New Directors of Weekday Preschool Training

Post on 18-Jan-2018

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New Directors of Weekday Preschool Training

Transcript of New Directors of Weekday Preschool Training

New Directors of Weekday Preschool Training Topics We Will Cover -curriculum -classroom arrangement -staffing -policies and procedures -parent communications -shared space -budget -licensing Choosing a Preschool Curriculum
The Head Start National Center on Quality Teaching and Learning defines a curriculum as a written plan that is based on sound child development principals and includes: -goals for childrens development and learning -experiences through which they will achieve the goals -rules for staff and parents to help children to achieve these goals -materials needed to support the implementation of a curriculum Common Characteristics of Effective Curricula
-comprehensive domains of learning -specific learning goals -well-designed learning activities -responsive teaching -individualizing instruction -on going assessment -family involvement -appropriate for program staff, children and families Implementing the Curriculum
-are staff familiar with the scope and sequence? -are staff familiar with the lesson plans goals and activities? -are all recommended materials available? Professional Development Support
-Does the program have the resources for providing teachers with individualized consultation and coaching? -Does the program have procedures for providing teachers with feedback on a regular basis? Ongoing Assessment: How Well is the Curriculum Working for the Children?
-Does the program have a assessment system for documenting childrens learning over time? -Does the program have procedures for reviewing childrens learning on a regular basis? -Do staff document childrens behaviors during activities? -Do staff make appropriate adaptations and modifications for children with special needs? -Do staff use strategies to support language development in English Language learners? The Creative Curriculum
-At the heart of The Creative Curriculum is knowledge of child development theory and careful consideration of the latest research in the field of early childhood education. -The Creative Curriculum for Preschool is based on 38 objectives for development and learning , which are fully aligned with the Head Start Child Development Early Learning Framework Doing It Right -Do staff implement curriculum lessons with regularity? -Do staff focus on the specific goals identified in the lesson plans? -Do staff follow all the steps or activities suggested in the lesson plans? -Do staff use all the recommended materials? -Do staff use the recommended teaching strategies? The Creative Curriculum
Based on five fundamental principals: -Positive interactions and relationships with adults provide a critical foundation for successful learning. -Social-emotional competence is a significant factor in school success. -Constructive, purposeful play supports essential learning. -The physical environment affects the type and quality of learning interactions. -Teacher-family partnerships promote development and learning. Zoo Phonics -Zoo Phonics uses animals drawn in the shapes of letters for ease in memory. -A related body movement is given for each letter. -This concrete approach cements the sounds to the shapes of the letters. -Educational research support the focus of phonics in early reading programs, as well as the educational benefits of pictorial mnemonics and kinesthetic approaches to learning. Handwriting Without Tears
-Based on the skills children need for kindergarten and has a curriculum that builds those skills developmentally through play, music, activities and hands-on materials. -Teaches in a developmental order by starting at the level that does not assume prior knowledge or competency. -Teachers letters and numbers , what they are and how we use them. Chapel Time Using Young Children and Worship by Jerome Berryman and Sonja Stewart
-The key to this approach is a worship context for telling and working with biblical stories. -Chapel Time is help in the church sanctuary. -We have developed our own rituals for each session: -lighting a candle to represent Christs light -presenting the Bible lesson -gathering in prayer -ending with song -blessing each child as they leave the worship time -Follow up book by Stewart is also used: Following Jesus Classroom Arrangement Classroom Arrangement
Characteristics of the learning environment Is welcoming to children Provides enough materials for all the children Allows children to find, use, and return materials independently Encourages different types of play Allows the children to see and easily move through all the areas of the classroom or center Is flexible so children can extend their play by bringing materials from one area to another Provides materials that reflect the diversity of childrens family lives -Classrooms should be divided into interest areas
-Classrooms should be divided into interest areas. -Items should be labeled and stored in consistent places so that children can clean up after using. -We try not to place noisy centers next to each other. -The cozy corner or reading center is in a quiet area of the room somewhat away from the other interest centers. -Encourage your teachers to experiment! Preschool furnishings are easy to move so if something isnt working try something new. Staffing Qualifications
