Northern Flyer Mag - Gardening Arctic0001

Post on 22-Jan-2018

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Transcript of Northern Flyer Mag - Gardening Arctic0001

Make hay while the sun shines. That saying couLdn't be any truer than

in Inuvik, aLthough it's not hay they're making but tomatoes, squash,

carrots and aLLsorts of edible wonders in the Inuvik Community

Greenhouse. Gardens in Inuvik? You better believe it and the

residents who pay for a raised pLot of garden dirt are taking this task

quite seriousLy despite the fact that whimsical gnomes seem to be

everywhere, peeking out from rhubarb pLants and rows ofLettuce.

The Inuvik Community Greenhouse germinated in 1998 but

surprisingLy is still unknown to many. How that's possible I'm

not sure considering the garden is housed in the oLd Crollier

HaLLArena-a Quonset hut of considerable size and shall we say

"interesting aesthetics"-beside Arctic Community College.

I stepped inside the mammoth green buiLding and was forced

to put aside my shallow first impressions of the structure. My

Lungs filled with the luscious aroma of earth, compost and tender

greens. Piles of gravel, gardening equipment, buckets and mounds

of dirt didn't do anything to dampen the beauty of the project.

This was a work of art.

Tender herbs stood strong on tall stems, monstrous bushes sprouted

rhubarb leaves the size of elephant ears. A variety of climbing

apparatus-bamboo, snow fence, wooden stakes-supported

tendrils of beans and peas. Someone had even planted roses. There

18 Canadian North Airlines

was no doubt these plants were weLLahead of their counterparts in

the greenhouses in my community near Edmonton. Days of24 hours

of sunshine were doing these plants a worLd of good.

I caught a lone gardener tending his plot. Peter [ellerna is a father

of three young children and a director of the daycare they attend.

His children, along with several others in the daycare program-

some as young as two years old-helped to grow the young plants

from seeds, transplanted the seedlings into the garden plots and

now tend the plants as needed. The children learn how to care

for the plants and then reap the bounty. It's a win-win situation

for everyone-even those who don't purchase a plot. In August a

yearend farmer's market is heLd giving the public the opportunity to

purchase the produce.

Of the 74 pLots available, many are purchased by residents but

some plots are sponsored for group homes, the disabled, elders

and other Local charities. Partial costs are recovered through

membership where the rental fee is $100 for a full plot ($50 for

a half plot). Members pay a $25 membership fee per year and

compLete 15voLunteer hours to keep the project running smoothly.

The greenhouse is naturally heated through the summer by the

24 hour sunlight but even though the heat comes free, the cost

to operate the 4000 square foot greenhouse nears astronomical

amounts. The survival ofthe program relies on federal and

territorial government funding and generous donations from

residents and businesses in the community.

A garden in the land of the midnight sun is an interesting

proposition and a challenge in no uncertain terms but for those

participants who tend these pLots, the reward of strolling through

the rows and harvesting the fruits of their labour is a chaLLenge

they're up for. How does your garden grow, Inuvik? ludging by the

early progress and profusion of plants, quite welL I'd say.

Canadian North offers daily service between Edmonton,

YeLLowknife and Norman Wells to Inuvik, with additionaL non-stop

summer flights from Inuvik to Edmonton.


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Nautchialiurniq N unaptingni

Nautchialuirin siqin-naariktil-lugu. Taamna uqausiq ilumuuqtuqInuvik-mi, tomatoe-nik, carrots-riik, squash-nik, sunikliqatamatkuanik nirinaqtunik naupkaimayut Inuvik CommunityGreenhouse-mi. Ilumun, inuit kituliqa nunamik niuviqhlutiknautchiiviksamingnik niqiksamingnik, nikasungitut, quinangnaqtutqupilrut pajvigingnitkait,takunaqtut tarna]a rhubarb-lu lettuse-luakunranni.

Inuvik Community Greenhouse aulaqiyuaq 1998-mi, aglaaninugiaktut suli nalugaat, tusaasuitkaat. Suuq taima, nalunaqtuq,nautchiivik igluqpaum iluani it-tuq, angivialuktuq, alianait-tuq,ingilraan ulapqiviuvaktuaq. Arctic Community College saniani.

