North-West Agency of International Projects Promoting HRD, developing networks.

Post on 03-Jan-2016

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Transcript of North-West Agency of International Projects Promoting HRD, developing networks.

North-West Agency of International Projects

Promoting HRD, developing networks

The North West Agency of International projects is a unique cluster of expertise. The NWAIP provides a wide range of consulting and training services for the public sector. The NWAIP also offers similar services to the private sector.

The North-West Agency of International Projects was set up as the office of international projects in the field of VET education and training in January 2001. In April 2002 it was registered as an Autonomous non-profit organization providing services in the field of education and training (registration certificate № 182311).

The North-West Agency of International Projects provides supported to the partners in implementing not only bilateral projects but also interregional and trans-national projects that require coordination of the joint efforts and interests of different parties. NWAIP provided methodological and practical support to the international and Russian organizations in project design, provision of experts, in implementing feasibility studies, surveys, in dissemination of international projects’ results. Participants of the projects were administrators and trainers of educational institutions of different levels, federal and regional authorities, staff of enterprises, public and noncommercial organizations.

A unique network of experts and organizations in different regions of the Russian Federation was set up in the framework of international projects which enables the agency to use the human recourses efficiently and provide services in the field of education and HRD.


The operative customer service of NWAIP is run by the staff with competency in international and home projects’ management and training. Director is nominated and authorized by the Governing Board. Personal leadership of the agency, its strategic and operational management is responsibility of the agency director shared with deputy director.



AccountantDeputy Director

Project coordinators


Experts’ team

Technical support team

Personnel - 15Part-time experts – 25-40 per year

International projects – approximately 60% of annual turnoverState orders for research work and training activities – approximately 25%Services for private sector – approximately 15%

Agency founders do not have shares in the nominal capital

Agency network covers around 20 regions of Russian Federation and 75 experts in education and training. Number of international projects – approximately 20 during last five years with around 500 participants annually.



The service offering of the NWAIP is unique. Its services cover management consultancy and training, planning of projects and consultancy for international development projects. The NWAIP professional expertise in project management as well as in-depth expertise in administration and management, development of training programs and modern training methods and technologies help to find new partners and contribute to acquiring skills necessary for economics and business.

Consultancy and Training forManagement and Administration

• Leadership and Organisations• Personnel and the Labour Market• Assessment, Quality Management• Strategic and operational planning• Partnership and network development• Financial management in VET

Research, survey and training needs analyses• VET system studies• Employers requirements to personnel studies• Training needs assessment

International Consultancy • Training• Experts selection• Tool–kits development• VET Policy development

• Education and Labour regional administration• Institutions and educational providers• National Training Foundation (Moscow)• Chamber of Commerce • Associations, enterprises and SME’s associations


• European Training Foundation• World Bank• Finnish training providers • Austrian international agency• Danish consultancy companies


Baltijskaya str., 26198095 St.Petersburg, RussiaTelephone +7 812 2525095Tel./Fax. +7 812 252 7017Our e-mail address agency@nwaip.ruOur web-site