star Prairie North Star 187 1st & 3rd Thursday, 7:30 p.m.Stevens Point Evergreen 93 1st & 3rd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m.Stoughton Kegonsa 73 1st & 3rd Tuesday, 7:30 p.m.Sturgeon Bay Henry S. Baird 174 2nd & 4th Thursday, 7:30 p.m.Sun Prairie Sun Prairie 143 1st & 3rd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m.Superior Superior 236 2nd & 4th Wednesday, 7:00 p.m.Superior Acacia-Itasca 329 1st & 3rd Friday, 7:30 p.m.Sussex Lincoln 183 2nd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m.Sussex Ashlar 193 1st & 3rd Thursday, 7:30 p.m.Tomah Tomah 132 1st & 2nd Thursday, 7:00 p.m.Union Grove Union Grove 288 2nd Saturday, 8:30 a.m.Viroqua La Belle 84 1st & 3rd Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.Waterloo Waterloo 63 1st & 3rd Thursday, 7:30 p.m.Waukesha Waukesha 37 1st & 3rd Thursday, 7:30 p.m.Waupaca Waupaca 123 2nd & 4th Tuesday, 7:00 p.m.Waupun Waupun 48 1st Tuesday, 7:30 p.m.Wausau Forest 130 Wednesdays, 7:00 p.m.Wautoma Wautoma 148 2nd & 4th Monday, 7:00 p.m.Wauwatosa Wisconsin 13 1st & 3rd Thursday, 7:30 p.m.Wauwatosa Henry L Palmer 301 Fridays, 7:30 p.m.West Allis Independence 80 2nd & 4th Thursday, 6:30 p.m.West Allis Wauwatosa 267 2nd & 4th Monday, 7:00 p.m.West Allis West Allis 291 1st & 3rd Friday, 7:30 p.m.West Allis Day Lite 358 1st & 3rd Monday, 9:30 a.m.West Bend West Bend 138 2nd & 4th Thursday, 7:00 p.m.West Salem Salem 125 4th Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.Whitefish Bay Aurora 30 2nd & 4th Tuesday, 7:30 p.m.Whitefish Bay George Washington 1776 337 1st & 3rd Tuesday, 7:30 p.m.Whitewater St John’s 57 1st & 3rd Monday, 7:30 p.m.


Location Lodge Name Lodge # Meeting Nights

Wilmot Wilmot 241 2nd & 4th Tuesday, 7:30 p.m.Winneconne Winneconne 186 2nd & 4th Tuesday, 7:00 p.m.Wisconsin Dells Dells 124 1st & 3rd Thursday, 7:30 p.m.Wisconsin Rapids Wisconsin Rapids 128 1st & 3rd Wednesday, 7:00 p.m.


Deputy Senior Junioryear Grand Master Grand Master Grand Warden Grand Warden

1844 *Benj. T. Kavanaugh *Abram D. Smith *Moses Meeker *David H. Merrill1845 *Benj. T. Kavanaugh *Abram D. Smith *Moses Meeker *Byron Kilbourn1846 *Abram D. Smith *Rev. Rufus Spaulding *Thomas P. Burnett *Mason C. Darling1847 *Abram D. Smith *Rev. Rufus Spaulding *Mason C. Darling *John H. Roundtree1848 *Abram D. Smith *Jeremiah P. Lancaster *Byron Kilbourn *Charles Gear1849 *William R. Smith *Rev. Frank Whitaker *A. Hyatt Smith *Orlander Foster1850 *William R. Smith *Dwight F. Lawton *Mason C. Darling *Charles Gear1851 *Abram D. Smith *Montgomery Cothren *John Bullen *Henry M. Billings1852 *Henry L. Palmer *Henry M. Billings *Henry S. Baird *Erastus Lewis1853 *Henry L. Palmer *Henry M. Billings *Gabriel Bouck *Rufus DeLos Pulford1854 *Henry M. Billings *Gabriel Bouck *Orlander Foster *Haven Powers1855 *Henry M. Billings *Gabriel Bouck *Orlander Foster *Haven Powers1856 *Henry S. Baird *Rufus DeLos Pulford *Luther M. Tracy *Luman M. Strong1857 *Henry S. Baird *George F. Huntington *Luther M. Tracy *Luman M. Strong1858 *Luther M. Tracy *George B. Worth *Luman M. Strong *Algernon S. Wood1859 *Luther M. Tracy *Asmus Cobb *Luman M. Strong *Algernon S. Wood1860 *Gabriel Bouck *Luman M. Strong *Algernon S. Wood *John W. Stewart1861 *Alvin B. Alden *Ganem W. Washburn *Algernon S. Wood *Jonathan B. Moore1862 *Alvin B. Alden *David H. Wright *John T. Wentworth *William H. Hiner1863 *Alvin B. Alden *David H. Wright *John T. Wentworth *William H. Hiner1864 *Ganem W. Washburn *William H. Hiner *Harlow Pease *David L. Downs1865 *John T. Wentworth *Andrew M. Blair *Harlow Pease *James A. Bate1866 *Melvin L.Youngs *Harlow Pease *James A. Bate *Alexander Meggett1867 *Harlow Pease *James A. Bate *Alexander Meggett *Chas. F.G. Collins1868 *Harlow Pease *Alexander Meggett *Joseph Hamilton *John Turner1869 *Gabriel Bouck *Amasa Cobb *John Turner *Dana C. Lamb1870 *Gabriel Bouck *Joseph Hamilton *John Turner *Dana C. Lamb1871 *Henry L. Palmer *Spencer A. Pease *Dana C. Lamb *George W. Robinson1872 *Henry L. Palmer *Spencer A. Pease *C. Loftus Martin *William S. Darrow1873 *Rufus D. Pulford *Jeff P.C. Cottrill *Harvey E. Hubbard *John S. Burrows1874 *Jedd P.C. Cottrill *Emmons E. Chapin *Ira W. Bird *Henry Turner1875 *Jedd P.C. Cottrill *Merrick P. Wing *Eliphalet S. Miner *Charles J. Pardee1876 *Jedd P.C. Cottrill *Nathan C. Giffin *Eliphalet S. Miner *Lewis Lashway1877 *Jedd P.C. Cottrill *David C. Fulton *Homer S. Goss *John G. Clark1878 *Charles F.G. Collins *Walter C. Pease *John Corscot *Hollis C. Wade1879 *Charles F.G. Collins *Philo A. Orton *Jeremiah Watts *John W. Laflin1880 *Emmons E. Chapin *Philo A. Orton *Lewis E. Reed *William C. Swain1881 *Emmons E. Chapin *Lewis E. Reed *William C. Swain *Samuel S. Fifield1882 *Lewis E. Reed *William C. Swain *Robert Wootton *Horatio H. Virgin1883 *Lewis E. Reed *Oliver Libbey *Horatio H. Virgin *Hiram W. Sawyer1884 *Oliver Libbey *Hiram W. Sawyer *John C. Heithabn *George W. Bishop1885 *Oliver Libbey *Eugene S. Elliott *Alexander Moran *Byron J. Rumrill1886 *Eugene S. Elliott *Edwin J. Farr *G.B. Shepard *John Matheson1887 *Eugene S. Elliott *Myron Reed *J.S. Reynolds *D. McL. Miller1888 *Myron Reed *N.M. Littlejohn *John Price, Jr. *C.M. Treat1889 *Myron Reed *N.M. Littlejohn *S.H. Cheney *A.J. Wallace1890 *N.M. Littlejohn *Fred Ring *A.S. Jackson *W.H. Clark1891 *N.M. Littlejohn *Fred Ring *W.W. Perry *Aldro Jenks1892 *Fred Ring *William C. Swain *William H. Ford *Jacob S. Black1893 *William C. Swain *Hiram W. Sawyer *William B. Andrews *F.H. L. Cotten1894 *Hiram W. Sawyer *William W. Perry *Hiram D. Fisher *John Grimshaw1895 *William W. Perry *Aldro Jenks *Wm. F. Gruenewald *F.P. Ainsworth1896 *Aldro Jenks *Nathan C. Giffin *C.S. Stockwell *John Gill1897 *Nathan Giffin *James G. Monahan *C.A. Lawton *J.B. Hicks1898 *James G. Monahan *D. McL. Miller *Chas. E. Whelan *F.E. Noyes1899 *Chas. E. Whelan *Charles C. Rogers *C.H. Anderson *Frank Johnson

PAST AND PRESENT OFFICERSOf the Grand Lodge Free and Accepted Masons of Wisconsin


