No. 28. Britis C h Coll DR. June, I ct~. MILITIA AND...

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Transcript of No. 28. Britis C h Coll DR. June, I ct~. MILITIA AND...

f>Li Victoria. Sed ional Papers (No. 1 .) A. 1893

No. 28.

h Coll1mbia Penitentiary, for Fiscal Year ended BALANCE SIIEET, Britis C


Building".. .. · · Land . . . . . . . . . .. · Ft>nciug.. . . .... ... ·· ·· 'foilor ·hnp . ... . sund~ie,;.. . 'Farm ... . · · · · · · · · · · · · StorP room \Ving ... ·· · ~hoe ~bop.. . ... · . · · · · · · Stahlt>". . . . .... · · · · · · Catholic clm1wl.... · · · · · · · · 1 -\.rmom·y ........ · · · · · · · · \Varden\ rt>"idencf' ... . . . . ·. · · · Dtepnt~· w•Hdl'n' ' quart""'· · · · · · · · · · \\',\"h hou"P. . . . . . . . . . · · · · · · Bh\chmith shop . . · · · · · \ Hospital. . . . . · · · · Accountant'' offict>. . · · · · · · Prote~taut clt<lp<'l. . · · · · Carpentter':; 'hop.. . . Hall . .. . . . Convict\ kitcht>n. \ Vardeu ·,_ oftict· . Bakery ... . · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Lamp room Hteward 's office. (~uard~' rooni. \Voman,; ' departnll'nt .. Uuard"' qua.rtE'r; .... Offic<'t'>I' dining room :\[eat roon1 .

·::\ ..

30th June, 1 92. R.

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31 00

3-13,!181i 78

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Balam•1• ••. :l-13,!IH(i 7, ·

Tu BnlaucP. . . 343,!lRG 78


56 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 19.) A. 1893









1893 [No. 19-1892.] Price 5 cents.

Militia and Defence.



HALF-Y E.\H ENDED :m1•11 JUNE, 18\l~.

l'.11n:. HEl'OltT uF THE Du•1 .. rY .\I 1 JsTt:H of' :\l JJ.n1.1 .1 ''I> lh:1·i-: <'f.:

Present report, tn encl of fi,L·al yt•ar only. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yii ( :enernl Officer Comman1\i11g, Hcport of. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yii

Change~ made in organization. &c., of Perim>mmt Force~............ . . . . . . . . . . Yii Other measures .,f improvcm<'nt suggester!.. . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ii

Camps heing held later in th<' year, those operation.· not in pres<'nt r<'port . .... . . . . . Yii C'11rtri<lge F1i0tory. changl'X in nutchinery, may be rt'<pdre<I... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yii

Ammunition nmunfoctured dnriu .~ half-year.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii Rernnue obtained from .\lilili•t sonreeR.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yiii ~~stimates, proportiornttc im·1·t·nse rccommeiuled.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yiii Financial tatement for fiHc11l yc:.r I 8!ll -fl:2. . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1·iii

Present 1·eport ·upplcnwntary. ht•in!-( to :~Oth Ju11e only .. Returns submitted as ,\ppcllllic<·•. list of.............. . .............. . Permanent Forces, R ·turn of pcr"•nnel (Appcmlix A) .. .. ..... . . Discipline, comparison with J>l'C»iouR year (Appeudix B)... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . Schools of Instrnctimt, increascd actidt.\' in ( . .\ppen<li. (') ... ). . . ........... . Permanent Corps, development of rc.gimental orga11iz·\tion in. . ................. .

clo •lo higher c1ln.,ation of O!ficers itgain rcco111mc1Hlctl .............. . do do )lc1bl~ (lrnpcrial) for long scn·icc ancl good C<mtlnct .... . .. . .. .

Active Militia, nH,;tsurns Lttkell towards incrca"e1l cfliciency . . ............. . .... . Inspectio11", iu !ruction" a" to mauner of uanying out .. ............. . ...... . Competition, Hy~ten1 of, estn hli~lwcl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . Ah ence without lean• from inspection, check upou ..... :......... . . .. .... . Prizes for efficiency offcrctl hy Sir Donald 'mith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .

do iu other ])iRtrid,, hnpctl for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . l'raining in IHOZ·!n, n111nhcr prm·itled for ................................ .

do Compari"on of munhet" with two past ycin'. . . . . . . . . . . ...... , <lo cost of, t•cnu1rks on. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . .... . <lo do trnuspm-t, &c., of Rural )lilitia... . . . . .............. .

Organization. of :'\lilitury Jlistricts, changes in... . . . ............ . ..... . :Staff, changes shoul1\ be carrie<l out........... . ... . ................. . .Acti\'C :'\Iilitia, regimental rcorganimtion....... . .. . . . . . .. . .............. .

do separation of the two categoric:s... . .... . ..... . ......... . Clothing, issues, ahsc11 ct? of sy"tcm in ....... '. . . . . . . ... ...................... .

