Newsletter August - September 2013 English version.

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Important information for to start business relationship between Colombia and Arab Countries. Our main subject. LIVE CATTLE AND MEAT.

Transcript of Newsletter August - September 2013 English version.



Editor in Chief Stéphanie Chevalier

President Cecilia Porras Eraso


Mr. Mohammed Hamdan Director of Trade Promotion, Ministry of

Economy – UAE

Mr. Kamel Mukharesh Vice Chairman MOKA

Beirut, Lebanon

SHEIKH Ilyes Marzougui Director of the Center for Islamic Studies Al-


Ana Charris de la Oz Head of Market Access and

Internationalization Barranquilla Chamber of Commerce

Augusto Beltrán - FEDEGAN

Communication Office - PROEXPORT


Correspondents in

United Arab Emirates Saudi Arabia

Egypt Oman

Algeria and Morocco


Calle 125 No. 19-89 Of 502 Phone line: +57-1- 2153266


August – September



• News from the ACCC

• Editorial

• Special Colombia’s Livestock

• Juan Valdéz enters in the Middle East

• Report Economic Relations U.A.E and Colombia

• Holy Month of Ramadan and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)

• Colombia’s News

• Cultural Tip

• Guest Cities: Bogota, Cartagena & Barranquilla

• Diplomatic Missions Agenda • Upcoming Missions

The articles published compromise solely their authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of newsletter’s directors. Total or partial reproduction without the express permission of the publishers is


We build relations, we make business


NUMBER 4 Collectible





Strengthen economic ties between South American and Arab Countries On the initiative of Brazil, the first Summit of Arab and South American countries, The "ASPA" Summit was held in Brasilia in 2005, with the participation of 34 countries in which was identified key objectives for the countries involved. In parallel, was held an Economic - Business Forum attended by approximately 500 businessmen from both blocks.

In continuation, the second Summit "ASPA" took place in Doha, Qatar, in 2009, in which was also organized the Economic - Business Forum, this time with a greater participation from entrepreneurs. In the final resolution of the Forum, and ratified at the summit, was launched the creation of the Federation of the South American Arab Chambers of Commerce, having as empowering body the establishment of Bilateral Arab Chambers of Commerce in every single South American country. In 2012, The ASPA Summit was held in Lima (Peru), where the ACCC participated with the Colombian delegation, headed by the President of Servientrega Luz Mary Guerrero, Senator Alexandra Moreno Piraquive, business and government delegates. The desire expressed by these countries to negotiate economic agreements already shows the growing mutual awareness that has taken place between them. The political momentum also is getting bigger, with constant visits of heads of state and high-level representatives, such as Ministers and Deputy Ministers.

Visit of the ACCC to the Embassy of Morocco On July 23, the delegates of the ACCC, Cecilia Porras Eraso and Stephanie Chevalier, were received at the Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco in Bogota by the Counsellor responsible of Business Officer and Consular Affairs, Mr. MOUFDI M´FAREJ, with whom they shared a nice conversation around an exquisite cup of tea. The delegates presented a warm greeting for his arrival in Colombia and wished success in his management. In this exchange of ideas, it was proposed to establish cooperation mechanisms to strengthen the presence of Moroccan entrepreneurs in Colombia and coordinate the Firtst Mission of Colombian Entrepreneurs to visit important international fairs, besides also promoting tourism, academic exchanges and Investment. In terms of trade, create joint activities to promote export of livestock, meat and other products with clear opportunities. They commented Colombian presence through the Royal Decameron Issil Inclusive Hotels chain in Marrakech. Under the leadership and high appreciation of the Ambassador Khalifa in Colombia, this will be a good starting point.

Dear Readers: It is our interest to bring Colombians and Arabs closer by using all the tools we have at our disposal, conferences, workshops, courses, Commercial / academic missions, as well as the Newsletter, website and social networks. All these are important means to convey real information and timely opportunity considering it is an important market of over 350 million people. Special thanks to Mr. Kamel Mukharesh for his excellent monthly articles, to Sheik Ilyes Marzougui for his commitment to the promulgation of Islam as the basis of business with Muslims, to the PTP, FEDEGAN, Proexport and the Chamber of Commerce of Barranquilla for their contribution to this special COLOMBIA LIVESTOCK; to Mr. Mohammed Hamdan for sharing information on the state of relations between Colombia and the UAE, to Procafecol SA for their contribution to the history of the origin of coffee. To all, thank you for generously sharing your time and giving us your support in order to achieve our goals.


