OECD Workshop: Learning from crises and fostering the continuous improvement of risk governance and...

Post on 22-Nov-2014

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Presentation by Per Brekke, Deputy Director General, DSB, Norway. The workshop on “Learning from crises and fostering the continuous improvement of risk governance and management”, jointly organised with the governments of the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden, was held in Oslo, Norway on 17-18 September 2014. More information is available at www.oecd.org/gov/risk/high-level-risk-forum-oslo-workshop-2014.htm

Transcript of OECD Workshop: Learning from crises and fostering the continuous improvement of risk governance and...

22. July 2011

The attacks and lessons identified

Deputy DG Per K. Brekke


• An overview of the attacks on the 22nd July 2011 • Some aspects and lessons identified

A safe and robust society – where everyone takes responsibility 3

Utøya Island donated to Labour Youth Organisation (AUF) - annual summer camps



Governmental office buildings Main building – PM’s and MOJ’s office

Foto: NRK

Foto: NRK

Presentation Notes
Fredag i fellesferien – stille En vei Ca 45 minutter å kjøre

A safe and robust society – where everyone takes responsibility 4

At 15:26 a car bomb explodes outside the main governmental building 8 killed – more than 30 wounded


Foto: VG

Foto: NRK

Presentation Notes
Laget av kunstgjødsel – ca 900 kg

Leaving the area

Presentation Notes
Top floors – office of the PM Office of the Minister of Justice The crises support unit in the same building Use of protective film on windows

A safe and robust society – where everyone takes responsibility


At 17:27 the first reports of shooting on Utøya. Police captured the shooter at 18:28. At Utøya 69 were killed and 66 wounded.


Foto: VG

Presentation Notes
The island of Utøya Ferry about 4-5 min Few places to hide Young people – resistance not expected Walking around killing everyone

A safe and robust society – where everyone takes responsibility


Residents and holidaymakers’ response at Utøya

Foto: Christian Roth Christensen (TB)

Captured after the shooting at Utøya

Presentation Notes
Anders Behring Breivik

A safe and robust society – where everyone takes responsibility


What to expect ?

How do you prevent and how do you prepare for something that

happened on the 22nd of July?


Preparedness for large scale catastrophic events

1. National full scale exercise Exercise Oslo 2006

2. Regular audits of authorities and ministries have made emergency preparedness better

3. National risk asessments

Tailored preparedness – how to exercise

Learn from past events

A safe and robust society – where everyone takes responsibility


Support to the organisation affected

• The principle of responsibility challenged – organisation in need of advice and support

• The directorate see a role of giving advise on emergency handling and providing support

Et trygt og robust samfunn - der alle tar ansvar


Et trygt og robust samfunn - der alle tar ansvar


Et trygt og robust samfunn - der alle tar ansvar


A safe and robust society – where everyone takes responsibility


International sympathy and support

The Norwegian Embassies in Copenhagen (left) and Warsaw (right)

Foto: NRK

Foto: NRK

A safe and robust society – where everyone takes responsibility


People took to the streets with roses

City Hall Square 25th of July

A safe and robust society – where everyone takes responsibility


Three aspects for thought

1. The detection of a “Lonely wolf”

2. Surveillance of internet activity

3. The balance between individual freedom vs. national security

4. Business continuity - keep government running

Sectorial evaluations - police

• The balance between every day business – and the extraordinary

• Maintaining a situation picture/situation reports

• Management, organization and joint operations


• Demanding and complex incident which was handles well.

• A very flexible rescue resource

• Many small and some large fire brigades

• Cooperation with the police when ”under fire”


Fire and rescue services


• The terror attack occurred in a part of the country with large paramedic capacity

• The health services are well trained for catastrophes and large ability to improvise in difficult situations

• The will to respond was enormous and the response time very short


Presentation Notes
Det er flere grunner til at helsetjenesten løste sine oppgaver godt: Hendelsene skjedde i en landsdel med stor kapasitet og erfaring – spesielt innen utrykningstjenester og skadekirurgi. Helsetjenesten har trening i beredskapsarbeid og stor evne til å improvisere under vanskelige forhold. Helsetjenesten har lært mye av tidligere hendelser, også innen psykososial oppfølging. Innsatsviljen var formidabel og responstiden kort. Helsetjenesten hadde stor nytte av etableringen av mottaket på Sundvolden hotell og den frivillige innsatsen både der og i hjemkommunene. Vi har ikke funnet noe som tyder på at helsetjenesten kunne ha reddet flere liv. Tvert i mot er det mye som tyder på at helsetjenesten ved hjelp av god kunnskap, god organisering, mange tilgjengelige mannskaper og de mange frivillige bidro til å redde liv, sier helsedirektør Bjørn-Inge Larsen. – Vi anbefaler ingen ny kurs i helsetjenestens arbeid i beredskapssammenheng, men det er mange læringspunkter. Det gjelder blant annet: styring av ambulanser og luftambulansen samarbeid i usikrede områder trygg overgang til Nødnett innføring av felles triageringssystem. Bedre informasjon til rammede i akuttfasen

A safe and robust society – where everyone takes responsibility


Psychosocial care

• Large number of people affected • Victims and families came from all over the country • Care need to be provided locally

Social Media in crises communication

• First shots fired: 17:21

First Twitter from Utøya:17:41

• First 4 days: 250 000 messages on Twitter

• Young people involved

• Victims and affected told their stories on Facebook and blogs

Prime minister Jens Stoltenberg

• A clear message to the public

• Used all channels, especially Social Media

• First tweet: few hours after the attack

• He was available, head of state and a fellow human through Social Media

Presentation Notes
Han vant to priser: Beste krisehåndtering i sosiale medier og årets tweet

National grieving process

• National mantra: Terror shall be met with more democracy and openness

• Excessive national memory services

– The government

– Regionally

– Municipalities


Thank you!

Foto: NRK