"Mon ey allow<tucc to city CorpR rec mmencle11. .. .. ............... .... ..... . Volunteer sy ·tc111, Unitctl Kingc\0111, refenccl to ............. .. .. . ........ .

~;11uipment , condition \1·m·sc than before repre entetl ... . ....................... . "iacldlery isHue<l, unfit for uHe.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................ . Boots t!o 1lo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . )faterial, l<' iclcl .\rlillery, liacl state of........ . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... .

Arms, most suitnbl<' J1CI\ rifl<', "'nc1uiry respecting .............. . .... . . .. ....... . Ammunitiou pro1luccd hy Carlri\\ge Factory, remarks upon .................. . Rifle Ranges, not scrYic.tlilc for modern rifles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .

56 Victoria. Sessional Paper::; (No. 19.) A. 1893

APl'E:SU!X o. l 1•0 HEt•nw1· OF TH8 DEPIJTY "Jl1:srnTER- .Conl'/mlul.

REPOR'r <ff Tim <JE:s1rn.\L OFFICER Co\rnA ·ur'o TllE M1L1TIA-Go11clucler/.

i-itorcs, sy ·tem of i;;sue to the "\~ilit!a~ oujectc1l to .... ....... ................... . PurchPse should be ,-ested m CJnl Lranch ....... - .... - ... · - ·. · · · · · · · · · · · Custody, inRpection and is8ue. in military cxcculi,·e .............. - .. . ..... · · :-\tore-house;; in"pected, report upon .................. - .... · . · - ... · · · . · · · · Store Branch, reorganization nrge<l. . . . . . ....... - .... - · - . - · · · .. - · · · · · · · · · · \York::<hop><, military, in each l>iRtrict a.hocatcrl . ... ......... - .... · . .. - . · ·

Ordnance, obsolete, shoul<l be rh;;posccl of ......•.................... · · · · · · · · ).ew, shonhl he obtained with the prncl·c1b..... . . . . . . . . . . ..... - . · .. · · · · ·

Barrack ac~omn1o<lation, " ·i.nnipeg, now proYicle<~ : . . . . . . . . . . . · ... · · ·. · · · · · Kingston, sanitary con1ht1on ha<l. .. .. . ......... .... .

\\'orlrn, tlPfensivu, olcl, plans for utilization of ........... .. .... .. . · .... ·· .. ····· :-\ti1Jf reorgani:t.ation, again recommendecl ......................... · ... · · ·. · · · · ·

APPl''\DH'l•:s ·po R1·:l'OR'r oF 'l'IH: OE:s ~:K \I , ()FFH irn ('1nDJ.\:SDI:SO :

A. Perniauent C'orp~. Return of. . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . B. Courts :'lla1 tial in Permanent Corps, Hcturn of ...... ·; ............ · ... . ('. ('a,·nlry, .-\.rtillery ... ml Infantry Sehool,, numl1er of Officers, &.t·., who luwc

quali!it:,1 in .. .. .............. ............ ..... - · · · · · · · · · · · · · ._. · · · · · · J>. Local Hca<lquarters, muul•c~· of 01lic~r~ aJHl :.\le~1 of City Corps trame<l at.. K Iuspeclion Report of Corps 111ch11lc1l 111 Appernh:o: D .............. .. . . F. - Hoyal :\I ilitary ( {ollegc of Canach,, { 'on1111amlant s Report ........ · .. · · · · .

AL·PE'\DIX Xo. :2 ·ro REl'OJ\T m· THE l>Fl'l"T\ :'111 1sTl-:lt:

DmF.<"l'Olt l•F S·1•0 1rns, REl'\lllT OF .....••..........•....•.............. · ·. · · · · A. '. A. n mmunition issuecl fo1· pmctil'e, l Ht .l m1. to :30th .June, 18!1:2 ..... . B. clo on repayment, 1lo tlo ('. ( lunpow<lcr, &c., iss~1ctlforp_racticctin_d si~lnres, do . llo ..... :» D.-Orclnancc in pos~essrnn of :.\l1hlm all<l rn Store ch>trge on the .{0th ,J unc, l 8[L

AL'l'l-:'DIX ::\11. :~ •ro HEPOl!T <ff THE DEI'l ''l'Y :.\lrs1sn:1t:

E:so1'>FF.R H1u" 11 • • \m •HJTE<'T·s REPOKT

APPF.:SDL\. Xo. 4 To R~.1·01tT OF THE Dl'.I'l'1T :'111. 1sn:P.:

C:AHTHrunF. F\<"l'OHY, SI PERI'>TE'>Ul;'\T's RF.l'OltT .......•...•••..............• • · ..




