New Forests

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Transcript of New Forests

  • 8/13/2019 New Forests


    Investors supportingtransformation towards

    sustainability in the forestry


    Adam Grant

    Manager, Certification and Environmental Markets


    Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

    November 2013

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    Important Note

    New Forests 2013. This publication is the property of New Forests. This material may not be reproduced or used in any form or mediumwithout express written permission.

    The information contained in this publication is of a general nature and is intended for discussion purposes only. The information does not

    constitute financial product advice or provides a recommendation to enter into any investment. This presentation has been prepared withouttaking account of any personsobjectives, financial situation or needs. This is not an offer to buy or sell, nor a solicitation of an offer to buy or

    sell any security or other financial instrument. Past performance is not a guide to future performance. Past performance is not a reliable

    indicator of future performance. You should consider obtaining independent professional advice before making any financial decisions. Theterms set forth herein are based on information obtained from sources that New Forests believes to be reliable, but New Forests makes no

    representations as to, and accepts no responsibility or li ability for, the accuracy, rel iability or completeness of the information. Except insofaras liability under any statute cannot be excluded, New Forests, including all companies within the New Forests group, and all directors,

    employees and consultants, do not accept any liability for any loss or damage (whether direct, indirect, consequential or otherwise) arising

    from the use of this presentation.

    The information contained in this publication may include financial and business projections that are based on a large number of assumptions,any of which could prove to be significantly incorrect. New Forests notes that all projections, valuations, and statistical analyses are subjective

    illustrations based on one or more among many alternative methodologies that may produce different results. Projections, valuations, andstatistical analyses included herein should not be viewed as facts, predictions or the only possible outcome. Before considering any

    investment, potential investors should conduct such enquiries and investigations as the investor deems necessary and consult with its own

    legal, accounting and tax advisors in order to make an independent determination of the suitability, risk and merits of any investment.

    New Forests Advisory Pty Limited (ACN 114 545 274) is the holder of AFSL No 301556. New Forests Asset Management Pty Limited (ACN 114

    545 283) is registered with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission and is an Authorised Representative of New ForestsAdvisory Pty Limited (ACN 114 545 274, AFSL 301556). New Forests Inc. has filed as an exempt reporting adviser with the Securities andExchange Commission.

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    Overview of New Forests

    Founded in 2005

    Managing forestry investment forinstitutional investment clients

    Currently managing nearly US$2 billion in

    assets in the Asia-Pacific region

    Head office in Sydney; 38 employees in

    Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, andSan Francisco

    Managing over 420,000 hectares of land

    and forestry assets across the Asia-Pacific

    region and United States

    New Forests has generated excellentreturns to our clients over 8 years, and has

    aimed to operate as a leading sustainableand responsible investor in the forestry


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    What Differentiates New Forests?

    Strategically, New Forests is

    1. Focused on Asia Pacific opportunities

    Unique for a TIMOheadquartered in Sydney with an office in Singapore

    Largest forestland owner in Australia and active in markets throughoutAustralia, New Zealand, and Asia

    Providing investors with exposure to the integrated Asia Pacific regionaltimber tradeextensive experience in domestic and export markets

    2. A leader in sustainable forest management Investment team experienced in sustainable forest management and

    environmental markets; company-wide Social and EnvironmentalManagement System

    Member of Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) International and FSCAustralia

    Signatory to United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI)3. Forward Thinking

    Engaged with international NGOs, and participating in global initiativesincluding World Economic Forum Global Council, Aspen Institute, etc.

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    New Forests Business

    New Forests Pty Ltd (Sydney)


    Australia New ZealandForest Fund

    Australia New ZealandForest Fund 2


    Tropical Asia Forest Fund

    San Francisco

    The Eco Products Fund

    Forest Carbon Partners

    Mitigation Partners*

    Back Office, Administration, Risk and Compliance Systems and Governance

    Financial and Forest Resource Modeling Services

    Sustainability and Responsible Investment

    Investor Services

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    Tropical Asia Forest Fund - TAFF

    TAFF is a commingled fund investing in tropical timber plantations in SouthEast Asia with US$171 million in commitments. Clients include pension

    funds and development banks.Forestry in Asia is changing:

    Originated from logging concessions in natural forests

    Low cost of timber from these concessions meant attractive returns were possible withoutoperating efficiently or sustainably

    Natural forest timber has been largely depleted

    Global concern over rainforest logging and a demand for certification and sustainableforest management models are on the rise

    Fast-growing, high-quality managed timber plantation estates are emerging as the basisfor the future of the industry, which will require significant capital

    TAFF will:

    Invest in existing forestry enterprises or assets Upgrade and expand those businesses

    Help Implement modern forestry systems and practices

    Obtain certification and where possible, access environmental markets

    Exit after 10-15 years of investment

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    1. Shift to plantations and thedeclining economic frontier of

    natural forests2. Global timber demand

    growing and restructuring toaccommodate Asian demandgrowth

    3. Shifts in Pulp & Paper marketsand increasing demand forbio-energy, bio-fuels, andother bio-products

    4. Rising institutional ownershipof high productivity timber

    plantations5. Sustainability imperatives and

    the pricing of ecosystemservices

    The Changing Forestry Landscape

    Three-year old Teak PlantationSolomon Islands

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    Natural Forest Harvest in SE Asia in Decline

    Steady Decline in Natural Forest Logging in Malaysia and Indonesia

    Source s: Malaysia Timber Council and personal communication with Yayasan Sabah; ITTO; Indonesian Forestry Department Annual Report, 2008.









    1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012




    Malaysian Log Production







    1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008




    Indonesian Log Production

    Natural forests Plantation forests

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    Limited Plantation Investment

    Asia has lagged behind otherregions in the development of

    commercial plantations for highervalue end uses. Significant

    plantation areas in Indonesia,South China (approximately 6.0

    million hectares) and Vietnam arebeing grown on short rotations

    for chip/pulpwood only.

    Source: New Forests Asia estimates based upon RISI 2011 Pulp and Chip wood Conference, ITTO 2005

    Sus tainable Forestry Man agement Report, and government data sets. Data does not include rubber estates andis based on private/government commercial scale plantations not small holders (except for Thailand where

    sm all scale private growers are fundamental to the industry)

    Both China and Vietnam currentlyimport plantation hardwoods

    from South America, NorthAmerica, Europe and Africa

    primarily to fulfill demand forcertified timber. There are

    significant cost advantages toregional sourcing.

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    Opportunities for TAFF

    Investing in Southeast Asia with

    priority for Indonesia, Malaysia,and Vietnam

    Attractive growing conditions,

    low costs, and close access to

    growing markets

    Investment team in financial hubof Singapore

    Combination of existing and

    greenfield plantations

    Environmental, Social &

    Governance (ESG) factors andenvironmental markets offer

    value-add opportunities

    4-year old clonal teak in Java

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    Sustainability at New Forests



    Certification &Responsible


    Sustainability Reporting

    New Forests is a signatory to the UN

    Principles for Responsible Investment

    (PRI) and commits to integratingEnvironment, Society, and Governance

    (ESG) principles into investment decision


    ESG policies are implemented at the fund

    level through a Social & Environmental

    Management System (SEMS) with internalauditing

    The SEMS defines third-party certification

    and responsible management

    requirements relevant to the asset class

    and type of investment

    Sustainability reporting is integrated into

    funds reporting structure and New Forests

    publishes an annual Sustainability Report

    covering responsible investment activities,

    targets, and progress

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    Environmental, social and governance best practice will ensure TAFFcontributes to:

    Reduced greenhouse gas emissions and other forms of pollution

    Maintenance or enhancement of high conservation value forests and biodiversity

    Improvements in local livelihoods and safe working conditions

    Recognition of indigenous rights

    Third-party verified sustainable forest management will add significant value:

    Price premiums and better market access for certain products

    Lower project and political risk through reduced social conflicts

    Improved asset liquidity and lower risk-adjusted discount rates on exit

    Lower cost of debt capital and better debt access, especially from development banks

    Improved access to licences, operating permits or additional assets from host countries

    Reputational risk reduction for fund investors

    Opportunities for increasing operating efficiencies through better management

    Opportunities for environmental market products from areas set aside from production

    TAFF Sustainability Goals

    New Forests is committed to sustainable management of TAFF investments

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    Forests provide not only timber, but a myriad of other benefits related to

    freshwater, carbon cycling, biodiversity conservation, human health, and wellbeing

    These ecosystem services have not been priced and therefore are usedwastefully and disregarded in land conversion decisions

    Leads to plantation and agribusiness industry using more land rather thanincreasing productivity per hectare

    Policy in conflict with overwhelming economic fundamentals is difficult toenforce on a sustainable basis

    Opportunity Costs in the Landscape

    Markets set prices for timber products, but how do we value other benefits?