Deputy Senior Junioryear Grand Master Grand Master Grand Warden Grand Warden

1900 *Charles C. Rogers *F.H. L. Cotten *E.A. Upham *Wm. G. Hales1901 *F.H. L. Cotten *D. McL. Miller *H.C. Dittmar *John T. King1902 *Daniel McL. Miller *Myron Reed *Jesse C. Bradley *George B. Wheeler1903 *John Corscot *Jesse C. Bradley *Chas. H. Moore *D.A. Telfer1904 *David H. Wright *Jesse C. Bradley *E.L. Urquhart *Frederick R. Jones1905 *Jesse C. Bradley *Edwin J. Farr *Spencer M. Marsh *Wesley J. Cochrane1906 *Edwin J. Farr *Spencer M. Marsh *James E. Durgin *Alvin T. Webb1907 *Spencer M. Marsh *James E. Durgin *Alvin T. Webb *Ernest E. Gatchell1908 *James E. Durgin *Alvin T. Webb *Ernest E. Gatchell *Cyrus D. Stockwell1909 *Alvin T. Webb *Ernest E. Gatchell *Cyrus D. Stockwell *Alex E. Matheson1910 *Ernest E. Gatchell *Alex E. Matheson *David B. Greene *Charles E. George1911 *Alex E. Matheson *David B. Greene *Charles E. George *Charles E. Shane1912 *David B. Greene *George B. Wheeler *Bernard F. Keeler *George O. Kellogg1913 *George B. Wheeler *Bernard F. Keeler *George O. Kellogg *Willard S. Griswold1914 *Bernard F. Keeler *George O. Kellogg *Willard S. Griswold *David Harlowe1915 *George O. Kellogg *C.S. Stockwell *David Harlowe *Al C. Anderson1916 *C.S. Stockwell *Willard S. Griswold *William F. Weiler *A.W. Kellogg1917 *Willard S. Griswold *David Harlowe *C.E. Shaffer *John E. Langdon1918 *David Harlowe *Charles E. Shane *John E. Langdon *Clifford E. Randall1919 *Charles E. Shane *C.E. Shaffer *Clifford E. Randall *Charles F. Lamb1920 *C.E. Shaffer *William F. Weiler *Charles F. Lamb *Wm. H. Webb1921 *William F. Weiler *John E. Langdon *Wm. H. Webb *Fred J. Marien1922 *John E. Langdon *Charles F. Lamb *Fred J. Marien *D.H. Mooney1923 *Charles F. Lamb *Wm. H. Webb *D.H. Mooney *Herbert W. Dixon1924 *Frank Johnson *Fred J. Marien *Herbert W. Dixon *Fred L. Wright1925 *Fred J. Marien *D.H. Mooney *Fred L. Wright *Frank Jenks1926 *D.H. Mooney *Herbert W. Dixon *Frank Jenks *Herbert N. Laflin1927 *Herbert W. Dixon *Fred L. Wright *Herbert N. Laflin *Franklin E. Diebert1928 *Fred L. Wright *Frank Jenks *William R. Graves *Robert M. Millard1929 *Frank Jenks *Herbert N. Laflin *Robert M. Millard *Thomas Loignon1930 *Herbert N. Laflin *William R. Graves *Thomas Loignon *Oscar L. Dean1931 *William R. Graves *Robert M. Millard *Oscar L. Dean *Robert O. Jasperson1932 *Robert M. Millard *Thomas Loignon *Robert O. Jasperson *Karl Braasch1933 *Thomas Loignon *Oscar L. Dean *Karl Braasch *Maxwell Jenks1934 *Oscar L. Dean *Robert O. Jasperson *Maxwell Jenks *Clarence Hill1935 *Robert O. Jasperson *Karl Braasch *Clarence Hill *Ralph G. Flanders1936 *Karl Braasch *Maxwell Jenks *Ralph G. Flanders *George F. Lounsbury1937 *Maxwell Jenks *Clarence Hill *George F. Lounsbury *David O. Stine1938 *Clarence Hill *Ralph G. Flanders *David O. Stine *George J. Leicht1939 *George F. Lounsbury *David O. Stine *George J. Leicht *Leo F. Nohl1940 *David O. Stine *George J. Leicht *Leo F. Nohl *Louis D. Potter1941 *George J. Leicht *Leo F. Nohl *Louis D. Potter *Herbert L. Mount1942 *Leo F. Nohl *Louis D. Potter *Herbert L. Mount *Alfred L. Devos1943 *Louis D. Potter *Herbert L. Mount *Alfred L. Devos *William E. Schubert1944 *Herbert L. Mount *Alfred L. Devos *William E. Schubert *Van Dyke Parker1945 *Alfred L. Devos *William E. Schubert *Van Dyke Parker *Norman H. Smith1946 *William E. Schubert *Van Dyke Parker *Norman H. Smith *Albert Elmgreen1947 *Van Dyke Parker *Norman H. Smith *Albert Elmgreen *Walter O. Helwig1948 *Norman H. Smith *Albert Elmgreen *Walter O. Helwig *Robert G. Varnum1949 *Albert Elmgreen *Walter O. Helwig *Robert G. Varnum *Ingvald O. Hembre1950 *Walter O. Helwig *Robert G. Varnum *Ingvald O. Hembre *Robert H. Gollmar1951 *Robert G. Varnum *Ingvald O. Hembre *Robert H. Gollmar *Carl W. Hofmeister1952 *Ingvald O. Hembre *Robert H. Gollmar *Carl W. Hofmeister *Harry A. Speich1953 *Robert H. Gollmar *Carl W. Hofmeister *Harry A. Speich *E.W. Krauthoefer1954 *Carl W. Hofmeister *Harry A. Speich *E.W. Krauthoefer *Alf E. Anderson1955 *Harry A. Speich *E.W. Krauthoefer *Alf E. Anderson *Gilbert J. Schwartz

PAST AND PRESENT OFFICERSOf the Grand Lodge Free and Accepted Masons of Wisconsin


Deputy Senior Junioryear Grand Master Grand Master Grand Warden Grand Warden

1956 *E.W. Krauthoefer *Alf E. Anderson *Gilbert J. Schwartz *Orrin H. Larrabee1957 *Alf E. Anderson *Gilbert J. Schwartz *Orrin H. Larrabee *Edward W. Stegner1958 *Gilbert J. Schwartz *Orrin H. Larrabee *Edward W. Stegner *Clair H. Little1959 *Orrin H. Larrabee *Edward W. Stegner *Clair H. Little *Burton E. Fulmer1960 *Edward W. Stegner *Clair H. Little *Burton E. Fulmer *Belmont H. Schlosstein1961 *Clair H. Little *Burton E. Fulmer *Belmont H. Schlosstein *Lewis A. Stocking1962 *Burton E. Fulmer *Belmont H. Schlosstein *Lewis A. Stocking *William J. Kahlenberg1963 *Belmont H. Schlosstein *Lewis A. Stocking *William J. Kahlenberg *Doyn Inman1964 *Lewis A. Stocking *William J. Kahlenberg *Doyn Inman *Robert V. Osborne1965 *William J. Kahlenberg *Doyn Inman *Robert V. Osborne Perry A. Risberg1966 *Doyn Inman *Robert V. Osborne Perry A. Risberg Donald E. Krueger1967 *Robert V. Osborne Perry A. Risberg Donald E. Krueger Charles E. White1968 Perry A. Risberg Donald E. Krueger Charles E. White *Waldemar T. Zwerg1969 Donald E. Krueger Charles E. White *Waldemar T. Zwerg Denman G. Kramer1970 Charles E. White Denman G. Kramer *George J. Schreiber A.D. Anderson1971 Denman G. Kramer *George J. Schreiber A.D. Anderson *Carl W. Skoog1972 *George J. Schreiber A.D. Anderson *Carl W. Skoog Robert E. Billings1973 A.D. Anderson *Carl W. Skoog Robert E. Billings Sheldon I. Ausman1974 *Carl W. Skoog Robert E. Billings *Carl R. Garny Herman A. Friess1975 Robert E. Billings *Carl R. Garny Herman A. Friess #James A. Benz1976 *Carl R. Garny Herman A. Friess #James A. Benz *George R. Hughey1977 Herman A. Friess #James A. Benz *George R. Hughey Russell R. Selbo1978 #James A. Benz *George R. Hughey Russell R. Selbo Allan E. Iding1979 *George R. Hughey Russell R. Selbo Allan E. Iding James J. Byrnes1980 Russell R. Selbo Allan E. Iding James J. Byrnes Kenneth W. Shannon1981 Allan E. Iding James J. Byrnes Kenneth W. Shannon Darrell Aderman1982 James J. Byrnes Kenneth W. Shannon Darrell Aderman William E. Day1983 Kenneth W. Shannon Darrell Aderman William E. Day George A. Wallinger1984 Darrell Aderman William E. Day George A. Wallinger Kingman D. Loomis1985 William E. Day George A. Wallinger Kingman D. Loomis Bruce A. Christianson1986 George A. Wallinger Kingman D. Loomis Bruce A. Christianson Robert E. Moore1987 Kingman D. Loomis Bruce A. Christianson Robert E. Moore Dean T. Massey1988 Bruce A. Christianson Robert E. Moore Dean T. Massey *Benjamin F. Detroy1989 Robert E. Moore Dean T. Massey *Benjamin F. Detroy James A. Zimmerman1990 Dean T. Massey *Benjamin F. Detroy James A. Zimmerman Clarence O. Campbell1991 *Benjamin F. Detroy James A. Zimmerman Carl J. Wussow Stanley R. Jagow1992 James A. Zimmerman Carl J. Wussow Stanley R. Jagow Beecher Daniels1993 Carl J. Wussow Stanley R. Jagow Beecher Daniels Jack C. Allord1994 Stanley R. Jagow Beecher Daniels Jack C. Allord Bruce S. Sim1995 Beecher Daniels Jack C. Allord Bruce S. Sim Lawrence L. Myers1996 Jack C. Allord Bruce S. Sim Lawrence L. Myers Richard E. Black1997 Bruce S. Sim Lawrence L. Myers Richard E. Black Stephen D. Willett1998 Lawrence L. Myers Richard E. Black Stephen D. Willett John W. Hein1999 Richard E. Black Stephen D. Willett John W. Hein James H. Olson2000 Stephen D. Willett John W. Hein James H. Olson Michael A. DeWolf2001 John W. Hein James H. Olson Michael A. DeWolf Keith D. Chamberlain2002 James H. Olson Michael A. DeWolf Keith D. Chamberlain Roger L. Magoon2003 Michael A. DeWolf Keith D. Chamberlain Roger L. Magoon Rodney A. Paulsen2004 Keith D. Chamberlain Roger L. Magoon Rodney A. Paulsen J. B. Van Hollen2005 Roger L. Magoon Rodney A. Paulsen J. B. Van Hollen John W. Wilke2006 Rodney A. Paulsen J.B. Van Hollen John W. Wilke Craig S. Campbell2007 J.B. Van Hollen John W. Wilke Craig S. Campbell Joseph B. Harker2008 John W. Wilke Craig S. Campbell Joseph B. Harker Davey L. White, Jr.2009 Craig S. Campbell Joseph B. Harker Davey L. White, Jr. Dennis V. Siewert2010 Joseph B. Harker Davey L. White, Jr. Dennis V. Siewert Daniel L. Slavik