4 4 4 ;; 5 ;; 5 ;; ;; 5 3 ;;

(i I

8 !)

13 16

'21 :31 8:2 :38

M :3!l


'·'-·••'•· - - . .. .... r •, ...

Militia and Defonce.




0TT.rn,\, 14th December, 189~.

'rn,-The present report on the administration of the Department of }lilitia and

Defence, to the 30th.June last, is :t report on six months' operations only. The Depart­

ment of itlilitia and Defence wa · the only Department, the yearly report of which ran

with the calendar year to the 31st December, all the other branches of the Government

reporting for the fiscal year nding on the 30th .J unf'. Great inconvenience, ;ind delays

the rea ons for which were not generally understood, arose from the impossibility of

preparing and closing up retur·nR until the ca]e11(l<tr year was ended, the subsequent

printing and revision of proofs still further retarding the isstH' of the report. It has

therefore been thought advisable, with you1· sanction, tu adopt tbe com· e pursued in the

other Departments of the public service. In future, it is hoped that our report will be

issued at a very much earlier period.

The report of the General Otlicer Commanding will be found of great interest, deal­

ing as it does with miitters of importance to the well-hcing and further development of

our Militia system. Upon previous recommendations of ~lajor General Herbert, several

changes have already been made in the organization and regulations of the Perrnanen t

Forces, tending to bring these Corps up to the standard of effi ·iency that all bodies of

regular soldiers should u,ttain. Other measures are now sugge ted, for improvement in

the different branches of the senice, and they will come up for your consideration as

the preliminary considemtions are matured.

The greater part of the operations of the training of the )Iilitia in camp during

the year 1892 took place after the 30th J Ulle; and I very much rerrret that, for this

reason, the pre ent departmental report is devoid of much of the usual i11terest and

<ictuality attached to tho. e operations.

Should it be decided to introduce an improved rifle for the arming of the Militia,

some changes will be nece ·sit11ted in the machinery of the Cartridge Factory. "With the

addition of one or two machines, however, and some changes in the existing plant, the

ammunition for the impro\'ed weapon can be promptly turned out at the Factory. I

find, from the Report of the Director of Sto1·es (see page :28), that existing requirements,

both as regards mall arm ammunition and .hell, •were fully met by the Factory, be ides

56 Victoria. Se ional Paper (No. 19.) A. 1893

(APPE .... DIX .F.)



ROYAL .llrLITARY CoLJ,EGE OF CANADA. J\.1 GSTO , 0:.T., 3 th .Tune, 1 92.

'fhe Pre ident, Royal Military College of Canada.

' rR,-1 have the honour to ubmit the following report for the Royal Military College year 1891-92. . . . . . .

The progres8 of the College, in fulfillrng its high. purpose,_has_bee~1 sat1s~act~1~ during the past year; and, the credit for the f;Ur.cess 1t Vl'.ell marntai.ns, 1s due. m pa1 t to the happy combination, in its mstructional staff, of high profess1on~l att~1?men.ts with large viewR of t,he rel:lponsibilities of instructor" beyond the routme of 1mpai t-in class knowledge; and, in a great degree to the ce.~ets the~selve~. .

g I cannot recall from my perRonal experience any rnstaoc~ rn which the relat1on_t1 between the stuclenta and instructors have been more satisfactory thall' prevail

here.[t i a ource of great plea ure to observe the an;i bition of the_ Cadets to i~prove, and to note their respectful yet cordial 1·elations v:1th-:an_d .reliance on then· P_ro­fessors, and their submiRsion to, and ultimate pride ma di c1plinary sy::;tem to which they had previously been unaccnRtomed. . . . .

Regarding the welfare of the Institution aR rntimately in~e1·woven with the welfare of the country, I would remark on scattered press notices, wh1?h appear from time to time, adverse to the continuance of the College. Those notices I ven-ture to consiclet' most ill advised. . . . . . . . fi

This Collei!e is alone of its kind in th~ DoI?-1mon: 1t 1s an essen.trnl. nU1se.1y o~ the gei·ms of a military force without '~h1ch-:-m the absence of .umversal b1othe1-hood,-endUl'ing internal peace and nat10nal rnd~penden?~ are unatta~na~le.

Tho e who Jecry the maintenance of efficient m1 htary orga.mzat10n s~10uld justify their attitude by indicating the people who have ever enjoyed continued national independence, or now enjoy it, unaided by respect for al'med strength, or by inaccessibility. I 'd

It ifl a matter of familiar knowled~o that war doe~ ~ot occur un e s-on one s1 e or on both-absence of moral rectitude it! the dete1·mrn~ng cauf!e.. . .

Military organization-unfortunately-is as esRent1~l to nat10nal preservat10n as the elaborate department of ju tice is ec1sential to social order. . .

