New normal, New experience olio ch & Manage portfolio at ... · Mobile Unit Trust Services New...

Post on 29-Jan-2021

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    Mobile Unit Trust Services

    New normal, New experienceManage portfolio at your �ngertips

    The enhanced OCBC Wing Hang Bank Mobile App is launched and the optimized navigation experience makes banking handy. Various new functions allow you to enjoy 24-hour convenient mobile banking, and experience a new way of managing wealth more e�ectively.

    From now till 31 December 2020, you can enjoy the following privileges if you subscribe or switch funds via mobile banking:

    * The information is for reference only. It does not constitute any o�er, solicitation or recommendation of any investment product. If necessary, please obtain independent professional advice before making any investment decisions.

    Investment involves risks. Terms and conditions apply to the privileges.

    If there is any discrepancy between the English and the Chinese versions, the English version shall prevail.

    Download or update the OCBC Wing Hang Bank Mobile App now to experience the new Mobile Unit Trust Services!

    2815 9919

    Unit Trusts Mobile Banking Preferential Subscription Fee and Transaction Cash Reward Promotion (the “Promotion”)

    General Terms and Conditions1. The Promotion period is from 9 November 2020 to 31 December 2020, both dates inclusive (“Promotion Period”).2. The Promotion is applicable to new and existing OCBC Wing Hang Premier Banking customer, Private Banking customer and General Banking customer (“Eligible Customers”) of

    OCBC Wing Hang Bank Limited (the “Bank”) but shall not be applicable to any sta� of the Bank.3. Eligible Customers must maintain their respective OCBC Wing Hang Premier Banking customer, Private Banking customer or General Banking customer statuses at the time of

    the Bank’s crediting the relevant reward(s) in order to enjoy the respective reward(s) under this Promotion.4. For Eligible Customers who open or maintain an OCBC Wing Hang investment account under joint names, only the primary account holder is eligible for the Promotion.5. Participation in the Promotion is subject to there being no abuse/ non-compliance with the General Terms and Conditions and Speci�c Terms and Conditions of this Promotion

    (“the Terms and Conditions”) and all other applicable terms and conditions by the Eligible Customers, failing which the Eligible Customers will be conclusively deemed to have unconditionally and irrevocably waived all their respective entitlement and right under this Promotion, and the Bank will debit the value of the reward from the Eligible Customers’ accounts without notice and/or take such action to recover any outstanding amounts.

    6. The Promotion cannot be used in conjunction with other special promotions (including but not limited to OCBC Wing Hang Premier Banking Welcome O�ers), investment products promotion o�ers, discounts or promotional coupons, nor be transferred, assigned or exchanged for cash or other o�ers or be treated as cash. For the avoidance of doubt, the Bank reserves its right not to o�er any or all of the Promotion at its sole and absolute discretion without giving any reason therefor.

    7. The Bank reserves the right to vary, amend, suspend or terminate any or all of the Promotion and/or the Terms and Conditions or any part thereof from time to time and at any time without prior notice to or consent of any customer. The decision and interpretation of the Bank on all matters and/or disputes concerning or arising from any of the Promotion and/or the Terms and Conditions or any part thereof (including without limitation all or any de�nitions and criteria herein) shall be �nal, conclusive and binding on all customers.

    8. Eligible Customers are also bound by the details of promotion o�er and the terms and conditions of the relevant account opening documentation, o�ering documentation and all other terms and conditions applicable to the banking products and services mentioned in this lea�et respectively. For details, please contact our sta� or refer to the relevant promotion lea�et and/or Bank Service Fees Guide of the Bank. In the event of any inconsistency between these Terms and Conditions and the relevant terms and conditions of the banking products and service, these Terms and Conditions shall prevail.

    9. The English version shall prevail if there is any inconsistency between the English and Chinese versions.

    Speci�c Terms and Conditions10. Subject to these Terms and Conditions, 1.5% Unit Trust Mobile Banking preferential subscription fee is applicable to Eligible Customers.11. Subject to these Terms and Conditions, during the Promotion Period, Eligible Customers who have successfully subscribed or switched any Unit Trust via Mobile Banking can enjoy

    a cash reward as follow: • HK$1,000 cash reward for OCBC Wing Hang Premier Banking or Private Banking customers with accumulated transaction amount of HK$300,000 or above; or • HK$500 cash reward for General Banking customers with accumulated transaction amount of HK$150,000 or above.12. Each Eligible Customer is eligible for the cash reward only once during the Promotion Period. 13. To calculate the accumulated transaction amount of Unit Trust, the Bank will convert all transactions to Hong Kong Dollars at such exchange rate as determined by the Bank at

    its sole and absolute discretion on the last dealing day of the month when the relevant transaction and/or subscription is successfully executed. “Dealing day” means the day on which the Bank opens to the general public for normal business in Hong Kong.

    14. The cash reward of the Promotion will be credited to the HKD settlement account of the relevant Eligible Customers on or before 31 March 2021.

    Risk Disclosure and Important Notice

    1. This is an investment product. Some involve derivatives. The investment decision is yours but you should not invest in the investment product unless the intermediary who sells it to you has explained to you that the product is suitable for you having regard to your �nancial position, investment objectives and investment experience.

    2. Investment involves risks, including the substantial loss of the principal amount invested. The prices of investment products may move up or down, sometimes dramatically, and may even become valueless. Past performance is not indicative to future performance.

    3. If the investment involves Renminbi, you should note that the value of Renminbi against other currencies �uctuates and will be a�ected by, amongst other things, the PRC’s government control. You should also note that Renminbi is currently not freely convertible and the o�shore Renminbi exchange rate may deviate signi�cantly from the onshore Renminbi exchange rate.

    4. Foreign currency-denominated transactions involve currency risks. Fluctuations in currency rates may result in signi�cant losses in the amount invested in the event that the currency denomination of the transaction exchanges to another currency.

    5. Customers should not make any investment decision solely based on the information provided in this promotional material. Before making any investment decision, customers should read attentively and carefully consider all the relevant investment product’s o�ering documents and information (including but not limited to the risk factors set out therein) to understand the products features and associated risks. Investment decision is made by customers; customers should also seriously consider if the relevant investment product is suitable for them by reference to their own �nancial position, investment objectives, investment experience and other relevant circumstances. If necessary, customers should obtain independent professional advice before making any investment decision.

    6. Nothing in this promotional material constitutes an investment advice or an o�er or an inducement to any person to acquire, purchase or subscribe for any investments, products or services referred to herein.

    7. This promotional material is prepared by OCBC Wing Hang Bank Limited, the contents have not been reviewed by any regulatory authority in Hong Kong.8. This lea�et does not constitute any o�er, invitation or recommendation to any person to enter into any transaction described therein or any similar transaction, nor does it

    constitute any prediction of likely future price movements. Investor should not make investment decisions based on this lea�et alone.

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    the last 60 days

    Complete / renew the RPQ to understand risk appetite anytime

    Fund Subscription1.5% preferential subscription feefor unlimited times

    Successful Fund Subscription / SwitchingCash reward

    Accumulated Cash Reward transaction amount (HKD) (HKD)

    Premier Banking / Private Banking $300,000 or above $1,000 Customers

    Other Customers $150,000 or above $500



    HKD 333,288








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