* Deceased # Resigned

PAST AND PRESENT OFFICERSOf the Grand Lodge Free and Accepted Masons of Wisconsin


year Grand Treasurer Grand Secretary

1844 *Thomas P. Burnett *Benj. C. Eastman1845 *Thomas P. Burnett *Benj. C. Eastman1846 *John H. Roundtree *William R. Smith1847 *John Catlin *William R. Smith1848 *Montgomery Cothren *William R. Smith1849 *John H. Roundtree *Mont. M. Cothren1850 *Samuel Moore *Mont. M. Cothren1851 *Leonard Coates *William R. Smith1852 *Samuel S. Daggett *William R. Smith1853 *Samuel S. Daggett *William R. Smith1854 *William Chappel *William R. Smith1855 *Peter Winter *William R. Smith1856 *Peter Winter *William R. Smith1857 *William Campbell *William R. Smith1858 *Samuel S. Daggett *John W. Hunt1859 *Samuel S. Daggett *John W. Hunt1860 *Samuel S. Daggett *James B. Kellogg1861 *Samuel S. Daggett *William T. Palmer1862 *Samuel S. Daggett *William T. Palmer1863 *Samuel S. Daggett *William T. Palmer1864 *Samuel S. Daggett *William T. Palmer1865 *Samuel S. Daggett *William T. Palmer1866 *William H. Hiner *William T. Palmer1867 *William H. Hiner *William T. Palmer1868 *William H. Hiner *William T. Palmer1869 *William H. Hiner *William T. Palmer1870 *William H. Hiner *William T. Palmer1871 *William H. Hiner *William T. Palmer1872 *William H. Hiner *William T. Palmer1873 *William H. Hiner *Geo. E. Hoskinson1874 *William H. Hiner *Geo. E. Hoskinson1875 *William H. Hiner *John W. Woodhull1876 *William H. Hiner *John W. Woodhull1877 *William H. Hiner *John W. Woodhull1878 *F.L. von Suessmilch *John W. Woodhull1879 *David S. Vittum

*George C. Swain *John W. Woodhull1880 *F.L. von Suessmilch *John W. Woodhull1881 *N.M. Littlejohn *John W. Woodhull1882 *F.L. von Suessmilch *John W. Woodhull1883 *N.M. Littlejohn *John W. Laflin1884 *F.L. Von Suessmilch *John W. Laflin1885 *N.M. Littlejohn *John W. Laflin1886 *F.L. Von Suessmilch *John W. Laflin1887 *N.M. Littlejohn *John W. Laflin1888 *F.L. Von Suessmilch *John W. Laflin1889 *F.H. Starkweather *John W. Laflin1890 *F.L. von Suessmilch *John W. Laflin1891 *F.H. Starkweather *John W. Laflin1892 *F.L. von Suessmilch *John W. Laflin1893 *F.H. Starkweather *John W. Laflin1894 *F.L. von Suessmilch *John W. Laflin1895 *John Corscot *John W. Laflin1896 *F.L. von Suessmilch *John W. Laflin1897 *John Corscot *John W. Laflin1898 *J.H. Evans *John W. Laflin

PAST AND PRESENT OFFICERSOf the Grand Lodge Free and Accepted Masons of Wisconsin


Grand Treasurer Grand Sec’y Assistantyear Grand Treasurer Emeritus Grand Secretary Emeritus Grand Sec’y

1899 *John Corscot *John W. Laflin1900 *J.H. Evans *John W. Laflin1901 *John Corscot *William W. Perry1902 *J.H. Evans *William W. Perry1903 *J.M. Pereles *William W. Perry1904 *John Corscot *William W. Perry1905 *J.M. Pereles *William W. Perry1906 *John Corscot *William W. Perry1907 *J.M. Pereles *William W. Perry1908 *John Corscot *William W. Perry1909 *J.M. Pereles *William W. Perry1910 *John Corscot *William W. Perry1911 *Thomas J. Pereles *William W. Perry1912 *John Corscot *William W. Perry1913 *David B. Greene *William W. Perry1914 *John Corscot *William W. Perry1915 *David B. Greene *William W. Perry1916 *John Corscot *William W. Perry1917 *George B. Wheeler *William W. Perry1918 *John Corscot *William W. Perry1919 *George B. Wheeler *William W. Perry1920 *John Corscot *William W. Perry1921 *George B. Wheeler *William W. Perry1922 *John Corscot *William W. Perry1923 *George B. Wheeler *William W. Perry *John E. Bast1924 *John Corscot *William W. Perry *John E. Bast1925 *George B. Wheeler *William W. Perry *John E. Bast1926 *John E. Langdon *William W. Perry *John E. Bast1927 *George B. Wheeler *William W. Perry *William W. Perry *John E. Bast1928 *D.H. Mooney *William F. Weiler *William W. Perry *John E. Bast1929 *George B. Wheeler *William F. Weiler *William W. Perry *John E. Bast1930 *D.H. Mooney *William F. Weiler *John E. Bast1931 *George B. Wheeler *William F. Weiler *John E. Bast1932 *D.H. Mooney *William F. Weiler *John E. Bast1933 *George B. Wheeler *William F. Weiler *John E. Bast1934 *D.H. Mooney *William F. Weiler *John E. Bast1935 *George B. Wheeler *William F. Weiler1936 *D.H. Mooney *William F. Weiler1937 *Robert M. Millard *George B. Wheeler *William F. Weiler1938 *D.H. Mooney *George B. Wheeler *William F. Weiler1939 *Robert M. Millard *George B. Wheeler *William F. Weiler1940 *D.H. Mooney *George B. Wheeler *William F. Weiler1941 *Robert M. Millard *George B. Wheeler *William F. Weiler1942 *D.H. Mooney *George B. Wheeler *William F. Weiler1943 *Robert M. Millard *George B. Wheeler *William F. Weiler1944 *D.H. Mooney *William F. Weiler1945 *Robert M. Millard *William F. Weiler1946 *D.H. Mooney *William F. Weiler1947 *Robert M. Millard *D.H. Mooney *William F. Weiler1948 *Edgar A. Williams *D.H. Mooney *William F. Weiler1949 *Robert M. Millard *D.H. Mooney *Paul W. Grossenbach *William F. Weiler1950 *Edgar A. Williams *D.H. Mooney *Paul W. Grossenbach *William F. Weiler1951 *Robert M. Millard *D.H. Mooney *Paul W. Grossenbach1952 *Edgar A. Williams *D.H. Mooney *Paul W. Grossenbach1953 *Robert M. Millard *Paul W. Grossenbach1954 *Edgar A. Williams *Robert M. Millard *Paul W. Grossenbach1955 *Lewis A. Moore *Robert M. Millard *Paul W. Grossenbach1956 *Edgar A. Williams *Robert M. Millard *Paul W. Grossenbach1957 *Lewis A. Moore *Robert M. Millard *Paul W. Grossenbach1958 *Edgar A. Williams *Robert M. Millard *Paul W. Grossenbach


Grand Treasurer Grand Sec’y Assistantyear Grand Treasurer Emeritus Grand Secretary Emeritus Grand Sec’y

