Newsletter No. 37 - Term 4 Week 8 Thursday 24 November 2016€¦ · Newsletter No. 37 - Term 4 –...

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Transcript of Newsletter No. 37 - Term 4 Week 8 Thursday 24 November 2016€¦ · Newsletter No. 37 - Term 4 –...


Newsletter No. 37 - Term 4 – Week 8 Thursday 24 November 2016


Carols at Kalinda

Wednesday 7th December

5:00 – 6:00pm Picnic

6:30pm Carols

Preparations are underway for the Annual Kalinda Carols Night.

It’s set to be a great night full of community carols, performances from the Choir and Highland Dancers, and all of the Kalinda students,

with plenty of Christmas cheer, and a very special visitor.

The P&F committee will again be holding a sausage sizzle this year. Pack your picnic blanket and join us for dinner beforehand then enjoy the

Christmas spirit with carols and performances from the talented Kalinda students.

Date: Wednesday 7th December When: 5:00pm – 6:00pm for picnic dinner 6:30pm for Carols Where: Kalinda Primary School Outdoor stage Bring: All your Christmas cheer Please note that this is an alcohol-free event and all children must be supervised by parents at all times.

OXFAM CONCERT Monday night was a very special night when our Highland Dancers and Choir took to the stage at Box Hill Town Hall. Each year we have some of our pupils perform at the Oxfam Concert and, again this year, our Highland Dancers and Choir did a wonderful job. A dedicated staff of Cheryl Henry-Wild and Paul Todd, as well as a very enthusiastic group of parents, made sure that the children looked stunning performing their dances and singing in the Choir. The Oxfam Concert supports a wonderful cause and we are very pleased to have this opportunity to perform at such a lovely venue.


Performing Arts News Congratulations to the Choir and the Highland Dancers who performed on Monday night as part of the Oxfam Music Festival in the Box Hill Town Hall. When the Highland Dancers entered the stage there was a huge collective gasp from the audience. They were dazzled by the brilliant costumes. Once the dancing started their jaws dropped and remained open for the entire performance. Our girls were super impressive and the audience could not believe that the talent on show were only aged between 5 and 13. The choir also impressed with polished and vibrant performances of Royals, Sesere Eeye and One Call Away. Their sparkling voices carried through the auditorium beautifully and their energy was infectious. Again, there was amazement from the audience who were treated to complex harmonies not normally heard from primary school aged children. Special thanks to the parents who bought tickets and attended the Concertto support this worthy cause on a school night. A BIG thank you to Cheryl Henry-Wild who, again, did a wonderful job with presenting our Highland Dancers in such a professional manner. Thanks also to Mrs Pollard who watched and listened as part of the amazed audience. Mr Todd Performing Arts Teacher

Kalinda’Wishing Tree


November– 9th


Kalinda Primary School Junior School Council Reps would like to ask if you are

able to bring a pre–loved, or a new present for the Wishing Tree.

The presents will be placed under our Christmas tree up at the office after 28


November. The presents will be delivered to children from ages 5 to 16 years

whose parents cannot afford presents.

Twice a week, two Junior School Council Reps will come around with a basket.

One to collect the presents in and the other that will have cardboard Christmas

trees or stars in it, which we will give out in return for your generosity and

donating a gift.

Please bring the presents in

from 28th

November to 9th


Please wrap your presents with a small card on the front stating whether it is for a

boy or a girl

and for which age group the present is suitable.

Thank you very much from the 2016 JSC Reps


Events Calendar

Notices sent home to Families – 17-24 November

Notice Distributed to: Return by:

Grade 6 2017 Polo Shirts & Jackets Grade 5s 30/11/16

Hot Diggity Dog Form All students 28/11/16

Parent Helpers Invitation Parent Helpers 2/12/16


I need to inform you that McCain's pizzas are no longer available for the rest of this year for Wacky Wednesdays. I have sourced replacement pizzas from Allied Chef, which is Hawaiian, (Ham & Pineapple) and Margherita (tomato base & cheese). They are slightly larger (140g) than the McCain's but will be sold at the same price of $2.50 for the rest of this year. Jo O'Callaghan Canteen Manager



th - Working Bee – 10am-12noon


1st - Gr. 5/6 Dancing Lessons – MPR

- Free Dress Day for Relay for Life 2

nd - Junior Athletics Day (Foundation – Gr. 2)

- Wonnies EOY Concert – 2-3.30pm 5

th - Holly’s String Group - 11:30am - MPR

- 2017 Foundation Parent Info Night – 7pm - Japanese Activities Evening


- G6 & 2017 Foundation Orientation Day - Last day of Uniform Shop for 2016.