Founding President




The beef Cattle Sector in Colombia: productive excellence and tradition that expand into international markets.

By FEDEGAN – Federación Colombiana de Ganaderos Since Colonial times, about 500 hundred years ago, the beef cattle sector in Colombia has been a sector which, until today, builds progress in the Colombian rural areas by producing the highest quality beef for domestic and international consumption in a very sustainable way. This is only possible with an exceptional combination of geographical, political, economic, technological, human and organizational factors. All of these reasons give to our cattle beef sector the brightest future in the international markets, combining both excellent in quality and price. The beef sector in Colombia enjoys the advantages of being located in a tropical country: the sun all year long combined with nutritive soils allows to maintain production every month having a good supply of pastures avoiding the use of excessive amounts of fertilizers. This natural feeding is a key factor to harmonize the beef production with the ecosystem dynamics, not only as a healthy product to the global informed consumer but also an outcome of a healthy process to the planet. Not just sustainability. The Colombian beef sector also accomplishes to generate profitability and economies of scale. Beef cattle production is one of the main sectors of agriculture in Colombia being responsible of 1,6% of national GDP and 20% of agricultural GDP. As a result, its size is 3,3 times bigger than coffee production and 5,7 times bigger than bananas production. It generates about 950.000 jobs, which demonstrates not only the economic but the social impact of this activity, an engine of human,

economic and rural development.

sector will make come true its potential of herd growth, 29,8% for the period 2008-2017 (the highest rate in the world). For our purposes it will export from 1% to 25% of the national production. These economic excellence and huge potential would not make Colombia a future world player in beef trade without the coordination with the government. In sanitary terms, as a public affair, Colombia has reached many achievements. Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) and Bovine Rabies are fields where Colombia already gives proof of reliability since 2009. As a second public aspect related to our beef cattle, the country has an active commercial agenda by signing FTA’s with countries such as USA,

the EU and South Korea, which will

In terms of numbers, Colombia’s beef cattle herd is the fourth largest in Latin America with 24, 85 millions of heads. Most of these animals have Brahman genetics, which implies an outstanding capacity of adaptation and quality for beef production. Commercial beef production has increased too. From 2002 to 2012 it has grown 17%, as ranchers improve production practices to attend domestic and foreign markets. Precisely demand in Colombia has a lot to offer, as long as it has been low for years. In 2012 per capita consumption was almost 20 Kg/per year and total consumption was 950.000 tons. These levels are forecasted to increase in the near future along with economic improvement. According to FAPRI (United States Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute) our

make easier to expand our export destinations and more global consumers are going to know and prefer our excellent products. All those factors are brought to reality with the commitment of Fedegan, the Colombian Federation of Cattlemen, the leader association of the sector. Our organization looks for an organized and modern productive chain acting in an integral way, defined by the Strategic Plan for Colombian Cattle Production 2019 (PEGA). We have the conditions for being a successful player in international markets. Given this short overview, we extend our hands to invite you and your associates to let us delight you with a product that brings our extensive expertise and quality, called to satisfy the

exigent Arab consumer.

Photo source: Atlas Geográfico


Responsible Government Entities. ICA (Colombian Agricultural Institute). Establishes, according with international standards adopted by Colombia, diseases of official control and mandatory notification and registration. Develops and manages strategies for joint actions with the private sector and other authorities for compliance with sanitary and phytosanitary or SPS measures in animal protection for export. INVIMA (National Institute of Food and Drug Monitoring). Its role is to support the Colombian producers of poultry, cattle meat, pigs and dairy stakeholders in achieving access to health for third countries. INVIMA reports that in August 2013, Colombia has health status for: - Beef Meat: Meat raw materials and

Byproducts Commodities Export to: Customs Union (Belarus - Kazakhstan - Russia) - Peru, Venezuela, Egypt, Angola and Curacao.