1959 *Lewis A. Moore *Robert M. Millard *Paul W. Grossenbach1960 *Edgar A. Williams *Robert M. Millard *Paul W. Grossenbach1961 *Lewis A. Moore *Robert M. Millard *Paul W. Grossenbach1962 *Edgar A. Williams *Paul W. Grossenbach1962 *Roy H. Seim1962 *Arnold W. Plier1963 *Lewis A. Moore *Robert M. Millard *Paul W. Grossenbach1964 *Alfred G. Trimberger *Lewis A. Moore1964 *Robert M. Millard *Paul W. Grossenbach1965 *Hertel M. Saugman *Lewis A. Moore1965 *Robert M. Millard1966 *Eugene G. Williams *Robert M. Millard1967 *Hertel M. Saugman *Robert M. Millard *Ernest R. Hiegel *Paul W. Grossenbach1968 *Carl R. Garny *Robert M. Millard *Ernest R. Hiegel *Paul W. Grossenbach1969 *Robert O. Graf *Robert M. Millard *Ernest R. Hiegel *Paul W. Grossenbach1970 *Carl L. Payne *Robert M. Millard Perry A. Risberg *Paul W. Grossenbach1971 Russell R. Selbo *Robert M. Millard *Carl L. Payne *Paul W. Grossenbach1972 *Carl L. Payne *Robert M. Millard *Doyn Inman *Paul W. Grossenbach1973 *Carl L. Payne *Robert M. Millard *Doyn Inman *Paul W. Grossenbach1974 *Carl L. Payne *Robert M. Millard *Doyn Inman *Paul W. Grossenbach1975 *Carl L. Payne *Robert M. Millard *Doyn Inman *Paul W. Grossenbach1976 *Carl L. Payne *Robert M. Millard *Doyn Inman *Paul W. Grossenbach1977 *Silas J. Paul *Robert M. Millard *Doyn Inman1978 *Silas J. Paul *Doyn Inman1979 *Silas J. Paul *Doyn Inman1980 *Silas J. Paul *Doyn Inman1981 *Silas J. Paul *Doyn Inman1982 *Silas J. Paul *Doyn Inman *Carl W. Skoog1983 *Silas J. Paul *Carl W. Skoog *Doyn Inman1984 *Silas J. Paul *Carl W. Skoog *Doyn Inman1985 Robert W. Ward *Silas J. Paul *Carl W. Skoog *Doyn Inman1986 Robert W. Ward *Silas J. Paul *Carl W. Skoog *Doyn Inman1987 Robert W. Ward *Silas J. Paul *Carl W. Skoog *Doyn Inman1988 Robert W. Ward *Silas J. Paul *Carl W. Skoog *Doyn Inman1989 Robert W. Ward *Silas J. Paul #Douglas F. Krimmer *Doyn Inman1990 *David J. Nolte *Silas J. Paul #Douglas F. Krimmer *Doyn Inman1991 *David J. Nolte Robert W. Ward #Douglas F. Krimmer *Doyn Inman1992 John W. Hein Robert W. Ward #Douglas F. Krimmer *Doyn Inman1993 John W. Hein Robert W. Ward *Carl W. Skoog *Doyn Inman1994 D. James Childs Robert W. Ward George A. Wallinger *Carl W. Skoog1995 D. James Childs Robert W. Ward George A. Wallinger *Carl W. Skoog1996 Michael R. Walter Robert W. Ward George A. Wallinger *Doyn Inman1997 Michael R. Walter Robert W. Ward George A. Wallinger *Doyn Inman1998 Michael R. Walter Robert W. Ward George A. Wallinger *Doyn Inman1999 Michael R. Walter Robert W. Ward George A. Wallinger *Doyn Inman2000 Michael R. Walter Robert W. Ward George A. Wallinger *Doyn Inman2001 Michael R. Walter Robert W. Ward Bruce S. Sim George A. Wallinger

*Doyn Inman2002 Michael R. Walter Robert W. Ward Bruce S. Sim *Doyn Inman

George A. Wallinger2003 James M. Hays Robert W. Ward Bruce S. Sim *Doyn Inman

George A. Wallinger2004 James M. Hays Robert W. Ward Michael A. DeWolf *Doyn Inman

George A. Wallinger2005 James M. Hays Robert W. Ward Michael A. DeWolf George A. Wallinger2006 Richard A. Vande Sande Robert W. Ward Michael A. DeWolf George A. Wallinger2007 Richard A. Vande Sande Robert W. Ward Michael A. DeWolf George A. Wallinger2008 John A. Benedict Robert W. Ward Michael A. DeWolf George A. Wallinger2009 John A. Benedict Robert W. Ward Michael A. DeWolf George A. Wallinger2010 John A. Benedict Robert W. Ward Michael A. DeWolf George A. Wallinger

* Deceased # Expelled




Kenneth C. Kreil ................................ Alabama.................................... Charles A. BookerFlorida

Darrell Aderman ................................ Alaska ....................................... Raymond R. WagenerShell Lake North Pole

Herman Friess.................................... Alberta ...................................... Lewis A. KingRice Lake

............................................................. Arizona...................................... Frederick E. Krick, Jr.

Stanley R. Jagow................................ Arkansas ................................... Jeff M. WhisenhuntCherokee Village, AR DeQueen

Bruce Sim ........................................... Argentina .................................. Miguel Angel MascoloAppleton

Geerit Van Harten.............................. Belgium..................................... Michel DaunePound

Frank Dennee..................................... Bolivia ....................................... Victor Asbun GamraPhillips

Richard Vande Sande......................... Brazil, Brazilla.......................... E.P. Da MotaBurlington

............................................................. Brazil, Ceara............................. Wilton Da Silvo Brito

Robert Tumi........................................ Brazil, Estado do Maranhao .....

Kenneth C. Gorgen............................. Brazil, Estado da Paraiba ........ Agnaldo de OliveiraPewaukee

Gary R. Meinert ................................. Brazil, Goais ............................. Antonio FelicianoMilton

Luis Silva............................................ Brazil, Grand Orient ................ Antonio Gavioli, Jr.Brookfield

Ronald Pete ........................................ Brazil, MatoGrosso do Sul ....... Carlos Antonio BroncoSuperior Lopes

Kenneth A. Poulson............................ Brazil, Para............................... Matheus Ferreira DeRacine Souza

I.V. (Ray) Amador ............................... Brazil, Parana........................... Mario Ramon GarciaLaCrosse

Charles Pflaum................................... Brazil, Permanbuco .................. Maholl Martinsde OliveiraMilwaukee

Robert Guenther ................................ Brazil, Piaui .............................. JoaoBatista EvangelistaOshkosh DeSa Teresina

Paul W. Hormig .................................. Brazil, Rio Grande do Norte .... Francisco Gilberto de AndradeBeloit Parnamirion, Brazil

Denman G. Kramer............................ Brazil, Rio Grande Do Sul........ Joao Francisco CunhaPrairie du Sac Quevedo

Robert G. King.................................... Brazil, Rio de Janeiro ............... Eliel Ramos SilvaTomahawk

Wm. W. Hughey .................................. Brazil, Sao Paulo ...................... Salvador Candido D’AndreaDeForest Sao Paulo

Wm. C. Lieburn .................................. British Columbia ......................Marinette & Yukon

Harold E. Woodhouse ......................... California ..................................Walworth




Robert W. Ward.....................Canada, Province of Ontario .................. R.M. GunsolusChetek Belleville

Tom Rosenow...................................... Chile .......................................... Jorge Flishfisch BronsteinWinneconne Santiago

Alfred C. Hunsicker............................ China......................................... Tommy F.H. WengEdgerton

Leigh Miller..........................Colombia, Nat’l Barranquilla ................. Dr. A. Hernandez BarettoMilwaukee Barranquilla

Daniel Slavik......................... Columbia, Nat’l Cartagena ................... Antonio SierraMadison

Davey White .................Gran Lodgia Occidental de Colombia .............Hazel Green

Keith B. Krinke .................................. Colorado .................................... Claud E. DutroWaunakee Denver

Dennis Siewert ................................... Congo......................................... Emile OuossoDe Pere

Rodney Paulsen.................................. Connecticut ............................... Peter J. NarducciElkhorn

Thomas L. Phillipps ........................... Costa Rica ................................. Eduardo Monge M.Monroe San Jose

John Hendrickson .............................. Cuba, Isla De ............................ Francisco Cecilia RodriguezVerona

Russell R. Selbo.................................. Delaware ................................... S. Curtis Cole, P.M.Cedarburg Felton

Norm Christensen..................Denmark, Natl. Grand Lodge............... Ib AndersenGrafton

Dr. A.D. Anderson............................... District of Columbia ................. Todd C. DuehringMadison Silver Spring, MD

Donald E. Krueger ............................. Dominican Republic ................. Felix E. ForestieriBurlington

Roderick Anderson ............................. Ecuador ..................................... Dr. Bruno Sadum MamoEau Claire