7th - Kalinda Carols & P&F S/Sizzle

8th - Gr. 5/6 Dancing Lessons – Stadium

- Parent Helpers Morning Tea - MPR 9

th - Hot Dog Day & last day of Canteen

12th - P&F Annual General Meeting

- 9.30am Stadium 12-16

th - Foundation – Gr. 2 Swimming lessons

15th - Grade 6 Graduation

20th - End of Term 4 – 1.30pm Dismissal

FORWARD DATES 2017 Grade 5/6 Canberra Camp:

Group 1 – 20-24 February Group 2 – 27 Feb – 3 March School Photo Day – 23

rd March


Term 4 – 3 October to Tuesday, 20 December TERM DATES 2017

Term 1 – 30 January (Teachers resume)

31 January (Pupil-free day) 1 February (Students resume) End Term 1 – 31 March Easter – Good Friday 14 April – 17 April Term 2 – 18 April – 30 June Term 3 – 17 July – 22 September Term 4 – 9 October to 22 December


30/11 Justine W. 01/12 Nikki C. 02/12 Kylie V. & Helper Needed


th December


th Dec.

If there are any families who are intending to leave at the end of this year, please let the office

know, in writing, as soon as possible at



F/D Ruby M. - For her fantastic efforts in writing interesting sentences this week.

Hani O. - For his positive attitude towards learning. It will take you a long way, Hani. F/H Mitchell T. - For your amazing creative writing piece. Wow Mitch, I couldn’t be more proud of you. Curtis H. - For your fantastic writing about Christmas. You are my little Super Star! F/L Rory T. - For being such a thorough mathematician and rechecking all his work carefully. Oscar P. - For writing a good sentence about how much he loves BBQs. Well done. F/T Caeleb M-R. - For concentrating so hard during Zone Maths to write numbers correctly. Amy M. - For her fantastic writing pieces. I’ve really enjoyed reading your work. 12B Callum S. - For taking your writing to the next level. You are adding in some great detail and description, Cal. Annie L. - For your fantastic poster you made on Patterns. You showed great under- standing and clearly explained how each pattern was made. 12S Jonty B-A. - For his kindness and leadership shown during Transition morning in

Level 2. Abigail B. - For her kindness and care shown during Transition morning in Level 2. Aiden B. - For being a friendly, caring and kind student to all. For working hard on his plurals in Literacy. Gemma K. - For enthusiasm shown to read from her book box, and great ideas shown in her Reader’s Notebook. Liam K. - For his amazing letter on his CBL creation to his buddy, including neat handwriting and excellent questions. 34C Ben H. - For his detailed bank of knowledge in the area of location and mapping. Chelsea Q. - For showing her wonderful personality in her Writing.

Great use of ‘voice’, Chelsea. Alexandra H. - For her magnificent non-fiction book about Brazil. Kayla C. - For her creative ‘seeds’ (ideas) in her terrific Writer’s Notebook! 34D Sienna H-M. - For confidently speaking in front of the class during ‘Share Time’. 34M Alex D. - For completing such amazing poems this term. Such great description! Brandon R. - For always thinking of his fellow classmates. 34P Ella C. - For becoming such an enthusiastic reader. I love how you are now reading chapter books. Just fantastic, Ella. Stephanie D. - For confidently reading her chapter book from the Ella and Olivia series. You are a brilliant reader, Stephanie. 56C Ryan L. - For your enthusiastic effort towards your CBL idea. It has been an absolute pleasure to watch your successful product being created.

Colin H. - For powering through your Mental Maths problems, then looking for more!


From Junior School Council... As you are aware, last weekend members of the Kalinda community participated in

the Cancer Council’s annual Relay for Life. At the start of the year, the students at

Kalinda Primary School told the Junior School Council that they wanted to raise

funds to support the Cancer Council and Relay for Life.

With the Twilight Market, our school events calendar was too busy to organise our

fundraiser to fall in the same week as the Relay. So, on Thursday 1st December, to

kick off the Christmas Season and to raise funds for the Cancer Council, we would like

all Students and Staff at Kalinda to bring a gold coin and come to school dressed in

something ‘Christmassy’: it might be a red or green coloured T-Shirt, a red shiny nose, a

tinsel scarf, perhaps even a Santa suit?