-experience working in an early childhood setting -understanding of the basic principals of child development -willingness to be open to new ways of doing things -ability to be a team player Background Checks -It is necessary to have each new hire complete a background check -Calvary completes a background check on everyone that comes in contact with children -Things to consider: -does it cover multi states? -do they need to be repeated at intervals? Evaluations -Review the staff handbook and have new hires sign off that they have read and agree to abide by the policies. -Review the expectations as they appear on the evaluation at the first of the school year -Calvarys evaluation is broken into 5 areas -General Work Habits -Child Interactions -Parent Interactions -Classroom Environment -Interactions with Co-Workers Dealing with an Employee Problem
-each teacher has reviewed the staff evaluation prior to the start of the school year so expectations are clear -meet one-on-one with the teacher to discuss any concerns -be specific about concern and offer suggestions for improvement -give timeline for expected improvement and set up a follow-up meeting to review progress -document, document, document! In instances where coaching/mentoring is not effective: -Maintain a dialog concerning the situation with the chair of your preschool board. -Insures that if the employee needs to be terminated the board is aware of the problem and aware of the steps that have been taken to improve the situation. -If termination is necessary schedule a meeting with the employee and a member of your board. Policies and Procedures
-Create a comprehensive Parent Handbook. -Things to include: -tuition policy: when it is due, penalty for paying late, etc. -withdrawal policy -registration policy -change of contact information -school hours and school year dates Parent Handbook Cont. -lunch bunch -inclement weather procedures -carpool procedures -health form policy -when to keep your child at home -field trips -dress -playground safety -messages for staff -conferences -discipline -birthday celebrations Biting Policy -Biting is in the range of expected behaviors for toddlers months of age. -When a bite occurs we: -Evaluate the environment. -Attend to the bitten child and complete incident report for both children. -Remove biter from the immediate area and closely supervise. -If the child biting continues to bite, the director will meet with the parents and determine the best action. -In N.C. state laws requires both the biter and the bitten submit to blood tests for Hep B and C and HIV in the event that the skin is broken and there is blood exposure. Parent Communications
-Classroom teachers should send home weekly newsletters and include things such as theme for the week, special activities in the classroom, birthdays celebrated and information regarding the up coming week -Monthly newsletters from the director remind parents of important dates for the month ahead and address any areas of concern (ex. carpool issues) -We encourage parents that wish to address concerns to make an appointment. -Each day during afternoon carpool each teacher makes a point to give about 30 second insight into that childs day. Shared Space? Shared Space Communication is key- -Schedule regular meetings with director of Christian Education, pastors, etc. to determine who will be using the space -Create a schedule for space usage that can be shared with preschool teachers, Sunday school teachers, scout leaders, youth leaders, etc. -Set clear expectations for all who will be sharing space -Define parameters for room usage: who sets up space for church use who sets up space for preschool use whose responsible for cleaning -Devise a system for marking/storage materials of each group using the space -Will any supplies be shared? -Will teachers need to clear room before it is used by another group? Shared Space Questions to Consider
What policies do we have in place to allow ongoing communication concerning issues around space between the Preschool Director and church committees? How do we communicate with one another so that there is more of a focus on community rather than individuality? Relationship with Property Committee/Trustees
-Have an open line of communication with the committee or persons responsible for care of the church building; attend committee meetings to assure that your requests/needs are met. -Know the committees expectations regarding cleaning, power usage, playground upkeep, repairs, etc. Advisory Board -The Advisory Board of the Weekday Preschool Ministry Program should be comprised of six to nine members, including a certified teacher. An attorney, an accountant and parents/guardians of young children.These should include members and non-members of the church. Budget -Identify staffing requirements and costs. -Create categories for expenses and track throughout the year; we track our spending via a financial resource called PowerChurch; easier to budget if you can see exactly where monies are spent. -Carefully consider which expenses directly correlate to your ministry goals. - Licensing -The purpose of licensing standards is to protect children. Safety, health, space, and staff requirements provide a foundation for establishing and maintaining good programs for children. -Even if a program is license-exempt by the state, an effort should be made to meet licensing standards. has links for each state to general licensing questions and contact information for the appropriate agency resources. Resources -GBOD website--Guidelines for Weekday Preschool Ministry Programs in the United Methodist Church -PACT-UM Property and Casualty Trust, Insurance Protection for Ministry offers quick and efficient resources that support creating a safe space for everyone. -Head Start National Center on Quality Teaching and Learning -Childcare and the ChurchThe UM resolution on our responsibility to children.