Nick stafford living social nov 2011

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Transcript of Nick stafford living social nov 2011

Social Commerce & Travel

Travelhuddle | Dublin – November 2011

LivingSocial Escapes

LivingSocial Escapes

Mashing Up Social Media and Transactions

25 countries6 continents

46M+ members

A global companynew experiences your area

the local commerce expert helping people discover, share and buy experiences

LivingSocial is

LivingSocial Escapes

A Digital Generation

Source Marta Kagan

More than ½ of the

human race is under 30

and they’ve never known

life without the internet

Going Mobile…

But are we less social?


Now more than ever, the world wants travel.

Travelers seek experiences.


And so, what does this mean for travel marketing?

Born Digital

Experience Seeking

Going Mobile

So|Lo|MoSocial MobileLocal

Source: John Doerr

1. Travellers are early to So|Lo|Mo

As a result, we now have a new set of web and mobile players building brands and filling beds…Marketing &

Demand Generation

Payments & Inventory


Reviews & Business


Check-ins & Driving Foot




100+m Users 5+m Users 100+m Users 15+m Users

sold 500,000 room nights for its quality merchants in just 11 months

LivingSocial Escapes has

Brings instant and ‘cashless’ payments to local merchants

LivingSocial Instant

“Stories are our way through information overload. When stories are set against information, the story wins.”

- Kevin Roberts, CEO Saatchi & Saatchi

2. Travellers want experiences and social commerce is telling your stories

Editorial content is being superceded by online editorial + a ‘buy’ button..

Galway anyone??

Through the Escapes business, LivingSocial is able to create demand for local businesses that would otherwise never see it

3. Creates travel demand vs. reacting to existing demand

4. Social commerce is measured in transactions

Purchaser locations for

Down Hall Hotel Essex

Keep LivingSocialThank you!