- Swine Meat: Angola and Venezuela.

- Meat of avian species: Customs Union (Belarus, Russia, Kazakhstan) and Venezuela.

- Milk and dairy products: Chile Customs

Union (Belarus - Russia, Kazakhstan) Mexico, Bangladesh, Jamaica, Morocco, Costa Rica and Peru.

- Fishery products: Customs Union

(Belarus - Russia, Kazakhstan), European Union, Brazil and Argentina.

- Live Cattle: Lebanon

These achievements translate into a great opportunity for Colombian entrepreneurs in the export sector of beef, pork and poultry to venture into new markets UAE, QATAR, KUWAIT, KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA, ALGERIA, MOROCCO LEBANON and supporting the generation of employment opportunities and economic growth for the


Lebanese, delighted with the livestock imported by the Caribbean Coast.

By the C.C of Barranquilla - Journalist Jorge Montaño Acosta Marketing began in late 2009 and through 2013 about 250,000 bulls were sent to Beirut from three ports of Barranquilla and Cartagena, respectively. And it is that new destination that in the last three years has been the Middle East market, specifically in Lebanon, which has begun to receive Colombian cattle, especially from the departments of the Caribbean Coast, from late 2009 and early 2010, and which remained in the following years until today. Precisely, the Chamber of Commerce of Barranquilla works on the creation of a cluster of agro inputs, dubbed Agro Competitive, which aims to strengthen the competitiveness of the companies located in the department of the Atlantic, this means for them positioning competitively in the business in order to achieve that the activity becomes more prfitable and sustained in the long term. The business fabric of this cluster has a major impact on the regional economy, since it is composed of 192 companies, 70% engaged in commerce and distribution, generating 3,468 direct jobs and assets of $ 14.0 billion. The livestock sector is only exporting from Barranquilla live cattle for further sacrifice in Lebanon refrigerators. It is because male cattle perform better when it comes to make the most of the sale and consumption of meat. To this is added that cattle exported are bulls because the market demands it by religious culture of Lebanese consumers. Lebanon is currently the only export market for Colombian cattle. Colombia has managed to post since 2009 and until 2013 about 250,000 animals. The unloading port is Beirut and the shipping ports have been the Port of Barranquilla Port Society, Palermo Port Authority and the Port of Cartagena. The animals are taken is special vessels with capacity of 7,000 to 8,000 cattle. The journey between the Caribbean Coast and Lebanon takes about 22 days and mortality is minimal by the fact that cattle exported is of good quality and is resistant to long journeys,

"When a market seems saturated, the next step is to create a new market. Halal industry is exactly that. " Dato' Mukhri

besides the cattle receive excellent food to help them resist. The crew of the ships is made of cowboys, including veterinarians, who know how to care of animals installed in the different pens brought by boats of 5 and 8 floors, with appropriate systems to supply food. The cattle being exported to this country must be of good quality, good yield in carcass when slaughtered, which is achieved through the zebu cattle crossing, that is healthy and meets all the requirements of the animal health protocol between Colombia and Lebanon, free of disease and brucellosis. The bull being exported to Lebanon, since it is to sacrifice, must have a minimum weight of 460 and 480 kilos, besides importers are also buying lighter cattle of about 300 kilos. These cattle when it is fattened (bring to maturity to be well developed and that it has a weight of 460 kilos) and finally slaughtered for consumption in the different Lebanese cities. Asoganorte’s executive director, José De Silvestre Pájaro, says this new export market is due to the work and the achievement of the private enterprise, achieving to consolidate it in recent years. "Although they compete with cattle from countries like Brazil and from Central America, cattle coming from departments of the Caribbean Region are preferred for its quality and price. "The feeding regime, intense summers and the heat in which our livestock is raised here is much like one of the seasons in Lebanon, therefore our cattle are adapted to the new environment and their acclimatization is very easy, they grow successfully to then be taken

to sacrifice”.


Visit of Arab Ambassadors from Egypt, Lebanon and Palestine in Yopal (Casanare) at the Valenzuela Reyes family's Hacienda. Coordinated by the ACCC

and the Chamber of Commerce of Mararave, Casanare, and accompanied by Governor Julieta Gomez de Cortes in March 2013.