But, fortuna~ely the status of CanaJa, as ~part of the Empire, has ~~de .1t fitting and wise to modify the system of instruction followed at the. Royal M1h~ar{ Colle e, so that while the military demands of the country ~p~n it, may be u Y

l~ d 'ta CadetR are trained to take th ii· place amongst theu fellow-countrymen, supp ie ' 1

' · f 1 fi 'ons and in a as highly and technically trained gentlemen Ill mo~t prac ica pro ess1 , large mea~m·e prepared to enter the lear~~d p1·ofess10ns.

::\filitia and Defence.

We Bincerely hope that the time is not far dista11t when the Government may feel themselves justified in giving full effect to their Order-in-Council of a date certainly prio1· to 1882, in which it is declared that" so soon as there are a t1nffi.cient "number of eligible graduates, appointment::; to permanent )filitia C0rps will be "made solely from this lisL (i.e. of graduates); and after 11uffi.cient length of service "and rank have been obtained by graduatei:;, pt'rrnanent Militia oilices will be filled "therefrom." That a national Military school should be maintained and its techni­cally trained g1·aduates remain unemployed in the Canadian Military forces, certainly seems anomalou11.

If untrained gentlemen are bette1· qualified than the technically trained military grndnates of this College, to officer the Canadian permanent corp1:1,-then indeed, it must be admitted that-for military purposmi-the school is at pre::ient superfluous.

The question is not one as to the fitness of gentlemen now holding appointments in the permanent corps, who by experience in the service may have become pe1·haps exceptionally well qualified. Tho point 1 would raise is that of first appointments. In such cases, shoulJ unt1·ained, or specially and technically k3ined men be appointed? Thflre is a general agl'oement of opinion, not merely among t the public, but amongst experts of the gl'eatest weight and who have bad experience of graduates' capabiJi. ties in military life-that the course of trnining at the Royal Military College is admfrably adapted fol' upplying army office1·s.

Some of their number are already on the roll of tho e who have added di tinc­tion to the name of their native land abroad; and-at home-from Cape Breton to l\fount St. Elia , over more than one-fifth of the longitude of the globe, ul'e thought of with affectionate pnde.

From many soul'ceH too, I have heard of the high estimate placed upon others who, in the absence of military employment, or by choice, have elected to follow civil pursuitR. 1 have learned with pleat1ure and pride of seve1·al of tbem immedi­ately winning confidence in their characters and capabilities, and rapid advancement in position· of responsibility. The graduating class of this year compares favour­ably with its predecessor ,-in some respects it has excelled all others.

Sergeant Fl'ancis Henry Vercoe iB in the dititinguished po ition of being the winner of higher aggregate marka than have ever been gained by a graduate here.

The Profel:lso1· of ~lathematic::; Wl'ite · of him :-"Hi::; ability is remarkably un­common, and it does seem fortunate, that the College has him on her list of graduate,;."

I cordially concur in Profest1or Martin's opinion, an opinion fully confil'med by the reports of all the Professors without exception.

Company Sergeant- lajor James Frederic Fra er has wou higher aggregate ma1·ks than-with one previous exception-have been scored hitherto. Ilis applica­tion and abilities are alt:io reported on by all tho Professors as of a very high order.

The .Professor of Chemistry repol'ts that "Company Sergeant-Major F1·aser obtai necl the largetit numbe1· of marks yet obtained in thfl first class;" while, in physics, Vr. Waddell state : "The average of marks of Mr. Fraser and ~\fr. Vercoe is greater than the average of the two higbet1t in physic in any former yearfi.

'!' '!' .After two years' struggle they i:;tand pmctically equal, M1·. Vercoe having 1888 and Mr. Frat1er 181''7 marks."

Then, this year's third man, Battalion Sergeant-Major Dumble-who haR had the misfortune to have hatl bis t!tudies interrupted by illne 's-adds to the diHtinction of the graduating class this year.

On only two previous occasions hat1 bis aggregate of marks been exceeded at the College. The Professor of Mathematics reports that "Messrs. Dumble and Frn::;er "al'e deserving of speeial mention fol' thei1· attainments only second to that of their "class-mate Mr. Vercoe."

As Battalion Sergt.-Major, Mr. Domble's duties have involved responE:ibilities of an exceptional kind in the diHciplinary.system of the Colle~e, .and it affordi:; me great satisfaction to 1:1tate that he has discharged those dut1ei:; m the most exem­plary manner.

1 '7 19-2

56 Victoria. 8essional Papers (No. 19.) A. 1893

To these three u-entlemen the College i,.: indebted for tbei1· effortt> and sueee s, rn not ml;lrely maintaining its n·putation, lrnt in adva.nci~g it in a very '?ark~d degl'ee. In passing J may mention at> a test_ of appl~cat10n to wol'l~-:-modified 1


some mea8 ure by individual temperament-a few details from the Medical Officers watchful record. .