Perry A. Risberg ................................. Finland...................................... Pentti LepistoHayward

Dallas W. Heim................................... Florida....................................... Edwin H. PresserFlorida

Charles E. White ................... France, Nat’l Grand Lodge.................... T. Ritchie PledgeRiver Falls

Clarence Campbell ............................. Georgia...................................... Bacom P. MillsEau Claire Pine Mountain

Hans Gerlach.......................... Germany, United Gr. Lodges................Dousman

John Demetropoulos .......................... Greece........................................ George TingelisBrookfield

Bruce S. Sim ....................................... Hawaii ....................................... Peter N. AdamsNeenah

Alexander Radicevich ........................ Hungary .................................... Dr. Attila PokMilwaukee Budapest

Craig S. Campbell .............................. Iceland....................................... Snorri EgilsonCedarburg

Denman G. Kramer............................ Idaho ......................................... Ellis S. ReddickPrairie du Sac Twin Falls




David C. West ..................................... Illinois ....................................... James L. TungateWaukesha Watseka

Jhoma Hajimahomed Merchant........ India .......................................... Yogesh BahadurBrookfield Delhi

H. Thomas Rogers .............................. Indiana...................................... John E. GreinStone Lake Indianapolis

Joseph C. Rhodes................................ Iran............................................ Ali-Reza Amir-SoleimaniBeaver Dam Tehran

............................................................. Ireland....................................... Arthur S. WorrellDublin

Sidney Vineburg................................. Israel ......................................... Yinon FalkovitzGreen Bay

Allan E. Iding ..................................... Italy, Grand Orient ................... Marco FranziniMilwaukee Novara

John Raley .......................................... Japan......................................... Murray V. Harley, Jr.Fremont

Michael De Wolf ................................. Kansas....................................... Robert E. FergusonWausau Marysville

Charles C. Anderson .......................... Kentucky................................... Douglas M. BickelShawano

Robert E. Billings ............................... Louisiana .................................. Robert L. LabordeClintonville

D. James Childs.................................. Maine ........................................ Dwynal R. GrassMadison

Thomas Struebing.............................. Manitoba................................... Bernie GrossWauwatosa Winnipeg

Sheldon I. Ausman ............................. Maryland................................... Glen B. ClaryEncino, CA Davidsonville

William E. Day ................................... Massachusetts .......................... Lawrence J. Smith, Jr.Brookfield

Theodore Goeden................................ Mexico, El Potosi....................... Narcisco Fernandez LopezSchofield

............................................................. Mexico, Nuevo Leon.................. Eugenio Onuna

Lowell Larson..................................... Mexico, Tamaulipas .................. Carlos Saeb FelixLa Crosse Victoria

Robert Kaschel ................................... Mexico, Valle de ........................ Virgilio Belendez CarchanoNorth Freedom

Jack Allord.......................................... Mexico, York.............................. Joseph U. HeathGlenwood, IL Mexico City

J.B. Van Hollen ................................... Michigan ................................... Dale C. EdwardsSun Prairie Northville

Kingman D. Loomis............................ Minnesota ................................. Roger J. TaylorHayward

George A. Wallinger ........................... Mississippi ................................ William G. SmithBeaver Dam Ethel

Harold B. McDonough........................ Missouri .................................... J.C. Montgomery, Jr.De Soto Farmington

............................................................. Montana.................................... Donald R. Boslaugh

Lawrence L. Myers............................. Nebraska................................... Harold HultmanBarneveld Elkhorn




Sydney Van der Linden...................... Netherlands, Holland............... A.Th. Ten HoutenWest Allis

Rolland M. Schaefer........................... Nevada ...................................... D. John MorgensternShell Lake Las Vegas

Roger L. Magoon ................................ Newfoundland & Labrador ...... Vincent J. PikeAppleton St. John’s, NF

Jim Zimmerman................................. New Brunswick ........................ John JefferiesShawano

James J. Byrnes.................................. New Hampshire........................ Agnew G. WalkerGreen Bay Lebanon

Michael A. DeWolf .............................. New Jersey................................ Seymour FederWausau

Paul E. Krueger.................................. New Mexico............................... John S. WeberMcFarland Clovis

Richard E. Black ................................ New South Wales...................... Alex MorrisMadison Castlecrag

Michael A. DeWolf .............................. New York................................... Karel SimekWausau

Rodney Paulsen.................................. New Zealand............................. Warwick H. HolmesElkhorn

Rick E. Gustafson............................... North Carolina.......................... William G. MathisSheboygan

Stephen D. Willett .............................. North Dakota............................ Jim NorrisPhillips Pembina

Marlowe Nelson.................................. Norway...................................... Erik WiigWestby Stavanger

............................................................. Nova Scotia ............................... Roy E. LivelyDartmouth

Bruce A. Christianson........................ Ohio ........................................... Michael D. CecilKenosha Bellville

Kenneth W. Shannon ......................... Oklahoma.................................. David EpperlyLa Crosse

James H. Olson................................... Oregon....................................... Quintin B. EstellBeaver Dam Silverton

Robert Mueller, Sr. ............................. Panama ..................................... Samuel Theodore FrankelMilwaukee Colon

Donald G. Asplin ................................ Peru ........................................... Carlos A. TejadaMiddleton

Harold C. Freid................................... Philippine Islands .................... Sixto S. Esquivas, IVFall Creek Manila

Michael R. Walter............................... Portugal..................................... Jose A.A. GomesWinneconne

Dean T. Massey................................... Prince Edward Island............... Colston WoodMadison

James Cleary...................................... Puerto Rico................................ Samuel Irizarry RodriguezBrookfield

Robert E. Moore.................................. Quebec....................................... D.H. DruryWaukesha

Victor Corsie....................................... Queensland ............................... N.J. MorrisEau Claire Aroona

Raymond Moyer, Jr............................. Rhode Island............................. Nelson E. KayRochester




George A. Wallinger ........................... Romania.................................... Pavel LiskaBeaver Dam

Carl J. Wussow ................................... Russia........................................ Victor KuznetsovWauwatosa

Wm. Stonecipher ................................ Saskatchewan........................... Kenneth Leo MelstedWest Bend Wynyard

Bruce S. Sim ....................................... Scotland .................................... Thomas E. JessopNeenah

John Sivertsen.................................... Senegal...................................... Armand AgbogbaIron River Dakar

Donald Soberg .................................... South Africa .............................. LeRoux HanckeMonona Capetown

Kenneth Gorgen ................................. South Australia ........................ Barrie AndersonPewaukee Warradale

............................................................. South Carolina.......................... W. Jefferson Bryson, Jr.

Keith D. Chamberlain........................ South Dakota............................ Hurst E. WilliamsViola Brentford

Dale O. Babbitt................................... Spain ......................................... Manuel MirEau Claire

Scott Kaczor........................................ Sweden...................................... Carl-Gustaf PiehlMilwaukee Stockholm

Joseph Harker .................................... Switzerland, Alpina.................. E. Joseph FilippiNew Berlin

Eugene E. Rood .................................. Tasmania .................................. R.A. WhittleGreen Bay

Ronald Schmidt.................................. Tennessee.................................. Willie CradicCherokee Village, AR

Beecher Daniels ................................. Texas ......................................... Allen H. TuellVerona Quitman

John Brown ........................................ Togo ...........................................La Crosse

Arden R. Mikich ................................. Turkey....................................... Eralp OzgenManitowish Waters Ankara

John W. Hein....................................... Utah .......................................... Melvin R. EndersWisconsin Rapids Layton

Galen D. Winter.................................. Venezuela.................................. Roel C. SanchezShawano Hernandez

Roy C. Eisenmann.............................. Vermont..................................... James W. DudleyMadison

Raymond Estervig.............................. Victoria...................................... Norman W. WittingslowMadison

............................................................. Virginia ..................................... Owen Tee WadeDublin

Robert E. LeFebve.............................. Washington ............................... Orton KruegerBristol Port Orchard

Robert Nienow.................................... Western Australia..................... Alexander L. BerglWauwatosa Victoria Park

Louis Feurer ....................................... West Virginia ............................ Stephen G. SwankMequon Reedsville




February 22, 1961Hipolito Marcano, Grand Master

Grand Lodge of Puerto Rico

February 22, 1962Mauro Baradi, Past Grand Master

Grand Lodge of the Philippines

February 22, 1963Richard Mueller-Boerner, Past Grand Master

United Grand Lodges of Germany

February 22, 1964Max Silverston, Past Grand MasterGrand Lodge of the State of Israel

February 25, 1965Ernest Van Hecke, Grand MasterNational Grand Lodge of France

February 22, 1967Prof. Giordano Gamberini

Grand Orient of Italy

August 16, 1972Roy Rogers

August 16, 1973Red Skelton

September 29, 1989Roy Clark

June 10, 1991Thomas R. Dougherty, P.G.M.Director, Hospital VisitationMasonic Service Association

June 11, 1991Charles Baltos, Grand Master

Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Minnesota

June 15, 1993John J. Robinson

June 13, 2000Richard E. Fletcher, P.G.M., Exec. Secy.