Like the cattle in the Caribbean Coast is under a strong tropical climate, we manage to have a mix with local zebu which makes them more resistant and which in turn is used to obtain a good and lean quality meat, without that much fat and marbling (the amount of fat within the meat streaky and is the main factor to be taken into account by the consumer to determine its quality). The cattle being exported from the Caribbean coast to Lebanon comes mostly from the departments of Magdalena, Córdoba, Cesar, Bolivar and Sucre, but others such as Atlantic and La Guajira are also providers. At present, the Caribbean coast composed by Atlántico, Bolívar, Cesar, Córdoba, Magdalena, Sucre and La Guajira has a cattle herd of 7'360.000 cows, of whom 4'850,000 are female and 2'510,000 are male. In this order, according to statistics from FEDEGAN, Córdoba is the department with the largest cattle population, followed by Cesar, Magdalena, Sucre, Bolívar, Guajira and Atlántico.

Colombia, meat supplier to the world. By Proexport Colombia There are several advantages of Colombia as a producer of beef. One is its location, as being in the tropical belt of the equator the country receives a constant sunlight, which is necessary for the production of biomass and allows the possibility of feeding livestock based on pastures throughout the year. It also has quintessential beef breeds such as Cebu and within this the Brahmin Colombian, idea production for tropical conditions and standing as having one of the highest in quality genetics in the world. Also, the livestock sector in Colombia, whose offer is displayed in the beef carcass, chilled and frozen boneless vacuum packed, has the

fourth largest herd in Latin America with a cattle

inventory of 26.9 million head, according to the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism. This, added to its health status free of FDM with vaccination, has enabled the sector to reach demanding markets such as Russia, Egypt, Angola and Peru. For entrepreneurs interested in knowing in detail about the domestic supply of this product, Proexport Colombia, the organization responsible for promoting non-traditional exports, attract foreign direct investment and promote international tourism has the advisers and information necessary. More business opportunities in

Halal Certification. SHEIKH Ilyes Marzougui Halal is an Arab word meaning lawful or permitted. The opposite of Halal is Haram, which means unlawful or prohibited. Halal and Haram are universal terms that apply to all facets of life. However, we will use these terms only in relation to meat products. Slaughter of animals for HALAL meat From the advent of live cattle to the establishment refrigerator, these steps must be followed: - The animals remain resting between a minimum of 12 hours and a maximum of 48 hours in roofed pens with drinking water that is renewed automatically and permanently, until the time of slaughter. The killing is not done by the refrigerator's staff, this is oversee by a Muslim personnel recognized by the Islamic religion in Colombia. The animal must be slaughtered, the killings by asphyxiation, beatings, electric shock, etc are not allowed. You cannot sacrifice Halal animals in facilities used Halal with Haram animals.

At the time of disgorgement: - Invoking the name of God previously. - Cut the pharynx, esophagus and jugular

if it is a cow, sheep, goats or poultry. - Expect the complete bled before any

operation. - Store in facilities where no animals

Haram. These rules date back to the time when the Qur'an was written. It is written: "...Therefore, you shall eat from God's provisions everything that is lawful and good, and be appreciative of God's blessings, if you do worship Him alone. HE has only forbidden you carrion, blood, pig’s meat, and animals over which any name other than God’s has been invoked. But if anyone is forced to eat such things by hunger, rather than desire or excess, he commits no sin: God is Most Merciful and Forgiving.” Procedure Control group number, the serial number of each animal and the sealing of the cattle in Arabic, allowing its visualization and monitoring of the following steps: Dismembering, freezing, truck loading and shipping. The Center for Islamic Studies in Al-Qurtubi, led by Sheik Ilyes Marzougui, is the organization recognized by the ACCC to carry out the Halal study, application and laughter in Colombia. The ACCC recommends and recognizes his suitability, honesty and knowledge of the sharia (law) of Islam.