    Region Value of Natural Vegetation Value of land converted to


    Malaysia $500 (logging concession after

    primary harvest)

    $20,000 to $25,000 (oil palm)

    Brazil $155 (Amazon frontier land) $420 (grazing)

    US South $2500 (mixed timberland) $6250 (cropping)

    Australia $1900 (woodland properties) $4850 (mixed cropping and grazing)

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    Innovating Markets

    New Forests established Malua

    BioBank in 2008 with seedinvestment from The Eco

    Products Fund.

    The project creates an

    alternative economic value forBorneos rainforests and offers

    sustainability solutions for oil

    palm supply chain.Unlocking Demand for Biodiversity-Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO)

    compensation mechanism for past HCV clearance

    -Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) compensation

    mechanism for past downwards conversion

    Further Investment Potential-Carbon value through proven methodology

    -Impact or CSR investment to catalyze biodiversity market

    growth and establish sustainable brand value

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    Price signals work SO2market drove changes in fuel from high to low sulphur coal

    EU Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) drove $ billions into carbon funds and carboncompanies

    Australian water market restructured agriculture to increased efficiency and morevaluable cropping

    US Mitigation Banking is a $billion+ turnover industry

    The finance and investment sector can facilitate change Investment funds sprang up related to the EU ETS, Australian Water market, and

    Mitigation banking industrycreates liquidity to meet market needs

    Markets create transparency in pricing; futures and options create stability; waterrights as collateral for investment in water use efficiency

    Stability is necessary, but fine-tuning is also necessary Meddling by Government killed the SO2markets

    Excessive allocations and unexpectedly huge offset supply have made the EU ETSunstable

    It needs to cost more to remain outside rather than inside a scheme Lack of price premium has hampered most voluntary certification schemes

    REDD has struggled to have impact because private sector is disengaged andcontinues to operate on a business as usual basis

    Environmental Markets Lessons Learned

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    Projections are that global industrial roundwood demand will begin to plateau around 2.3-2.5

    billion m3per annum in 2030.

    100 to 150 million hectares of commercial plantation area (2.5-3.75% of world forest cover)

    could supply most of this timber, while timber production from frontier regions (Canada,

    Russia, tropical natural forests) will stabilize or decline. Biomass demand may double this.

    Towards the Future

    Mechanisms to price ecosystems via

    REDD, BioBanking, watershed

    protection, etc. alongside

    commercial timber plantations could

    produce the basis for the

    stabilization of conservation and

    production functions

    Large scale deals like NZ, Australia,

    Indonesia-Norway, Boreal Canada,etc.

    Ultimately this must be driven by

    private capital and investment

    Can forestry represent a natural infrastructure asset class?

    Canopy view of New Forests Malua Biobank in Sabah, Malaysia.

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    World timber demand will continue to rise, markets will evolve to

    encompass Asian demand growth

    Supply increases will primarily come from timber plantations, rather

    than further expansion of the economic margin in primary forests

    Increases in plantation area are more difficult to achieve than increases

    in productivity of existing plantation baseland competition will also

    rise among food, energy, and fibre crops

    Institutional portfolios have gone from 5% real assets in 2000 to 15%

    real assets today, and likely will reach 25-30% by 2025huge inflow of

    capital for real estate, infrastructure, agriculture, forestry, etc.

    Need fopr a financing source for conservation as well as production

    this could include REDD+, biobanking, water rights, no net loss supplychains, etc.

    Social and community integration via benefit sharing, consultation, and

    governance models, and respect for traditional and legal rights will be

    core to sustainable outcomes

    Key Points & Conclusions

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    July 2005Company established in Sydney and

    receives Australian Financial Service Licence

    May 2007Establishes US office

    August 2008Establishes SE Asian office

    October 2009Begins Funds Management Business

    August 2010Closes the AU$490 million Australia New

    Zealand Forest Fund

    New Forests History

    January 2011Closes AU$415 million acquisition of

    270,000 hectares of Australian forest land from the

    Receivers of Great Southern Plantations

    2011-2012Acquires major softwood plantations and

    softwood sawmills in Australia

    June 2013Final close of the New Forests Tropical Asia

    Forest Fund, now with commitments of US$171 million,

    and first close of the New Forests Australia New

    Zealand Forest Fund 2 with AU$570 in commitments

    June 2013 Makes first Asian investment, acquiring

    Hijauan Benkoka plantations in Sabah

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    Supply from Russia is Declining

    Russian softwood exports have hit a wall

    Russian log exports have

    fallen dramatically over

    the past six years while

    lumber exports have been

    flat to slightly increasing.

    Source: FAOstat








    1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012




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    Canadian Supply Falling

    Policy Constraints and Mountain Pine Beetle impact will lead to near-term

    decline in timber supply, leveling off in the medium to long term.













