October Fair Trade Month

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The FAIRTRADE Mark is coming to the US. Get involved now during Fair Trade Month.

Transcript of October Fair Trade Month

© Fairtrade 2011© Fairtrade 2012

What’s Fair for you?Fair Trade Month 2012Fairtrade International USAOctober 2012

Ramona Bernal, 72,Fairtrade bananafarmer and member ofAsobanu cooperative,Dominican Republic

© Fairtrade 2011

What’s Fair?Let’s Talk

There have been big changes in fair trade in the past year in the USALet’s open up a ‘fair’ discussion•Fair trade is many voices, one shared direction. Let’s keep the discussion moving.

•What was your first fair trade experience? How do you push for fair trade or trade justice in your own way? What’s your vision for the future of fair trade?

•Throughout Fair Trade Month, Fairtrade International USA will explore what’s fair.

•Get your ideas and join in!

Fairtrade International USA - Fair Trade Month 2012

© Fairtrade 2011© Fairtrade 2011© Fairtrade 2012

Get InvolvedHow you can join the discussion

M'Badiala Kamisoko teaches at Batimakan school a school founded with Fairtrade Premium funds from the DougourakoroniCotton Producers Cooperative in Mali

© Fairtrade 2011

Opening the discussion

What’s Fair for you?• During Fair Trade Month, we will feature blog posts

on ‘What’s Fair? at http://FairtradeMarkUS.tumblr.com.

• Post your own ‘What’s Fair’ entry on your blog -Why do you like fair trade? What’s your favorite fair trade product? What’s fair for you? How did you first hear about fair trade?

• Let us know where your post is located and we can Tweet, Tumblr orFacebook it!

• Send your links to questions@fairtrade.net

Fairtrade International USA - Fair Trade Month 2012

© Fairtrade 2011

Find the Fairtrade Mark

Fairtrade International USA - Fair Trade Month 2012

• The international FAIRTRADE Mark is the world’s most-recognized & trusted ethical label –over 27,000 different products sold in more than 120 countries

• Many US-based companies are moving to the Mark. You can find it on chocolate, coffee, sugar, tea and even gum in stores near you.

• Tweet your Fairtrade finds to @FairtradeMarkUS (hashtag #FairtradeMark) for your chance to win a copy of the book, ‘Fair Trade: A Human Journey.’

• Or post on Facebook as well at www.facebok.com/FairtradeMarkUS

The Fair Trade Resource Network says: “Simply the best photo book available on Fair Trade and its producers!”

© Fairtrade 2011

The Fairtrade Trivia Contest

• How many Fairtrade certified small farmers are there in Kenya? Which country sells the most Fairtrade organic coffee? Does the name Multatuli ring a bell?

• A lot of folks don’t realize what makes a fair trade fair or how Fairtrade certification really helps.

• Join us for some fun and facts at www.twitter.com/FairtradeMarkUS

• Answers to all of the questions can be found in links posted on Twitter or our blog.

• Follow along with the hashtag #FairtradeTrivia and win Fairtrade products or a photo book!

Fairtrade International USA - Fair Trade Month 2012

© Fairtrade 2011

Green Living Project Video Launch

• Fairtrade International partnered with Fairtrade Africa & the Green Living Project (GLP -www.greenlivingproject.com) to profile KNCU, a Fairtrade-certified small producer organization in Tanzania.

• Get a preview here www.vimeo.com/50062831

• GLP is touring the country showing the video on campuses and at film festivals.

• The first screening will take place in New York at the COMMIT Forum on October 2.

• Check out our blog to see the whole video and share it with your family and friends!

© Fairtrade 2011

Get social with FAIRTRADE

Fairtrade International USA is everywhere you are in the social sphere•Twitter: www.twitter.com/FairtradeMarkUS

•Facebook: www.facebook.com/FairtradeMarkUS

•Slideshare: www.slideshare.net/FairtradeMarkUS

•Tumblr: FairtradeMarkUS.tumblr.com/

•Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/FairtradeMarkUS

•Vimeo: www.vimeo.com/FairtradeMarkUS

•Youtube: www.youtube.com/FairtradeMarkUS

© Fairtrade 2011

Go above and beyond

There are many groups working to promote fair trade across the country •Fair Trade Resource Network - www.fairtraderesource.org/

•The Fair World Project – www.fairworldproject.org/

•United Students for Fair Trade – www.usft.org/

•Global Exchange - www.globalexchange.org/

•Fair Trade Federation - www.fairtradefederation.org/

•The Domestic Fair Trade Association – www.thedfta.org/

© Fairtrade 2011

Keep up with FAIRTRADE around the world The international Fairtrade system is a global effort

dedicated to ensuring a better deal for farmers and workers.•Fairtrade International (FLO) – www.fairtrade.net

•The Fairtrade Producer Networks -www.fairtrade.net/producer_networks.html

•National Fairtrade Organizations -http://www.fairtrade.net/labelling_initiatives1.html

•Fairtrade Towns - www.fairtradetowns.org

Fairtrade International USA - Fair Trade Month 2012