We thank Mr. MOHAMMED HAMDAN Trade Promotion Director of the Ministry of Economy of the United Arab Emirates for his kind participation in the ACCC Newsletter through a comprehensive report of mutual economic relations between UAE and Colombia in the Department of Commercial Analysis. Considered of high interest for the opening of relations between Colombia and the UAE, the full article will be published in our next edition. Report mutual economic relations between UAE and Colombia - Foreign Trade There is a surplus in the trade balance for the United Arab Emirates, for the following reasons:

1. Increase in total exports value by $ 21 million and reduction in the value of imports that amount to 12.1 million in 2012.

2. High contribution of UAE foreign trade volume increased 63.2% and a low contribution Colombia 36.8%.

Agreements - November 24, 2012: Signature of the representative of the Civil Aviation Organization of the United Arab Emirates, air services to the Government of Colombia in the city of Brasilia, Brazil. The agreement was signed between the government of the United Arab Emirates, Mr. Saif Mohammed al-Suwaidi, Director of the General Civil Aviation Authority, and Santiago Castro, Director General of Civil Aviation of Colombia. - May 8, 2011: Signature of a mutual cooperation program on air transport services between the General Civil Aviation Authority of the United Arab Emirates and the Civil Aviation Administration of Colombia. Mutual Economic commissions No mutual economic commission between the two countries.

Visit of Delegations and Events - November 7, 2012: A meeting between the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Sharjah, and the trade mission organized by the Arab Colombian Chamber of Commerce. During the meeting, they discussed the opening of new fields of trade and investment between Sharjah and Colombia to promote UAE, strengthening economic relations with various countries around the world, especially in the Latin American continent by the multiple trade between Gulf States and Latin America in general, and between a State of the United Arab Emirates, Sharjah, and Colombia in particular. - November 8, 2012: Meeting between Dubai Chamber of Commerce and the trade mission, where mutual cooperation agreements are achieved in order to promote the opening of relations between Colombians and Emiratis. - October 26, 2011: A meeting between Ambassador Abdullah Absi, Director of the Office of American Affairs and the Pacific, in his office at the Ministry, with Roberto Vélez Vallejo, Ambassador of the Republic of Colombia. During the meeting were discussed the ways to improve trade relations in the political and economic,

between the two countries.

By Maria Fernanda Concha PART 1/3

Director of Sustainability and Corporate Communications

Procafecol SA - Special to the ACCC Newsletter

Just as the Arabic language, traveling through time and space, joined to Spanish many of its beautiful words, such as pillow, dock, mosque or grapefruit – in that mutual enrichment that represents the cultural exchange –, Colombia, from the hand of Juan Valdez®, now enriches the palate of the Arab inhabitants with a product grown in the Colombian mountains and produced with care by the Colombian coffee farmers. The origin of coffee goes back to East Africa, specifically in the province of Kaffa in modern Ethiopia, from where it spread to the Arabian Peninsula and Egypt. But what few know is that it was precisely the Islamic community who played a key role in its marketing and expansion after its discove ry. In fact, it was in the Arabian Peninsula where coffee beans were roasted, ground and prepared for infusion for the first time similarly to the current method. The stimulant properties of coffee (its etymology goes back to Arabic qahwah) due to its caffeine content, expanded by hearsay in the Arab world, which led to its prohibition by Orthodox and Conservative imams in the Mecca in 1511 and in Cairo in 1532, as the Qur’an, the sacred book of Islam,

prohibits all forms of intoxication. But its prohibition turned out to be useless as it could not contain the bean's popularity and eventually had to be lifted.

With the incursion of Juan Valdez® in the Middle East, coffee somehow returns to the origin, the Arab world, the culture that discovered coffee and subsequently delivered it to the world, only to be later enriched with the unique quality given by those who grow and produce it in the mountains of Colombia. The brand of coffee farmers in this country comes to the Middle East

with products of the highest quality.




I write my second article on Colombia-Arab business relations on this day celebrating Eid-al-Fitr. Eid-al-Fitr is a 3-day celebration at the end of the fasting month of Ramadan. If you were trying to do business with Muslims in this month, one would be smart and courteous to understand what it is all about. I will attempt to explain it in the first half of this article and in the second half a brief introduction to the important economic block – the Gulf

Cooperation Council (GCC).