    Alberta Ontario Quebec

    Canadian Timber Supply

    2009 & 2050 Forecast

    (million m3)

    Softwood Annual Allowable Cut 2009

    Estimated 2050

    Source: Mark Kennedy, CIBC. Global Perspectives on Forest Products Trade. Presentation to Future Forestry Finance 2012.

    Natural Forest Logging Collapse (repeated

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    Natural Forest Logging Collapse (repeatedfrom main preso)

    Regional Collapse in Natural Forest Logging in Malaysia and Indonesia

    Sources: Mala ysia Timber Council and personal communication with Yayasa n Sabah. / Indonesi an Forestry Department Annual Report, 2008.

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    Australian Plantation Harvest Rising

    Australian hardwood plantations are steadily replacing

    a declining supply from native forests


    2 000

    4 000

    6 000

    8 000

    10 000

    12 000


    Native and Plantation Hardwood Harvest

    Native Plantation

    Source : ABARES, Forest and Wood Product Statistics.

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    Global industrial roundwooddemand is likely to rise from 1.5

    billion m3in 2013 to 2.5 billionm3by 2050

    Somewhat speculative forecastssuggest biomass energy, biofuelsand biomaterials demand coulddwarf industrial roundwood

    demand over next 30 years* Almost all incremental supply will

    come from timber plantationsboth productivity enhancementand plantation area will need toincrease

    Investment needed could rangebetween $100 and $500 billion tomeet these levels of demand

    Increasing Importance of Plantations

    Source: FAO, 2010. Global Forest Resource Assessment.

    *WWF, 2013 Living Planet Report

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    2012 2025 2035 2045 2055 2065



    Base Management Nutrition

    Genetics TRV



    If industrial wood demand

    grows at an equivalent rateto global GDP can we meetmuch of this viaproductivity enhancementrather than land base

    expansion Investor strategies focus on

    silviculture, nutrition, riskmanagement and genetics

    to increase productivity by50-100% over the next 50years

    Example of Productivity GainsSoftwood in Australia

    Plantation Productivity Can Increase

    *Source: Timberlands Pacific Pty Ltd

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    Future wood supply growth will largely be delivered by

    plantationsthis will be from existing plantations managed

    more intensively and expansion of plantation areaexpansion

    is a key policy challenge

    As timber plantations take on increasing share of wood supply,

    innovation is needed in financial mechanisms for forest

    conservationREDD, biobanks, supply chain initiatives

    Social outcomes need to balance multiple stakeholders and

    conflicting interests and rights. Innovations around

    consultation/governance models, sharing in economic

    benefits, community benefits are needed

    What Government Policies are Needed?

    A modern forest policy framework needs to address woodsupply, forest conservation and sustainability issues

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    Third-party verified sustainable forest management will add significant value: Price premiums and better market access for certain products

    Lower project and political risk through reduced social conflicts

    Improved asset liquidity and lower risk-adjusted discount rates on exit

    Lower cost of debt capital and better debt access, especially from development banks

    Improved access to licences, operating permits, or additional assets from host countries

    Reputational risk reduction for fund investors

    Opportunities for increasing operating efficiencies through better management

    Opportunities for environmental market products from areas set aside from production

    TAFF Certification Policy:

    Achieve compliance against IFC Performance Standards within three years of acquisition on allassets including plantations, natural forests, and processing facilities

    Achieve FSC certification on all natural forests within three years of acquisition if the asset

    meets all FSC eligibility criteria Where plantation assets do not meet all FSC eligibility criteria, engage an FSC-accredited

    certification body to undertake third-party verification of compliance with all applicable FSCrequirements and, depending on market requirements, pursue additional third-partycertification against an alternative certification system depending on market demands such asPEFC, LEI, FSC controlled wood, VLO, and/or VLC or other future standard that may bedeveloped

    TAFF Certification & Sustainability

    New Forests is committed to sustainable management of TAFF investments

    i i

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    External Motivations

    New Forests designed its Social and Environmental Management

    System (SEMS) in 2010 and began full implementation in 2011.

    The SEMS is designed to systematically identify, manage, and report

    on social and environmental issues and potential impacts.

    The SEMS helps us win clients:

    English pension fund manager said, Youre the only manager weve seen

    who can show how they manage assets sustainably.

    Dutch pension fund manager said, FSC certification is absolutely required

    for us as a target and your SEMS shows us how you pursue that.

    Provides a reference point and tool for due diligence

    The SEMS helps us provide client services and meet requests: Current clients ask to see audit reports

    Streamlines responses to client inquiries

    Risk management and continual improvement.