New Student Services Workshop Tommi Leach, Academic Advisement Specialist July 2013.

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Transcript of New Student Services Workshop Tommi Leach, Academic Advisement Specialist July 2013.

ACE, Academics, and A-F Report

Card New Student Services Workshop

Tommi Leach, Academic Advisement SpecialistJuly 2013

How’s your summer?

ACE Review

• SB 982 signed into law 2005 – Achieving Classroom Excellence• Established new curricular requirements

– College prep for all beginning 2006-07 unless opted out• Required parents to sign permit for students to take core

curriculum rather than College Prep curriculum– Staying steady at around 10-12% who opt to take core

curriculum• Established EOI tests for graduation• Maintained a single high school diploma

SB 1792

• Signed June 2006• Implemented ACE testing• Established ACE Steering Committee• Renamed curriculum College Prep/Work Ready• Created additional EOI tests• Established tests required for graduation• Allowed for alternate tests to be adopted

College Prep/Work Ready

• 4 units English• 3 units Math • 3 units Lab Science• 3 units History &


• 2 units Foreign Language or Computer Technology

• 1 additional unit• 1 unit arts or speech

• All courses must be approved for college admission

• Students must have three math courses within 9th -12 grade

Students entering 9th grade in 2008-2009

Tests Required for Graduation 2011-2012

Requires mastery in the state academic content standards (score satisfactory/proficient or advanced) for:

• Algebra I• English II• And two of the following five:

– Algebra II– Biology I– English III– Geometry– United States History

Students entering 9th grade in 2008-2009

Tests are required to be delivered online.


• NCLB requires that all states have a science assessment so all Oklahoma students have to take the Biology I EOI

Personal Financial Literacy

• Beginning in the 2013-14 school year, all seniors must meet the set of personal financial literacy competencies in order to graduate from high school.

Retakes of the EOI

• All students must be given the opportunity to retake the EOI at least three times per calendar year.

• Those three opportunities are in the Winter/Trimester window, the Spring window, and the Summer window.

• All three opportunities must be provided to students.

Demonstrating Mastery…

• How do students demonstrate mastery:By scoring Satisfactory/Proficient or Advanced on the

End of Instruction (EOI) testBy retaking the EOIThrough approved Alternative Tests (e.g., PLAN,

WorkKeys, ACT, SAT)Through approved End of Course Projects (available on

the School District Reporting Site)Through modified proficiency scores (for IEP students)

Subchapter 13. Student Assessment210:10-13-16

SBE Approved Alternative Assessments

The alternate tests were originally approved in November 2009.

Additional tests have been added to the Alternate Test List in 2011.

(List of Alternative Assessments provided in handouts)

SB 559 – Alternate Tests (NEW)

• Signed by the Governor on 5/31/13

• 10% above cut scores for ACT and SAT – exempt from taking EOIs in Alg. II, Eng. III, Geom., US History

• Equal to or above the cut scores on AP exams, WorkKeys exams, CLEP, IB, exempt from taking EOIs in Alg. II, Eng. III, Geom., US History

Transcripting by the high schools

• For each student who meets the graduation requirements, the student’s transcript shall read, “The student has met the graduation requirement of demonstrating mastery in the state academic content standards.”– This statement should be used for all students,

regardless of whether they met the requirements through EOI tests, Alternate Tests, End of Course Projects, or Modified Proficiency Scores.


Service provided as part of the OSRHE’s student portal -— Allows transcripts to be transferred

from HS to Technology Centers and colleges electronically (no paper!)

— 4357 were received by Tech Centers last year

Senate Bill 867

“Technology center school shall be authorized to provide intervention and remediation in Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, English II, English III, United States History and Biology I to students enrolled in technology center schools, with the approval of the independent school district board.”

CTE Scheduling Options

• Mathematics– Tech centers may offer above Alg I to 11th and 12th

graders– May offer to 10th grade if tech center offers a SBE

approved focused field of study (Academies)Pre-Engineering (19) – affiliate OSU – 77% retention rate

Also 9 comprehensive high schoolsBio-Medical (17) – affiliate OU Health Sciences Center – new

Also 2 comprehensive high schoolsBio-Technology (2) – affiliate Noble Foundation

Scheduling Options for CTE

• Laboratory Science– CTE courses may be certified as lab science by local high school

• Ag Ed/High school • Certain Health courses/Tech Center• Must meet highly qualified teacher and requirements for college

admission– Meet process standards for lab science– Above Biology I if taught at tech center– Science courses should relate to student’s Individual Career Plan– Physics, Chemistry, Anatomy and Physiology, Microbiology, AP Biology,

AP Chemistry, AP Environmental Science, AP Physics

• It is critical for students planning on attending an Academy to take Biology I as a Freshman.

Scheduling Options for CTE

• Foreign Language or Computer Technology-2 units– approved for college admission requirements,

whether taught at a high school or a technology center school, including computer programming, hardware, and business computer applications, such as word processing, databases, spreadsheets, and graphics, excluding keyboarding or typing courses

– OKPromise (OHLAP) approval applies• List of OKPromise approved courses in handouts

Computer Science

• If a computer science class is taught by a Highly Qualified math teacher it can count as one of the 3 required math courses in high school

• Must be approved by the local BOE

Scheduling Options for CTE

• 1 additional unit from core or CTE approved for college admission– OKPromise approval has provided

foundation for this option

Oklahoma Academic Standards

• Oklahoma Academic Standards (formerly called Common Core Standards) will be implemented this fall

• Science – Next Generation Science

Senate Bill 497

“Beginning with students who enter the 9th grade in 2008-2009 school year, school districts shall report the student’s performance levels…and any business and industry-recognized endorsements attained on the high school transcript.”