The Holy Month of Ramadan. Fasting the month of Ramadan is one of the 5 pillars of Islam and is obligatory for all healthy adults and that can do so. As Islam follows the

lunar calendar, it is a period of 29-30 days in which one abstains from eating, drinking, smoking and having sexual relations, from sunrise to sunset, it also requires that people treat each other with extra kindness and refrain from expressions or acts of anger. Depending on the time

of the year and location, the fasting day can be of 15 hours or more. This month highlights the spiritual aspects of life through long hours of prayer, reading / reciting the Qur'an every night at the mosque; these prayers intensify at night in the last 10 days of the month. My advice to

the non-Muslim business people working with the Arab world is: 1. Before the beginning of Ramadan, you can send greeting messages to the occasion, saying something like "My best wishes for Ramadan Kareem". Also, just a day or two before the end of Ramadan, you can send another card this time with the message "Happy Eid-al-Fitr". People take note of these gestures and remember these acts of kindness and courtesy. However, we must bear in mind that there is a significant Christian minority in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Egypt and


4. Sometime in the GCC, business is conducted late at night – after 10-11 pm and a meal is served around midnight or 1 a.m. Expect to stay up until just before dawn. No worries, because most probably no one would be calling or meeting you the next day before noon or later! In the future, I will write an article dedicated to explain Islam and its world dynamics in human relations, economy and politics as well as the

stereotypes, legends and myths.

2. Avoid business in the last 10 days of Ramadan, plus 3-7 days following Eid holiday.

Do not expect an answer to calls or emails, although some Muslims may not be as devout as others and that they consider it "normal business" for them. 3. If you happen to be in the Arab/Muslim world during Ramadan, avoid at all cost eating, drinking or smoking in public during the day.

Kamel Mukharesh Vice-Chairman – Moka Libani SAL

The Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf.

Also known as the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) is a political and economic union of six Arab states of the Arab/Persian Gulf including: Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. There have been talks about enlarging it to include Morocco, Jordan and Yemen. - Stated Objectives: Formulating similar regulations in various fields such as economy, finance, trade, customs, tourism, legislation and administration; fostering scientific and technical progress in industry,

mining, agriculture, water and animal resources; establishing scientific research centers; setting up joint ventures; unified military presence through “The Peninsula Shield”; encouraging cooperation of the private sector; strengthening ties between their peoples

- Benefits of GCC: Elimination of currency transaction costs will result in savings in both time and money; elimination of exchange rate risk would encourage increased intra- Gulf trade and investment; greater

transparency in pricing, improved business competitiveness; an enlarged, unified GCC market, whose present GDP exceeds $1 trillion, would offer new trading and investment opportunities.

- Challenges to GCC: Failure to establish a free trade zone with the European Union; eliminating bureaucracy and allowing project developers a freer hand to speed up the industrialization process; oil prices have been steady but gas has become much more important;

“Arab spring” prospects are possible and must be managed wisely; Involvement direct or by proxy in regional Arab conflicts/wars, as well as the ever-present Arab-Israeli conflict. - Four main areas of cooperation: Trade; investments; industrial cooperation including Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) / Small Scale Industries (SSI) and transfer of technology including agricultural technology, power, mining and metals. A thorough understanding of the mechanics and dynamics of the GCC should help Columbia - both government and private sector, formulate a winning strategy to succeed in the GCC region and in each individual country. Columbia should also benefit from inter-regional bridges being built between Latin America and the Arab World as well as Latin American and the GCC. It is worthwhile noting that Abu Dhabi Investment Authority has about $900 billion of investment assets, Qatar Investment Authority $300 billion and Saudi Arabia over $1 trillion. The cumulative GDP surplus for the GCC is $250 billion and expected to rise in the coming years.

In view of Europe’s current economic ills and the US focus on politics,

opportunities abound for Columbia in the GCC region for 2-way business, trade and investment. Matters we will explore in more detail in the future.

Go to CV



How did, the Arab countries participating in the Global Game, perceived Cali?