Masonic Service Association



*Herman E. Friedrich ....................................................................1974*Alf O. “Pat” Anderson....................................................................1974*Russell D. Sheldon........................................................................1975*G. Thomas Longbotham ...............................................................1975*Daniel R. Schutz ...........................................................................1976*Eugene G. Williams ......................................................................1978*Kenneth I. C. Knudson.................................................................1980*Richard Shade ..............................................................................1981*Win Goldfish .................................................................................1981*Richard Huegel .............................................................................1983H. Thomas Rogers.........................................................................1984

*Carl F. Boelter...............................................................................1985Allan E. Iding, P.G.M. ...................................................................1986Galen Winter.................................................................................1988Gary Shaw ....................................................................................1989

*Elmer Schumacher .......................................................................1990*Gerald W. Lemberg .......................................................................1991Robert E. Simon............................................................................1991

*Moses Jack Rood...........................................................................1992Roland B. Day ...............................................................................1993Willis Scadden ..............................................................................1993

*Carl W. Skoog, P.G.M. ...................................................................1994Rick E. Gustafson .........................................................................1994

*John H. Rose .................................................................................1995John Unz.......................................................................................1995Harold E. Woodhouse ...................................................................1996Darrell Aderman...........................................................................1997

*L. Clarence Kelley ........................................................................1997George A. Wallinger, P.G.M. .........................................................1998William E. Day, P.G.M. .................................................................1999

*Ronald Glaunert ...........................................................................2000John Hayek ...................................................................................2000Donald Komplin............................................................................2000

*George R. Hughey, P.G.M. ............................................................2000Archie Simonson...........................................................................2001J. W. Engeldinger ..........................................................................2001Roderick Anderson .......................................................................2001Carl Wussow, P.G.M......................................................................2001Robert E. Moore, P.G.M. ...............................................................2002Dean T. Massey, P.G.M..................................................................2002Robert Erffmeyer..........................................................................2003James Zimmerman, P.G.M. ..........................................................2003Stanley Jagow, P.G.M. ..................................................................2003Ronald P. Schmidt.........................................................................2003Gordon P. Hintermeyer ................................................................2003Frank J. Mayer .............................................................................2004Russell G. Dunnum ......................................................................2005William J. Jewell, Jr......................................................................2005James M. Hays..............................................................................2006Beecher Daniels............................................................................2006


Michael A. DeWolf ........................................................................2007Dr. Ray D. Heilborn ......................................................................2007John W. Hein.................................................................................2007Dan E. Walters..............................................................................2008Tomas C. Tourville ........................................................................2009Richard A. Vande Sande...............................................................2009William L. Stonecipher.................................................................2010J. Patrick Storrs............................................................................2010














































































2009-2010Grand Lodge Officers

Past Grand Masters

Permanent Members

District Lecturers

District Chaplains

Area Administrators


Board Members





Grand MasterCraig S Campbell

Deputy Grand MasterJoseph B Harker

Senior Grand WardenDavey L White Jr

Junior Grand WardenDennis V Siewert

Grand TreasurerJohn A Benedict

Grand SecretaryMichael A DeWolf


Senior Grand DeaconDaniel L Slavik

Junior Grand DeaconWilliam Beetcher

Senior Grand StewardFranklin J Struble

Junior Grand StewardDonald W Hensiak

Grand ChaplainDonald F Iliff

Grand LecturerKenneth C Gorgen

Grand MarshalJ Patrick Storrs

Grand OratorL Arby Humphrey

Grand TilerJohn W Krinke


Deputy, District #1Travis M Hand

Deputy, District #2H Scott Paulson

Deputy, District #3John C Tilley

Deputy, District #4Christopher J Hirthe

Deputy, District #5Mark D Jerdee

Deputy, District #6Jeffrey Marquardt

Deputy, District #7David C Bomkamp

Deputy, District #8Scott E Pedley

Deputy, District #9Ralph L Behlke

Deputy, District #10David E Tainter

Deputy, District #11John P Marra

Deputy, District #12Robert C Strader




Perry A Risberg (1968)Donald E Krueger (1969)Charles E White (1970)

Denman G Kramer (1971)A. D. Anderson (1973)

Robert E Billings (1975)Herman A Friess (1977)Russell R Selbo (1980)Allan E Iding (1981)

James J Byrnes (1982)Kenneth W Shannon (1983)O Darrell Aderman (1984)

William E Day (1985)George A Wallinger (1986)Kingman D Loomis (1987)

Bruce A Christianson (1988)Robert E Moore (1989)Dean T Massey (1990)

James A Zimmerman (1992)Carl J Wussow (1993)

Stanley R Jagow (1994)Beecher Daniels (1995)

Jack C Allord (1996)Bruce S Sim (1997)

Lawrence L Myers (1998)Richard E Black (1999)

Stephen D Willett (2000)John W Hein (2001)

James H Olson (2002)Michael A DeWolf (2003)

Keith D Chamberlain (2004)Roger L Magoon (2005)

Rodney A Paulsen (2006)J B Van Hollen (2007)

Dr John W Wilke (2008)

Past Grand LecturersDavey L White Jr

John W Hein, PGMCraig S Campbell

Past Grand SecretariesBruce S Sim, PGM

George A Wallinger, PGMPerry A Risberg, PGM

Past Grand TreasurersMichael R WalterD James Childs

John W Hein, PGMRussell R Selbo, PGM

Robert W WardJames M Hays

Richard A Vande Sande

Past Junior Grand WardensClarence O Campbell

Sheldon I Ausman

Past Grand TrusteesJohn W Demetropoulos

William B DresserLe Roy C Eisenmann

Kingman D Loomis, PGMLowell A Tainter

George A Wallinger, PGMRoger G Nitzsche

Herman A Friess, PGMStephen D Willett, PGM

Carl J Wussow, PGMWilliam E Day, PGM

Blair D DixonBruce S Sim, PGM


Dist. Name1 David A Frings2 Harold J Christensen3 Albert W Jurgens, III4 Moses H Adams5 Michael L Barreyro6 Kenneth A Bales

Dist. Name7 Harold Carpenter8 Joel M Arnold9 Henry B Pynakker10 J Patrick Storrs11 Shane R Beecraft12 Frank J Mayer



Dist. Name1 Ray D Heilborn2 Henry M Paulson3 Larry A Olson4 Charles W Daily Jr5 Wesley W Hurlburt6 Richard A Kreager

Dist. Name7 D James Childs8 David R Ritchie9 Unassigned10 Jerry W Schrankler11 Rodney A Paulsen12 Eugene Marcus

District 1 Team

District Deputy Travis M. HandDistrict Lecturer David A FringsDistrict Chaplain Dr. Ray D Heilborn

Dist-Area Area Administrators1-1 Bradley E. Edstrom (236)

Ancient Landmark #210Bayfield-Washburn #215Superior #236Acacia-Itasca #329

1-2 Gerald A. Winch (221)Shell Lake-Spooner #221Keystone #263Barnes #365

District 2 Team

District Deputy H. Scott PaulsonDistrict Lecturer Harold J ChristensenDistrict Chaplain Henry M Paulson

Dist-Area Area Administrators2-1 Ozcan Kilic (105, 109)

St. Croix #56Northwestern #105River Falls #109North Star #187Collins-Spring Valley #192New Richmond #195Hancock #229

2-2 Paul N. Jacobs (234)Clear Lake #230Blue Hills #234Landmark #244Chetek #277Bloomer #281



2-3 Gary L. Stang (351)Eau Claire #112Durand-Pepin #149Menomonie #164Chippewa Falls #176Buffalo River #252Sanctuary #347George B Wheeler #351

District 3 Team

District Deputy John C TilleyDistrict Lecturer Albert W. Jurgens IIIDistrict Chaplain Rev. Larry A Olson

Dist-Area Area Administrators3-1 Steve G. Botes, Jr (237)

Medford #217Phillips #225Hurley #237Mystic Tie #280Owen #317

3-2 Scott E. Bishop (248)Forest #130Virginia Falls #226Rhinelander #242Eagle River #248Island City #330

District 4 Team

District Deputy Christopher HirtheDistrict Lecturer Moses H AdamsDistrict Chaplain Charles W. Daily, Jr

Dist-Area Area Administrators4-1 Jay Herbst (174)

Washington #21Des Peres #85Shawano #170Henry S Baird #174Theodore Roosevelt #322N.E.W. Daylite #360Mason-Woods #368

4-2 Christian Hirthe (322)Marinette #182Pine #188Tri County Daylite #218Hiram D Fisher #222Antigo #231Crandon #287Oconto Falls #293


District 5 Team

District Deputy Mark D. JerdeeDistrict Lecturer Michael L BarreyroDistrict Chaplain Wesley W. Hurlburt