At the end of May the average if7crea1:<e of weight of the graduatrng cla s wai:; in exce ·s of 15 lb . .

During the examination month-J nne-the th1 ee leade!'s lost re;;pect1vely 2! lbs., 3-t lb><. and 5~,- lb1:<.

- Four ofth othel's ·lost about 1 lb. The two lowel:lt in their clas1:< lost no weight, bnt one of these increased by

1! lbF\, . h . 'd h Ab evide nee of the physical improvement in Cadets durrng t eu· re~1 en?e ere,

it is noted that the average increa8e in weight has been ove1· 15 lb&.; rn height 1! inche,,; in chest mea -urement ~t inch~l:l; and ~hat-with the e>ingle exception of a height mea urement-there has been increa"c in all ca1Ses. .

The Profe sors have made spe<·ial mention of Eever~l Cadets ati de ~rvmg of commendation, and I have great plea~urn in acknowledging my personal mdebted­nes!i to them for their mel'itorious work and conduct.

The Profei;sors remark:

Jn Mathematics.

4th Class.-Gentleman Cadet G. 0. Wilke:;, " " G . .N. Cory,

have hown mal'ked ability. Gentleman Cadet G. A. lnksetter,

" " .I. \\·. O,;borue, " " H.J. F. Hayter, " '' G. R. Frith,

have been most dilige11t and p!'omi e to do i:;plendidly. 3rd Class.-The p1·ogl'e s made by the whole cla · has quite exceeded all

expectationR. Gentleman Oa<let G. F. F. Osborne and

" " H . .B. l\fuckleston pos8e s a brilliancy of intellect which ii:! not, often met with. ability is of a high order.

Their mathematical

~ Gentleman Cadet V. L. Beer, •· " F N. Gibbs, " " H. D. L. Gordon, " " .T. F,, Bently, " " R. W. Bl'igstocke, " " J. D. Doull, " '' F. C. Heneker, " " A. G. T. LeFevre, " " F. B. Osler,

lrnve taken !Special intereP.t in their work, with good results. Gentleman Cadet R. II. B. Magee and

" '' R. E. Tyrwhitt . . are noted for special application acd the most marked advance Ill th~1r. clas~.

2nd Olass.-The Professor-noting that the hardei:;t work 1 m th1!i brings l'pecially under notice the wodc of •

Gentleman Cadet A. \.\. Burn barn, Corporal C. F. J.B. deBoucherville,

" R. H. 8t1·icklnnrl, Gentleman Cadet II. N. B. Ilollinshead,

" " .T. W. \.Vai·ne1" Sel'geant B. H. 0. Ann ·trong.



Militia and Defence.

In mentioning ~fr. Burnham's name the P1·ofessor adds of the results of his efforts:

. "'!?is ~·epresents an immense amount of work in one year, and without a splen­did ab1hty 1t could not be done."

"Mr. de Boucherville's standing is not fat· behind that of Mr. Burnham." 1st Cla::.s.-Of the natural ability and wonde1fol application of

Sergeant F. H. T' ercoe, Company Sergeant-?lfajor J. F. Fl'aset", and

. Battn Serg-eant-Major W. C. Dumble the Professor rn unable to speak too highly.

Military Engineering.

4th Clas .-Uentleman Cadet R. J. F. Hayter, " " G . .i: • Cory,

" c-r. R. Fl'ith, " " J. W. Osbome

have won from to ..!, per cent of full marks. Gentleman Cadet G. A. Ink1Setter,

" " .E. P. B1·own and " " N. S. Ridout

de ·erve special mention for industry and zeal. 3rd Class.-Gentleman Cadet V. L. Beer,

" " G. F. F. Osborne, " " H. B. Muckleston,

are specially mentioned. Also, 2nd Class.-Se1·geant B. II. 0. Arm trong,

Corporal C. J. Armstrong, " C. F. J. B. de Boucherville.

1st Class.-Company Sergeant-Major J. F. Fraser, Sergeant F. ff. Vercoe, Battn. Sergeant-Major W. C. Dumble.

Surveying and Reconnaissance.

The following ai·e especlully commended by thei1· Professors :-

3rd Class.-Gentleman Cadet G. F. F. O!:!borne, " " V. L. Beer.


2nd Clas .-Corporal C. F. J . B. de Boucherville, Sergeant J. J. B. Farley.


Corporal C. J. Armstl'ong.

Tactics, Strategy and War Administration.

3rd Class.-Gentleman Cadet V. L. Beer. 2nd Class.-Co1·pornl C. J. Armstrong. 1st Ola s.-Sergeant F. H. Vercoe.

Military .Law.

2nd Ola s.-Corporal C. F. J. B. de Bouche1·ville. 1st Class.-Sergeant F. H. Vercoe,

" F. F. Duffus. 19


56 Victoria. ~ e sional Paper ' (No. 19.)

Peace Administration.