During the World Games, Cali is the most complimented city on the planet, getting all kinds of admirations in Spanish, English, Japanese and Arabic. The Egyptian Karate referees, Ayman Fargaly and Mohey Mohamed described their stay as "Perfect". Smiling, they confess that the name of typical food is the only drawback they had to overcome as words such as “sancocho, chontaduro o aborrajado”, were difficult to pronounce. Despite the difficulty, they made their best effort again and again to repeat them correctly, classifying the regional food with the same "Perfection" gesture. The referees noted that despite being so far from home, they did not miss it; Cali was able to make them feel at home, mostly thanks to the friendly and cheerful behavior of its inhabitants. The event was attended by athletes from Arab countries: Jordan (1) Kuwait (1) Algeria (1), Morocco (3), Qatar (10), Egypt (17) Tunes (18)

and United Arab States (2).

Despite being a market with certain difficulties and the fact that Algeria severely limited for a long period all foreign participation in its economy, the truth is that Algeria is now the land of opportunity. The Algerian government has allocated more than $50,000 million dollars for the housing sector, included in a development plan with a budget of 225,000 million Euros, and opened the construction and housing to international competition, authorizing the Opening of contracts to foreign companies, which could represent billions of dollars in jobs available to international companies.

New Ambassador of Colombia to the Kingdom of Morocco.

Mr. JOSÉ RENATO SALAZAR ACOSTA was appointed Ambassador of Colombia to the Kingdom of Morocco; Ambassador Salazar Acosta is a Civil Engineer with specialization in International Relations at the Rosario University and served as minister plenipotentiary. From the ACCC we extend a cordial greeting and our desire to support approaches in favor of the growth of relations with the Maghreb countries. The opening of this diplomatic representation shows the high interest of the Colombian government to increase relations with the Arab world on trade, academic exchange / technology, tourism and investment. With the opening of this embassy, Colombia has four diplomatic missions in the Arab countries, Morocco, Egypt, Lebanon and the United Arab Emirates, which have competition with neighboring countries.

Consul of Colombia in Egypt visits the Colombian Community of Alexandria. (Friendly note from the Embassy of Colombia in Egypt).

The Responsible of Consular Functions of the Colombian Embassy in Egypt, Andrés Fernando Noguera Caicedo, moved to the city of Alexandria, on Saturday July 13, with the purpose of making a courtesy visit to Colombians living in that city. During the meeting in the Library of Alexandria, was held an inquiry concerning the current situation of their compatriots residing in this important Egyptian city, the set up of a network of contacts was agreed on, and was established a support and communication network with a view to an eventual evacuation process.

Algeria, land of opportunity.

Since the beginning of the crisis in Europe, Algeria has become the destination of choice for many companies, Spanish sales only increased in 2012 by 30% and in the month of May this year, Algeria was the country with the highest growth rate export. Algeria is the third largest supplier of gas to Europe, the eighth largest producer in the world

and is in the top 20 oil producing countries.

In the first two months of 2011, exported to international markets about 39,965 tons of flowers valued at 234.4 million dollars, the main exporters being Cundinamarca, Bogota and Antioquia (East). However, departments like Cauca, Risaralda, Caldas and Amazon have been recorded major export figures in the last two years The country also occupies the third place in living species and the first place in bird and amphibian



The Flora and Fauna: Riches of Colombia

In the first weeks of August takes place in Medellin the famous "Feria de las Flores", a Festival celebrated in the capital of Antioquia since 1957 and pays homage to the floral wealth of Colombia, a country with an intermediate size that holds approximately 10% to 20% of plant species worldwide, with about 45 000 species of plants.



- Bogota: Temperatures between 6 and 24 ° C, annual average of 15 ° C. - Cartagena: Average temperature of 29 ° C - Relative humidity: +90%. - Barranquilla: Average temperature of 28 ° C.

- The official currency of Colombia is the peso. Bogota: Exports agricultural products, chemicals and textiles. - Cartagena: Ideal strategic location for touristic, industrial and commercial development. - Barranquilla: Strategic place for the development of international trade.

- In Bogota are located 7 of the top universities in the country. - The U. Cartagena is among the 20 best universities in Colombia. - Barranquilla is the leading regional university center of the Caribbean Coast.