Igluqpaum iluanuk-kama niriunginaaqtuami takuyamnik. Puv-vakasitkituak nunasungnimik, tipaulaamiklu, nautchianinlu. Uyaraliaq,sanalrutit, qatait, nunagaluaq tama]a sumiliqaa. Savaaqmarlangnavialuktuq, akijusimayuq.

Aqit-tut ivgit takiyut makitayut, uqpikaluit angiyut elephant siutaitunangitigiyut rhubarb naumayut. Mayurautit - nautchiat napaqutaitqiyuit makitapkarait beans amalu peas. Roses tarnaja naumayut.Tajva taapkuat nautchiat nalunain-niqtuaq sivulingnigait nautchiatEdmonton-mi. Ublukaluk siqin-naariktuam ilurivialungnigait maaninautchiat.

Peter [ellerna nunautini nautchiivingmi savaksimapalungnigaa.Pingasunik inmigun nutaralik, nutaqanik munaqsivingmiatanruyauyuq. Nutaqanilu, munaqsivingminlu nutaqat , ilangitmalrungnik ukiulgit ikayuqpagaat nautchiivingmi. llinamikinmigualiqhhlutik aasiin. Nutaqat ilisaqhlutik tajvani quyalivaktuatinmingnik. Tamainun ikayuutauvialuktuq - nunautaitkaluaqtununinungnun. August-mi inungnun tamainun angmaqpagaat nautchiivikniuviruktuanun nautchianik.

Nautchiivium iluani 74 nunauyat ittut, inugiaktut inuit niuviqpagait.Ilangit aglaan qaitauvaktuat saplqsaqtuan-nun, akiitumik. Nuna b"'LC;'dn"'rc 'b"'~C<:)C 'b~-.-J~~c ..DQ"'L~..DCt::.<lLCJc,I><lc-0-1JC .D<lLe, 6\1>~'. t::.~6\Jc, <lL <It>7dC I>n"'7r\. <l"'<r ~C t::...D6\rc, t::.<lLCJC.


Ilangit aglaan qaitauvaktuat sapiqsaqtuan-nun, akiitumik. Nunaaulaituq atausiq $100.00 ($50.00 avvaq). Illauyuat inuit $25.00-mik akliltchilayut ukiumi atautchimi, 15 hours-rnik ilalugu aasiinikayurluni savaatigun. Nautchiivik igluqpak siqinrum auqimavaga,uunaqsimavaga, akiitkaluaqtillugu taimana, akituvialuktuqangalajutaa, 4000 square foot angitilaanga. Angmaqtisimavagaatfederal- territorial government kiinauyain-nik amalu ikayuqtuanininungnin amalu savaktinin Inuvik-mi.

Nautchiivik maani nunaptingni siqinaariktuami alianaivialuktuq,itchaqtuyuanun inungnun pitaqsinaqtuq, pukungnaqimatanautchiat pisuuyaataqhluni quvianarnitualuk. Qanuq nautchiivinnauvakpa Inuvik? Takumaani tajva qilamiklu naunirmata nautchiat,nakuuvialuktuq.

Canadian North ubluq tamaan aulavaktuaq Edmonton,Yellowknife,Norman Wells, Inuvik, auyami Inuvik-min nanaqsaqhluni Edmonton-mun.

Nunami Nauttiyut Ukiuqtaqtumi

Hayliurlit hiqinaaqtillugu. Taamna uqauhiq itquumayuq Inuuvingmi,kihiani hayliunngitut kihimi tumiitunik, sikuashinik, kiarinikaallatqiinik niriyautaaqtunik Inuuviup Nuatqatigiit Nauttiviani.Nautiviit Inuuvingmi? Ukpirigguuk, nuatqatigiit akiliqhiblutiknunamik mikiyumik nauttivikhamingnik havakpaktut imaa inunnuatgnomenguyut takuyauvaktut ittuaqtuqtut hiitqumingayut nauviinirhubarb taapkualu hanirariiktuni lettuse-ni akun'ngani.