3rd Class.-G-entloman Ca<let V. L. Beer, " " G. 1<'. Oi:;borne, " '' R b. Tyr .,hitt, " " B. F. 0 ·!er,

Cadet Beer scoring over 97 per cent of full marks.

Theoretical Artillery.

3rd Ola .-Gentleman Cadet G. F. F. 0 borne, " " R. H. B. Magee, " " Y. L. Beer, " '· R. E. Tyrwhitt.

2nd Class.-Gentleman Cutlet II. N. B. Hollin~heatl, Corporal 0. F. J. B. do Boucherville, Gentleman Cadet A. W. Burnham.

Practical Artillery-Drills and Exercises.

3rd Class.-Gentleman Cadet V. L. Beer, " " H. D. L. (.;.ordon, " F. C. IIeneker, " " R. B. B. Magee, " " H. B. )luckle ton, '' " R. K Tyrwhitt,

all with full marks. 2nd Ola ·s.-Corporal W. F. Sweny,

i:;ergeant J. J. B. Farley, Corporal R.H. Strickland,

" C. J. Armi>t1·ong, all with full marks.


4th Ola s.-This clas has been far above the average. of two Cadets all scored 90 per cent of full marks.

' Gentleman Cadet G. - T. Cory, a " .E. P. Brown, " " R. J. J<'. Hayter, " " G. R. Frith, " " G. S. Wilkes, " " G. B. }'rancklyn,

are specially mentioned. Ali;o 3rd Class.-Gentleman Cadet V. L. Beer,

' " " G . .F. F. Osborne, " " J. D. Doull, " '' A. G. T. Leli'evre, " " F. C. Heneker.

2nd Ola .-Corporal C. F. J. B. de Boucherville, 'er,geant B. H. 0. Armi;trong,

Corporal C. J. Armstrong, Gentleman Cadet J. E. Leckie, Sergeant J. J. B. Farley, Gentleman Cadet n. J:T. B. llollinshead.

1st Class.-Corporal J.E. L. du Plessis, Gentleman Cadet ll. R. :N. de Bury, Sergeant F. H. Ve1·coe, . Battn. Sergt.-Major W. C. Dumble, ""ergeant C. H. Branscombe, Co. Sergt.-Major J. F. Fraser, Sergeant W. H. ullivan.


A. 1893


With the exception.

l\Iilitia and Defonce.

English Literature.

3rd Class.-Gentleman Cadet G. F. F. Osborne, " '' J. D. Doull, " " Y. L. Beer. " " R. E. Tyrwhitt,

deserve honourable mention. 2nd Clas .-Sergeant B. H. 0. Armstrong,

" J. J. B. Farley, Gentleman Cadet H. . B. Hollinshead, Corporal <J. J. Armstl'ong.

li:;t Cla. s.-Se1·geani F. II. Ve1 coe is deserving of special mention.


2nd Cla;.;s.-Corpornl C. F. J. B. de Boucherville, " R. H. Strickland,

Gentleman Cadet A. W. Burnham. ergeant B. H. 0. Armstrong,

bt Clas .-Sergeant F. H. Yercoe, Co. 'ergt.-Major J. F. FrMer,

These two gentlemen scored, as already mentioned, higher than any two of previous year-.


1st Class.-Co. Sergt.-Major J. F. Fi·aser, Se1·gean t F. H. V el'Coe.


2nd Class.-Corporal C. F. J. B. de Boucherville, G-entlemun Cadet J. 'l'. Warner,

ergeant B. H. 0. Armstrong, Gentleman Cadet A. W. Burnham.

1st Clas .-Co. Sergt.-Major J. F . .Fra er, Battn. Sergt.-Major W. C. Dumble.

~Freehand Drawing.

4th Class.-Gcntleman Cadet E. P. Brown, " " G. E. Francklyn, " " R. J . .F. ilayter.

2nd Class.-Sergeant B. H. 0. A1·mstrong, " J. J. B. Farley,

Corpornl W. F. Sweny. " H. J. Lamb.

1st Ola .- ergeant R. P. Rogers, " F. H. Yercoe, " C. H. Brani:;combe,

Corporal N. B. Mcijean.

Practical Geometry and Engineering Drawing.

4th Clasl:!.-Genileman Cadet G. N. Co1·y, " " G. R. 11'rith, " " J. W. Osborne, " " R . .T. F. Hayter, " " li. ~.Wilke·.


56 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 19.)

3rd Class.-Gentleman Cadet G. F F. o,,bor11t1, " " R. \V. Br1g::.tol'iH.:, " " V. L. Heer, '' " F. B. Q,..lel', '' '' II. B. ~ltH.:klc~1011, " '' H. D. L. lTordon.