Bogota, Capital District. Up until 2000 it was called Santa Fé de Bogotá, the Colombian capital is the political, economic, administrative, industrial, artistic, cultural, sports and tourism epicenter in the country. It has a population of 7'363.782 inhabitants and has a height of 2,625 meters above sea level, making it the third highest capital in South America.




Designated the "Athens of South America" and Latin American Capital of Culture in 2007, the city hosts senior agencies of the executive branch (Casa de Nariño), legislative (Congress of Colombia) and judiciary (Supreme Court, Constitutional Court, Council of State and the Higher Judiciary Council), as well as numerous museums, theaters and libraries. Cultural city, Bogota has also hosted important festivals of national and international recognition, and has more than 104 institutions in higher education, both public and private. Economically, Bogotá is the most important economic and industrial center of Colombia, bringing the higher percentage in the national GDP (24.5%) due to its high production rates, its ability for creating new companies and doing business, its financial maturity, the attraction among global companies and the quality of its human capital.

Cartagena Capital of the department of Bolivar, the city is called since 1991 “Cartagena de Indias”. Officially known as Touristic and Cultural District of Cartagena, the city, located along the Caribbean Sea, has been recognized by UNESCO as Historical and Cultural Heritage of Humanity. From its foundation in the sixteenth century and throughout the Spanish colonial era, Cartagena was one of the most important ports in America. Nowadays, the city has consolidated itself as the first industrial city in importance of Colombian Caribbean Coast. With a total population of 955.250 inhabitants, Cartagena has developed its urban area, preserving its historic center and its colonial architecture, becoming a popular touristic destination, nationally and internationally.

Barranquilla. Capital of the department of the Atlantic, the Special, Industrial and Port District of Barranquilla is the main commercial, industrial, cultural and educational Center of the Colombian Caribbean region, as well as a major sea and river ports of Colombia. Headquarters of the Government of the Atlantic, the Departmental Assembly and the High Court of the Atlantic, Barranquilla is home to more than 1 million inhabitants in its 154 kilometers. Among its main economic activities are highlighted the manufacturing and mechanical Industry, as well as the production of food and beverages, clothing and chemicals. Surrounded by beautiful natural sceneries, Barranquilla has been the birthplace of eminent personages of the artistic and cultural life, and every year is held the famous “Carnival of Barranquilla”, most important and cheerful festival of the Colombian Caribbean.




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Embassy of Colombia in the United Arab Emirates – UAE, presents the V meeting of the IRENA Council.

During the 24th and 25th of June in Abu Dhabi, the Embassy of Colombia in the United Arab Emirates - UAE, attended the fifth meeting of the International Renewable Energy Agency - IRENA council. The International Energy Agency currently has 116 full member states and 45 other countries, including Colombia, still seeking membership. The Agency aims to become the global voice for renewable energy issue and in the main international center of excellence for renewable energy, platform for the exchange and development of knowledge about alternative energy. During this meeting the Council discussed important issues for the future of humanity such as cooperation activities that IRENA can manage with UNHCR's help and addressed the relationship between renewable energy and food security, and the water- energy - earth nexus. These issues are particularly sensitive to many

countries such as the ones in the Arabian

Peninsula, which despite its economic resources have deficiency in water and fertile soils. Mr. Adnan Z. Amin, Director General of the agency and his team emphasized the importance they want to give to Latin America, making of the meeting, a very productive scenery, ideal for access to technical, economic and investment information in this area. Thanks to the participation of one of the main thematic directors of IRENA in the recent Regional Forum of the Global Green Growth Initiative - 3GF Global Green Growth - held in Bogotá with the assistance of President Juan Manuel Santos, Colombia will begin to participate in specific initiatives of IRENA.

Taken from the Embassy of Colombia in United Arab Emirates – UAE’s website:

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Food Fair Gourmet "Specialty Food Festival" (November 17 to 19, 2013) Exhibition of products of the highest quality in the sector of food, hotel and specialized buyers in the Middle East.

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to "The BIG5" Fair (November 25 to 28, 2013) Largest construction event in the Middle East with more than 60,000 professionals in

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