Letter to Santa Kalinda Primary School

If you would like to send a letter to Santa and receive a response from him,

please do the following:

Write your letter to Santa and deposit it in the green and red box on the Library desk by 2:00pm on Friday, 2nd December.

This will ensure that Santa receives your letter

and writes back to you by the end of the school term.

Thank you. Hope you all have a lovely Christmas!


Kalinda Japan Cultural Evening 2016 Monday 5

th December 6:00-8:00 PM

Rakugo: Japanese Comic Story Telling

Performance Coming to Kalinda!

Sumo with Brown sensei!!

Origami, Kirigami with Yoko sensei! Okonomiyaki cooking and the trip presentation by Branch Out

Japan trip team+ Hiromi sensei!!

Japanese Koto harp performance by Brandon!!

Okonomiyaki cooking with Branch Out Japan trip team!! Yummy!!

6:00 – 6:30 Puppet Rakugo

6:35 - 6:55 Sumo, Kirigami, , Branch Out cooking and presentation

7:00 - 7:20 Sumo, Kirigami, Shodo, Branch Out cooking and presentation

7:25 - 7:45 Sumo, Kirigami, Shodo, Branch Out cooking and presentation

7:50 - 8:00 Koto performance


OSHClub News Before School / After School Care Program Term 4 – Week 6

Dear Parents/Guardians, Hello and welcome to OSH News. This week we began our Christmas preparation and encouraged leadership by nominating our Room monitors. We made Christmas collages using tissue paper, glue, feathers and other materials. We researched Christmas themed activities for later in the term and started collecting and recycling to promote sustainability. Although the weather this week hasn’t been very kind to us we have played games of Group dodgeball, downball and tiggy outside, as well as spent time on the playground and the quiet area doing colouring, yoga and drawing. On our menu this week were; fruit platters, Cheese and crackers, pasta with cheesy tomato sauce, Pita bread and dips and yoghurt. The children were really receptive to the idea of having Room monitors; we have noticed that this is really helping with our pack up – keeping our equipment in good condition and ensuring a safe storage area. Bookings for 2017 are now open, I know many of you plan to book in your children for the coming year. We encourage early booking to avoid disappointment. Thank you all so much for the generous donations – we always appreciate Books, Dress Up’s, colouring in books, board games and more. We would really appreciate any gardening supplies you may want to clear out – we would love to create a veggie / herb patch.

Our Family communication book is always on the sign on desk for anyone wishing to leave comments, suggestions or queries. We appreciate your feedback for our program and our team. We are available during program hours on 0439 992 434. Feel free to leave a voicemail message if we are unavailable. We are also contactable at Alternatively, you are always welcome to contact our Area Manager (Kathi Rowan) on 0432 212 817 or We have a GOLD suggestion box on the “sign in” table and we invite everyone to leave suggestions whenever they wish! These can be anonymous. We welcome everyone in OSHClub; our children are very considerate of new students and we take pride in our ability to make every child feel special. Kind Regards, Michelle Dark OSHClub Coordinator

Program phone: 0439 992 434 Coordinator: Michelle Dark

Assistants: Michelle Dark, Kaitlyn Robertson, Wendy Reid, Lorressa Mancuso.

OSHClub Head Office: 03 85649000

All families must be enrolled to attend the program, remember this is Free!! Please create an account online at all bookings and cancellations can also be managed via your online account. For on the day bookings please contact the Coordinator direct at the program.


Parents & Friends

Kalinda Playdate Thanks to everyone who came for a play at McAlpin Reserve last week. It was a lovely afternoon catching

up with classmates and enjoying an icy pole.

Carols Night – Help Needed The BBQ will be held from 5:00 - 6:00pm and we are still looking for some helpers. If you are able to help,

please put your name down at the front office.

P&F Nominations If you are thinking of helping out on the Parents & Friends Committee next year please consider a position

on the committee. It’s a rewarding experience to be involved in running some fabulous activities for the kids. There are lots of ideas already in the pipeline for next year too.

A nomination form went home last week – please return to the nomination box in the front office or email by Friday 9th December.

AGM - Monday 12th December, 9.30am in the stadium foyer.

