nivi Dialogue with the past – cultural & heritage.pptx

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Hampi is found on northern part of Karnataka.

Karnataka is a state in south western region of India.

 The southern state of Karnataka, in India, has a distinctart and culture.

Its combined with their long histories have contributed

immensely to the varied cultural heritage of the state.

Hampi is around 3!kms from "engaluru.

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 It was one of the richest andlargest cities in the world during itsprime.

 It is located within the ruins ofthe city of Vijayanagara, theformer capital of the #i$ayanagara%mpire.

 It continues to be an importantreligious centre, housingthe #irupakshaTemple, as well asseveral other monuments belongingto the old glorious city.

 The ruins are a UNE!" #orldHeritage ite, listed as the $roup of %onuments at H&'(I.

 Hampi is been selected because isone of the &iggest world's

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Introduction Heritage is our legacy from the past, what we live with today, and

what we pass on to

our future generations.

& heritage centre is a museum facility

primarily dedicated to the presentation of

historical and cultural information about a

place and its people, including some natural

features.  This center speciali)es in the protection and preser*ation of

the world)s ancient and

 historic monuments and archeological sites.

Hampi *+he !ity !ar*ed of tone+ is an outstanding location ofNatural landscape and ,rchaeological remains.

Human skill and natural beauty blend beautifully to createharmony. The cultural and heritage centre specialies in theprotection and preservation of the world)s ancient and historic

monuments and archaeological sites.

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Issues There is no basic amenities found.

 There is no proper accommodation facility.

-ack of research facility. o proper connectivity to the historical site-

Re – constructing

of hampi bazaar

Proper connectivity of


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ite Location

,negondi was the capitalof the region, before it wasmoved to Hampi.

It was the core of a tinykingdom that eventually

e/panded into theVijayanagar Empire.0urrently &negondi issleepy *illage.

&negondi is at the

opposite &ank of theri*er where the Hampivillage is located.

Its located .-/kms from


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,im To design cultural heritage centre

to retain and reuse signi1cante/isting historic fa&ric and

harmoniously unite it with new&uilt and open spaces.

"&jecti*e To study historic and cultural 

backgrounds of Hampi. 2nderstanding the designing of

new buildings in a heritageconte0t and creating dialoguewith the past in this design case.

 To establish a healthyconnection between tourists heritage  local culture and artactivities.

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cope To design a cultural heritage centre at Hampi which revives

the historic and cultural fa&ric of the world heritage site.

1e*itali)ing the heritage e/perience.

0reating a dialogue with the past by using Hampi monumentsas a &ack drop for the cultural heritage centre.

'erging contemporary architecture with the monumentalheritage architecture in such way that it complements thepast without o*ershadowing the e0isting

heritage2monuments. & proper mo*ement between dedicated ,temporarily

dedicated and non  dedicated spaces.

2se of modern material in the design of cultural heritage centre.

Limitation The depth of the study will be limited to the history of Hampi with

focus towards the &rchitecture, planning and culture of Hampi.

 The design will not be focused on much of structural aspects.

 The design is limited to the e0ternal form, concept,functionality,

circulation etc..,

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E0pected outcome--

Introduction of modern &uilding in a heritage

site without distur&ing the monumental setup of

the location by designing a 0ultural and Heritage

 center will help in making Hampi more

recognied tourist destination other than $ust

being an archeological study area.

 The greatness of Hampi can be passed to the

future generation. This will also bring about an

increase in the revenue. (rovides $obs for the localities andartisans.