Dist-Area Area Administrators5-1 Currently Unassigned

Black River #74Arcadia #201Buffalo River #252Merrillan #279

5-2 Terry L. Loper (125, 60)Valley #60Northern Light #81Juneau #103Tomah #132Camp Douglas #272

5-3 Todd A. Wohlert (190)Frontier-Badger #45La Belle #84Salem #125Decora #177La Crosse Masonic #190Onalaska Masonic #214

District 6 Team

District Deputy Jeffrey MarquardtDistrict Lecturer Kenneth A. BalesDistrict Chaplain Richard A. Kreager

Dist-Area Area Administrators6-1 Lyle H Snyder (141)

Quincy #71Dells #124Montello #141Wautoma #148Adams #332

6-2 John C. White (93)Evergreen #93Waupaca #123Wisconsin Rapids #128Marshfield #224Mosinee #318


6-3 Jonathan D. Foster (51)Oshkosh #27Waverly #51Twin Cities #61Manawa #82Winneconne #186Clintonville #197Appleton #349

District 7 Team

District Deputy David BomkampDistrict Lecturer Harold W CarpenterDistrict Chaplain D James Childs

Dist-Area Area Administrators7-1 Steve Breunig (143)

Waterloo #63Columbus #75Sun Prairie #143Social #245Doric #356

7-2 Daniel M. Burkeland (180)Fort Winnebago #33Lodi Valley #99Poynette #173Middleton-Ionic #180Armistead-Bingham #1862

7-3 Dale M. Holmen (69, 356)Madison #5Hiram #50Benjamin Franklin #83Commonwealth #325Four Lakes Daylight #362

District 8 Team

District Deputy Scott E. PedleyDistrict Lecturer Joel M. ArnoldDistrict Chaplain Rev. David Ritchie

Dist-Area Area Administrators8-1 James A Jewell (66)

Mineral Point #1Franklin #16Richland #66Dodgeville #119Linden #206


8-2 Jerry A Carpenter (64)Amicitia #25Smith #31Evening Star #64Argyle #178Benton #268

8-3 Marc B Steiber (8, 113)Melody #2Warren #4Prairie du Chien #8Fennimore #219

8-4 Robert J. Ott (79)Baraboo #34Reedsburg #79Crescent Valley #97Sauk Prairie #113Barneveld #319

District 9 Team

District Deputy Ralph L BehlkeDistrict Lecturer Henry B PynakkerDistrict Chaplain Currently Unassigned

Dist-Area Area Administrators9-1 Eric J Fuher (42)

Jefferson County #9Oconomowoc-Hartland #42St John’s #57Palmyra #68Dousman #315Glenn L Humphrey #364

9-2 John D MacKenzie (151)Union #32Janesville-Western Star #55Fulton #69Kegonsa #73Waucoma #90Milton #161

9-3 Donald J. Mc Neill (310, 1)Morning Star #10Albany #36Bicknell #94Oregon #151New Glarus #310


District 10 Team

District Deputy David E TainterDistrict Lecturer J Patrick StorrsDistrict Chaplain Rev. Jerry W Schrankler

Dist-Area Area Administrators10-1 Terry P Groth (138)

Dodge County #72Neosho-Mayville-Horicon #108Hartford #120West Bend #138

10-2 Leroy Kifer (26)Fond du Lac #26Berlin #38Waupun #48Prairie View #95Omro #168Perseverance 1836 #366

10-3 Bryon D. Zimmerman (11)Sheboygan #11Ozaukee #17Manitowoc #65Cassia #167Calumet #172Victory #320

District 11 Team

District Deputy John P MarraDistrict Lecturer Shane R. BeecraftDistrict Chaplain Rodney A Paulsen, PGM

Dist-Area Area Administrators11-1 Wayne A. Budwick (359, 367)

Racine-Belle City #18Kenosha #47Washburn #145Wilmot #241Sunrise #359Unity #367

11-2 Luiz A Silva (307)Waukesha #37Lincoln #183Ashlar #193Pewaukee #246Myron Reed #297McKinley #307Elmbrook #354


11-3 James A Wetzel (247)Southern Lakes #12Burlington #28Geneva #44Laflin-St. James #247Union Grove #288

District 12 Team

District Deputy Robert C. StraderDistrict Lecturer Frank J MayerDistrict Chaplain Eugene Marcus

Dist-Area Area Administrators12-1 Curt A. Campagna (290)

South Shore #3Lake #189Damascus #290

12-2 Andrew Paradowski (337)Wisconsin #13Aurora #30Milwaukee Harmony #261Henry L Palmer #301George Washington 1776 #337

12-3 Robert E. Busalacchi (350)Lafayette #265James M Hays #331Nathan Hale #350Freemasons #363Silas Shepherd #1843

12-4 Patrick D. Cholka (301)Independence #80Wauwatosa #267West Allis #291Day Lite #358


Term ExpiresJames H Olson, PGM 2010Allan E Iding, PGM 2011Robert C Gorsuch 2012Guy K Gooding 2013Bruce H Lasko 2014Bruce S Sim, PGM Ex-Officio



Michael A DeWolf, PGM, SecretaryJohn A BenedictCraig S Campbell

Joseph B Harker, Vice PresidentDavey L White, JrDennis V SiewertJames H Olson

Term ExpiresDonald W Hensiak, Pres. 2010Lawrence L Myers, PGM 2010Rodney A Paulsen, PGM 2011David R Ritchie 2011George A Wallinger, PGM 2011Robert C Strader 2012Guy K Gooding 2012Richard E Black, PGM 2012


William H Barnes, J.D., DirectorErika L Miller – Development Coordinator


Michael A DeWolf, PGM, SecretaryDaniel L. Slavik, GLO Liaison

Term ExpiresDavid C West 2010Kent R Pauli 2011Keith D Chamberlain, PGM, Chair 2011Donald F Iliff 2012Franklin J Struble 2012


Beecher Daniels, PGM, State CoordinatorThomas A Dowman Steven C HansonLaverne E Storkson Charles N Wallens



Davey L White, Jr, GLO LiaisonDennis V Siewert, GLO Liaison

Term ExpiresGary R Beier, President 2010J Michael Koscinski, Vice Pres 2010Richard A Vande Sande 2011Donald M Forkner 2011David E Tainter 2012Kevin Breitzmann, Treas 2012


Richard A Rygh – EditorDiane Igl – Advertising Manager


Richard A Rygh – Ex-Officio/EditorJoseph B Harker, GLO Liaison

Term ExpiresKeith H Harmon 2010Lowell H Scott 2010Keith D Chamberlain, PGM, Pres 2011John A Donaldson 2012Milton Helmer 2012


Mark A Strautman – President-CEO


Joseph B Harker, GLO LiaisonDavey L White, Jr, GLO LiaisonDennis V Siewert, GLO Liaison

Term ExpiresRobert C Gorsuch 2010Gary J Krause 2010Albert W Huelsman 2010Robert E Moore, PGM 2010Jeffrey L Bryden 2011Monte B Steiber 2011Lawrence R Nines 2011Franklin J Struble 2011Allan E Iding, PGM 2012Gary L Stang 2012John W Wilke, PGM, President 2012Kris Engbring 2012


COMMITTEES 2009-2010

Annual CommunicationCraig S Campbell

Michael A DeWolf, PGM, Co-chairTed Erickson II

Jan Gorgen, Co-chairJoseph B HarkerDaniel L SlavikJ Patrick Storrs

Davey L White Jr

Appeals & GrievancesWilliam D DykeTravis M Hand

James H Olson, PGMSteven R Sorenson

Stephen D Willett, PGM-Chair

Code RevisionMichael A DeWolf, PGM

Allan E Iding, PGMJames H Olson, PGM

H Scott PaulsonGeorge A Wallinger, PGM, Chair

EducationMichael A DeWolf, PGM

Kenneth C GorgenJoseph B Harker

Donald W HensiakL Arby Humphrey, Chair

Donald F IliffFranklin J Struble

John C Tilley

EsotericMoses H AdamsJoel M Arnold

Kenneth A BalesMichael L BarreyroShane R Beecraft

Harold W CarpenterHarold J Christensen

David A FringsKenneth C Gorgen, Chair

Albert W Jurgens, IIIFrank J Mayer

Henry B PynakkerJ Patrick Storrs


ExecutiveJohn A Benedict

Craig S Campbell, ChairMichael A DeWolf, PGM

Joseph B HarkerDennis V SiewertDaniel L Slavik

Davey L White, JrJohn W Wilke, PGM

ExpendituresJohn A Benedict, ChairMichael A DeWolf, PGM

Joseph B HarkerDennis V SiewertDaniel L Slavik

Davey L White, Jr

Foreign RelationsMichael A DeWolf, PGM-Foreign Corresp.

