Post on 24-Dec-2014

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Malcolm Booysen is one of our dear and trusted team members in our SmilingOne Family - a Change Agent - I have personally worked with him the past 4+ years. Energy, determination, growth mindset, passion and the most gentle Heart is just a few of the many many wonderful attributes of Malcolm. He has a strong facilitation toolbox and always keen to expand as the eternal Student he is. As we don't have funding/sponsors at the moment to pay Malcolm enough to sustain himself fully we are kindly asking our network if you maybe are keen to sponsor him via SmilingOne to work with the youth in his community in Ocean View, Cape Town. Malcolm has prepared this presentation for you...



My Vision for 2014

Kickstarting my project: My journey with the youth of SmilingOne in my community in Ocean View, Cape Town has been so much fun. Many activities took place since I joined. We had sessions every week at the youth leader’s home. I have also introduced the youth to our book (The Responsible Individual). They loved what the book was all about and even the concepts of mirrors, wind, and awareness spectrum. At first, there was silence and lots of observing. After we had spoken about challenges that we as youth face the kids started opening up to express their meaning of

challenges they face in life.

My vision for this year is to expand our awareness of life and the journey in itself. We also set our energy to find a bigger space in which we can expand our group of young individuals. For this year, we will dive into our COC (Circle of Change) and find our pathways leading to that golden thread.

A step-by-step process

Movement in challenges





Building the foundation within yourself





Well being


When you operate from a place of trust you can walk the path of a responsible individual, knowing that everything you attract into your life is there to assist you in becoming more whole and finding a much better balance.

We build on these platforms to establish our direction. Currently we are 16 members in our project family and believe that it will grow and expand as we journey along.

• Our aim is balance • Every challenge has a purpose • Our reactions reflect our level of confidence & trust in self, revealing

balance/imbalance • Challenge becomes an opportunity to

• Identify, resolve and progress • To add trust and gain confidence • To gain knowledge, as every experience is part of giving us a broader

understanding • With a trusting heart we balance

Activities such as an outreach in the communities is what gets our tools working. We expose the youth to what goes on in different surroundings and use it to look at their personal circumstances. After we had an outreach, we have a session and discuss how we felt being in that particular environment and what learning we took from it.

The more you share and give of your energy into a process the more everyone can become and the greater is

the difference that can be made. Our journey has yet to fully begin and the universe has an endless array of knowledge waiting for us to explore. We are an ocean in one drop and we have a light that can brighten lives

OUTPUT: Currently I am working with 16 youth members between the ages of 13 to 20. This year I aim to reach more members to our family as possible. I look forward to add as many members to our family as possible and allowing the process to guide them towards me.

CHALLENGES IN MY COMMUNITY: Since my release, I have observed my community and discovered that I have the power to make a change in this area. Many of the youth in my community have thrown themselves into drugs and alcohol as it is seen as just some harmless fun activity. There are also drug pushers and kids who get involved in this dangerous life style. I feel that these kids need me as I have ventured all these avenues of doing drugs and getting involved in gang activity. They however have not landed in prison but I have.

BEING A ROLE MODEL: Through the help of SmilingOne, I have discovered what it is to live. I came out so much more equipped with the right tools to guide my process and me. I see a part of me in all these youth as they are my mirrors in which I can reflect on the road I have travelled to where I am today. In my community there are not many real Role Models left as they have all been caught in the web of drug and alcohol abuse. I aim to be that Role Model and stand out with a helping hand to my community. These kids need someone who can relate to their challenges and a platform of expression.


This year I also hope to launch my car project as I have seen so much potential in another group of kids in my road. My intentions on the car project is to teach skills and incorporate (TRI) in it as well. The boys I identified are abuses of alcohol. I have

shared my vision of the car project with them and they looked amazed as to what I had mentioned to them. I have explained to them what I hope we could achieve with this project and how they would learn new skills, which could assist them in finding

employment or even better creating their own business of fixing up damaged cars.


CHALLENGE TO OPPORTUNITY This is an example of the talent one of the boys I will be working with on the car project has. His name is Brandon Cotton; his father bought him this blue car in the condition that it is. He was given the challenge of fixing it up for himself. He took up his father’s challenge and worked countless hours on it while doing his last year of school. He managed to complete his car within a year without the help of his father but with the assistance of his friends who will also be part of our car project.

OUTCOME This is the result of hard work and dedication. Brandon has completed his car and everyone was amazed at what he turned an old rust bucket into. This is

his work of art and Brandon has also passed his matric and is currently studying Motor Mechanics. He has so much to look forward to with the guidance of TRI and the COC.

There are currently 8 boys between the ages of 18 and 25 who are eager to start with the car project and TRI sessions. With this project, I aim to attract more young boys into our COC (Circle of Change). We have plenty of different talents to unleash in our community. I feel so happy knowing that I can help giude young individuals and at the same time become one with them. Our challenges with starting the car project is finance. For now we are putting our energy out into the universe for assistance in getting our car project running. This is but the start of of how we can change our community and make the space we live in one of peace, understanding and unlocking potential.




Our Values

LOVE In our experience of Love we find ourselves in a place of unconditional sharing, holding no judgment or expectation. As we embrace Love within, we embrace Love in ALL. LEARNING We enjoy the process of learning. We are Students and Explorers of life, widening our horizon and adding to our portfolio. ADDING VALUE We enjoy adding value to individuals and whole communities. Adding value to the human potential is a privilege and assists the process of building bridges, breaking down the most resistant walls. ONENESS We believe in UNIQUENESS and UNITY. ‘It is about understanding oneself and the role one plays in the bigger ‘puzzle of life’ - the greater purpose. On one hand being tiny compared to the whole – teaching us humbleness – and on the other being highly valuable as each piece of the puzzle is of inestimable value to the wholeness – teaching us worthiness.’ INTEGRITY We enjoy working with our clients and each other openly, honestly and sincerely. We walk the talk and deliver what we promise. OUR ENVIRONMENT We care deeply for our environment and inspire change by our own living example

“As we nurture the world we naturally nurture our soul;

when we nurture our soul we naturally seek to nurture the world!”