Christmas Gift Idea The fabulous Kalindalicious is available for sale for $25 per copy from the front office and at Kalinda Kafé on

Mondays. It is filled with yummy recipes and gorgeous photos of our school and students and would make a perfect Christmas gift!



OFFICE NEWS GRADE 5 DANCING AND GRADE 6 GRADUATION Due dates for both the Grade 5 Dancing and the Grade 6 Graduation have passed. Please organise payment for these events at the office, if you have not already done so. GRADUATION PACKS (Grade 6) Graduation Packs are now available to purchase through Compass. The Graduation packs consist of a 2016 Year Book which includes a USB with 2 movies (with photos) made by the students and teachers. The cost of this pack is $25.00. SWIMMING – FOUNDATION TO GRADE 2 Numbers for the Foundation – Grade 2 Swimming Program have now been finalised. The final payment notice will be opened on Compass early next week. Please keep a lookout for that event to be posted. No late additions can be accepted. PARENT PAYMENTS & VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTIONS 2017 The Parent Payment & Voluntary Contributions for 2017 is now open on Compass. The form has also been sent home through your Youngest Child. Please read carefully and feel free to contact the office if you have any queries. The 2017 Parent Payment Policy and the Kalinda Primary School Hardship Policy is located on our website at - Notices & Forms, for your information. Once the Parent Payments have been made, Book Packs can be picked up on the following dates: Foundation - 6

th December and following dates.

Grades 1 – 6 – 7th, 8

th, 9

th December 2016 & 30

th, 31

st January 2017.

If you wish to organise a Payment Plan, please visit the office before the Book Pack pickup dates as this will avoid large queues on those days. We will then have plenty of time to work out the appropriate instalment plans. REMINDER - Canberra Camp 2017 Full payment is now open on Compass pay. The full amount is due by 9

th February 2017 and can be

paid through Compass. If you wish to pay by instalments, please come to the office (as per instructions on Compass). If you have CSEF funding, please contact the office. The third (next) instalment is due 01/12/2016 - $100 The fourth instalment is due 09/02/2016 - $100 Please note these dates are the due dates. Payments must be made on, or before these dates. Credit Card & BPay payments – Please remember that we cannot accept payments of less than $10 for credit card and less than $30 for BPay. If you are paying by BPay, please also send in a short email or note letting us know the amount, what the payment was for and the BPay Receipt number, to If payments of less than $10 are received, we will be returning them home and asking for cash payment. COMPASS – If your child is away due to illness, medical appointments, family holidays, or other reasons, please remember to log in to Compass and register their non-attendance through the “Add / Approve Absence” tab on your child’s Home Page in Compass. THERESA JARVIS - BUSINESS MANAGER


UNIFORM SHOP Opening Times: The Uniform Shop is open every Monday from 3:00 – 3:45pm. The shop will also be open for each of the transition sessions from 9:00 – 10:30am up until, and including, Tuesday 6

th December.

The 6th

December will be the last day of trading for 2016. Lost Property – There is already a mountain of lost property here at the office. The majority of the items are NOT named. We are very happy to return the items to your child but unfortunately we cannot do that if it is not named. All unnamed items will be washed and held for the next Jumble Sale or passed on to those families in need. Thank you for your donations! SHANNON & JO UNIFORM SHOP VOLUNTEERS STUDENT BANKING – EVERY FRIDAY As notified in previous newsletters, the Student Banking is now being done through Bendigo Bank. If you have not opened an account as yet, spare account opening kits are available through the office. For those students with Dollarmite accounts, you are still able to deposit through your local Commonwealth Bank branch, or you can also open a Bendigo Bank account.


See the Community Board in the Foyer for more events. The Department of Education & Early Childhood Development (DEECD) and Kalinda Primary School, do not endorse the products or services of any private advertiser. DEECD and Kalinda Primary School accept no responsibility for accuracy of information contained in advertisements or claims made by them.



For School Holiday Programs run by Maroondah City Council, please follow the link:


Chris, our apple man will next be delivering apples on Thursday 8th

December. If you would like to order apples, please see Gill or Annie at the office with your order and payment by Wednesday 7

th Dec.

Bags are approximately 5-6kg. Available at the moment are: Pink Ladies, Golden Delicious & Granny Smiths at $10 per bag (approx. 5-6kg).

Green and Brown pears are also available at $8 per bag.