2nd Class.-Corporal C. F. J. B. de Bouchel'ville.

Civil Engineeriny.

Battn. Sergt.-Majo1· W. C. Dumulc, Co. Sergt.-Majo1· J. F. Fraser,

ergeant W. H. Sullivan, " F. H. V ercoe.

Drills and Exercises.

1st Cla .-Battn. Sergt.· Major W. C. Dumble, Sergeant R. P. Rogers. Co. Sergt.-Major J. F. Fra ·er,

ergeant F. H. V ercoe,

A. 1893

all very highly qualified. I have now the pleasure to add a li~t of gentlemen who a.i e prize wmne1·s and

of those who are about to leave the College a "Honour" grad uuLcs anti as "Pas&ed" graduates.

JUNE, 1892.


Annual Class Prizes.

4th Class.-Highest Proficiency-Gent. Cadet George Norton Co~y, Bi hop's College School, Lennoxville.

3rd Clas "

4th Class " 1st Class "

Gent. Cadet George Frederick Folger Osborne, Collegiate Institute, King1>ton.

Corp. Charles Felix Joseph Boucher de Boucher­vi l le, ~t. Mary's College, Montreal.

Sergt. F1·ancit:l IIenry Vercoe, Collegiate Institute, T01·onto.

Entire Course.-Subject Prizes.

Mathematics and Mechanics ........ Sergt. Franci Ilenry Ve1·coe, Collegiate Inst.1v :1 e, Toronto.

Military Engineering ......... ....... Co. ergt.-Major James Frederick Fraser, Col-legiate Institute, Kingston.

Surveying, Military Topography and Practical Astronomy ........ Sergt. Francis Henry Vercoe, Collegiate Institute,

Toronto. .Military Hi tory, Tactics and Mili-

tary Administl'ation ............... Batt. Sel'gt .. Major Wilfred Chatterton Dumble, Trinity College School, Po1·t Hope.

French .................................... Corp. Jo,;eph Eugene Lenoblet du Plessis, Lincoln College So1·el, P.Q.

English .................................. Sergt. Francis Henry Vercoe, Collegiate Institute, T1Jronto.

Chemi try ............................. Co. Sergt.-Major James Frederick .Fraser, Col legiate Institute, King ton.


Militia and D foncc.

Physics ............................. I c stute, TMor?utoJ. I.' d . k F c l ~ f Sergt. Francis Henry Varcoe, Collegiate ln:;ti-}-=

1 o. ergt.- aJOr am es i! re er1c 1 raser, o - O'

l legiate Institute, Kingston. i::::i Geology ............... .................. Co. Sergt.-Major James Fredel'ick Fraser, ol-

legiate Institute, Kingston. Freehand Drawing and Painting .. Sergt. Robert Percy Rogers, Collegiate Institute,

Peterboro'. Civil Engineel'ing ................... Batt. Se1·gt.-Major Wilfred ChattMton Dumble

Trinity College School, Pol't Hope. ' Drills and Exorcises .................. Batt. Se1·gt.-Majo1· Wilfred Chatterton Dumble

Trinity College Sohool, Port Hope. ' Artilllery ................................ Gent. Cadet Henry N evjlle Block Hollinshead

Trinity College School, Port Hope. ' Engineering Drawing ................. Sergt. Bertie Harold Oli\'e1· Armstrong, High

School, Montreal. Reconnaissance ........................ Sergt. Francis Jle111·y Vercoe, Collegiate Int:1titute,


Extra Prizes.

Dominion Artillery Association ... Gent. Cadet George Frederick Folger O.,borne, Collegiate Imititute, Kingston.

Ontario Artillery Association ...... Gent. Cadet Frank_ icholson Gibbs, Upper Canada College.



ergt. E erbe1·t Wareham Clinch, Uollegia,te School, Rothe~ay .......................................... . ........................................... ..

G-ent. Cadet William Mackenzie, High School, · Sa1·nia ................................ . ............... Civil Engineering. Co1·p. Nol'man Berfo1·d McLean, High School,

Brockville ............... ..... . ...................... Civil Enginee1·ing. Gent. Cadet Wm. Nassau Clarke, High School,

Brockville .......................................................... · ............................. . Corp. Jo-seph Eugene Lenoblet du Plessis, Lincoln

College, Sorel ........................................ French. Sergt. .Francis Ferguson Duffus, Merchiston

Castle, Edinbu1·gh ................................... Civil Engineering. Co. Sergt.-Major Frank l>ugald Reid, High , chooi,

Geo1·getown ........................................... Civil Enginee1-ing. Sergt. Clarence Henry Branscomba, High School,

Picton ............................................................................................ .. Gent. Cadet llenry Robert Visart de Bury, Stooy-

hun;t College, rnngland ............................. French and Civil Roginoering. Sergt. Wm. Henry SLillivau, Collegiate In ·titute,

Kingaton ............ ................................... Civil Engineering. Sel'gt. Robert Percy Rogers, Collegiate Institute,

Pete1·boro' .......................................... Freehand Drawing Drills and Exer-cises.