CTE Certification List

The list of CTE Certifications approved for recording on HS transcripts and for receiving performance points for A-F is located here:

A-F Report Card

• The first A-F Report Card was released in fall 2012

• HB 1658 made changes to the A-F Report Card• Signed by the Governor on 5/24/13• Law goes into effect 90 days after Governor


A-F Report Card - Changes

• Rules will be defined by the State Department of Education and approved by the State Board of Education

• SDE will have rule changes prepared to implement immediately after law goes into effect

• Will affect the Report Cards that are released in September 2013

A-F Report Card for 2013-14

• 50% - student performance, as measured by allocating 1 point for each student who scores proficient or advanced on the CRT, EOI and alternative tests divided by the number of students taking the tests

• 50% - student growth– 25% - whole school growth, as measured by allocating 1 point for each student

who improves proficiency levels or improves substantially within a proficiency level on CRT and EOI tests divided by the number of students taking the tests

– 25% - growth in the bottom quartile of students, as measured by allocating 1 point for each student in the bottom quartile who improves proficiency levels or improves substantially within a proficiency level on CRT and EOI tests divided by the number of students taking the tests

A-F Report Card - Bonus Points

(1) Graduation Rate - 5 points if 4-year graduation rate is 90% or higher

CALCULATION:# graduates in cohort

÷ # graduates in cohort + # dropouts in cohort + # students in cohort that are still enrolled

Graduation Rate

• NOTE: The school that the student was last enrolled in at the end of the cohort year will be the school that is held accountable for that student.

• NOTE ALSO: Although an exit for homeschooling is not considered a dropout on the Annual Dropout Report, it will be considered a dropout for purposes of calculating the four year graduation rate.

Advanced Coursework

(2) 1 point for performance OR participation of students in AP courses; IB courses; concurrent enrollment courses in CareerTech (Cooperative Alliance), college or university courses; and industry certification courses.

A high school will be able to earn one bonus point if they satisfy the requirement for either participation or performance.

*AP = Advanced Placement*IB – International Baccalaureate

Advanced Coursework - Participation

PARTICIPATION (70% or better):CALCULATION:# successfully completed courses (with a ‘D’ or


October 1st enrollment for 11th and 12th grade only

Advanced Coursework - Performance

PERFORMANCE (90% or better):– AP = score 3 or higher– IB = score 4 or higher– Concurrent = ‘C’ or higher– Industry Certification Courses = ‘C’ or higher

CALCULATION:# courses completed meeting the criteria

÷ # successfully completed courses

NOTE: Courses are counted-not students. Students can be counted more than one time for taking more than one advanced course

Advanced Coursework

NOTE: Courses qualifying as industry certification courses will be supplied by the OK Dept. of CareerTech.

—Due to data limitations, only courses completed at a technology center will be included as advanced coursework for the 2013 report card.

—By the 2014 report card, procedures will be in place to include industry certification courses taken at either a technology center or at a high school.

College Entrance Exams

(3) 1 point for participation OR performance on SAT or ACT exams

PARTICIPATION (75% or better):CALCULATION:# 12th graders who have taken an entrance exam at some point

in their careers ÷

total # of 12th graders on the October 1st Accreditation Report (NOTE: Students will be counted one time for taking the ACT and one time for

taking the SAT, regardless of how many times they take the exam.)

College Entrance Exams

PERFORMANCE (75% or better):

CALCULATIOIN:# students ACT = 20 or greater; SAT = 1410 or

greater (most recent score)÷

# 12th graders who have ever taken an ACT or SAT exam

Low Performing 8th Graders

(4) 1 point for helping students who scored “Limited Knowledge” or “Unsatisfactory” on the 8th grade tests in reading and math graduate in 4 years. (85% or above)

CALCULATION:# low performing graduates in cohort

÷ # low performing graduates in cohort + # low performing dropouts in cohort + # low performing students in cohort that are still enrolled

Performance of Students on EOIs

(5) 1 point for the performance of students on the EOI exams – if 80% of graduates from the previous year have scored either a “Satisfactory/Proficient” or “Advanced” on six (6) out of the seven (7) EOI assessments (Alg. I, Alg. II, Eng. II, Eng. III, Bio I, US History, and Geometry)

Improvement on Bonus Points

(6) As data becomes available, 1 point for the growth or decline in the components listed above from year to year.

—In order to receive the bonus point, high schools must show improvement in at least 3 out of 5 bonus sections.

—The specific criterion for improvement is dependent on the bonus section.

Total Bonus Points Possible

• A total of 10 points might be earned by a school for it’s overall grade.

Guidelines for Academics

• A great resource that has detailed information on these topics and other academic topics

Career Advisor, Pinterest, Twitter and Facebook

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• Follow me:– Pinterest – ODCTECAC– Twitter - @TommiLeach

Tommi LeachAcademic Advisement