Christopher J HirtheAllan E Iding, PGM-ChairRodney A Paulsen, PGMGeorge A Wallinger, PGMStephen D Willett, PGM

Fraternal Relations with Prince Hall (Ad Hoc)Michael A DeWolf, PGM

Joseph B HarkerJohn W Krinke

Dennis V SiewertDaniel L SlavikJ Patrick Storrs

Robert C Strader, ChairDavey L White, Jr

Grand Lodge PlanningWilliam Beetcher, Chair

Kenneth C GorgenDonald W HensiakL Arby Humphrey

John W KrinkeDaniel L Slavik

Robert C StraderFranklin John Struble


JurisprudenceMichael A DeWolf, PGM

Kenneth C GorgenJoseph B Harker

Jack E KeyesJeffrey Marquardt

James H Olson, PGM, ChairRobert W Roth

Charles E White, PGMStephen D Willett, PGM

Lodge Charters & ConsolidationsDavid C Bomkamp

Michael A DeWolf, PGM, ChairJoseph B Harker

Scott E PedleyDavey L White, Jr

NominationWilliam Beetcher

Joseph B Harker, ChairDennis V SiewertDaniel L Slavik

Davey L White, Jr

ParliamentarianAllan E Iding, PGM

Charles E White, PGM-Chair

PersonnelMichael A DeWolf, PGM

Steven L Ritt

ResolutionsRalph L BehlkeJack E KeyesJohn P Marra

James H Olson, PGMArchie E Simonson

George A Wallinger, PGM, Chair

Temple Plans & FinanceJohn A BenedictMark D Jerdee

Richard P LindeDaniel L Slavik

J Patrick Storrs, ChairDavid E Tainter

Unfinished BusinessJohn A Benedict

Michael A DeWolf, PGMJohn W Wilke, PGM, Chair


Youth Funding PolicyWilliam Beetcher

Barb FosterDennis V Siewert, Chair

Robert E SimonDaniel L Slavik



Appendix A, In Memoriam...............................................................................................................129Appendix B, Statistics.......................................................................................................................130Appendix C, Wisconsin Masonic Home Audit .................................................................................166Appendix D, 2009-2010 Directory ...................................................................................................237Appointments:

Officers, 2009-2010 ..................................................................................................................238Officers, 2010-2011 ....................................................................................................................46

Approval of 2009 Proceedings..............................................................................................................7Approval of Board & Committee Reports ..........................................................................................81Area Administrators, 2009-2010.......................................................................................................240Audit Reports:

Grand Lodge F. & A.M. of Wisconsin ........................................................................................53Three Pillars Senior Living Communities ................................................................................215Wisconsin Masonic Foundation, Inc...........................................................................................85Wisconsin Masonic Home, Inc. ................................................................................................167

Awards:150 Year Lodge Anniversary.....................................................................................................114Degree Competition..................................................................................................................114Grand Master’s Meritorious Service Medallion .........................................................................46Lodge Excellence......................................................................................................................114Lodge Secretary of the Year........................................................................................................20Mark Twain...............................................................................................................................114

Biographies:Craig S. Campbell.........................................................................................................................2Joseph B. Harker...........................................................................................................................4

Break-out Sessions..............................................................................................................................46Budgets:

Grand Lodge & Farm..................................................................................................................42Wisconsin Masonic Journal ........................................................................................................43

By-law Changes ..................................................................................................................................16Closing of Grand Lodge....................................................................................................................128Committees .......................................................................................................................................249Deceased Members .............................................................................................................................77Decisions.............................................................................................................................................15Dispensations ......................................................................................................................................16District Chaplains..............................................................................................................................240District Lecturers ..............................................................................................................................239Edicts...................................................................................................................................................15Election of Officers, Trustees, Boards 2010-2011 ..............................................................................11Entrance of Grand Lodge Officers........................................................................................................6Fifty Year Certificates..........................................................................................................................37Grand Lodge Officers 2009-2010 .....................................................................................................238Grand Lodge Officers 2010-2011 .......................................................................................................46Grand Master’s Report........................................................................................................................15Grand Representatives ......................................................................................................................158Honorary Members of Grand Lodge.................................................................................................163Installation of Grand Lodge Officers ..................................................................................................46


Introduction of Distinguished Guests .......................................................................................8, 10, 11Introduction of DL, DC, AA...............................................................................................................11Introduction of Past Grand Masters ......................................................................................................7Lodges:

Active Chartered Lodges ..........................................................................................................136Discontinued Lodges ................................................................................................................142Lodges Having Names Changed...............................................................................................140Register of Lodges Indicating Location and Meetings.............................................................148Summary of Charters Granted ..................................................................................................140

Masonic Service Association Report ..................................................................................................75Meritorious Service Award Recipients..............................................................................................164No Unfinished Business Declaration ................................................................................................125Opening of Grand Lodge ......................................................................................................................6Past and Present Officers...................................................................................................................152Past Grand Masters and Permanent Members ..................................................................................239Per Capita Tax, Fees and Assessments........................................................................................33, 135Presentations:

Lodge Excellence Award ..........................................................................................................114To Grand Master .........................................................................................................76, 114, 125To Retiring Grand Lodge Officers & Team Members ..............................................................116

Proclamation .....................................................................................................................................125Proficiency Men ................................................................................................................................106Recapitulation of Membership....................................................................................................33, 135Reception of:

Distinguished Guests ....................................................................................................................8Flag of the United States of America ...........................................................................................6

Remarks:Distinguished Guests ....................................................................................................................8Grand Master Harker ................................................................................................................125Past Grand Masters .......................................................................................................................7Prince Hall Grand Lodge ............................................................................................................10

Reports:Deputy Grand Master .................................................................................................................21District Deputies Chairman ........................................................................................................19Grand Lodge Trustees.................................................................................................................47Grand Marshal ............................................................................................................................81Grand Master Campbell..............................................................................................................23Grand Secretary ..........................................................................................................................33Grand Treasurer ..........................................................................................................................38Junior Grand Warden ..................................................................................................................17Necrology ...................................................................................................................................76Senior Grand Warden..................................................................................................................20Tellers..........................................................................................................................................31

Reports of Boards:Three Pillars/Wisconsin Masonic Home, Inc ...........................................................................103Wisconsin Masonic Benevolent Activities..................................................................................82Wisconsin Masonic Foundation, Inc...........................................................................................83Wisconsin Masonic Journal ........................................................................................................74Wisconsin Masonic Service and Assistance ...............................................................................73


Reports of Committees:Appeals and Grievances..............................................................................................................31Credentials ............................................................................................................................6, 116Education ..................................................................................................................................104Esoteric .....................................................................................................................................104Expenditures ...............................................................................................................................39Foreign Relations........................................................................................................................76Fraternal Relations with Prince Hall Grand Lodge ......................................................................9Grand Lodge Planning..............................................................................................................110Jurisprudence ..............................................................................................................................13Nominating .................................................................................................................................11Resolutions .................................................................................................................................12Temple Plans & Financing........................................................................................................111Unfinished Business......................................................................................................................7Van Brunt Ad Hoc.......................................................................................................................44Youth Group Funding ...............................................................................................................113

Representatives’ Banquet ....................................................................................................................47Representatives of Lodges ................................................................................................................117Resolutions: 2010 (listing)............................................................................................................12, 14RESOLUTIONS -

No. 1-2010 (Adopt Annual Budget) ...........................................................................................44No. 2-2010 (Per Capita Tax).......................................................................................................39No. 3-2010 (Annual Communication Location, 2012)...............................................................17No. 4-2010 (Conduct Business in Any Degree)..........................................................................14No. 5-2010 (Restrict AC Reps to Master Masons) .....................................................................14No. 6-2010 (Restrict Voting to Master Masons) .........................................................................14No. 7-2010 (Restrict Trial Commission to Master Masons).......................................................14No. 8-2010 (Require WM and Wardens to Pass MECC)............................................................80No. 9-2010 (Waive Dues for Military in War Zones) .................................................................14No. 10-2010 (Permit All Members to be Treas. Except Sec.). ...................................................14No. 11-2010 (Limit Amendments to Resolutions at AC) ...........................................................14No. 12-2010 (Permit WM to Call Down to Lower Degree) .......................................................80No. 13-2010 (Require All MM to Pay $1 to GWMNM)............................................................32No. 14-2010 (Replace Deity with Supreme Being)....................................................................81No. 15-2010 (Create Unified Dues System) ...............................................................................15

Ritualists ...........................................................................................................................................109Tabular Statement..............................................................................................................................131Trustees, Grand Lodge:

Audit ...........................................................................................................................................53Officers .....................................................................................................................................246Report .........................................................................................................................................47

Wisconsin Board of Masonic Service and Assistance:Members ...................................................................................................................................247Report .........................................................................................................................................73

Wisconsin Masonic Benevolent Activities Board:Members ...................................................................................................................................247Report .........................................................................................................................................82

Wisconsin Masonic Foundation:Audit .........................................................................................................................................248


Officers and Directors.................................................................................................................85Report .........................................................................................................................................83

Wisconsin Masonic Home, Inc.:Audit .........................................................................................................................................167Officers and Directors...............................................................................................................248Report .......................................................................................................................................103

Wisconsin Masonic Journal:Editor and Directors..................................................................................................................248Report .........................................................................................................................................74