Inuuviup Nuatqatigiit Nautiviat nauyuq 1998-mi kihimi mamianailitturiyauluanngittuq huli. Qanuq taima naunaqtuq nauttivikigluqaqtuq utuqqarmi Grollier Hall-ngugaluami. Kaimalluringayuqqilaa anngatauyuq imailiyugullu "takuyuminaqtuq igluqpak" hanianiUkiuqtaqtumi Nuatqatigiit lliharviat.

Iluanut itiqtunga uuma anngataup iglukpangmut puigurnahuaqhuguhunaulraaruhia haffuma iglukpaup. Puvakka naimaliqtaanuna iluani, iqqaquurvia nauhimayunik, nautiqtut. Uyaraliatkatitiqhimayut, nauhimaliqutit, qattat, nunaraaluglu pinniaqhidjuhiaaallanguqtinngitaa. Una pinniqpiaqtuq titirauyaqtut.

Aqittut avukhat niqinut takhiblutik napayut, anngatagyuat atugaitrhubarb alaffatut hiutaitut. Mayurautat aallatqiit, baambuut,


apunmut haputit, qiyuit napaqutit - napangapkaiyut beannikpeaniglu. Nauttianiglu nauttiyuqaqtuq. llitturinnaqtuq hapkuanauttiqtauyut nautqaarniaqtut nunamnit Edmonton haniani.Ubluqaqhuni 24ni ikaarnini hiqinnaaqpakhuni nauttivittiaqaramik.

Takuyara atauhiq nauttiliqiyuq. Peter [ellerne aappauyuqpingahunut nutaqqanut tiliuqtiubluni nutaqqiqivingminayuqpaktaani. Nutaqqait, ilangillu nutaqqat nutaqqiqivingmit,ilangit ukiulgit malrungnik - ikayuqtut nauttiblutiglu kumauyarnikangilittiqhugit imaqtiqhugit. Nutaqqat ayuiqhaqtut nauttiqtauyunikmunaqhiyaamingnik niriblugillu nautittatik. Taimaa akimainaqtuttamaita nauttiyut. Amiraiyarnimi ukiunga nunguniarmiayuq, nauttiyutniuvvaaniaqtut nuaqatait a niuviqtakhainik.

74-nguyut nauttiviit atuqtauyukhat, amigaittut niuviqtauhimayutnuaqqatigiinit, ilangittauq nutaraqarviit, ayuqhautiqaqtut, inirniritukualu maniliunngitunut atuqtauttaaqtut. Ilangit manikhaatnauvaktuq akiliqtuiyunit nauttivingni taimaa tatqiqhiut tamaatakiliqtuiblutik $IOOmik iluittumik nauttivingmik ($50 nappaq).Akiliqtuivaktut ilauyut $25-mik ilauyaamingik ukiuq atauhiq imaaluikaarnini 15ni akiittumik havakhutik aulapkariangani ihuaqtumik.Nauttivik uqququtilik hilamit hiqinaamit ikaarnirni 24-nihiqinnaaqhuni kiihimi akiittuugaluat, havaariblugu 4000 sq.ft.nauttivik akituryuaqtuq. Auladjuhia ukiuqtamaat maniqaqhutikKavamatkunit Kanatamit avikturviinillu aittuqtauyunillu nunaqaqtunitnanminiqaqtunit nunamingnit.

Nauttivik nunami hiqinnaaqtumi ikpirnaqtuq ayuqhautiuvakhunluilaani kihimi tapkununga nauttiviliqivaktunut, akiliuhiangatnaugaangamik niriyakhait akhut havaarivaktatik taimaa piyumagamik.Qanuq nauttivit nauva? Inuvik? Takublugit nauyariiqtutangiglivalliayullu, nakuuyut

Canadian Northkut ubluq tamaat tingmivaktut ItmintinmitYalunaimit uvungalu Norman Wells-mit Inuvil;lgmit, imaalunutqaqhimaittumik Inuvingmit Itmintinmut.