56 Victoria. Sessional Pai er (No 19.) A. 1 93



(Mathematics and Mechanics. J :Military Engii1eering. I MilitalT History, Strategy, Tactics, Military Ad·

Battn. Sergt.-i\fojor Wilfred I ministration and Law. Chatterton Dnmble, Trinityi Practical l+eometry and Engineering Dra,ving. College, chool, Port Hope. I French.

I English. I Drills and ExerciBes. l Civil Engineering.

' (Mathematics and Mechanics.

Practical Geometry and Engineering Drawing, I Military Engineering.

C S t M . J F d . k French. o. erg .- aJOl' ame re eric ~ E 1. 1 F C 11 . t I t· ng 1 i. 1:a er, 0 egia e ns itute, Pbvsic::. oblio-atory and voluntary. Krno-ston. ! :' ' o . :::-


Dnlls and Exerc1 es. Chemi. try, obligatory and voluntary.

1 Civil Engineering. l Geology.

(Mathematics and Mechanics.

I Military Engineering. Military Topography, Reconnaissance and Sur-

Practical Geometry and Engineering Drawing. i Yeying.

Sergt. Franci Henry Varcoe, French. Collegiate In titute, Toronto. ii Engli b.

Physic", obligatory and voluntary. Freehand Drawing.

I Drill:; and Exercises. f'iYil En!.!inrerir1g.

l (ieulugy.

"Stanley Medals."

(For the highest aggregate of marks for the whole course.)

Gold medal-Sergeant Francis Henry Varcoe, Collegiate Institute, Toronto. Silve1· medal-Co. Sergt.-Major James Frederick Fraser, Collegiate Institute,

King ton. B1·onze medal-Batto. Sorgt.-i\Iajor Wilfred Chatterton Dumble, Trinity College

School, Port Hope.

Sword of Honour for Good Conduct and Discipline

Co. Sergt.-Major James Frederick Fraser, Collegiate Institute, King ton.

The " l1ord Stanley " Prize.

(To the qualified graduate intending to pnrsue a military profession either in the lmperial Forces or in the Dominion Militia, for the highest proficiency in Military Engineering, Military A<lmiuii;tr·ation and Law, Strategy and Tactics, Military Surveying, Topography and Reconnaissance.)

Battn. Se1·gt.-Major Wilfred Chatterton Dumble, Trinity College School, Port Hope.


Militia and Defence.

Recommended for Commissions in Her Majesty's Regular Army.

Royal Engineers-Battn, Sergt.-Major Wilfred Chatterton Dumble Trinity College School, Port Hope. ' '

Royal Artillery-Gent. Cadet Henry Robe1·t Visart de Bury, Stonyh1m1t College England. '

Infantry-{ Se1·geant Francis Ferguson Duffus, Merchiston Ca tie, Edinburgh. Sergt. Ilerbert Wareham Clinch, Collegiate Schooi, Rothe ·ay, T.B.

I have the honour to be, sir, Your obedient servant,

D. R. CAMERO:N", Commandant,

Royal Military College.


Militia and Defence.







Srn,-In the absence of the Chief .Architect, I have the honom· to transmit here­with the report upon tho works and repairs made to the Military buildings and fortifications under control of this Depal'tmont from the 1st of January l:\st to date.


The plumbing and water supply pipes were ovel'hauled and repail'ed. The usual amount of lumber and hardware was supplied fol' petty repairs done

by the artificers of the school.


"ew FortBarracks.-.A hot water heating apparatu was placed in the Captains' Quarters. The i>inks in theButle1"s pantry we1·e altered and repaired, and new helve~ were· placed in the Officers' Quarters.

One room in the married Officers' Quarttirs bad the pla ter and floor repaired. One room i11 the married men's Quader was re-floored and a. new floor was

placed in the ablution room . .A post and rail fence was placed around the parade grnund. The usual amount of lumbe1· and hardwal'o was supplied for the genornl petty

repairs made by the men of the school. Old Fort.-Tbe city water supply was introduced throughout the Old Fort,

and hydrants were placed.for fire protection. 1,554 feet of fencing was put up along the Garrison road, and the dead tl'Oes wel'O renewed both along the road and in the old :Military Cemetery.


The Drill Shed was re-shingled, the defective sheeting made good, tho sill renewed in part, and the building put in a good general state of repair.


Some repairs were made to the doors and windows of the Drill Shed, and a drain made around the shed to carry o:fl' the water which used to find its way in. The roof of this Shed require:> re-shingling very badly.


The Drill Shed at this place wa put in pt'opel' repair. 41